def __init__(self, toml_file="pyborg.reddit.toml"): self.toml_file = toml_file self.settings = toml.load(toml_file) self.last_look = arrow.get(self.settings["reddit"]["last_look"]) self.multiplexing = self.settings["pyborg"]["multiplex"] self.url = "" self.headers = {"user-agent": "pyborg for reddit/0.0.2 pyborg/1.2.0"} if not self.multiplexing: self.pyborg = pyborg.pyborg() else: self.pyborg = None
def __init__(self, toml_file="reddit.toml"): self.toml_file = toml_file self.settings = toml.load(toml_file) self.last_look = arrow.get(self.settings['reddit']['last_look']) self.multiplexing = self.settings['pyborg']['multiplex'] if self.multiplexing: self.multi_server = self.settings['pyborg']['multiplex_server'] self.hate_filter_off = self.settings['reddit']['hate_filter_disable'] # script setup, ideal because no oauth browser rigamarole self.auth_app_id = self.settings['reddit']['app_id'] self.auth_script_secret = self.settings['reddit']['script_secret'] self.reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id=self.auth_app_id, client_secret=self.auth_script_secret, user_agent='pyborg for reddit/0.0.3 pyborg/1.3.0') if not self.multiplexing: self.pyborg = pyborg.pyborg() else: self.pyborg = None
def __init__(self, toml_file="reddit.toml"): self.toml_file = toml_file self.settings = toml.load(toml_file) self.last_look = arrow.get(self.settings['reddit']['last_look']) self.multiplexing = self.settings['pyborg']['multiplex'] if self.multiplexing: self.multi_server = self.settings['pyborg']['multiplex_server'] self.hate_filter_off = self.settings['reddit']['hate_filter_disable'] # script setup, ideal because no oauth browser rigamarole self.auth_app_id = self.settings['reddit']['app_id'] self.auth_script_secret = self.settings['reddit']['script_secret'] self.reddit = praw.Reddit( client_id=self.auth_app_id, client_secret=self.auth_script_secret, user_agent='pyborg for reddit/0.0.4 pyborg/2.0.0') if not self.multiplexing: self.pyborg = pyborg.pyborg() else: self.pyborg = None
import bottle import baker from bottle import request from pyborg.pyborg import pyborg our_pyborg = pyborg() @bottle.route("/") def index(): return "<h1>Welcome to Pyborg/http</h1>" # Basic API @bottle.route("/learn", method="POST") def learn(): body = request.POST.get("body") our_pyborg.learn(body) return "OK" @bottle.route("/reply", method="POST") def reply(): body = request.POST.get("body") return our_pyborg.reply(body) # Advanced API class DumbyIOMod(object): message = None
#map ( ( lambda x: c.action(x, "(From "+source+") "+body) ), self.owners) #map ( ( lambda x: c.action(x, "(To "+source+") "+message) ), self.owners) if __name__ == "__main__": if "--help" in sys.argv: print "Pyborg irc bot. Usage:" print " [options]" print " -s server:port" print " -c channel" print " -n nickname" print "Defaults stored in pyborg-irc.cfg" print sys.exit(0) # start the pyborg my_pyborg = pyborg.pyborg() bot = ModIRC(my_pyborg, sys.argv) try: bot.our_start() except KeyboardInterrupt, e: pass except SystemExit, e: pass except: traceback.print_exc() c = raw_input("Ooops! It looks like Pyborg has crashed. Would you like to save its dictionary? (y/n) ") if c.lower()[:1] == 'n': sys.exit(0) bot.disconnect(bot.settings.quitmsg) my_pyborg.save_all() del my_pyborg
print "-v --verbose" print "-p --port n Listen on port n (Defaults to 8489)" print sys.exit(0) port = 8489 if "-p" in sys.argv or "--port" in sys.argv: try: x = sys.argv.index("-p") except ValueError, e: x = sys.argv.index("--port") if len(sys.argv) > x + 1: try: port = int(sys.argv[x + 1]) except ValueError, e: pass try: server = SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer(("", port), handler) except socket.error, e: print "Socket error: ", e.args else: print "Starting pyborg..." my_pyborg = pyborg.pyborg() print "Awaiting connections..." try: server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt, e: print "Server shut down" my_pyborg.save_all() del my_pyborg
def __attrs_post_init__(self): if not self.multiplexing: brain_path = os.path.join(folder, "brains", "current.pyborg.json") self.pyborg = pyborg.pyborg(brain=brain_path)
import bottle import baker from bottle import request from pyborg.pyborg import pyborg our_pyborg = pyborg() @bottle.route("/") def index(): msg = "<h1>Welcome to Pyborg Stats!</h1>\n" try: msg += "pyborg words = " + ` our_pyborg.settings.num_words ` except Exception as e: msg += str(e) return msg if __name__ == '__main__':"", port=8085, reloader=True) # our_pyborg.save_all()
def setup(self, app) -> None: self.pyb = pyborg(self.brain_path)
if __name__ == "__main__": try: twistoryfile = open("tweets.pck", "r") twistorydict = pickle.load(twistoryfile) twistoryfile.close() except IOError: twistorydict = {"@me":"alive"} twistoryfile = open("tweets.pck", "w") pickle.dump(twistorydict, twistoryfile) twistoryfile.close() pybot = pyborg.pyborg() api = twitter.Api(consumer_key=CKEY, consumer_secret=CSECRET, access_token_key=AKEY, access_token_secret=ASECRET) me = api.VerifyCredentials() replytweets = {} #print twistorydict if doPublic: print print "---------- doPublic" #learn some public stauff try: tweets = api.GetPublicTimeline() except Exception: print "-- couldnt get public tweets"