#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pyautocad import Autocad, APoint
from pyautocad.contrib.tables import Table

acad = Autocad()
p1 = APoint(0, 0)
for i in range(5):
    obj = acad.model.AddText(u'Hi %s!' % i, p1, 2.5)
    p1.y += 10

table = Table()
for obj in acad.iter_objects('Text'):
    x, y, z = obj.InsertionPoint
    table.writerow([obj.TextString, x, y, z])
table.save('data.xls', 'xls')

data = Table.data_from_file('data.xls')

def main():
    acad = Autocad()
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=u'%prog [опции] [файл для результатов]')
    parser.add_option('-f', '--format',
                      choices=available_write_formats(), dest='format',
                      metavar='FORMAT', default='xls',
                      help=u"Формат файла (%s) по умолчанию - %%default" %
                           ', '.join(available_write_formats()))
    parser.add_option('-k', '--known', dest='known_targets',
                      metavar='FILE', default='', action='store',
                      help=u'Файл с заполненым полем "Конец" и очередностью '
                           u' записей. По умолчанию берется из существующего файла')
    parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='callback',
                      callback=lambda *x: logging.disable(logging.WARNING),
                      help=u'"Тихий" режим (не печатать в консоль)')
    parser.add_option('-s', '--single', dest='single_doc', action='store_true',
                      help=u'Собрать данные только из текущего документа '
                           u'(Собирает из всех по умолчанию)')
    parser.add_option('-c', '--no-known', dest='dont_use_known',
                      action='store_true', default=False,
                      help=u'Не использовать данные об очередности и поле "Конец"')
    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    output_file = args[0] if args else u"cables_from_%s.%s" % (acad.doc.Name, options.format)
    if not options.known_targets and not options.dont_use_known:
        options.known_targets = output_file
    known_targets = get_known_targets(options.known_targets)
    output_table = Table()
    if options.single_doc:
        documents = [acad.doc]
        documents = acad.app.Documents

    for doc in documents:
            cables = get_cables(acad, doc.Modelspace, known_targets)
            sorted_cables = sort_cables_by_targets(cables, known_targets)
            for row in sorted_cables:
                output_table.writerow([s for s in row])
        except Exception:
            logger.exception('Error while processing %s', doc.Name)
    output_table.save(output_file, options.format)
def count_blocks_excel(filename, savingPath, uselayer0, layers_contain,
    This function iterates over all the layers in the opened DWG and summing up all the blocks in the file
    into one MS-Excel sheet.
    Parameters needed:
    1. Name of an MS-Excel file (doesn't have to exist)
    2. Should it count objects in Layer 0?
    3. Should it count objects only in specific layers?
    tableFilename = filename + '.xls'
    table = Table()
    block_list = []
    total_blocks = []
    acad.prompt("Creating a table of blocks count")
    layer0counter = 0
    for block in acad.iter_objects('block'):
        ''' This if statement checks if the layer is Layer0.
        Some people workflow includes leaving "garbage" in layer 0,
        and we don't want it to count these objects.'''
        if (uselayer0 == "no") & (unicodedata.normalize(
                'NFKD', block.Layer).encode('ascii', 'ignore') == "0"):
            # print "block was on layer 0"
            layer0counter += 1
        if layers_contain in block.Layer:
            # print block.Layer
            if blocks_contain in block.name:
                if block.name in block_list:
                    i = block_list.index(block.name)
                    total_blocks[i] += 1

    print block_list
    print total_blocks
    if (uselayer0 == "no"):
        print str(layer0counter) + " blocks counted and ignored on layer 0"
    acad.prompt("Saving file AAC_blocks_" + filename + ".xls at " + savingPath)
    # Add headlines to table
        "NADRASH LTD.", "Blocks Count", "Created:", today_date_designed,
        "Block", "Amount", "", "",
        "Blocks counted only in layers contain: {}".format(layers_contain)
    # Add data to table
    for i in range(len(block_list)):
        table.writerow([block_list[i], total_blocks[i], "", "", ""])
    # Save table in xls
    table.save(tableFilename, 'xls')
def count_blocks_per_layer(filename, savingPath, uselayer0, layers_contain, blocks_contain):
    This function iterates over all the layers in the opened DWG and summing up all the blocks in each layer
    into one MS-Excel sheet.
    Parameters needed:
    1. Name of an MS-Excel file (doesn't have to exist)
    2. Should it count objects in Layer 0?
    3. Should it count objects only in specific layers?
    tableFilename = filename + '.xls'
    table = Table()
    block_list = []
    block_name_list = []
    block_layer = []
    total_blocks = []
    acad.prompt("Creating a table of blocks count")
    layer0counter = 0
    for block in acad.iter_objects('block'):
        ''' This if statement checks if the layer is Layer0.
        Some people workflow includes leaving "garbage" in layer 0,
        and we don't want it to count these objects.'''
        if (uselayer0 == "no") & (unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', block.Layer).encode('ascii', 'ignore') == "0"):
            # print "block was on layer 0"
            layer0counter += 1
        if layers_contain in block.Layer:
            # print block.Layer
            if blocks_contain in block.name:
                if block.Layer + " " + block.name in block_list:
                    i = block_list.index(block.Layer + " " + block.name)
                    total_blocks[i] += 1
                    block_list.append(block.Layer + " " + block.name)

    print block_list
    print total_blocks
    if (uselayer0 == "no"):
        print str(layer0counter) + " blocks counted and ignored on layer 0"
    acad.prompt("Saving file AAC_blocks_per_layer" + filename + ".xls at " + savingPath)
    # Add headlines to table
    table.writerow(["NADRASH LTD.", "Blocks Count", "Created:", today_date_designed, acad.ActiveDocument.Name])
    table.writerow(["Layer", "Block Name", "Amount", "",
                    "Blocks counted only in layers contain: {}".format(layers_contain)])
    # Add data to table
    for i in range(len(block_list)):
        table.writerow([block_layer[i], block_name_list[i], total_blocks[i], "", ""])
    # Save table in xls
    table.save(tableFilename, 'xls')
def line_lengths_excel(filename, savingPath, draw_units, layers_contain):
    This function iterates over all the layers in the opened DWG and write sum of line lengths of each layer
    into one MS-Excel sheet.
    Parameters needed:
    1. Name of an MS-Excel file (doesn't have to exist)
    2. Units of the drwaing
    acad.prompt("Creating a table of line lengths")
    tableFilename = filename + '.xls'
    table = Table()
    layers = []
    total_length = []
    units_scale = {"m": 1, "cm": 100, "mm": 1000}
    units = draw_units
    scale = units_scale[units]

    for line in acad.iter_objects('polyline'):
        l1 = line.length
        if layers_contain in line.Layer:
            # print line.Layer
            if line.Layer in layers:
                i = layers.index(line.Layer)
                total_length[i] += l1
    print layers
    print total_length
    acad.prompt("Saving file AAC_lines_" + filename + ".xls at " + savingPath)
    # Add headlines to table
        "NADRASH LTD.", "Lines Lengths", "Created:", today_date_designed,
    table.writerow(["Layer", "Length [" + units + "]", "Length [m]", "", ""])
    # Add data to table
    for i in range(len(layers)):
            [layers[i], total_length[i], total_length[i] / scale, "", ""])
    # Save table in xls
    table.save(tableFilename, 'xls')
def sum_areas_excel(filename, savingPath, draw_units, layers_contain):
    This function iterates over all the layers in the opened DWG and write sum of areas in each layer
    into one MS-Excel sheet.
    Parameters needed:
    1. Name of an MS-Excel file (doesn't have to exist)
    2. Units of the drwaing
    acad.prompt("Creating a table of areas sum per layer")
    tableFilename = filename + '.xls'
    table = Table()
    layers = []
    total_sum = []
    units_scale = {"m": 1, "cm": 100, "mm": 1000}
    units = draw_units
    scale = units_scale[units]

    for object in acad.iter_objects():
        obj1 = object.area
        if layers_contain in object.Layer:
            # print line.Layer
            if object.Layer in layers:
                i = layers.index(object.Layer)
                total_sum[i] += obj1
    print layers
    print total_sum
    acad.prompt("Saving file AAC_areas_" + filename + ".xls at " + savingPath)
    # Add headlines to table
        "NADRASH LTD.", "Area sum", "Created:", today_date_designed,
    table.writerow(["Layer", "[" + units + "^2]", "[m^2]", "", ""])
    # Add data to table
    for i in range(len(layers)):
            [layers[i], total_sum[i], total_sum[i] / scale**2, "", ""])
    # Save table in xls
    table.save(tableFilename, 'xls')
def sum_areas_excel(filename, savingPath, draw_units, layers_contain):
    This function iterates over all the layers in the opened DWG and write sum of areas in each layer
    into one MS-Excel sheet.
    Parameters needed:
    1. Name of an MS-Excel file (doesn't have to exist)
    2. Units of the drwaing
    acad.prompt("Creating a table of areas sum per layer")
    tableFilename = filename + '.xls'
    table = Table()
    layers = []
    total_sum = []
    units_scale = {"m": 1, "cm": 100, "mm": 1000}
    units = draw_units
    scale = units_scale[units]

    for object in acad.iter_objects():
        obj1 = object.area
        if layers_contain in object.Layer:
            # print line.Layer
            if object.Layer in layers:
                i = layers.index(object.Layer)
                total_sum[i] += obj1
    print layers
    print total_sum
    acad.prompt("Saving file AAC_areas_" + filename + ".xls at " + savingPath)
    # Add headlines to table
    table.writerow(["NADRASH LTD.", "Area sum", "Created:", today_date_designed, acad.ActiveDocument.Name])
    table.writerow(["Layer", "[" + units + "^2]", "[m^2]", "", ""])
    # Add data to table
    for i in range(len(layers)):
        table.writerow([layers[i], total_sum[i], total_sum[i] / scale**2, "", ""])
    # Save table in xls
    table.save(tableFilename, 'xls')
def line_lengths_excel(filename, savingPath, draw_units, layers_contain):
    This function iterates over all the layers in the opened DWG and write sum of line lengths of each layer
    into one MS-Excel sheet.
    Parameters needed:
    1. Name of an MS-Excel file (doesn't have to exist)
    2. Units of the drwaing
    acad.prompt("Creating a table of line lengths")
    tableFilename = filename + '.xls'
    table = Table()
    layers = []
    total_length = []
    units_scale = {"m": 1, "cm": 100, "mm": 1000}
    units = draw_units
    scale = units_scale[units]

    for line in acad.iter_objects('polyline'):
        l1 = line.length
        if layers_contain in line.Layer:
            # print line.Layer
            if line.Layer in layers:
                i = layers.index(line.Layer)
                total_length[i] += l1
    print layers
    print total_length
    acad.prompt("Saving file AAC_lines_" + filename + ".xls at " + savingPath)
    # Add headlines to table
    table.writerow(["NADRASH LTD.", "Lines Lengths", "Created:", today_date_designed, acad.ActiveDocument.Name])
    table.writerow(["Layer", "Length [" + units + "]", "Length [m]", "", ""])
    # Add data to table
    for i in range(len(layers)):
        table.writerow([layers[i], total_length[i], total_length[i] / scale, "", ""])
    # Save table in xls
    table.save(tableFilename, 'xls')