def translate(self, h5_path, force_patch=False, **kwargs): """ Add the needed references and attributes to the h5 file that are not created by the LabView data aquisition program. Parameters ---------- h5_path : str path to the h5 file force_patch : bool, optional Should the check to see if the file has already been patched be ignored. Default False. Returns ------- h5_file : h5py.File patched hdf5 file """ # Open the file and check if a patch is needed h5_file = h5py.File(os.path.abspath(h5_path), 'r+') if h5_file.attrs.get('translator') is not None and not force_patch: print('File is already Pycroscopy ready.') return h5_file ''' Get the list of all Raw_Data Datasets Loop over the list and update the needed attributes ''' raw_list = find_dataset(h5_file, 'Raw_Data') for h5_raw in raw_list: if 'quantity' not in h5_raw.attrs: h5_raw.attrs['quantity'] = 'quantity' if 'units' not in h5_raw.attrs: h5_raw.attrs['units'] = 'a.u.' # Grab the channel and measurement group of the data to check some needed attributes h5_chan = h5_raw.parent try: c_type = get_attr(h5_chan, 'channel_type') except KeyError: warn_str = "'channel_type' was not found as an attribute of {}.\n".format( warn_str += "If this is BEPS or BELine data from the LabView aquisition software, " + \ "please run the following piece of code. Afterwards, run this function again.\n" + \ "CODE: " \ "hdf.file['{}'].attrs['channel_type'] = 'BE'".format( warn(warn_str) return h5_file except: raise if c_type != 'BE': continue h5_meas = h5_chan.parent h5_meas.attrs['num_UDVS_steps'] = h5_meas.attrs['num_steps'] # Get the object handles for the Indices and Values datasets h5_pos_inds = h5_chan['Position_Indices'] h5_pos_vals = h5_chan['Position_Values'] h5_spec_inds = h5_chan['Spectroscopic_Indices'] h5_spec_vals = h5_chan['Spectroscopic_Values'] # Make sure we have correct spectroscopic indices for the given values ds_spec_inds = create_spec_inds_from_vals(h5_spec_vals[()]) if not np.allclose(ds_spec_inds, h5_spec_inds[()]): h5_spec_inds[:, :] = ds_spec_inds[:, :] h5_file.flush() # Get the labels and units for the Spectroscopic datasets h5_spec_labels = h5_spec_inds.attrs['labels'] inds_and_vals = [ h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals, h5_spec_inds, h5_spec_vals ] for dset in inds_and_vals: spec_labels = dset.attrs['labels'] try: spec_units = dset.attrs['units'] if len(spec_units) != len(spec_labels): raise KeyError except KeyError: dset['units'] = ['' for _ in spec_labels] except: raise for ilabel, label in enumerate(h5_spec_labels): label_slice = (slice(ilabel, ilabel + 1), slice(None)) if label == '': label = 'Step' h5_spec_inds.attrs[label] = h5_spec_inds.regionref[label_slice] h5_spec_vals.attrs[label] = h5_spec_vals.regionref[label_slice] # Link the references to the Indices and Values datasets to the Raw_Data link_as_main(h5_raw, h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals, h5_spec_inds, h5_spec_vals) # Also link the Bin_Frequencies and Bin_Wfm_Type datasets h5_freqs = h5_chan['Bin_Frequencies'] aux_dset_names = ['Bin_Frequencies'] aux_dset_refs = [h5_freqs.ref] check_and_link_ancillary(h5_raw, aux_dset_names, anc_refs=aux_dset_refs) ''' Get all SHO_Fit groups for the Raw_Data and loop over them Get the Guess and Spectroscopic Datasets for each SHO_Fit group ''' sho_list = find_results_groups(h5_raw, 'SHO_Fit') for h5_sho in sho_list: h5_sho_guess = h5_sho['Guess'] h5_sho_spec_inds = h5_sho['Spectroscopic_Indices'] h5_sho_spec_vals = h5_sho['Spectroscopic_Values'] # Make sure we have correct spectroscopic indices for the given values ds_sho_spec_inds = create_spec_inds_from_vals( h5_sho_spec_inds[()]) if not np.allclose(ds_sho_spec_inds, h5_sho_spec_inds[()]): h5_sho_spec_inds[:, :] = ds_sho_spec_inds[:, :] # Get the labels and units for the Spectroscopic datasets h5_sho_spec_labels = get_attr(h5_sho_spec_inds, 'labels') link_as_main(h5_sho_guess, h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals, h5_sho_spec_inds, h5_sho_spec_vals) sho_inds_and_vals = [h5_sho_spec_inds, h5_sho_spec_vals] for dset in sho_inds_and_vals: spec_labels = get_attr(dset, 'labels') try: spec_units = get_attr(dset, 'units') if len(spec_units) != len(spec_labels): raise KeyError except KeyError: spec_units = [''.encode('utf-8') for _ in spec_labels] dset.attrs['units'] = spec_units except: raise # Make region references in the for ilabel, label in enumerate(h5_sho_spec_labels): label_slice = (slice(ilabel, ilabel + 1), slice(None)) if label == '': label = 'Step'.encode('utf-8') h5_sho_spec_inds.attrs[label] = h5_sho_spec_inds.regionref[ label_slice] h5_sho_spec_vals.attrs[label] = h5_sho_spec_vals.regionref[ label_slice] h5_file.flush() h5_file.attrs['translator'] = 'V3patcher'.encode('utf-8') return h5_file
def translate(self, h5_path, force_patch=False, **kwargs): """ Add the needed references and attributes to the h5 file that are not created by the LabView data aquisition program. Parameters ---------- h5_path : str path to the h5 file force_patch : bool, optional Should the check to see if the file has already been patched be ignored. Default False. Returns ------- h5_file : str path to the patched dataset """ # Open the file and check if a patch is needed h5_file = h5py.File(os.path.abspath(h5_path), 'r+') if h5_file.attrs.get('translator') is not None and not force_patch: print('File is already Pycroscopy ready.') h5_file.close() return h5_path ''' Get the list of all Raw_Data Datasets Loop over the list and update the needed attributes ''' raw_list = find_dataset(h5_file, 'Raw_Data') for h5_raw in raw_list: if 'quantity' not in h5_raw.attrs: h5_raw.attrs['quantity'] = 'quantity' if 'units' not in h5_raw.attrs: h5_raw.attrs['units'] = 'a.u.' # Grab the channel and measurement group of the data to check some needed attributes h5_chan = h5_raw.parent try: c_type = get_attr(h5_chan, 'channel_type') except KeyError: warn_str = "'channel_type' was not found as an attribute of {}.\n".format( warn_str += "If this is BEPS or BELine data from the LabView aquisition software, " + \ "please run the following piece of code. Afterwards, run this function again.\n" + \ "CODE: " \ "hdf.file['{}'].attrs['channel_type'] = 'BE'".format( warn(warn_str) h5_file.close() return h5_path except: raise if c_type != 'BE': continue h5_meas = h5_chan.parent h5_meas.attrs['num_UDVS_steps'] = h5_meas.attrs['num_steps'] # Get the object handles for the Indices and Values datasets h5_pos_inds = h5_chan['Position_Indices'] h5_pos_vals = h5_chan['Position_Values'] h5_spec_inds = h5_chan['Spectroscopic_Indices'] h5_spec_vals = h5_chan['Spectroscopic_Values'] # Make sure we have correct spectroscopic indices for the given values ds_spec_inds = create_spec_inds_from_vals(h5_spec_vals[()]) if not np.allclose(ds_spec_inds, h5_spec_inds[()]): h5_spec_inds[:, :] = ds_spec_inds[:, :] h5_file.flush() # Get the labels and units for the Spectroscopic datasets h5_spec_labels = h5_spec_inds.attrs['labels'] inds_and_vals = [ h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals, h5_spec_inds, h5_spec_vals ] for dset in inds_and_vals: spec_labels = dset.attrs['labels'] try: spec_units = dset.attrs['units'] if len(spec_units) != len(spec_labels): raise KeyError except KeyError: dset['units'] = ['' for _ in spec_labels] except: raise """" In early versions, too many spectroscopic dimension labels and units were listed compared to the number of rows. Remove here: """ remove_non_exist_spec_dim_labs(h5_spec_inds, h5_spec_vals, h5_meas, verbose=False) """ Add back some standard metadata to be consistent with older BE data """ missing_metadata = dict() if 'File_file_name' not in h5_meas.attrs.keys(): missing_metadata['File_file_name'] = os.path.split( h5_raw.file.filename)[-1].replace('.h5', '') if 'File_date_and_time' not in h5_meas.attrs.keys(): try: date_str = get_attr(h5_raw.file, 'date_string') time_str = get_attr(h5_raw.file, 'time_string') full_str = date_str.strip() + ' ' + time_str.strip() """ convert: date_string : 2018-12-05 time_string : 3:41:45 PM to: File_date_and_time: 19-Jun-2009 18:44:56 """ try: dt_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime( full_str, "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p") missing_metadata[ 'File_date_and_time'] = dt_obj.strftime( '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S') except ValueError: pass except KeyError: pass # Now write to measurement group: if len(missing_metadata) > 0: write_simple_attrs(h5_meas, missing_metadata) # Link the references to the Indices and Values datasets to the Raw_Data link_as_main(h5_raw, h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals, h5_spec_inds, h5_spec_vals) # Also link the Bin_Frequencies and Bin_Wfm_Type datasets h5_freqs = h5_chan['Bin_Frequencies'] aux_dset_names = ['Bin_Frequencies'] aux_dset_refs = [h5_freqs.ref] check_and_link_ancillary(h5_raw, aux_dset_names, anc_refs=aux_dset_refs) ''' Get all SHO_Fit groups for the Raw_Data and loop over them Get the Guess and Spectroscopic Datasets for each SHO_Fit group ''' sho_list = find_results_groups(h5_raw, 'SHO_Fit') for h5_sho in sho_list: h5_sho_guess = h5_sho['Guess'] h5_sho_spec_inds = h5_sho['Spectroscopic_Indices'] h5_sho_spec_vals = h5_sho['Spectroscopic_Values'] # Make sure we have correct spectroscopic indices for the given values ds_sho_spec_inds = create_spec_inds_from_vals( h5_sho_spec_inds[()]) if not np.allclose(ds_sho_spec_inds, h5_sho_spec_inds[()]): h5_sho_spec_inds[:, :] = ds_sho_spec_inds[:, :] # Get the labels and units for the Spectroscopic datasets h5_sho_spec_labels = get_attr(h5_sho_spec_inds, 'labels') link_as_main(h5_sho_guess, h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals, h5_sho_spec_inds, h5_sho_spec_vals) sho_inds_and_vals = [h5_sho_spec_inds, h5_sho_spec_vals] for dset in sho_inds_and_vals: spec_labels = get_attr(dset, 'labels') try: spec_units = get_attr(dset, 'units') if len(spec_units) != len(spec_labels): raise KeyError except KeyError: spec_units = [''.encode('utf-8') for _ in spec_labels] dset.attrs['units'] = spec_units except: raise h5_file.flush() h5_file.attrs['translator'] = 'V3patcher'.encode('utf-8') h5_file.close() return h5_path
def _setup_h5(self, data_gen_parms): """ Setups up the hdf5 file structure before doing the actual generation Parameters ---------- data_gen_parms : dict Dictionary containing the parameters to write to the Measurement Group as attributes Returns ------- """ ''' Build the group structure down to the channel group ''' # Set up the basic group structure root_grp = VirtualGroup('') root_parms = generate_dummy_main_parms() root_parms['translator'] = 'FAKEBEPS' root_parms['data_type'] = data_gen_parms['data_type'] root_grp.attrs = root_parms meas_grp = VirtualGroup('Measurement_') chan_grp = VirtualGroup('Channel_') meas_grp.attrs.update(data_gen_parms) # Create the Position and Spectroscopic datasets for the Raw Data ds_pos_inds, ds_pos_vals, ds_spec_inds, ds_spec_vals = self._build_ancillary_datasets( ) raw_chunking = calc_chunks([self.n_pixels, self.n_spec_bins], np.complex64(0).itemsize, unit_chunks=[1, self.n_bins]) ds_raw_data = VirtualDataset( 'Raw_Data', data=None, maxshape=[self.n_pixels, self.n_spec_bins], dtype=np.complex64, compression='gzip', chunking=raw_chunking, parent=meas_grp) chan_grp.add_children([ ds_pos_inds, ds_pos_vals, ds_spec_inds, ds_spec_vals, ds_raw_data ]) meas_grp.add_children([chan_grp]) root_grp.add_children([meas_grp]) hdf = HDFwriter(self.h5_path) hdf.delete() h5_refs = hdf.write(root_grp) # Delete the MicroDatasets to save memory del ds_raw_data, ds_spec_inds, ds_spec_vals, ds_pos_inds, ds_pos_vals # Get the file and Raw_Data objects h5_raw = get_h5_obj_refs(['Raw_Data'], h5_refs)[0] h5_chan_grp = h5_raw.parent # Get the Position and Spectroscopic dataset objects h5_pos_inds = get_h5_obj_refs(['Position_Indices'], h5_refs)[0] h5_pos_vals = get_h5_obj_refs(['Position_Values'], h5_refs)[0] h5_spec_inds = get_h5_obj_refs(['Spectroscopic_Indices'], h5_refs)[0] h5_spec_vals = get_h5_obj_refs(['Spectroscopic_Values'], h5_refs)[0] # Link the Position and Spectroscopic datasets as attributes of Raw_Data link_as_main(h5_raw, h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals, h5_spec_inds, h5_spec_vals) ''' Build the SHO Group ''' sho_grp = VirtualGroup('Raw_Data-SHO_Fit_', # Build the Spectroscopic datasets for the SHO Guess and Fit sho_spec_starts = np.where( h5_spec_inds[h5_spec_inds.attrs['Frequency']].squeeze() == 0)[0] sho_spec_labs = get_attr(h5_spec_inds, 'labels') ds_sho_spec_inds, ds_sho_spec_vals = build_reduced_spec_dsets( h5_spec_inds, h5_spec_vals, keep_dim=sho_spec_labs != 'Frequency', step_starts=sho_spec_starts) sho_chunking = calc_chunks([self.n_pixels, self.n_sho_bins], sho32.itemsize, unit_chunks=[1, 1]) ds_sho_fit = VirtualDataset('Fit', data=None, maxshape=[self.n_pixels, self.n_sho_bins], dtype=sho32, compression='gzip', chunking=sho_chunking, parent=sho_grp) ds_sho_guess = VirtualDataset( 'Guess', data=None, maxshape=[self.n_pixels, self.n_sho_bins], dtype=sho32, compression='gzip', chunking=sho_chunking, parent=sho_grp) sho_grp.add_children( [ds_sho_fit, ds_sho_guess, ds_sho_spec_inds, ds_sho_spec_vals]) # Write the SHO group and datasets to the file and delete the MicroDataset objects h5_sho_refs = hdf.write(sho_grp) del ds_sho_fit, ds_sho_guess, ds_sho_spec_inds, ds_sho_spec_vals # Get the dataset handles for the fit and guess h5_sho_fit = get_h5_obj_refs(['Fit'], h5_sho_refs)[0] h5_sho_guess = get_h5_obj_refs(['Guess'], h5_sho_refs)[0] # Get the dataset handles for the SHO Spectroscopic datasets h5_sho_spec_inds = get_h5_obj_refs(['Spectroscopic_Indices'], h5_sho_refs)[0] h5_sho_spec_vals = get_h5_obj_refs(['Spectroscopic_Values'], h5_sho_refs)[0] # Link the Position and Spectroscopic datasets as attributes of the SHO Fit and Guess link_as_main(h5_sho_fit, h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals, h5_sho_spec_inds, h5_sho_spec_vals) link_as_main(h5_sho_guess, h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals, h5_sho_spec_inds, h5_sho_spec_vals) ''' Build the loop group ''' loop_grp = VirtualGroup('Fit-Loop_Fit_', # Build the Spectroscopic datasets for the loops loop_spec_starts = np.where(h5_sho_spec_inds[ h5_sho_spec_inds.attrs['DC_Offset']].squeeze() == 0)[0] loop_spec_labs = get_attr(h5_sho_spec_inds, 'labels') ds_loop_spec_inds, ds_loop_spec_vals = build_reduced_spec_dsets( h5_sho_spec_inds, h5_sho_spec_vals, keep_dim=loop_spec_labs != 'DC_Offset', step_starts=loop_spec_starts) # Create the loop fit and guess MicroDatasets loop_chunking = calc_chunks([self.n_pixels, self.n_loops], loop_fit32.itemsize, unit_chunks=[1, 1]) ds_loop_fit = VirtualDataset('Fit', data=None, maxshape=[self.n_pixels, self.n_loops], dtype=loop_fit32, compression='gzip', chunking=loop_chunking, parent=loop_grp) ds_loop_guess = VirtualDataset('Guess', data=None, maxshape=[self.n_pixels, self.n_loops], dtype=loop_fit32, compression='gzip', chunking=loop_chunking, parent=loop_grp) # Add the datasets to the loop group then write it to the file loop_grp.add_children( [ds_loop_fit, ds_loop_guess, ds_loop_spec_inds, ds_loop_spec_vals]) h5_loop_refs = hdf.write(loop_grp) # Delete the MicroDatasets del ds_loop_spec_vals, ds_loop_spec_inds, ds_loop_guess, ds_loop_fit # Get the handles to the datasets h5_loop_fit = get_h5_obj_refs(['Fit'], h5_loop_refs)[0] h5_loop_guess = get_h5_obj_refs(['Guess'], h5_loop_refs)[0] h5_loop_spec_inds = get_h5_obj_refs(['Spectroscopic_Indices'], h5_loop_refs)[0] h5_loop_spec_vals = get_h5_obj_refs(['Spectroscopic_Values'], h5_loop_refs)[0] # Link the Position and Spectroscopic datasets to the Loop Guess and Fit link_as_main(h5_loop_fit, h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals, h5_loop_spec_inds, h5_loop_spec_vals) link_as_main(h5_loop_guess, h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals, h5_loop_spec_inds, h5_loop_spec_vals) self.h5_raw = USIDataset(h5_raw) self.h5_sho_guess = USIDataset(h5_sho_guess) self.h5_sho_fit = USIDataset(h5_sho_fit) self.h5_loop_guess = USIDataset(h5_loop_guess) self.h5_loop_fit = USIDataset(h5_loop_fit) self.h5_spec_vals = h5_spec_vals self.h5_spec_inds = h5_spec_inds self.h5_sho_spec_inds = h5_sho_spec_inds self.h5_sho_spec_vals = h5_sho_spec_vals self.h5_loop_spec_inds = h5_loop_spec_inds self.h5_loop_spec_vals = h5_loop_spec_vals self.h5_file = h5_raw.file return
def translate(self, h5_path, force_patch=False, **kwargs): """ Add the needed references and attributes to the h5 file that are not created by the LabView data aquisition program. Parameters ---------- h5_path : str path to the h5 file force_patch : bool, optional Should the check to see if the file has already been patched be ignored. Default False. Returns ------- h5_file : h5py.File patched hdf5 file """ # Open the file and check if a patch is needed h5_file = h5py.File(os.path.abspath(h5_path), 'r+') if h5_file.attrs.get('translator') is not None and not force_patch: print('File is already Pycroscopy ready.') return h5_file ''' Get the list of all Raw_Data Datasets Loop over the list and update the needed attributes ''' raw_list = find_dataset(h5_file, 'Raw_Data') for h5_raw in raw_list: if 'quantity' not in h5_raw.attrs: h5_raw.attrs['quantity'] = 'quantity' if 'units' not in h5_raw.attrs: h5_raw.attrs['units'] = 'a.u.' # Grab the channel and measurement group of the data to check some needed attributes h5_chan = h5_raw.parent try: c_type = get_attr(h5_chan, 'channel_type') except KeyError: warn_str = "'channel_type' was not found as an attribute of {}.\n".format( warn_str += "If this is BEPS or BELine data from the LabView aquisition software, " + \ "please run the following piece of code. Afterwards, run this function again.\n" + \ "CODE: " \ "hdf.file['{}'].attrs['channel_type'] = 'BE'".format( warn(warn_str) return h5_file except: raise if c_type != 'BE': continue h5_meas = h5_chan.parent h5_meas.attrs['num_UDVS_steps'] = h5_meas.attrs['num_steps'] # Get the object handles for the Indices and Values datasets h5_pos_inds = h5_chan['Position_Indices'] h5_pos_vals = h5_chan['Position_Values'] h5_spec_inds = h5_chan['Spectroscopic_Indices'] h5_spec_vals = h5_chan['Spectroscopic_Values'] # Make sure we have correct spectroscopic indices for the given values ds_spec_inds = create_spec_inds_from_vals(h5_spec_vals[()]) if not np.allclose(ds_spec_inds, h5_spec_inds[()]): h5_spec_inds[:, :] = ds_spec_inds[:, :] h5_file.flush() # Get the labels and units for the Spectroscopic datasets h5_spec_labels = h5_spec_inds.attrs['labels'] inds_and_vals = [h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals, h5_spec_inds, h5_spec_vals] for dset in inds_and_vals: spec_labels = dset.attrs['labels'] try: spec_units = dset.attrs['units'] if len(spec_units) != len(spec_labels): raise KeyError except KeyError: dset['units'] = ['' for _ in spec_labels] except: raise for ilabel, label in enumerate(h5_spec_labels): label_slice = (slice(ilabel, ilabel + 1), slice(None)) if label == '': label = 'Step' h5_spec_inds.attrs[label] = h5_spec_inds.regionref[label_slice] h5_spec_vals.attrs[label] = h5_spec_vals.regionref[label_slice] # Link the references to the Indices and Values datasets to the Raw_Data link_as_main(h5_raw, h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals, h5_spec_inds, h5_spec_vals) # Also link the Bin_Frequencies and Bin_Wfm_Type datasets h5_freqs = h5_chan['Bin_Frequencies'] aux_dset_names = ['Bin_Frequencies'] aux_dset_refs = [h5_freqs.ref] check_and_link_ancillary(h5_raw, aux_dset_names, anc_refs=aux_dset_refs) ''' Get all SHO_Fit groups for the Raw_Data and loop over them Get the Guess and Spectroscopic Datasets for each SHO_Fit group ''' sho_list = find_results_groups(h5_raw, 'SHO_Fit') for h5_sho in sho_list: h5_sho_guess = h5_sho['Guess'] h5_sho_spec_inds = h5_sho['Spectroscopic_Indices'] h5_sho_spec_vals = h5_sho['Spectroscopic_Values'] # Make sure we have correct spectroscopic indices for the given values ds_sho_spec_inds = create_spec_inds_from_vals(h5_sho_spec_inds[()]) if not np.allclose(ds_sho_spec_inds, h5_sho_spec_inds[()]): h5_sho_spec_inds[:, :] = ds_sho_spec_inds[:, :] # Get the labels and units for the Spectroscopic datasets h5_sho_spec_labels = get_attr(h5_sho_spec_inds, 'labels') link_as_main(h5_sho_guess, h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals, h5_sho_spec_inds, h5_sho_spec_vals) sho_inds_and_vals = [h5_sho_spec_inds, h5_sho_spec_vals] for dset in sho_inds_and_vals: spec_labels = get_attr(dset, 'labels') try: spec_units = get_attr(dset, 'units') if len(spec_units) != len(spec_labels): raise KeyError except KeyError: spec_units = [''.encode('utf-8') for _ in spec_labels] dset.attrs['units'] = spec_units except: raise # Make region references in the for ilabel, label in enumerate(h5_sho_spec_labels): label_slice = (slice(ilabel, ilabel + 1), slice(None)) if label == '': label = 'Step'.encode('utf-8') h5_sho_spec_inds.attrs[label] = h5_sho_spec_inds.regionref[label_slice] h5_sho_spec_vals.attrs[label] = h5_sho_spec_vals.regionref[label_slice] h5_file.flush() h5_file.attrs['translator'] = 'V3patcher'.encode('utf-8') return h5_file
def _setup_h5(self, data_gen_parms): """ Setups up the hdf5 file structure before doing the actual generation Parameters ---------- data_gen_parms : dict Dictionary containing the parameters to write to the Measurement Group as attributes Returns ------- """ ''' Build the group structure down to the channel group ''' # Set up the basic group structure root_grp = VirtualGroup('') root_parms = generate_dummy_main_parms() root_parms['translator'] = 'FAKEBEPS' root_parms['data_type'] = data_gen_parms['data_type'] root_grp.attrs = root_parms meas_grp = VirtualGroup('Measurement_') chan_grp = VirtualGroup('Channel_') meas_grp.attrs.update(data_gen_parms) # Create the Position and Spectroscopic datasets for the Raw Data ds_pos_inds, ds_pos_vals, ds_spec_inds, ds_spec_vals = self._build_ancillary_datasets() raw_chunking = calc_chunks([self.n_pixels, self.n_spec_bins], np.complex64(0).itemsize, unit_chunks=[1, self.n_bins]) ds_raw_data = VirtualDataset('Raw_Data', data=None, maxshape=[self.n_pixels, self.n_spec_bins], dtype=np.complex64, compression='gzip', chunking=raw_chunking, parent=meas_grp) chan_grp.add_children([ds_pos_inds, ds_pos_vals, ds_spec_inds, ds_spec_vals, ds_raw_data]) meas_grp.add_children([chan_grp]) root_grp.add_children([meas_grp]) hdf = HDFwriter(self.h5_path) hdf.delete() h5_refs = hdf.write(root_grp) # Delete the MicroDatasets to save memory del ds_raw_data, ds_spec_inds, ds_spec_vals, ds_pos_inds, ds_pos_vals # Get the file and Raw_Data objects h5_raw = get_h5_obj_refs(['Raw_Data'], h5_refs)[0] h5_chan_grp = h5_raw.parent # Get the Position and Spectroscopic dataset objects h5_pos_inds = get_h5_obj_refs(['Position_Indices'], h5_refs)[0] h5_pos_vals = get_h5_obj_refs(['Position_Values'], h5_refs)[0] h5_spec_inds = get_h5_obj_refs(['Spectroscopic_Indices'], h5_refs)[0] h5_spec_vals = get_h5_obj_refs(['Spectroscopic_Values'], h5_refs)[0] # Link the Position and Spectroscopic datasets as attributes of Raw_Data link_as_main(h5_raw, h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals, h5_spec_inds, h5_spec_vals) ''' Build the SHO Group ''' sho_grp = VirtualGroup('Raw_Data-SHO_Fit_', # Build the Spectroscopic datasets for the SHO Guess and Fit sho_spec_starts = np.where(h5_spec_inds[h5_spec_inds.attrs['Frequency']].squeeze() == 0)[0] sho_spec_labs = get_attr(h5_spec_inds, 'labels') ds_sho_spec_inds, ds_sho_spec_vals = build_reduced_spec_dsets(h5_spec_inds, h5_spec_vals, keep_dim=sho_spec_labs != 'Frequency', step_starts=sho_spec_starts) sho_chunking = calc_chunks([self.n_pixels, self.n_sho_bins], sho32.itemsize, unit_chunks=[1, 1]) ds_sho_fit = VirtualDataset('Fit', data=None, maxshape=[self.n_pixels, self.n_sho_bins], dtype=sho32, compression='gzip', chunking=sho_chunking, parent=sho_grp) ds_sho_guess = VirtualDataset('Guess', data=None, maxshape=[self.n_pixels, self.n_sho_bins], dtype=sho32, compression='gzip', chunking=sho_chunking, parent=sho_grp) sho_grp.add_children([ds_sho_fit, ds_sho_guess, ds_sho_spec_inds, ds_sho_spec_vals]) # Write the SHO group and datasets to the file and delete the MicroDataset objects h5_sho_refs = hdf.write(sho_grp) del ds_sho_fit, ds_sho_guess, ds_sho_spec_inds, ds_sho_spec_vals # Get the dataset handles for the fit and guess h5_sho_fit = get_h5_obj_refs(['Fit'], h5_sho_refs)[0] h5_sho_guess = get_h5_obj_refs(['Guess'], h5_sho_refs)[0] # Get the dataset handles for the SHO Spectroscopic datasets h5_sho_spec_inds = get_h5_obj_refs(['Spectroscopic_Indices'], h5_sho_refs)[0] h5_sho_spec_vals = get_h5_obj_refs(['Spectroscopic_Values'], h5_sho_refs)[0] # Link the Position and Spectroscopic datasets as attributes of the SHO Fit and Guess link_as_main(h5_sho_fit, h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals, h5_sho_spec_inds, h5_sho_spec_vals) link_as_main(h5_sho_guess, h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals, h5_sho_spec_inds, h5_sho_spec_vals) ''' Build the loop group ''' loop_grp = VirtualGroup('Fit-Loop_Fit_', # Build the Spectroscopic datasets for the loops loop_spec_starts = np.where(h5_sho_spec_inds[h5_sho_spec_inds.attrs['DC_Offset']].squeeze() == 0)[0] loop_spec_labs = get_attr(h5_sho_spec_inds, 'labels') ds_loop_spec_inds, ds_loop_spec_vals = build_reduced_spec_dsets(h5_sho_spec_inds, h5_sho_spec_vals, keep_dim=loop_spec_labs != 'DC_Offset', step_starts=loop_spec_starts) # Create the loop fit and guess MicroDatasets loop_chunking = calc_chunks([self.n_pixels, self.n_loops], loop_fit32.itemsize, unit_chunks=[1, 1]) ds_loop_fit = VirtualDataset('Fit', data=None, maxshape=[self.n_pixels, self.n_loops], dtype=loop_fit32, compression='gzip', chunking=loop_chunking, parent=loop_grp) ds_loop_guess = VirtualDataset('Guess', data=None, maxshape=[self.n_pixels, self.n_loops], dtype=loop_fit32, compression='gzip', chunking=loop_chunking, parent=loop_grp) # Add the datasets to the loop group then write it to the file loop_grp.add_children([ds_loop_fit, ds_loop_guess, ds_loop_spec_inds, ds_loop_spec_vals]) h5_loop_refs = hdf.write(loop_grp) # Delete the MicroDatasets del ds_loop_spec_vals, ds_loop_spec_inds, ds_loop_guess, ds_loop_fit # Get the handles to the datasets h5_loop_fit = get_h5_obj_refs(['Fit'], h5_loop_refs)[0] h5_loop_guess = get_h5_obj_refs(['Guess'], h5_loop_refs)[0] h5_loop_spec_inds = get_h5_obj_refs(['Spectroscopic_Indices'], h5_loop_refs)[0] h5_loop_spec_vals = get_h5_obj_refs(['Spectroscopic_Values'], h5_loop_refs)[0] # Link the Position and Spectroscopic datasets to the Loop Guess and Fit link_as_main(h5_loop_fit, h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals, h5_loop_spec_inds, h5_loop_spec_vals) link_as_main(h5_loop_guess, h5_pos_inds, h5_pos_vals, h5_loop_spec_inds, h5_loop_spec_vals) self.h5_raw = USIDataset(h5_raw) self.h5_sho_guess = USIDataset(h5_sho_guess) self.h5_sho_fit = USIDataset(h5_sho_fit) self.h5_loop_guess = USIDataset(h5_loop_guess) self.h5_loop_fit = USIDataset(h5_loop_fit) self.h5_spec_vals = h5_spec_vals self.h5_spec_inds = h5_spec_inds self.h5_sho_spec_inds = h5_sho_spec_inds self.h5_sho_spec_vals = h5_sho_spec_vals self.h5_loop_spec_inds = h5_loop_spec_inds self.h5_loop_spec_vals = h5_loop_spec_vals self.h5_file = h5_raw.file return