            #             except:
            #                 pass
            rmngr = RunManager(
                '../configuration.yaml')  # TODO: get conf from EUDAQ
            pp.Configuring = True
        # check for start of run cmd from RunControl
        while not pp.StartingRun and not pp.Terminating:
            if pp.Configuring:
        # check if we are starting:
        if pp.StartingRun:
            print "Starting run..."
            #             join = rmngr.run_run(EudaqExtTriggerScan, run_conf=run_conf, use_thread=True)
            join = rmngr.run_run(EudaqExtTriggerScan, use_thread=True)
            pp.StartingRun = True  # set status and send BORE
            # starting to run
            while join(timeout=1) is None:
                if pp.Error or pp.Terminating:
                if pp.StoppingRun:
            status = join()
            # abort conditions
            if status is not run_status.finished or pp.Error or pp.Terminating:
                pp.StoppingRun = False  # set status and send EORE
            # check if the run is stopping regularly
            if pp.StoppingRun:
                pp.StoppingRun = True  # set status and send EORE
 # Each scan has a default configuration, which is defined inside the corresponding scan file in /host/pybar/scans/. It is not necessary to define scan parameters inside primlist file.
 # Running single scan and changing scan parameters:
 join = runmngr.run_run(run=AnalogScan, run_conf={"scan_parameters": [('PlsrDAC', 500)], "n_injections": 1000}, use_thread=True)  # run_run returns a function object when use_thread is True
 status = join()
 print 'Status:', status  # will wait for scan to be finished and returns run status
 # Or use a run configuration file:
 status = runmngr.run_run(run=AnalogScan, run_conf="run_configuration.txt")  # using no thread
 print 'Status:', status
 # Example for a loop:
 for gdac in range(50, 200, 10):
     join = runmngr.run_run(ExtTriggerGdacScan, run_conf={'scan_parameters': {'GDAC': gdac}}, use_thread=True)  # use thread
     print 'Status:', join(timeout=5)  # join has a timeout, return None if run has not yet finished
     runmngr.abort_current_run()  # stopping/aborting run from outside
     if join() != run_status.finished:  # status OK?
         print 'ERROR!'
         break  # jump out
 # After finishing the primlist/run: you will find the module data relative to the configuration.yaml file.
 # If configuration.yaml is in /host/pybar/ the module data will be /host/pybar/<module_id> (where <module_id> is given from configuration.yaml).
 # After finishing the first scan, FE configuration can be commented out in configuration.yaml (for that use '#'):
 # (from configuration.yaml)
 # fe_configuration:
 #     configuration : #config/fei4/configs/std_cfg_fei4a.cfg
 #     ...
 # The latest FE configuration (highest run number with status 'FINISHED') will be taken from module data folder if no FE configuration is given.
 # Instead of a path to FE configuration file, a run number (e.g. 5) can be entered to load a specific FE configuration:
 # It is not necessary to add run parameters to the primlist file. If not given they are taken from the default run configuration (_default_run_conf).
 # Running a single scan and changing default run configuration (_default_run_conf):
 join = runmngr.run_run(run=AnalogScan, run_conf={"scan_parameters": [('PlsrDAC', 500)], "n_injections": 1000}, use_thread=True)  # run_run returns a function object when use_thread is True
 status = join()  # waiting here for finishing the run, press Ctrl-C to abort the run at any time
 print 'Status:', status  # will wait for run to be finished and returns run status
 # Or use a run configuration file:
 status = runmngr.run_run(run=AnalogScan, run_conf="example_run_manager_run_config.txt")  # using no thread
 print 'Status:', status
 # Example for a loop of runs, which is failing:
 for delay in range(14, 50, 16):
     join = runmngr.run_run(ExtTriggerScan, run_conf={"trigger_delay": delay, "no_data_timeout": 60}, use_thread=True)  # use thread
     print 'Status:', join(timeout=5)  # join has a timeout, return None if run has not yet finished
     runmngr.abort_current_run("Calling abort_current_run(). This scan was aborted by intention")  # stopping/aborting run from outside (same effect has Ctrl-C)
     if join() != run_status.finished:  # status OK?
         print 'ERROR! This error was made by intention!'
         break  # jump out
 # The configuration.yaml can be extended to change the default run parameters for each scan:
 # (from configuration.yaml)
 # AnalogScan:
 #     scan_parameters : {'PlsrDAC': 100} # inject 100 PlsrDAC
 #     enable_shift_masks : ["Enable", "C_Low"] # use C_Low only
 # It is recommended to keep a copy of configuration.yaml for each module.
 # Feel free to modify / change / update the code :-)
            #                 run_conf[item] = pp.GetConfigParameter(item)
            #             except:
            #                 pass
            rmngr = RunManager("../configuration.yaml")  # TODO: get conf from EUDAQ
            pp.Configuring = True
        # check for start of run cmd from RunControl
        while not pp.StartingRun and not pp.Terminating:
            if pp.Configuring:
        # check if we are starting:
        if pp.StartingRun:
            print "Starting run..."
            #             join = rmngr.run_run(EudaqExtTriggerScan, run_conf=run_conf, use_thread=True)
            join = rmngr.run_run(EudaqExtTriggerScan, use_thread=True)
            pp.StartingRun = True  # set status and send BORE
            # starting to run
            while join(timeout=1) is None:
                if pp.Error or pp.Terminating:
                if pp.StoppingRun:
            status = join()
            # abort conditions
            if status is not run_status.finished or pp.Error or pp.Terminating:
                pp.StoppingRun = False  # set status and send EORE
            # check if the run is stopping regularly
            if pp.StoppingRun:
                pp.StoppingRun = True  # set status and send EORE
     run_conf="example_run_manager_run_config.txt")  # using no thread
 print 'Status:', status
 # Example for a loop of runs, which is failing:
 for delay in range(14, 50, 16):
     join = runmngr.run_run(ExtTriggerScan,
                                "trigger_delay": delay,
                                "no_data_timeout": 60
                            use_thread=True)  # use thread
     print 'Status:', join(
     )  # join has a timeout, return None if run has not yet finished
         "Calling abort_current_run(). This scan was aborted by intention"
     )  # stopping/aborting run from outside (same effect has Ctrl-C)
     if join() != run_status.finished:  # status OK?
         print 'ERROR! This error was made by intention!'
         break  # jump out
 # The configuration.yaml can be extended to change the default run parameters for each scan:
 # (from configuration.yaml)
 # AnalogScan:
 #     scan_parameters : {'PlsrDAC': 100} # inject 100 PlsrDAC
 #     enable_shift_masks : ["Enable", "C_Low"] # use C_Low only
 # It is recommended to keep a copy of configuration.yaml for each module.
 # Feel free to modify / change / update the code :-)
 status = runmngr.run_run(
     run=AnalogScan, run_conf="run_configuration.txt")  # using no thread
 print 'Status:', status
 # Example for a loop of scans, which is failing:
 for delay in range(14, 50, 16):
     join = runmngr.run_run(ExtTriggerScan,
                                "trigger_delay": delay,
                                "no_data_timeout": 60
                            use_thread=True)  # use thread
     print 'Status:', join(
     )  # join has a timeout, return None if run has not yet finished
     )  # stopping/aborting run from outside (same effect has Ctrl-C)
     if join() != run_status.finished:  # status OK?
         print 'ERROR!'
         break  # jump out
 # After finishing the primlist/run: you will find the module data relative to the configuration.yaml file.
 # If configuration.yaml is in /host/pybar/ the module data will be /host/pybar/<module_id> (where <module_id> is defined inside configuration.yaml).
 # After finishing the first scan, the FE flavor can be commented out in configuration.yaml (for that use '#'):
 # (from configuration.yaml)
 # fe_configuration : # fei4a
 # ...
 # If fe_configuration is not given, the latest valid FE configuration will be taken (highest run number with status 'FINISHED').
 # To load a specific configuration file, a path to FE configuration file or a run number (e.g. 5) can be used: