class user_score(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'user_score'
    user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True)
    project_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''))
    image_score = db.Column(db.Float)
    audio_score = db.Column(db.Float)
    video_score = db.Column(db.Float)
    document_score = db.Column(db.Float)
    other_score = db.Column(db.Float)
    aggregate_score = db.Column(db.Float)
class response(db.Model):
    response_id = db.Column(
        db.Integer, primary_key=True)  # Primary key identifying a response
    user_id = db.Column(
        db.ForeignKey(''))  #Foriegn key to the user of the response
    quiz_id = db.Column(
        db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('quiz.quiz_id')
    )  #Foriegn key to the corresponding quiz for the response
    question_id = db.Column(
        db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('question.question_id')
    )  #Foriegn key to the corresponding question for the response
    response = db.Column(db.String)  #Response submitted by the user
    result = db.Column(
    )  #True if matches correct answer, False if does not match correct answer
class quiz(db.Model):
    quiz_id = db.Column(db.Integer,
                        primary_key=True)  #Primary key identifying a quiz
    name = db.Column(db.String)  # Name of the quiz
    project_id = db.Column(db.Integer,
                           db.ForeignKey(''))  # Name of the project
    models = db.relationship(
        'question', backref='que', lazy='dynamic'
    )  #Stores all questions as a list of question objects for the corresponding quiz
    responses = db.relationship(
        'response', backref='res_quiz', lazy='dynamic'
    )  #Stores all responses as a list of response objects for the corre4sponding quiz
class question(db.Model):
    question_id = db.Column(
        db.Integer, primary_key=True)  #Primary Key identifying a question
    quiz_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(
        'quiz.quiz_id'))  #Foreign Key to refer to corresponding quiz
    q_text = db.Column(db.String)  #Text of the question to be solved
    file_path = db.Column(
    )  #Object of type File which stores link and alt text to image
    option1 = db.Column(db.String)  #option A
    option2 = db.Column(db.String)  #option B
    option3 = db.Column(db.String)  #option C
    option4 = db.Column(db.String)  #option D
    answer = db.Column(db.String)  #correct answer to the question (A/B/C/D)
    #file_path = db.Column(db.String) # adress of the uploaded media
    category = db.Column(db.String)  #category to which question belongs to
    responses = db.relationship(
        'response', backref='res_question', lazy='dynamic'
    )  #Stores all responses to theis question as a list of response objects