def RetrieveData(Date, args): """ This function retrieves MOD13 NDVI data for a given date from the server. Keyword arguments: Date -- 'yyyy-mm-dd' args -- A list of parameters defined in the DownloadData function. """ # WAPOR modules import pyWAPOR.Functions.Processing_Functions as PF # Argument [ output_folder, TilesVertical, TilesHorizontal, latlim, lonlim, username, password, hdf_library ] = args # Define output file NDVIfileName = os.path.join( output_folder, 'NDVI_MYD13Q1_-_16-daily_' + Date.strftime('%Y') + '.' + Date.strftime('%m') + '.' + Date.strftime('%d') + '.tif') if not os.path.exists(NDVIfileName): # Collect the data from the MODIS webpage and returns the data and lat and long in meters of those tiles try: Collect_data(TilesHorizontal, TilesVertical, Date, username, password, output_folder, hdf_library) # Define the output name of the collect data function name_collect = os.path.join(output_folder, 'Merged.tif') # Reproject the MODIS product to epsg_to epsg_to = '4326' name_reprojected = PF.reproject_MODIS(name_collect, epsg_to) # Clip the data to the users extend data, geo = PF.clip_data(name_reprojected, latlim, lonlim) # Save results as Gtiff PF.Save_as_tiff(name=NDVIfileName, data=data, geo=geo, projection='WGS84') # remove the side products os.remove(name_collect) os.remove(name_reprojected) except: print("Was not able to download the file") return True
def RetrieveData(Date, args): """ This function retrieves MYD11 LST data for a given date from the server. Keyword arguments: Date -- 'yyyy-mm-dd' args -- A list of parameters defined in the DownloadData function. """ # WAPOR modules import pyWAPOR.Functions.Processing_Functions as PF # Argument [output_folder, TilesVertical, TilesHorizontal,lonlim, latlim, username, password, hdf_library] = args # Define output names LSTfileName = os.path.join(output_folder, 'LST_MYD11A1_K_daily_' + Date.strftime('%Y') + '.' + Date.strftime('%m') + '.' + Date.strftime('%d') + '.tif') TimefileName = os.path.join(output_folder, 'Time_MYD11A1_hour_daily_' + Date.strftime('%Y') + '.' + Date.strftime('%m') + '.' + Date.strftime('%d') + '.tif') OnsangfileName = os.path.join(output_folder, 'Angle_MYD11A1_degrees_daily_' + Date.strftime('%Y') + '.' + Date.strftime('%m') + '.' + Date.strftime('%d') + '.tif') if not (os.path.exists(LSTfileName) and os.path.exists(TimefileName)): # Collect the data from the MODIS webpage and returns the data and lat and long in meters of those tiles try: Collect_data(TilesHorizontal, TilesVertical, Date, username, password, output_folder, hdf_library) # Define the output name of the collect data function name_collect = os.path.join(output_folder, 'Merged.tif') name_collect_time = os.path.join(output_folder, 'Merged_Time.tif') name_collect_obsang = os.path.join(output_folder, 'Merged_Obsang.tif') # Reproject the MODIS product to epsg_to epsg_to ='4326' name_reprojected = PF.reproject_MODIS(name_collect, epsg_to) name_reprojected_time = PF.reproject_MODIS(name_collect_time, epsg_to) name_reprojected_obsang = PF.reproject_MODIS(name_collect_obsang, epsg_to) # Clip the data to the users extend data, geo = PF.clip_data(name_reprojected, latlim, lonlim) data_time, geo = PF.clip_data(name_reprojected_time, latlim, lonlim) data_obsang, geo = PF.clip_data(name_reprojected_obsang, latlim, lonlim) # remove wrong values data[data==0.] = -9999 data_time[data_time==25.5] = -9999 # Save results as Gtiff PF.Save_as_tiff(name=LSTfileName, data=data, geo=geo, projection='WGS84') PF.Save_as_tiff(name=TimefileName, data=data_time, geo=geo, projection='WGS84') PF.Save_as_tiff(name=OnsangfileName, data=data_obsang, geo=geo, projection='WGS84') # remove the side products os.remove(name_collect) os.remove(name_reprojected) os.remove(name_collect_time) os.remove(name_reprojected_time) os.remove(name_collect_obsang) os.remove(name_reprojected_obsang) except: print("Was not able to download the file") return True