try: hkls.append(tuple([int(c) for c in pfName])) files.append(os.path.join(datadir, file)) except: #not hkls continue sortby = [sum([c**2 for c in h]) for h in hkls] hkls = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(sortby, hkls), key=lambda pair: pair[0])] files = [ x for _, x in sorted(zip(sortby, files), key=lambda pair: pair[0]) ] crystalSym = 'm-3m' symHKL = symmetrise(crystalSym, hkls) symHKL = normalize(symHKL) def_al = { 'name': 'Al', 'composition': [ dict(ion='Al', pos=[0, 0, 0]), dict(ion='Al', pos=[0.5, 0, 0.5]), dict(ion='Al', pos=[0.5, 0.5, 0]), dict(ion='Al', pos=[0, 0.5, 0.5]) ], 'lattice': dict(abc=[4.0495, 4.0495, 4.0495], abg=[90, 90, 90]), 'debye-waller': False,
hkls = np.array(hkls) omega = np.radians(np.arange(0, 360 + 5, 5)) """ symmetry after """ fibre_e = {} fibre_q = {} weights = {} hkls = normalize(hkls) """ search for unique hkls to save time """ hkls_loop, uni_hkls_idx, hkls_loop_idx = np.unique(hkls, axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) symHKL_loop = symmetrise(crystalSym, hkls_loop) symHKL_loop = normalize(symHKL_loop) symOps = genSymOps(crystalSym) symOps = np.unique(np.swapaxes(symOps, 2, 0), axis=0) """ only use proper rotations """ """ complicated, simplify? """ proper = np.where(np.linalg.det(symOps) == 1) #proper orthogonal quatSymOps = quat.from_matrix(symOps[proper]) quatSymOps = np.tile(quatSymOps[:, :, np.newaxis], (1, 1, len(omega))) quatSymOps = quatSymOps.transpose((2, 0, 1)) """ gen quats from bunge grid """ bungeAngs = np.zeros((np.product(od.phi1cen.shape), 3))
dist = 1 - np.abs(, b)) return dist def quatMetric_tensorDot(a, b): dist = 1 - np.abs(np.tensordot(a,b,axes=([-1],[1]))) return dist # %% MAIN #reflections hkls = np.array([(2,2,2), (3,1,1), (4,0,0)]) hkls = normalize(hkls) symHKL = symmetrise('m-3m', hkls) #od od = bunge(np.deg2rad(5), 'm-3m', '1') #rotation around path in space phi = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,73) #y pf_grid, alp, bet = poleFigure.genGrid(res=np.deg2rad(5), radians=True, centered=True, ret_ab=True) #calculate pole figure y's sph = np.array((np.ravel(alp),np.ravel(bet))).T
""" only use proper rotations """ """ complicated, simplify? """ symOps = genSym(crystalSym) symOps = np.unique(np.swapaxes(symOps,2,0),axis=0) proper = np.where( np.linalg.det(symOps) == 1 ) #proper orthogonal quatSymOps = quat.from_matrix(symOps[proper]) quatSymOps = np.tile(quatSymOps[:,:,np.newaxis],(1,1,len(omega))) quatSymOps = quatSymOps.transpose((2,0,1)) """ search for unique hkls to save time """ re_hkls_loop, uni_re_hkls_idx, re_hkls_loop_idx = np.unique(re_hkls,axis=0,return_inverse=True,return_index=True) sym_reHKL_loop = symmetrise(crystalSym, re_hkls_loop) sym_reHKL_loop = normalize(sym_reHKL_loop) """ gen quats from bunge grid """ bungeAngs = np.zeros(( np.product(od.phi1cen.shape), 3 )) for ii,i in enumerate(np.ndindex(od.phi1cen.shape)): bungeAngs[ii,:] = np.array((od.phi1cen[i],od.Phicen[i],od.phi2cen[i])) qgrid = eu2quat(bungeAngs).T """ calculate pf grid XYZ for fibre """ pf_grid, alp, bet = pf.grid(full=True, ret_ab=True)
rot = R.from_euler('XZY', (13, -88, 90), degrees=True).as_dcm() pf = poleFigure(files, hkls, crystalSym, 'nd') """ rotate """ pf.rotate(rot) od = bunge(cellSize, crystalSym, sampleSym) hkls = np.array(hkls) phi = np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, 73) """ symmetry after """ fibre_e = {} fibre_q = {} weights = {} refls = symmetrise(crystalSym, hkls) hkls = normalize(hkls) symHKL = symmetrise(crystalSym, hkls) """ search for unique hkls to save time """ hkls_loop, uni_hkls_idx, hkls_loop_idx = np.unique(hkls, axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) symHKL_loop = symmetrise(crystalSym, hkls_loop) symHKL_loop = normalize(symHKL_loop) symOps = genSymOps(crystalSym) symOps = np.unique(np.swapaxes(symOps, 2, 0), axis=0) """ only use proper rotations """ """ complicated, simplify? """