class TestRunner(object):
    """Testrunner. Reads a testbench file and executes the testrun"""

    def __init__(self, flush=False):
        """Initialises the test runner"""
        # Thread.__init__(self)
            TermColor.colorText("NIGHTMARE I", TermColor.Red, style=TermColor.Bold) +
            TermColor.colorText("s of ", TermColor.White) +
            TermColor.colorText("G", TermColor.Red, style=TermColor.Bold) +
            TermColor.colorText("enerous ", TermColor.White) +
            TermColor.colorText("H", TermColor.Red, style=TermColor.Bold) +
            TermColor.colorText("elp when ", TermColor.White) +
            TermColor.colorText("T", TermColor.Red, style=TermColor.Bold) +
            TermColor.colorText("esting; ", TermColor.White) +
            TermColor.colorText("M", TermColor.Red, style=TermColor.Bold) +
            TermColor.colorText("ay ", TermColor.White) +
            TermColor.colorText("A", TermColor.Red, style=TermColor.Bold) +
            TermColor.colorText("rnold be ", TermColor.White) +
            TermColor.colorText("R", TermColor.Red, style=TermColor.Bold) +
            TermColor.colorText("emembered ", TermColor.White) +
            TermColor.colorText("E", TermColor.Red, style=TermColor.Bold) +
            TermColor.colorText("ternally", TermColor.White)
        logger.log("Welcome to nightmare Version {}".format(version.Version))
        if flush:
        self.options = dict()
        self.testCount = 0
        self.runsuite = None
        self.finished = None

    def setDUT(self, DUT):
        set the Device under Test

        @type    DUT: String
        @param    DUT: Device Under Test
        self.options['dut'] = DUT
        if self.runsuite is not None:

    def getSuite(self):
        """Returns the suite. If none is loaded a new one will be created"""
        if self.runsuite is None:
            self.runsuite = TestSuite(DUT=self.options['dut'], mode=self.options['mode'])
        return self.runsuite

    def parseArgv(self):
        """Parses the argument vector"""
        args = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="A test tool for non-interactive commandline programms")
        group = args.add_argument_group("Test selection")
        group.add_argument("--bench",                  action="store", nargs=1, help="File which contains the testbench.")
        group.add_argument("--suite",                  action="store", nargs=1, help="Use testsuite SUITE from the testbench.", metavar="SUITE")
        group.add_argument("--dut", "--DUT",           action="store", nargs=1, help="Set the device under test.")
        group.add_argument("--test",                   action="store", nargs="+", type=int,   help="Run only the specified tests")
        group.add_argument("--timeout",                action="store", nargs=1,   type=float, help="Set a global timeout for all tests.")
        group.add_argument("--arnold", "-a",           action="store_true", default=False, dest="arnold", help="Use the arnold mode (requires pyparsing module)")
        group.add_argument("--save",                   action="store", nargs=1, help="Save the testsuite as FILE", metavar="FILE")
        group = args.add_argument_group("Output Control")
        group.add_argument("--limit",                  action="store", nargs=1,   type=int, default=2000, help="Set a (soft) limit for a number of Bytes, after which output piping will we stopped. Checks are made after each line.")
        group.add_argument("--quiet", "-q",            action="store_const", const=True, default=False, dest="quiet", help="Quiet mode. There will be no output except results.")
        group.add_argument("--verbose", "-v",          action="store_const", const=False, dest="quiet", help="Verbose mode. The program gets chatty (default).")
        group.add_argument("--commands", "-C",         action="store_true", default=False, dest="commands", help="Show the command executed for each test.")
        group.add_argument("--length", "-l",           action="store_true", default=False, dest="length", help="Print only the number of tests in the suite.")
        group.add_argument("--info-only", "-i",        action="store_true", default=False, dest="info", help="Display only test information, but don't run them.")
        group.add_argument("--pipe-streams", "-p",     action="store_true", default=None, dest="pipe", help="Redirect DUT output to their respective streams.")
        group.add_argument("--output-fails", "-o",     action="store_true", default=None, dest="output", help="Redirect DUT output from failed tests to their respective streams.")
        group.add_argument("--unify-fails", "-u",      action="store_true", default=None, dest="diff", help="Display the unified diff of output and expectation.")
        group.add_argument("--no-color",               action="store_false", default=True, dest="color", help="Don't use any colored output.")
        group = args.add_argument_group("Test Flow")
        group.add_argument("--continue", "-c",         action="store_const", const=TestSuiteMode.Continuous, dest="mode", help="Continuous mode (Don't halt on failed tests).")
        group.add_argument("--error", "-e",            action="store_const", const=TestSuiteMode.BreakOnError, dest="mode", help="Same as '-c', but will halt if an error occurs.")
        group.add_argument("--ignoreEmptyLines", "-L", action="store_true", default=None, dest="ignoreEmptyLines", help="Ignore empty lines")
        group.add_argument("--relative", "-r",         action="store_true", default=False, dest="relative", help="Use a path relative to the testbench path.")
        group.add_argument("--cr",                     action="store_const", const="\r", dest="linesep", help="Force the line separation character (Mac OS).")
        group.add_argument("--ln",                     action="store_const", const="\n", dest="linesep", help="Force the line separation character (Unix / Mac OS-X).")
        group.add_argument("--crln",                   action="store_const", const="\r\n", dest="linesep", help="Force the line separation character (Windows).")
        args.add_argument("--gui",                     action="store_true", default=False, dest="gui", help="Use the GUI (experimental and unstable).")
        args.add_argument("--no-gui",                  action="store_true", default=False, dest="gui", help="Don't use the GUI.")
        args.add_argument("--version",                 action="store_const", const=True, default=False, help="Display version information")
        args.set_defaults(linesep=os.linesep, bench=[""], save=[], suite=["suite"], dut=[None], timeout=[None], test=[])

        self.options['bench'] = self.options['bench'][0]
        self.options['suite'] = self.options['suite'][0]
        self.options['dut'] = self.options['dut'][0]
        self.options['timeout'] = self.options['timeout'][0]

        logMessages = [
            ('mode', lambda v: "I'm running in continuous mode now"
                if v == TestSuiteMode.Continuous
                else "I'm running in continuous mode now, but will halt if an error occurs"
                if v == TestSuiteMode.BreakOnError
                else "I will halt on first fail."),
            ('suite', lambda v: "I'm using the testsuite '{}'".format(v)),
            ('test', lambda v: "I'm only running test {}".format(v) if len(v) > 0 else ""),
            ('bench', lambda v: "I'm using testbench '{}'".format(v)),
            ('timeout', lambda v: "Setting global timeout to {}".format(v)),
            ('dut', lambda v: "Device under Test is: {}".format(v)),
            ('commands', lambda v: "I will print every command I'll exceute." if v else ""),
            ('length', lambda v: "I will only print the number of tests" if v else ""),
            ('info', lambda v: "I will only print the test information." if v else ""),
            ('pipe', lambda v: "I will pipe all tests outputs to their respective streams" if v else ""),
            ('output', lambda v: "I will pipe failed tests outputs to their respective streams" if v else ""),
            ('diff', lambda v: "I will show the differences in output and expectations" if v else ""),
        for option, msgFunc in logMessages:
            if self.options[option] is not None:
                msg = msgFunc(self.options[option])
                if len(msg) > 0:

    def addTest(self):
        test = Test(name="New Test", description="Add a description", DUT=self.options['dut'])
        test.pipe = self.options['pipe']
        test.outputOnFail = self.options['output']
        test.linesep = self.options['linesep']
        return test

    def loadArnold(self):
        if syntax is not None:
            logger.log("\t...using Arnold-Mode")
            syn = syntax()
            fileHnd = open(self.options['bench'])
            content = []
            for line in fileHnd:
                if not line.startswith("#") and not line.strip() == "":
                    content.append(line.replace("ä", "ae").replace("Ä", "Ae").replace("ö", "oe").replace("Ö", "Oe").replace("ü", "ue").replace("Ü", "Ue").replace("ß", "ss"))
            s = "".join(content)
            ast = syn.parseString(s)
            testList = buildTestList(ast)
            suite = TestSuite(*testList)
            logger.log("\t ... could not init arnold mode due to missing pyparsing package")
            suite = None
        return suite

    def loadPython(self):
        glb = {"__builtins__": __builtins__,
               # External / Standard libraries
               "parser": pyparsing,
               "os": os,
               "regex": re,
               "math": math,
               "itertools": itertools,
               "struct": struct,
               "collections": collections,
               "fractions": fractions,
               # nightmare specific things
               "Test": Test,
               "Suite": TestSuite,
               "Mode": TestSuiteMode,
               "State": TestState,
               "Expectation": Expectation,
               "ExpectFile": ExpectFile,
               "Stringifier": Stringifier,
               "StringifiedFile": StringifiedFile,
               "CompareFiles": CompareFiles,
               # Helping functions
               "readFile": lambda fname: open(fname).read().rstrip() if os.path.exists(fname) else "File not found",
        ctx = {self.options['suite']: None, "DUT": None}
        execfile(self.options['bench'], glb, ctx)
        if (self.options['suite'] in ctx):
            suite = None
            if 'DUT' in ctx and ctx['DUT'] is not None and self.options['dut'] is None:
            if (ctx[self.options['suite']] != None):
                if ctx[self.options['suite']].__class__ == TestSuite:
                    suite = ctx[self.options['suite']]
                    if suite.DUT is None:
                    if self.options['mode'] is None:
                        self.options['mode'] = suite.mode
                    elif suite.mode is None:
                        suite.mode = self.options['mode']
                    suite = TestSuite(*ctx[self.options['suite']], **{'DUT': self.options['dut'], 'mode': self.options['mode']})
                logger.log("Sorry, but I can't find any tests inside the suite '{}'".format(self.options['suite']))
            logger.log("Sorry, but there was no test-suite in the file")
        return suite

    def loadSuite(self, fname=None):
        """Loads a python based suite from a file"""
        if fname is not None:
            self.options['bench'] = fname
        if self.options['bench'] is not None and self.options['bench'] != "" and os.path.exists(self.options['bench']):
            logger.log("\nReading testfile ...")
            if self.options['relative']:
                logger.log("Current Working Dir is: {}".format(os.getcwd()))
                self.options['bench'] = os.path.basename(self.options['bench'])
            if self.options['arnold']:
                self.runsuite = self.loadArnold()
                self.runsuite = self.loadPython()
            if self.runsuite is not None:
                self.runsuite.options['commands'] = self.options['commands']
                    state=TestState.InfoOnly if self.options['info'] else TestState.Waiting,
                self.testCount = len(self.runsuite.testList)
                logger.log("I have loaded {} Testcase{}".format(self.testCount, "s" if self.testCount > 0 else ""))

                logger.log("Sorry, but I failed to load the requested suite")
            logger.log("Sorry, but I couldn't find the file '{}'".format(self.options['bench']))
        return self.runsuite

    # def start(self, finished=None, test=-1):
    #     """start the runner-thread"""
    #     self.finished = finished
    #     self.options['test'] = test
    #     Thread.start(self)

    def run(self):
        """Thread run function"""
        if self.options['length']:
            print len(self.runsuite.getTests())
        elif len(self.options['save']) == 1:
            logger.log("Saving Suite to {}".format(self.options['save'][0]))
            for test in self.runsuite.run(self.options['quiet'], tests=self.options['test']):
                yield test
        if self.finished is not None:
        raise StopIteration()

    def countTests(self):
        return len(self.runsuite.testList)

    def __str__(self):

    def toString(self):
        s = self.options['suite'] + ' = ' + self.runsuite.toString()

    def saveToFile(self, fn):
        Save the testsuite into a file

        @type    fn: String
        @param     fn: The filename
        fHnd = open(fn, "w")
        fHnd.write("#!/usr/bin/env python\n\n")
        fHnd.write("# nightmare - Testbench\n")
        fHnd.write("# Saved at {}\n".format(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")))
        fHnd.write("# \n\n")
        # fHnd.write("# Author: {}\n".format())
        if self.options['dut'] is not None:
            fHnd.write("# Device Under Test\n")
            fHnd.write("DUT = \"{}\"\n\n".format(os.path.relpath(self.options['dut'])))
        fHnd.write("# Test definitions\n")
        fHnd.write("{} = [\n".format(self.options['suite']))
        tests = []
        for test in self.getSuite().getTests():