def __init__(self, sock): asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, sock=sock) self._createTime = TimeUtils.getNowSeconds() self._data = None self._message = None self.handling = False self._requestFlags = 0 self._responseFlags = 0 self._chunk = ByteChunk(endianess=ByteChunk.BIG_ENDIAN) self._resetRouterState()
def __init__(self): """ Creates a new instance of NimbleConnection and opens the communication socket to the corresponding NimbleServer instance. NimbleEnvironment is used to determine whether the connection should be to a Maya or external application NimbleServer instance. """ self._active = False self._socket = None self._activatedTime = None self._chunk = ByteChunk(endianess=ByteChunk.BIG_ENDIAN)
class NimbleRouter(asynchat.async_chat): #=================================================================================================== # C L A S S def __init__(self, sock): asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, sock=sock) self._createTime = TimeUtils.getNowSeconds() self._data = None self._message = None self.handling = False self._requestFlags = 0 self._responseFlags = 0 self._chunk = ByteChunk(endianess=ByteChunk.BIG_ENDIAN) self._resetRouterState() #=================================================================================================== # G E T / S E T @property def keepAlive(self): return self._requestFlags & ConnectionFlags.KEEP_ALIVE \ and (TimeUtils.getNowSeconds() - self._createTime < NimbleEnvironment.CONNECTION_LIFETIME) #=================================================================================================== # P U B L I C def collect_incoming_data(self, data): """Buffer the data until the terminator is found""" if data: self._data.append(data) def found_terminator(self): if self.handling: return self.set_terminator(None) # connections sometimes over-send self.handling = True # noinspection PyTypeChecker self._chunk.writeString(''.join(self._data)) self._chunk.position = 0 self._requestFlags = self._chunk.readUint32() self._message = StringUtils.strToUnicode(str( self.handle_request() def handle_request(self): message = self._message if not message: return logLevel = NimbleEnvironment.getServerLogLevel() try: data = self._parseData(message, logLevel) except Exception as err: self._sendResponse( NimbleResponseData( kind=DataKindEnum.GENERAL, error=DataErrorEnum.PARSE_FAILURE, response=NimbleResponseData.FAILED_RESPONSE, payload={'error':str(err)} ), logLevel ) return if data.kind == DataKindEnum.PING: reply = NimbleResponseData( kind=DataKindEnum.PING, response=NimbleResponseData.SUCCESS_RESPONSE) else: reply = self._routeMessage(data) if not reply: reply = NimbleResponseData( kind=DataKindEnum.GENERAL, error=DataErrorEnum.UNRECOGNIZED_REQUEST, response=NimbleResponseData.FAILED_RESPONSE ) self._sendResponse(reply, logLevel) #=================================================================================================== # P R O T E C T E D def _resetRouterState(self): self.set_terminator(NimbleEnvironment.TERMINATION_IDENTIFIER) self._data = [] self._message = None self.handling = False self._responseFlags = 0 self._chunk.clear() # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def _logData(self, data, logLevel): if logLevel == -1: return # Assume successful for data unless the data object specifies otherwise, which only exists # in certain cases success = True try: success = data.success except Exception: pass if logLevel > 1 or not success: NimbleEnvironment.logger.write(data.echo(verbose=True, pretty=True)) elif logLevel > 0: NimbleEnvironment.logger.write(data.echo(pretty=True)) def _sendResponse(self, responseData, logLevel): self._logData(responseData, logLevel) flags = self._responseFlags if self.keepAlive: flags = flags | ConnectionFlags.KEEP_ALIVE self._chunk.clear() self._chunk.writeUint32(flags) self._chunk.writeString(responseData.serialize() + NimbleEnvironment.TERMINATION_IDENTIFIER) print('CHUNK:', self._chunk) reply = bytes(self._chunk.byteArray) keepAlive = self.keepAlive # Clear state for future use before sending response self._resetRouterState() self.push(reply) time.sleep(0.0001) if not keepAlive: self.close_when_done() def _routeMessage(self, data): if data.kind == DataKindEnum.ECHO: return NimbleResponseData( kind=DataKindEnum.ECHO, response=NimbleResponseData.SUCCESS_RESPONSE, payload={'echo':data.payload['echo']} ) elif data.kind == DataKindEnum.ADD_SYSTEM_PATH: path = data.payload['path'] doAdd = path not in sys.path if doAdd: sys.path.append(path) return NimbleResponseData( kind=DataKindEnum.ADD_SYSTEM_PATH, response=NimbleResponseData.SUCCESS_RESPONSE, payload={'added':doAdd} ) else: result = self._routeMessageImpl(data) if result is not None: return result return NimbleResponseData( kind=DataKindEnum.GENERAL, error=DataErrorEnum.UNRECOGNIZED_REQUEST, response=NimbleResponseData.FAILED_RESPONSE ) def _routeMessageImpl(self, data): return None def _parseData(self, message, logLevel): data = NimbleData.fromMessage(message) self._logData(data, logLevel) return data
class NimbleRouter(asynchat.async_chat): #=================================================================================================== # C L A S S def __init__(self, sock): asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, sock=sock) self._createTime = TimeUtils.getNowSeconds() self._data = None self._message = None self.handling = False self._requestFlags = 0 self._responseFlags = 0 self._chunk = ByteChunk(endianess=ByteChunk.BIG_ENDIAN) self._resetRouterState() #=================================================================================================== # G E T / S E T @property def keepAlive(self): return self._requestFlags & ConnectionFlags.KEEP_ALIVE \ and (TimeUtils.getNowSeconds() - self._createTime < NimbleEnvironment.CONNECTION_LIFETIME) #=================================================================================================== # P U B L I C def collect_incoming_data(self, data): """Buffer the data until the terminator is found""" if data: self._data.append(data) def found_terminator(self): if self.handling: return self.set_terminator(None) # connections sometimes over-send self.handling = True # noinspection PyTypeChecker self._chunk.writeString(''.join(self._data)) self._chunk.position = 0 self._requestFlags = self._chunk.readUint32() self._message = StringUtils.strToUnicode(str( self.handle_request() def handle_request(self): message = self._message if not message: return logLevel = NimbleEnvironment.getServerLogLevel() try: data = self._parseData(message, logLevel) except Exception as err: self._sendResponse( NimbleResponseData(kind=DataKindEnum.GENERAL, error=DataErrorEnum.PARSE_FAILURE, response=NimbleResponseData.FAILED_RESPONSE, payload={'error': str(err)}), logLevel) return if data.kind == DataKindEnum.PING: reply = NimbleResponseData( kind=DataKindEnum.PING, response=NimbleResponseData.SUCCESS_RESPONSE) else: reply = self._routeMessage(data) if not reply: reply = NimbleResponseData( kind=DataKindEnum.GENERAL, error=DataErrorEnum.UNRECOGNIZED_REQUEST, response=NimbleResponseData.FAILED_RESPONSE) self._sendResponse(reply, logLevel) #=================================================================================================== # P R O T E C T E D def _resetRouterState(self): self.set_terminator(NimbleEnvironment.TERMINATION_IDENTIFIER) self._data = [] self._message = None self.handling = False self._responseFlags = 0 self._chunk.clear() # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def _logData(self, data, logLevel): if logLevel == -1: return # Assume successful for data unless the data object specifies otherwise, which only exists # in certain cases success = True try: success = data.success except Exception: pass if logLevel > 1 or not success: NimbleEnvironment.logger.write(data.echo(verbose=True, pretty=True)) elif logLevel > 0: NimbleEnvironment.logger.write(data.echo(pretty=True)) def _sendResponse(self, responseData, logLevel): self._logData(responseData, logLevel) flags = self._responseFlags if self.keepAlive: flags = flags | ConnectionFlags.KEEP_ALIVE self._chunk.clear() self._chunk.writeUint32(flags) self._chunk.writeString(responseData.serialize() + NimbleEnvironment.TERMINATION_IDENTIFIER) print('CHUNK:', self._chunk) reply = bytes(self._chunk.byteArray) keepAlive = self.keepAlive # Clear state for future use before sending response self._resetRouterState() self.push(reply) time.sleep(0.0001) if not keepAlive: self.close_when_done() def _routeMessage(self, data): if data.kind == DataKindEnum.ECHO: return NimbleResponseData( kind=DataKindEnum.ECHO, response=NimbleResponseData.SUCCESS_RESPONSE, payload={'echo': data.payload['echo']}) elif data.kind == DataKindEnum.ADD_SYSTEM_PATH: path = data.payload['path'] doAdd = path not in sys.path if doAdd: sys.path.append(path) return NimbleResponseData( kind=DataKindEnum.ADD_SYSTEM_PATH, response=NimbleResponseData.SUCCESS_RESPONSE, payload={'added': doAdd}) else: result = self._routeMessageImpl(data) if result is not None: return result return NimbleResponseData(kind=DataKindEnum.GENERAL, error=DataErrorEnum.UNRECOGNIZED_REQUEST, response=NimbleResponseData.FAILED_RESPONSE) def _routeMessageImpl(self, data): return None def _parseData(self, message, logLevel): data = NimbleData.fromMessage(message) self._logData(data, logLevel) return data
class NimbleConnection(object): """ Establishes a socket connection with a NimbleServer instance for communication """ _CONNECTION_POOL = [] def __init__(self): """ Creates a new instance of NimbleConnection and opens the communication socket to the corresponding NimbleServer instance. NimbleEnvironment is used to determine whether the connection should be to a Maya or external application NimbleServer instance. """ self._active = False self._socket = None self._activatedTime = None self._chunk = ByteChunk(endianess=ByteChunk.BIG_ENDIAN) @property def active(self): """ Specifies whether or not the NimbleConnection instance is active. When active the instance can communicate with its remote NimbleServer counterpart. NimbleConnection instances are active by default and only become inactive if they are closed after which point they will have to be reopened in order to allow further communication. """ return self._active def echo(self, message): return self._send( NimbleData(kind=DataKindEnum.ECHO, payload={'echo': message})) def ping(self, message=None): """Doc...""" return self._send( NimbleData(kind=DataKindEnum.PING, payload={'msg': message})) def addToMayaPythonPath(self, path): return self._send( NimbleData(kind=DataKindEnum.ADD_SYSTEM_PATH, payload={'path': path})) def runMelScript(self, script): return self._send( NimbleData(kind=DataKindEnum.MEL_SCRIPT, payload={'script': script})) def runPythonScript(self, script, **kwargs): return self._send( NimbleData(kind=DataKindEnum.PYTHON_SCRIPT, payload={ 'script': script, 'kwargs': kwargs })) def runPythonScriptFile(self, path, **kwargs): return self._send( NimbleData(kind=DataKindEnum.PYTHON_SCRIPT_FILE, payload={ 'path': path, 'kwargs': kwargs })) def runPythonImport(self, modulePackage, methodName=None, className=None, runInMaya=None, **kwargs): """ Executes the specified import through Nimble in the specified run mode. modulePackage: (String) An absolute (dot-syntax) formatted import to the module you wish to be executed. This module will be imported by Maya and must be on its sys.path. [methodName]: (String) An optional function name to be executed within the module. If a class name is specified this method will be called on an instance of the specified class. If no class name is specified the method will be called directly on the module. [className]: (String) An optional class name of a class to import within the specified module. The class will be imported from the module and instantiated. [runInMaya]: If True the import will be executed within Maya. If False the import will be executed outside of Maya on the remote end of the Nimble connection. The default value of None will use the current global setting, which can be set by the nimble.enablePythonTestMode() top-level function and defaults to runInMaya = True, i.e. test mode is disabled. Returns a NimbleResponseData object with the results of the script execution. """ payload = { 'module': modulePackage, 'method': methodName, 'class': className, 'kwargs': kwargs } if NimbleEnvironment.inMaya(): return MayaRouter.runPythonImport(payload) if (not NimbleEnvironment.TEST_REMOTE_MODE ) if runInMaya is None else runInMaya: return self._send( NimbleData(kind=DataKindEnum.PYTHON_IMPORT, payload=payload)) else: return MayaRouter.runPythonImport(payload) def runPythonClass(self, targetClass, methodName=None, runInMaya=None, **kwargs): """ Convenience method that wraps runPythonImport where the targetClass is a Class object that is parsed into a modulePackage and className. targetClass: (Class) A class object that should be executed in Nimble. For additional information see NimbleConnection.runPythonImport """ return self.runPythonImport(modulePackage=targetClass.__module__, methodName=methodName, className=targetClass.__name__, runInMaya=runInMaya, **kwargs) def runPythonModule(self, module, methodName=None, className=None, runInMaya=None, **kwargs): """ Convenience method that wraps runPythonImport where the module is an imported module object instead of the string to the modulePackage. module: (Module) A module object that is parsed into a package name. For additional information see NimbleConnection.runPythonImport """ return self.runPythonImport(modulePackage=module.__name__, methodName=methodName, className=className, runInMaya=runInMaya, **kwargs) def mel(self, command): result = self.runMelScript(command) if not result or not result.success: raise MayaCommandException( 'Failed execution of Maya MEL command: ' + str(command), response=result) return result.payload['result'] def maya(self, command, *args, **kwargs): result = self.runMayaCommand(command, *args, **kwargs) if not result or not result.success: raise MayaCommandException('Failed execution of Maya command: ' + str(command), response=result) return result.payload['result'] def runMayaCommand(self, command, *args, **kwargs): return self._send( NimbleData(kind=DataKindEnum.MAYA_COMMAND, payload={ 'command': str(command), 'kwargs': kwargs, 'args': args })) def runMayaCommandBatch(self, commandList): return self._send( NimbleData(kind=DataKindEnum.MAYA_COMMAND_BATCH, payload={'commands': commandList})) def mayaBatch(self, commandList): result = self.runMayaCommandBatch(commandList) if not result or not result.success: raise MayaCommandException( 'Failed execution during Maya command batch execution', response=result) return result.payload['result'] def command(self, command, *args, **kwargs): result = self.runCommand(command, *args, **kwargs) if not result or not result.success: raise MayaCommandException('Failed execution of command: ' + str(command), response=result) return result.payload['result'] def runCommand(self, command, *args, **kwargs): return self._send( NimbleData(kind=DataKindEnum.COMMAND, payload={ 'command': command.toDict() if isinstance( command, ImportedCommand) else str(command), 'kwargs': kwargs, 'args': args })) def close(self): if not self._active: return False self._active = False self._socket.close() if self in NimbleConnection._CONNECTION_POOL: NimbleConnection._CONNECTION_POOL.remove(self) return True def open(self): if self._active: nowTime = TimeUtils.getNowSeconds() if nowTime - self._activatedTime > NimbleEnvironment.CONNECTION_LIFETIME: self.close() else: return False self._activatedTime = TimeUtils.getNowSeconds() try: target = (NimbleEnvironment.getConnectionHost(), NimbleEnvironment.getConnectionPort()) self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Sets socket option to prevent connection being refused by TCP reconnecting # to the same socket after a recent closure. self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self._socket.setblocking(1) self._socket.connect(target) except Exception as err: NimbleEnvironment.logError( '[ERROR | NIMBLE COMMUNICATION] Failed to open Nimble connection', err) return False if self not in NimbleConnection._CONNECTION_POOL: NimbleConnection._CONNECTION_POOL.append(self) self._active = True return True @classmethod def getConnection(cls, forceCreate=False): if forceCreate or not NimbleConnection._CONNECTION_POOL: return NimbleConnection() return NimbleConnection._CONNECTION_POOL[-1] @classmethod def closeConnectionPool(cls): while NimbleConnection._CONNECTION_POOL: NimbleConnection._CONNECTION_POOL.pop().close() #=================================================================================================== # P R O T E C T E D def _send(self, nimbleData): """Doc...""" if NimbleEnvironment.inMaya(): return MayaRouter.processRequest(nimbleData) result = self._sendRemote(nimbleData) time.sleep(0.0001) return result def _sendRemote(self, nimbleData): responseFlags = 0 message = u'' retry = NimbleEnvironment.REMOTE_RETRY_COUNT while retry > 0: try: except Exception as err: failure = [ '[ERROR | NIMBLE COMMUNICATION] Unable to open connection', err ] retry -= 1 if retry == 0: if not nimble.quietFailure: NimbleEnvironment.logError(failure[0], failure[1]) return None continue try: serialData = nimbleData.serialize() except Exception as err: failure = [ '[ERROR | NIMBLE COMMUNICATION] Unable to serialize data for transmission', err ] if not nimble.quietFailure: NimbleEnvironment.logError(failure[0], failure[1]) return None try: self._chunk.clear() self._chunk.writeUint32(NimbleEnvironment.CONNECTION_FLAGS) self._chunk.writeString( serialData + NimbleEnvironment.TERMINATION_IDENTIFIER) self._socket.sendall(self._chunk.byteArray) except Exception as err: failure = [ '[ERROR | NIMBLE COMMUNICATION] Unable to send data', err ] self.close() retry -= 1 if retry == 0: if not nimble.quietFailure: NimbleEnvironment.logError(failure[0], failure[1]) return None continue try: self._chunk.clear() b = SocketUtils.receiveInChunks( self._socket, chunkSize=NimbleEnvironment.SOCKET_RESPONSE_CHUNK_SIZE) self._chunk.writeString(b) self._chunk.position = 0 responseFlags = self._chunk.readUint32() message = StringUtils.strToUnicode( # Break while loop on successful reading of the result if message is not None: break except Exception as err: if not nimble.quietFailure: NimbleEnvironment.logError( '[ERROR | NIMBLE COMMUNICATION] Unable to read response', err) self.close() return None try: if not (responseFlags & ConnectionFlags.KEEP_ALIVE): self.close() except Exception as err: if not nimble.quietFailure: NimbleEnvironment.logError( '[ERROR | NIMBLE COMMUNICATION] Unable to close connection', err) try: return NimbleData.fromMessage(message) except Exception as err: if not nimble.quietFailure: NimbleEnvironment.logError( '[ERROR | NIMBLE COMMUNICATION] Response data parsing failure', err) return None #=================================================================================================== # I N T R I N S I C def __del__(self): try: self._socket.close() except Exception: pass def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __unicode__(self): return StringUtils.toUnicode(self.__str__()) def __str__(self): return '<%s>' % self.__class__.__name__
class NimbleConnection(object): """ Establishes a socket connection with a NimbleServer instance for communication """ _CONNECTION_POOL = [] def __init__(self): """ Creates a new instance of NimbleConnection and opens the communication socket to the corresponding NimbleServer instance. NimbleEnvironment is used to determine whether the connection should be to a Maya or external application NimbleServer instance. """ self._active = False self._socket = None self._activatedTime = None self._chunk = ByteChunk(endianess=ByteChunk.BIG_ENDIAN) @property def active(self): """ Specifies whether or not the NimbleConnection instance is active. When active the instance can communicate with its remote NimbleServer counterpart. NimbleConnection instances are active by default and only become inactive if they are closed after which point they will have to be reopened in order to allow further communication. """ return self._active def echo(self, message): return self._send(NimbleData(kind=DataKindEnum.ECHO, payload={'echo':message})) def ping(self, message =None): """Doc...""" return self._send(NimbleData(kind=DataKindEnum.PING, payload={'msg':message})) def addToMayaPythonPath(self, path): return self._send(NimbleData( kind=DataKindEnum.ADD_SYSTEM_PATH, payload={'path':path} )) def runMelScript(self, script): return self._send(NimbleData( kind=DataKindEnum.MEL_SCRIPT, payload={'script':script} )) def runPythonScript(self, script, **kwargs): return self._send(NimbleData( kind=DataKindEnum.PYTHON_SCRIPT, payload={'script':script, 'kwargs':kwargs} )) def runPythonScriptFile(self, path, **kwargs): return self._send(NimbleData( kind=DataKindEnum.PYTHON_SCRIPT_FILE, payload={'path':path, 'kwargs':kwargs} )) def runPythonImport(self, modulePackage, methodName =None, className=None, runInMaya =None, **kwargs): """ Executes the specified import through Nimble in the specified run mode. modulePackage: (String) An absolute (dot-syntax) formatted import to the module you wish to be executed. This module will be imported by Maya and must be on its sys.path. [methodName]: (String) An optional function name to be executed within the module. If a class name is specified this method will be called on an instance of the specified class. If no class name is specified the method will be called directly on the module. [className]: (String) An optional class name of a class to import within the specified module. The class will be imported from the module and instantiated. [runInMaya]: If True the import will be executed within Maya. If False the import will be executed outside of Maya on the remote end of the Nimble connection. The default value of None will use the current global setting, which can be set by the nimble.enablePythonTestMode() top-level function and defaults to runInMaya = True, i.e. test mode is disabled. Returns a NimbleResponseData object with the results of the script execution. """ payload = { 'module':modulePackage, 'method':methodName, 'class':className, 'kwargs':kwargs} if NimbleEnvironment.inMaya(): return MayaRouter.runPythonImport(payload) if (not NimbleEnvironment.TEST_REMOTE_MODE) if runInMaya is None else runInMaya: return self._send(NimbleData(kind=DataKindEnum.PYTHON_IMPORT, payload=payload)) else: return MayaRouter.runPythonImport(payload) def runPythonClass(self, targetClass, methodName =None, runInMaya =None, **kwargs): """ Convenience method that wraps runPythonImport where the targetClass is a Class object that is parsed into a modulePackage and className. targetClass: (Class) A class object that should be executed in Nimble. For additional information see NimbleConnection.runPythonImport """ return self.runPythonImport( modulePackage=targetClass.__module__, methodName=methodName, className=targetClass.__name__, runInMaya=runInMaya, **kwargs) def runPythonModule(self, module, methodName =None, className =None, runInMaya =None, **kwargs): """ Convenience method that wraps runPythonImport where the module is an imported module object instead of the string to the modulePackage. module: (Module) A module object that is parsed into a package name. For additional information see NimbleConnection.runPythonImport """ return self.runPythonImport( modulePackage=module.__name__, methodName=methodName, className=className, runInMaya=runInMaya, **kwargs) def mel(self, command): result = self.runMelScript(command) if not result or not result.success: raise MayaCommandException( 'Failed execution of Maya MEL command: ' + str(command), response=result) return result.payload['result'] def maya(self, command, *args, **kwargs): result = self.runMayaCommand(command, *args, **kwargs) if not result or not result.success: raise MayaCommandException( 'Failed execution of Maya command: ' + str(command), response=result) return result.payload['result'] def runMayaCommand(self, command, *args, **kwargs): return self._send(NimbleData( kind=DataKindEnum.MAYA_COMMAND, payload={ 'command':str(command), 'kwargs':kwargs, 'args':args} )) def runMayaCommandBatch(self, commandList): return self._send(NimbleData( kind=DataKindEnum.MAYA_COMMAND_BATCH, payload={'commands':commandList} )) def mayaBatch(self, commandList): result = self.runMayaCommandBatch(commandList) if not result or not result.success: raise MayaCommandException( 'Failed execution during Maya command batch execution', response=result) return result.payload['result'] def command(self, command, *args, **kwargs): result = self.runCommand(command, *args, **kwargs) if not result or not result.success: raise MayaCommandException( 'Failed execution of command: ' + str(command), response=result) return result.payload['result'] def runCommand(self, command, *args, **kwargs): return self._send(NimbleData( kind=DataKindEnum.COMMAND, payload={ 'command':command.toDict() if isinstance(command, ImportedCommand) else str(command), 'kwargs':kwargs, 'args':args } )) def close(self): if not self._active: return False self._active = False self._socket.close() if self in NimbleConnection._CONNECTION_POOL: NimbleConnection._CONNECTION_POOL.remove(self) return True def open(self): if self._active: nowTime = TimeUtils.getNowSeconds() if nowTime - self._activatedTime > NimbleEnvironment.CONNECTION_LIFETIME: self.close() else: return False self._activatedTime = TimeUtils.getNowSeconds() try: target = ( NimbleEnvironment.getConnectionHost(), NimbleEnvironment.getConnectionPort() ) self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Sets socket option to prevent connection being refused by TCP reconnecting # to the same socket after a recent closure. self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self._socket.setblocking(1) self._socket.connect(target) except Exception as err: NimbleEnvironment.logError( '[ERROR | NIMBLE COMMUNICATION] Failed to open Nimble connection', err) return False if self not in NimbleConnection._CONNECTION_POOL: NimbleConnection._CONNECTION_POOL.append(self) self._active = True return True @classmethod def getConnection(cls, forceCreate =False): if forceCreate or not NimbleConnection._CONNECTION_POOL: return NimbleConnection() return NimbleConnection._CONNECTION_POOL[-1] @classmethod def closeConnectionPool(cls): while NimbleConnection._CONNECTION_POOL: NimbleConnection._CONNECTION_POOL.pop().close() #=================================================================================================== # P R O T E C T E D def _send(self, nimbleData): """Doc...""" if NimbleEnvironment.inMaya(): return MayaRouter.processRequest(nimbleData) result = self._sendRemote(nimbleData) time.sleep(0.0001) return result def _sendRemote(self, nimbleData): responseFlags = 0 message = u'' retry = NimbleEnvironment.REMOTE_RETRY_COUNT while retry > 0: try: except Exception as err: failure = [ '[ERROR | NIMBLE COMMUNICATION] Unable to open connection', err ] retry -= 1 if retry == 0: if not nimble.quietFailure: NimbleEnvironment.logError(failure[0], failure[1]) return None continue try: serialData = nimbleData.serialize() except Exception as err: failure = [ '[ERROR | NIMBLE COMMUNICATION] Unable to serialize data for transmission', err ] if not nimble.quietFailure: NimbleEnvironment.logError(failure[0], failure[1]) return None try: self._chunk.clear() self._chunk.writeUint32(NimbleEnvironment.CONNECTION_FLAGS) self._chunk.writeString(serialData + NimbleEnvironment.TERMINATION_IDENTIFIER) self._socket.sendall(self._chunk.byteArray) except Exception as err: failure = [ '[ERROR | NIMBLE COMMUNICATION] Unable to send data', err ] self.close() retry -= 1 if retry == 0: if not nimble.quietFailure: NimbleEnvironment.logError(failure[0], failure[1]) return None continue try: self._chunk.clear() b = SocketUtils.receiveInChunks( self._socket, chunkSize=NimbleEnvironment.SOCKET_RESPONSE_CHUNK_SIZE) self._chunk.writeString(b) self._chunk.position = 0 responseFlags = self._chunk.readUint32() message = StringUtils.strToUnicode( # Break while loop on successful reading of the result if message is not None: break except Exception as err: if not nimble.quietFailure: NimbleEnvironment.logError( '[ERROR | NIMBLE COMMUNICATION] Unable to read response', err) self.close() return None try: if not (responseFlags & ConnectionFlags.KEEP_ALIVE): self.close() except Exception as err: if not nimble.quietFailure: NimbleEnvironment.logError( '[ERROR | NIMBLE COMMUNICATION] Unable to close connection', err) try: return NimbleData.fromMessage(message) except Exception as err: if not nimble.quietFailure: NimbleEnvironment.logError( '[ERROR | NIMBLE COMMUNICATION] Response data parsing failure', err) return None #=================================================================================================== # I N T R I N S I C def __del__(self): try: self._socket.close() except Exception: pass def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __unicode__(self): return StringUtils.toUnicode(self.__str__()) def __str__(self): return '<%s>' % self.__class__.__name__
from pyaid.string.ByteChunk import ByteChunk from array import array import random a = array('d') for i in range(100): a.append(10000.0 * (random.random() - 0.5)) bc = ByteChunk() bc.writeArrayChunk(a) bc.position = 0 out = bc.readArrayChunk() print('[TEST] Array Chunk I/O: %s' % ('PASSED' if a == out else 'FAILED'))