文件: pyALHSO.py 项目: madebr/pyOpt
    def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):

		ALHSO Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen

        if pll_type == None:
            self.poa = False
        elif pll_type.upper() == "POA":
            self.poa = True
            raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")
            # end

        name = "ALHSO"
        category = "Global Optimizer"
        def_opts = {
            "hms": [int, 5],  # Memory Size [1,50]
            "hmcr": [float, 0.95],  # Probability rate of choosing from memory [0.7,0.99]
            "par": [float, 0.65],  # Pitch adjustment rate [0.1,0.99]
            "dbw": [int, 2000],  # Variable Bandwidth Quantization
            "maxoutiter": [int, 2e3],  # Maximum Number of Outer Loop Iterations (Major Iterations)
            "maxinniter": [int, 2e2],  # Maximum Number of Inner Loop Iterations (Minor Iterations)
            "stopcriteria": [int, 1],  # Stopping Criteria Flag
            "stopiters": [
            ],  # Consecutively Number of Outer Iterations for which the Stopping Criteria must be Satisfied
            "etol": [float, 1e-6],  # Absolute Tolerance for Equality constraints
            "itol": [float, 1e-6],  # Absolute Tolerance for Inequality constraints
            "atol": [float, 1e-6],  # Absolute Tolerance for Objective Function
            "rtol": [float, 1e-6],  # Relative Tolerance for Objective Function
            "prtoutiter": [int, 0],  # Number of Iterations Before Print Outer Loop Information
            "prtinniter": [int, 0],  # Number of Iterations Before Print Inner Loop Information
            "xinit": [int, 0],  # Initial Position Flag (0 - no position, 1 - position given)
            "rinit": [float, 1.0],  # Initial Penalty Factor
            "fileout": [int, 1],  # Flag to Turn On Output to filename
            "filename": [
            ],  # We could probably remove fileout flag if filename or fileinstance is given
            "seed": [float, 0],  # Random Number Seed (0 - Auto-Seed based on time clock)
            "scaling": [int, 1],  # Design Variables Scaling Flag (0 - no scaling, 1 - scaling between [-1,1])
        informs = {}
        Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
	def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		FILTERSD Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen
		if (pll_type == None):
			self.poa = False
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
			self.poa = True
			raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")
		name = 'FILTERSD'
		category = 'Local Optimizer'
		def_opts = {
		'rho':[float,100.0],			# initial trust region radius
		'htol':[float,1e-6],			# tolerance allowed in sum h of constraint feasibilities
		'rgtol':[float,1e-5],			# tolerance allowed in reduced gradient l2 norm
		'maxit':[int,1000],				# maximum number of major iterations allowed
		'maxgr':[int,1e5],				# upper limit on the number of gradient calls
		'ubd':[float,1e5],				# upper bound on the allowed constraint violation
		'dchk':[int,0],					# derivative check flag (0 - no check, 1 - check)
		'dtol':[float,1e-8],			# derivative check tolerance
		'iprint':[int,1],				# verbosity of printing (0 - none, 1 - Iter, 2 - Debug)
		'iout':[int,6],     			# Output Unit Number
		'ifile':[str,'FILTERSD.out'],	# Output File Name
		informs = {
		-1 : 'ws not large enough',
		-2 : 'lws not large enough',
		-3 : 'inconsistency during derivative check',
		0 : 'successful run',
		1 : 'unbounded NLP (f <= fmin at an htol-feasible point)',
		2 : 'bounds on x are inconsistent',
		3 : 'local minimum of feasibility problem and h > htol, (nonlinear constraints are locally inconsistent)',
		4 : 'initial point x has h > ubd (reset ubd or x and re-enter)',
		5 : 'maxit major iterations have been carried out',
		6 : 'termination with rho <= htol',
		7 : 'not enough workspace in ws or lws (see message)',
		8 : 'insufficient space for filter (increase mxf and re-enter)',
		9 : 'unexpected fail in LCP solver',
		10 : 'unexpected fail in LCP solver',
		Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
文件: pySOLVOPT.py 项目: madebr/pyOpt
	def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		SOLVOPT Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen
		if (pll_type == None):
			self.poa = False
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
			self.poa = True
			raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")
		name = 'SOLVOPT'
		category = 'Local Optimizer'
		def_opts = {
		'xtol':[float,1e-4],			# Variables Tolerance
		'ftol':[float,1e-6],			# Objective Tolerance
		'maxit':[int,15000],			# Maximum Number of Iterations
		'iprint':[int,1],     			# Output Level (-1 -> None, 0 -> Final, N - each Nth iter)
		'gtol':[float,1e-8],  			# Constraints Tolerance
		'spcdil':[float,2.5], 			# Space Dilation 
		'iout':[int,6],     			# Output Unit Number
		'ifile':[str,'SOLVOPT.out'],	# Output File Name
		informs = {
		1 : 'Normal termination.', 
		-2 : 'Improper space dimension.',
		-3 : 'Objective equals infinity.',
		-4 : 'Gradient equals zero or infinity.',
		-5 : 'Objective equals infinity.',
		-6 : 'Gradient equals zero or infinity.',
		-7 : 'Objective function is unbounded.',
		-8 : 'Gradient zero at the point, but stopping criteria are not fulfilled.',
		-9 : 'Iterations limit exceeded.',
		-11 : 'Premature stop is possible. Try to re-run the routine from the obtained point.',
		-12 : 'Result may not provide the optimum. The function apparently has many extremum points.',
		-13 : 'Result may be inaccurate in the coordinates. The function is flat at the optimum.',
		-14 : 'Result may be inaccurate in a function value. The function is extremely steep at the optimum.',
		Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
	def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		PSQP Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen
		if (pll_type == None):
			self.poa = False
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
			self.poa = True
			raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")
		name = 'PSQP'
		category = 'Local Optimizer'
		def_opts = {
		'XMAX':[float,1e16],  		# Maximum Stepsize
		'TOLX':[float,1e-16],  		# Variable Change Tolerance
		'TOLC':[float,1e-6],  		# Constraint Violation Tolerance
		'TOLG':[float,1e-6],  		# Lagrangian Gradient Tolerance
		'RPF':[float,1e-4],  		# Penalty Coefficient
		'MIT':[int,1000],  			# Maximum Number of Iterations
		'MFV':[int,2000],  			# Maximum Number of Function Evaluations
		'MET':[int,2],  			# Variable Metric Update (1 - BFGS, 2 - Hoshino)
		'MEC':[int,2],  			# Negative Curvature Correction (1 - None, 2 - Powell's Correction)	
		'IPRINT':[int,2],			# Output Level (0 - None, 1 - Final, 2 - Iter)
		'IOUT':[int,6],     		# Output Unit Number
		'IFILE':[str,'PSQP.out'],	# Output File Name
		informs = {
		1 : 'Change in design variable was less than or equal to tolerance',
		2 : 'Change in objective function was less than or equal to tolerance',
		3 : 'Objective function less than or equal to tolerance',
		4 : 'Maximum constraint value is less than or equal to tolerance',
		11 : 'Maximum number of iterations exceeded',
		12 : 'Maximum number of function evaluations exceeded',
		13 : 'Maximum number of gradient evaluations exceeded',
		-6 : 'Termination criterion not satisfied, but obtained point is acceptable',
		#<0 : 'Method failed',
		Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
	def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		FSQP Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen
		if (pll_type == None):
			self.poa = False
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
			self.poa = True
			raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")
		name = 'FSQP'
		category = 'Local Optimizer'
		def_opts = {
		'mode':[int,100],			# FSQP Mode (See Manual)
		'iprint':[int,2],			# Output Level (0 - None, 1 - Final, 2 - Major, 3 - Major Details)
		'miter':[int,500],			# Maximum Number of Iterations
		'bigbnd':[float,1e10],		# Plus Infinity Value
		'epstol':[float,1e-8],		# Convergence Tolerance
		'epseqn':[float,0],			# Equality Constraints Tolerance
		'iout':[int,6],     		# Output Unit Number
		'ifile':[str,'FSQP.out'],	# Output File Name
		informs = {
		0 : 'Normal termination of execution',
		1 : 'User-provided initial guess is infeasible for linear constraints, unable to generate a point satisfying all these constraints',
		2 : 'User-provided initial guess is infeasible for nonlinear inequality constraints and linear constraints, unable to generate a point satisfying all these constraints',
		3 : 'The maximum number of iterations has been reached before a solution is obtained',
		4 : 'The line search fails to find a new iterate',
		5 : 'Failure of the QP solver in attempting to construct d0, a more robust QP solver may succeed',
		6 : 'Failure of the QP solver in attempting to construct d1, a more robust QP solver may succeed',
		7 : 'Input data are not consistent, check print out error messages',
		8 : 'Two consecutive iterates are numerically equivalent before a stopping criterion is satisfied',
		9 : 'One of the penalty parameters exceeded bigbnd, the algorithm is having trouble satisfying a nonlinear equality constraint',
		Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
	def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		SLSQP Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen
		if (pll_type == None):
			self.poa = False
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
			self.poa = True
			raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")
		name = 'SLSQP'
		category = 'Local Optimizer'
		def_opts = {
		# SLSQP Options
		'ACC':[float,1e-6],			# Convergence Accurancy
		'MAXIT':[int,50], 			# Maximum Iterations
		'IPRINT':[int,1],			# Output Level (<0 - None, 0 - Screen, 1 - File)
		'IOUT':[int,6],     		# Output Unit Number
		'IFILE':[str,'SLSQP.out'],	# Output File Name
		informs = {
		-1 : "Gradient evaluation required (g & a)",
		0 : "Optimization terminated successfully.",
		1 : "Function evaluation required (f & c)",
		2 : "More equality constraints than independent variables",
		3 : "More than 3*n iterations in LSQ subproblem",
		4 : "Inequality constraints incompatible",
		5 : "Singular matrix E in LSQ subproblem",
		6 : "Singular matrix C in LSQ subproblem",
		7 : "Rank-deficient equality constraint subproblem HFTI",
		8 : "Positive directional derivative for linesearch",
		9 : "Iteration limit exceeded",
		Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
	def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		ALGENCAN Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen
		if (pll_type == None):
			self.poa = False
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
			self.poa = True
			raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")
		name = 'ALGENCAN'
		category = 'Local Optimizer'
		def_opts = {
		# ALGENCAN Options
		'epsfeas':[float,1.0e-8],		# Feasibility Convergence Accurancy
		'epsopt':[float,1.0e-8],		# Optimality Convergence Accurancy
		'efacc':[float,1.0e-4],			# Feasibility Level for Newton-KKT Acceleration
		'eoacc':[float,1.0e-4],			# Optimality Level for Newton-KKT Acceleration
		'checkder':[bool,False],		# Check Derivatives Flag
		'iprint':[int,10],				# Print Flag (0 - None, )
		'ifile':[str,'ALGENCAN.out'],	# Output File Name
		'ncomp':[int,6],				# Print Precision
		informs = {
		0 : "Solution was found.",
		1 : "Stationary or infeasible point was found.",
		2 : "penalty parameter is too large infeasibile or badly scaled problem",
		3 : "Maximum of iterations reached.",
		Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
文件: pyMMA.py 项目: svn2github/pyopt
	def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		MMA Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen
		if (pll_type == None):
			self.poa = False
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
			self.poa = True
			raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")
		name = 'MMA'
		category = 'Local Optimizer'
		def_opts = {
		# MMA Options
		'MAXIT':[int,1000],     	# Maximum Iterations
		'GEPS':[float,1e-6],    	# Dual Objective Gradient Tolerance
		'DABOBJ':[float,1e-6],  	# 
		'DELOBJ':[float,1e-6],  	# 
		'ITRM':[int,2],         	# 
		'IPRINT':[int,1],       	# Output Level (<0 - None, 0 - Screen, 1 - File)
		'IOUT':[int,6],         	# Output Unit Number
		'IFILE':[str,'MMA.out'],	# Output File Name
		informs = {
		0 : 'The optimality conditions are satisfied.', 
		1 : 'The algorithm has been stopped after MAXIT iterations.',
		Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
	def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		MMFD Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen
		if (pll_type == None):
			self.poa = False
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
			self.poa = True
			raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")
		name = 'MMFD'
		category = 'Local Optimizer'
		def_opts = {
		'IOPT':[int,0],           	# Feasible Directions Approach (0 - MMFD, 1 - MFD)
		'IONED':[int,0],          	# One-Dimensional Search Method (0,1,2,3)
		'CT':[float,-3e-2],       	# Constraint Tolerance
		'CTMIN':[float,4e-3],     	# Active Constraint Tolerance
		'DABOBJ':[float,1e-3],    	# Objective Absolute Tolerance (DABOBJ*abs(f(x)))
		'DELOBJ':[float,1e-3],    	# Objective Relative Tolerance
		'THETAZ':[float,1e-1],    	# Push-Off Factor
		'PMLT':[float,1e1],       	# Penalty multiplier for equality constraints
		'ITMAX':[int,4e2],        	# Maximum Number of Iterations
		'ITRMOP':[int,3],         	# consecutive Iterations Iterations for Convergence
		'IPRINT':[int,2],         	# Print Control (0 - None, 1 - Final, 2 - Iters)
		'IFILE':[str,'MMFD.out'],	# Output File Name
		informs = {
		Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
文件: pyNSGA2.py 项目: madebr/pyOpt
	def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		NSGA2 Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen
		if (pll_type == None):
			self.poa = False
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
			self.poa = True
			raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")
		name = 'NSGA-II'
		category = 'Global Optimizer'
		def_opts = {
		'PopSize':[int,100],			# 
		'maxGen':[int,150],				# 
		'pCross_real':[float,0.6],		# 
		'pMut_real':[float,0.2],		# 
		'eta_c':[float,10],				# 
		'eta_m':[float,20],				# 
		'pCross_bin':[float,0],			# 
		'pMut_bin':[float,0],			# 
		'PrintOut':[int,1],				# Flag to Turn On Output to filename (0 - , 1 - , 2 - )
		'seed':[float,0],				# Random Number Seed (0 - Auto-Seed based on time clock)
		'xinit':[int,0],				# Use Initial Solution Flag (0 - random population, 1 - use given solution)
		informs = {}
		Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
文件: pyCOBYLA.py 项目: madebr/pyOpt
	def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		COBYLA Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen
		if (pll_type == None):
			self.poa = False
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
			self.poa = True
			raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")
		name = 'COBYLA'
		category = 'Local Optimizer'
		def_opts = {
		'RHOBEG':[float,0.5],		# Initial Variables Change
		'RHOEND':[float,1.0e-6],	# Convergence Accurancy
		'IPRINT':[int,2],			# Print Flag (0 - None, 1 - Final, 2,3 - Iteration)
		'MAXFUN':[int,3500],     	# Maximum Iterations
		'IOUT':[int,6],     		# Output Unit Number
		'IFILE':[str,'COBYLA.out'],	# Output File Name
		informs = {
		0: 'Normal return',
		1: 'Max. number of function evaluations reach',
		2: 'Rounding errors are becoming damaging',
		Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
文件: pyALHSO.py 项目: madebr/pyOpt
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

		HSO Optimizer Class Initialization
		Documentation last updated:  October. 22, 2008 - Ruben E. Perez

        name = "HSO"
        category = "Global Optimizer"
        def_opts = {
            "hms": [int, 10],  # Memory Size [4,10]
            "dbw": [float, 0.01],  #
            "hmcr": [float, 0.96],  #
            "par": [float, 0.6],  #
            "maxiter": [int, 1e4],  # Maximum Number Iterations
            "printout": [int, 0],  # Flag to Turn On Information Output
            "xinit": [int, 0],  # Initial Position Flag (0 - no position, 1 - position given)
            "seed": [float, 0],  # Random Number Seed (0 - Auto-Seed based on time clock)
        informs = {}
        Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
	def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
		HSO Optimizer Class Initialization
		Documentation last updated:  October. 22, 2008 - Ruben E. Perez
		name = 'HSO'
		category = 'Global Optimizer'
		def_opts = {
		'hms':[int,10],				# Memory Size [4,10]
		'dbw':[float,0.01],			# 
		'hmcr':[float,0.96],		# 
		'par':[float,0.6],			# 
		'maxiter':[int,1e4],		# Maximum Number Iterations
		'printout':[int,0],			# Flag to Turn On Information Output
		'xinit':[int,0],			# Initial Position Flag (0 - no position, 1 - position given)
		'seed':[float,0],			# Random Number Seed (0 - Auto-Seed based on time clock)
		informs = {}
		Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
	def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		SDPEN Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  August. 09, 2012 - Ruben E. Perez
		if (pll_type == None):
			self.poa = False
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
			self.poa = True
			raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")
		name = 'SDPEN'
		category = 'Local Optimizer'
		def_opts = {
		# SDPEN Options
		'alfa_stop':[float,1e-6],	# Convergence Tolerance
		'nf_max':[int,5000],		# Maximum Number of Function Evaluations
		'iprint':[int,0],			# Output Level (<0 - None, 0 - Final, 1 - Iters, 2 - Full)
		'iout':[int,6],     		# Output Unit Number
		'ifile':[str,'SDPEN.out'],	# Output File Name
		informs = {
		1 : 'finished successfully',
		2 : 'maximum number of evaluations reached',
		Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
	def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		CONMIN Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen
		if (pll_type == None):
			self.poa = False
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
			self.poa = True
			raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")
		name = 'CONMIN'
		category = 'Local Optimizer'
		def_opts = {
		'ITMAX':[int,1e4],			# Maximum Number of Iterations
		'DELFUN':[float,1e-6],		# Objective Relative Tolerance
		'DABFUN':[float,1e-6],		# Objective Absolute Tolerance
		'ITRM':[int,2],				# 
		'NFEASCT':[int,20],			# 
		'IPRINT':[int,2],			# Print Control (0 - None, 1 - Final, 2,3,4,5 - Debug)
		'IOUT':[int,6],     		# Output Unit Number
		'IFILE':[str,'CONMIN.out'],	# Output File Name
		informs = {
		Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
文件: pyCONMIN.py 项目: madebr/pyOpt
    def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):

		CONMIN Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen

        if pll_type == None:
            self.poa = False
        elif pll_type.upper() == "POA":
            self.poa = True
            raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")
            # end

        name = "CONMIN"
        category = "Local Optimizer"
        def_opts = {
            "ITMAX": [int, 1e4],  # Maximum Number of Iterations
            "DELFUN": [float, 1e-6],  # Objective Relative Tolerance
            "DABFUN": [float, 1e-6],  # Objective Absolute Tolerance
            "ITRM": [int, 2],  #
            "NFEASCT": [int, 20],  #
            "IPRINT": [int, 2],  # Print Control (0 - None, 1 - Final, 2,3,4,5 - Debug)
            "IOUT": [int, 6],  # Output Unit Number
            "IFILE": [str, "CONMIN.out"],  # Output File Name
        informs = {}
        Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
	def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		KSOPT Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen
		if (pll_type == None):
			self.poa = False
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
			self.poa = True
			raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")
		name = 'KSOPT'
		category = 'Local Optimizer'
		def_opts = {
		'ITMAX':[int,4e2],			# Maximum Number of Iterations
		'RDFUN':[float,1e-4],		# Objective Convergence Relative Tolerance
		'RHOMIN':[float,5.0],		# Initial KS multiplier
		'RHOMAX':[float,100.0],		# Final KS multiplier
		'IPRINT':[int,2],   		# Print Control (0 - None, 1 - Final, 2 - Iters)
		'IOUT':[int,6],    			# Output Unit Number
		'IFILE':[str,'KSOPT.out'],	# Output File Name
		informs = {
		Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
def RunCalibration(ConceptualModel,
        RunCalibration(Paths, p2, Q_obs, UB, LB, SpatialVarFun, lumpedParNo, lumpedParPos, objective_function, printError=None, *args):
    this function runs the conceptual distributed hydrological model
                [String] path to the Folder contains precipitation rasters
                [String] path to the Folder contains Evapotranspiration rasters
                [String] path to the Folder contains Temperature rasters
                [String] path to the Flow Accumulation raster of the catchment (it should
                include the raster name and extension)
                [String] path to the Flow Direction raster of the catchment (it should
                include the raster name and extension)
                [List] list of unoptimized parameters
                p2[0] = tfac, 1 for hourly, 0.25 for 15 min time step and 24 for daily time step
                p2[1] = catchment area in km2
                [list] initial values for the state variables [sp,sm,uz,lz,wc] in mm
                [Numeric] upper bound of the values of the parameters
                [Numeric] Lower bound of the values of the parameters
            [Numeric] Observed values of discharge 
            [int] nomber of lumped parameters, you have to enter the value of 
            the lumped parameter at the end of the list, default is 0 (no lumped parameters)
            [List] list of order or position of the lumped parameter among all
            the parameters of the lumped model (order starts from 0 to the length 
            of the model parameters), default is [] (empty), the following order
            of parameters is used for the lumped HBV model used
            [ltt, utt, rfcf, sfcf, ttm, cfmax, cwh, cfr, fc, beta, e_corr, etf, lp,
            c_flux, k, k1, alpha, perc, pcorr, Kmuskingum, Xmuskingum]
            [function] objective function to calculate the performance of the model
            and to be used in the calibration
            other arguments needed on the objective function
        1- st:
            [4D array] state variables
        2- q_out:
            [1D array] calculated Discharge at the outlet of the catchment
        3- q_uz:
            [3D array] Distributed discharge for each cell
        PrecPath = prec_path="meteodata/4000/calib/prec"
        Evap_Path = evap_path="meteodata/4000/calib/evap"
        TempPath = temp_path="meteodata/4000/calib/temp"
        FlowAccPath = "GIS/4000/acc4000.tif"
        FlowDPath = "GIS/4000/fd4000.tif"
        ParPath = "meteodata/4000/"+"parameters.txt"
        p2=[1, 227.31]
        st, q_out, q_uz_routed = RunModel(PrecPath,Evap_Path,TempPath,DemPath,
    ### inputs validation
    # data type

    assert len(Paths) == 5, "Paths should include 5 folder pathes " + str(
        len(Paths)) + " paths are only provided"

    PrecPath = Paths[0]
    Evap_Path = Paths[1]
    TempPath = Paths[2]
    #    DemPath=Paths[3]
    FlowAccPath = Paths[3]
    FlowDPath = Paths[4]

    assert type(PrecPath) == str, "PrecPath input should be string type"
    assert type(Evap_Path) == str, "Evap_Path input should be string type"
    assert type(TempPath) == str, "TempPath input should be string type"
    #    assert type(DemPath)== str, "DemPath input should be string type"
    assert type(FlowAccPath) == str, "FlowAccPath input should be string type"
    assert type(FlowDPath) == str, "FlowDPath input should be string type"

    # input values
    #    dem_ext=DemPath[-4:]
    #    assert dem_ext == ".tif", "please add the extension at the end of the DEM raster path input"
    acc_ext = FlowAccPath[-4:]
    assert acc_ext == ".tif", "please add the extension at the end of the Flow accumulation raster path input"
    fd_ext = FlowDPath[-4:]
    assert fd_ext == ".tif", "please add the extension at the end of the Flow Direction path input"

    # check wether the path exists or not
    assert os.path.exists(
        PrecPath), PrecPath + " you have provided does not exist"
    assert os.path.exists(
        Evap_Path), Evap_Path + " path you have provided does not exist"
    assert os.path.exists(
        TempPath), TempPath + " path you have provided does not exist"
    #    assert os.path.exists(DemPath), DemPath+ " you have provided does not exist"
    assert os.path.exists(
        FlowAccPath), FlowAccPath + " you have provided does not exist"
    assert os.path.exists(
        FlowDPath), FlowDPath + " you have provided does not exist"

    # check wether the folder has the rasters or not
    assert len(os.listdir(
        PrecPath)) > 0, PrecPath + " folder you have provided is empty"
    assert len(os.listdir(
        Evap_Path)) > 0, Evap_Path + " folder you have provided is empty"
    assert len(os.listdir(
        TempPath)) > 0, TempPath + " folder you have provided is empty"

    # basic inputs
    # check if all inputs are included
    assert all(
        ["p2", "init_st", "UB", "LB", "snow "][i] in Basic_inputs.keys()
        for i in range(
            4)), "Basic_inputs should contain ['p2','init_st','UB','LB'] "

    p2 = Basic_inputs['p2']
    init_st = Basic_inputs["init_st"]
    UB = Basic_inputs['UB']
    LB = Basic_inputs['LB']
    snow = Basic_inputs['snow']

    assert len(UB) == len(LB), "length of UB should be the same like LB"

    # check objective_function
    assert callable(OF), "second argument should be a function"

    if OF_args == None:
        OF_args = []

    # read data
    ### meteorological data
    prec = GIS.ReadRastersFolder(PrecPath)
    evap = GIS.ReadRastersFolder(Evap_Path)
    temp = GIS.ReadRastersFolder(TempPath)
    print("meteorological data are read successfully")
    #### GIS data
    #    dem= gdal.Open(DemPath)
    acc = gdal.Open(FlowAccPath)
    fd = gdal.Open(FlowDPath)
    print("GIS data are read successfully")

    ### optimization

    # get arguments
    store_history = OptimizationArgs[0]
    history_fname = OptimizationArgs[1]
    # check optimization arguement
    assert store_history != 0 or store_history != 1, "store_history should be 0 or 1"
    assert type(
        history_fname) == str, "history_fname should be of type string "
    assert history_fname[
        -4:] == ".txt", "history_fname should be txt file please change extension or add .txt ad the end of the history_fname"

    print('Calibration starts')

    ### calculate the objective function
    def opt_fun(par):
            # parameters
            klb = float(par[-2])
            kub = float(par[-1])
            par = par[:-2]

            par_dist = SpatialVarFun(par, *SpatialVarArgs, kub=kub, klb=klb)

            #run the model
            _, q_out, q_uz_routed, q_lz_trans = Wrapper.Dist_model(
                ConceptualModel, acc, fd, prec, evap, temp, par_dist, p2, snow,

            # calculate performance of the model
                error = OF(Q_obs, q_out, q_uz_routed, q_lz_trans, *OF_args)
            except TypeError:  # if no of inputs less than what the function needs
                assert 1 == 5, "the objective function you have entered needs more inputs please enter then in a list as *args"

            # print error
            if printError != 0:

            fail = 0
            error = np.nan
            fail = 1

        return error, [], fail

    ### define the optimization components
    opt_prob = Optimization('HBV Calibration', opt_fun)
    for i in range(len(LB)):
        opt_prob.addVar('x{0}'.format(i), type='c', lower=LB[i], upper=UB[i])


    opt_engine = ALHSO(etol=0.0001,
                       par=0.5)  #,filename='mostafa.out'

            'hms': [int, 9],  # Memory Size [1,50]
            'hmcr': [float, 0.95
                     ],  # Probability rate of choosing from memory [0.7,0.99]
            'par': [float, 0.99],  # Pitch adjustment rate [0.1,0.99]
            'dbw': [int, 2000],  # Variable Bandwidth Quantization
            [int, 2e3
             ],  # Maximum Number of Outer Loop Iterations (Major Iterations)
            [int, 2e2
             ],  # Maximum Number of Inner Loop Iterations (Minor Iterations)
            'stopcriteria': [int, 1],  # Stopping Criteria Flag
            'stopiters': [
                int, 20
            ],  # Consecutively Number of Outer Iterations for which the Stopping Criteria must be Satisfied
            'etol': [float,
                     0.0001],  # Absolute Tolerance for Equality constraints
            'itol': [float,
                     0.0001],  # Absolute Tolerance for Inequality constraints 
            'atol': [float,
                     0.0001],  # Absolute Tolerance for Objective Function 1e-6
            'rtol': [float,
                     0.0001],  # Relative Tolerance for Objective Function
             0],  # Number of Iterations Before Print Outer Loop Information
             0],  # Number of Iterations Before Print Inner Loop Information
             0],  # Initial Position Flag (0 - no position, 1 - position given)
            'rinit': [float, 1.0],  # Initial Penalty Factor
            'fileout': [int,
                        store_history],  # Flag to Turn On Output to filename
            'filename': [
                str, 'parameters.txt'
            ],  # We could probably remove fileout flag if filename or fileinstance is given
             0.5],  # Random Number Seed (0 - Auto-Seed based on time clock)
            'scaling': [
                int, 1
            ],  # Design Variables Scaling Flag (0 - no scaling, 1 - scaling between [-1,1]) 

    res = opt_engine(opt_prob)

    return res
文件: pyMIDACO.py 项目: swryan/pyOpt
	def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		MIDACO Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen
		if (pll_type == None):
			self.poa = False
			self.spm = False
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
			self.poa = True
			self.spm = False
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'SPM'):
			self.poa = False
			self.spm = True
			raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None, 'POA' or 'SPM'")
		name = 'MIDACO'
		category = 'Global Optimizer'
		def_opts = {
		# MIDACO Options
		'ACC':[float,0.0001],       		# Accuracy for constraint violation
		'ISEED':[int,0],            		# Seed for random number generator  (e.g. ISEED = 0,1,2,3,...)
		'QSTART':[int,0],					# Quality of starting point (0 - if x0 is a random point)
		'AUTOSTOP':[int,0],					# Internal stopping criteria (0 - Use internal default)
		'ORACLE':[float,0],					# Oracle parameter (0 - Use internal default)
		'ANTS':[int,0],						# Number of iterates (ants) per generation (0 - Use internal default)
		'KERNEL':[int,0],					# Size of the solution archive (0 - Use internal default)
		'CHARACTER':[int,0],				# Internal custom parameters (0 - Use internal default, 1 - IP problems, 2 - NLP problems, 3 - MINLP problems)
		'MAXEVAL':[int,500000],				# Maximum function evaluations
		'MAXTIME':[float,86400],			# Maximum time limit, in seconds
		'IPRINT':[int,1],					# Output Level (<0 - None, 0 - Screen, 1 - File(s))
		'PRINTEVAL':[int,10000],			# Print history after every PRINTEVAL evaluation
		'PRINTBEST':[int,1000],				# Print best solution after every PRINTBEST evaluation
		'IOUT1':[int,36],					# History output unit number
		'IOUT2':[int,37],					# Best solution output unit number
		'IFILE1':[str,'MIDACO_HIST.out'],	# History output file name
		'IFILE2':[str,'MIDACO_BEST.out'],	# Best output file name
		'LKEY':[str,'FREE_TEST_VERSION________________[LIMITED_UP_TO_4_VARIABLES]'],	# License Key
		informs = {
		1 : 'Feasible solution,   MIDACO was stopped by the user submitting ISTOP=1',
		2 : 'Infeasible solution, MIDACO was stopped by the user submitting ISTOP=1',
		3 : 'Feasible solution,   MIDACO stopped automatically using AUTOSTOP option',
		4 : 'Infeasible solution,   MIDACO stopped automatically using AUTOSTOP option',
		51 : 'WARNING: Some X(i)  is greater/lower than +/- 1.0D+12 (try to avoid huge values!)',
		52 : 'WARNING: Some XL(i) is greater/lower than +/- 1.0D+12 (try to avoid huge values!)',
		53 : 'WARNING: Some XU(i) is greater/lower than +/- 1.0D+12 (try to avoid huge values!)',
		61 : 'WARNING: Some X(i)  should be discrete (e.g. 1.000) , but is continuous (e.g. 1.234)',
		62 : 'WARNING: Some XL(i) should be discrete (e.g. 1.000) , but is continuous (e.g. 1.234)',
		63 : 'WARNING: Some XU(i) should be discrete (e.g. 1.000) , but is continuous (e.g. 1.234)',
		71 : 'WARNING: Some XL(i) = XU(I) (fixed variable)',
		81 : 'WARNING: F(X) has value NaN for starting point X (sure your problem is correct?)',
		82 : 'WARNING: Some G(X) has value NaN for starting point X (sure your problem is correct?)',
		101 : 'ERROR: L    <= 0',
		102 : 'ERROR: N    <= 0',
		103 : 'ERROR: NINT <  0',
		104 : 'ERROR: NINT >  N',
		105 : 'ERROR: M    <  0',
		106 : 'ERROR: ME   <  0',
		107 : 'ERROR: ME   >  M',
		201 : 'ERROR: some X(i)  has type NaN',
		202 : 'ERROR: some XL(i) has type NaN',
		203 : 'ERROR: some XU(i) has type NaN',
		204 : 'ERROR: some X(i) < XL(i)',
		205 : 'ERROR: some X(i) > XU(i)',
		206 : 'ERROR: some XL(i) > XU(i)',
		301 : 'ERROR: ACC < 0 or ACC has type NaN',
		302 : 'ERROR: ISEED < 0',
		303 : 'ERROR: QSTART < 0 or ( 0 < QSTART < 1 )',
		304 : 'ERROR: AUTOSTOP < 0',
		305 : 'ERROR: ANTS < 0',
		306 : 'ERROR: KERNEL < 0 or ( 0 < KERNEL < 2 )',
		307 : 'ERROR: KERNEL >= ANTS',
		308 : 'ERROR: ANTS > 0 and KERNEL = 0',
		309 : 'ERROR: KERNEL > 2*N+10',
		310 : 'ERROR: CHARACTER < 0 or CHARACTER > 3',
		311 : 'ERROR: some MIDACO parameters has type NaN',
		401 : 'ERROR: ISTOP < 0 or ISTOP > 1',
		501 : 'ERROR: Double precision work space size LRW is too small (see below LRW), RW must be at least of size LRW = 2*N^2+23*N+2*M+70',
		601 : 'ERROR: Integer work space size LIW is too small (see below LIW), IW must be at least of size LIW = 2*N+L+100',
		701 : 'ERROR: Input check failed! MIDACO must be called initially with IFAIL = 0',
		801 : 'ERROR: L > LMAX (user must specifiy LMAX below in the MIDACO source code)',
		802 : 'ERROR: L*M+1 > LXM (user must specifiy LXM below in the MIDACO source code)',
		900 : 'ERROR: Invalid or corrupted LICENSE_KEY',
		999 : 'ERROR: N > 4. The free test version is limited up to 4 variables',
		Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
    def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		SOLVOPT Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen

        if (pll_type == None):
            self.poa = False
        elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
            self.poa = True
            raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")

        name = 'SOLVOPT'
        category = 'Local Optimizer'
        def_opts = {
            'xtol': [float, 1e-4],  # Variables Tolerance
            'ftol': [float, 1e-6],  # Objective Tolerance
            'maxit': [int, 15000],  # Maximum Number of Iterations
             1],  # Output Level (-1 -> None, 0 -> Final, N - each Nth iter)
            'gtol': [float, 1e-8],  # Constraints Tolerance
            'spcdil': [float, 2.5],  # Space Dilation 
            'iout': [int, 6],  # Output Unit Number
            'ifile': [str, 'SOLVOPT.out'],  # Output File Name
        informs = {
            'Normal termination.',
            'Improper space dimension.',
            'Objective equals infinity.',
            'Gradient equals zero or infinity.',
            'Objective equals infinity.',
            'Gradient equals zero or infinity.',
            'Objective function is unbounded.',
            'Gradient zero at the point, but stopping criteria are not fulfilled.',
            'Iterations limit exceeded.',
            'Premature stop is possible. Try to re-run the routine from the obtained point.',
            'Result may not provide the optimum. The function apparently has many extremum points.',
            'Result may be inaccurate in the coordinates. The function is flat at the optimum.',
            'Result may be inaccurate in a function value. The function is extremely steep at the optimum.',
        Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args,
    def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """IPOPT Optimizer Class Initialization.

        Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen

        name = "IPOPT"
        category = "Local Optimizer"
        def_opts = {
            # IPOPT Printing Options
            # Print Control (0 - None, 1 - Final,2,3,4,5 - Debug)
            "IPRINT": [int, 2],
            "IOUT": [int, 6],  # Output Unit Number
            "output_file": [str, "IPOPT.out"],  # Output File Name
            # Output options
            "print_level": [int, 5],  # Output verbosity level
            # Print all options set by the user
            "print_user_options": [str, "no"],
            # Switch to print all algorithmic options
            "print_options_documentation": [str, "no"],
            "output_file": [str, ""],  # File name of desired output file
            "file_print_level": [int, 5],  # Verbosity level for output file
            "option_file_name": [str, ""],  # File name of options file
            # Termination options
            "tol": [float, 1e-8],  # relative convergence tolerance
            "max_iter": [int, 3000],  # Maximum number of iterations
            "max_cpu_time": [float, 1e6],  # Maximum number of CPU seconds.
            # Desired threshold for the dual infeasibility
            "dual_inf_tol": [float, 1],
            # Desired threshold for the constraint violation
            "constr_viol_tol": [float, 1e-4],
            # Desired threshold for the complementarity conditions
            "compl_inf_tol": [float, 1e-4],
            # "Acceptable" convergence tolerance (relative)
            "acceptable_tol": [float, 1e-6],
            # Number of "acceptable" iterates before triggering termination
            "acceptable_iter": [int, 15],
            # "Acceptance" threshold for the constraint violation
            "acceptable_constr_viol_tol": [float, 1e-2],
            # "Acceptance" threshold for the dual infeasibility.
            "acceptable_dual_inf_tol": [float, 1e10],
            # "Acceptance" threshold for the complementarity conditions
            "acceptable_compl_inf_tol": [float, 1e-2],
            # "Acceptance" stopping criterion based on objective function change
            "acceptable_obj_change_tol": [float, 1e20],
            # Threshold for maximal value of primal iterates
            "diverging_iterates_tol": [float, 1e20],
            # NLP scaling options
            # Scaling factor for the objective function
            "obj_scaling_factor": [float, 1],
            # Select the technique use for scaling the NLP ('none',
            # 'user-scaling', 'gradient-based', 'equilibration-based')
            "nlp_scaling_method": [str, "gradient-based"],
            # Maximum gradient after NLP scaling
            "nlp_scaling_max_gradient": [float, 100],
            # Minimum value of gradient-based scaling values
            "nlp_scaling_min_value": [float, 1e-8],
            # NLP options
            # Factor for initial relaxation of the bounds
            "bound_relax_factor": [float, 1e-8],
            # Indicates whether final points should be projected into original
            # bounds
            "honor_original_bounds": [str, "yes"],
            # Indicates whether it is desired to check for Nan/Inf in derivative
            # matrices
            "check_derivatives_for_naninf": [str, "no"],
            # any bound less or equal this value will be considered -inf (i.e.
            # not lower bounded)
            "nlp_lower_bound_inf": [float, -1e19],
            # any bound greater or this value will be considered +inf (i.e. not
            # upper bounded)
            "nlp_upper_bound_inf": [float, 1e19],
            # Determines how fixed variables should be handled
            # ('make_parameter', 'make_constraint', 'relax_bounds')
            "fixed_variable_treatment": [str, "make_parameter"],
            # Indicates whether all equality constraints are linear
            "jac_c_constant": [str, "no"],
            # Indicates whether all inequality constraints are linear
            "jac_d_constant": [str, "no"],
            # Indicates whether the problem is a quadratic problem
            "hessian_constant": [str, "no"],
            # Initialization options
            # Desired minimum relative distance from the initial point to bound
            "bound_frac": [float, 0.01],
            # Desired minimum absolute distance from the initial point to bound
            "bound_push": [float, 0.01],
            # Desired minimum relative distance from the initial slack to bound
            "slack_bound_frac": [float, 0.01],
            # Desired minimum absolute distance from the initial slack to bound
            "slack_bound_push": [float, 0.01],
            # Initial value for the bound multipliers
            "bound_mult_init_val": [float, 1],
            # Maximum allowed least-square guess of constraint multipliers
            "constr_mult_init_max": [float, 1000],
            # Initialization method for bound multipliers ('constant',
            # 'mu_based')
            "bound_mult_init_method": [str, "constant"],
            # Barrier parameter options
            # Indicates if we want to do Mehrotra's algorithm
            "mehrotra_algorithm": [str, "no"],
            # Update strategy for barrier parameter ('monotone', 'adaptive')
            "mu_strategy": [str, "monotone"],
            # Oracle for a new barrier parameter in the adaptive strategy
            # ('probing', 'loqo', 'quality-function')
            "mu_oracle": [str, "quality-function"],
            # Maximum number of search steps during direct search procedure
            # determining the optimal centering parameter
            "quality_function_max_section_steps": [int, 8],
            # Oracle for the barrier parameter when switching to fixed mode
            # ('probing', 'loqo', 'quality-function', 'average_compl')
            "fixed_mu_oracle": [str, "average_compl"],
            "mu_init": [float, 0.1],  # Initial value for the barrier parameter
            # Factor for initialization of maximum value for barrier parameter
            "mu_max_fact": [float, 1000],
            "mu_max": [float, 1e5],  # Maximum value for barrier parameter
            "mu_min": [float, 1e-11],  # Minimum value for barrier parameter
            "mu_target": [float, 0],  # Desired value of complementarity
            # Factor for mu in barrier stop test.
            "barrier_tol_factor": [float, 10],
            # Determines linear decrease rate of barrier parameter
            "mu_linear_decrease_factor": [float, 0.2],
            # Determines superlinear decrease rate of barrier parameter (between
            # 1 and 2)
            "mu_superlinear_decrease_power": [float, 1.5],
            # Multiplier updates
            # Method to determine the step size for constraint multiplier
            # ('primal', 'bound-mult', 'min', 'max', 'full', 'min-dual-infeas',
            # 'safer-min-dual-infeas', 'primal-and-full', 'dual-and-full',
            # 'acceptor')
            "alpha_for_y": [str, "primal"],
            # Tolerance for switching to full equality multiplier steps
            "alpha_for_y_tol": [float, 10],
            # Tells the algorithm to recalculate the equality and inequality
            # multipliers as least square estimates
            "recalc_y": [str, "no"],
            # Feasibility threshold for recomputation of multipliers
            "recalc_y_feas_tol": [float, 1e-6],
            # Line search options
            # Maximum number of second order correction trial steps at each
            # iteration
            "max_soc": [int, 4],
            # Number of shortened iterations that trigger the watchdog
            "watchdog_shortened_iter_trigger": [int, 10],
            # Maximum number of watchdog iterations
            "watchdog_trial_iter_max": [int, 3],
            # Always accept the first trial step
            "accept_every_trial_step": [str, "no"],
            # The type of corrector steps that should be taken (unsupported!)
            # ('none', 'affine', 'primal-dual')
            "corrector_type": [str, "none"],
            # Warm start options
            # Warm-start for initial point
            "warm_start_init_point": [str, "no"],
            # same as bound_push for the regular initializer
            "warm_start_bound_push": [float, 0.001],
            # same as bound_frac for the regular initializer
            "warm_start_bound_frac": [float, 0.001],
            # same as slack_bound_frac for the regular initializer
            "warm_start_slack_bound_frac": [float, 0.001],
            # same as slack_bound_push for the regular initializer
            "warm_start_slack_bound_push": [float, 0.001],
            # same as mult_bound_push for the regular initializer.
            "warm_start_mult_bound_push": [float, 0.001],
            # Maximum initial value for the equality multipliers
            "warm_start_mult_init_max": [float, 1e6],
            # Restoration Phase
            # Enable heuristics to quickly detect an infeasible problem
            "expect_infeasible_problem": [str, "no"],
            # Threshold for disabling "expect_infeasible_problem" option
            "expect_infeasible_problem_ctol": [float, 0.001],
            # Multiplier threshold for activating "expect_infeasible_problem"
            # option
            "expect_infeasible_problem_ytol": [float, 1e8],
            # Tells algorithm to switch to restoration phase in first iteration
            "start_with_resto": [str, "no"],
            # Required reduction in primal-dual error in the soft restoration
            # phase
            "soft_resto_pderror_reduction_factor": [float, 0.9999],
            # Required reduction of infeasibility before leaving restoration
            # phase
            "required_infeasibility_reduction": [float, 0.9],
            # Threshold for resetting bound multipliers after the restoration
            # phase
            "bound_mult_reset_threshold": [float, 1000],
            # Threshold for resetting equality and inequality multipliers after
            # restoration phase
            "constr_mult_reset_threshold": [float, 0],
            # Determines if the original objective function should be evaluated
            # at restoration phase trial points
            "evaluate_orig_obj_at_resto_trial": [str, "yes"],
            # Linear Solver
            "linear_solver": [str, "ma57"],
            # Method for scaling the linear system ('none', 'mc19',
            # 'slack-based')
            "linear_system_scaling": [str, "mc19"],
            # Flag indicating that linear scaling is only done if it seems
            # required
            "linear_scaling_on_demand": [str, "yes"],
            # Maximum number of iterative refinement steps per linear system
            # solve
            "max_refinement_steps": [float, 10],
            # Minimum number of iterative refinement steps per linear system
            # solve
            "min_refinement_steps": [float, 1],
            # Hessian Perturbation
            # Maximum value of regularization parameter for handling negative
            # curvature
            "max_hessian_perturbation": [float, 1e20],
            # Smallest perturbation of the Hessian block
            "min_hessian_perturbation": [float, 1e-20],
            # Size of first x-s perturbation tried
            "first_hessian_perturbation": [float, 0.0001],
            # Increase factor for x-s perturbation for very first perturbation
            "perturb_inc_fact_first": [float, 100],
            # Increase factor for x-s perturbation
            "perturb_inc_fact": [float, 8],
            # Decrease factor for x-s perturbation
            "perturb_dec_fact": [float, 0.333333],
            # Size of the regularization for rank-deficient constraint Jacobians
            "jacobian_regularization_value": [float, 1e-8],
            # Quasi-Newton
            # Indicates what Hessian information is to be used ('exact',
            # 'limited-memory')
            "hessian_approximation": [str, "exact"],
            # Quasi-Newton update formula for the limited memory approximation
            # ('bfgs', 'sr1')
            "limited_memory_update_type": [str, "bfgs"],
            # Maximum size of the history for the limited quasi-Newton Hessian
            # approximation
            "limited_memory_max_history": [int, 6],
            # Threshold for successive iterations where update is skipped
            "limited_memory_max_skipping": [int, 2],
            # Initialization strategy for the limited memory quasi-Newton
            # approximation ('scalar1', 'scalar2', 'scalar3', 'scalar4',
            # 'constant')
            "limited_memory_initialization": [str, "scalar1"],
            # Value for B0 in low-rank update
            "limited_memory_init_val": [float, 1],
            # Upper bound on value for B0 in low-rank update
            "limited_memory_init_val_max": [float, 1e8],
            # Lower bound on value for B0 in low-rank update
            "limited_memory_init_val_min": [float, 1e-8],
            # Determines if the quasi-Newton updates should be special during
            # the restoration phase
            "limited_memory_special_for_resto": [str, "no"],
            # Derivative Test options
            # Enable derivative checker ('none', 'first-order', 'second-order',
            # 'only-second-order')
            "derivative_test": [str, "none"],
            # Size of the finite difference perturbation in derivative test
            "derivative_test_perturbation": [float, 1e-8],
            # Threshold for indicating wrong derivative
            "derivative_test_tol": [float, 0.0001],
            # Indicates whether information for all estimated derivatives should
            # be printed
            "derivative_test_print_all": [str, "no"],
            # Index of first quantity to be checked by derivative checker
            "derivative_test_first_index": [int, -2],
            # Maximal perturbation of an evaluation point
            "point_perturbation_radius": [float, 10],
            # MA57 Linear Solver options
            # Pivot tolerance for the linear solver MA57
            "ma57_pivtol": [float, 1e-8],
            # Maximum pivot tolerance for the linear solver MA57
            "ma57_pivtolmax": [float, 0.0001],
            # Safety factor for work space memory allocation for the linear
            # solver MA57
            "ma57_pre_alloc": [float, 1.05],
            "ma57_pivot_order": [int, 5],  # Controls pivot order in MA57
            # Controls MA57 automatic scaling
            "ma57_automatic_scaling": [str, "yes"],
            # Controls block size used by Level 3 BLAS in MA57BD
            "ma57_block_size": [int, 16],
            "ma57_node_amalgamation": [int, 16],  # Node amalgamation parameter
            "ma57_small_pivot_flag": [int, 0],
        informs = {
            0: "Solve Succeeded",
            1: "Solved To Acceptable Level",
            2: "Infeasible Problem Detected",
            3: "Search Direction Becomes Too Small",
            4: "Diverging Iterates",
            5: "User Requested Stop",
            6: "Feasible Point Found",
            -1: "Maximum Iterations Exceeded",
            -2: "Restoration Failed",
            -3: "Error In Step Computation",
            -4: "Maximum CpuTime Exceeded",
            -10: "Not Enough Degrees Of Freedom",
            -11: "Invalid Problem Definition",
            -12: "Invalid Option",
            -13: "Invalid Number Detected",
            -100: "Unrecoverable Exception",
            -101: "NonIpopt Exception Thrown",
            -102: "Insufficient Memory",
            -199: "Internal Error",
        self.set_options = []
        Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
文件: pyMIDACO.py 项目: madebr/pyOpt
	def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		MIDACO Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen
		if (pll_type == None):
			self.poa = False
			self.spm = False
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
			self.poa = True
			self.spm = False
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'SPM'):
			self.poa = False
			self.spm = True
			raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None, 'POA' or 'SPM'")
		name = 'MIDACO'
		category = 'Global Optimizer'
		def_opts = {
		# MIDACO Options
		'ACC':[float,0],       			    # Accuracy for constraint violation (0 - default)
		'ISEED':[int,0],            		# Seed for random number generator  (e.g. ISEED = 0,1,2,3,...)
		'FSTOP':[int,0],					# Objective Function Stopping Value (0 - disabled)
		'AUTOSTOP':[int,0],					# Automatic stopping criteria (0 - disable, 1 to 500 - from local to global)
		'ORACLE':[float,0],					# Oracle parameter for constrained problems (0 - Use internal default)
		'FOCUS':[int,0],					# Focus of MIDACO search process around best solution (0 - Use internal default)
		'ANTS':[int,0],						# Number of iterates (ants) per generation (0 - Use internal default)
		'KERNEL':[int,0],					# Size of the solution archive (0 - Use internal default)
		'CHARACTER':[int,0],				# Internal custom parameters (0 - Use internal default, 1 - IP problems, 2 - NLP problems, 3 - MINLP problems)
		'MAXEVAL':[int,10000],				# Maximum function evaluations
		'MAXTIME':[int,86400],				# Maximum time limit, in seconds
		'IPRINT':[int,1],					# Output Level (<0 - None, 0 - Screen, 1 - File(s))
		'PRINTEVAL':[int,1000],				# Print-Frequency for current best solution
		'IOUT1':[int,36],					# History output unit number
		'IOUT2':[int,37],					# Best solution output unit number
		'IFILE1':[str,'MIDACO_HIST.out'],	# History output file name
		'IFILE2':[str,'MIDACO_BEST.out'],	# Best output file name
		informs = {
		1 : 'Feasible solution,   MIDACO was stopped by the user submitting ISTOP=1',
		2 : 'Infeasible solution, MIDACO was stopped by the user submitting ISTOP=1',
		3 : 'Feasible solution,   MIDACO stopped automatically using AUTOSTOP option',
		4 : 'Infeasible solution,   MIDACO stopped automatically using AUTOSTOP option',
		5 : 'Feasible solution,   MIDACO stopped automatically by FSTOP',
		51 : 'WARNING: Some X(i)  is greater/lower than +/- 1.0D+12 (try to avoid huge values!)',
		52 : 'WARNING: Some XL(i) is greater/lower than +/- 1.0D+12 (try to avoid huge values!)',
		53 : 'WARNING: Some XU(i) is greater/lower than +/- 1.0D+12 (try to avoid huge values!)',
		61 : 'WARNING: Some X(i)  should be discrete (e.g. 1.000) , but is continuous (e.g. 1.234)',
		62 : 'WARNING: Some XL(i) should be discrete (e.g. 1.000) , but is continuous (e.g. 1.234)',
		63 : 'WARNING: Some XU(i) should be discrete (e.g. 1.000) , but is continuous (e.g. 1.234)',
		71 : 'WARNING: Some XL(i) = XU(I) (fixed variable)',
		81 : 'WARNING: F(X) has value NaN for starting point X (sure your problem is correct?)',
		82 : 'WARNING: Some G(X) has value NaN for starting point X (sure your problem is correct?)',
		91 : 'WARNING: FSTOP is greater/lower than +/- 1.0D+8',
		92 : 'WARNING: ORACLE is greater/lower than +/- 1.0D+8',
		101 : 'ERROR: L    <= 0 or L > 1.0D+6',
		102 : 'ERROR: N    <= 0 or N > 1.0D+6',
		103 : 'ERROR: NINT <  0',
		104 : 'ERROR: NINT >  N',
		105 : 'ERROR: M    <  0 or M > 1.0D+6',
		106 : 'ERROR: ME   <  0',
		107 : 'ERROR: ME   >  M',
		201 : 'ERROR: some X(i)  has type NaN',
		202 : 'ERROR: some XL(i) has type NaN',
		203 : 'ERROR: some XU(i) has type NaN',
		204 : 'ERROR: some X(i) < XL(i)',
		205 : 'ERROR: some X(i) > XU(i)',
		206 : 'ERROR: some XL(i) > XU(i)',
		301 : 'ERROR: ACC < 0   or   ACC > 1.0D+6',
		302 : 'ERROR: ISEED < 0   or   ISEED > 1.0D+12',
		303 : 'ERROR: FSTOP greater/lower than +/- 1.0D+12',
		304 : 'ERROR: AUTOSTOP < 0   or   AUTOSTOP > 1.0D+6',
		305 : 'ERROR: ORACLE greater/lower than +/- 1.0D+12',
		306 : 'ERROR: |FOCUS| < 1   or   FOCUS > 1.0D+12',
		307 : 'ERROR: ANTS < 0   or   ANTS > 1.0D+8',
		308 : 'ERROR: KERNEL < 0   or   KERNEL > 100',
		309 : 'ERROR: ANTS < KERNEL',
		310 : 'ERROR: ANTS > 0 but KERNEL = 0',
		311 : 'ERROR: KERNEL > 0 but ANTS = 0',
		312 : 'ERROR: CHARACTER < 0   or   CHARACTER > 1000',
		313 : 'ERROR: some MIDACO parameters has type NaN',
		401 : 'ERROR: ISTOP < 0 or ISTOP > 1',
		501 : 'ERROR: Double precision work space size LRW is too small (see below LRW), RW must be at least of size LRW = 200*N+2*M+1000',
		601 : 'ERROR: Integer work space size LIW is too small (see below LIW), IW must be at least of size LIW = 2*N+L+100',
		701 : 'ERROR: Input check failed! MIDACO must be called initially with IFAIL = 0',
		801 : 'ERROR: L > LMAX (user must specifiy LMAX below in the MIDACO source code)',
		802 : 'ERROR: L*M+1 > LXM (user must specifiy LXM below in the MIDACO source code)',
		900 : 'ERROR: Invalid or corrupted LICENSE_KEY',
		999 : 'ERROR: N > 4. The free test version is limited up to 4 variables',
		Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
文件: pyALPSO.py 项目: madebr/pyOpt
	def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		ALPSO Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: ALPSO Parallel Implementation (None, SPM- Static, DPM- Dynamic, POA-Parallel Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  February. 2, 2011 - Ruben E. Perez
		if (pll_type == None):
				from . import alpso as alpso
				raise ImportError('pyALPSO: ALPSO shared library failed to import')
			name = 'ALPSO'
			self.alpso = alpso
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'SPM'):
				from . import alpso_spm
				from mpi4py import MPI
				raise ImportError('pyALPSO: ALPSO SPM shared library failed to import')
			name = 'ALPSO - SPM'
			self.alpso = alpso_spm
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'DPM'):
			#if not 'alpso_dpm' in sys.modules:
			#	raise ImportError('pyALPSO: ALPSO DPM shared library failed to import')
				from . import alpso_dpm
				from mpi4py import MPI
				raise ImportError('pyALPSO: ALPSO DPM shared library failed to import')
			name = 'ALPSO - DPM'
			self.alpso = alpso_dpm
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
				from . import alpso_poa
				from mpi4py import MPI
				raise ImportError('pyALPSO: ALPSO POA shared library failed to import')
			name = 'ALPSO - POA'
			self.alpso = alpso_poa
			raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None,'SPM', 'DPM' or 'POA'")
		category = 'Global Optimizer'
		def_opts = {
		'SwarmSize':[int,40],			# Number of Particles (Depends on Problem dimensions)
		'maxOuterIter':[int,200],		# Maximum Number of Outer Loop Iterations (Major Iterations)
		'maxInnerIter':[int,6],			# Maximum Number of Inner Loop Iterations (Minor Iterations)
		'minInnerIter':[int,6],			# Minimum Number of Inner Loop Iterations (Dynamic Inner Iterations)
		'dynInnerIter':[int,0],			# Dynamic Number of Inner Iterations Flag
		'stopCriteria':[int,1],			# Stopping Criteria Flag (0 - maxIters, 1 - convergence)
		'stopIters':[int,5],			# Consecutively Number of Iterations for which the Stopping Criteria must be Satisfied
		'etol':[float,1e-3],			# Absolute Tolerance for Equality constraints 
		'itol':[float,1e-3],			# Absolute Tolerance for Inequality constraints 
		#'ltol':[float,1e-2],			# Absolute Tolerance for Lagrange Multipliers
		'rtol':[float,1e-2],			# Relative Tolerance for Lagrange Multipliers
		'atol':[float,1e-2],			# Absolute Tolerance for Lagrange Function
		'dtol':[float,1e-1],			# Relative Tolerance in Distance of All Particles to Terminate (GCPSO)
		'printOuterIters':[int,0],		# Number of Iterations Before Print Outer Loop Information
		'printInnerIters':[int,0],		# Number of Iterations Before Print Inner Loop Information
		'rinit':[float,1.0],			# Initial Penalty Factor
		'xinit':[int,0],				# Initial Position Flag (0 - no position, 1 - position given)
		'vinit':[float,1.0],			# Initial Velocity of Particles in Normalized [-1,1] Design Space
		'vmax':[float,2.0],				# Maximum Velocity of Particles in Normalized [-1,1] Design Space
		'c1':[float,2.0],				# Cognitive Parameter
		'c2':[float,1.0],				# Social Parameter
		'w1':[float,0.99],				# Initial Inertia Weight
		'w2':[float,0.55],				# Final Inertia Weight
		'ns':[int,15],					# Number of Consecutive Successes in Finding New Best Position of Best Particle Before Search Radius will be Increased (GCPSO)
		'nf':[int,5],					# Number of Consecutive Failures in Finding New Best Position of Best Particle Before Search Radius will be Increased (GCPSO)
		'dt':[float,1.0],				# Time step
		'vcrazy':[float,1e-4],			# Craziness Velocity (Added to Particle Velocity After Updating the Penalty Factors and Langangian Multipliers)
		'fileout':[int,1],				# Flag to Turn On Output to filename
		'filename':[str,'ALPSO.out'],	# We could probably remove fileout flag if filename or fileinstance is given
		'seed':[float,0],				# Random Number Seed (0 - Auto-Seed based on time clock)
		'HoodSize':[int,40],			# Number of Neighbours of Each Particle
		'HoodModel':[str,'gbest'],		# Neighbourhood Model (dl/slring - Double/Single Link Ring, wheel - Wheel, Spatial - based on spatial distance, sfrac - Spatial Fraction)
		'HoodSelf':[int,1],				# Selfless Neighbourhood Model (0 - Include Particle i in NH i, 1 - Don't Include Particle i)
		'Scaling':[int,1],				# Design Variables Scaling Flag (0 - no scaling, 1 - scaling between [-1,1]) 
		informs = {}
		Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
		if (self.name in ('ALPSO - SPM','ALPSO - DPM','ALPSO - POA')):
			self.myrank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
			self.myrank = 0
    def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		NLPQLP Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen

        if (pll_type == None):
            self.pll_type = None
        elif (pll_type.upper() == 'SPM'):
            self.pll_type = 'SPM'
        elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
            self.pll_type = 'POA'
            raise ValueError(
                "pll_type must be either None,'SPM', 'DPM' or 'POA'")

        name = 'NLPQLP'
        category = 'Local Optimizer'
        def_opts = {
            'ACC': [float, 1e-8],  # Convergence Accurancy
            'ACCQP': [float, 1e-12],  # QP Solver Convergence Accurancy
            'STPMIN': [float, 1e-10],  # Minimum Step Length
            [int, 10],  # Maximum Number of Function Calls During Line Search
            'MAXIT': [int, 100],  # Maximum Number of Outer Iterations
            'RHOB': [float,
                     0.0],  # BFGS-Update Matrix Initialization Parameter
            'IPRINT': [
                int, 2
            ],  # Output Level (0 - None, 1 - Final, 2 - Major, 3 - Major/Minor, 4 - Full)
            'MODE': [int, 0],  # NLPQLP Mode
            'IOUT': [int, 6],  # Output Unit Number
            [bool, True
             ],  # QP Subproblem Solver (True - Quasi-Newton, False - Cholesky)
            'IFILE': [str, 'NLPQLP.out'],  # Output File Name
        informs = {
        -2 : 'Compute gradient values w.r.t. the variables stored in' \
         ' first column of X, and store them in DF and DG.' \
         ' Only derivatives for active constraints ACTIVE(J)=.TRUE. need to be computed.',
        -1 : 'Compute objective fn and all constraint values subject' \
         'the variables found in the first L columns of X, and store them in F and G.',
        0 : 'The optimality conditions are satisfied.',
        1 : ' The algorithm has been stopped after MAXIT iterations.',
        2 : ' The algorithm computed an uphill search direction.',
        3 : ' Underflow occurred when determining a new approximation matrix' \
         'for the Hessian of the Lagrangian.',
        4 : 'The line search could not be terminated successfully.',
        5 : 'Length of a working array is too short.' \
         ' More detailed error information is obtained with IPRINT>0',
        6 : 'There are false dimensions, for example M>MMAX, N>=NMAX, or MNN2<>M+N+N+2.',
        7 : 'The search direction is close to zero, but the current iterate is still infeasible.',
        8 : 'The starting point violates a lower or upper bound.',
        9 : 'Wrong input parameter, i.e., MODE, LDL decomposition in D and C' \
         ' (in case of MODE=1), IPRINT, IOUT',
        10 : 'Internal inconsistency of the quadratic subproblem, division by zero.',
        100 : 'The solution of the quadratic programming subproblem has been' \
         ' terminated with an error message and IFAIL is set to IFQL+100,' \
         ' where IFQL denotes the index of an inconsistent constraint.',
        Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args,
	def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		SNOPT Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen
		if (pll_type == None):
			self.poa = False
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
			self.poa = True
			raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")
		name = 'SNOPT'
		category = 'Local Optimizer'
		def_opts = {
		# SNOPT Printing Options
		'Major print level':[int,1], 					# Majors Print (1 - line major iteration log)
		'Minor print level':[int,1], 					# Minors Print (1 - line minor iteration log)
		'Print file':[str,'SNOPT_print.out'],			# Print File Name (specified by subroutine snInit)
		'iPrint':[int,18],								# Print File Output Unit (override internally in snopt?)
		'Summary file':[str,'SNOPT_summary.out'],		# Summary File Name (specified by subroutine snInit)
		'iSumm':[int,19],								# Summary File Output Unit (override internally in snopt?)
		'Print frequency':[int,100],					# Minors Log Frequency on Print File
		'Summary frequency':[int,100],					# Minors Log Frequency on Summary File
		'Solution':[str,'Yes'],							# Print Solution on the Print File
		'Suppress options listing':[type(None),None],	# (options are normally listed)
		'System information':[str,'No'],				# Print System Information on the Print File
		# SNOPT Problem Specification Options
		'Problem Type':[str,'Minimize'],				# ('Maximize': alternative over Minimize, 'Feasible point': alternative over Minimize or Maximize)
		'Objective row':[int,1], 						# (has precedence over ObjRow (snOptA))
		'Infinite bound':[float,1.0e+20],				# Infinite Bound Value
		# SNOPT Convergence Tolerances Options
		'Major feasibility tolerance':[float,1.0e-6],	# Target Nonlinear Constraint Violation
		'Major optimality tolerance':[float,1.0e-6], 	# Target Complementarity Gap
		'Minor feasibility tolerance':[float,1.0e-6], 	# For Satisfying the QP Bounds
		# SNOPT Derivative Checking Options
		'Verify level':[int,0],							# Gradients Check Flag
		# SNOPT Scaling Options
		'Scale option':[int,1],							# Scaling (1 - linear constraints and variables)
		'Scale tolerance':[float,0.9],					# Scaling Tolerance
		'Scale Print':[type(None),None],				# Default: scales are not printed
		# SNOPT Other Tolerances Options
		'Crash tolerance':[float,0.1],					# 
		'Linesearch tolerance':[float,0.9], 			# smaller for more accurate search
		'Pivot tolerance':[float,3.7e-11], 				# epsilon^(2/3)
		# SNOPT QP subproblems Options
		'QPSolver':[str,'Cholesky'], 					# Default: Cholesky
		'Crash option':[int,3], 						# (3 - first basis is essentially triangular)
		'Elastic mode':[str,'No'],						# (start with elastic mode until necessary)
		'Elastic weight':[float,1.0e+4], 				# (used only during elastic mode)
		'Iterations limit':[int,10000], 				# (or 20*ncons if that is more)
		'Partial price':[int,1], 						# (10 for large LPs)
		# SNOPT SQP method Options
		'Start':[str,'Cold'], 							# has precedence over argument start, ('Warm': alternative to a cold start)
		'Major iterations limit':[int,1000], 			# or ncons if that is more
		'Minor iterations limit':[int,500], 			# or 3*ncons if that is more
		'Major step limit':[float,2.0],					# 
		'Superbasics limit':[int,None],     			# (n1 + 1, n1 = number of nonlinear variables)
		'Derivative level':[int,3],						# (NOT ALLOWED IN snOptA)
		'Derivative option':[int,1],					# (ONLY FOR snOptA)
		'Derivative linesearch':[type(None),None],		#
		'Nonderivative linesearch':[type(None),None],	#
		'Function precision':[float,3.0e-13], 			# epsilon^0.8 (almost full accuracy)
		'Difference interval':[float,5.5e-7], 			# Function precision^(1/2)
		'Central difference interval':[float,6.7e-5],	# Function precision^(1/3)
		'New superbasics limit':[int,99],				# controls early termination of QPs
		'Objective row':[int,1],						# row number of objective in F(x)
		'Penalty parameter':[float,0.0], 				# initial penalty parameter
		'Proximal point method':[int,1],				# (1 - satisfies linear constraints near x0)
		'Reduced Hessian dimension':[int,2000],			# (or Superbasics limit if that is less)
		'Violation limit':[int,10.0], 					# (unscaled constraint violation limit)
		'Unbounded step size':[float,1.0e+18],			# 
		'Unbounded objective':[float,1.0e+15],			# 
		# SNOPT Hessian approximation Options
		'Hessian full memory':[type(None),None], 		# default if n1 <= 75
		'Hessian limited memory':[type(None),None], 	# default if n1 > 75
		'Hessian frequency':[int,999999], 				# for full Hessian (never reset)
		'Hessian updates':[int,10],	 					# for limited memory Hessian
		'Hessian flush':[int,999999], 					# no flushing
		# SNOPT Frequencies Options
		'Check frequency':[int,60],	 					# test row residuals ||Ax - sk||
		'Expand frequency':[int,10000],					# for anti-cycling procedure
		'Factorization frequency':[int,50],				# 100 for LPs
		'Save frequency':[int,100],	 					# save basis map
		# SNOPT LUSOL Options
		'LU factor tolerance':[float,3.99], 			# for NP (100.0 for LP)
		'LU update tolerance':[float,3.99], 			# for NP ( 10.0 for LP)
		'LU singularity tolerance':[float,3.2e-11],		# 
		'LU partial pivoting':[type(None),None], 		# default threshold pivoting strategy
		'LU rook pivoting':[type(None),None], 			# threshold rook pivoting
		'LU complete pivoting':[type(None),None], 		# threshold complete pivoting
		# SNOPT Basis files Options
		'Old basis file':[int,0], 						# input basis map
		'New basis file':[int,0], 						# output basis map
		'Backup basis file':[int,0], 					# output extra basis map
		'Insert file':[int,0], 							# input in industry format
		'Punch file':[int,0], 							# output Insert data
		'Load file':[int,0], 							# input names and values
		'Dump file':[int,0], 							# output Load data
		'Solution file':[int,0], 						# different from printed solution
		# SNOPT Partitions of cw, iw, rw Options
		'Total character workspace':[int,500],  		# lencw: 500
		'Total integer workspace':[int,None],			# leniw: 500 + 100 * (m+n) 
		'Total real workspace':[int,None],				# lenrw: 500 + 200 * (m+n)
		'User character workspace':[int,500],			# 
		'User integer workspace':[int,500],				# 
		'User real workspace':[int,500],				# 
		#SNOPT Miscellaneous Options
		'Debug level':[int,0], 							# (0 - Normal, 1 - for developers)
		'Timing level':[int,3],							# (3 - print cpu times)
		informs = {
		0 : 'finished successfully',
		1 : 'optimality conditions satisfied',
		2 : 'feasible point found',
		3 : 'requested accuracy could not be achieved',
		4 : 'weak QP minimizer',
		10 : 'the problem appears to be infeasible',
		11 : 'infeasible linear constraints',
		12 : 'infeasible linear equalities',
		13 : 'nonlinear infeasibilities minimized',
		14 : 'infeasibilities minimized',
		15 : 'infeasible linear constraints in QP subproblem',
		20 : 'the problem appears to be unbounded',
		21 : 'unbounded objective',
		22 : 'constraint violation limit reached',
		30 : 'resource limit error',
		31 : 'iteration limit reached',
		32 : 'major iteration limit reached',
		33 : 'the superbasics limit is too small',
		40 : 'terminated after numerical difficulties',
		41 : 'current point cannot be improved',
		42 : 'singular basis',
		43 : 'cannot satisfy the general constraints',
		44 : 'ill-conditioned null-space basis',
		50 : 'error in the user-supplied functions',
		51 : 'incorrect objective  derivatives',
		52 : 'incorrect constraint derivatives',
		53 : 'the QP Hessian is indefinite',
		54 : 'incorrect second derivatives',
		55 : 'incorrect derivatives',
		60 : 'undefined user-supplied functions',
		61 : 'undefined function at the first feasible point',
		62 : 'undefined function at the initial point',
		63 : 'unable to proceed into undefined region',
		70 : 'user requested termination',
		71 : 'terminated during function evaluation',
		72 : 'terminated during constraint evaluation',
		73 : 'terminated during objective evaluation',
		74 : 'terminated from monitor routine',
		80 : 'insufficient storage allocated',
		81 : 'work arrays must have at least 500 elements',
		82 : 'not enough character storage',
		83 : 'not enough integer storage',
		84 : 'not enough real storage',
		90 : 'input arguments out of range',
		91 : 'invalid input argument',
		92 : 'basis file dimensions do not match this problem',
		93 : 'the QP Hessian is indefinite',
		100 : 'finished successfully',
		101 : 'SPECS file read',
		102 : 'Jacobian structure estimated',
		103 : 'MPS file read',
		104 : 'memory requirements estimated',
		105 : 'user-supplied derivatives appear to be correct',
		106 : 'no derivatives were checked',
		107 : 'some SPECS keywords were not recognized',
		110 : 'errors while processing MPS data',
		111 : 'no MPS file specified',
		112 : 'problem-size estimates too small',
		113 : 'fatal error in the MPS file',
		120 : 'errors while estimating Jacobian structure',
		121 : 'cannot find Jacobian structure at given point',
		130 : 'fatal errors while reading the SP',
		131 : 'no SPECS file (iSpecs le 0 or iSpecs gt 99)',
		132 : 'End-of-file while looking for a BEGIN',
		133 : 'End-of-file while reading SPECS file',
		134 : 'ENDRUN found before any valid SPECS',
		140 : 'system error',
		141 : 'wrong no of basic variables',
		142 : 'error in basis package',
		142 : 'Problem dimensions are too large'
		self.set_options = []
		Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
    def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):

		SNOPT Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen

        if pll_type == None:
            self.poa = False
        elif pll_type.upper() == "POA":
            self.poa = True
            raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")
            # end

        name = "SNOPT"
        category = "Local Optimizer"
        def_opts = {
            # SNOPT Printing Options
            "Major print level": [int, 1],  # Majors Print (1 - line major iteration log)
            "Minor print level": [int, 1],  # Minors Print (1 - line minor iteration log)
            "Print file": [str, "SNOPT_print.out"],  # Print File Name (specified by subroutine snInit)
            "iPrint": [int, 18],  # Print File Output Unit (override internally in snopt?)
            "Summary file": [str, "SNOPT_summary.out"],  # Summary File Name (specified by subroutine snInit)
            "iSumm": [int, 19],  # Summary File Output Unit (override internally in snopt?)
            "Print frequency": [int, 100],  # Minors Log Frequency on Print File
            "Summary frequency": [int, 100],  # Minors Log Frequency on Summary File
            "Solution": [str, "Yes"],  # Print Solution on the Print File
            "Suppress options listing": [type(None), None],  # (options are normally listed)
            "System information": [str, "No"],  # Print System Information on the Print File
            # SNOPT Problem Specification Options
            "Problem Type": [
            ],  # ('Maximize': alternative over Minimize, 'Feasible point': alternative over Minimize or Maximize)
            "Objective row": [int, 1],  # (has precedence over ObjRow (snOptA))
            "Infinite bound": [float, 1.0e20],  # Infinite Bound Value
            # SNOPT Convergence Tolerances Options
            "Major feasibility tolerance": [float, 1.0e-6],  # Target Nonlinear Constraint Violation
            "Major optimality tolerance": [float, 1.0e-6],  # Target Complementarity Gap
            "Minor feasibility tolerance": [float, 1.0e-6],  # For Satisfying the QP Bounds
            # SNOPT Derivative Checking Options
            "Verify level": [int, 0],  # Gradients Check Flag
            # SNOPT Scaling Options
            "Scale option": [int, 1],  # Scaling (1 - linear constraints and variables)
            "Scale tolerance": [float, 0.9],  # Scaling Tolerance
            "Scale Print": [type(None), None],  # Default: scales are not printed
            # SNOPT Other Tolerances Options
            "Crash tolerance": [float, 0.1],  #
            "Linesearch tolerance": [float, 0.9],  # smaller for more accurate search
            "Pivot tolerance": [float, 3.7e-11],  # epsilon^(2/3)
            # SNOPT QP subproblems Options
            "QPSolver": [str, "Cholesky"],  # Default: Cholesky
            "Crash option": [int, 3],  # (3 - first basis is essentially triangular)
            "Elastic mode": [str, "No"],  # (start with elastic mode until necessary)
            "Elastic weight": [float, 1.0e4],  # (used only during elastic mode)
            "Iterations limit": [int, 10000],  # (or 20*ncons if that is more)
            "Partial price": [int, 1],  # (10 for large LPs)
            # SNOPT SQP method Options
            "Start": [str, "Cold"],  # has precedence over argument start, ('Warm': alternative to a cold start)
            "Major iterations limit": [int, 1000],  # or ncons if that is more
            "Minor iterations limit": [int, 500],  # or 3*ncons if that is more
            "Major step limit": [float, 2.0],  #
            "Superbasics limit": [int, None],  # (n1 + 1, n1 = number of nonlinear variables)
            "Derivative level": [int, 3],  # (NOT ALLOWED IN snOptA)
            "Derivative option": [int, 1],  # (ONLY FOR snOptA)
            "Derivative linesearch": [type(None), None],  #
            "Nonderivative linesearch": [type(None), None],  #
            "Function precision": [float, 3.0e-13],  # epsilon^0.8 (almost full accuracy)
            "Difference interval": [float, 5.5e-7],  # Function precision^(1/2)
            "Central difference interval": [float, 6.7e-5],  # Function precision^(1/3)
            "New superbasics limit": [int, 99],  # controls early termination of QPs
            "Objective row": [int, 1],  # row number of objective in F(x)
            "Penalty parameter": [float, 0.0],  # initial penalty parameter
            "Proximal point method": [int, 1],  # (1 - satisfies linear constraints near x0)
            "Reduced Hessian dimension": [int, 2000],  # (or Superbasics limit if that is less)
            "Violation limit": [int, 10.0],  # (unscaled constraint violation limit)
            "Unbounded step size": [float, 1.0e18],  #
            "Unbounded objective": [float, 1.0e15],  #
            # SNOPT Hessian approximation Options
            "Hessian full memory": [type(None), None],  # default if n1 <= 75
            "Hessian limited memory": [type(None), None],  # default if n1 > 75
            "Hessian frequency": [int, 999999],  # for full Hessian (never reset)
            "Hessian updates": [int, 10],  # for limited memory Hessian
            "Hessian flush": [int, 999999],  # no flushing
            # SNOPT Frequencies Options
            "Check frequency": [int, 60],  # test row residuals ||Ax - sk||
            "Expand frequency": [int, 10000],  # for anti-cycling procedure
            "Factorization frequency": [int, 50],  # 100 for LPs
            "Save frequency": [int, 100],  # save basis map
            # SNOPT LUSOL Options
            "LU factor tolerance": [float, 3.99],  # for NP (100.0 for LP)
            "LU update tolerance": [float, 3.99],  # for NP ( 10.0 for LP)
            "LU singularity tolerance": [float, 3.2e-11],  #
            "LU partial pivoting": [type(None), None],  # default threshold pivoting strategy
            "LU rook pivoting": [type(None), None],  # threshold rook pivoting
            "LU complete pivoting": [type(None), None],  # threshold complete pivoting
            # SNOPT Basis files Options
            "Old basis file": [int, 0],  # input basis map
            "New basis file": [int, 0],  # output basis map
            "Backup basis file": [int, 0],  # output extra basis map
            "Insert file": [int, 0],  # input in industry format
            "Punch file": [int, 0],  # output Insert data
            "Load file": [int, 0],  # input names and values
            "Dump file": [int, 0],  # output Load data
            "Solution file": [int, 0],  # different from printed solution
            # SNOPT Partitions of cw, iw, rw Options
            "Total character workspace": [int, 500],  # lencw: 500
            "Total integer workspace": [int, None],  # leniw: 500 + 100 * (m+n)
            "Total real workspace": [int, None],  # lenrw: 500 + 200 * (m+n)
            "User character workspace": [int, 500],  #
            "User integer workspace": [int, 500],  #
            "User real workspace": [int, 500],  #
            # SNOPT Miscellaneous Options
            "Debug level": [int, 0],  # (0 - Normal, 1 - for developers)
            "Timing level": [int, 3],  # (3 - print cpu times)
        informs = {
            0: "finished successfully",
            1: "optimality conditions satisfied",
            2: "feasible point found",
            3: "requested accuracy could not be achieved",
            4: "weak QP minimizer",
            10: "the problem appears to be infeasible",
            11: "infeasible linear constraints",
            12: "infeasible linear equalities",
            13: "nonlinear infeasibilities minimized",
            14: "infeasibilities minimized",
            15: "infeasible linear constraints in QP subproblem",
            20: "the problem appears to be unbounded",
            21: "unbounded objective",
            22: "constraint violation limit reached",
            30: "resource limit error",
            31: "iteration limit reached",
            32: "major iteration limit reached",
            33: "the superbasics limit is too small",
            40: "terminated after numerical difficulties",
            41: "current point cannot be improved",
            42: "singular basis",
            43: "cannot satisfy the general constraints",
            44: "ill-conditioned null-space basis",
            50: "error in the user-supplied functions",
            51: "incorrect objective  derivatives",
            52: "incorrect constraint derivatives",
            53: "the QP Hessian is indefinite",
            54: "incorrect second derivatives",
            55: "incorrect derivatives",
            60: "undefined user-supplied functions",
            61: "undefined function at the first feasible point",
            62: "undefined function at the initial point",
            63: "unable to proceed into undefined region",
            70: "user requested termination",
            71: "terminated during function evaluation",
            72: "terminated during constraint evaluation",
            73: "terminated during objective evaluation",
            74: "terminated from monitor routine",
            80: "insufficient storage allocated",
            81: "work arrays must have at least 500 elements",
            82: "not enough character storage",
            83: "not enough integer storage",
            84: "not enough real storage",
            90: "input arguments out of range",
            91: "invalid input argument",
            92: "basis file dimensions do not match this problem",
            93: "the QP Hessian is indefinite",
            100: "finished successfully",
            101: "SPECS file read",
            102: "Jacobian structure estimated",
            103: "MPS file read",
            104: "memory requirements estimated",
            105: "user-supplied derivatives appear to be correct",
            106: "no derivatives were checked",
            107: "some SPECS keywords were not recognized",
            110: "errors while processing MPS data",
            111: "no MPS file specified",
            112: "problem-size estimates too small",
            113: "fatal error in the MPS file",
            120: "errors while estimating Jacobian structure",
            121: "cannot find Jacobian structure at given point",
            130: "fatal errors while reading the SP",
            131: "no SPECS file (iSpecs le 0 or iSpecs gt 99)",
            132: "End-of-file while looking for a BEGIN",
            133: "End-of-file while reading SPECS file",
            134: "ENDRUN found before any valid SPECS",
            140: "system error",
            141: "wrong no of basic variables",
            142: "error in basis package",
            142: "Problem dimensions are too large",
        self.set_options = []
        Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
    def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
        ALPSO Optimizer Class Initialization

        **Keyword arguments:**

        - pll_type -> STR: ALPSO Parallel Implementation (None, SPM- Static, DPM- Dynamic, POA-Parallel Analysis), *Default* = None

        Documentation last updated:  February. 2, 2011 - Ruben E. Perez

        if (pll_type == None):

                from . import alpso as alpso
                raise ImportError(
                    'pyALPSO: ALPSO shared library failed to import')

            name = 'ALPSO'
            self.alpso = alpso
        elif (pll_type.upper() == 'SPM'):

                from . import alpso_spm
                from mpi4py import MPI
                raise ImportError(
                    'pyALPSO: ALPSO SPM shared library failed to import')

            name = 'ALPSO - SPM'
            self.alpso = alpso_spm
        elif (pll_type.upper() == 'DPM'):

            #if not 'alpso_dpm' in sys.modules:
            #       raise ImportError('pyALPSO: ALPSO DPM shared library failed to import')

                from . import alpso_dpm
                from mpi4py import MPI
                raise ImportError(
                    'pyALPSO: ALPSO DPM shared library failed to import')

            name = 'ALPSO - DPM'
            self.alpso = alpso_dpm
        elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):

                from . import alpso_poa
                from mpi4py import MPI
                raise ImportError(
                    'pyALPSO: ALPSO POA shared library failed to import')

            name = 'ALPSO - POA'
            self.alpso = alpso_poa
            raise ValueError(
                "pll_type must be either None,'SPM', 'DPM' or 'POA'")

        category = 'Global Optimizer'
        def_opts = {
            # Number of Particles (Depends on Problem dimensions)
            'SwarmSize': [int, 40],
            # Maximum Number of Outer Loop Iterations (Major Iterations)
            'maxOuterIter': [int, 200],
            # Maximum Number of Inner Loop Iterations (Minor Iterations)
            'maxInnerIter': [int, 6],
            # Minimum Number of Inner Loop Iterations (Dynamic Inner
            # Iterations)
            'minInnerIter': [int, 6],
            # Dynamic Number of Inner Iterations Flag
            'dynInnerIter': [int, 0],
            # Stopping Criteria Flag (0 - maxIters, 1 - convergence)
            'stopCriteria': [int, 1],
            # Consecutively Number of Iterations for which the Stopping
            # Criteria must be Satisfied
            'stopIters': [int, 5],
            # Absolute Tolerance for Equality constraints
            'etol': [float, 1e-3],
            # Absolute Tolerance for Inequality constraints
            'itol': [float, 1e-3],
            #'ltol':[float,1e-2],   # Absolute Tolerance for Lagrange Multipliers
            # Relative Tolerance for Lagrange Multipliers
            'rtol': [float, 1e-2],
            # Absolute Tolerance for Lagrange Function
            'atol': [float, 1e-2],
            # Relative Tolerance in Distance of All Particles to Terminate
            # (GCPSO)
            'dtol': [float, 1e-1],
            # Number of Iterations Before Print Outer Loop Information
            'printOuterIters': [int, 0],
            # Number of Iterations Before Print Inner Loop Information
            'printInnerIters': [int, 0],
            # Initial Penalty Factor
            'rinit': [float, 1.0],
            # Initial Position Flag (0 - no position, 1 - position given)
            'xinit': [int, 0],
            # Initial Velocity of Particles in Normalized [-1,1] Design Space
            'vinit': [float, 1.0],
            # Maximum Velocity of Particles in Normalized [-1,1] Design Space
            'vmax': [float, 2.0],
            # Cognitive Parameter
            'c1': [float, 2.0],
            # Social Parameter
            'c2': [float, 1.0],
            # Initial Inertia Weight
            'w1': [float, 0.99],
            # Final Inertia Weight
            'w2': [float, 0.55],
            # Number of Consecutive Successes in Finding New Best Position
            # of Best Particle Before Search Radius will be Increased
            # (GCPSO)
            'ns': [int, 15],
            # Number of Consecutive Failures in Finding New Best Position
            # of Best Particle Before Search Radius will be Increased
            # (GCPSO)
            'nf': [int, 5],
            'dt': [float, 1.0],  # Time step
            # Craziness Velocity (Added to Particle Velocity After Updating
            # the Penalty Factors and Langangian Multipliers)
            'vcrazy': [float, 1e-4],
            # Flag to Turn On Output to filename
            'fileout': [int, 1],
            # We could probably remove fileout flag if filename or
            # fileinstance is given
            'filename': [str, 'ALPSO.out'],
            # Random Number Seed (0 - Auto-Seed based on time clock)
            'seed': [float, 0],
            # Number of Neighbours of Each Particle
            'HoodSize': [int, 40],
            # Neighbourhood Model (dl/slring - Double/Single Link Ring,
            # wheel - Wheel, Spatial - based on spatial distance, sfrac -
            # Spatial Fraction)
            'HoodModel': [str, 'gbest'],
            # Selfless Neighbourhood Model (0 - Include Particle i in NH i,
            # 1 - Don't Include Particle i)
            'HoodSelf': [int, 1],
            # Design Variables Scaling Flag (0 - no scaling, 1 - scaling
            # between [-1,1])
            'Scaling': [int, 1],
        informs = {}
        Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **

        if (self.name in ('ALPSO - SPM', 'ALPSO - DPM', 'ALPSO - POA')):
            self.myrank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
            self.myrank = 0
	def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
		NLPQL Optimizer Class Initialization
		**Keyword arguments:**
		- pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None
		Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen
		if (pll_type == None):
			self.poa = False
		elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
			self.poa = True
			raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")
		name = 'NLPQL'
		category = 'Local Optimizer'
		def_opts = {
		# NLPQL Options
		'Accurancy':[float,1e-6],   # Convergence Accurancy
		'ScaleBound':[float,1e30],  # 
		'maxFun':[int,20],          # Maximum Number of Function Calls During Line Search
		'maxIt':[int,500],          # Maximum Number of Iterations
		'iPrint':[int,2],           # Output Level (0 - None, 1 - Final, 2 - Major, 3 - Major/Minor, 4 - Full)
		'mode':[int,0],             # NLPQL Mode (0 - Normal Execution, 1 to 18 - See Manual)
		'iout':[int,6],             # Output Unit Number
		'lmerit':[bool,True],       # Merit Function Type (True - L2 Augmented Penalty, False - L1 Penalty)
		'lql':[bool,False],         # QP Subproblem Solver (True - Quasi-Newton, False - Cholesky)
		'iFile':[str,'NLPQL.out'],	# Output File Name
		informs = {
		-2 : 'Compute gradient values w.r.t. the variables stored in' \
			' first column of X, and store them in DF and DG.' \
			' Only derivatives for active constraints ACTIVE(J)=.TRUE. need to be computed.',
		-1 : 'Compute objective fn and all constraint values subject' \
			'the variables found in the first L columns of X, and store them in F and G.',
		0 : 'The optimality conditions are satisfied.', 
		1 : ' The algorithm has been stopped after MAXIT iterations.',
		2 : ' The algorithm computed an uphill search direction.',
		3 : ' Underflow occurred when determining a new approximation matrix' \
			'for the Hessian of the Lagrangian.',
		4 : 'The line search could not be terminated successfully.', 
		5 : 'Length of a working array is too short.' \
			' More detailed error information is obtained with IPRINT>0',
		6 : 'There are false dimensions, for example M>MMAX, N>=NMAX, or MNN2<>M+N+N+2.',
		7 : 'The search direction is close to zero, but the current iterate is still infeasible.',
		8 : 'The starting point violates a lower or upper bound.',
		9 : 'Wrong input parameter, i.e., MODE, LDL decomposition in D and C' \
			' (in case of MODE=1), IPRINT, IOUT',
		10 : 'Internal inconsistency of the quadratic subproblem, division by zero.',
		100 : 'The solution of the quadratic programming subproblem has been' \
			' terminated with an error message and IFAIL is set to IFQL+100,' \
			' where IFQL denotes the index of an inconsistent constraint.',
		Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args, **kwargs)
    def __init__(self, pll_type=None, *args, **kwargs):
        SNOPT Optimizer Class Initialization

        **Keyword arguments:**

        - pll_type -> STR: Parallel Implementation (None, 'POA'-Parallel Objective Analysis), *Default* = None

        Documentation last updated:  Feb. 16, 2010 - Peter W. Jansen

        if (pll_type == None):
            self.poa = False
        elif (pll_type.upper() == 'POA'):
            self.poa = True
            raise ValueError("pll_type must be either None or 'POA'")
        # end

        name = 'SNOPT'
        category = 'Local Optimizer'
        def_opts = {
            # SNOPT Printing Options
            'Major print level':
            [int, 1],  # Majors Print (1 - line major iteration log)
            'Minor print level':
            [int, 1],  # Minors Print (1 - line minor iteration log)
            'Print file':
            [str, 'SNOPT_print.out'
             ],  # Print File Name (specified by subroutine snInit)
             18],  # Print File Output Unit (override internally in snopt?)
            'Summary file':
            [str, 'SNOPT_summary.out'
             ],  # Summary File Name (specified by subroutine snInit)
             19],  # Summary File Output Unit (override internally in snopt?)
            'Print frequency': [int,
                                100],  # Minors Log Frequency on Print File
            'Summary frequency': [int,
                                  100],  # Minors Log Frequency on Summary File
            'Solution': [str, 'Yes'],  # Print Solution on the Print File
            'Suppress options listing': [type(None), None
                                         ],  # (options are normally listed)
            'System information':
            [str, 'No'],  # Print System Information on the Print File
            # SNOPT Problem Specification Options
            'Problem Type': [str, 'Minimize'],
            # ('Maximize': alternative over Minimize, 'Feasible point': alternative over Minimize or Maximize)
            'Objective row': [int, 1],  # (has precedence over ObjRow (snOptA))
            'Infinite bound': [float, 1.0e+20],  # Infinite Bound Value
            # SNOPT Convergence Tolerances Options
            'Major feasibility tolerance':
            [float, 1.0e-6],  # Target Nonlinear Constraint Violation
            'Major optimality tolerance': [float, 1.0e-6
                                           ],  # Target Complementarity Gap
            'Minor feasibility tolerance': [float, 1.0e-6
                                            ],  # For Satisfying the QP Bounds
            # SNOPT Derivative Checking Options
            'Verify level': [int, 0],  # Gradients Check Flag
            # SNOPT Scaling Options
            'Scale option':
            [int, 1],  # Scaling (1 - linear constraints and variables)
            'Scale tolerance': [float, 0.9],  # Scaling Tolerance
            'Scale Print': [type(None),
                            None],  # Default: scales are not printed
            # SNOPT Other Tolerances Options
            'Crash tolerance': [float, 0.1],  #
            'Linesearch tolerance': [float,
                                     0.9],  # smaller for more accurate search
            'Pivot tolerance': [float, 3.7e-11],  # epsilon^(2/3)
            # SNOPT QP subproblems Options
            'QPSolver': [str, 'Cholesky'],  # Default: Cholesky
            'Crash option': [int,
                             3],  # (3 - first basis is essentially triangular)
            'Elastic mode': [str, 'No'
                             ],  # (start with elastic mode until necessary)
            'Elastic weight': [float,
                               1.0e+4],  # (used only during elastic mode)
            'Iterations limit': [int, 10000],  # (or 20*ncons if that is more)
            'Partial price': [int, 1],  # (10 for large LPs)
            # SNOPT SQP method Options
            'Start': [
                str, 'Cold'
            ],  # has precedence over argument start, ('Warm': alternative to a cold start)
            'Major iterations limit': [int, 1000],  # or ncons if that is more
            'Minor iterations limit': [int, 500],  # or 3*ncons if that is more
            'Major step limit': [float, 2.0],  #
            'Superbasics limit':
            [int, None],  # (n1 + 1, n1 = number of nonlinear variables)
            'Derivative level': [int, 3],  # (NOT ALLOWED IN snOptA)
            'Derivative option': [int, 1],  # (ONLY FOR snOptA)
            'Derivative linesearch': [type(None), None],  #
            'Nonderivative linesearch': [type(None), None],  #
            'Function precision': [float, 3.0e-13
                                   ],  # epsilon^0.8 (almost full accuracy)
            'Difference interval': [float, 5.5e-7],  # Function precision^(1/2)
            'Central difference interval': [float, 6.7e-5
                                            ],  # Function precision^(1/3)
            'New superbasics limit': [int,
                                      99],  # controls early termination of QPs
            'Objective row': [int, 1],  # row number of objective in F(x)
            'Penalty parameter': [float, 0.0],  # initial penalty parameter
            'Proximal point method':
            [int, 1],  # (1 - satisfies linear constraints near x0)
            'Reduced Hessian dimension':
            [int, 2000],  # (or Superbasics limit if that is less)
            'Violation limit': [int,
                                10.0],  # (unscaled constraint violation limit)
            'Unbounded step size': [float, 1.0e+18],  #
            'Unbounded objective': [float, 1.0e+15],  #
            # SNOPT Hessian approximation Options
            'Hessian full memory': [type(None), None],  # default if n1 <= 75
            'Hessian limited memory': [type(None), None],  # default if n1 > 75
            'Hessian frequency': [int,
                                  999999],  # for full Hessian (never reset)
            'Hessian updates': [int, 10],  # for limited memory Hessian
            'Hessian flush': [int, 999999],  # no flushing
            # SNOPT Frequencies Options
            'Check frequency': [int, 60],  # test row residuals ||Ax - sk||
            'Expand frequency': [int, 10000],  # for anti-cycling procedure
            'Factorization frequency': [int, 50],  # 100 for LPs
            'Save frequency': [int, 100],  # save basis map
            # SNOPT LUSOL Options
            'LU factor tolerance': [float, 3.99],  # for NP (100.0 for LP)
            'LU update tolerance': [float, 3.99],  # for NP ( 10.0 for LP)
            'LU singularity tolerance': [float, 3.2e-11],  #
            'LU partial pivoting': [type(None), None
                                    ],  # default threshold pivoting strategy
            'LU rook pivoting': [type(None), None],  # threshold rook pivoting
            'LU complete pivoting': [type(None),
                                     None],  # threshold complete pivoting
            # SNOPT Basis files Options
            'Old basis file': [int, 0],  # input basis map
            'New basis file': [int, 0],  # output basis map
            'Backup basis file': [int, 0],  # output extra basis map
            'Insert file': [int, 0],  # input in industry format
            'Punch file': [int, 0],  # output Insert data
            'Load file': [int, 0],  # input names and values
            'Dump file': [int, 0],  # output Load data
            'Solution file': [int, 0],  # different from printed solution
            # SNOPT Partitions of cw, iw, rw Options
            'Total character workspace': [int, 500],  # lencw: 500
            'Total integer workspace': [int, None],  # leniw: 500 + 100 * (m+n)
            'Total real workspace': [int, None],  # lenrw: 500 + 200 * (m+n)
            'User character workspace': [int, 500],  #
            'User integer workspace': [int, 500],  #
            'User real workspace': [int, 500],  #
            # SNOPT Miscellaneous Options
            'Debug level': [int, 0],  # (0 - Normal, 1 - for developers)
            'Timing level': [int, 3],  # (3 - print cpu times)
        informs = {
            0: 'finished successfully',
            1: 'optimality conditions satisfied',
            2: 'feasible point found',
            3: 'requested accuracy could not be achieved',
            4: 'weak QP minimizer',
            10: 'the problem appears to be infeasible',
            11: 'infeasible linear constraints',
            12: 'infeasible linear equalities',
            13: 'nonlinear infeasibilities minimized',
            14: 'infeasibilities minimized',
            15: 'infeasible linear constraints in QP subproblem',
            20: 'the problem appears to be unbounded',
            21: 'unbounded objective',
            22: 'constraint violation limit reached',
            30: 'resource limit error',
            31: 'iteration limit reached',
            32: 'major iteration limit reached',
            33: 'the superbasics limit is too small',
            40: 'terminated after numerical difficulties',
            41: 'current point cannot be improved',
            42: 'singular basis',
            43: 'cannot satisfy the general constraints',
            44: 'ill-conditioned null-space basis',
            50: 'error in the user-supplied functions',
            51: 'incorrect objective  derivatives',
            52: 'incorrect constraint derivatives',
            53: 'the QP Hessian is indefinite',
            54: 'incorrect second derivatives',
            55: 'incorrect derivatives',
            60: 'undefined user-supplied functions',
            61: 'undefined function at the first feasible point',
            62: 'undefined function at the initial point',
            63: 'unable to proceed into undefined region',
            70: 'user requested termination',
            71: 'terminated during function evaluation',
            72: 'terminated during constraint evaluation',
            73: 'terminated during objective evaluation',
            74: 'terminated from monitor routine',
            80: 'insufficient storage allocated',
            81: 'work arrays must have at least 500 elements',
            82: 'not enough character storage',
            83: 'not enough integer storage',
            84: 'not enough real storage',
            90: 'input arguments out of range',
            91: 'invalid input argument',
            92: 'basis file dimensions do not match this problem',
            93: 'the QP Hessian is indefinite',
            100: 'finished successfully',
            101: 'SPECS file read',
            102: 'Jacobian structure estimated',
            103: 'MPS file read',
            104: 'memory requirements estimated',
            105: 'user-supplied derivatives appear to be correct',
            106: 'no derivatives were checked',
            107: 'some SPECS keywords were not recognized',
            110: 'errors while processing MPS data',
            111: 'no MPS file specified',
            112: 'problem-size estimates too small',
            113: 'fatal error in the MPS file',
            120: 'errors while estimating Jacobian structure',
            121: 'cannot find Jacobian structure at given point',
            130: 'fatal errors while reading the SP',
            131: 'no SPECS file (iSpecs le 0 or iSpecs gt 99)',
            132: 'End-of-file while looking for a BEGIN',
            133: 'End-of-file while reading SPECS file',
            134: 'ENDRUN found before any valid SPECS',
            140: 'system error',
            141: 'wrong no of basic variables',
            142: 'error in basis package',
            142: 'Problem dimensions are too large'
        self.set_options = []
        Optimizer.__init__(self, name, category, def_opts, informs, *args,