def lookup_tag(name):
    """Look up a tag based on its key. Returns a DmapTag."""
    return next((_TAGS[t] for t in _TAGS if t == name),
                DmapTag(_read_unknown, 'unknown tag'))
from pyatv.dmap import DmapTag
from pyatv.tags import (read_bool, read_uint, read_str, read_raw, read_ignore)

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Internal version that works like read_ignore, but also logs
def _read_unknown(data, start, length):
    #_LOGGER.debug('Unknown data: %s', str(data[start-8:start+length+8]))
    return 0

# These are the tags that we know about so far
# pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
_TAGS = {
    'aeFP': DmapTag(read_uint,   ''),
    'aeSV': DmapTag(read_uint,   ''),
    'apro': DmapTag(read_uint,   'daap.protocolversion'),
    'asgr': DmapTag(read_uint,   ''),
    'ated': DmapTag(read_bool,   'daap.supportsextradata'),
    'caar': DmapTag(read_uint,   'dacp.albumrepeat'),
    'caas': DmapTag(read_uint,   'dacp.albumshuffle'),
    'caci': DmapTag('container', 'dacp.controlint'),
    'cafe': DmapTag(read_bool,   'dacp.fullscreenenabled'),
    'cafs': DmapTag(read_uint,   'dacp.fullscreen'),
    'cana': DmapTag(read_str,    'daap.nowplayingartist'),
    'cang': DmapTag(read_str,    'dacp.nowplayinggenre'),
    'canl': DmapTag(read_str,    'daap.nowplayingalbum'),
    'cann': DmapTag(read_str,    'daap.nowplayingtrack'),
    'cant': DmapTag(read_uint,   'dacp.remainingtime'),
    'capr': DmapTag(read_uint,   'dacp.protocolversion'),