def test_all():
    for directed in [True, False]:
        for (i, g) in enumerate([make_g1(directed), make_g2(directed)]):
            print("Processing G%s (directed = %s)" % (i, directed))
            vis = MyDepthFirstSearchVisitor(verbose=False)
            map_color = defaultdict(int)
            depth_first_search(0, g, make_assoc_property_map(map_color), vis)

            n = num_vertices(g)
            m = num_edges(g)
            n_ = vis.num_vertices
            m_ = vis.num_edges

            # Our graph are connected, so these assertion should be verified
            assert n_ == n, "Visited %s/%s vertices" % (n_, n)
            if directed:
                assert m_ == m, "Visited %s/%s edges" % (m_, m)
                # Undirected edges are visited forward and backward, so they are visited "twice"
                # Not that (u -> u) arc would be only visited once.
                assert m_ == 2 * m, "Visited %s/%s edges" % (m_, m)

            # Finally, all vertices should all be BLACK
            for u in vertices(g):
                assert map_color[u] == BLACK
def test_isolated_vertices():
    # Create 10 isolated vertices
    infty = sys.maxsize
    g = DirectedGraph(10)
    map_eweight = dict()

    for s in vertices(g):
        map_vpreds = defaultdict(set)
        map_vdist = dict()
        dijkstra_shortest_paths(g, s, make_assoc_property_map(map_eweight),

        # No incident arc in the shortest path DAG
        assert map_vpreds == dict()

        # Every target are at infinite distance excepted the source node.
        assert map_vdist == {u: infty if u != s else 0 for u in vertices(g)}
def depth_first_search_graph(
    g: Graph,
    pmap_vcolor: ReadWritePropertyMap,
    # N.B: The following parameters doe not exists in libboost:
    if_push=None,  # if_push(e :EdgeDecriptor) -> bool returns True iff e is relevant
    for u in vertices(g):
        if pmap_vcolor[u] == WHITE:
            depth_first_search(u, g, pmap_vcolor, vis, if_push, forward)
def depth_first_search_graph(
        g: Graph,
        sources: set = None,  # Or a generator e.g. vertices(g)
        pmap_vcolor: ReadWritePropertyMap = None,
        vis: DefaultDepthFirstSearchVisitor = None,
        if_push: bool = None  # if_push(e :EdgeDecriptor) -> bool
    if pmap_vcolor is None:
        map_vcolor = defaultdict(int)
        pmap_vcolor = make_assoc_property_map(map_vcolor)
    for u in (sources if sources else vertices(g)):
        if pmap_vcolor[u] == WHITE:
            depth_first_search(u, g, pmap_vcolor, vis, if_push)
def dijkstra_shortest_paths_initialization(g: DirectedGraph,
                                           s: int,
                                           pmap_vcolor: ReadWritePropertyMap,
                                           pmap_vdist: ReadWritePropertyMap,
                                           zero: int,
                                           infty: int,
                                           vis: DijkstraVisitor = None):
    if vis is None:
        vis = DijkstraVisitor()

    # WHITE: not yet processed, GRAY: under process, BLACK: processed.
    pmap_vcolor[s] = WHITE
    for u in vertices(g):
        pmap_vdist[u] = zero if u == s else infty
        vis.initialize_vertex(u, g)
def strong_components(g: DirectedGraph,
                      pmap_component: ReadWritePropertyMap) -> int:
    map_vcolor = defaultdict(int)
    map_root = defaultdict(int)
    map_discover_time = defaultdict(int)

    pmap_vcolor = make_assoc_property_map(map_vcolor)
    pmap_root = make_assoc_property_map(map_root)
    pmap_discover_time = make_assoc_property_map(map_discover_time)

    stack = deque()
    vis = TarjanVisitor(pmap_component, pmap_root, pmap_discover_time, stack)

    depth_first_search_graph(g, vertices(g), pmap_vcolor, vis, None)
    return vis.total
def make_gdp2() -> GraphDp:
    g = make_g()
    vlabel = {u : "v%s" % u for u in vertices(g)}
    elabel = {e : "e%s%s" % (source(e, g), target(e, g)) for e in edges(g)}
    gdp = GraphDp(
        dpv = {
            "label" : make_assoc_property_map(vlabel),
            "color" : make_func_property_map(lambda q: "red" if q % 2 else "green"),
        dpe = {
            "label" : make_assoc_property_map(elabel),
            "color" : make_func_property_map(lambda e: "red" if target(e, g) % 2 else "green"),
    return gdp
def test_strong_components():
    # Create the graph
    g = DirectedGraph(7)
    add_edge(0, 1, g)
    add_edge(1, 2, g)
    add_edge(2, 3, g)
    add_edge(3, 1, g)
    add_edge(3, 4, g)
    add_edge(4, 5, g)
    add_edge(5, 6, g)
    add_edge(6, 4, g)

    # Find strong connected components
    map_component = {u : None for u in vertices(g)}
    pmap_component = make_assoc_property_map(map_component)
    strong_components(g, pmap_component)

    # Rendering
    pmap_color = make_assoc_property_map({
        0 : "red",
        1 : "blue",
        2 : "green",
        3 : "purple"
    assert map_component == {
        0 : 2,
        1 : 1,
        2 : 1,
        3 : 1,
        4 : 0,
        5 : 0,
        6 : 0,

    if in_ipynb():
        html(strong_components_to_html(g, pmap_color, pmap_component).replace("\\n", ""))
def check_pmap_vertex(pmap_expected: ReadPropertyMap,
                      pmap_obtained: ReadPropertyMap,
                      g: Graph,
                      pmap_name: str = ""):
    check_pmap(pmap_expected, pmap_obtained, vertices(g), pmap_name)
def dijkstra_shortest_paths(g: DirectedGraph,
                            s: int,
                            pmap_eweight: ReadPropertyMap,
                            pmap_vpreds: ReadWritePropertyMap,
                            pmap_vdist: ReadWritePropertyMap,
                            compare: BinaryPredicate = Less(),
                            combine: BinaryFunction = ClosedPlus(),
                            zero: int = 0,
                            infty: int = sys.maxsize,
                            vis: DijkstraVisitor = DijkstraVisitor()):
    Compute the shortest path in a graph from a given source node.
        g: A DirectedGraph instance.
        s: The vertex descriptor of the source node.
        pmap_eweight: A ReadPropertyMap{EdgeDescriptor : Distance}
            which map each edge with its weight.
        pmap_vpreds: A ReadWritePropertyMap{VertexDescriptor : EdgeDescriptor}
            which will map each vertex with its incident arcs in the shortest
            path Directed Acyclic Graph.
        pmap_vdist: A ReadWritePropertyMap{VertexDescriptor : Distance}
            which will map each vertex with the weight of its shortest path(s)
            from s.
        zero: The null Distance (e.g. 0).
        infty: The infinite Distance (e.g. sys.maxsize).
        vis: A DijkstraVisitor instance.

        g = DirectedGraph(2)
        e, _ = add_edge(0, 1, g)
        map_eweight[e] = 10
        map_vpreds = defaultdict(set)
        map_vdist = dict()
            g, u,
    # WHITE: not yet processed, GRAY: under process, BLACK: processed.
    color = defaultdict(int)
    pmap_vcolor = make_assoc_property_map(color)
    pmap_vcolor[s] = WHITE

    for u in vertices(g):
        pmap_vdist[u] = zero if u == s else infty
        #pmap_vpreds[u] = set()
        #pmap_vcolor[u]  = GRAY if u == s else WHITE

    stack = {s}
    while stack:
        u = min(stack, key=lambda u: pmap_vdist[u])  # TODO use compare
        w_su = pmap_vdist[u]

        # Update weight and predecessors of each successor of u
        for e in out_edges(u, g):
            v = target(e, g)
            w_sv = pmap_vdist[v]
            w_uv = pmap_eweight[e]
            w = combine(w_su, w_uv)
            if compare(w, w_sv):  # Traversing u is worth!
                pmap_vdist[v] = w
                pmap_vpreds[v] = {e}
                if pmap_vcolor[v] == WHITE:
                    pmap_vcolor[v] = GRAY
            elif w == w_sv:  # Hence we discover equally-cost shortest paths
                preds_v = pmap_vpreds[v]
                pmap_vpreds[v] = preds_v
        pmap_vcolor[u] = BLACK