def trial(fd):
    params = search_params()
    for multiple in MULTIPLE_BLK:
        for blk_size in BLK_SIZE:
            for bound in B:
                true_false_positives = int(multiple * blk_size)
                mempool_size = true_false_positives + blk_size
                    'Running %d trials for parameter combination: multiple of blk %d blk size %d CB bound %f'
                    % (NUM_TRIAL, multiple, blk_size, bound))
                for x in range(NUM_TRIAL):
                    blk, receiver_mempool = create_mempools(
                        mempool_size, blk_size)

                    # Sender creates BF of blk
                    a, fpr_sender, iblt_rows_first = params.CB_solve_a(
                        mempool_size, blk_size, blk_size, 0, bound)
                    bloom_sender = BloomFilter(blk_size, fpr_sender)

                    # Sender creates IBLT of blk
                    iblt_sender_first = PYBLT(a, TXN_SHORT_BYTES)

                    # Add to BF and IBLT
                    for txn in blk:
                        iblt_sender_first.insert(txn, 0x0)

                    # Receiver computes how many items pass through BF of sender and creates IBLT
                    iblt_receiver_first = PYBLT(a, TXN_SHORT_BYTES)
                    passed = []
                    for txn in receiver_mempool:
                        if txn in bloom_sender:
                                                       0x0)  #(id and content)
                    observed_false_positives = len(passed) - blk_size

                    # Eppstein subtraction
                    T = iblt_receiver_first.subtract(iblt_sender_first)
                    boolean, result = T.list_entries()

                    # Check whether decoding successful
                    flag, in_blk = decode_blk(result, passed, blk)
                    # Each component of graphene blk size
                    first_IBLT = (iblt_rows_first * TAU)
                    first_BF = (bloom_sender.num_bits / 8.0)
                    # Compute size of Graphene block
                    graphene = first_IBLT + first_BF

                    # Size of Compact block (inv + getdata)
                    # getdata = (1-fraction) * BLK_SIZE * TXN_SHORT_BYTES
                    getdata = 0
                    inv = blk_size * TXN_SHORT_BYTES_CB
                    compact = inv + getdata
                    #print('getdata', getdata)
                    #print('Pinar', (len(in_blk) * TXN_SHORT_BYTES))
                    #print((boolean and flag))
                    #assert getdata == (len(in_blk) * TXN_SHORT_BYTES)

                        str(mempool_size) + '\t' + str(blk_size) + '\t' +
                        str(bound) + '\t' + str(fpr_sender) + '\t' + str(a) +
                        '\t' + str(iblt_rows_first) + '\t' +
                        str(true_false_positives) + '\t' +
                        str(observed_false_positives) + '\t' + str(compact) +
                        '\t' + str(boolean and flag) + '\t' + str(graphene) +
                        '\t' + str(first_IBLT) + '\t' + str(first_BF) + '\t' +
                        str(multiple) + '\n')
import sys
import random
import numpy as np
from pybloom_live import BloomFilter

from search_params import search_params

PYBLT_PATH = '/home/pinar/IBLT-optimization/'
from pyblt import PYBLT

PYBLT.set_parameter_filename(PYBLT_PATH +

# Constants
PATH = '.'
BITSIZE = TXN_SHORT_BYTES * 8  # number of bytes per transaction, converted to bits per transaction
TAU = 12  # bytes per IBLT cell
BLK_SIZE = [200, 2000, 10000]  # num of txns in block
B = [1 - (239 / 240)]
MULTIPLE_BLK = np.arange(0, 5.5, 0.5)
NUM_TRIAL = 1000

def create_mempools(mempool_size, blk_size):
    # create a random set of transactions in a mempool
    blk = [random.getrandbits(BITSIZE) for x in range(blk_size)]
    in_blk = blk.copy()
def trial(fd):
    params = search_params()
    for blk_size in BLK_SIZE:
        true_false_positives = blk_size
        for bound in B:
            for fraction in FRACTION:

                # True_positives is the number of txns in the blk the receiver has
                true_positives = int(blk_size * fraction)
                mempool_size = true_false_positives + true_positives

                    'Running %d trials for parameter combination: extra txns in mempool %d blk size %d fraction %f'
                    % (NUM_TRIAL, true_false_positives, blk_size, fraction))

                # Size of Compact block (inv + getdata)
                getdata = (1 - fraction) * blk_size * TXN_SHORT_BYTES_CB
                inv = blk_size * TXN_SHORT_BYTES_CB
                compact = inv + getdata

                for i in range(NUM_TRIAL):
                    blk, receiver_mempool = create_mempools(
                        mempool_size, fraction, blk_size, true_false_positives)

                    # Sender creates BF of blk
                    a, fpr_sender, iblt_rows_first = params.solve_a(
                        mempool_size, blk_size, blk_size, 0)
                    bloom_sender = BloomFilter(blk_size, fpr_sender)
                    tmp = blk_size + 0.5
                    exponent = (-bloom_sender.num_slices *
                                tmp) / (bloom_sender.num_bits - 1)
                    real_fpr_sender = (1 -
                    #exponent = (-bloom_sender.num_slices*blk_size) / bloom_sender.num_bits
                    #tmp = (1-exp(exponent)) ** bloom_sender.num_slices
                    #real_fpr_sender = max(tmp, fpr_sender)
                    #assert real_fpr_sender >= fpr_sender

                    # Sender creates IBLT of blk
                    iblt_sender_first = PYBLT(a, TXN_SHORT_BYTES)

                    # Add to BF and IBLT
                    for txn in blk:
                        iblt_sender_first.insert(txn, 0x0)

                    # Receiver computes how many items pass through BF of sender and creates IBLT
                    iblt_receiver_first = PYBLT(a, TXN_SHORT_BYTES)
                    Z = []
                    for txn in receiver_mempool:
                        if txn in bloom_sender:
                                                       0x0)  #(id and content)
                    z = len(Z)
                    observed_false_positives = z - true_positives

                    # Eppstein subtraction
                    T = iblt_receiver_first.subtract(iblt_sender_first)
                    boolean, result = T.list_entries()
                    #assert boolean == False

                    # Check whether decoding successful
                    if boolean == True:
                        flag, in_blk = decode_blk(result, Z, blk)

                        # Each component of graphene blk size
                        first_IBLT = (iblt_rows_first * TAU)
                        first_BF = (bloom_sender.num_bits / 8.0)
                        extra = (len(in_blk) * TXN_SHORT_BYTES)
                        # Compute size of Graphene block
                        graphene = first_IBLT + first_BF + extra

                            str(true_false_positives) + '\t' + str(blk_size) +
                            '\t' + str(bound) + '\t' + str(fraction) + '\t' +
                            str(mempool_size) + '\t' + str(fpr_sender) + '\t' +
                            str(real_fpr_sender) + '\t' + str(0) + '\t' +
                            str(a) + '\t' + str(0) + '\t' + str(0) + '\t' +
                            str(0) + '\t' + str(z) + '\t' + str(0) + '\t' +
                            str(observed_false_positives) + '\t' +
                            str(boolean and flag) + '\t' + str(False) + '\t' +
                            str(graphene) + '\t' + str(first_IBLT) + '\t' +
                            str(first_BF) + '\t' + str(0) + '\t' + str(0) +
                            '\t' + str(extra) + '\t' + str(iblt_rows_first) +
                            '\t' + str(0) + '\t' + str(compact) + '\n')
                        # Receiver creates BF of txns that passed through sender's BF
                        # print('z', z)
                        # print('bound', bound)
                        x_star = params.search_x_star(z, mempool_size,
                                                      real_fpr_sender, bound,
                        temp = (mempool_size - x_star) * real_fpr_sender
                        y_star = params.CB_bound(temp, real_fpr_sender, bound)
                        #print('y_star', y_star)
                        y_star = ceil(y_star)
                        b, fpr_receiver, iblt_rows_second = params.solve_a(
                            blk_size, z, x_star, y_star)

                        bloom_receiver = BloomFilter(z, fpr_receiver)
                        for txn in Z:

                        # Receiver determines IBLT size
                        iblt_sender_second = PYBLT(b + y_star, TXN_SHORT_BYTES)
                        # Sender creates IBLT of blk again and sends txns that do not pass through BF of receiver
                        count = 0
                        for txn in blk:
                            iblt_sender_second.insert(txn, 0x0)
                            if txn not in bloom_receiver:
                                    txn, 0x0
                                )  # add txns just received to subtracted IBLT
                                Z = Z + [txn]  # sends the txn to the receiver
                                count = count + 1

                        iblt_receiver_second = PYBLT(b + y_star,
                        for txn in Z:
                            iblt_receiver_second.insert(txn, 0x0)

                        # Eppstein subtraction
                        T_second = iblt_receiver_second.subtract(
                        boolean, result = T_second.list_entries()
                        #print('Z', z)

                        # Check whether blk was reconstructed properly
                        flag, in_blk = decode_blk(result, Z, blk)

                        final = False
                        if boolean == False or flag == False:
                            final, in_blk, not_in_blk = try_ping_pong(
                                T, T_second, set(), set())
                            #print('Ping pong result', final)
                            if final == True:
                                possibly_in_blk = set(Z)
                                reconstructed_blk = list(
                                assert set(reconstructed_blk) == set(blk)

                        # Each component of graphene blk size
                        first_IBLT = (iblt_rows_first * TAU)
                        first_BF = (bloom_sender.num_bits / 8.0)
                        second_IBLT = (iblt_rows_second * TAU)
                        second_BF = (bloom_receiver.num_bits / 8.0)
                        extra = (len(in_blk) * TXN_SHORT_BYTES)
                        # Compute size of Graphene block
                        graphene = first_IBLT + first_BF + second_IBLT + second_BF + extra

                            str(true_false_positives) + '\t' + str(blk_size) +
                            '\t' + str(bound) + '\t' + str(fraction) + '\t' +
                            str(mempool_size) + '\t' + str(fpr_sender) + '\t' +
                            str(real_fpr_sender) + '\t' + str(fpr_receiver) +
                            '\t' + str(a) + '\t' + str(b) + '\t' +
                            str(x_star) + '\t' + str(y_star) + '\t' + str(z) +
                            '\t' + str(count) + '\t' +
                            str(observed_false_positives) + '\t' +
                            str(boolean and flag) + '\t' + str(final) + '\t' +
                            str(graphene) + '\t' + str(first_IBLT) + '\t' +
                            str(first_BF) + '\t' + str(second_IBLT) + '\t' +
                            str(second_BF) + '\t' + str(extra) + '\t' +
                            str(iblt_rows_first) + '\t' +
                            str(iblt_rows_second) + '\t' + str(compact) + '\n')

def trial(fd):
    params = search_params()
    for blk_size in BLK_SIZE:
        for fpr_r in FPR_RECEIVER:
            for fraction in FRACTION:

                # True_positives is the number of txns in the blk the receiver has
                true_positives = int(blk_size * fraction)
                true_false_positives = blk_size - true_positives
                mempool_size = true_false_positives + true_positives
                assert mempool_size == blk_size

                    'Running %d trials for parameter combination: extra txns in mempool %d blk size %d CB bound %f fraction %f'
                    % (NUM_TRIAL, true_false_positives, blk_size, bound,

                # Size of Compact block (inv + getdata)
                getdata = true_false_positives * TXN_SHORT_BYTES_CB
                inv = blk_size * TXN_SHORT_BYTES_CB
                compact = inv + getdata

                for i in range(NUM_TRIAL):
                    blk, receiver_mempool = create_mempools(
                        mempool_size, fraction, blk_size, true_false_positives)

                    # Sender creates BF of blk
                    a, fpr_sender, iblt_rows_first = params.CB_solve_a(
                        mempool_size, blk_size, blk_size, 0, bound)
                    bloom_sender = BloomFilter(blk_size, fpr_sender)
                    tmp = blk_size + 0.5
                    exponent = (-bloom_sender.num_slices *
                                tmp) / (bloom_sender.num_bits - 1)
                    real_fpr_sender = (1 -
                    #exponent = (-bloom_sender.num_slices*blk_size) / bloom_sender.num_bits
                    #tmp = (1-exp(exponent)) ** bloom_sender.num_slices
                    #real_fpr_sender = max(tmp, fpr_sender)
                    #assert real_fpr_sender >= fpr_sender

                    # Sender creates IBLT of blk
                    iblt_sender_first = PYBLT(a, TXN_SHORT_BYTES)

                    # Add to BF and IBLT
                    for txn in blk:
                        iblt_sender_first.insert(txn, 0x0)

                    # Receiver computes how many items pass through BF of sender and creates IBLT
                    iblt_receiver_first = PYBLT(a, TXN_SHORT_BYTES)
                    Z = []
                    for txn in receiver_mempool:
                        if txn in bloom_sender:
                                                       0x0)  #(id and content)
                    z = len(Z)
                    observed_false_positives = z - true_positives

                    # Eppstein subtraction
                    T = iblt_receiver_first.subtract(iblt_sender_first)
                    boolean, result = T.list_entries()
                    #assert boolean == False

                    # Check whether decoding successful
                    if boolean == True:
                        flag, in_blk = decode_blk(result, Z, blk)

                        # Each component of graphene blk size
                        first_IBLT = (iblt_rows_first * TAU)
                        first_BF = (bloom_sender.num_bits / 8.0)
                        extra = (len(in_blk) * TXN_SHORT_BYTES)
                        # Compute size of Graphene block
                        graphene = first_IBLT + first_BF + extra

                            str(true_false_positives) + '\t' + str(blk_size) +
                            '\t' + str(bound) + '\t' + str(fraction) + '\t' +
                            str(mempool_size) + '\t' + str(fpr_sender) + '\t' +
                            str(real_fpr_sender) + '\t' + str(0) + '\t' +
                            str(a) + '\t' + str(0) + '\t' + str(0) + '\t' +
                            str(z) + '\t' + str(0) + '\t' +
                            str(observed_false_positives) + '\t' +
                            str(boolean and flag) + '\t' + str(False) + '\t' +
                            str(graphene) + '\t' + str(first_IBLT) + '\t' +
                            str(first_BF) + '\t' + str(0) + '\t' + str(0) +
                            '\t' + str(extra) + '\t' + str(iblt_rows_first) +
                            '\t' + str(0) + '\t' + str(compact) + '\t' +
                            str(0) + '\t' + str(0) + '\n')
                        fpr_receiver = fpr_r
                        bloom_receiver = BloomFilter(z, fpr_receiver)
                        for txn in Z:

                        # Sender determines IBLT size
                        from_sender = []
                        for txn in blk:
                            if txn not in bloom_receiver:
                                T.insert(txn, 0x0)
                        h = len(
                            from_sender)  # sender sends these over to receiver
                        #z is the count of txns that pass through bloom filter S
                        x_star = params.search_x_star(z=blk_size - h,
                        temp = (blk_size - x_star) * fpr_receiver
                        y_star = params.CB_bound(temp, fpr_receiver, bound)
                        y_star = ceil(y_star)

                        b, fpr_sender_second, iblt_rows_second = params.solve_a(
                            m=blk_size, n=x_star, x=x_star, y=y_star)

                        bloom_sender_second = BloomFilter(
                            blk_size - h, fpr_sender_second)
                        iblt_sender_second = PYBLT(b + y_star, TXN_SHORT_BYTES)
                        for txn in blk:
                            iblt_sender_second.insert(txn, 0x0)
                            if txn not in from_sender:

                        # Receiver determines IBLT size
                        count = 0
                        for txn in Z:
                            if txn in bloom_sender_second:
                                T.insert(txn, 0x0)
                                count = count + 1

                        iblt_receiver_second = PYBLT(b + y_star,
                        # Size of IBLT
                        # if b+(blk_size-h-x_star)-1 >= len(params.params): # difference too much
                        #     tmp = b+(blk_size-h-x_star) * 1.362549
                        #     rows = ceil(tmp)
                        #     iblt_rows_second = rows *  12
                        # else:
                        #     rows = params.params[b+(blk_size-h-x_star)-1][3]
                        #     iblt_rows_second = rows * 12
                        for txn in from_sender:
                            iblt_receiver_second.insert(txn, 0x0)

                        # Eppstein subtraction
                        T_second = iblt_receiver_second.subtract(
                        boolean, result = T_second.list_entries()
                        #print('Z', z)

                        # Check whether blk was reconstructed properly
                        flag, in_blk = decode_blk(result, from_sender, blk)

                        final = False
                        if boolean == False or flag == False:
                            final, in_blk, not_in_blk = try_ping_pong(
                                T, T_second, set(), set())
                            #print('Ping pong result', final)
                            if final == True:
                                possibly_in_blk = set(from_sender)
                                reconstructed_blk = list(
                                assert set(reconstructed_blk) == set(blk)

                        # Each component of graphene blk size
                        first_IBLT = (iblt_rows_first * TAU)
                        first_BF = (bloom_sender.num_bits / 8.0)
                        second_IBLT = (iblt_rows_second * TAU)
                        second_BF = (bloom_receiver.num_bits / 8.0)
                        third_BF = (bloom_sender_second.num_bits / 8.0)
                        extra = (len(in_blk) * TXN_SHORT_BYTES)
                        # Compute size of Graphene block
                        graphene = first_IBLT + first_BF + second_IBLT + second_BF + third_BF + extra

                            str(true_false_positives) + '\t' + str(blk_size) +
                            '\t' + str(bound) + '\t' + str(fraction) + '\t' +
                            str(mempool_size) + '\t' + str(fpr_sender) + '\t' +
                            str(real_fpr_sender) + '\t' + str(fpr_receiver) +
                            '\t' + str(a) + '\t' + str(b) + '\t' +
                            str(x_star) + '\t' + str(z) + '\t' + str(count) +
                            '\t' + str(observed_false_positives) + '\t' +
                            str(boolean and flag) + '\t' + str(final) + '\t' +
                            str(graphene) + '\t' + str(first_IBLT) + '\t' +
                            str(first_BF) + '\t' + str(second_IBLT) + '\t' +
                            str(second_BF) + '\t' + str(extra) + '\t' +
                            str(iblt_rows_first) + '\t' +
                            str(iblt_rows_second) + '\t' + str(compact) +
                            '\t' + str(third_BF) + '\t' +
                            str(fpr_sender_second) + '\n')

def basic_test():

    f = PYBLT(10, 9)
    f.insert(8, "txn_10008")
    f.insert(2, "txn_1002")
    # print(f.dump_table())
    print("F Entries: ")
    success, entries = f.list_entries()
    for x in entries:
        print(x, entries[x])

    g = PYBLT(10, 9)
    g.insert(8, "txn_10008")
    g.insert(7, "txn_10010")
    print("G Entries: ")
    success, entries = g.list_entries()
    for x in entries:
        print(x, entries[x])

    h = g.subtract(f)
    print("\nh=g-f;  should have 7, and then 2:")

    success, entries = h.list_entries()
    for x in entries:
        print(x, entries[x])
    del (h)

    h = f.subtract(g)

    print("\nh=f-g;  should have 2, and then 7:")
    success, entries = h.list_entries()
    for x in entries:
        print(x, entries[x])
    del (h)