def __init__(self): self.usb_serial = USB_VCP() self.baud = 0 self.recv_buf = bytearray(1) # Disable Control-C on the USB serail port in case one comes in the # data. self.usb_serial.setinterrupt(-1)
def pye(*args, tab_size=4, undo=50): from pyb import USB_VCP USB_VCP().setinterrupt(-1) io_device = IO_DEVICE() ret = pye_edit(*args, tab_size=tab_size, undo=undo, io_device=io_device) io_device.deinit_tty() USB_VCP().setinterrupt(3) return ret
def __init__(self, port=0, data_rate=None, host_id=2, module_id=1, debug=False): del data_rate tmcl_module_interface.__init__(self, host_id, module_id, debug) tmcl_host_interface.__init__(self, host_id, module_id, debug) self.__vcp = USB_VCP(port) self.__vcp.init() self.__vcp.setinterrupt(-1)
def __init__(self, role): self.role = role self.console = USB_VCP() self.command_dispatch = { } self.cmd_hist = [b''] self.prompt = bytes(self.role + '> ', 'ASCII') self.tx_want_ack = True self.destination = bytes(8)
def run_usb_vcp_test(): serial_port = USB_VCP() nmea_line = None #serial_port.setinterrupt(-1) while True: # retrieving data if serial_port.any(): nmea_line = str(serial_port.readline(), 'utf-8') if nmea_line: delay(1) nmea_line = None delay(50)
class USB_Port: def __init__(self): self.usb_serial = USB_VCP() self.recv_buf = bytearray(1) # Disable Control-C on the USB serial port in case one comes in the # data. self.usb_serial.setinterrupt(-1) def read_byte(self): """Reads a byte from the usb serial device.""" if self.usb_serial.any(): bytes_read = self.usb_serial.recv(self.recv_buf) if bytes_read > 0: return self.recv_buf[0] def write(self, data): """Writes an entire packet to the serial port.""" self.usb_serial.write(data)
class USB_Port: """Implements a port which can be used to receive bioloid device commands from a host. """ def __init__(self): self.usb_serial = USB_VCP() self.baud = 0 self.recv_buf = bytearray(1) # Disable Control-C on the USB serail port in case one comes in the # data. self.usb_serial.setinterrupt(-1) def any(self): """Returns a truthy value if characters are available to be read.""" return self.usb_serial.any() def read_byte(self): """Reads a byte from the usb serial device. This function will return None if no character was read within the designated timeout. The max Return Delay time is 254 x 2 usec = 508 usec (the default is 500 usec). This represents the minimum time between receiving a packet and sending a response. """ bytes_read = self.usb_serial.recv(self.recv_buf, timeout=2) if bytes_read > 0: return self.recv_buf[0] def set_baud(self, baud): """Sets the baud rate. Note that for USB Serial, this is essentially a no-op. We store the baud rate that was set, so that """ self.baud = baud def write_packet(self, packet_data): """Writes an entire packet to the serial port.""" self.usb_serial.write(packet_data)
from pyb import LED, ADC, USB_VCP, Pin from pyb import millis, elapsed_millis, delay, Timer from pyb import hard_reset from array import array # User Variables pin_strings = ('X1', 'X2', 'X3', 'X4', 'X5', 'X6', 'X7', 'X8', 'Y11', 'Y12', 'X19', 'X20', 'X21', 'X22', 'X11', 'X12') # Objects usb = USB_VCP() indicator_light = LED(4) # Finals inf = 10**100 # Classes class VCP(USB_VCP): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def read_timeout(self, timeout=5000): start_time = millis() while elapsed_millis(start_time) < timeout: data = if data: return data.decode() def write_encode(self, data): self.write(bytearray(str(data).encode())) def verify_write(self, data, timeout=500):
# #!/usr/bin/env python2.7 # import sys, serial, struct # port = '/dev/ttyACM0' # sp = serial.Serial(port, baudrate=115200, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, # xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, timeout=None, dsrdtr=True) # sp.setDTR(True) # dsrdtr is ignored on Windows. # sp.write("snap") # sp.flush() # size = struct.unpack('<L',[0] # img = # sp.close() # # with open("img.jpg", "w") as f: # f.write(img) import sensor, image, time, ustruct from pyb import USB_VCP usb = USB_VCP() sensor.reset() # Reset and initialize the sensor. sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) # Set pixel format to RGB565 (or GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) # Set frame size to QVGA (320x240) sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) # Wait for settings take effect. while(True): cmd = usb.recv(4, timeout=5000) if (cmd == b'snap'): img = sensor.snapshot().compress() usb.send(ustruct.pack("<L", img.size())) usb.send(img)
import time from pyb import (USB_VCP, Servo) SLEEP = 0.1 UP = -90 DOWN = 0 SPEED = 1000 servo = Servo(1) servo.angle(30) p = USB_VCP() while True: if p.any(): command = p.readline().strip() if command == b'up': servo.angle(UP, SPEED) p.write(b'up-ok\n') elif command == b'down': servo.angle(DOWN, SPEED) p.write(b'down-ok\n') else: p.write(command + b'\n') p.write(b'err\n') time.sleep(SLEEP)
''' 串口通信 ''' import sensor, image, time, ustruct from pyb import USB_VCP usb = USB_VCP() sensor.reset() # 复位并初始化感光元件。 sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) # 设置像素格式为RGB565(或GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) # 将图像大小设置为QVGA (320x240) sensor.skip_frames(time=2000) # 等待设置生效。 while (True): test = 'hi\r\n' usb.send(test) time.sleep(1000)
class CoroCLI(): def __init__(self, role): self.role = role self.console = USB_VCP() self.command_dispatch = { } self.cmd_hist = [b''] self.prompt = bytes(self.role + '> ', 'ASCII') self.tx_want_ack = True self.destination = bytes(8) @coroutine def readline(self): console = self.console hi = 0 buf = b'' while console.isconnected(): if console.any(): c = if c == b'\x04': raise GotEOT elif c == b'\x0e': # ^N buf = self.cmd_hist[hi][:] hi = max(hi-1, 0) console.write(b'\r' + self.prompt + buf + b'\x1b[K') elif c == b'\x10': # ^P buf = self.cmd_hist[hi][:] hi = min(hi+1, len(self.cmd_hist)-1) console.write(b'\r' + self.prompt + buf + b'\x1b[K') elif c == b'\x7f' or c == b'\x08': if buf: console.write(b'\x08 \x08') buf = buf[:-1] elif c == b'\r' or c == b'\n': if buf and buf != self.cmd_hist[0]: self.cmd_hist.insert(0, buf) if len(self.cmd_hist) > 16: self.cmd_hist.pop() hi = 0 console.write(b'\r\n') return buf else: buf += c console.write(c) else: yield from sleep(50) @coroutine def write(self, buf): self.console.write(buf) yield @coroutine def writeln(self, buf): yield from self.write(buf) yield from self.write(b'\r\n') @coroutine def interpret(self, line): if not line: return cmd, _, rol = line.lstrip().partition(b' ') cmd = str(cmd, 'ASCII') rol = rol.lstrip() fun = self.command_dispatch.get(cmd.lower()) if fun: yield from fun(self, cmd, rol) elif cmd in ('help', '?'): yield from self.write('Commands are: ') yield from self.writeln(', '.join(sorted(self.command_dispatch.keys()))) else: yield from self.writeln('huh?') @coroutine def repl(self, noquit=False): console = self.console while(console.isconnected()): #console.self.write(prompt) yield from self.write(self.prompt) try: line = yield from self.readline() yield from self.interpret(line) except GotEOT: if noquit: yield from self.writeln("can't quit!") else: return
class DataTX(): img_width = 320 img_height = 240 sent = False buff = None dataTX = DataTX() dataRX = DataTX() dataTX.buff = sensor.alloc_extra_fb(DataTX.img_width, DataTX.img_height, sensor.RGB565) dataRX.buff = sensor.alloc_extra_fb(DataTX.img_width, DataTX.img_height, sensor.RGB565) usb = USB_VCP() blue_led.on() spi_error = False debug_image = False control = CameraSlaveControl() control.column_offset = 10 control.row_offset = 10 control.column_zoom_numerator = 22 control.column_zoom_denominator = 20 control.row_zoom_numerator = 22 control.row_zoom_denominator = 20 while (True):
def __init__(self): self.vs = USB_VCP() self.direction = 0 self.speed = 0 self.select_dir = 0 self.select_speed = 0
import utime, ustruct, pyb import math from array import array from pyb import USB_VCP usb = USB_VCP() usb.setinterrupt(-1) dac1 = pyb.DAC(pyb.Pin('X5'), bits=12) dac2 = pyb.DAC(pyb.Pin('X6'), bits=12) pwmGain = pyb.Pin('X1') pwmSlew = pyb.Pin('X2') pwmBias = pyb.Pin('X3') tim2 = pyb.Timer(2, freq=10000) tim5 = pyb.Timer(5, freq=1000000) pwmBiasCh =, pyb.Timer.PWM, pin=pwmBias) pwmGainCh =, pyb.Timer.PWM, pin=pwmGain) pwmBiasCh.pulse_width_percent(50) pwmSlewCh =, pyb.Timer.PWM, pin=pwmSlew) amplitude, Stop = 999, True frequency = 10000 duty = 10 while Stop: cmd = usb.recv(4, timeout=5000) usb.write(cmd) if (cmd == b'strt'): pyb.LED(1).on() pyb.LED(2).off() pyb.LED(3).off() utime.sleep(1) tim2 = pyb.Timer(2, freq=10000)
# sp.close() # # with open('img.jpg', 'w') as f: # f.write(img) import sensor, image, time, ustruct from pyb import USB_VCP from pyb import LED red_led = LED(1) green_led = LED(2) blue_led = LED(3) ir_led = LED(4) #usb.send('Camera initialization...') blue_led.on() usb = USB_VCP() sensor.reset() # Reset and initialize the sensor. sensor.set_pixformat( sensor.RGB565) # Set pixel format to RGB565 (or GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) # Set frame size to QVGA (320x240) sensor.skip_frames(time=2000) # Wait for settings take effect clock = time.clock() # Create a clock object to track the FPS. # sensor.set_gainceiling(16) usb.send('Done') contrast = 0 brightness = 0 saturation = 0 vertical_flip = False
import sensor, image, time from pyb import UART from pyb import USB_VCP def timeprint(num): if (1): # set to determine if times should be printed print(str(num) + ":" + str(clock.avg())) clock.reset() clock.tick() usb = USB_VCP() uart = UART(3, 9600) # init with given baudrate uart.init(9600, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1) # init with given parameters sensor.reset() # Reset and initialize the sensor. sensor.set_pixformat( sensor.GRAYSCALE) # Set pixel format to RGB565 (or GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) # Set frame size to QVGA (320x240) sensor.set_auto_exposure(0, value=1) sensor.skip_frames(time=2000) # Wait for settings take effect. bg = sensor.snapshot() # get background first from short exposure bg = bg.copy() sensor.set_auto_exposure(0, value=100)
from pyb import USB_VCP u = USB_VCP() while True: data = u.recv(1) ch = data[0] if ch < ord(' ') or ch > ord('~'): ch = '.' print("Rcvd: 0x%x '%c'" % (data[0], ch))
def Log(Watt, ch): p = USB_VCP() v = Watt.Volts(ch) s = '%5.4f' % v p.write(s)
else: return 0 while(True): clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot() numb = 0 rateOfBlue = 0 rateOfRed = 0 rateOfGreen = 0 #查看图片中是否存在该种颜色(占图片中颜色5%) calculateRateOfColor(img,hsv_low_red,hsv_high_red,rateOfRed) calculateRateOfColor(img,hsv_low_green,hsv_high_green,rateOfGreen) calculateRateOfColor(img,hsv_low_blue,hsv_high_blue,rateOfBlue) #numb 值为1 所需颜色出现在图片中线 为0不在中线 if rateOfRed > 0.05: numb = calculateRange(img,img,hsv_low_red,hsv_high_red) elif rateOfBlue > 0.05: numb = calculateRange(img,img,hsv_low_blue,hsv_high_blue) elif rateOfGreen > 0.05: numb = calculateRange(img,img,hsv_low_green,hsv_high_green) else: numb = 0 #图片中有颜色返回True 无该颜色返回False if numb == 1: USB_VCP.send(True) else: USB_VCP.send(False) print(clock.fps())
class Controller(object): def __init__(self): self.vs = USB_VCP() self.direction = 0 self.speed = 0 self.select_dir = 0 self.select_speed = 0 #self.vs.setinterrupt(-1) def dir_menu(self): print('please input your instructions') print('1. set the direction ') print('2. set the speed ') print('3. send the instruction ') def get_instrcution(self): print('please input your instructions ') print('1. set the direction ') print('2. set the speed ') print('3. send the instruction ') while True: if self.vs.any(): pyb.delay(2000) self.instrcution = self.vs.readline() if (self.select_dir == 1): if (self.instrcution == b'1'): self.select_dir = 0 print('forward') self.dir_menu() elif (self.instrcution == b'2'): self.select_dir = 0 print('back') self.dir_menu() elif (self.instrcution == b'3'): self.select_dir = 0 print('leftforward') self.dir_menu() elif (self.instrcution == b'4'): self.select_dir = 0 print('leftback') self.dir_menu() elif (self.instrcution == b'5'): self.select_dir = 0 print('rightforward') self.dir_menu() elif (self.instrcution == b'6'): self.select_dir = 0 print('rightback') self.dir_menu() elif (self.instrcution == b'7'): self.select_dir = 0 print('stop') self.dir_menu() elif (self.instrcution == b'8'): self.select_dir = 0 print('MotorA-F') self.dir_menu() elif (self.instrcution == b'9'): self.select_dir = 0 print('MotorA-R') self.dir_menu() elif (self.instrcution == b'10'): self.select_dir = 0 print('MotorB-F') self.dir_menu() elif (self.instrcution == b'11'): self.select_dir = 0 print('MotorB-R') self.dir_menu() elif (self.instrcution == b'12'): self.select_dir = 0 print('RUN') self.dir_menu() else: print('please set the diretion') elif (self.select_speed == 1): self.select_speed == 0 print('speed is ', int(self.instrcution)) print('please input your instructions') print('1. set the direction ') print('2. set the speed ') print('3. send the instruction ') elif (self.instrcution == b'1'): self.select_dir = 1 print('please set the diretion ') print('1. forward') print('2. back') print('3. leftforward') print('4. leftback') print('5. rightforward') print('6. rightback') print('7. stop') print('8. MotorA-F') print('9. MotorA-R') print('10.MotorB-F') print('11.MotorB-R') print('12.RUN') elif (self.instrcution == b'2'): self.select_speed = 1 print('set the speed ') elif (self.instrcution == b'3'): print('send the instruction ') else: print('test', self.instrcution) print('please input your instructions') print('1. set the direction ') print('2. set the speed ') print('3. send the instruction ')
# # Single Color RGB565 Blob Tracking Example #BALL SLURPER # This example shows off single color RGB565 tracking using the OpenMV Cam. import sensor, image, time, math, ustruct, pyb from pyb import USB_VCP, Pin DBG = True usb = USB_VCP() pin = Pin('P0', Pin.OUT_OD) # Color Tracking Thresholds (L Min, L Max, A Min, A Max, B Min, B Max) # The below thresholds track in general red/green/blue things. You may wish to tune them... sensor.reset() sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) sensor.skip_frames(time=2000) sensor.set_auto_exposure(False, 5000) sensor.set_auto_gain(False, 0, 0) # must be turned off for color tracking sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False, (0, 0, 0)) clock = time.clock() # Only blobs that with more pixels than "pixel_threshold" and more area than "area_threshold" are # returned by "find_blobs" below. Change "pixels_threshold" and "area_threshold" if you change the
# Turn on the light so you know something is happening led = LED(4) led.on() # Write out a sinusoidal curve to channel X5, which is wired via a # female-female jumper to X2 # -- # create a buffer containing a sine-wave, using half-word samples buf = array( 'H', 2048 + int(2047 * math.sin(2 * math.pi * i / 128)) for i in range(128)) dac = DAC(1, bits=12) # Wired to X5 dac.write_timed(buf, 400 * len(buf), mode=DAC.CIRCULAR) # Instatiate the USB serial object u = USB_VCP() u.write('Hello world!!') # Enter into an infinite loop while True: # Get a line from the serial connection line = u.readline() # If there is nothing, line will be None if not line is None and line: # What you got is a byte object, convert from bytes (binary data) to python string line = line.decode('ascii')
class usb_vcp_tmcl_interface(tmcl_interface, tmcl_host_interface): def __init__(self, port=0, data_rate=None, host_id=2, module_id=1, debug=False): del data_rate tmcl_interface.__init__(self, host_id, module_id, debug) tmcl_host_interface.__init__(self, host_id, module_id, debug) self.__vcp = USB_VCP(port) self.__vcp.init() self.__vcp.setinterrupt(-1) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exitType, value, traceback): del exitType, value, traceback self.close() def close(self): self.__vcp.setinterrupt(3) self.__vcp.close() return 0 def data_available(self, hostID, moduleID): del hostID, moduleID return self.__vcp.any() def _send(self, hostID, moduleID, data): del hostID, moduleID self.__vcp.write(data) def _recv(self, hostID, moduleID): del hostID, moduleID read = bytearray(0) while (len(read) < 9): read += if (not (read)): read = bytearray(0) return read def printInfo(self): pass def enableDebug(self, enable): self._debug = enable @staticmethod def supportsTMCL(): return True @staticmethod def supportsCANopen(): return False @staticmethod def available_ports(): return set([0])
sensor.skip_frames(time=2000) sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # must be turned off for color tracking sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # must be turned off for color tracking clock = time.clock() #If you lose the crazyflie at high altitude, increase this number #0.015 is a good value for infrared. Set to 1 to see background and pickup ceiling lights EXPOSURE_TIME_SCALE = 0.04 current_exposure_time_in_microseconds = sensor.get_exposure_us() sensor.set_auto_exposure(False, \ exposure_us = int(current_exposure_time_in_microseconds * EXPOSURE_TIME_SCALE)) clock = time.clock() # Tracks FPS. usb = USB_VCP() #Send standby code (904) until RasPi gives the go ahead #comment out this while loop to start the camera spamming coords by default while (False): green_led.on() blue_led.on() print('{904$904}') cmd = usb.recv(5, timeout=100) if (cmd == b'start'): cmd = "0" break
blue_led = LED(3) green_led = LED(2) sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.VGA) sensor.set_windowing((640, 80)) sensor.skip_frames(30) sensor.set_auto_gain(True) sensor.set_auto_whitebal(True) sensor.set_auto_exposure(True) sensor.set_vflip(True) sensor.set_hmirror(True) clock = time.clock() temp = '' result = '' usb = USB_VCP() def barcode_name(code): if (code.type() == image.EAN2): return "EAN2" if (code.type() == image.EAN5): return "EAN5" if (code.type() == image.EAN8): return "EAN8" if (code.type() == image.UPCE): return "UPCE" if (code.type() == image.ISBN10): return "ISBN10" if (code.type() == image.UPCA): return "UPCA"
make_dir("/" + rec_date + "/" + rec_hour) make_dir("/" + rec_date + "/" + rec_hour + "/" + rec_min) filename = "/" + rec_date + "/" + rec_hour + "/" + rec_min + "/" + timestamp( datetime) filename = filename + "_capture" + ext print(filename) return filename # micropython does not have decode, this is a hack def decode(binary_string): return "".join([chr(char) for char in binary_string]) rtc = pyb.RTC() usb = USB_VCP() # Blink blue at start blink(3) pyb.delay(500) blink(3) # Get time from raspberry while (True): pyb.LED(1).on() data = if data != None: if len(data) >= 4: # we want to check that starts with date and last element is ")" if data[:4] == b'date':
def main(): # usb object usb = USB_VCP() i = 0 j = 0 emailNum = 0 while (True): clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot(pixformat=sensor.GRAYSCALE) blobs = img.find_blobs(threshold_list, pixels_threshold=0, area_threshold=0, merge=True) cmd = usb.recv(4, timeout=1) if (cmd == b'snap'): i = 0 emailNum = 0 if (i == 0): usb.send(244) if (blobs): i = 1 if (i == 1): fire_blob = max(blobs, key=lambda x: x.density()) img.draw_rectangle(fire_blob.rect()) img.draw_cross(, # For pan control xPos = xErr = 20 - xPos # For tilt control yPos = yErr = 15 - yPos #img.draw_string(fire_blob.x(), fire_blob.y() - 10, "Pan Error: %.2f pixels" % xPosErr, mono_space=False) usb.send(xPos) usb.send(yPos) if ((xErr <= 1 and xErr >= -1) and (yErr <= 1 and yErr >= -1) and emailNum == 0): bigPic() # Convert to better resolution for email photo img2 = sensor.snapshot(pixformat=sensor.GRAYSCALE) blobs = img2.find_blobs(threshold_list, pixels_threshold=0, area_threshold=0, merge=True) fire_blob = max(blobs, key=lambda x: x.density()) img2.draw_rectangle(fire_blob.rect()) img2.draw_cross(, img2.to_rainbow( color_palette=sensor.PALETTE_IRONBOW) # color it imgUSB = img2.compress() usb.send(ustruct.pack("<L", imgUSB.size())) usb.send(imgUSB) emailNum = 1 smallPic() # Convert back to low-res imaging for control
try: from pyb import DAC from pyb import LED from pyb import Pin from pyb import USB_VCP sensitivity, maxn, minn = .5, 255, 0 com = USB_VCP() light = DAC(2) y1, y2, y3 = Pin('Y1', Pin.IN), Pin('Y2', Pin.IN), Pin('Y3', Pin.IN) intensity, oldStr = maxn, str(y1.value()) + str(y2.value()) directTab = { '1000': 1, '0001': 1, '0111': 1, '1110': 1, '1011': -1, '1101': -1, '0100': -1, '0010': -1 } def setByte(i): return i.to_bytes(1) def limitNums(num, maxn, minn): return max(minn, min(maxn, num)) def handleLEDs(intensity, value):
# port = '/dev/ttyACM0' # sp = serial.Serial(port, baudrate=115200, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, # xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, timeout=None, dsrdtr=True) # sp.write("snap") # sp.flush() # size = struct.unpack('<L',[0] # img = # sp.close() # # with open("img.jpg", "w") as f: # f.write(img) import sensor, image, time, ustruct from pyb import USB_VCP usb = USB_VCP() sensor.reset() # Reset and initialize the sensor. sensor.set_pixformat( sensor.RGB565) # Set pixel format to RGB565 (or GRAYSCALE) #sensor.set_auto_gain(True) # Automatically set the gain #sensor.__write_reg(0x6B, 0x22) # Enable Advanced AWB #sensor.set_auto_whitebal(True) # Automatically set the white balance #sensor.set_auto_exposure(True) # Automatically set the exposure sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) # Set frame size to QVGA (320x240) sensor.skip_frames(time=2000) # Wait for settings take effect. while (True): cmd = usb.recv(4, timeout=5000) if (cmd == b'snap'): img = sensor.snapshot().compress() usb.send(ustruct.pack("<L", img.size()))
import sensor, image, time from pyb import USB_VCP # Pink thresholds = [(20, 85, 25, 100, -45, 40)] # Sensor Initialization sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) sensor.skip_frames(time=2000) sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # must be turned off for color tracking sensor.set_auto_whitebal(False) # must be turned off for color tracking # USB Initialization usb = USB_VCP() # Send X,Y while (True): img = sensor.snapshot() for blob in img.find_blobs(thresholds, pixels_threshold=25, area_threshold=25, merge=True): # Filter non-circle blobs if blob.roundness() > 0.6: buf = str( + ' ' + str( usb.send(buf) # Draw red circle around ball
def pye(*files): from pyb import USB_VCP USB_VCP().setinterrupt(-1) pye_mp.pye(*files) USB_VCP().setinterrupt(3)