    def __init__(self, yaml_fname: str, database: ModuleDB, params: Param, *,
                 copy_state: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        self._cv: Optional[PySchCellView] = None
        if copy_state:
            self._netlist_dir = copy_state['netlist_dir']
            self._cv = copy_state['cv']
            self._pins: Dict[str, TermType] = copy_state['pins']
            self._orig_cell_name = copy_state['orig_cell_name']
            self.instances: Dict[str, SchInstance] = copy_state['instances']
            self._pins: Dict[str, TermType] = {}
            if yaml_fname:
                # normal schematic
                yaml_fname = os.path.abspath(yaml_fname)
                self._netlist_dir = os.path.dirname(yaml_fname)
                self._cv = PySchCellView(yaml_fname, 'symbol')
                self._orig_cell_name = self._cv.cell_name
                self.instances: Dict[str, SchInstance] = {name: SchInstance(database, ref)
                                                          for name, ref in self._cv.inst_refs()}
                if not self.is_primitive():
                    self._cv.lib_name = database.lib_name
                # empty yaml file name, this is a BAG primitive
                self._netlist_dir = ''
                self._orig_cell_name = self.__class__.__name__.split('__')[1]
                self.instances: Dict[str, SchInstance] = {}

        # initialize schematic master
        DesignMaster.__init__(self, database, params, copy_state=copy_state, **kwargs)
class Module(DesignMaster):
    """The base class of all schematic generators.  This represents a schematic master.

    This class defines all the methods needed to implement a design in the CAD database.

    yaml_fname : str
        the netlist information file name.
    database : ModuleDB
        the design database object.
    params : Param
        the parameters dictionary.
    copy_state : Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
        If not None, set content of this master from this dictionary.
    **kwargs : Any
        optional arguments

    def __init__(self, yaml_fname: str, database: ModuleDB, params: Param, *,
                 copy_state: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        self._cv: Optional[PySchCellView] = None
        if copy_state:
            self._netlist_dir: Optional[Path] = copy_state['netlist_dir']
            self._cv = copy_state['cv']
            self._pins: Dict[str, TermType] = copy_state['pins']
            self._orig_lib_name = copy_state['orig_lib_name']
            self._orig_cell_name = copy_state['orig_cell_name']
            self.instances: Dict[str, SchInstance] = copy_state['instances']
            self._pins: Dict[str, TermType] = {}
            if yaml_fname:
                # normal schematic
                yaml_path = Path(yaml_fname).resolve()
                self._netlist_dir: Optional[Path] = yaml_path.parent
                self._cv = PySchCellView(str(yaml_path), 'symbol')
                self._orig_lib_name = self._cv.lib_name
                self._orig_cell_name = self._cv.cell_name
                self.instances: Dict[str, SchInstance] = {name: SchInstance(database, ref)
                                                          for name, ref in self._cv.inst_refs()}
                if not self.is_primitive():
                    self._cv.lib_name = database.lib_name
                # empty yaml file name, this is a BAG primitive
                self._netlist_dir: Optional[Path] = None
                self._orig_lib_name, self._orig_cell_name = self.__class__.__name__.split('__')
                self.instances: Dict[str, SchInstance] = {}

        # initialize schematic master
        DesignMaster.__init__(self, database, params, copy_state=copy_state, **kwargs)

    def get_hidden_params(cls) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        ans = DesignMaster.get_hidden_params()
        ans['model_params'] = None
        return ans

    def is_primitive(cls) -> bool:
        """Returns True if this Module represents a BAG primitive.

        NOTE: This method is only used by BAG and schematic primitives.  This method prevents
        the module from being copied during design implementation.  Custom subclasses should
        not override this method.

        is_primitive : bool
            True if this Module represents a BAG primitive.
        return False

    def is_leaf_model(cls) -> bool:
        """Returns True if this class is always the leaf model cell."""
        return False

    def sch_db(self) -> ModuleDB:
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        return self.master_db

    def get_master_basename(self) -> str:
        return self.orig_cell_name

    def get_copy_state_with(self, new_params: Param) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        base = DesignMaster.get_copy_state_with(self, new_params)
        new_cv = self._cv.get_copy()
        new_inst = {name: SchInstance(self.sch_db, ref, master=self.instances[name].master)
                    for name, ref in new_cv.inst_refs()}

        base['netlist_dir'] = self._netlist_dir
        base['cv'] = new_cv
        base['pins'] = self._pins.copy()
        base['orig_lib_name'] = self._orig_lib_name
        base['orig_cell_name'] = self._orig_cell_name
        base['instances'] = new_inst
        return base

    def tech_info(self) -> TechInfo:
        return self.master_db.tech_info

    def sch_scale(self) -> float:
        tech_info = self.master_db.tech_info
        return tech_info.resolution * tech_info.layout_unit

    def pins(self) -> Dict[str, TermType]:
        return self._pins

    def design(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """To be overridden by subclasses to design this module.

        To design instances of this module, you can
        call their :meth:`.design` method or any other ways you coded.

        To modify schematic structure, call:






    def design_model(self, key: Any) -> None:
        self._cv.cell_name = self.cell_name
        model_params = self.params['model_params']
        if 'view_name' not in model_params:
            # this is a hierarchical model
            if not self.instances:
                # found a leaf cell with no behavioral model
                raise ValueError('Schematic master has no instances and no behavioral model.')


            master_db = self.master_db
            for name, inst in self.instances.items():
                if master_db.exclude_model(inst.lib_name, inst.cell_name):
                cur_params: Optional[Param] = model_params.get(name, None)
                if cur_params is None:
                    raise ValueError('Cannot find model parameters for instance {}'.format(name))
                if not inst.is_primitive:

    def set_param(self, key: str, val: Union[int, float, bool, str]) -> None:
        """Set schematic parameters for this master.

        This method is only used to set parameters for BAG primitives.

        key : str
            parameter name.
        val : Union[int, float, bool, str]
            parameter value.
        self._cv.set_param(key, val)

    def finalize(self) -> None:
        """Finalize this master instance.
        # invoke design function, excluding model_params
        args = dict((k, v) for k, v in self.params.items() if k != 'model_params')

        # get set of children master keys
        for name, inst in self.instances.items():
            if not inst.is_valid:
                raise ValueError(f'Schematic instance {name} is not valid.  '
                                 'Did you forget to call design()?')

            if not inst.is_primitive:
                # NOTE: only non-primitive instance can have ports change
                except RuntimeError as err:
                    raise RuntimeError(f'Error checking connection of instance {name}') from err


        if self._cv is not None:
            # get pins
            self._pins = {k: TermType(v) for k, v in self._cv.terminals()}
            # update cell name
            self._cv.cell_name = self.cell_name

        # call super finalize routine

    def get_content(self, output_type: DesignOutput, rename_dict: Dict[str, str], name_prefix: str,
                    name_suffix: str, shell: bool, exact_cell_names: Set[str],
                    supply_wrap_mode: SupplyWrapMode) -> Tuple[str, Any]:
        if not self.finalized:
            raise ValueError('This module is not finalized yet')

        cell_name = format_cell_name(self.cell_name, rename_dict, name_prefix, name_suffix,
                                     exact_cell_names, supply_wrap_mode)

        if self.is_primitive():
            return cell_name, (None, '')

        netlist = ''
        if not shell and output_type.is_model:
            # NOTE: only get model netlist if we're doing real netlisting (versus shell netlisting)
            model_params: Optional[Param] = self.params['model_params']
            if model_params is None:
                # model parameters is unset.  This happens if a behavioral model view is used
                # at a top level block, and this cell gets shadows out.
                # If this is the case, just return None so this cellview won't be netlisted.
                return cell_name, (None, '')
            view_name: Optional[str] = model_params.get('view_name', None)
            if view_name is not None:
                fpath = self.get_model_path(output_type, view_name)
                template = self.sch_db.get_model_netlist_template(fpath)
                netlist = template.render(_header=get_cv_header(self._cv, cell_name, output_type),
                                          _sch_params=self.params, _pins=self.pins,
                                          _cell_name=cell_name, **model_params)

        return cell_name, (self._cv, netlist)

    def cell_name(self) -> str:
        """The master cell name."""
        if self.is_primitive():
            return self.get_cell_name_from_parameters()
        return super(Module, self).cell_name

    def orig_lib_name(self) -> str:
        """The original schematic template library name."""
        return self._orig_lib_name

    def orig_cell_name(self) -> str:
        """The original schematic template cell name."""
        return self._orig_cell_name

    def get_model_path(self, output_type: DesignOutput, view_name: str = '') -> Path:
        """Returns the model file path."""
        if view_name:
            basename = f'{self.orig_cell_name}.{view_name}'
            basename = self.orig_cell_name

        file_name = f'{basename}.{output_type.extension}'
        path: Path = self._netlist_dir.parent / 'models' / file_name
        if not path.is_file():
            fallback_type = output_type.fallback_model_type
            if fallback_type is not output_type:
                # if there is a fallback model type defined, try to return that model file
                # instead.
                test_path = path.with_name(f'{basename}.{fallback_type.extension}')
                if test_path.is_file():
                    return test_path

        return path

    def should_delete_instance(self) -> bool:
        """Returns True if this instance should be deleted based on its parameters.

        This method is mainly used to delete 0 finger or 0 width transistors.  However,
        You can override this method if there exists parameter settings which corresponds
        to an empty schematic.

        delete : bool
            True if parent should delete this instance.
        return False

    def get_schematic_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """Returns the schematic parameter dictionary of this instance.

        NOTE: This method is only used by BAG primitives, as they are
        implemented with parameterized cells in the CAD database.  Custom
        subclasses should not override this method.

        params : Dict[str, str]
            the schematic parameter dictionary.
        return {}

    def get_cell_name_from_parameters(self) -> str:
        """Returns new cell name based on parameters.

        NOTE: This method is only used by BAG primitives.  This method
        enables a BAG primitive to change the cell master based on
        design parameters (e.g. change transistor instance based on the
        intent parameter).  Custom subclasses should not override this

        cell : str
            the cell name based on parameters.
        return self.orig_cell_name

    def rename_pin(self, old_pin: str, new_pin: str) -> None:
        """Renames an input/output pin of this schematic.

        NOTE: Make sure to call :meth:`.reconnect_instance_terminal` so that instances are
        connected to the new pin.

        old_pin : str
            the old pin name.
        new_pin : str
            the new pin name.
        self._cv.rename_pin(old_pin, new_pin)

    def add_pin(self, new_pin: str, pin_type: Union[TermType, str],
                sig_type: SigType = SigType.signal) -> None:
        """Adds a new pin to this schematic.

        NOTE: Make sure to call :meth:`.reconnect_instance_terminal` so that instances are
        connected to the new pin.

        new_pin : str
            the new pin name.
        pin_type : Union[TermType, str]
            the new pin type.
        sig_type : SigType
            the signal type of the pin.
        if isinstance(pin_type, str):
            pin_type = TermType[pin_type]

        self._cv.add_pin(new_pin, pin_type.value, sig_type.value)

    def get_signal_type(self, pin_name: str) -> SigType:
        if not self.finalized:
            raise ValueError('This method only works on finalized master.')

        return self._cv.get_signal_type(pin_name)

    def remove_pin(self, remove_pin: str) -> bool:
        """Removes a pin from this schematic.

        remove_pin : str
            the pin to remove.

        success : bool
            True if the pin is successfully found and removed.
        return self._cv.remove_pin(remove_pin)

    def set_pin_attribute(self, pin_name: str, key: str, val: str) -> None:
        """Set an attribute on the given pin.

        pin_name : str
            the pin name.
        key : str
            the attribute name.
        val : str
            the attribute value.
        self._cv.set_pin_attribute(pin_name, key, val)

    def rename_instance(self, old_name: str, new_name: str,
                        conn_list: Optional[Union[Iterable[Tuple[str, str]],
                                                  ItemsView[str, str]]] = None) -> None:
        """Renames an instance in this schematic.

        old_name : str
            the old instance name.
        new_name : str
            the new instance name.
        conn_list : Optional[Union[Iterable[Tuple[str, str]], ItemsView[str, str]]]
            an optional connection list.
        self._cv.rename_instance(old_name, new_name)
        self.instances[new_name] = inst = self.instances.pop(old_name)
        if conn_list:
            for term, net in conn_list:
                inst.update_connection(new_name, term, net)

    def remove_instance(self, inst_name: str) -> bool:
        """Removes the instance with the given name.

        inst_name : str
            the child instance to delete.

        success : bool
            True if the instance is successfully found and removed.
        success = self._cv.remove_instance(inst_name)
        if success:
            del self.instances[inst_name]
        return success

    def delete_instance(self, inst_name: str) -> bool:
        """Delete the instance with the given name.

        This method is identical to remove_instance().  It's here only for backwards
        return self.remove_instance(inst_name)

    def replace_instance_master(self, inst_name: str, lib_name: str, cell_name: str,
                                static: bool = False, keep_connections: bool = False) -> None:
        """Replace the master of the given instance.

        NOTE: all terminal connections will be reset.  Call reconnect_instance_terminal() to modify
        terminal connections.

        inst_name : str
            the child instance to replace.
        lib_name : str
            the new library name.
        cell_name : str
            the new cell name.
        static : bool
            True if we're replacing instance with a static schematic instead of a design module.
        keep_connections : bool
            True to keep the old connections when the instance master changed.
        if inst_name not in self.instances:
            raise ValueError('Cannot find instance with name: %s' % inst_name)

        self.instances[inst_name].change_generator(lib_name, cell_name, static=static,

    def reconnect_instance_terminal(self, inst_name: str, term_name: str, net_name: str) -> None:
        """Reconnect the instance terminal to a new net.

        inst_name : str
            the instance to modify.
        term_name : str
            the instance terminal name to reconnect.
        net_name : str
            the net to connect the instance terminal to.
        inst = self.instances.get(inst_name, None)
        if inst is None:
            raise ValueError('Cannot find instance {}'.format(inst_name))

        inst.update_connection(inst_name, term_name, net_name)

    def reconnect_instance(self, inst_name: str,
                           term_net_iter: Union[Iterable[Tuple[str, str]],
                                                ItemsView[str, str]]) -> None:
        """Reconnect all give instance terminals

        inst_name : str
            the instance to modify.
        term_net_iter : Union[Iterable[Tuple[str, str]], ItemsView[str, str]]
            an iterable of (term, net) tuples.
        inst = self.instances.get(inst_name, None)
        if inst is None:
            raise ValueError('Cannot find instance {}'.format(inst_name))

        for term, net in term_net_iter:
            inst.update_connection(inst_name, term, net)

    def array_instance(self, inst_name: str,
                       inst_name_list: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                       term_list: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]] = None,
                       inst_term_list: Optional[List[Tuple[str, Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]]]] = None,
                       dx: int = 0, dy: int = 0) -> None:
        """Replace the given instance by an array of instances.

        This method will replace self.instances[inst_name] by a list of
        Modules.  The user can then design each of those modules.

        inst_name : str
            the instance to array.
        inst_name_list : Optional[List[str]]
            a list of the names for each array item.
        term_list : Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]]
            a list of modified terminal connections for each array item.  The keys are
            instance terminal names, and the values are the net names to connect
            them to.  Only terminal connections different than the parent instance
            should be listed here.
            If None, assume terminal connections are not changed.
        inst_term_list : Optional[List[Tuple[str, List[Tuple[str, str]]]]]
            zipped version of inst_name_list and term_list.  If given, this is used instead.
        dx : int
            the X coordinate shift.  If dx = dy = 0, default to shift right.
        dy : int
            the Y coordinate shift.  If dx = dy = 0, default to shift right.
        if inst_term_list is None:
            if inst_name_list is None:
                raise ValueError('inst_name_list cannot be None if inst_term_iter is None.')
            # get instance/terminal list iterator
            if term_list is None:
                inst_term_list = zip_longest(inst_name_list, [], fillvalue=[])
            elif len(inst_name_list) != len(term_list):
                raise ValueError('inst_name_list and term_list length mismatch.')
                inst_term_list = zip_longest(inst_name_list, (term.items() for term in term_list))
            inst_name_list = [arg[0] for arg in inst_term_list]
        # array instance
        self._cv.array_instance(inst_name, dx, dy, inst_term_list)

        # update instance dictionary
        orig_inst = self.instances.pop(inst_name)
        db = orig_inst.database
        for name in inst_name_list:
            inst_ptr = self._cv.get_inst_ref(name)
            self.instances[name] = SchInstance(db, inst_ptr, master=orig_inst.master)

    def design_sources_and_loads(self, params_list: Optional[Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]]] = None,
                                 default_name: str = 'VDC') -> None:
        """Convenience function for generating sources and loads,

        Given DC voltage/current bias sources information, array the given voltage/current bias
        sources and configure the voltage/current.

        Each bias dictionary is a dictionary from bias source name to a 3-element list.  The first
        two elements are the PLUS/MINUS net names, respectively, and the third element is the DC
        voltage/current value as a string or float. A variable name can be given to define a
        testbench parameter.

        params_list : Optional[Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]]]
           List of dictionaries representing the element to be used
           Each dictionary should have the following format:
            'lib': Optional[str] (default: analogLib) -> lib name of the master
            'type': str -> type of of the master (i.e 'vdc')
            'value': Union[T, Dict[str, T], T = Union[str, float, int] -> value of the master
            'conns': Dict[str, str] -> connections of the master
        default_name : str
            Default name of the instance in the testbench

        if not params_list:

        # TODO: find better places to put these
        template_names = {
            'analogLib': {
                'vdc': 'VDC{}',
                'idc': 'IDC{}',
                'cap': 'C{}',
                'res': 'R{}',
                'vcvs': 'VCVS{}',
        type_to_value_dict = {
            'analogLib': {
                'vdc': 'vdc',
                'cap': 'c',
                'res': 'r',
                'idc': 'idc',
                'vpulse': None,
                'vcvs': 'egain',

        element_list = []
        name_list = []
        for i, params_dict in enumerate(params_list):
            lib = params_dict.get('lib', 'analogLib')
            cell_type = params_dict['type']
            value = params_dict['value']
            conn_dict = params_dict['conns']
            if not isinstance(conn_dict, Mapping):
                raise ValueError('Got a non dictionary for the connections in '

            if cell_type not in type_to_value_dict[lib]:
                raise ValueError(f'Got an unsupported type {cell_type} for element type in '

            # make sure value is either string or dictionary
            if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
                value = float_to_si_string(value)

            # create value_dict
            if isinstance(value, str):
                key = type_to_value_dict[lib][cell_type]
                if key is None:
                    raise ValueError(f'{cell_type} source must specify value dictionary.')
                value_dict = {key: value}
                if not isinstance(value, Mapping):
                    raise ValueError(f'type not supported for value {value} of type {type(value)}')

                value_dict = {}
                for key, val in value.items():
                    if isinstance(val, (int, float)):
                        value_dict[key] = float_to_si_string(val)
                    elif isinstance(val, str):
                        value_dict[key] = val
                        raise ValueError(f'type not supported for key={key}, val={val} '
                                         f'with type {type(val)}')

            tmp_name = template_names[lib].get(cell_type, 'X{}').format(i)
            element_list.append((tmp_name, lib, cell_type, value_dict, conn_dict))

        self.array_instance(default_name, inst_name_list=name_list)

        for name, lib, cell, val_dict, conns in element_list:
            self.replace_instance_master(name, lib, cell, static=True, keep_connections=True)
            inst = self.instances[name]
            for k, v in val_dict.items():
                inst.set_param(k, v)
            self.reconnect_instance(name, conns.items())

    def design_dummy_transistors(self, dum_info: List[Tuple[Any]], inst_name: str, vdd_name: str,
                                 vss_name: str, net_map: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> None:
        """Convenience function for generating dummy transistor schematic.

        Given dummy information (computed by AnalogBase) and a BAG transistor instance,
        this method generates dummy schematics by arraying and modifying the BAG
        transistor instance.

        dum_info : List[Tuple[Any]]
            the dummy information data structure.
        inst_name : str
            the BAG transistor instance name.
        vdd_name : str
            VDD net name.  Used for PMOS dummies.
        vss_name : str
            VSS net name.  Used for NMOS dummies.
        net_map : Optional[Dict[str, str]]
            optional net name transformation mapping.
        if not dum_info:
            num_arr = len(dum_info)
            arr_name_list = ['XDUMMY%d' % idx for idx in range(num_arr)]
            self.array_instance(inst_name, arr_name_list)

            for name, ((mos_type, w, lch, th, s_net, d_net), fg) in zip(arr_name_list, dum_info):
                if mos_type == 'pch':
                    cell_name = 'pmos4_standard'
                    sup_name = vdd_name
                    cell_name = 'nmos4_standard'
                    sup_name = vss_name
                if net_map is not None:
                    s_net = net_map.get(s_net, s_net)
                    d_net = net_map.get(d_net, d_net)
                s_name = s_net if s_net else sup_name
                d_name = d_net if d_net else sup_name
                inst = self.instances[name]
                inst.change_generator('BAG_prim', cell_name)
                inst.update_connection(name, 'G', sup_name)
                inst.update_connection(name, 'B', sup_name)
                inst.update_connection(name, 'D', d_name)
                inst.update_connection(name, 'S', s_name)
                inst.design(w=w, l=lch, nf=fg, intent=th)

    def design_transistor(self, inst_name: str, w: int, lch: int, seg: int,
                          intent: str, m: str = '', d: str = '', g: Union[str, List[str]] = '',
                          s: str = '', b: str = '', stack: int = 1, mos_type: str = '') -> None:
        """Design a BAG_prim transistor (with stacking support).

        This is a convenient method to design a stack transistor.  Additional transistors
        will be created on the right.  The intermediate nodes of each parallel segment are not
        shorted together.

        inst_name : str
            name of the BAG_prim transistor instance.
        w : int
            the width of the transistor, in number of fins or resolution units.
        lch : int
            the channel length, in resolution units.
        seg : int
            number of parallel segments of stacked transistors.
        intent : str
            the threshold flavor.
        m : str
            base name of the intermediate nodes.  the intermediate nodes will be named
            'midX', where X is an non-negative integer.
        d : str
            the drain name.  Empty string to not rename.
        g : Union[str, List[str]]
            the gate name.  Empty string to not rename.
            If a list is given, then a NAND-gate structure will be built where the gate nets
            may be different.  Index 0 corresponds to the gate of the source transistor.
        s : str
            the source name.  Empty string to not rename.
        b : str
            the body name.  Empty string to not rename.
        stack : int
            number of series stack transistors.
        mos_type : str
            if non-empty, will change the transistor master to this type.
        inst = self.instances[inst_name]
        if not issubclass(inst.master_class, MosModuleBase):
            raise ValueError('This method only works on BAG_prim transistors.')
        if stack <= 0 or seg <= 0:
            raise ValueError('stack and seg must be positive')

        if mos_type:
            cell_name = 'nmos4_standard' if mos_type == 'nch' else 'pmos4_standard'
            inst.change_generator('BAG_prim', cell_name, keep_connections=True)

        g_is_str = isinstance(g, str)
        if stack == 1:
            # design instance
            inst.design(w=w, l=lch, nf=seg, intent=intent)
            # connect terminals
            if not g_is_str:
                g = g[0]
            for term, net in (('D', d), ('G', g), ('S', s), ('B', b)):
                if net:
                    inst.update_connection(inst_name, term, net)
            if not m:
                raise ValueError('Intermediate node base name cannot be empty.')
            # design instance
            inst.design(w=w, l=lch, nf=1, intent=intent)
            # rename G/B
            if g_is_str and g:
                inst.update_connection(inst_name, 'G', g)
            if b:
                inst.update_connection(inst_name, 'B', b)
            if not d:
                d = inst.get_connection('D')
            if not s:
                s = inst.get_connection('S')

            if seg == 1:
                # only one segment, array instance via naming
                # rename instance
                new_name = inst_name + '<0:{}>'.format(stack - 1)
                self.rename_instance(inst_name, new_name)
                # rename D/S
                if stack > 2:
                    m += '<0:{}>'.format(stack - 2)
                new_s = s + ',' + m
                new_d = m + ',' + d
                inst.update_connection(new_name, 'D', new_d)
                inst.update_connection(new_name, 'S', new_s)
                if not g_is_str:
                    inst.update_connection(new_name, 'G', ','.join(g))
                # multiple segment and stacks, have to array instance
                # construct instance name/terminal map iterator
                inst_term_list = []
                last_cnt = (stack - 1) * seg
                g_cnt = 0
                for cnt in range(0, last_cnt + 1, seg):
                    d_suf = '<{}:{}>'.format(cnt + seg - 1, cnt)
                    s_suf = '<{}:{}>'.format(cnt - 1, cnt - seg)
                    iname = inst_name + d_suf
                    if cnt == 0:
                        s_name = s
                        d_name = m + d_suf
                    elif cnt == last_cnt:
                        s_name = m + s_suf
                        d_name = d
                        s_name = m + s_suf
                        d_name = m + d_suf
                    term_list = [('S', s_name), ('D', d_name)]
                    if not g_is_str:
                        term_list.append(('G', g[g_cnt]))
                        g_cnt += 1
                    inst_term_list.append((iname, term_list))

                self.array_instance(inst_name, inst_term_list=inst_term_list)

    def replace_with_ideal_switch(self, inst_name: str, rclosed: str = 'rclosed',
                                  ropen: str = 'ropen', vclosed: str = 'vclosed',
                                  vopen: str = 'vopen'):
        # figure out real switch connections
        inst = self.instances[inst_name]
        term_net_list = [('N+', inst.get_connection('S')), ('N-', inst.get_connection('D'))]
        if 'pmos' in inst.cell_name:
            term_net_list += [('NC+', 'VDD'), ('NC-', inst.get_connection('G'))]
        elif 'nmos' in inst.cell_name:
            term_net_list += [('NC+', inst.get_connection('G')), ('NC-', 'VSS')]
            raise ValueError(f'Cannot replace {inst.cell_name} with ideal switch.')

        # replace with ideal switch
        self.replace_instance_master(inst_name, 'analogLib', 'switch', static=True)

        # reconnect terminals of ideal switch
        for term, net in term_net_list:
            self.reconnect_instance_terminal(inst_name, term, net)
        for key, val in [('vt1', vopen), ('vt2', vclosed), ('ro', ropen), ('rc', rclosed)]:
            self.instances[inst_name].set_param(key, val)

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def get_lef_options(self, options: Dict[str, Any], config: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None:
        """Populate the LEF options dictionary.

        options : Dict[str, Any]
            the result LEF options dictionary.
        config : Mapping[str, Any]
            the LEF configuration dictionary.
        if not self.finalized:
            raise ValueError('This method only works on finalized master.')

        pin_groups = {SigType.power: [], SigType.ground: [], SigType.clock: [],
                      SigType.analog: []}
        out_pins = []
        for name, term_type in self.pins.items():
            sig_type = self.get_signal_type(name)
            pin_list = pin_groups.get(sig_type, None)
            if pin_list is not None:
            if term_type is TermType.output:

        options['pwr_pins'] = pin_groups[SigType.power]
        options['gnd_pins'] = pin_groups[SigType.ground]
        options['clk_pins'] = pin_groups[SigType.clock]
        options['analog_pins'] = pin_groups[SigType.analog]
        options['output_pins'] = out_pins

    def get_instance_hierarchy(self, output_type: DesignOutput,
                               leaf_cells: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None,
                               default_view_name: str = '') -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Returns a nested dictionary representing the modeling instance hierarchy.

        By default, we try to netlist as deeply as possible.  This behavior can be modified by
        specifying the leaf cells.

        output_type : DesignOutput
            the behavioral model output type.
        leaf_cells : Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]]
            data structure storing leaf cells.
        default_view_name : str
            default model view name.

        hier : Dict[str, Any]
            the instance hierarchy dictionary.
        is_leaf_table = {}
        if leaf_cells:
            for lib_name, cell_list in leaf_cells.items():
                for cell in cell_list:
                    is_leaf_table[(lib_name, cell)] = True

        return self._get_hierarchy_helper(output_type, is_leaf_table, default_view_name)

    def _get_hierarchy_helper(self, output_type: DesignOutput,
                              is_leaf_table: Dict[Tuple[str, str], bool],
                              default_view_name: str,
                              ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
        model_path = self.get_model_path(output_type, default_view_name)

        key = (self._orig_lib_name, self._orig_cell_name)
        if self.is_leaf_model() or is_leaf_table.get(key, False):
            if not model_path.is_file():
                raise ValueError(f'Cannot find model file for {key}')
            return dict(view_name=default_view_name)

        ans = {}
        master_db = self.master_db
        for inst_name, sch_inst in self.instances.items():
            if master_db.exclude_model(sch_inst.lib_name, sch_inst.cell_name):
            if sch_inst.is_primitive:
                # primitive/static instance has no model file.
                # so we must use model file for this cell
                if not model_path.is_file():
                    raise ValueError(f'Cannot find model file for {key}')
                ans['view_name'] = default_view_name
                return ans
                    ans[inst_name] = sch_inst.master._get_hierarchy_helper(output_type,
                except ValueError as ex:
                    # cannot generate model for this instance
                    if not model_path.is_file():
                        # Cannot model this schematic too, re-raise error from instance
                        raise ex
                    # otherwise, this is a leaf model cell
                    ans['view_name'] = default_view_name
                    return ans

        # get here if all instances are successfully modeled
        return ans
class Module(DesignMaster):
    """The base class of all schematic generators.  This represents a schematic master.

    This class defines all the methods needed to implement a design in the CAD database.

    yaml_fname : str
        the netlist information file name.
    database : ModuleDB
        the design database object.
    params : Param
        the parameters dictionary.
    copy_state : Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
        If not None, set content of this master from this dictionary.
    **kwargs : Any
        optional arguments

    def __init__(self, yaml_fname: str, database: ModuleDB, params: Param, *,
                 copy_state: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        self._cv: Optional[PySchCellView] = None
        if copy_state:
            self._netlist_dir = copy_state['netlist_dir']
            self._cv = copy_state['cv']
            self._pins: Dict[str, TermType] = copy_state['pins']
            self._orig_cell_name = copy_state['orig_cell_name']
            self.instances: Dict[str, SchInstance] = copy_state['instances']
            self._pins: Dict[str, TermType] = {}
            if yaml_fname:
                # normal schematic
                yaml_fname = os.path.abspath(yaml_fname)
                self._netlist_dir = os.path.dirname(yaml_fname)
                self._cv = PySchCellView(yaml_fname, 'symbol')
                self._orig_cell_name = self._cv.cell_name
                self.instances: Dict[str, SchInstance] = {name: SchInstance(database, ref)
                                                          for name, ref in self._cv.inst_refs()}
                if not self.is_primitive():
                    self._cv.lib_name = database.lib_name
                # empty yaml file name, this is a BAG primitive
                self._netlist_dir = ''
                self._orig_cell_name = self.__class__.__name__.split('__')[1]
                self.instances: Dict[str, SchInstance] = {}

        # initialize schematic master
        DesignMaster.__init__(self, database, params, copy_state=copy_state, **kwargs)

    def get_hidden_params(cls) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        ans = DesignMaster.get_hidden_params()
        ans['model_params'] = None
        return ans

    def is_primitive(cls) -> bool:
        """Returns True if this Module represents a BAG primitive.

        NOTE: This method is only used by BAG and schematic primitives.  This method prevents
        the module from being copied during design implementation.  Custom subclasses should
        not override this method.

        is_primitive : bool
            True if this Module represents a BAG primitive.
        return False

    def get_master_basename(self) -> str:
        return self.orig_cell_name

    def get_copy_state(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        base = DesignMaster.get_copy_state(self)
        new_cv = self._cv.get_copy()
        new_inst = {name: SchInstance(self.master_db, ref, master=self.instances[name].master)
                    for name, ref in new_cv.inst_refs()}

        base['netlist_dir'] = self._netlist_dir
        base['cv'] = new_cv
        base['pins'] = self._pins.copy()
        base['orig_cell_name'] = self._orig_cell_name
        base['instances'] = new_inst
        return base

    def tech_info(self) -> TechInfo:
        return self.master_db.tech_info

    def sch_scale(self) -> float:
        tech_info = self.master_db.tech_info
        return tech_info.resolution * tech_info.layout_unit

    def pins(self) -> Dict[str, TermType]:
        return self._pins

    def design(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """To be overridden by subclasses to design this module.

        To design instances of this module, you can
        call their :meth:`.design` method or any other ways you coded.

        To modify schematic structure, call:






    def design_model(self, model_params: Param, key: Any) -> None:
        self.params = self.params.copy(append=dict(model_params=model_params))
        self._cv.cell_name = self.cell_name
        if 'view_name' not in model_params:
            # this is a hierarchical model
            if not self.instances:
                # found a leaf cell with no behavioral model
                raise ValueError('Schematic master has no instances and no behavioral model.')

            for name, inst in self.instances.items():
                cur_params: Optional[Param] = model_params.get(name, None)
                if cur_params is None:
                    raise ValueError('Cannot find model parameters for instance {}'.format(name))
                if not inst.is_primitive:

    def set_param(self, key: str, val: Union[int, float, bool, str]) -> None:
        """Set schematic parameters for this master.

        This method is only used to set parameters for BAG primitives.

        key : str
            parameter name.
        val : Union[int, float, bool, str]
            parameter value.
        self._cv.set_param(key, val)

    def finalize(self) -> None:
        """Finalize this master instance.
        # invoke design function, excluding model_params
        args = dict((k, v) for k, v in self.params.items() if k != 'model_params')

        # get set of children master keys
        for inst in self.instances.values():
            if not inst.is_primitive:
                # NOTE: only non-primitive instance can have ports change

        if self._cv is not None:
            # get pins
            self._pins = {k: TermType(v) for k, v in self._cv.terminals()}
            # update cell name
            self._cv.cell_name = self.cell_name

        # call super finalize routine

    def get_content(self, output_type: DesignOutput, rename_dict: Dict[str, str],
                    name_prefix: str, name_suffix: str) -> Tuple[str, Any]:
        cell_name = self.format_cell_name(self.cell_name, rename_dict, name_prefix, name_suffix)

        if self.is_primitive():
            return cell_name, (None, '')

        netlist = ''
        if is_model_type(output_type):
            model_params: Optional[Param] = self.params['model_params']
            if model_params is None:
                # model parameters is unset.  This happens if a behavioral model view is used
                # at a top level block, and this cell gets shadows out.
                # If this is the case, just return None so this cellview won't be netlisted.
                return cell_name, (None, '')
            view_name = model_params.get('view_name', None)
            if view_name is not None:
                ext = get_extension(output_type)
                if view_name:
                    fname = '{}.{}.{}'.format(self.orig_cell_name, view_name, ext)
                    # empty view_name, use default name
                    fname = '{}.{}'.format(self.orig_cell_name, ext)
                fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._netlist_dir), 'models', fname)
                netlist = self.master_db.generate_model_netlist(fname, cell_name, model_params)

        return cell_name, (self._cv, netlist)

    def cell_name(self) -> str:
        """The master cell name."""
        if self.is_primitive():
            return self.get_cell_name_from_parameters()
        return super(Module, self).cell_name

    def orig_cell_name(self) -> str:
        """The original schematic template cell name."""
        return self._orig_cell_name

    def should_delete_instance(self) -> bool:
        """Returns True if this instance should be deleted based on its parameters.

        This method is mainly used to delete 0 finger or 0 width transistors.  However,
        You can override this method if there exists parameter settings which corresponds
        to an empty schematic.

        delete : bool
            True if parent should delete this instance.
        return False

    def get_schematic_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """Returns the schematic parameter dictionary of this instance.

        NOTE: This method is only used by BAG primitives, as they are
        implemented with parameterized cells in the CAD database.  Custom
        subclasses should not override this method.

        params : Dict[str, str]
            the schematic parameter dictionary.
        return {}

    def get_cell_name_from_parameters(self) -> str:
        """Returns new cell name based on parameters.

        NOTE: This method is only used by BAG primitives.  This method
        enables a BAG primitive to change the cell master based on
        design parameters (e.g. change transistor instance based on the
        intent parameter).  Custom subclasses should not override this

        cell : str
            the cell name based on parameters.
        return self.orig_cell_name

    def rename_pin(self, old_pin: str, new_pin: str) -> None:
        """Renames an input/output pin of this schematic.

        NOTE: Make sure to call :meth:`.reconnect_instance_terminal` so that instances are
        connected to the new pin.

        old_pin : str
            the old pin name.
        new_pin : str
            the new pin name.
        self._cv.rename_pin(old_pin, new_pin)

    def add_pin(self, new_pin: str, pin_type: Union[TermType, str]) -> None:
        """Adds a new pin to this schematic.

        NOTE: Make sure to call :meth:`.reconnect_instance_terminal` so that instances are
        connected to the new pin.

        new_pin : str
            the new pin name.
        pin_type : Union[TermType, str]
            the new pin type.
        if isinstance(pin_type, TermType):
            self._cv.add_pin(new_pin, pin_type)
            self._cv.add_pin(new_pin, TermType[pin_type].value)

    def remove_pin(self, remove_pin: str) -> bool:
        """Removes a pin from this schematic.

        remove_pin : str
            the pin to remove.

        success : bool
            True if the pin is successfully found and removed.
        return self._cv.remove_pin(remove_pin)

    def set_pin_attribute(self, pin_name: str, key: str, val: str) -> None:
        """Set an attribute on the given pin.

        pin_name : str
            the pin name.
        key : str
            the attribute name.
        val : str
            the attribute value.
        self._cv.set_pin_attribute(pin_name, key, val)

    def rename_instance(self, old_name: str, new_name: str,
                        conn_list: Optional[Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]] = None) -> None:
        """Renames an instance in this schematic.

        old_name : str
            the old instance name.
        new_name : str
            the new instance name.
        conn_list : Optional[Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]]
            an optional connection list.
        self._cv.rename_instance(old_name, new_name)
        self.instances[new_name] = inst = self.instances.pop(old_name)
        if conn_list:
            for term, net in conn_list:
                inst.update_connection(new_name, term, net)

    def remove_instance(self, inst_name: str) -> bool:
        """Removes the instance with the given name.

        inst_name : str
            the child instance to delete.

        success : bool
            True if the instance is successfully found and removed.
        success = self._cv.remove_instance(inst_name)
        if success:
            del self.instances[inst_name]
        return success

    def delete_instance(self, inst_name: str) -> bool:
        """Delete the instance with the given name.

        This method is identical to remove_instance().  It's here only for backwards
        return self.remove_instance(inst_name)

    def replace_instance_master(self, inst_name: str, lib_name: str, cell_name: str,
                                static: bool = False, keep_connections: bool = False) -> None:
        """Replace the master of the given instance.

        NOTE: all terminal connections will be reset.  Call reconnect_instance_terminal() to modify
        terminal connections.

        inst_name : str
            the child instance to replace.
        lib_name : str
            the new library name.
        cell_name : str
            the new cell name.
        static : bool
            True if we're replacing instance with a static schematic instead of a design module.
        keep_connections : bool
            True to keep the old connections when the instance master changed.
        if inst_name not in self.instances:
            raise ValueError('Cannot find instance with name: %s' % inst_name)

        self.instances[inst_name].change_generator(lib_name, cell_name, static=static,

    def reconnect_instance_terminal(self, inst_name: str, term_name: str, net_name: str) -> None:
        """Reconnect the instance terminal to a new net.

        inst_name : str
            the instance to modify.
        term_name : str
            the instance terminal name to reconnect.
        net_name : str
            the net to connect the instance terminal to.
        inst = self.instances.get(inst_name, None)
        if inst is None:
            raise ValueError('Cannot find instance {}'.format(inst_name))

        inst.update_connection(inst_name, term_name, net_name)

    def reconnect_instance(self, inst_name: str, term_net_iter: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]) -> None:
        """Reconnect all give instance terminals

        inst_name : str
            the instance to modify.
        term_net_iter : Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]
            an iterable of (term, net) tuples.
        inst = self.instances.get(inst_name, None)
        if inst is None:
            raise ValueError('Cannot find instance {}'.format(inst_name))

        for term, net in term_net_iter:
            inst.update_connection(inst_name, term, net)

    def array_instance(self, inst_name: str,
                       inst_name_list: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                       term_list: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]] = None,
                       inst_term_list: Optional[List[Tuple[str, Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]]]] = None,
                       dx: int = 0, dy: int = 0) -> None:
        """Replace the given instance by an array of instances.

        This method will replace self.instances[inst_name] by a list of
        Modules.  The user can then design each of those modules.

        inst_name : str
            the instance to array.
        inst_name_list : Optional[List[str]]
            a list of the names for each array item.
        term_list : Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]]
            a list of modified terminal connections for each array item.  The keys are
            instance terminal names, and the values are the net names to connect
            them to.  Only terminal connections different than the parent instance
            should be listed here.
            If None, assume terminal connections are not changed.
        inst_term_list : Optional[List[Tuple[str, List[Tuple[str, str]]]]]
            zipped version of inst_name_list and term_list.  If given, this is used instead.
        dx : int
            the X coordinate shift.  If dx = dy = 0, default to shift right.
        dy : int
            the Y coordinate shift.  If dx = dy = 0, default to shift right.
        if inst_term_list is None:
            if inst_name_list is None:
                raise ValueError('inst_name_list cannot be None if inst_term_iter is None.')
            # get instance/terminal list iterator
            if term_list is None:
                inst_term_list = zip_longest(inst_name_list, [], fillvalue=[])
            elif len(inst_name_list) != len(term_list):
                raise ValueError('inst_name_list and term_list length mismatch.')
                inst_term_list = zip_longest(inst_name_list, (term.items() for term in term_list))
            inst_name_list = [arg[0] for arg in inst_term_list]
        # array instance
        self._cv.array_instance(inst_name, dx, dy, inst_term_list)

        # update instance dictionary
        orig_inst = self.instances.pop(inst_name)
        db = orig_inst.database
        for name in inst_name_list:
            inst_ptr = self._cv.get_inst_ref(name)
            self.instances[name] = SchInstance(db, inst_ptr, master=orig_inst.master)

    def design_dc_bias_sources(self, vbias_dict: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]],
                               ibias_dict: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]],
                               vinst_name: str, iinst_name: str,
                               define_vdd: bool = True) -> None:
        """Convenience function for generating DC bias sources.

        Given DC voltage/current bias sources information, array the given voltage/current bias
        sources and configure the voltage/current.

        Each bias dictionary is a dictionary from bias source name to a 3-element list.  The first
        two elements are the PLUS/MINUS net names, respectively, and the third element is the DC
        voltage/current value as a string or float. A variable name can be given to define a
        testbench parameter.

        vbias_dict : Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]]
            the voltage bias dictionary.  None or empty to disable.
        ibias_dict : Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]]
            the current bias dictionary.  None or empty to disable.
        vinst_name : str
            the DC voltage source instance name.
        iinst_name : str
            the DC current source instance name.
        define_vdd : bool
            True to include a supply voltage source connected to VDD/VSS, with voltage value 'vdd'.
        if define_vdd and 'SUP' not in vbias_dict:
            vbias_dict = vbias_dict.copy()
            vbias_dict['SUP'] = ['VDD', 'VSS', 'vdd']

        for bias_dict, name_template, param_name, inst_name in \
                ((vbias_dict, 'V%s', 'vdc', vinst_name), (ibias_dict, 'I%s', 'idc', iinst_name)):
            if bias_dict:
                name_list, term_list, val_list, param_dict_list = [], [], [], []
                for name in sorted(bias_dict.keys()):
                    value_tuple = bias_dict[name]
                    pname, nname, bias_val = value_tuple[:3]
                    param_dict = value_tuple[3] if len(value_tuple) > 3 \
                        else None  # type: Optional[Dict]
                    term_list.append(dict(PLUS=pname, MINUS=nname))
                    name_list.append(name_template % name)
                    if isinstance(bias_val, str):
                    elif isinstance(bias_val, int) or isinstance(bias_val, float):
                        raise ValueError('value %s of type %s '
                                         'not supported' % (bias_val, type(bias_val)))

                self.array_instance(inst_name, name_list, term_list=term_list)
                for name, val, param_dict in zip(name_list, val_list, param_dict_list):
                    inst = self.instances[name]
                    inst.set_param(param_name, val)
                    if param_dict is not None:
                        for k, v in param_dict.items():
                            if isinstance(v, str):
                            elif isinstance(v, int) or isinstance(v, float):
                                v = float_to_si_string(v)
                                raise ValueError('value %s of type %s not supported' % (v, type(v)))

                            inst.set_param(k, v)

    def design_dummy_transistors(self, dum_info: List[Tuple[Any]], inst_name: str, vdd_name: str,
                                 vss_name: str, net_map: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> None:
        """Convenience function for generating dummy transistor schematic.

        Given dummy information (computed by AnalogBase) and a BAG transistor instance,
        this method generates dummy schematics by arraying and modifying the BAG
        transistor instance.

        dum_info : List[Tuple[Any]]
            the dummy information data structure.
        inst_name : str
            the BAG transistor instance name.
        vdd_name : str
            VDD net name.  Used for PMOS dummies.
        vss_name : str
            VSS net name.  Used for NMOS dummies.
        net_map : Optional[Dict[str, str]]
            optional net name transformation mapping.
        if not dum_info:
            num_arr = len(dum_info)
            arr_name_list = ['XDUMMY%d' % idx for idx in range(num_arr)]
            self.array_instance(inst_name, arr_name_list)

            for name, ((mos_type, w, lch, th, s_net, d_net), fg) in zip(arr_name_list, dum_info):
                if mos_type == 'pch':
                    cell_name = 'pmos4_standard'
                    sup_name = vdd_name
                    cell_name = 'nmos4_standard'
                    sup_name = vss_name
                if net_map is not None:
                    s_net = net_map.get(s_net, s_net)
                    d_net = net_map.get(d_net, d_net)
                s_name = s_net if s_net else sup_name
                d_name = d_net if d_net else sup_name
                inst = self.instances[name]
                inst.change_generator('BAG_prim', cell_name)
                inst.update_connection(name, 'G', sup_name)
                inst.update_connection(name, 'B', sup_name)
                inst.update_connection(name, 'D', d_name)
                inst.update_connection(name, 'S', s_name)
                inst.design(w=w, l=lch, nf=fg, intent=th)

    def design_transistor(self, inst_name: str, w: int, lch: int, seg: int,
                          intent: str, m: str = '', d: str = '', g: Union[str, List[str]] = '',
                          s: str = '', b: str = '', stack: int = 1, mos_type: str = '') -> None:
        """Design a BAG_prim transistor (with stacking support).

        This is a convenient method to design a stack transistor.  Additional transistors
        will be created on the right.  The intermediate nodes of each parallel segment are not
        shorted together.

        inst_name : str
            name of the BAG_prim transistor instance.
        w : int
            the width of the transistor, in number of fins or resolution units.
        lch : int
            the channel length, in resolution units.
        seg : int
            number of parallel segments of stacked transistors.
        intent : str
            the threshold flavor.
        m : str
            base name of the intermediate nodes.  the intermediate nodes will be named
            'midX', where X is an non-negative integer.
        d : str
            the drain name.  Empty string to not rename.
        g : Union[str, List[str]]
            the gate name.  Empty string to not rename.
            If a list is given, then a NAND-gate structure will be built where the gate nets
            may be different.  Index 0 corresponds to the gate of the source transistor.
        s : str
            the source name.  Empty string to not rename.
        b : str
            the body name.  Empty string to not rename.
        stack : int
            number of series stack transistors.
        mos_type : str
            if non-empty, will change the transistor master to this type.
        inst = self.instances[inst_name]
        if not issubclass(inst.master_class, MosModuleBase):
            raise ValueError('This method only works on BAG_prim transistors.')
        if stack <= 0 or seg <= 0:
            raise ValueError('stack and seg must be positive')

        if mos_type:
            cell_name = 'nmos4_standard' if mos_type == 'nch' else 'pmos4_standard'
            inst.change_generator('BAG_prim', cell_name, keep_connections=True)

        g_is_str = isinstance(g, str)
        if stack == 1:
            # design instance
            inst.design(w=w, l=lch, nf=seg, intent=intent)
            # connect terminals
            if not g_is_str:
                g = g[0]
            for term, net in (('D', d), ('G', g), ('S', s), ('B', b)):
                if net:
                    inst.update_connection(inst_name, term, net)
            if not m:
                raise ValueError('Intermediate node base name cannot be empty.')
            # design instance
            inst.design(w=w, l=lch, nf=1, intent=intent)
            # rename G/B
            if g_is_str and g:
                inst.update_connection(inst_name, 'G', g)
            if b:
                inst.update_connection(inst_name, 'B', b)
            if not d:
                d = inst.get_connection('D')
            if not s:
                s = inst.get_connection('S')

            if seg == 1:
                # only one segment, array instance via naming
                # rename instance
                new_name = inst_name + '<0:{}>'.format(stack - 1)
                self.rename_instance(inst_name, new_name)
                # rename D/S
                if stack > 2:
                    m += '<0:{}>'.format(stack - 2)
                new_s = s + ',' + m
                new_d = m + ',' + d
                inst.update_connection(new_name, 'D', new_d)
                inst.update_connection(new_name, 'S', new_s)
                if not g_is_str:
                    inst.update_connection(new_name, 'G', ','.join(g))
                # multiple segment and stacks, have to array instance
                # construct instance name/terminal map iterator
                inst_term_list = []
                last_cnt = (stack - 1) * seg
                g_cnt = 0
                for cnt in range(0, last_cnt + 1, seg):
                    d_suf = '<{}:{}>'.format(cnt + seg - 1, cnt)
                    s_suf = '<{}:{}>'.format(cnt - 1, cnt - seg)
                    iname = inst_name + d_suf
                    if cnt == 0:
                        s_name = s
                        d_name = m + d_suf
                    elif cnt == last_cnt:
                        s_name = m + s_suf
                        d_name = d
                        s_name = m + s_suf
                        d_name = m + d_suf
                    term_list = [('S', s_name), ('D', d_name)]
                    if not g_is_str:
                        term_list.append(('G', g[g_cnt]))
                        g_cnt += 1
                    inst_term_list.append((iname, term_list))

                self.array_instance(inst_name, inst_term_list=inst_term_list)
def build_cv(fname):
    yaml_file = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,
                                                os.path.join('data', fname))

    return PySchCellView(yaml_file)