def set_public(post_id, toggle): """ Make the Post appear-on/disappear-from the User's public wall. If toggle is True then the post will appear. """ share, user = _get_share_for_post(post_id) post = toggle = bool(toggle) if not post.can_change_privacy(toggle): abort(403, 'Not available') if share.public != toggle: share.public = toggle db.session.add(share) if toggle: # If it's going public, it'll be visible to more people post.thread_modified() db.session.add(post) db.session.commit() # Write out the updated share if post.author_id == user.contact_id: = user # So we have the key post.implicit_share([ c for c in if not post.shared_with(c) ]) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('feed.view', _external=True))
def create_form(): """ Display the form to create a new user account. """ if not current_app.config.get('ALLOW_CREATION', False): abort(403, 'Disabled by site administrator') return render_response('users_create_form.tpl')
def save_contact_groups(contact_id, _user): """ Change which SubscriptionGroups a contact is in by parsing a string of keywords (like tag processing). Any new terms will create new groups; any now-empty groups will be deleted. """ contact = Contact.get(contact_id) if not contact: abort(404, 'No such contact', force_status=True) sub = if not sub: abort(400, 'Not subscribed') groups = post_param( 'groups', template='roster_edit_group.tpl', optional=True) or '' new_groups = dict( (, g) for g in SubscriptionGroup.parse_line(groups, create=True, user=_user)) old_groups = dict((, g) for g in sub.groups) for group_name, group in old_groups.items(): if group_name not in new_groups: other_members = [ s for s in group.subscriptions if s.to_id != ] if not other_members: db.session.delete(group) sub.groups = list(new_groups.values()) db.session.add(sub) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('.view', _external=True))
def feed(tag_name, _user): """ Display recent public posts on a particular topic (Tag). """ from import Post, Share from import json_posts tag = Tag.get_by_name(tag_name, create=False) if not tag: abort(404, 'No such tag') data = json_tag(tag) posts = db.session.query(Post). \ join(PostTag). \ join(Tag). \ join(Share). \ filter(Tag.Queries.public_posts_for_tags([])). \ order_by(desc(Post.thread_modified_at)). \ group_by( \ limit(100) data['feed'] = json_posts([(p, None) for p in posts]) add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, _user) return render_response('tags_feed.tpl', data)
def create_form(): """ Display the form to create a new user account. """ if not _can_create_account(): abort(403, 'Disabled by site administrator') return render_response('users_create_form.tpl')
def edit_contact_groups_form(contact_id, _user): """ Form to edit which SubscriptionGroups a contact is in. """ contact = Contact.get(contact_id) if not contact: abort(404, 'No such contact') sub = if not sub: abort(404, 'No such contact') data = { 'actions': { 'save_groups': url_for( '.save_contact_groups',, _external=True ) }, 'subscription': json_contact_with_groups(sub, _user) } add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, _user) return render_response('roster_edit_group.tpl', data)
def _get_share_for_post(post_id, _user): share = db.session.query(Share).filter( and_( ==, Share.post_id == post_id, not_(Share.hidden))).first() if not share: abort(403, 'Not available') return share, _user
def _get_share_for_post(post_id, _user): share = db.session.query(Share).filter(and_( ==, Share.post_id == post_id, not_(Share.hidden))).first() if not share: abort(403, 'Not available') return share, _user
def post_param(name, optional=False, template=None): try: val = request.form[name] if not val and not optional: raise ValueError() return val except (KeyError, ValueError): if optional: return None abort(400, 'Missing value for: {0}'.format(name), template=template)
def profile(contact_id): """ Display the profile (possibly with feed) for the contact. """ data, contact = _profile_base(contact_id, request.args.get('public', False)) if not contact.user and not logged_in_user(): abort(404, 'No such contact', force_status=True) if contact.user and not contact.user.activated: abort(404, 'No such contact', force_status=True) return render_response('contacts_profile.tpl', data)
def process_login(): """ Log the user in, checking their credentials and configuring the session, and redirect them to the home page. """ password = post_param('password', template='users_login_form.tpl') email = post_param('email', template='users_login_form.tpl') user = log_in_user(email, password) if not user: abort(403, 'Login failed') return redirect(url_for('index', _external=True))
def hide(post_id, _user): """ Hide an existing Post from the user's wall and profile. """ post = Post.get(post_id) if not post: abort(404, 'No such post', force_status=True) post.hide(_user) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('feed.view', _external=True))
def subscribe(contact_id, _user): """ Add a contact to the logged-in users roster. """ contact = Contact.get(contact_id) if not contact: abort(404, 'No such contact', force_status=True) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('contacts.profile',
def profile(contact_id): """ Display the profile (possibly with feed) for the contact. """ data, contact = _profile_base( contact_id, request.args.get('public', False) ) if not contact.user and not logged_in_user(): abort(404, 'No such contact', force_status=True) if contact.user and not contact.user.activated: abort(404, 'No such contact', force_status=True) return render_response('contacts_profile.tpl', data)
def rename_group(group_id, _user): """ Change the name of an existing group. """ group = SubscriptionGroup.get(group_id) if not(group) or group.user_id != abort(404, 'No such group') = post_param('name') if group.name_is_valid( db.session.add(group) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('.view', _external=True))
def rename_group(group_id, _user): """ Change the name of an existing group. """ group = SubscriptionGroup.get(group_id) if not (group) or group.user_id != abort(404, 'No such group') = post_param('name') if group.name_is_valid( db.session.add(group) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('.view', _external=True))
def login(): """ Display the user login form. """ user = logged_in_user() if user: data = {} add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, user) abort(400, 'Already logged in', data) data = {} add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, None) return render_response('users_login_form.tpl', data)
def raw(part_id): """ Return the part's body as a raw byte-stream for eg. serving images. """ part = MimePart.get(part_id) logged_in = logged_in_user() if not part: abort(404, 'No such content item', force_status=True) # If anyone has shared this part with us (or the public), we get to view # it. for link in part.posts: if return raw_response(part.body, part.type) abort(403, 'Forbidden')
def _profile_base(contact_id, public=False): """ Standard data for profile-alike pages, including the profile page and feed pages. """ from import Post, Share from import json_posts contact = Contact.get(contact_id) if not contact: abort(404, 'No such contact', force_status=True) viewing_as = None if public else logged_in_user() data = json_contact(contact, viewing_as) limit = int(request.args.get('limit', 25)) if viewing_as and request.args.get('refresh', False) and contact.diasp: try: contact.diasp.import_public_posts() db.session.commit() except: current_app.logger.debug(format_exc()) # If not local, we don't have a proper feed if viewing_as or contact.user: # user put it on their public wall feed_query = Post.Queries.public_wall_for_contact(contact) if viewing_as: # Also include things this user has shared with us shared_query = Post.Queries.author_shared_with( contact, viewing_as) feed_query = or_(feed_query, shared_query) feed = db.session.query(Share). \ join(Post). \ filter(feed_query). \ order_by(desc(Post.thread_modified_at)). \ group_by( \ options(contains_eager( \ limit(limit) data['feed'] = json_posts([(, s) for s in feed], viewing_as) add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, viewing_as) return data, contact
def _profile_base(contact_id, public=False): """ Standard data for profile-alike pages, including the profile page and feed pages. """ from import Post, Share from import json_posts contact = Contact.get(contact_id) if not contact: abort(404, 'No such contact', force_status=True) viewing_as = None if public else logged_in_user() data = json_contact(contact, viewing_as) limit = int(request.args.get('limit', 25)) if viewing_as and request.args.get('refresh', False) and contact.diasp: try: contact.diasp.import_public_posts() db.session.commit() except: current_app.logger.debug(format_exc()) # If not local, we don't have a proper feed if viewing_as or contact.user: # user put it on their public wall feed_query = Post.Queries.public_wall_for_contact(contact) if viewing_as: # Also include things this user has shared with us shared_query = Post.Queries.author_shared_with(contact, viewing_as) feed_query = or_(feed_query, shared_query) feed = db.session.query(Share). \ join(Post). \ filter(feed_query). \ order_by(desc(Post.thread_modified_at)). \ group_by( \ options(contains_eager( \ limit(limit) data['feed'] = json_posts([(, s) for s in feed], viewing_as) add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, viewing_as) return data, contact
def view_group(group_id, _user): """ Display the info and members of one SubscriptionGroup. """ group = SubscriptionGroup.get(group_id) if not (group) or group.user_id != abort(404, 'No such group') data = { 'subscriptions': [json_contact_with_groups(s, _user) for s in group.subscriptions], 'group': json_group(group) } add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, _user) return render_response('roster_view_group.tpl', data)
def login(): """ Display the user login form. """ user = logged_in_user() if user: data = {} add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, user) abort(400, 'Already logged in', data) data = {} add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, None) if _can_create_account(): data['logged_in']['actions']['sign_up'] = url_for('users.create', _external=True) return render_response('users_login_form.tpl', data)
def view_group(group_id, _user): """ Display the info and members of one SubscriptionGroup. """ group = SubscriptionGroup.get(group_id) if not(group) or group.user_id != abort(404, 'No such group') data = { 'subscriptions': [ json_contact_with_groups(s, _user) for s in group.subscriptions ], 'group': json_group(group) } add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, _user) return render_response('roster_view_group.tpl', data)
def subscriptions(contact_id, _user): """ Display the friend list for the contact (who must be local to this server, because this server doesn't hold the full friend list for remote users). """ contact = Contact.get(contact_id) if not (contact.user and contact.user.activated): abort(404, 'No such contact', force_status=True) # Looking at our own list? You'll be wanting the edit view. if == return redirect(url_for('roster.view', _external=True)) data = json_contact(contact, _user) data['subscriptions'] = [json_contact(c, _user) for c in contact.friends()] add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, _user) return render_response('contacts_friend_list.tpl', data)
def login(): """ Display the user login form. """ user = logged_in_user() if user: data = {} add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, user) abort(400, 'Already logged in', data) data = {} add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, None) if _can_create_account(): data['logged_in']['actions']['sign_up'] = url_for( 'users.create', _external=True ) return render_response('users_login_form.tpl', data)
def subscriptions(contact_id, _user): """ Display the friend list for the contact (who must be local to this server, because this server doesn't hold the full friend list for remote users). """ contact = Contact.get(contact_id) if not(contact.user and contact.user.activated): abort(404, 'No such contact', force_status=True) # Looking at our own list? You'll be wanting the edit view. if == return redirect(url_for('roster.view', _external=True)) data = json_contact(contact, _user) data['subscriptions'] = [json_contact(c, _user) for c in contact.friends()] add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, _user) return render_response('contacts_friend_list.tpl', data)
def remove_contact(group_id, contact_id, _user): """ Remove a contact from an existing SubscriptionGroup. The Subscription remains. If the SubscriptionGroup becomes empty it will be removed. """ group = SubscriptionGroup.get(group_id) if not (group) or group.user_id != abort(404, 'No such group') new_list = [ s for s in group.subscriptions if != contact_id ] group.subscriptions = new_list if not new_list: db.session.delete(group) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('.view', _external=True))
def comment(post_id, _user): """ Comment on (reply to) an existing Post. """ post = Post.get(post_id) if not post: abort(404, 'No such post', force_status=True) if not post.has_permission_to_view( abort(403, 'Forbidden') data = _base_create_form(_user, post) data.update({ 'relationship': { 'type': 'comment', 'object': json_post(post, children=False), 'description': 'Comment on this item' } }) return render_response('posts_create_form.tpl', data)
def remove_contact(group_id, contact_id, _user): """ Remove a contact from an existing SubscriptionGroup. The Subscription remains. If the SubscriptionGroup becomes empty it will be removed. """ group = SubscriptionGroup.get(group_id) if not(group) or group.user_id != abort(404, 'No such group') new_list = [ s for s in group.subscriptions if != contact_id ] group.subscriptions = new_list if not new_list: db.session.delete(group) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('.view', _external=True))
def save_contact_groups(contact_id, _user): """ Change which SubscriptionGroups a contact is in by parsing a string of keywords (like tag processing). Any new terms will create new groups; any now-empty groups will be deleted. """ contact = Contact.get(contact_id) if not contact: abort(404, 'No such contact', force_status=True) sub = if not sub: abort(400, 'Not subscribed') groups = post_param( 'groups', template='roster_edit_group.tpl', optional=True ) or '' new_groups = dict( (, g) for g in SubscriptionGroup.parse_line(groups, create=True, user=_user) ) old_groups = dict((, g) for g in sub.groups) for group_name, group in old_groups.items(): if group_name not in new_groups: other_members = [ s for s in group.subscriptions if s.to_id != ] if not other_members: db.session.delete(group) sub.groups = list(new_groups.values()) db.session.add(sub) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('.view', _external=True))
def share(post_id, _user): """ Form to share an existing Post with more Contacts. """ post = Post.get(post_id) if not post: abort(404, 'No such post', force_status=True) if not post.has_permission_to_view( abort(403, 'Forbidden') data = _base_create_form(_user) data.update({ 'relationship': { 'type': 'share', 'object': json_post(post, children=False), 'description': 'Share this item' }, 'default_target': { 'type': 'all_friends', 'id': None } }) return render_response('posts_create_form.tpl', data)
def create(): """ Create a new User (sign-up). """ if not current_app.config.get('ALLOW_CREATION', False): abort(403, 'Disabled by site administrator') user = logged_in_user() if user: data = {} add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, user) abort(400, 'Already logged in', data) name = post_param('name', template='users_create_form.tpl') password = post_param('password', template='users_create_form.tpl') email = post_param('email', template='users_create_form.tpl') my_user = models.User() = email = name my_user.generate_keypair(password) db.session.commit() send_template(, 'user_activate_email.tpl', { 'link': url_for( '.activate',, key_hash=_hash_for_pk(my_user), _external=True ) }) data = {} add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, None) return render_response('users_created.tpl', data)
def create(): """ Create a new User (sign-up). """ if not _can_create_account(): abort(403, 'Disabled by site administrator') user = logged_in_user() if user: data = {} add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, user) abort(400, 'Already logged in', data) name = post_param('name', template='users_create_form.tpl') password = post_param('password', template='users_create_form.tpl') email = post_param('email', template='users_create_form.tpl') my_user = models.User() = email = name my_user.generate_keypair(password) db.session.commit() send_template(, 'user_activate_email.tpl', { 'link': url_for( '.activate',, key_hash=_hash_for_pk(my_user), _external=True ) }) data = {} add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, None) return render_response('users_created.tpl', data)
def edit_contact_groups_form(contact_id, _user): """ Form to edit which SubscriptionGroups a contact is in. """ contact = Contact.get(contact_id) if not contact: abort(404, 'No such contact') sub = if not sub: abort(404, 'No such contact') data = { 'actions': { 'save_groups': url_for('.save_contact_groups',, _external=True) }, 'subscription': json_contact_with_groups(sub, _user) } add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, _user) return render_response('roster_edit_group.tpl', data)
def search(_user): from pyaspora.diaspora.models import DiasporaContact term = request.args.get('searchterm', None) or \ abort(400, 'No search term provided') if re_match('[A-Za-z0-9._]+@[A-Za-z0-9.]+$', term): try: DiasporaContact.get_by_username(term) except: current_app.logger.debug(format_exc()) matches = db.session.query(Contact).outerjoin(DiasporaContact).filter( or_(DiasporaContact.username.contains(term), Contact.realname.contains(term))).order_by( Contact.realname).limit(99) data = {'contacts': [json_contact(c, _user) for c in matches]} add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, _user) return render_response('contacts_search_results.tpl', data)
def search(_user): from pyaspora.diaspora.models import DiasporaContact term = request.args.get('searchterm', None) or \ abort(400, 'No search term provided') if re_match('[A-Za-z0-9._]+@[A-Za-z0-9.]+$', term): try: DiasporaContact.get_by_username(term) except: current_app.logger.debug(format_exc()) matches = db.session.query(Contact).outerjoin(DiasporaContact).filter(or_( DiasporaContact.username.contains(term), Contact.realname.contains(term) )).order_by(Contact.realname).limit(99) data = { 'contacts': [json_contact(c, _user) for c in matches] } add_logged_in_user_to_data(data, _user) return render_response('contacts_search_results.tpl', data)
def avatar(contact_id): """ Display the photo (or other media item) that represents a Contact. If the user is logged in they can view the avatar for any contact, but if not logged in then only locally-mastered contacts have their avatar displayed. """ contact = Contact.get(contact_id) if not contact: abort(404, 'No such contact', force_status=True) if not contact.user and not logged_in_user(): abort(404, 'No such contact', force_status=True) part = contact.avatar if not part: abort(404, 'Contact has no avatar', force_status=True) return raw_response(part.body, part.type)
def activate(user_id, key_hash): """ Activate a user. This is intended to be a clickable link from the sign-up email that confirms the email address is valid. """ matched_user = models.User.get(user_id) if not matched_user: abort(404, 'Not found') if matched_user.activated: abort(404, 'Not found') if key_hash != _hash_for_pk(matched_user): abort(404, 'Not found') matched_user.activate() db.session.commit() return render_response('users_activation_success.tpl')
def check_attachment_is_safe(attachment): if attachment.mimetype == 'text/html' or \ attachment.mimetype.startswith('application/x-pyaspora'): abort(400, 'Invalid upload') return True
def _inner(*args, **kwargs): user = logged_in_user() if not user: abort(401, 'Not logged in') return fn(*args, _user=user, **kwargs)
def edit(_user): """ Apply the changes from the user edit form. This updates such varied things as the profile photo and bio, the email address, name, password and interests. """ from import Post p = Post( changed = [] order = 0 notif_freq = post_param( 'notification_frequency_hours', template='users_edit.tpl', optional=True ) _user.notification_hours = int(notif_freq) if notif_freq else None email = post_param('email', optional=True) if email and email != = email old_pw = post_param('current_password', optional=True) new_pw1 = post_param('new_password', optional=True) new_pw2 = post_param('new_password2', optional=True) if old_pw and new_pw1 and new_pw2: if new_pw1 != new_pw2: abort(400, 'New passwords do not match') try: _user.change_password(old_pw, new_pw1) except ValueError: abort(400, 'Old password is incorrect') db.session.add(_user) attachment = request.files.get('avatar', None) if attachment and attachment.filename: changed.append('avatar') order += 1 check_attachment_is_safe(attachment) if not renderer_exists(attachment.mimetype) or \ not attachment.mimetype.startswith('image/'): abort(400, 'Avatar format unsupported') attachment_part = MimePart( type=attachment.mimetype,, text_preview=attachment.filename ) p.add_part(attachment_part, order=order, inline=True) = attachment_part name = post_param('name', template='users_edit.tpl', optional=True) if name and name != = name changed.append('name') bio = post_param('bio', template='users_edit.tpl', optional=True) if bio: bio = bio.encode('utf-8') else: bio = b'' if bio and (not or != bio): changed.append('bio') order += 1 bio_part = MimePart(body=bio, type='text/plain', text_preview=None) p.add_part( order=order, inline=True, mime_part=bio_part ) = bio_part tags = post_param('tags', optional=True) if tags is not None: tag_objects = Tag.parse_line(tags, create=True) old_tags = set([ for t in]) new_tags = set([ for t in tag_objects]) if old_tags != new_tags: changed.append('tags') = tag_objects p.add_part( order=0, inline=True, mime_part=MimePart( body=json_dumps({ 'fields_changed': changed }).encode('utf-8'), type='application/x-pyaspora-profile-update', text_preview='updated their profile' ) ) if changed: db.session.add(p) db.session.add( p.share_with([]) p.thread_modified() db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('contacts.profile',
def create(_user): """ Create a new Post and Share it with the selected Contacts. """ body = post_param('body') relationship = { 'type': post_param('relationship_type', optional=True), 'id': post_param('relationship_id', optional=True), } target = { 'type': post_param('target_type'), 'id': post_param('target_id', optional=True), } assert(target['type'] in targets_by_name) # Loathe inflexible HTML forms if target['id'] is None: target['id'] = post_param( 'target_%s_id' % target['type'], optional=True) if relationship['type']: post = Post.get(relationship['id']) if not post: abort(404, 'No such post', force_status=True) if not post.has_permission_to_view( abort(403, 'Forbidden') relationship['post'] = post post = Post( body_part = MimePart(type='text/x-markdown', body=body.encode('utf-8'), text_preview=None) topics = post_param('tags', optional=True) if topics: post.tags = Tag.parse_line(topics, create=True) if relationship['type'] == 'comment': post.parent = relationship['post'] post.add_part(body_part, order=0, inline=True) elif relationship['type'] == 'share': shared = relationship['post'] share_part = MimePart( type='application/x-pyaspora-share', body=dumps({ 'post': {'id':}, 'author': { 'id': shared.author_id, 'name':, } }).encode('utf-8'), text_preview="shared {0}'s post".format( ) post.add_part(share_part, order=0, inline=True) post.add_part(body_part, order=1, inline=True) order = 1 for part in if part.mime_part.type != 'application/x-pyaspora-share': order += 1 post.add_part(part.mime_part, inline=part.inline, order=order) if not post.tags: post.tags = shared.tags else: # Naked post post.add_part(body_part, order=0, inline=True) attachment = request.files.get('attachment', None) if attachment and attachment.filename: check_attachment_is_safe(attachment) attachment_part = MimePart( type=attachment.mimetype,, text_preview=attachment.filename ) post.add_part(attachment_part, order=1, inline=bool(renderer_exists(attachment.mimetype))) post.thread_modified() # Sigh, need an ID for the post for making shares db.session.add(post) db.session.commit() targets_by_name[target['type']].make_shares(post, target['id']) db.session.commit() data = json_post(post) return redirect(url_for('feed.view', _external=True), data_structure=data)
def create(_user): """ Create a new Post and Share it with the selected Contacts. """ body = post_param('body') relationship = { 'type': post_param('relationship_type', optional=True), 'id': post_param('relationship_id', optional=True), } target = { 'type': post_param('target_type'), 'id': post_param('target_id', optional=True), } assert (target['type'] in targets_by_name) # Loathe inflexible HTML forms if target['id'] is None: target['id'] = post_param('target_%s_id' % target['type'], optional=True) if relationship['type']: post = Post.get(relationship['id']) if not post: abort(404, 'No such post', force_status=True) if not post.has_permission_to_view( abort(403, 'Forbidden') relationship['post'] = post shared = None post = Post( body_part = MimePart(type='text/x-markdown', body=body.encode('utf-8'), text_preview=None) topics = post_param('tags', optional=True) if topics: post.tags = Tag.parse_line(topics, create=True) if relationship['type'] == 'comment': post.parent = relationship['post'] post.add_part(body_part, order=0, inline=True) elif relationship['type'] == 'share': shared = relationship['post'] share_part = MimePart(type='application/x-pyaspora-share', body=dumps({ 'post': { 'id': }, 'author': { 'id': shared.author_id, 'name':, } }).encode('utf-8'), text_preview=u"shared {0}'s post".format( post.add_part(share_part, order=0, inline=True) post.add_part(body_part, order=1, inline=True) order = 1 for part in if part.mime_part.type != 'application/x-pyaspora-share': order += 1 post.add_part(part.mime_part, inline=part.inline, order=order) if not post.tags: post.tags = shared.tags else: # Naked post post.add_part(body_part, order=0, inline=True) attachment = request.files.get('attachment', None) if attachment and attachment.filename: check_attachment_is_safe(attachment) attachment_part = MimePart(type=attachment.mimetype,, text_preview=attachment.filename) post.add_part(attachment_part, order=1, inline=bool(renderer_exists(attachment.mimetype))) post.thread_modified() # Sigh, need an ID for the post for making shares db.session.add(post) db.session.commit() targets_by_name[target['type']].make_shares(post, target['id'], reshare_of=shared) db.session.commit() data = json_post(post) return redirect(url_for('feed.view', _external=True), data_structure=data)