):  ### generate a mesh_Shps array for each eccentricity and add it to mesh_Shps_list
    ### reset mesh shapes array, and the particle area/radius arrays:
    #pss.mesh_Shps = np.zeros((n,ns,ns))
    # Here, you are re-defining mesh_Shps, it is already defined in pySALESetup and unnecessary. If you just wish to reset them, do this:
    pss.mesh_Shps *= 0.
    part_area *= 0.
    part_radii *= 0.
    #part_angle = np.zeros((n))                                         ### add in list of angles

    for i in range(n):
        theta = angles[i]  ### use the already generated list of angles
        Rad = np.sqrt(
        ) * cppr  ### radius calculated so that area stays constant, where cppr is radius of perfect circle
        pss.mesh_Shps[i, :, :] = pss.gen_ellipse(
            Rad, theta, eccen_list[j]
        )  ### Generate an ellipse of radius: Rad, angled at theta, and with eccentricity taken from eccen_list
        part_area[i] = np.sum(
            pss.mesh_Shps[i, :, :])  # Record the shape's area
            i] = cppr  # Record the shape's radius (semi-major radius in this case) ###need to change this?
    #part_angle[i]        = theta

    #mesh_Shps_list.append(pss.mesh_Shps)                                ### append new mesh_Shps to mesh_Shps_list
    # try to avoid appending things as it's a very costly programming technique (computationally)
    mesh_Shps_array[j, :, :, :] = pss.mesh_Shps

#r = cppr
#r = np.zeros((n,6))+cppr #+ cppr*np.random.randn(6)/4.
#r = np.random.randn(n)*np.sqrt(cppr_range) + cppr
#print r
for i in range(
):  # n+1 as range starts at 0; i.e. you'll never get to i = n unless range goes to n+1!
    r = pss.cppr_min + (i**SFDslope) * cppr_range / (
        (n - 1)**SFDslope
    )  # generate radii that are incrementally greater for each circle produced

    angle = np.random.random() * np.pi * 2.
    this_eccen = eccen + ER * (np.random.random() * 2. - 1.)
    #pss.mesh_Shps[i,:,:] = pss.gen_polygon(6,r)

    pss.mesh_Shps[i, :, :] = pss.gen_ellipse(r, angle, this_eccen)
    #pss.mesh_Shps[i,:,:] = pss.gen_circle(r)
    part_area[i] = np.sum(pss.mesh_Shps[i, :, :])

part_angle = np.array(part_angle)
part_eccen = np.array(part_eccen)
""" #################################################################################### """
""" #######              sort particles into order of Large -> Small             ####### """
""" #################################################################################### """

sort_indices = np.argsort(part_area)  # Sort areas into smallest to largest
part_area = part_area[sort_indices]  # Arrange as appropriate
pss.mesh_Shps = pss.mesh_Shps[sort_indices, :, :]
pss.generate_mesh(X_cells, Y_cells, mat_no, cppr, PR,
                  vol_frac)  # Generate & set up the mesh

n = pss.N  # n is the number of particles to generated as a 'library' to be placed into the mesh
part_area = np.zeros(
    (n))  # N.B. particles can (and likely will) be placed more than once
part_radii = np.zeros(
)  # part_area and part_radii are arrays to contain the area and radii of the 'library' particles

for i in range(n):
    eccen = np.sqrt(8. / 9.)
    theta = random.random() * np.pi
    Rad = cppr
    pss.mesh_Shps[i, :, :] = pss.gen_ellipse(
        Rad, theta, eccen
    )  # Generate an ellipse of radius: Rad, angled at theta, and with eccentricity: eccen.
    part_area[i] = np.sum(pss.mesh_Shps[i, :, :])  # Record the shape's area
        i] = cppr  # Record the shape's radius (semi-major radius in this case)

vol_placed_frac = 0.
placed_part_area = []

nmin = 0  # Max and min elements of the shape 'library'
nmax = n - 1

xcoords = [
]  # Lists to record the coords, radii, 'library' number and particle number of each particle
ycoords = [
]  # Start empty and append to them as we do not know how many particles will be generated
y_length   = 1.e-3
GRIDSPC    = x_length/X_cells                                       # Physical distance/cell
mat_no     = 5

pss.generate_mesh(X_cells,Y_cells,mat_no,cppr,PR,vol_frac)          # Generate & set up the mesh

n = pss.N                                                           # n is the number of particles to generated as a 'library' to be placed into the mesh
part_area  = np.zeros((n))                                          # N.B. particles can (and likely will) be placed more than once
part_radii = np.zeros((n))                                          # part_area and part_radii are arrays to contain the area and radii of the 'library' particles

for i in range(n):                                                  
    eccen = np.sqrt(8./9.)
    theta = random.random()*np.pi
    Rad   = cppr
    pss.mesh_Shps[i,:,:] = pss.gen_ellipse(Rad,theta,eccen)         # Generate an ellipse of radius: Rad, angled at theta, and with eccentricity: eccen.
    part_area[i]         = np.sum(pss.mesh_Shps[i,:,:])             # Record the shape's area
    part_radii[i]        = cppr                                     # Record the shape's radius (semi-major radius in this case)

vol_placed_frac = 0.
placed_part_area = []

nmin = 0                                                            # Max and min elements of the shape 'library'
nmax = n-1                                                          

xcoords   = []                                                      # Lists to record the coords, radii, 'library' number and particle number of each particle
ycoords   = []                                                      # Start empty and append to them as we do not know how many particles will be generated
radii     = []                                                        
I_shape   = []
J_shape   = []
part_radii = []
part_angle = []
part_eccen = []
cppr_range = pss.cppr_max - pss.cppr_min
#r = cppr
#r = np.zeros((n,6))+cppr #+ cppr*np.random.randn(6)/4.
#r = np.random.randn(n)*np.sqrt(cppr_range) + cppr
#print r
for i in range(n):                            # n+1 as range starts at 0; i.e. you'll never get to i = n unless range goes to n+1!
    r = pss.cppr_min + (i**SFDslope)*cppr_range/((n-1)**SFDslope) # generate radii that are incrementally greater for each circle produced

    angle = np.random.random() * np.pi * 2.
    this_eccen = eccen + ER * (np.random.random() * 2. - 1.)
    #pss.mesh_Shps[i,:,:] = pss.gen_polygon(6,r)
    pss.mesh_Shps[i,:,:] = pss.gen_ellipse(r,angle,this_eccen)
    #pss.mesh_Shps[i,:,:] = pss.gen_circle(r)
    part_area[i] = np.sum(pss.mesh_Shps[i,:,:])

part_angle = np.array(part_angle)
part_eccen = np.array(part_eccen)

""" #################################################################################### """
""" #######              sort particles into order of Large -> Small             ####### """
""" #################################################################################### """

sort_indices  = np.argsort(part_area)                    # Sort areas into smallest to largest
part_area     = part_area[sort_indices]                    # Arrange as appropriate