def set_boundary_conditions(self, variables):
        c_s_xav = variables["X-averaged " + self.domain.lower() +
                            " particle concentration"]
        T_xav = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
            variables["X-averaged " + self.domain.lower() +
                      " electrode temperature"],
        j_xav = variables["X-averaged " + self.domain.lower() +
                          " electrode interfacial current density"]

        if self.domain == "Negative":
            rbc = (-self.param.C_n * j_xav / self.param.a_R_n /
         , T_xav)))

        elif self.domain == "Positive":
            rbc = (-self.param.C_p * j_xav / self.param.a_R_p /
                   self.param.gamma_p /
         , T_xav)))

        self.boundary_conditions = {
            c_s_xav: {
                "left": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
                "right": (rbc, "Neumann")
    def test_boundary_value_domain(self):
        mesh = get_p2d_mesh_for_testing()
        spatial_methods = {
            "macroscale": pybamm.FiniteVolume(),
            "negative particle": pybamm.FiniteVolume(),
            "positive particle": pybamm.FiniteVolume(),
        disc = pybamm.Discretisation(mesh, spatial_methods)

        c_s_n = pybamm.Variable("c_s_n", domain=["negative particle"])
        c_s_p = pybamm.Variable("c_s_p", domain=["positive particle"])

        disc.set_variable_slices([c_s_n, c_s_p])

        # surface values
        c_s_n_surf =
        c_s_p_surf =

        # domain for boundary values must now be explicitly set
        c_s_n_surf_disc = disc.process_symbol(c_s_n_surf)
        c_s_p_surf_disc = disc.process_symbol(c_s_p_surf)
        self.assertEqual(c_s_n_surf_disc.domain, [])
        self.assertEqual(c_s_p_surf_disc.domain, [])
        c_s_n_surf.domain = ["negative electrode"]
        c_s_p_surf.domain = ["positive electrode"]
        c_s_n_surf_disc = disc.process_symbol(c_s_n_surf)
        c_s_p_surf_disc = disc.process_symbol(c_s_p_surf)
        self.assertEqual(c_s_n_surf_disc.domain, ["negative electrode"])
        self.assertEqual(c_s_p_surf_disc.domain, ["positive electrode"])
 def setUp(self):
     c_e_n = pybamm.Variable("concentration", domain=["negative electrode"])
     c_e_s = pybamm.Variable("concentration", domain=["separator"])
     c_e_p = pybamm.Variable("concentration", domain=["positive electrode"])
     self.c_e = pybamm.Concatenation(c_e_n, c_e_s, c_e_p)
     self.c_s_n_surf =
         pybamm.Variable("particle conc", domain=["negative particle"]))
     self.c_s_p_surf =
         pybamm.Variable("particle conc", domain=["positive particle"]))
     self.variables = {
         "Negative electrolyte concentration": c_e_n,
         "Positive electrolyte concentration": c_e_p,
         "Negative particle surface concentration": self.c_s_n_surf,
         "Positive particle surface concentration": self.c_s_p_surf,
    def test_extrapolate_on_nonuniform_grid(self):
        geometry = pybamm.Geometry("1D micro")

        submesh_types = {
            "negative particle": pybamm.MeshGenerator(pybamm.Exponential1DSubMesh),
            "positive particle": pybamm.MeshGenerator(pybamm.Exponential1DSubMesh),

        var = pybamm.standard_spatial_vars
        rpts = 10
        var_pts = {var.r_n: rpts, var.r_p: rpts}
        mesh = pybamm.Mesh(geometry, submesh_types, var_pts)
        method_options = {"extrapolation": {"order": "linear", "use bcs": False}}
        spatial_methods = {"negative particle": pybamm.FiniteVolume(method_options)}
        disc = pybamm.Discretisation(mesh, spatial_methods)

        var = pybamm.Variable("var", domain="negative particle")
        surf_eqn =
        surf_eqn_disc = disc.process_symbol(surf_eqn)

        micro_submesh = mesh["negative particle"]

        # check constant extrapolates to constant
        constant_y = np.ones_like(micro_submesh[0].nodes[:, np.newaxis])
            surf_eqn_disc.evaluate(None, constant_y), 1

        # check linear variable extrapolates correctly
        linear_y = micro_submesh[0].nodes
        y_surf = micro_submesh[0].edges[-1]
            surf_eqn_disc.evaluate(None, linear_y), y_surf
    def set_boundary_conditions(self, variables):

        c_s = variables[self.domain + " particle concentration"]
        T = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
            variables[self.domain + " electrode temperature"],
        j = variables[self.domain + " electrode interfacial current density"]
        R = variables[self.domain + " particle radius"]

        if self.domain == "Negative":
            rbc = (-self.param.C_n * j * R / self.param.a_R_n /
         , T)))

        elif self.domain == "Positive":
            rbc = (-self.param.C_p * j * R / self.param.a_R_p /
                   self.param.gamma_p /, T)))

        self.boundary_conditions = {
            c_s: {
                "left": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
                "right": (rbc, "Neumann")
    def _get_standard_concentration_variables(self, c_s, c_s_xav):

        c_s_surf =

        c_s_surf_av = pybamm.x_average(c_s_surf)
        geo_param = pybamm.geometric_parameters

        if self.domain == "Negative":
            c_scale = self.param.c_n_max
            active_volume = geo_param.a_n_dim * geo_param.R_n / 3
        elif self.domain == "Positive":
            c_scale = self.param.c_p_max
            active_volume = geo_param.a_p_dim * geo_param.R_p / 3
        c_s_r_av = pybamm.r_average(c_s_xav)
        c_s_r_av_vol = active_volume * c_s_r_av
        variables = {
            self.domain + " particle concentration":
            self.domain + " particle concentration [mol.m-3]":
            c_s * c_scale,
            "X-averaged " + self.domain.lower() + " particle concentration":
            "X-averaged " + self.domain.lower() + " particle concentration [mol.m-3]":
            c_s_xav * c_scale,
            self.domain + " particle surface concentration":
            self.domain + " particle surface concentration [mol.m-3]":
            c_scale * c_s_surf,
            "X-averaged " + self.domain.lower() + " particle surface concentration":
            "X-averaged " + self.domain.lower() + " particle surface concentration [mol.m-3]":
            c_scale * c_s_surf_av,
            self.domain + " electrode active volume fraction":
            self.domain + " electrode volume-averaged concentration":
            self.domain + " electrode " + "volume-averaged concentration [mol.m-3]":
            c_s_r_av_vol * c_scale,
            self.domain + " electrode average extent of lithiation":

        return variables
    def __init__(self, name="Doyle-Fuller-Newman half cell model", options=None):
        super().__init__({}, name)
        # `param` is a class containing all the relevant parameters and functions for
        # this model. These are purely symbolic at this stage, and will be set by the
        # `ParameterValues` class when the model is processed.
        param = self.param
        options = options or {"working electrode": None}

        if options["working electrode"] not in ["negative", "positive"]:
            raise ValueError(
                "The option 'working electrode' should be either 'positive'"
                " or 'negative'"

        working_electrode = options["working electrode"]

        # Variables
        # Variables that depend on time only are created without a domain
        Q = pybamm.Variable("Discharge capacity [A.h]")

        # Define some useful scalings
        pot = param.potential_scale
        i_typ = param.current_scale

        # Variables that vary spatially are created with a domain. Depending on
        # which is the working electrode we need to define a set variables or another
        if working_electrode == "negative":
            # Electrolyte concentration
            c_e_n = pybamm.Variable(
                "Negative electrolyte concentration", domain="negative electrode"
            c_e_s = pybamm.Variable(
                "Separator electrolyte concentration", domain="separator"
            # Concatenations combine several variables into a single variable, to
            # simplify implementing equations that hold over several domains
            c_e = pybamm.Concatenation(c_e_n, c_e_s)

            # Electrolyte potential
            phi_e_n = pybamm.Variable(
                "Negative electrolyte potential", domain="negative electrode"
            phi_e_s = pybamm.Variable(
                "Separator electrolyte potential", domain="separator"
            phi_e = pybamm.Concatenation(phi_e_n, phi_e_s)

            # Particle concentrations are variables on the particle domain, but also
            # vary in the x-direction (electrode domain) and so must be provided with
            # auxiliary domains
            c_s_n = pybamm.Variable(
                "Negative particle concentration",
                domain="negative particle",
                auxiliary_domains={"secondary": "negative electrode"},
            # Set concentration in positive particle to be equal to the initial
            # concentration as it is not the working electrode
            x_p = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
                pybamm.standard_spatial_vars.x_p, "positive particle"
            c_s_p = param.c_n_init(x_p)

            # Electrode potential
            phi_s_n = pybamm.Variable(
                "Negative electrode potential", domain="negative electrode"
            # Set potential in positive electrode to be equal to the initial OCV
            phi_s_p = param.U_p(, param.T_init)
            c_e_p = pybamm.Variable(
                "Positive electrolyte concentration", domain="positive electrode"
            c_e_s = pybamm.Variable(
                "Separator electrolyte concentration", domain="separator"
            # Concatenations combine several variables into a single variable, to
            # simplify implementing equations that hold over several domains
            c_e = pybamm.Concatenation(c_e_s, c_e_p)

            # Electrolyte potential
            phi_e_s = pybamm.Variable(
                "Separator electrolyte potential", domain="separator"
            phi_e_p = pybamm.Variable(
                "Positive electrolyte potential", domain="positive electrode"
            phi_e = pybamm.Concatenation(phi_e_s, phi_e_p)

            # Particle concentrations are variables on the particle domain, but also
            # vary in the x-direction (electrode domain) and so must be provided with
            # auxiliary domains
            c_s_p = pybamm.Variable(
                "Positive particle concentration",
                domain="positive particle",
                auxiliary_domains={"secondary": "positive electrode"},
            # Set concentration in negative particle to be equal to the initial
            # concentration as it is not the working electrode
            x_n = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
                pybamm.standard_spatial_vars.x_n, "negative particle"
            c_s_n = param.c_n_init(x_n)

            # Electrode potential
            phi_s_p = pybamm.Variable(
                "Positive electrode potential", domain="positive electrode"
            # Set potential in negative electrode to be equal to the initial OCV
            phi_s_n = param.U_n(, param.T_init)

        # Constant temperature
        T = param.T_init

        # Other set-up

        # Current density
        i_cell = param.current_with_time

        # Porosity and Tortuosity
        # Primary broadcasts are used to broadcast scalar quantities across a domain
        # into a vector of the right shape, for multiplying with other vectors
        eps_n = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
            pybamm.Parameter("Negative electrode porosity"), "negative electrode"
        eps_s = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
            pybamm.Parameter("Separator porosity"), "separator"
        eps_p = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
            pybamm.Parameter("Positive electrode porosity"), "positive electrode"

        if working_electrode == "negative":
            eps = pybamm.Concatenation(eps_n, eps_s)
            tor = pybamm.Concatenation(eps_n ** param.b_e_n, eps_s ** param.b_e_s)
            eps = pybamm.Concatenation(eps_s, eps_p)
            tor = pybamm.Concatenation(eps_s ** param.b_e_s, eps_p ** param.b_e_p)

        # Interfacial reactions
        # Surf takes the surface value of a variable, i.e. its boundary value on the
        # right side. This is also accessible via `boundary_value(x, "right")`, with
        # "left" providing the boundary value of the left side
        c_s_surf_n =
        c_s_surf_p =

        if working_electrode == "negative":
            j0_n = param.j0_n(c_e_n, c_s_surf_n, T) / param.C_r_n
            j_n = (
                * j0_n
                * pybamm.sinh(
                    param.ne_n / 2 * (phi_s_n - phi_e_n - param.U_n(c_s_surf_n, T))
            j_s = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(0, "separator")
            j_p = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(0, "positive electrode")
            j = pybamm.Concatenation(j_n, j_s)
            j0_p = param.gamma_p * param.j0_p(c_e_p, c_s_surf_p, T) / param.C_r_p
            j_p = (
                * j0_p
                * pybamm.sinh(
                    param.ne_p / 2 * (phi_s_p - phi_e_p - param.U_p(c_s_surf_p, T))
            j_s = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(0, "separator")
            j_n = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(0, "negative electrode")
            j = pybamm.Concatenation(j_s, j_p)

        # State of Charge
        I = param.dimensional_current_with_time
        # The `rhs` dictionary contains differential equations, with the key being the
        # variable in the d/dt
        self.rhs[Q] = I * param.timescale / 3600
        # Initial conditions must be provided for the ODEs
        self.initial_conditions[Q] = pybamm.Scalar(0)

        # Particles

        if working_electrode == "negative":
            # The div and grad operators will be converted to the appropriate matrix
            # multiplication at the discretisation stage
            N_s_n = -param.D_n(c_s_n, T) * pybamm.grad(c_s_n)
            self.rhs[c_s_n] = -(1 / param.C_n) * pybamm.div(N_s_n)

            # Boundary conditions must be provided for equations with spatial
            # derivatives
            self.boundary_conditions[c_s_n] = {
                "left": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
                "right": (
                    -param.C_n * j_n / param.a_R_n / param.D_n(c_s_surf_n, T),

            # c_n_init can in general be a function of x
            # Note the broadcasting, for domains
            x_n = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
                pybamm.standard_spatial_vars.x_n, "negative particle"
            self.initial_conditions[c_s_n] = param.c_n_init(x_n)

            # Events specify points at which a solution should terminate
   += [
                    "Minimum negative particle surface concentration",
                    pybamm.min(c_s_surf_n) - 0.01,
                    "Maximum negative particle surface concentration",
                    (1 - 0.01) - pybamm.max(c_s_surf_n),
            # The div and grad operators will be converted to the appropriate matrix
            # multiplication at the discretisation stage
            N_s_p = -param.D_p(c_s_p, T) * pybamm.grad(c_s_p)
            self.rhs[c_s_p] = -(1 / param.C_p) * pybamm.div(N_s_p)

            # Boundary conditions must be provided for equations with spatial
            # derivatives
            self.boundary_conditions[c_s_p] = {
                "left": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
                "right": (
                    * j_p
                    / param.a_R_p
                    / param.gamma_p
                    / param.D_p(c_s_surf_p, T),

            # c_p_init can in general be a function of x
            # Note the broadcasting, for domains
            x_p = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
                pybamm.standard_spatial_vars.x_p, "positive particle"
            self.initial_conditions[c_s_p] = param.c_p_init(x_p)

            # Events specify points at which a solution should terminate
   += [
                    "Minimum positive particle surface concentration",
                    pybamm.min(c_s_surf_p) - 0.01,
                    "Maximum positive particle surface concentration",
                    (1 - 0.01) - pybamm.max(c_s_surf_p),

        # Current in the solid
        eps_s_n = pybamm.Parameter("Negative electrode active material volume fraction")
        eps_s_p = pybamm.Parameter("Positive electrode active material volume fraction")

        if working_electrode == "negative":
            sigma_eff_n = param.sigma_n * eps_s_n ** param.b_s_n
            i_s_n = -sigma_eff_n * pybamm.grad(phi_s_n)
            self.boundary_conditions[phi_s_n] = {
                "left": (
                    i_cell / pybamm.boundary_value(-sigma_eff_n, "left"),
                "right": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
            # The `algebraic` dictionary contains differential equations, with the key
            # being the main scalar variable of interest in the equation
            self.algebraic[phi_s_n] = pybamm.div(i_s_n) + j_n

            # Initial conditions must also be provided for algebraic equations, as an
            # initial guess for a root-finding algorithm which calculates consistent
            # initial conditions
            self.initial_conditions[phi_s_n] = param.U_n(
                param.c_n_init(0), param.T_init
            sigma_eff_p = param.sigma_p * eps_s_p ** param.b_s_p
            i_s_p = -sigma_eff_p * pybamm.grad(phi_s_p)
            self.boundary_conditions[phi_s_p] = {
                "left": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
                "right": (
                    i_cell / pybamm.boundary_value(-sigma_eff_p, "right"),
            self.algebraic[phi_s_p] = pybamm.div(i_s_p) + j_p
            # Initial conditions must also be provided for algebraic equations, as an
            # initial guess for a root-finding algorithm which calculates consistent
            # initial conditions
            self.initial_conditions[phi_s_p] = param.U_p(
                param.c_p_init(1), param.T_init

        # Electrolyte concentration
        N_e = -tor * param.D_e(c_e, T) * pybamm.grad(c_e)
        self.rhs[c_e] = (1 / eps) * (
            -pybamm.div(N_e) / param.C_e + (1 - param.t_plus(c_e)) * j / param.gamma_e
        dce_dx = (
            -(1 - param.t_plus(c_e))
            * i_cell
            * param.C_e
            / (tor * param.gamma_e * param.D_e(c_e, T))

        if working_electrode == "negative":
            self.boundary_conditions[c_e] = {
                "left": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
                "right": (pybamm.boundary_value(dce_dx, "right"), "Neumann"),
            self.boundary_conditions[c_e] = {
                "left": (pybamm.boundary_value(dce_dx, "left"), "Neumann"),
                "right": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),

        self.initial_conditions[c_e] = param.c_e_init
                "Zero electrolyte concentration cut-off", pybamm.min(c_e) - 0.002

        # Current in the electrolyte
        i_e = (param.kappa_e(c_e, T) * tor * param.gamma_e / param.C_e) * (
            param.chi(c_e, T) * pybamm.grad(c_e) / c_e - pybamm.grad(phi_e)
        self.algebraic[phi_e] = pybamm.div(i_e) - j

        ref_potential = param.U_n_ref / pot

        if working_electrode == "negative":
            self.boundary_conditions[phi_e] = {
                "left": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
                "right": (ref_potential, "Dirichlet"),
            self.boundary_conditions[phi_e] = {
                "left": (ref_potential, "Dirichlet"),
                "right": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),

        self.initial_conditions[phi_e] = ref_potential
        # (Some) variables
        L_Li = pybamm.Parameter("Lithium counter electrode thickness [m]")
        sigma_Li = pybamm.Parameter("Lithium counter electrode conductivity [S.m-1]")
        j_Li = pybamm.Parameter(
            "Lithium counter electrode exchange-current density [A.m-2]"

        if working_electrode == "negative":
            voltage = pybamm.boundary_value(phi_s_n, "left") - ref_potential
            voltage_dim = pot * pybamm.boundary_value(phi_s_n, "left")
            vdrop_Li = 2 * pybamm.arcsinh(
                i_cell * i_typ / j_Li
            ) + L_Li * i_typ * i_cell / (sigma_Li * pot)
            vdrop_Li_dim = (
                2 * pot * pybamm.arcsinh(i_cell * i_typ / j_Li)
                + L_Li * i_typ * i_cell / sigma_Li
            voltage = pybamm.boundary_value(phi_s_p, "right") - ref_potential
            voltage_dim = param.U_p_ref + pot * voltage
            vdrop_Li = -(
                2 * pybamm.arcsinh(i_cell * i_typ / j_Li)
                + L_Li * i_typ * i_cell / (sigma_Li * pot)
            vdrop_Li_dim = -(
                2 * pot * pybamm.arcsinh(i_cell * i_typ / j_Li)
                + L_Li * i_typ * i_cell / sigma_Li

        c_s_surf_p_av = pybamm.x_average(c_s_surf_p)
        c_s_surf_n_av = pybamm.x_average(c_s_surf_n)

        # The `variables` dictionary contains all variables that might be useful for
        # visualising the solution of the model
        self.variables = {
            "Time [s]": param.timescale * pybamm.t,
            "Negative particle surface concentration": c_s_surf_n,
            "X-averaged negative particle surface concentration": c_s_surf_n_av,
            "Negative particle concentration": c_s_n,
            "Negative particle surface concentration [mol.m-3]": param.c_n_max
            * c_s_surf_n,
            "X-averaged negative particle surface concentration "
            "[mol.m-3]": param.c_n_max * c_s_surf_n_av,
            "Negative particle concentration [mol.m-3]": param.c_n_max * c_s_n,
            "Electrolyte concentration": c_e,
            "Electrolyte concentration [mol.m-3]": param.c_e_typ * c_e,
            "Positive particle surface concentration": c_s_surf_p,
            "X-averaged positive particle surface concentration": c_s_surf_p_av,
            "Positive particle concentration": c_s_p,
            "Positive particle surface concentration [mol.m-3]": param.c_p_max
            * c_s_surf_p,
            "X-averaged positive particle surface concentration "
            "[mol.m-3]": param.c_p_max * c_s_surf_p_av,
            "Positive particle concentration [mol.m-3]": param.c_p_max * c_s_p,
            "Current [A]": I,
            "Negative electrode potential": phi_s_n,
            "Negative electrode potential [V]": pot * phi_s_n,
            "Negative electrode open circuit potential": param.U_n(c_s_surf_n, T),
            "Electrolyte potential": phi_e,
            "Electrolyte potential [V]": -param.U_n_ref + pot * phi_e,
            "Positive electrode potential": phi_s_p,
            "Positive electrode potential [V]": (param.U_p_ref - param.U_n_ref)
            + pot * phi_s_p,
            "Positive electrode open circuit potential": param.U_p(c_s_surf_p, T),
            "Voltage drop": voltage,
            "Voltage drop [V]": voltage_dim,
            "Terminal voltage": voltage + vdrop_Li,
            "Terminal voltage [V]": voltage_dim + vdrop_Li_dim,
    def __init__(self, name="Doyle-Fuller-Newman model"):
        super().__init__({}, name)
        # `param` is a class containing all the relevant parameters and functions for
        # this model. These are purely symbolic at this stage, and will be set by the
        # `ParameterValues` class when the model is processed.
        param = self.param

        # Variables
        # Variables that depend on time only are created without a domain
        Q = pybamm.Variable("Discharge capacity [A.h]")
        # Variables that vary spatially are created with a domain
        c_e_n = pybamm.Variable(
            "Negative electrolyte concentration",
            domain="negative electrode",
        c_e_s = pybamm.Variable(
            "Separator electrolyte concentration",
        c_e_p = pybamm.Variable(
            "Positive electrolyte concentration",
            domain="positive electrode",
        # Concatenations combine several variables into a single variable, to simplify
        # implementing equations that hold over several domains
        c_e = pybamm.Concatenation(c_e_n, c_e_s, c_e_p)

        # Electrolyte potential
        phi_e_n = pybamm.Variable(
            "Negative electrolyte potential",
            domain="negative electrode",
        phi_e_s = pybamm.Variable(
            "Separator electrolyte potential",
        phi_e_p = pybamm.Variable(
            "Positive electrolyte potential",
            domain="positive electrode",
        phi_e = pybamm.Concatenation(phi_e_n, phi_e_s, phi_e_p)

        # Electrode potential
        phi_s_n = pybamm.Variable(
            "Negative electrode potential",
            domain="negative electrode",
        phi_s_p = pybamm.Variable(
            "Positive electrode potential",
            domain="positive electrode",
        # Particle concentrations are variables on the particle domain, but also vary in
        # the x-direction (electrode domain) and so must be provided with auxiliary
        # domains
        c_s_n = pybamm.Variable(
            "Negative particle concentration",
            domain="negative particle",
            auxiliary_domains={"secondary": "negative electrode"},
        c_s_p = pybamm.Variable(
            "Positive particle concentration",
            domain="positive particle",
            auxiliary_domains={"secondary": "positive electrode"},

        # Constant temperature
        T = param.T_init

        # Other set-up

        # Current density
        i_cell = param.current_with_time

        # Porosity
        # Primary broadcasts are used to broadcast scalar quantities across a domain
        # into a vector of the right shape, for multiplying with other vectors
        eps_n = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
            pybamm.Parameter("Negative electrode porosity"),
            "negative electrode")
        eps_s = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(pybamm.Parameter("Separator porosity"),
        eps_p = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
            pybamm.Parameter("Positive electrode porosity"),
            "positive electrode")
        eps = pybamm.Concatenation(eps_n, eps_s, eps_p)

        # Tortuosity
        tor = pybamm.Concatenation(eps_n**param.b_e_n, eps_s**param.b_e_s,

        # Interfacial reactions
        # Surf takes the surface value of a variable, i.e. its boundary value on the
        # right side. This is also accessible via `boundary_value(x, "right")`, with
        # "left" providing the boundary value of the left side
        c_s_surf_n =
        j0_n = (param.m_n(T) / param.C_r_n * c_e_n**(1 / 2) *
                c_s_surf_n**(1 / 2) * (1 - c_s_surf_n)**(1 / 2))
        j_n = (2 * j0_n *
               pybamm.sinh(param.ne_n / 2 *
                           (phi_s_n - phi_e_n - param.U_n(c_s_surf_n, T))))
        c_s_surf_p =
        j0_p = (param.gamma_p * param.m_p(T) / param.C_r_p * c_e_p**(1 / 2) *
                c_s_surf_p**(1 / 2) * (1 - c_s_surf_p)**(1 / 2))
        j_s = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(0, "separator")
        j_p = (2 * j0_p *
               pybamm.sinh(param.ne_p / 2 *
                           (phi_s_p - phi_e_p - param.U_p(c_s_surf_p, T))))
        j = pybamm.Concatenation(j_n, j_s, j_p)

        # State of Charge
        I = param.dimensional_current_with_time
        # The `rhs` dictionary contains differential equations, with the key being the
        # variable in the d/dt
        self.rhs[Q] = I * param.timescale / 3600
        # Initial conditions must be provided for the ODEs
        self.initial_conditions[Q] = pybamm.Scalar(0)

        # Particles

        # The div and grad operators will be converted to the appropriate matrix
        # multiplication at the discretisation stage
        N_s_n = -param.D_n(c_s_n, T) * pybamm.grad(c_s_n)
        N_s_p = -param.D_p(c_s_p, T) * pybamm.grad(c_s_p)
        self.rhs[c_s_n] = -(1 / param.C_n) * pybamm.div(N_s_n)
        self.rhs[c_s_p] = -(1 / param.C_p) * pybamm.div(N_s_p)
        # Boundary conditions must be provided for equations with spatial derivatives
        self.boundary_conditions[c_s_n] = {
            "left": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
            "right": (
                -param.C_n * j_n / param.a_n / param.D_n(c_s_surf_n, T),
        self.boundary_conditions[c_s_p] = {
            "left": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
            "right": (
                -param.C_p * j_p / param.a_p / param.gamma_p /
                param.D_p(c_s_surf_p, T),
        # c_n_init and c_p_init can in general be functions of x
        # Note the broadcasting, for domains
        x_n = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(pybamm.standard_spatial_vars.x_n,
                                      "negative particle")
        self.initial_conditions[c_s_n] = param.c_n_init(x_n)
        x_p = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(pybamm.standard_spatial_vars.x_p,
                                      "positive particle")
        self.initial_conditions[c_s_p] = param.c_p_init(x_p)
        # Events specify points at which a solution should terminate += [
                "Minimum negative particle surface concentration",
                pybamm.min(c_s_surf_n) - 0.01,
                "Maximum negative particle surface concentration",
                (1 - 0.01) - pybamm.max(c_s_surf_n),
                "Minimum positive particle surface concentration",
                pybamm.min(c_s_surf_p) - 0.01,
                "Maximum positive particle surface concentration",
                (1 - 0.01) - pybamm.max(c_s_surf_p),
        # Current in the solid
        i_s_n = -param.sigma_n * (1 -
                                  eps_n)**param.b_s_n * pybamm.grad(phi_s_n)
        sigma_eff_p = param.sigma_p * (1 - eps_p)**param.b_s_p
        i_s_p = -sigma_eff_p * pybamm.grad(phi_s_p)
        # The `algebraic` dictionary contains differential equations, with the key being
        # the main scalar variable of interest in the equation
        self.algebraic[phi_s_n] = pybamm.div(i_s_n) + j_n
        self.algebraic[phi_s_p] = pybamm.div(i_s_p) + j_p
        self.boundary_conditions[phi_s_n] = {
            "left": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Dirichlet"),
            "right": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
        self.boundary_conditions[phi_s_p] = {
            "left": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
            (i_cell / pybamm.boundary_value(-sigma_eff_p, "right"), "Neumann"),
        # Initial conditions must also be provided for algebraic equations, as an
        # initial guess for a root-finding algorithm which calculates consistent initial
        # conditions
        # We evaluate c_n_init at x=0 and c_p_init at x=1 (this is just an initial
        # guess so actual value is not too important)
        self.initial_conditions[phi_s_n] = pybamm.Scalar(0)
        self.initial_conditions[phi_s_p] = param.U_p(
            param.c_p_init(1), param.T_init) - param.U_n(
                param.c_n_init(0), param.T_init)

        # Current in the electrolyte
        i_e = (param.kappa_e(c_e, T) * tor * param.gamma_e / param.C_e) * (
            param.chi(c_e) * pybamm.grad(c_e) / c_e - pybamm.grad(phi_e))
        self.algebraic[phi_e] = pybamm.div(i_e) - j
        self.boundary_conditions[phi_e] = {
            "left": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
            "right": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
        self.initial_conditions[phi_e] = -param.U_n(param.c_n_init(0),

        # Electrolyte concentration
        N_e = -tor * param.D_e(c_e, T) * pybamm.grad(c_e)
        self.rhs[c_e] = (1 /
                         eps) * (-pybamm.div(N_e) / param.C_e +
                                 (1 - param.t_plus(c_e)) * j / param.gamma_e)
        self.boundary_conditions[c_e] = {
            "left": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
            "right": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
        self.initial_conditions[c_e] = param.c_e_init
            pybamm.Event("Zero electrolyte concentration cut-off",
                         pybamm.min(c_e) - 0.002))

        # (Some) variables
        voltage = pybamm.boundary_value(phi_s_p, "right")
        # The `variables` dictionary contains all variables that might be useful for
        # visualising the solution of the model
        self.variables = {
            "Negative particle surface concentration": c_s_surf_n,
            "Electrolyte concentration": c_e,
            "Positive particle surface concentration": c_s_surf_p,
            "Current [A]": I,
            "Negative electrode potential": phi_s_n,
            "Electrolyte potential": phi_e,
            "Positive electrode potential": phi_s_p,
            "Terminal voltage": voltage,
        } += [
            pybamm.Event("Minimum voltage", voltage - param.voltage_low_cut),
            pybamm.Event("Maximum voltage", voltage - param.voltage_high_cut),
    def get_coupled_variables(self, variables):
        c_s_rxav = variables["Average " + self.domain.lower() +
                             " particle concentration"]
        i_boundary_cc = variables["Current collector current density"]
        T_xav = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
            variables["X-averaged " + self.domain.lower() +
                      " electrode temperature"],
            [self.domain.lower() + " particle"],

        # Set surface concentration based on polynomial order
        if == "uniform profile":
            # The concentration is uniform so the surface value is equal to
            # the average
            c_s_surf_xav = c_s_rxav
        elif == "quadratic profile":
            # The surface concentration is computed from the average concentration
            # and boundary flux
            # Note 1: here we use the total average interfacial current for the single
            # particle. We explicitly write this as the current density divided by the
            # electrode thickness instead of getting the average current from the
            # interface submodel since the interface submodel requires the surface
            # concentration to be defined first to compute the exchange current density.
            # Explicitly writing out the average interfacial current here avoids
            # KeyErrors due to variables not being set in the "right" order.
            # Note 2: the concentration, c, inside the diffusion coefficient, D, here
            # should really be the surface value, but this requires solving a nonlinear
            # equation for c_surf (if the diffusion coefficient is nonlinear), adding
            # an extra algebraic equation to solve. For now, using the average c is an
            # ok approximation and means the SPM(e) still gives a system of ODEs rather
            # than DAEs.
            if self.domain == "Negative":
                j_xav = i_boundary_cc / self.param.l_n
                c_s_surf_xav = c_s_rxav - self.param.C_n * (
                    j_xav / 5 / self.param.a_R_n /

            if self.domain == "Positive":
                j_xav = -i_boundary_cc / self.param.l_p
                c_s_surf_xav = c_s_rxav - self.param.C_p * (
                    j_xav / 5 / self.param.a_R_p / self.param.gamma_p /
        elif == "quartic profile":
            # The surface concentration is computed from the average concentration,
            # the average concentration gradient and the boundary flux (see notes
            # for the case order=2)
            q_s_rxav = variables["Average " + self.domain.lower() +
                                 " particle concentration gradient"]
            if self.domain == "Negative":
                j_xav = i_boundary_cc / self.param.l_n
                c_s_surf_xav = (c_s_rxav + 8 * q_s_rxav / 35 - self.param.C_n *
                                (j_xav / 35 / self.param.a_R_n /

            if self.domain == "Positive":
                j_xav = -i_boundary_cc / self.param.l_p
                c_s_surf_xav = (
                    c_s_rxav + 8 * q_s_rxav / 35 - self.param.C_p *
                    (j_xav / 35 / self.param.a_R_p / self.param.gamma_p /

        # Set concentration depending on polynomial order
        if == "uniform profile":
            # The concentration is uniform
            c_s_xav = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
                c_s_rxav, [self.domain.lower() + " particle"])
        elif == "quadratic profile":
            # The concentration is given by c = A + B*r**2
            A = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
                (1 / 2) * (5 * c_s_rxav - 3 * c_s_surf_xav),
                [self.domain.lower() + " particle"],
            B = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast((5 / 2) * (c_s_surf_xav - c_s_rxav),
                                        [self.domain.lower() + " particle"])
            if self.domain == "Negative":
                # Since c_s_xav doesn't depend on x, we need to define a spatial
                # variable r which only has "negative particle" and "current
                # collector" as domains
                r = pybamm.SpatialVariable(
                    domain=["negative particle"],
                    auxiliary_domains={"secondary": "current collector"},
                    coord_sys="spherical polar",
                c_s_xav = A + B * r**2
            if self.domain == "Positive":
                # Since c_s_xav doesn't depend on x, we need to define a spatial
                # variable r which only has "positive particle" and "current
                # collector" as domains
                r = pybamm.SpatialVariable(
                    domain=["positive particle"],
                    auxiliary_domains={"secondary": "current collector"},
                    coord_sys="spherical polar",
                c_s_xav = A + B * r**2

        elif == "quartic profile":
            # The concentration is given by c = A + B*r**2 + C*r**4
            A = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
                39 * c_s_surf_xav / 4 - 3 * q_s_rxav - 35 * c_s_rxav / 4,
                [self.domain.lower() + " particle"],
            B = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
                -35 * c_s_surf_xav + 10 * q_s_rxav + 35 * c_s_rxav,
                [self.domain.lower() + " particle"],
            C = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
                105 * c_s_surf_xav / 4 - 7 * q_s_rxav - 105 * c_s_rxav / 4,
                [self.domain.lower() + " particle"],
            if self.domain == "Negative":
                # Since c_s_xav doesn't depend on x, we need to define a spatial
                # variable r which only has "negative particle" and "current
                # collector" as domains
                r = pybamm.SpatialVariable(
                    domain=["negative particle"],
                    auxiliary_domains={"secondary": "current collector"},
                    coord_sys="spherical polar",
                c_s_xav = A + B * r**2 + C * r**4
            if self.domain == "Positive":
                # Since c_s_xav doesn't depend on x, we need to define a spatial
                # variable r which only has "positive particle" and "current
                # collector" as domains
                r = pybamm.SpatialVariable(
                    domain=["positive particle"],
                    auxiliary_domains={"secondary": "current collector"},
                    coord_sys="spherical polar",
                c_s_xav = A + B * r**2 + C * r**4

        c_s = pybamm.SecondaryBroadcast(c_s_xav,
                                        [self.domain.lower() + " electrode"])
        c_s_surf = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
            c_s_surf_xav, [self.domain.lower() + " electrode"])

        # Set flux based on polynomial order
        if == "uniform profile":
            # The flux is zero since there is no concentration gradient
            N_s_xav = pybamm.FullBroadcastToEdges(
                self.domain.lower() + " particle", "current collector")
        elif == "quadratic profile":
            # The flux may be computed directly from the polynomial for c
            if self.domain == "Negative":
                N_s_xav = (-self.param.D_n(c_s_xav, T_xav) * 5 *
                           (c_s_surf_xav - c_s_rxav) * r)
            if self.domain == "Positive":
                N_s_xav = (-self.param.D_p(c_s_xav, T_xav) * 5 *
                           (c_s_surf_xav - c_s_rxav) * r)
        elif == "quartic profile":
            q_s_rxav = variables["Average " + self.domain.lower() +
                                 " particle concentration gradient"]
            # The flux may be computed directly from the polynomial for c
            if self.domain == "Negative":
                N_s_xav = -self.param.D_n(c_s_xav, T_xav) * (
                    (-70 * c_s_surf_xav + 20 * q_s_rxav + 70 * c_s_rxav) * r +
                    (105 * c_s_surf_xav - 28 * q_s_rxav - 105 * c_s_rxav) *
            elif self.domain == "Positive":
                N_s_xav = -self.param.D_p(c_s_xav, T_xav) * (
                    (-70 * c_s_surf_xav + 20 * q_s_rxav + 70 * c_s_rxav) * r +
                    (105 * c_s_surf_xav - 28 * q_s_rxav - 105 * c_s_rxav) *

        N_s = pybamm.SecondaryBroadcast(N_s_xav,
                                        [self._domain.lower() + " electrode"])

        variables = self._get_standard_concentration_variables(
            c_s, c_s_av=c_s_rxav, c_s_surf=c_s_surf)
        variables.update(self._get_standard_flux_variables(N_s, N_s_xav))

        return variables
    def test_quadratic_extrapolate_left_right(self):
        # create discretisation
        mesh = get_mesh_for_testing()
        method_options = {
            "extrapolation": {
                "order": "quadratic",
                "use bcs": False
        spatial_methods = {
            "macroscale": pybamm.FiniteVolume(method_options),
            "negative particle": pybamm.FiniteVolume(method_options),
            "current collector": pybamm.ZeroDimensionalMethod(method_options),
        disc = pybamm.Discretisation(mesh, spatial_methods)

        whole_cell = ["negative electrode", "separator", "positive electrode"]
        macro_submesh = mesh.combine_submeshes(*whole_cell)
        micro_submesh = mesh["negative particle"]

        # Macroscale
        # create variable
        var = pybamm.Variable("var", domain=whole_cell)
        # boundary value should work with something more complicated than a variable
        extrap_left = pybamm.BoundaryValue(2 * var, "left")
        extrap_right = pybamm.BoundaryValue(4 - var, "right")
        extrap_left_disc = disc.process_symbol(extrap_left)
        extrap_right_disc = disc.process_symbol(extrap_right)

        # check constant extrapolates to constant
        constant_y = np.ones_like(macro_submesh[0].nodes[:, np.newaxis])
            extrap_left_disc.evaluate(None, constant_y), 2.0)
            extrap_right_disc.evaluate(None, constant_y), 3.0)

        # check linear variable extrapolates correctly
        linear_y = macro_submesh[0].nodes
            extrap_left_disc.evaluate(None, linear_y), 0)
            extrap_right_disc.evaluate(None, linear_y), 3)

        # Fluxes
        extrap_flux_left = pybamm.BoundaryGradient(2 * var, "left")
        extrap_flux_right = pybamm.BoundaryGradient(1 - var, "right")
        extrap_flux_left_disc = disc.process_symbol(extrap_flux_left)
        extrap_flux_right_disc = disc.process_symbol(extrap_flux_right)

        # check constant extrapolates to constant
            extrap_flux_left_disc.evaluate(None, constant_y), 0)
        self.assertEqual(extrap_flux_right_disc.evaluate(None, constant_y), 0)

        # check linear variable extrapolates correctly
            extrap_flux_left_disc.evaluate(None, linear_y), 2)
            extrap_flux_right_disc.evaluate(None, linear_y), -1)

        # Microscale
        # create variable
        var = pybamm.Variable("var", domain="negative particle")
        surf_eqn =
        surf_eqn_disc = disc.process_symbol(surf_eqn)

        # check constant extrapolates to constant
        constant_y = np.ones_like(micro_submesh[0].nodes[:, np.newaxis])
            surf_eqn_disc.evaluate(None, constant_y), 1)

        # check linear variable extrapolates correctly
        linear_y = micro_submesh[0].nodes
        y_surf = micro_submesh[0].edges[-1]
            surf_eqn_disc.evaluate(None, linear_y), y_surf)
    def _get_standard_concentration_variables(
        self, c_s, c_s_xav=None, c_s_rav=None, c_s_av=None, c_s_surf=None
        All particle submodels must provide the particle concentration as an argument
        to this method. Some submodels solve for quantities other than the concentration
        itself, for example the 'FickianSingleParticle' models solves for the x-averaged
        concentration. In such cases the variables being solved for (set in
        'get_fundamental_variables') must also be passed as keyword arguments. If not
        passed as keyword arguments, the various average concentrations and surface
        concentration are computed automatically from the particle concentration.

        # Get surface concentration if not provided as fundamental variable to
        # solve for
        c_s_surf = c_s_surf or
        c_s_surf_av = pybamm.x_average(c_s_surf)

        if self.domain == "Negative":
            c_scale = self.param.c_n_max
        elif self.domain == "Positive":
            c_scale = self.param.c_p_max

        # Get average concentration(s) if not provided as fundamental variable to
        # solve for
        c_s_xav = c_s_xav or pybamm.x_average(c_s)
        c_s_rav = c_s_rav or pybamm.r_average(c_s)
        c_s_av = c_s_av or pybamm.r_average(c_s_xav)

        variables = {
            self.domain + " particle concentration": c_s,
            self.domain + " particle concentration [mol.m-3]": c_s * c_scale,
            self.domain + " particle concentration [mol.m-3]": c_s * c_scale,
            "X-averaged " + self.domain.lower() + " particle concentration": c_s_xav,
            "X-averaged "
            + self.domain.lower()
            + " particle concentration [mol.m-3]": c_s_xav * c_scale,
            "R-averaged " + self.domain.lower() + " particle concentration": c_s_rav,
            "R-averaged "
            + self.domain.lower()
            + " particle concentration [mol.m-3]": c_s_rav * c_scale,
            "Average " + self.domain.lower() + " particle concentration": c_s_av,
            "Average "
            + self.domain.lower()
            + " particle concentration [mol.m-3]": c_s_av * c_scale,
            self.domain + " particle surface concentration": c_s_surf,
            + " particle surface concentration [mol.m-3]": c_scale * c_s_surf,
            "X-averaged "
            + self.domain.lower()
            + " particle surface concentration": c_s_surf_av,
            "X-averaged "
            + self.domain.lower()
            + " particle surface concentration [mol.m-3]": c_scale * c_s_surf_av,
            self.domain + " electrode extent of lithiation": c_s_rav,
            "X-averaged "
            + self.domain.lower()
            + " electrode extent of lithiation": c_s_av,
            "Minimum "
            + self.domain.lower()
            + " particle concentration": pybamm.min(c_s),
            "Maximum "
            + self.domain.lower()
            + " particle concentration": pybamm.max(c_s),
            "Minimum "
            + self.domain.lower()
            + " particle concentration [mol.m-3]": pybamm.min(c_s) * c_scale,
            "Maximum "
            + self.domain.lower()
            + " particle concentration [mol.m-3]": pybamm.max(c_s) * c_scale,
            "Minimum "
            + self.domain.lower()
            + " particle surface concentration": pybamm.min(c_s_surf),
            "Maximum "
            + self.domain.lower()
            + " particle surface concentration": pybamm.max(c_s_surf),
            "Minimum "
            + self.domain.lower()
            + " particle surface concentration [mol.m-3]": pybamm.min(c_s_surf)
            * c_scale,
            "Maximum "
            + self.domain.lower()
            + " particle surface concentration [mol.m-3]": pybamm.max(c_s_surf)
            * c_scale,

        return variables
    def __init__(self, name="Single Particle Model"):
        super().__init__({}, name)
        # `param` is a class containing all the relevant parameters and functions for
        # this model. These are purely symbolic at this stage, and will be set by the
        # `ParameterValues` class when the model is processed.
        param = self.param

        # Variables
        # Variables that depend on time only are created without a domain
        Q = pybamm.Variable("Discharge capacity [A.h]")
        # Variables that vary spatially are created with a domain
        c_s_n = pybamm.Variable(
            "X-averaged negative particle concentration", domain="negative particle"
        c_s_p = pybamm.Variable(
            "X-averaged positive particle concentration", domain="positive particle"

        # Constant temperature
        T = param.T_init

        # Other set-up

        # Current density
        i_cell = param.current_with_time
        j_n = i_cell / param.l_n
        j_p = -i_cell / param.l_p

        # State of Charge
        I = param.dimensional_current_with_time
        # The `rhs` dictionary contains differential equations, with the key being the
        # variable in the d/dt
        self.rhs[Q] = I * param.timescale / 3600
        # Initial conditions must be provided for the ODEs
        self.initial_conditions[Q] = pybamm.Scalar(0)

        # Particles

        # The div and grad operators will be converted to the appropriate matrix
        # multiplication at the discretisation stage
        N_s_n = -param.D_n(c_s_n, T) * pybamm.grad(c_s_n)
        N_s_p = -param.D_p(c_s_p, T) * pybamm.grad(c_s_p)
        self.rhs[c_s_n] = -(1 / param.C_n) * pybamm.div(N_s_n)
        self.rhs[c_s_p] = -(1 / param.C_p) * pybamm.div(N_s_p)
        # Surf takes the surface value of a variable, i.e. its boundary value on the
        # right side. This is also accessible via `boundary_value(x, "right")`, with
        # "left" providing the boundary value of the left side
        c_s_surf_n =
        c_s_surf_p =
        # Boundary conditions must be provided for equations with spatial derivatives
        self.boundary_conditions[c_s_n] = {
            "left": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
            "right": (
                -param.C_n * j_n / param.a_R_n / param.D_n(c_s_surf_n, T),
        self.boundary_conditions[c_s_p] = {
            "left": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
            "right": (
                * j_p
                / param.a_R_p
                / param.gamma_p
                / param.D_p(c_s_surf_p, T),
        # c_n_init and c_p_init are functions, but for the SPM we evaluate them at x=0
        # and x=1 since there is no x-dependence in the particles
        self.initial_conditions[c_s_n] = param.c_n_init(0)
        self.initial_conditions[c_s_p] = param.c_p_init(1)
        # Events specify points at which a solution should terminate += [
                "Minimum negative particle surface concentration",
                pybamm.min(c_s_surf_n) - 0.01,
                "Maximum negative particle surface concentration",
                (1 - 0.01) - pybamm.max(c_s_surf_n),
                "Minimum positive particle surface concentration",
                pybamm.min(c_s_surf_p) - 0.01,
                "Maximum positive particle surface concentration",
                (1 - 0.01) - pybamm.max(c_s_surf_p),

        # Note that the SPM does not have any algebraic equations, so the `algebraic`
        # dictionary remains empty

        # (Some) variables
        # Interfacial reactions
        j0_n = param.j0_n(1, c_s_surf_n, T) / param.C_r_n
        j0_p = param.gamma_p * param.j0_p(1, c_s_surf_p, T) / param.C_r_p
        eta_n = (2 / param.ne_n) * pybamm.arcsinh(j_n / (2 * j0_n))
        eta_p = (2 / param.ne_p) * pybamm.arcsinh(j_p / (2 * j0_p))
        phi_s_n = 0
        phi_e = -eta_n - param.U_n(c_s_surf_n, T)
        phi_s_p = eta_p + phi_e + param.U_p(c_s_surf_p, T)
        V = phi_s_p

        whole_cell = ["negative electrode", "separator", "positive electrode"]
        # The `variables` dictionary contains all variables that might be useful for
        # visualising the solution of the model
        # Primary broadcasts are used to broadcast scalar quantities across a domain
        # into a vector of the right shape, for multiplying with other vectors
        self.variables = {
            "Negative particle surface concentration": pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
                c_s_surf_n, "negative electrode"
            "Electrolyte concentration": pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(1, whole_cell),
            "Positive particle surface concentration": pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
                c_s_surf_p, "positive electrode"
            "Current [A]": I,
            "Negative electrode potential": pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
                phi_s_n, "negative electrode"
            "Electrolyte potential": pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(phi_e, whole_cell),
            "Positive electrode potential": pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
                phi_s_p, "positive electrode"
            "Terminal voltage": V,
        } += [
            pybamm.Event("Minimum voltage", V - param.voltage_low_cut),
            pybamm.Event("Maximum voltage", V - param.voltage_high_cut),
    def __init__(self, name="Doyle-Fuller-Newman half cell model", options=None):
        super().__init__({}, name)
        # `param` is a class containing all the relevant parameters and functions for
        # this model. These are purely symbolic at this stage, and will be set by the
        # `ParameterValues` class when the model is processed.
        param = self.param
        options = options or {"working electrode": None}

        if options["working electrode"] not in ["negative", "positive"]:
            raise ValueError(
                "The option 'working electrode' should be either 'positive'"
                " or 'negative'"

        working_electrode = options["working electrode"]

        if working_electrode == "negative":
            R_w_typ = param.R_n_typ
            R_w_typ = param.R_p_typ

        # Set default length scales
        self.length_scales = {
            "working electrode": param.L_x,
            "separator": param.L_x,
            "working particle": R_w_typ,
            "current collector y": param.L_z,
            "current collector z": param.L_z,

        # Variables
        # Variables that depend on time only are created without a domain
        Q = pybamm.Variable("Discharge capacity [A.h]")

        # Define some useful scalings
        pot = param.potential_scale
        i_typ = param.current_scale

        # Variables that vary spatially are created with a domain.
        c_e_s = pybamm.Variable(
            "Separator electrolyte concentration", domain="separator"
        c_e_w = pybamm.Variable(
            "Working electrolyte concentration", domain="working electrode"
        c_e = pybamm.concatenation(c_e_s, c_e_w)
        c_s_w = pybamm.Variable(
            "Working particle concentration",
            domain="working particle",
            auxiliary_domains={"secondary": "working electrode"},
        phi_s_w = pybamm.Variable(
            "Working electrode potential", domain="working electrode"
        phi_e_s = pybamm.Variable("Separator electrolyte potential", domain="separator")
        phi_e_w = pybamm.Variable(
            "Working electrolyte potential", domain="working electrode"
        phi_e = pybamm.concatenation(phi_e_s, phi_e_w)

        # Constant temperature
        T = param.T_init

        # Other set-up

        # Current density
        i_cell = param.current_with_time

        # Define particle surface concentration
        # Surf takes the surface value of a variable, i.e. its boundary value on the
        # right side. This is also accessible via `boundary_value(x, "right")`, with
        # "left" providing the boundary value of the left side
        c_s_surf_w =

        # Define parameters. We need to assemble them differently depending on the
        # working electrode

        if working_electrode == "negative":
            # Porosity and Tortuosity
            # Primary broadcasts are used to broadcast scalar quantities across a domain
            # into a vector of the right shape, for multiplying with other vectors
            eps_s = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
                pybamm.Parameter("Separator porosity"), "separator"
            eps_w = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
                pybamm.Parameter("Negative electrode porosity"), "working electrode"
            b_e_s = param.b_e_s
            b_e_w = param.b_e_n

            # Interfacial reactions
            j0_w = param.j0_n(c_e_w, c_s_surf_w, T) / param.C_r_n
            U_w = param.U_n
            ne_w = param.ne_n

            # Particle diffusion parameters
            D_w = param.D_n
            C_w = param.C_n
            a_R_w = param.a_R_n
            gamma_w = pybamm.Scalar(1)
            c_w_init = param.c_n_init

            # Electrode equation parameters
            eps_s_w = pybamm.Parameter(
                "Negative electrode active material volume fraction"
            b_s_w = param.b_s_n
            sigma_w = param.sigma_n

            # Other parameters (for outputs)
            c_w_max = param.c_n_max
            U_ref = param.U_n_ref
            phi_s_w_ref = pybamm.Scalar(0)
            L_w = param.L_n

            # Porosity and Tortuosity
            eps_s = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
                pybamm.Parameter("Separator porosity"), "separator"
            eps_w = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(
                pybamm.Parameter("Positive electrode porosity"), "working electrode"
            b_e_s = param.b_e_s
            b_e_w = param.b_e_p

            # Interfacial reactions
            j0_w = param.gamma_p * param.j0_p(c_e_w, c_s_surf_w, T) / param.C_r_p
            U_w = param.U_p
            ne_w = param.ne_p

            # Particle diffusion parameters
            D_w = param.D_p
            C_w = param.C_p
            a_R_w = param.a_R_p
            gamma_w = param.gamma_p
            c_w_init = param.c_p_init

            # Electrode equation parameters
            eps_s_w = pybamm.Parameter(
                "Positive electrode active material volume fraction"
            b_s_w = param.b_s_p
            sigma_w = param.sigma_p

            # Other parameters (for outputs)
            c_w_max = param.c_p_max
            U_ref = param.U_p_ref
            phi_s_w_ref = param.U_p_ref - param.U_n_ref
            L_w = param.L_p

        eps = pybamm.concatenation(eps_s, eps_w)
        tor = pybamm.concatenation(eps_s ** b_e_s, eps_w ** b_e_w)

        j_w = (
            2 * j0_w * pybamm.sinh(ne_w / 2 * (phi_s_w - phi_e_w - U_w(c_s_surf_w, T)))
        j_s = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(0, "separator")
        j = pybamm.concatenation(j_s, j_w)

        # State of Charge
        I = param.dimensional_current_with_time
        # The `rhs` dictionary contains differential equations, with the key being the
        # variable in the d/dt
        self.rhs[Q] = I * param.timescale / 3600
        # Initial conditions must be provided for the ODEs
        self.initial_conditions[Q] = pybamm.Scalar(0)

        # Particles
        # The div and grad operators will be converted to the appropriate matrix
        # multiplication at the discretisation stage
        N_s_w = -D_w(c_s_w, T) * pybamm.grad(c_s_w)
        self.rhs[c_s_w] = -(1 / C_w) * pybamm.div(N_s_w)

        # Boundary conditions must be provided for equations with spatial
        # derivatives
        self.boundary_conditions[c_s_w] = {
            "left": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
            "right": (
                -C_w * j_w / a_R_w / gamma_w / D_w(c_s_surf_w, T),

        # c_w_init can in general be a function of x
        # Note the broadcasting, for domains
        x_w = pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(half_cell_spatial_vars.x_w, "working particle")
        self.initial_conditions[c_s_w] = c_w_init(x_w)

        # Events specify points at which a solution should terminate += [
                "Minimum working particle surface concentration",
                pybamm.min(c_s_surf_w) - 0.01,
                "Maximum working particle surface concentration",
                (1 - 0.01) - pybamm.max(c_s_surf_w),

        # Current in the solid
        sigma_eff_w = sigma_w * eps_s_w ** b_s_w
        i_s_w = -sigma_eff_w * pybamm.grad(phi_s_w)
        self.boundary_conditions[phi_s_w] = {
            "left": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),
            "right": (
                i_cell / pybamm.boundary_value(-sigma_eff_w, "right"),
        self.algebraic[phi_s_w] = pybamm.div(i_s_w) + j_w
        # Initial conditions must also be provided for algebraic equations, as an
        # initial guess for a root-finding algorithm which calculates consistent
        # initial conditions
        self.initial_conditions[phi_s_w] = U_w(c_w_init(1), param.T_init)

        # Electrolyte concentration
        N_e = -tor * param.D_e(c_e, T) * pybamm.grad(c_e)
        self.rhs[c_e] = (1 / eps) * (
            -pybamm.div(N_e) / param.C_e
            + (1 - param.t_plus(c_e, T)) * j / param.gamma_e
        dce_dx = (
            -(1 - param.t_plus(c_e, T))
            * i_cell
            * param.C_e
            / (tor * param.gamma_e * param.D_e(c_e, T))

        self.boundary_conditions[c_e] = {
            "left": (pybamm.boundary_value(dce_dx, "left"), "Neumann"),
            "right": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),

        self.initial_conditions[c_e] = param.c_e_init
                "Zero electrolyte concentration cut-off", pybamm.min(c_e) - 0.002

        # Current in the electrolyte
        i_e = (param.kappa_e(c_e, T) * tor * param.gamma_e / param.C_e) * (
            param.chi(c_e, T) * pybamm.grad(c_e) / c_e - pybamm.grad(phi_e)
        self.algebraic[phi_e] = pybamm.div(i_e) - j

        ref_potential = param.U_n_ref / pot

        self.boundary_conditions[phi_e] = {
            "left": (ref_potential, "Dirichlet"),
            "right": (pybamm.Scalar(0), "Neumann"),

        self.initial_conditions[phi_e] = ref_potential

        # (Some) variables
        L_Li = pybamm.Parameter("Lithium counter electrode thickness [m]")
        sigma_Li = pybamm.Parameter("Lithium counter electrode conductivity [S.m-1]")
        j_Li = pybamm.Parameter(
            "Lithium counter electrode exchange-current density [A.m-2]"

        vdrop_cell = pybamm.boundary_value(phi_s_w, "right") - ref_potential
        vdrop_Li = -(
            2 * pybamm.arcsinh(i_cell * i_typ / j_Li)
            + L_Li * i_typ * i_cell / (sigma_Li * pot)
        voltage = vdrop_cell + vdrop_Li

        c_e_total = pybamm.x_average(eps * c_e)
        c_s_surf_w_av = pybamm.x_average(c_s_surf_w)

        c_s_rav = pybamm.r_average(c_s_w)
        c_s_vol_av = pybamm.x_average(eps_s_w * c_s_rav)

        # The `variables` dictionary contains all variables that might be useful for
        # visualising the solution of the model
        self.variables = {
            "Time [s]": param.timescale * pybamm.t,
            "Working particle surface concentration": c_s_surf_w,
            "X-averaged working particle surface concentration": c_s_surf_w_av,
            "Working particle concentration": c_s_w,
            "Working particle surface concentration [mol.m-3]": c_w_max * c_s_surf_w,
            "X-averaged working particle surface concentration "
            "[mol.m-3]": c_w_max * c_s_surf_w_av,
            "Working particle concentration [mol.m-3]": c_w_max * c_s_w,
            "Total lithium in working electrode": c_s_vol_av,
            "Total lithium in working electrode [mol]": c_s_vol_av
            * c_w_max
            * L_w
            * param.A_cc,
            "Electrolyte concentration": c_e,
            "Electrolyte concentration [mol.m-3]": param.c_e_typ * c_e,
            "Total electrolyte concentration": c_e_total,
            "Total electrolyte concentration [mol]": c_e_total
            * param.c_e_typ
            * L_w
            * param.L_s
            * param.A_cc,
            "Current [A]": I,
            "Working electrode potential": phi_s_w,
            "Working electrode potential [V]": phi_s_w_ref + pot * phi_s_w,
            "Working electrode open circuit potential": U_w(c_s_surf_w, T),
            "Working electrode open circuit potential [V]": U_ref
            + pot * U_w(c_s_surf_w, T),
            "Electrolyte potential": phi_e,
            "Electrolyte potential [V]": -param.U_n_ref + pot * phi_e,
            "Voltage drop in the cell": vdrop_cell,
            "Voltage drop in the cell [V]": phi_s_w_ref
            + param.U_n_ref
            + pot * vdrop_cell,
            "Terminal voltage": voltage,
            "Terminal voltage [V]": phi_s_w_ref + param.U_n_ref + pot * voltage,