        def _handler2(match, block, block_ln, mergeList):
            largv = []
            if match != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(match[0])
                if len(largv) >= 7:
                    obj, nil, mfunc, delegate = largv[3:7]
                    mfunc = mfunc.replace('"', '')
                    delegate_l = delegate.split(";")
                    if len(delegate_l) > 1:
                        delegate = delegate_l[0].split("=")
                    if isinstance(delegate_l, list):
                        delegate = delegate_l[0]

            for item in block_ln:
                linenum, i, line = item[0:3]
                oldline = line
                if len(block) == 1:
                    line = "{0}.{1} = {2}\n".format(obj, mfunc, delegate)
                elif len(block) > 1:
                    if i == 0:
                        line = "{0}.{1} = {2}\n".format(obj, mfunc, delegate)
                        line = line.rstrip() + ")\n"
                    elif i == len(block) - 1:
                        if line.strip() == "end))":
                            line = "end)\n"

                line = utils.align(oldline, line)
                if oldline != line:
                    merge_out2.append([linenum, oldline, line])
 def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
     mixsub2 = subline
     lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "typeas({0})", ["\w*.*"])
     if lmatch != []:
         largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
         if len(largv) >= 2:
             oper = largv[0]
             mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(subline, ["{0}", oper])
     return mixsub2
 def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
     mixsub2 = subline
     lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "wrapchar({0})", ["\w*.*"])
     if lmatch != []:
         largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
         if len(largv) >= 2:
             _obj = largv[0]
             mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(subline, ["{0}", _obj])
     return mixsub2
 def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
     lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "wrapconst({0})",
     if lmatch != []:
         largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
         if len(largv) > 1:
             enum = "{0}.{1}".format(largv[0],
                                     largv[1].replace("\"", ""))
             mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(subline, ["{0}", enum])
     return mixsub2
 def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
     mixsub2 = subline
     lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "typecast({0})", ["\w*.*"])
     if lmatch != []:
         largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
         if len(largv) >= 2:
             _obj = largv[0]
             # _obj = _obj.lstrip("(").rstrip(")")
             mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(subline, ["{0}", _obj])
     return mixsub2
 def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
     mixsub2 = subline
     lmatch = match_utils.get_match(
         subline, "System.Text.Encoding.UTF8:GetString({0})", ["\w*.*"])
     if lmatch != []:
         largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
         if len(largv) > 0:
             _obj = largv[0]
             mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(subline, ["{0}", _obj])
     return mixsub2
 def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
     mixsub2 = subline
     lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "GetService({0})",
     if lmatch != []:
         largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
         if len(largv) >= 1:
             _obj = largv[0]
             mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                 subline, ["GetService(typeof({0}))", _obj])
     return mixsub2
 def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
     mixsub2 = subline
     lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "newexternobject({0})",
     if lmatch != []:
         largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
         if len(largv) >= 3:
             head, nil1, nil2, nil3 = largv[0:4]
             argv = ",".join(largv[4:])
             mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                 subline, ["{0}({1})", head, argv])
     return mixsub2
 def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
     mixsub2 = subline
     lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline,
     if lmatch != []:
         largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
         if len(largv) >= 1:
             a, b = largv[0:2]
             mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                 subline, ["c_randomRange({0}, {1})", a, b])
     return mixsub2
 def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
     mixsub2 = subline
     lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "newobject({0})",
     if lmatch != []:
         largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
         if len(largv) >= 3:
             obj = largv[0]
             llargv = largv[3:]
             mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                 subline, ["{0}({1}) ", obj, ",".join(llargv)])
     return mixsub2
        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            mixsub2 = subline
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "getforbasicvalue({0})",
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) >= 3:
                    _obj = largv[0]
                    _type = largv[-1].replace("\"", "")
                    mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                        subline, ["{0}.{1}", _obj, _type])

            return mixsub2
 def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
     mixsub2 = subline
     lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "newexterndictionary({0})",
     if lmatch != []:
         largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
         if len(largv) >= 2:
             sname = largv[0]
             slist = sname.split("_")
             key = slist[1]
             value = slist[2]
             mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                 subline, ["c_dictionary({0}, {1})", key, value])
     return mixsub2
 def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
     mixsub2 = subline
     lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "condexp({0})", ["\w*.*"])
     _origin = match_utils.origin()
     if lmatch != []:
         largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
         if len(largv) >= 5:
             head, _1, mid, _2 = largv[0:4]
             reat = " ".join(largv[4:])
             ok, reat = match_utils.play_match(
                 reat, "(function() return {0} end)", "{0}", ["\w*.*"])
             mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match_by_origin(
                 subline, _origin,
                 ["{0} and {1} or {2}", head, mid, reat])
     return mixsub2
 def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
     mixsub2 = subline
     lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline,
     if lmatch != []:
         largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
         if len(largv) >= 3:
             _obj, _nil, _type, _index = largv[0:4]
             _type = _type.replace("\"", "").strip()
             if _type == "get_Item" or _type == "get_Chars":
                 mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                     subline, ["c_get({0}, {1})", _obj, _index])
             elif _type == "set_Item" or _type == "set_Chars":
                 mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                     subline, ["c_set({0}, {1})", _obj, _index])
     return mixsub2
 def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
     mixsub2 = subline
     lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline,
     if lmatch != []:
         largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
         if len(largv) >= 5:
             oper, _left, _right, = largv[1:4]
             oper = oper.replace("\"", "")
             if oper == "/":
                 mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                     subline, ["c_div({0}, {1}) ", _left, _right])
                 mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                     subline, ["{0}{1}{2} ", _left, oper, _right])
     return mixsub2
 def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
     mixsub2 = subline
     lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "invokeforbasicvalue({0})",
     if lmatch != []:
         largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
         if len(largv) >= 3:
             _obj, _bool, _type, _f = largv[0:4]
             _argv = largv[4:]
             _f = _f.replace("\"", "")
             _argv = ",".join(_argv)
             if _argv == "":
                 mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                     subline, ["{0}({1})", _f, _obj])
                 mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                     subline, ["{0}.{1}({2})", _obj, _f, _argv])
     return mixsub2
 def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
     mixsub2 = subline
     lmatch = match_utils.get_match(
         subline, "externdelegationcomparewithnil({0})", ["\w*.*"])
     if lmatch != []:
         largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
         if len(largv) >= 6:
             isevent, isStatic, key, this, null, field, is_equal = largv[
             if field == "nil":
                 result = this
                 field = field.replace("\"", "")
                 result = this + "." + field
             if "true" in is_equal:
                 mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                     subline, ["c_isnil({0})", result])
                 mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                     subline, ["not c_isnil({0})", result])
     return mixsub2
def handle(line, _debug=False):
    if "newexternlist" in line:
        lmatch = match_utils.get_match(line, "{0} newexternlist({1})",
                                       ["\w.*", "\w.*"])
        if lmatch != []:
            largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[1])
            if len(largv) > 1:
                sname = largv[0]
                slist = sname.split("_")
                name = slist[1]
                line = match_utils.handle_match(
                    line, ["{0} c_list({1})", lmatch[0], name])

    # newexterndictionary({0}) --> c_dictionary({0}, {1})
    if "newexterndictionary" in line:

        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            mixsub2 = subline
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "newexterndictionary({0})",
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) >= 2:
                    sname = largv[0]
                    slist = sname.split("_")
                    key = slist[1]
                    value = slist[2]
                    mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                        subline, ["c_dictionary({0}, {1})", key, value])
            return mixsub2

        line = bracket_utils.handle_bracket(line, "newexterndictionary",

    if "newobject" in line:

        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            mixsub2 = subline
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "newobject({0})",
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) >= 3:
                    obj = largv[0]
                    llargv = largv[3:]
                    mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                        subline, ["{0}({1}) ", obj, ",".join(llargv)])
            return mixsub2

        line = bracket_utils.handle_bracket(line, "newobject", bracket_cb)

    if "condexp" in line:
        # def bracket_cb(index, parent, subline):
        #     if "condexp(" in parent:
        #         mixsub2 = subline
        #         full_str = parent.format(subline)
        #         lmatch = match_utils.get_match(full_str, "condexp({0})", ["\w*.*"])
        #         _origin = match_utils.origin()
        #         if lmatch !=[]:
        #             largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
        #             if len(largv)>=5:
        #                 head, _1, mid, _2 = largv[0:4]
        #                 reat = " ".join(largv[4:])
        #                 print "head ", head
        #                 print "mid ", mid
        #                 print "reat ", reat
        #                 ok, reat = match_utils.play_match(reat, "(function() return {0} end)", "{0}", ["\w*.*"])
        #                 mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match_by_origin(full_str, _origin, ["{0} and {1} or {2}", head, mid, reat])
        #         return parent, mixsub2
        #     return parent, subline
        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            mixsub2 = subline
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "condexp({0})", ["\w*.*"])
            _origin = match_utils.origin()
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) >= 5:
                    head, _1, mid, _2 = largv[0:4]
                    reat = " ".join(largv[4:])
                    ok, reat = match_utils.play_match(
                        reat, "(function() return {0} end)", "{0}", ["\w*.*"])
                    mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match_by_origin(
                        subline, _origin,
                        ["{0} and {1} or {2}", head, mid, reat])
            return mixsub2

        line = bracket_utils.handle_bracket(line, "condexp", bracket_cb)

    if "wrapyield" in line:
        lmatch = match_utils.get_match(line, "wrapyield({0})", ["\w*.*"])
        if lmatch != []:
            largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
            if len(largv) >= 2:
                head = largv[0]
                line = match_utils.handle_match(line,
                                                ["coroutine.yield({0})", head])

    if "ForEach" in line:
        lmatch = match_utils.get_match(line, "{0}:ForEach({1})",
                                       ["\w*.*", "\w*.*"])
        _origin = match_utils.origin()
        if len(lmatch) >= 1:
            _offset = utils.space_count(line)
            _list = lmatch[0].lstrip()
            largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[1])
            if len(largv) > 0:
                _func = largv[0].strip().strip("(").strip(")")
                _func2 = match_utils.get_match(_func, "function({0}){1}end",
                                               ["[A-Za-z0-9_\.\[\]]", "\w*.*"])
                _ori = match_utils.origin()
                if len(_func2) > 0:
                    _add = "{0} = {0}.current".format(_func2[0])
                    _func = match_utils.handle_match_by_origin(
                        _func, _ori, [
                            "function({0}) {1}; {2}end", _func2[0], _add,
                    line = match_utils.handle_match_by_origin(
                        line, _origin, [
                            "{0}c_foreach({1}, {2})",
                            chr(common.S) * _offset, _list, _func

    if "typeas" in line:

        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            mixsub2 = subline
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "typeas({0})", ["\w*.*"])
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) >= 2:
                    oper = largv[0]
                    mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(subline, ["{0}", oper])
            return mixsub2

        line = bracket_utils.handle_bracket(line, "typeas", bracket_cb)

    if "invokeintegeroperator" in line:

        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            mixsub2 = subline
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline,
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) >= 5:
                    oper, _left, _right, = largv[1:4]
                    oper = oper.replace("\"", "")
                    if oper == "/":
                        mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                            subline, ["c_div({0}, {1}) ", _left, _right])
                        mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                            subline, ["{0}{1}{2} ", _left, oper, _right])
            return mixsub2

        line = bracket_utils.handle_bracket(line, "invokeintegeroperator",

    if "newexternobject" in line:

        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            mixsub2 = subline
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "newexternobject({0})",
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) >= 3:
                    head, nil1, nil2, nil3 = largv[0:4]
                    argv = ",".join(largv[4:])
                    mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                        subline, ["{0}({1})", head, argv])
            return mixsub2

        line = bracket_utils.handle_bracket(line, "newexternobject",

    if "getexterninstanceindexer" in line:

        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            mixsub2 = subline
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline,
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) >= 3:
                    _obj, _nil, _type, _index = largv[0:4]
                    _type = _type.replace("\"", "").strip()
                    if _type == "get_Item" or _type == "get_Chars":
                        mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                            subline, ["c_get({0}, {1})", _obj, _index])
                    elif _type == "set_Item" or _type == "set_Chars":
                        mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                            subline, ["c_set({0}, {1})", _obj, _index])
            return mixsub2

        line = bracket_utils.handle_bracket(line, "getexterninstanceindexer",

    if "setexterninstanceindexer" in line:

        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            mixsub2 = subline
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline,
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) >= 3:
                    _obj, _nil, _type, _index, val = largv[0:5]
                    _type = _type.replace("\"", "").strip()
                    if _type == "get_Item" or _type == "get_Chars":
                        mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                            subline, ["c_get({0}, {1})", _obj, _index])
                    elif _type == "set_Item" or _type == "set_Chars":
                        mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                            ["c_set({0}, {1}, {2})", _obj, _index, val])
            return mixsub2

        line = bracket_utils.handle_bracket(line, "setexterninstanceindexer",

    if "typecast" in line:

        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            mixsub2 = subline
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "typecast({0})", ["\w*.*"])
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) >= 2:
                    _obj = largv[0]
                    # _obj = _obj.lstrip("(").rstrip(")")
                    mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(subline, ["{0}", _obj])
            return mixsub2

        line = bracket_utils.handle_bracket(line, "typecast", bracket_cb)

    if "getforbasicvalue" in line:

        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            mixsub2 = subline
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "getforbasicvalue({0})",
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) >= 3:
                    _obj = largv[0]
                    _type = largv[-1].replace("\"", "")
                    mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                        subline, ["{0}.{1}", _obj, _type])

            return mixsub2

        line = bracket_utils.handle_bracket(line, "getforbasicvalue",

    if "invokeforbasicvalue" in line:

        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            mixsub2 = subline
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "invokeforbasicvalue({0})",
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) >= 3:
                    _obj, _bool, _type, _f = largv[0:4]
                    _argv = largv[4:]
                    _f = _f.replace("\"", "")
                    _argv = ",".join(_argv)
                    if _argv == "":
                        mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                            subline, ["{0}({1})", _f, _obj])
                        mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                            subline, ["{0}.{1}({2})", _obj, _f, _argv])
            return mixsub2

        line = bracket_utils.handle_bracket(line, "invokeforbasicvalue",

    if "invokeexternoperator" in line:

        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            mixsub2 = subline
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline,
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) >= 3:
                    op = largv[1]
                    reat = largv[2:]
                    if "op_Equality" in op:
                        _left, _right = reat[0:2]
                        if "nil" in _right:
                            mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                                subline, ["c_isnil({0})", _left, _right])
                            mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                                subline, ["{0} == {1}", _left, _right])
                    elif "op_Addition" in op or "op_UnaryPlus" in op:
                        if len(reat) > 1:
                            _left, _right = reat[0:2]
                            mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                                subline, ["{0} + {1}", _left, _right])
                    elif "op_Subtraction" in op or "op_UnaryNegation" in op:
                        if len(reat) > 1:
                            _left, _right = reat[0:2]
                            mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                                subline, ["{0} - {1}", _left, _right])
                    elif "op_Multiply" in op:
                        if len(reat) > 1:
                            _left, _right = reat[0:2]
                            mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                                subline, ["{0} * {1}", _left, _right])
                    elif "op_Division" in op:
                        if len(reat) > 1:
                            _left, _right = reat[0:2]
                            mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                                subline, ["{0} / {1}", _left, _right])
                    elif "op_LessThan" in op:
                        if len(reat) > 1:
                            _left, _right = reat[0:2]
                            mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                                subline, ["{0} < {1}", _left, _right])
                    elif "op_GreaterThan" in op:
                        if len(reat) > 1:
                            _left, _right = reat[0:2]
                            mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                                subline, ["{0} > {1}", _left, _right])
                    elif "op_LessThanOrEqual" in op:
                        if len(reat) > 1:
                            _left, _right = reat[0:2]
                            mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                                subline, ["{0} <= {1}", _left, _right])
                    elif "op_GreaterThanOrEqual" in op:
                        if len(reat) > 1:
                            _left, _right = reat[0:2]
                            mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                                subline, ["{0} >= {1}", _left, _right])
                    elif "op_Implicit" in op or "op_Inequality" in op:
                        _obj = reat[0]
                        mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                            subline, ["not c_isnil({0})", _obj])
            return mixsub2

        line = bracket_utils.handle_bracket(line, "invokeexternoperator",

    if "externdelegationcomparewithnil" in line:

        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            mixsub2 = subline
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(
                subline, "externdelegationcomparewithnil({0})", ["\w*.*"])
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) >= 6:
                    isevent, isStatic, key, this, null, field, is_equal = largv[
                    if field == "nil":
                        result = this
                        field = field.replace("\"", "")
                        result = this + "." + field
                    if "true" in is_equal:
                        mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                            subline, ["c_isnil({0})", result])
                        mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                            subline, ["not c_isnil({0})", result])
            return mixsub2

        line = bracket_utils.handle_bracket(line,

    # delegationcomparewithnil ---> c_isnil
    if "delegationcomparewithnil" in line:

        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            mixsub2 = subline
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline,
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) >= 6:
                    isevent, isStatic, key, this, null, field, isequal = largv[
                    if field == "nil":
                        result = this
                        field = field.replace("\"", "")
                        result = this + "." + field
                    if "true" in isequal:
                        mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                            subline, ["c_isnil({0})", result])
                        mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                            subline, ["not c_isnil({0})", result])
            return mixsub2

        line = bracket_utils.handle_bracket(line, "delegationcomparewithnil",

    if "System.Text.Encoding.UTF8:GetString" in line:

        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            mixsub2 = subline
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(
                subline, "System.Text.Encoding.UTF8:GetString({0})", ["\w*.*"])
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) > 0:
                    _obj = largv[0]
                    mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(subline, ["{0}", _obj])
            return mixsub2

        line = bracket_utils.handle_bracket(
            line, "System.Text.Encoding.UTF8:GetString", bracket_cb)

    if "wrapconst" in line:

        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "wrapconst({0})",
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) > 1:
                    enum = "{0}.{1}".format(largv[0],
                                            largv[1].replace("\"", ""))
                    mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(subline, ["{0}", enum])
            return mixsub2

        line = bracket_utils.handle_bracket(line, "wrapconst", bracket_cb)

    if "wrapchar" in line:

        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            mixsub2 = subline
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "wrapchar({0})", ["\w*.*"])
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) >= 2:
                    _obj = largv[0]
                    mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(subline, ["{0}", _obj])
            return mixsub2

        line = bracket_utils.handle_bracket(line, "wrapchar", bracket_cb)

    if "GetService" in line:

        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            mixsub2 = subline
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline, "GetService({0})",
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) >= 1:
                    _obj = largv[0]
                    mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                        subline, ["GetService(typeof({0}))", _obj])
            return mixsub2

        line = bracket_utils.handle_bracket(line, "GetService", bracket_cb)

    if "UnityEngine.Random.Range" in line:

        def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
            mixsub2 = subline
            lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline,
            if lmatch != []:
                largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
                if len(largv) >= 1:
                    a, b = largv[0:2]
                    mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                        subline, ["c_randomRange({0}, {1})", a, b])
            return mixsub2

        line = bracket_utils.handle_bracket(line, "UnityEngine.Random.Range",

    if ":GetComponent" in line:
        lmatch = match_utils.get_match(line, ":GetComponent({0})",
        if len(lmatch) > 0:
            reps = lmatch[0].split(".")[-1]
            if reps.startswith("typeof"):
                reps = reps.replace("typeof", "").strip().strip("(").strip(")")
            if not "\"" in reps:
                reps = "\"" + reps + "\""
            line = line.replace(lmatch[0], reps)

    if ":AddComponent" in line:
        lmatch = match_utils.get_match(line, ":AddComponent({0})",
        if len(lmatch) > 0:
            reps = lmatch[0].split(".")[-1]
            if reps.startswith("typeof"):
                reps = reps.replace("typeof", "").strip().strip("(").strip(")")
            reps = "typeof(" + reps + ")"
            line = line.replace(lmatch[0], reps)

    if ":Push" in line:
        lmatch = match_utils.get_match(line, ":Push({0}, {1})",
                                       ["[A-Za-z0-9_\.]*", "[A-Za-z0-9_\.]*"])
        if len(lmatch) > 1:
            for match in lmatch:
                reps = match.split(".")[-1]
                if reps.startswith("typeof"):
                    reps = reps.replace("typeof",
                reps = "typeof(" + reps + ")"
                line = line.replace(match, reps)

    if ":_PushView" in line:
        lmatch = match_utils.get_match(line, ":_PushView({0}, nil)",
        if len(lmatch) > 0:
            reps = lmatch[0].split(".")[-1]
            if reps.startswith("typeof"):
                reps = reps.replace("typeof", "").strip().strip("(").strip(")")
            reps = "typeof(" + reps + ")"
            line = line.replace(lmatch[0], reps)

    match = match_utils.get_match(
        line, "{0}[{1}]", ["[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*", "[a-zA-Z0-9#_\. \-\+:\"]*"])
    if match != []:
        if len(match) >= 2 and match[0] != "" and match[1] != "":
            ok, line = match_utils.play_match(
                line, "{0}[{1}]", "c_get({0}, {1})",
                ["[a-zA-Z0-9_\.\"]*", "[a-zA-Z0-9#_\. \-\+:\"]*"], _debug)

    # match  = match_utils.get_match(line, "if ({0} == {1}) then", ["[A-Za-z0-9_\.\[\]]*", "[0-9]*"])
    # if len(match)>1:
    #     line = match_utils.handle_match(line, ["if (CS.System.Convert.ToInt32({0}) == {1}) then", match[0], match[1]])

    if "__compiler_delegation" in line:
        lmatch = match_utils.get_match(
            line, "(function() local __compiler_delegation{0}()", ["\w*.*"])
        origin = match_utils.origin()
        if len(lmatch) > 0:
            fdes = lmatch[0].split(";")
            if len(fdes) > 1:
                fdes = fdes[0].split("=")
                if len(fdes) > 1:
                    fdes = fdes[1] + " end"
            if isinstance(fdes, list):
                fdes = fdes[0]
            fdes = fdes.strip().strip("(").strip(")")
            line = line.replace(origin, fdes)

    if "__compiler_invoke" in line:
        lmatch = match_utils.get_match(
            line, "(function() local __compiler_invoke{0}()", ["\w*.*"])
        origin = match_utils.origin()
        if len(lmatch) > 0:
            fdes = lmatch[0].split(";")
            if len(fdes) > 1:
                fdes = fdes[0].split("=")
                if len(fdes) > 1:
                    fdes = fdes[1] + " end"
            if isinstance(fdes, list):
                fdes = fdes[0]
            fdes = fdes.strip().strip("(").strip(")")
            line = line.replace(origin, fdes)

    if "__" in line:
        tmp = line.split("__")
        if len(tmp) >= 2:
            old_head = tmp[0]
            old_tail = tmp[-1]
            old_tails = old_tail.split("(")
            line = old_head + "(" + "(".join(old_tails[1:])
    return line
 def bracket_cb(subline, debug=False):
     mixsub2 = subline
     lmatch = match_utils.get_match(subline,
     if lmatch != []:
         largv = utils.dump_argv(lmatch[0])
         if len(largv) >= 3:
             op = largv[1]
             reat = largv[2:]
             if "op_Equality" in op:
                 _left, _right = reat[0:2]
                 if "nil" in _right:
                     mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                         subline, ["c_isnil({0})", _left, _right])
                     mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                         subline, ["{0} == {1}", _left, _right])
             elif "op_Addition" in op or "op_UnaryPlus" in op:
                 if len(reat) > 1:
                     _left, _right = reat[0:2]
                     mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                         subline, ["{0} + {1}", _left, _right])
             elif "op_Subtraction" in op or "op_UnaryNegation" in op:
                 if len(reat) > 1:
                     _left, _right = reat[0:2]
                     mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                         subline, ["{0} - {1}", _left, _right])
             elif "op_Multiply" in op:
                 if len(reat) > 1:
                     _left, _right = reat[0:2]
                     mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                         subline, ["{0} * {1}", _left, _right])
             elif "op_Division" in op:
                 if len(reat) > 1:
                     _left, _right = reat[0:2]
                     mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                         subline, ["{0} / {1}", _left, _right])
             elif "op_LessThan" in op:
                 if len(reat) > 1:
                     _left, _right = reat[0:2]
                     mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                         subline, ["{0} < {1}", _left, _right])
             elif "op_GreaterThan" in op:
                 if len(reat) > 1:
                     _left, _right = reat[0:2]
                     mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                         subline, ["{0} > {1}", _left, _right])
             elif "op_LessThanOrEqual" in op:
                 if len(reat) > 1:
                     _left, _right = reat[0:2]
                     mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                         subline, ["{0} <= {1}", _left, _right])
             elif "op_GreaterThanOrEqual" in op:
                 if len(reat) > 1:
                     _left, _right = reat[0:2]
                     mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                         subline, ["{0} >= {1}", _left, _right])
             elif "op_Implicit" in op or "op_Inequality" in op:
                 _obj = reat[0]
                 mixsub2 = match_utils.handle_match(
                     subline, ["not c_isnil({0})", _obj])
     return mixsub2