    A = stencil_grid([[0, -1, 0], [-1, 4, -1], [0, -1, 0]], (100, 100),
                     dtype=float, format='csr')
    b = random((A.shape[0],))
    x0 = random((A.shape[0],))

    print '\n\nTesting CR with %d x %d 2D Laplace Matrix' % \
          (A.shape[0], A.shape[0])
    t1 = time.time()
    r = []
    (x, flag) = cr(A, b, x0, tol=1e-8, maxiter=100, residuals=r)
    t2 = time.time()
    print '%s took %0.3f ms' % ('cr', (t2-t1)*1000.0)
    print 'norm = %g' % (norm(b - A*x))
    print 'info flag = %d' % (flag)

    t1 = time.time()
    r2 = []
    (x, flag) = gmres(A, b, x0, tol=1e-8, maxiter=100, residuals=r2)
    t2 = time.time()
    print '%s took %0.3f ms' % ('gmres', (t2-t1)*1000.0)
    print 'norm = %g' % (norm(b - A*x))
    print 'info flag = %d' % (flag)

    # from scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve import cg as icg
    # t1=time.time()
    # (y,flag) = icg(A,b,x0,tol=1e-8,maxiter=100)
    # t2=time.time()
    # print '\n%s took %0.3f ms' % ('linalg cg', (t2-t1)*1000.0)
    # print 'norm = %g'%(norm(b - A*y))
    # print 'info flag = %d'%(flag)
文件: _cr.py 项目: GaZ3ll3/pyamg
    A = stencil_grid([[0, -1, 0], [-1, 4, -1], [0, -1, 0]], (100, 100),
                     dtype=float, format='csr')
    b = random((A.shape[0],))
    x0 = random((A.shape[0],))

    print '\n\nTesting CR with %d x %d 2D Laplace Matrix' % \
          (A.shape[0], A.shape[0])
    t1 = time.time()
    r = []
    (x, flag) = cr(A, b, x0, tol=1e-8, maxiter=100, residuals=r)
    t2 = time.time()
    print '%s took %0.3f ms' % ('cr', (t2-t1)*1000.0)
    print 'norm = %g' % (norm(b - A*x))
    print 'info flag = %d' % (flag)

    t1 = time.time()
    r2 = []
    (x, flag) = gmres(A, b, x0, tol=1e-8, maxiter=100, residuals=r2)
    t2 = time.time()
    print '%s took %0.3f ms' % ('gmres', (t2-t1)*1000.0)
    print 'norm = %g' % (norm(b - A*x))
    print 'info flag = %d' % (flag)

    # from scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve import cg as icg
    # t1=time.time()
    # (y,flag) = icg(A,b,x0,tol=1e-8,maxiter=100)
    # t2=time.time()
    # print '\n%s took %0.3f ms' % ('linalg cg', (t2-t1)*1000.0)
    # print 'norm = %g'%(norm(b - A*y))
    # print 'info flag = %d'%(flag)
   def solve_withPyAMG(self, delfineVar, parameter):
       """Solves the equation system with pyAMG.
           elliptic = AssembleElliptic() [AssembleElliptic.py]
       # Reads  solver data
       # Alternatives: CG (with or without PreCond) | GMRES (w/ or w/o PC)
       #                     | LU (still pending))
       solverType = parameter.num.pressSolv.type
       tolerance = parameter.num.pressSolv.tolerance
       maxStep = parameter.num.pressSolv.maxNumSteps
       # Reads type of preconditioner
       # Alternatives: AMG | ILU | None
       preCondType = parameter.num.pressSolv.preConditioning.type
       # Getting data from elliptic eq. assembler
       A = delfineVar.A
       rhs = delfineVar.rhs
       # Get sparse matrix data
       (row,col,data) = A.data()
       n = A.size(0)
       # It was commented the line 126 and 129 of the file compressed.py
       # of the scipy package located in /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages
       # /scipy/sparse in order to avoid some annoying warning messages.
       # If some strange behaviour takes place in this solver routine, this 
       # information may be important for debugging
       Asp = csr_matrix( (data,col.view(),row.view()), shape=(n,n))
       # Get right-hand side vector(rhs) data
       b = rhs.data()
       residuals = []
       # Solves equation system
       if (solverType == 'blackbox'):
           # Uses PyAMG blackbox solver, which implies that the program detect automatically
           # the best solver parameters for the case. Very useful for debugging and
           # "difficult" to converge cases. Does not allow to set max. iterations or this kind
           # of stuff.
           x = solve(Asp, b, verb=True,tol=tolerance)
           if (preCondType == "amg"):
               # Using AMG Solver as preconditioner with 'solverType' (cg,gmres) as 
               # accelerator. If ilu is defined as solver, it will use pure AMG without
               # accelaration.
               nCoarse = parameter.num.pressSolv.preConditioning.numCoarseLevel
               ml = smoothed_aggregation_solver(Asp, max_levels=nCoarse, max_coarse=1)
               if ((solverType == "cg") | (solverType == "gmres")):
                   # Use CG or GMRES acceleration
                   x = ml.solve(b,tol=tolerance, maxiter=maxStep, cycle='V', accel=solverType,residuals=residuals)
               elif(solverType == "none"):
                   # No accelaration (stand-alone AMG)
                   x = ml.solve(b,tol=tolerance, maxiter=maxStep, cycle='V', residuals=residuals)
               elif (solverType == "lu"):
                   # Trying to use a direct LU solver with amg, but it is not coherent
                   print "Error(7):"
                   print "Direct solver not compatible with amg"
                   print "You can try: amg+cg,amg+gmres,amg+none,"
                   print "             none+cg,none+gmres,none+lu,"
                   print "             ilu+cg,ilu+gmres"
                   print " "
               print ml
               # Print customized spectrum of multigrid operator
               # This function is efficient just for a small n (max=32)
               #from pyamg.util.utils import hierarchy_spectrum
               #hierarchy_spectrum(ml, filter=True, plot=True)
           elif (preCondType == "none") :
               # Iterate without preconditioner
               if (solverType == "cg"):
                   # Using conventional Conjugate Gradients Solver
                   (x, flag) = cg(Asp,b, maxiter=maxStep, tol=tolerance,  residuals=residuals)
               elif (solverType == "gmres"):
                   # Using conventional Generalized Minimum Residual Method Solver
                   (x, flag) = gmres(Asp,b, maxiter=maxStep, tol=tolerance,  residuals=residuals)
               elif (solverType == "lu"):
                   # Using a direct LU solver
                   # (still pending, to be done with dolfin solver schema, not pyamg)
                   print "Error(8):"
                   print "Direct solver still not available, use cg or gmres instead"
                   print " "
               elif (solverType == "none"):
                   # Using a direct LU solver
                   # (still pending, to be done with dolfin solver schema, not pyamg)
                   print "Error(9):"
                   print "Invalid solver + preconditioner option!"
                   print "You can try: amg+cg,amg+gmres,amg+none,"
                   print "             none+cg,none+gmres,none+lu,"
                   print "             ilu+cg,ilu+gmres"
                   print " "
           elif (preCondType == "ilu"):
                   # Using a ILU preconditioner
                   # (still pending, to be done with dolfin solver schema, not pyamg)
                   print "Error(10):"
                   print "ILU Preconditioner still not available, use amg or none instead"
                   print " "
       # Print residuals history
       if (solverType != 'blackbox'):
           #residuals = residuals/residuals[0]
       # Define return parameters
       delfineVar.x = x
       delfineVar.residuals = residuals