def create_context(path='.', *options, **kwargs):
    """Generates a pyang context

        path (str): location of YANG modules.
        *options: list of dicts, with options to be passed to context.
        **kwargs: similar to ``options`` but have a higher precedence.

        pyang.Context: Context object for ``pyang`` usage

    opts = objectify(DEFAULT_OPTIONS, *options, **kwargs)
    repo = FileRepository(path, no_path_recurse=opts.no_path_recurse)
    ctx = Context(repo)
    ctx.opts = opts

    return ctx
def create_context(path='.', *options, **kwargs):
    """Generates a pyang context

        path (str): location of YANG modules.
        *options: list of dicts, with options to be passed to context.
        **kwargs: similar to ``options`` but have a higher precedence.

        pyang.Context: Context object for ``pyang`` usage

    opts = objectify(DEFAULT_OPTIONS, *options, **kwargs)
    repo = FileRepository(path, no_path_recurse=opts.no_path_recurse)
    ctx = Context(repo)
    ctx.opts = opts

    return ctx
def create_context(path='.', *options, **kwargs):
    """Generates a pyang context.

    The dict options and keyword arguments are similar to the command
    line options for ``pyang``. For ``plugindir`` use env var
    ``PYANG_PLUGINPATH``. For ``path`` option use the argument with the
    same name, or ``PYANG_MODPATH`` env var.

        path (str): location of YANG modules.
            (Join string with ``os.pathsep`` for multiple locations).
            Default is the current working dir.
        *options: list of dicts, with options to be passed to context.
            See bellow.
        **kwargs: similar to ``options`` but have a higher precedence.
            See bellow.

    Keyword Arguments:
        print_error_code (bool): On errors, print the error code instead
            of the error message. Default ``False``.
        warnings (list): If contains ``error``, treat all warnings
            as errors, except any other error code in the list.
            If contains ``none``, do not report any warning.
        errors (list): Treat each error code container as an error.
        ignore_error_tags (list): Ignore error code.
            (For a list of error codes see ``pyang --list-errors``).
        ignore_errors (bool): Ignore all errors. Default ``False``.
        canonical (bool): Validate the module(s) according to the
            canonical YANG order. Default ``False``.
        yang_canonical (bool): Print YANG statements according to the
            canonical order. Default ``False``.
        yang_remove_unused_imports (bool): Remove unused import statements
            when printing YANG. Default ``False``.
        trim_yin (bool): In YIN input modules, trim whitespace
            in textual arguments. Default ``False``.
        lax_xpath_checks (bool): Lax check of XPath expressions.
            Default ``False``.
        strict (bool): Force strict YANG compliance. Default ``False``.
        max_line_len (int): Maximum line length allowed. Disabled by default.
        max_identifier_len (int): Maximum identifier length allowed.
            Disabled by default.
        features (list): Features to support, default all.
            Format ``<modname>:[<feature>,]*``.
        keep_comments (bool): Do not discard comments. Default ``True``.
        no_path_recurse (bool): Do not recurse into directories
            in the yang path. Default ``False``.

        pyang.Context: Context object for ``pyang`` usage
    # deviations (list): Deviation module (NOT CURRENTLY WORKING).

    opts = objectify(DEFAULT_OPTIONS, *options, **kwargs)
    repo = FileRepository(path, no_path_recurse=opts.no_path_recurse)

    ctx = Context(repo)
    ctx.opts = opts

    for attr in _COPY_OPTIONS:
        setattr(ctx, attr, getattr(opts, attr))

    # make a map of features to support, per module (taken from pyang bin)
    for feature_name in opts.features:
        (module_name, features) = _parse_features_string(feature_name)
        ctx.features[module_name] = features

    # apply deviations (taken from pyang bin)
    for file_name in opts.deviations:
        with io.open(file_name, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
            module = ctx.add_module(file_name, fd.read())
            if module is not None:

    return ctx