    def save(self):
        """ Save case modified variables values """

        if self.state == None:
            raise Exception("The Bonita case is not started")

        url = "/runtimeAPI/setProcessInstanceVariable/%s" % self.uuid

        for (key, value) in self.variables.items():
            data = {}
            data["variableId"] = key
            data["variableValue"] = value

            BonitaServer.get_instance().sendRESTRequest(url=url, data=data)
    def start(self, user=None):
        """ Start the case

        :param user: case actor used to start the case
        :type user: str


        if self.state != None:
            raise Exception("case already started on uuid %s" % self.uuid)

        data = dict()

        if self._variables == None:
            url = "/runtimeAPI/instantiateProcess/%s" % self._process.uuid
            url = "/runtimeAPI/instantiateProcessWithVariables/%s" % self._process.uuid
            data['variables'] = dictToMapString(self._variables)

        xml = BonitaServer.get_instance().sendRESTRequest(url=url, user=user, data=data)

        dom = parseString(xml)
        process_instances = dom.getElementsByTagName("ProcessInstanceUUID")
        if len(process_instances) != 1:
            raise Exception #FIXME: raise clear Exception
        values = process_instances[0].getElementsByTagName("value")
        if len(values) != 1:
            raise Exception #FIXME: raise clear Exception

        uuid = values[0].childNodes[0].data

        self.uuid = uuid

    def add_attachment(self, name, descriptor=None, filename=None, filepath=None, description=None, user=None):
        """ Add an attachment to the current case instance

        :param name: Name of the attachment variable in the process
        :type name: str
        :param descriptor: File object to attach to the case (mandatory if no filepath is given)
        :type name: file
        :param filename: Name of the file to attach to the case (mandatory if no filepath is given)
        :type filename: str
        :param filepath: Path to the file to attach to the case (mandatory if no descriptor or filename is given)
        :type filepath: str
        :param user: Login of the actor to use to attach the file within the case (mandatory)
        :type user: str


        if self.state == None:
            raise Exception("The Bonita case is not started")

        #FIXME: check params types

        if descriptor == None and filepath == None:
            raise ValueError("add_attachment requires at least a descriptor or a filepath")

        if filename == None and filepath == None:
            raise ValueError("add_attachment requires at least a filename or a filepath")

        if filepath != None:
            filepath = os.path.expandvars(filepath)
            filepath = os.path.expanduser(filepath)
            if not os.path.exists(filepath) or not os.path.isfile(filepath):
                raise ValueError("invalid filepath : %s" % filepath)

            descriptor = open(filepath, "rb")

        if filename == None:
            filename = os.path.basename(filepath)

        import array
        bts = array.array('b', descriptor.read())

        data = dict()
        data['value'] = bts
        data['fileName'] = filename

        url = "/runtimeAPI/addAttachment/%s/%s" % (self.uuid, name)
        BonitaServer.get_instance().sendRESTRequest(url=url, data=data, user=user)
文件: object.py 项目: julozi/pybonita
    def delete(self, user=None):
        """ Delete a BonitaObject : remove it from the Bonita server


        (url,data) = self._generate_delete_url()

        # Call the BonitaServer
        xml = BonitaServer.get_instance().sendRESTRequest(url = url, user=user, data=data)
    def get(cls, uuid):
        """ Retrieve a case from its uuid

        :param uuid: uuid of the case to retrieve
        :type uuid: str
        :returns: BonitaCase -- the retrieved case

        url = "/queryRuntimeAPI/getProcessInstance/%s" % uuid

        xml = BonitaServer.get_instance().sendRESTRequest(url=url)

        return BonitaCase._instanciate_from_xml(xml)
    def get(cls, uuid):
        """ Retrieve a process from its uuid

        :param uuid: uuid of the process to retrieve
        :type uuid: str
        :returns: BonitaProcess -- the retrieved process.

        url = "/queryDefinitionAPI/getProcess/%s" % uuid

            xml = BonitaServer.get_instance().sendRESTRequest(url=url)
        except BonitaHTTPError:
            return None

        return BonitaProcess._instanciate_from_xml(xml)
    def get_cases(self):
        """ Get all existing cases from the process

        :returns: BonitaCase list

        url = "/queryRuntimeAPI/getProcessInstances/%s" % self.uuid

        xml = BonitaServer.get_instance().sendRESTRequest(url=url)

        soup = BeautifulSoup(xml.encode('iso-8859-1'),'xml')

        cases = []
        for instance in soup.set.findAll('processinstance'):

        return cases
文件: object.py 项目: julozi/pybonita
    def save(self, user=None, variables=None):
        """ Save a BonitaObject : sends data to create a resource on the Bonita server.


        # Delegate generation of URL to subclasses
        (url,data) = self._generate_save_url(variables)

        # Call the BonitaServer
        xml = BonitaServer.get_instance().sendRESTRequest(url=url, user=user, data=data)

        # Extract UUID of newly created object
        soup = BeautifulSoup(xml,'xml')
        instances = soup.findAll("uuid")
        if len(instances) != 1:
            raise Exception #fixme: raise clear Exception
        self.uuid = instances[0].text
    def get_processes(cls, process_id):
        """ Get all processes version for a given process id

        :param process_id: process id
        :type process_id: str
        :returns: BonitaProcess list

        url = "/queryDefinitionAPI/getProcessesByProcessId/%s" % process_id

        xml = BonitaServer.get_instance().sendRESTRequest(url=url)

        soup = BeautifulSoup(xml.encode('iso-8859-1'),'xml')

        processes = []
        for definition in soup.set.findAll('ProcessDefinition'):

        return processes
    def refresh(self, xml=None):
        """ Refresh current instance with data from the BonitaServer """

        if xml == None:
            url = "/queryRuntimeAPI/getProcessInstance/%s" % self.uuid
            xml = BonitaServer.get_instance().sendRESTRequest(url=url)

        soup = BeautifulSoup(xml.encode('iso-8859-1'),'xml')

        variables = {}
        for variable in soup.processinstance.clientvariables.findAll('entry'):
            strings = variable.findAll('string')
            if len(strings) == 2:
                variables[strings[0].text] = strings[1].text
                variables[strings[0].text] = None

        self._variables = variables

        self._state = soup.processinstance.state.text
        self._is_archived = False if soup.processinstance.isarchived.text == "false" else True
        self._started_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(soup.processinstance.starteddate.text) / 1000.0)
        self._last_update = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(soup.processinstance.lastupdate.text) / 1000.0)