def get_bbn_potential(self, node): """ Gets the potential associated with the specified BBN node. :param node: BBN node. :return: Potential. """ clique = node.metadata['parent.clique'] return PotentialUtil.normalize( PotentialUtil.marginalize_for(self, clique, [node]))
def start(self): """ Starts the evidence distribution. """ self.start_clique.mark() for sep_set_id in self.join_tree.get_neighbors( sep_set = self.join_tree.get_node(sep_set_id) for clique_id in self.join_tree.get_neighbors(sep_set_id): y = self.join_tree.get_node(clique_id) if not y.is_marked(): PotentialUtil.pass_single_message(self.join_tree, self.start_clique, sep_set, y) self.__walk__(self.start_clique, sep_set, y)
def start(self): """ Starts the evidence distribution. """ self.start_clique.mark() sepsets, cliques = self.__get_neighboring_cliques__( self.join_tree, self.start_clique) for clique in cliques: clique[1].mark() for s, c in zip(sepsets, cliques): PotentialUtil.pass_single_message(self.join_tree, self.start_clique, s[1], c[1]) self.__walk__(self.start_clique, s[1], c[1])
def __walk__(self, x, s, y): """ Walks away from the specified x clique. :param x: Clique. :param s: Separation-set. :param y: Clique. """ y.mark() for sep_set_id in self.join_tree.get_neighbors( sep_set = self.join_tree.get_node(sep_set_id) for clique_id in self.join_tree.get_neighbors(sep_set_id): clique = self.join_tree.get_node(clique_id) if not clique.is_marked(): self.__walk__(y, sep_set, clique) PotentialUtil.pass_single_message(self.join_tree, y, s, x)
def init(bbn): """ Initializes the BBN potentials. :param bbn: BBN graph. """ for node in bbn.get_nodes(): parents = [bbn.get_node(parent_id) for parent_id in bbn.get_parents_ordered(] potential = PotentialUtil.get_potential(node, parents) node.potential = potential
def reinit(jt): """ Reinitialize potentials of BBN nodes in join tree. :param jt: Join tree. :return: None. """ for node, parents in jt.get_bbn_node_and_parents().items(): potential = PotentialUtil.get_potential(node, parents) node.potential = potential
def __walk__(self, x, s, y): """ Walks away from the specified node y. :param x: Clique. :param s: Separation-set. :param y: Clique. """ sepsets, cliques = self.__get_neighboring_cliques__(self.join_tree, y) s_arr = [] c_arr = [] for sep, cli in zip(sepsets, cliques): if not cli[1].is_marked(): cli[1].mark() s_arr.append(sep) c_arr.append(cli) for sep, cli in zip(s_arr, c_arr): PotentialUtil.pass_single_message(self.join_tree, y, sep[1], cli[1]) self.__walk__(y, sep[1], cli[1])
def initialize(join_tree): """ Starts the initialization. :param join_tree: Join tree. :return: Join tree. """ for clique in join_tree.get_cliques(): potential = PotentialUtil.get_potential_from_nodes(clique.nodes) join_tree.add_potential(clique, potential) for sep_set in join_tree.get_sep_sets(): potential = PotentialUtil.get_potential_from_nodes(sep_set.nodes) join_tree.add_potential(sep_set, potential) nodes = join_tree.get_bbn_nodes() for node in nodes: clique = Initializer.get_clique(node, join_tree) # print('{} mapped to clique {}'.format(, clique)) p1 = join_tree.potentials[] p2 = node.potential # print(p1) # print('>>>>>') # print(p2) # print('----') PotentialUtil.multiply(p1, p2) # print(p1) # print('****') for node in nodes: for value in node.variable.values: clique = node.metadata['parent.clique'] clique_potential = join_tree.potentials[] node_potential = join_tree.get_evidence(node, value) PotentialUtil.multiply(clique_potential, node_potential) # print(clique) # print(clique_potential) return join_tree