def upgrade_bufr_file(input_bufr_file, output_bufr_file): # #[ """ an example routine to demonstrate how to read a BUFR message, upgrade it's edition number, and write it to an output BUFR file """ # get 2 instances of the RawBUFRFile class rbf_in = RawBUFRFile() rbf_out = RawBUFRFile() # open the file for reading, count nr of BUFR messages in it # and store its content in memory, together with # an array of pointers to the start and end of each BUFR message, 'rb') # open the file for writing, 'wb') # extract the number of BUFR messages from the file num_msgs = rbf_in.get_num_bufr_msgs() for msg_nr in range(1, num_msgs+1): raw_msg, section_sizes, section_start_locations = \ rbf_in.get_raw_bufr_msg(msg_nr) bufr_obj = BUFRInterfaceECMWF(raw_msg, section_sizes, section_start_locations, verbose=True) bufr_obj.decode_sections_012() bufr_obj.setup_tables() bufr_obj.decode_data() nsub = bufr_obj.get_num_subsets() n_exp_descr = len(bufr_obj.values)/nsub bufr_obj.fill_descriptor_list(nr_of_expanded_descriptors=n_exp_descr) bufr_obj.ksec0[3-1] = 4 # set bufr edition to 4 bufr_obj.ktdlst = bufr_obj.get_descriptor_list() # extract delayed replication factors delayed_repl_data = bufr_obj.derive_delayed_repl_factors() # fill the list of replication factors bufr_obj.fill_delayed_repl_data(delayed_repl_data) # activate this one if the encoding crashes without clear cause: # bufr_obj.estimated_num_bytes_for_encoding = 25000 # encode the data bufr_obj.encode_data(bufr_obj.values, bufr_obj.cvals) print 'Encode BUFR msg %i' % msg_nr rbf_out.write_raw_bufr_msg(bufr_obj.encoded_message) # close the file rbf_in.close() rbf_out.close()
def encode(output_bufr_file, RadarData, WMOID): # Get the data for the wind profilers WindComponentData = RadarData.getWindComponents() GateSpaceWidths = RadarData.getGateSpace() if len(GateSpaceWidths) > 1: MaxWidth = 0 for Width in GateSpaceWidths: if Width > MaxWidth: MaxWidth = Width else: MaxWidth = GateSpaces[0] print('Using Pulse Mode ' + str(MaxWidth)) for DateTime in WindComponentData: print('Processing ' + str(DateTime)) print(MaxWidth) print(WindComponentData[DateTime].keys()) if MaxWidth in WindComponentData[DateTime].keys(): print('Processing high mode only. Pulse ' + str(MaxWidth) + 'ns') WindComponents = WindComponentData[DateTime][MaxWidth] # Create tge buffer for the hour block of data. bufr = BUFRInterfaceECMWF(verbose=True) # fill sections 0, 1, 2 and 3 in the BUFR table num_subsets = 1 bufr.fill_sections_0123( # ECMWF # wind profiler . Also know as Message Type (Table A) # Message sub-type # L2B processing facility bufr_code_centre=59, bufr_obstype=2, bufr_subtype=7, bufr_table_local_version=1, bufr_table_master=0, bufr_table_master_version=3, bufr_code_subcentre=0, num_subsets=num_subsets, bufr_compression_flag=0, ) bufr.setup_tables() # define a descriptor list template = BufrTemplate() print('adding {0} descriptors'.format(10)) template.add_descriptors( WMO_BLOCK_NUM, WMO_STATION_NUM, DD_LATITUDE_COARSE_ACCURACY, DD_LONGITUDE_COARSE_ACCURACY, STATION_HEIGHT, YEAR, MONTH, MDAY, HOUR, MIN, TIME_SIGNIFICANCE, TIME_PERIOD, DD_WIND_SPEED, DD_WIND_DIR, DD_PRESSURE, DD_TEMPERATURE, RAINFALL_SWE, DD_RELATIVE_HUMD, HEIGHT_INCREMENT, WIND_PROFILER_SUB_MODE_INFO, HEIGHT_INCREMENT, HEIGHT_INCREMENT, HEIGHT_INCREMENT, ) # delay replication for the next 10 descriptors template.add_replicated_descriptors( len(WindComponents), WIND_PROFILER_MODE_INFO, WIND_PROFILER_QC_RESULTS, TOTAL_NUMBER, WIND_U_COMPONENT, WIND_V_COMPONENT, STD_DEV_HORIZONTAL_WIND_SPEED, TOTAL_NUMBER, RADAR_BACK_SCATTER, WIND_W_COMPONENT, STD_DEV_VERTICAL_SPEED, ) bufr.register_and_expand_descriptors(template) # activate this one if the encoding crashes without clear cause: # bufr.estimated_num_bytes_for_encoding = 25000 # retrieve the length of the expanded descriptor list exp_descr_list_length = bufr.ktdexl # fill the values array with some dummy varying data num_values = exp_descr_list_length values = np.zeros(num_values, dtype=np.float64) # this is the default # note: these two must be identical for now, otherwise the # python to fortran interface breaks down. This also ofcourse is the # cause of the huge memory use of cvals in case num_values is large. num_cvalues = num_values cvals = np.zeros((num_cvalues, 80), dtype=np.character) # note that python starts counting with 0, unlike fortran, # so there is no need to take (subset-1) # i = subset*exp_descr_list_length values[0] = WMOID[0:2] # WMO Block Number values[1] = WMOID[2:5] # WMO Station # values[2] = RadarData.getLatitude() # Latitude values[3] = RadarData.getLongitude() values[4] = RadarData.getElev() # Elevation of Station (meters) values[5] = DateTime.timetuple().tm_year # year values[6] = DateTime.timetuple().tm_mon # month values[7] = DateTime.timetuple().tm_mday # day values[8] = DateTime.timetuple().tm_hour # hour values[9] = 0 # minute values[10] = 2 # Time Significance values[11] = -60 # Time Period values[12] = 1 # Wind Speed values[13] = 1 # Wind Dir values[14] = 1 # Pressure values[15] = 1 # Temperature values[16] = .2 # Rainfall values[17] = 1 # Realative Humidty GateSpace = int(MaxWidth) * 1.e-9 * 3.e+8 / 2. values[18] = GateSpace # Height Increment values[19] = 0 # Wind Profiler Sub Mode values[20] = GateSpace # Height Increment values[21] = GateSpace # Height Increment values[22] = GateSpace # Height Increment print('Number of gates ' + str(len(WindComponents))) for i in range(0, len(WindComponents)): for t in range(0, 10): # Calulcate the correct index in the BUFR rec = i * 10 + 23 + t if WindComponents[i][0] <= 1000 \ and WindComponents[i][1] <= 1000: WindRadians = math.radians(WindComponents[i][1]) VelocityU = -WindComponents[i][0] \ * math.sin(WindRadians) VelocityV = -WindComponents[i][0] \ * math.cos(WindRadians) TotalNumber = WindComponents[i][2] SnrDB = WindComponents[i][3] else: VelocityU = VelocityV = TotalNumbe = SnrDB = -99 values[rec] = float('NaN') # level mode continue if rec % 10 == 3: values[rec] = 1 # level mode if rec % 10 == 4: values[rec] = 0 # Quality Control test if rec % 10 == 5: values[rec] = TotalNumber # Total Number (with respect to accumlation or average) if rec % 10 == 6: values[rec] = VelocityU # U-Component if rec % 10 == 7: values[rec] = VelocityV # V-Component if rec % 10 == 8: values[rec] = 0.000 # Std Deviation of horizontal wind speed if rec % 10 == 9: values[rec] = TotalNumber # Total Number (with respect to accumlation or average) if rec % 10 == 0: values[rec] = SnrDB / 100 # Radar Back Scatter (Peak Power) x100 if rec % 10 == 1: values[rec] = 0.000 # W-Component x100 if rec % 10 == 2: values[rec] = 0.000 # Std Deviation of vertical wind # do the encoding to binary format bufr.encode_data(values, cvals) HeaderString = ''' 287 IUAK01 PANC %02d%02d00 ''' \ % (DateTime.timetuple().tm_mday, DateTime.timetuple().tm_hour) if not os.path.exists(OutputPath): os.makedirs(OutputPath) OutputFile = \ '%s/IUPTO2_%s_%02d%02d00_216234297.bufr.%04d%02d%02d%02d' \ % ( OutputPath, RadarData.getSiteID().upper(), DateTime.timetuple().tm_mon, DateTime.timetuple().tm_mday, DateTime.timetuple().tm_year, DateTime.timetuple().tm_mon, DateTime.timetuple().tm_mday, DateTime.timetuple().tm_hour, ) # Remove file if exsists if os.path.exists(OutputFile): os.remove(OutputFile) bf1 = open(OutputFile, 'ab') bf1.write(HeaderString) bf1.close() # get an instance of the RawBUFRFile class bf1 = RawBUFRFile() # open the file for writing, 'ab') # write the encoded BUFR message bf1.write_raw_bufr_msg(bufr.encoded_message) # close the file bf1.close() # #] print('succesfully written BUFR encoded data to file: ', OutputFile)
def encoding_example(output_bufr_file): # #[ """ wrap the example in a function to circumvent the pylint convention of requiring capitals for constants in the global scope (since most of these variables are not constants at all)) """ bufr = BUFRInterfaceECMWF(verbose=True) # fill sections 0, 1, 2 and 3 num_subsets = 4 bufr.fill_sections_0123(bufr_code_centre=98, # ECMWF bufr_obstype=3, # sounding bufr_subtype=251, # L1B bufr_table_local_version=1, bufr_table_master=0, bufr_table_master_version=15, bufr_code_subcentre=0, # L2B processing facility num_subsets=num_subsets, bufr_compression_flag=0) # 64=compression/0=no compression # determine information from sections 0123 to construct the BUFR table # names expected by the ECMWF BUFR library and create symlinks to the # default tables if needed # NOTE: these custom BUFR tables have been created by the # example script bufr.setup_tables(table_b_to_use='B_my_test_BUFR_table.txt', table_c_to_use='C_my_test_BUFR_table.txt', table_d_to_use='D_my_test_BUFR_table.txt') # define a descriptor list template = BufrTemplate(verbose=True) template.add_descriptors(DD_B_048001, # 0 DD_B_048002, # 1 DD_D_348001) # 2 bufr.register_and_expand_descriptors(template) # activate this one if the encoding crashes without clear cause: # bufr.estimated_num_bytes_for_encoding = 25000 # retrieve the length of the expanded descriptor list exp_descr_list_length = bufr.ktdexl print("exp_descr_list_length = ", exp_descr_list_length) # fill the values array with some dummy varying data num_values = exp_descr_list_length*num_subsets values = np.zeros(num_values, dtype=np.float64) # this is the default # note: these two must be identical for now, otherwise the # python to fortran interface breaks down. This also ofcourse is the # cause of the huge memory use of cvals in case num_values is large. num_cvalues = num_values cvals = np.zeros((num_cvalues, 80), dtype=np.character) for subset in range(num_subsets): # note that python starts counting with 0, unlike fortran, # so there is no need to take (subset-1) i = subset*exp_descr_list_length # fill the message with some dummy data values[i] = 1.2515 + 0.0011*subset i = i+1 values[i] = (3.4562 + 0.0012*subset)*1.e-9 i = i+1 values[i] = 1.2625 + 0.0003*subset i = i+1 values[i] = (3.4561 + 0.0014*subset)*1.e-9 # do the encoding to binary format bufr.encode_data(values, cvals) # get an instance of the RawBUFRFile class bf1 = RawBUFRFile() # open the file for writing, 'wb') # write the encoded BUFR message bf1.write_raw_bufr_msg(bufr.encoded_message) # close the file bf1.close()
def encoding_example(output_bufr_file): # #[ """ wrap the example in a function to circumvent the pylint convention of requiring capitals for constants in the global scope (since most of these variables are not constants at all)) """ bufr = BUFRInterfaceECMWF(verbose=True) # fill sections 0, 1, 2 and 3 num_subsets = 4 bufr.fill_sections_0123(bufr_code_centre=98, # ECMWF bufr_obstype=3, # sounding bufr_subtype=251, # L1B bufr_table_local_version=1, bufr_table_master=0, bufr_table_master_version=15, bufr_code_subcentre=0, # L2B processing facility num_subsets=num_subsets, bufr_compression_flag=0) # 64=compression/0=no compression # determine information from sections 0123 to construct the BUFR table # names expected by the ECMWF BUFR library and create symlinks to the # default tables if needed bufr.setup_tables() # define a descriptor list template = BufrTemplate() template.add_descriptors(DD_D_DATE_YYYYMMDD, # 0 DD_D_TIME_HHMM) # 1 # delay replication for the next 2 descriptors # allow at most 2 delayed replications template.add_delayed_replic_descriptors(2, DD_PRESSURE, DD_TEMPERATURE) # replicate the next 2 descriptors 3 times template.add_replicated_descriptors(3, DD_LATITUDE_HIGH_ACCURACY, DD_LONGITUDE_HIGH_ACCURACY) bufr.register_and_expand_descriptors(template) # activate this one if the encoding crashes without clear cause: # bufr.estimated_num_bytes_for_encoding = 25000 # retrieve the length of the expanded descriptor list exp_descr_list_length = bufr.ktdexl print "exp_descr_list_length = ", exp_descr_list_length # fill the values array with some dummy varying data num_values = exp_descr_list_length*num_subsets values = np.zeros(num_values, dtype=np.float64) # this is the default # note: these two must be identical for now, otherwise the # python to fortran interface breaks down. This also ofcourse is the # cause of the huge memory use of cvals in case num_values is large. num_cvalues = num_values cvals = np.zeros((num_cvalues, 80), dtype=np.character) for subset in range(num_subsets): # note that python starts counting with 0, unlike fortran, # so there is no need to take (subset-1) i = subset*exp_descr_list_length values[i] = 1999 # year i = i+1 values[i] = 12 # month i = i+1 values[i] = 31 # day i = i+1 values[i] = 23 # hour i = i+1 values[i] = 59 - subset # minute i = i+1 values[i] = 2 # delayed replication factor # this delayed replication factor determines the actual number # of values to be stored for this particular subset # even if it is less then the number given in kdata above ! for repl in range(2): i = i+1 values[i] = 1013.e2 - 100.e2*subset+i+repl # pressure [pa] i = i+1 values[i] = 273.15 - 10.*subset+i+repl # temperature [K] for repl in range(3): i = i+1 values[i] = 51.82 + 0.05*subset+i+repl # latitude i = i+1 values[i] = 5.25 + 0.1*subset+i+repl # longitude # do the encoding to binary format bufr.encode_data(values, cvals) # get an instance of the RawBUFRFile class bf1 = RawBUFRFile() # open the file for writing, 'wb') # write the encoded BUFR message bf1.write_raw_bufr_msg(bufr.encoded_message) # close the file bf1.close()
values[i] = num_repetitions[subset] i = i+1 # in encoding, just one copy should be [rpvided of repeated sequences for k in range(1): # fill dummy var values[i] = 34567. i = i+1 # debug print('values[:25]: ', values[:25].tolist()) #numpy.where(values != 0)])) print('values[-25:]: ', values[-25:].tolist()) # do the encoding to binary format bufr.encode_data(values, cvals) # get an instance of the RawBUFRFile class bf1 = RawBUFRFile() output_bufr_file = 'dummy_bufr_file.bfr' # open the file for writing, 'wb') # write the encoded BUFR message bf1.write_raw_bufr_msg(bufr.encoded_message) # close the file bf1.close() ############################## # reopen the BUFR file as test ##############################
i = i + 1 repl_counts.append(num_replications2[subset][j]) for l in range(num_replications2[subset][j]): # fill dummy var values[i] = 45678. i = i + 1 # debug print('values: ', list(values)) #numpy.where(values != 0)])) # do the encoding to binary format bufr.kdata = numpy.array(repl_counts) print('bufr.kdata = ', bufr.kdata) bufr.encode_data(values, cvals) # get an instance of the RawBUFRFile class bf1 = RawBUFRFile() output_bufr_file = 'dummy_bufr_file.bfr' # open the file for writing, 'wb') # write the encoded BUFR message bf1.write_raw_bufr_msg(bufr.encoded_message) # close the file bf1.close() ############################## # reopen the BUFR file as test ##############################
def create_bufr_file(output_bufr_file, template): # #[ create bufr file ''' and use this BUFR template to create a test BUFR message ''' from pybufr_ecmwf.bufr_interface_ecmwf import BUFRInterfaceECMWF bufr = BUFRInterfaceECMWF(verbose=True) # fill sections 0, 1, 2 and 3 num_subsets = 2 bufr.fill_sections_0123(bufr_code_centre=98, # ECMWF bufr_obstype=3, # sounding bufr_subtype=253, # L2B bufr_table_local_version=1, bufr_table_master=0, bufr_table_master_version=15, bufr_code_subcentre=0, # L2B processing facility num_subsets=num_subsets, bufr_compression_flag=0) # 64=compression/0=no compression # determine information from sections 0123 to construct the BUFR table # names expected by the ECMWF BUFR library and create symlinks to the # default tables if needed bufr.setup_tables(table_b_to_use='B'+TABLE_NAME, table_d_to_use='D'+TABLE_NAME) bufr.register_and_expand_descriptors(template) # activate this one if the encoding crashes without clear cause: # bufr.estimated_num_bytes_for_encoding = 25000 # retrieve the length of the expanded descriptor list exp_descr_list_length = bufr.ktdexl print "exp_descr_list_length = ", exp_descr_list_length # fill the values array with some dummy varying data num_values = num_subsets*bufr.max_nr_expanded_descriptors values = numpy.zeros(num_values, dtype=numpy.float64) # this is the default # note: these two must be identical for now, otherwise the # python to fortran interface breaks down. This also ofcourse is the # cause of the huge memory use of cvals in case num_values is large. num_cvalues = num_values cvals = numpy.zeros((num_cvalues, 80), dtype=numpy.character) cvals_index = 0 repl_counts = [] for subset in range(num_subsets): # note that python starts counting with 0, unlike fortran, # so there is no need to take (subset-1) print 'subset,exp_descr_list_length = ', subset, exp_descr_list_length i = subset*exp_descr_list_length # fill the message with some dummy data # fill year, month, day for val in [2014, 3, 19]: # fill the header values[i] = val+subset i += 1 # fill prod_name txt = 'filename{}.txt'.format(subset) cvals[cvals_index, :] = ' ' for icval, cval in enumerate(txt): cvals[cvals_index, icval] = cval # values[i] = cvals_index * 1000 + 64 # len(txt) values[i] = (cvals_index+1) * 1000 + len(txt) i += 1 cvals_index = cvals_index + 1 for val in [5.1+0.1*subset, 55.2-0.01*subset, 23., 45., 73., 82.]: bufr.verify_in_range(i, val) values[i] = val i += 1 if USE_DELAYED_REPLICATION: # set actual delayed replication repeats num_repl = 3 + 2*subset print 'num_repl = ', num_repl values[i] = num_repl i += 1 repl_counts.append(num_repl) # fill the replicated variable for irepl in range(num_repl): val = 12.+subset*0.1 + irepl*0.01 bufr.verify_in_range(i, val) values[i] = val i += 1 # do the encoding to binary format bufr.kdata = numpy.array(repl_counts) print 'bufr.kdata = ', bufr.kdata bufr.encode_data(values, cvals) print 'DEBUG: values = ', values from pybufr_ecmwf.raw_bufr_file import RawBUFRFile # get an instance of the RawBUFRFile class bf1 = RawBUFRFile() # open the file for writing, 'wb') # write the encoded BUFR message bf1.write_raw_bufr_msg(bufr.encoded_message) # close the file bf1.close()
def encoding_example(output_bufr_file): # #[ """ wrap the example in a function to circumvent the pylint convention of requiring capitals for constants in the global scope (since most of these variables are not constants at all)) """ bufr = BUFRInterfaceECMWF(verbose=True) # fill sections 0, 1, 2 and 3 num_subsets = 4 bufr.fill_sections_0123( bufr_code_centre=98, # ECMWF bufr_obstype=3, # sounding bufr_subtype=251, # L1B bufr_table_local_version=1, bufr_table_master=0, bufr_table_master_version=15, bufr_code_subcentre=0, # L2B processing facility num_subsets=num_subsets, bufr_compression_flag=0) # 64=compression/0=no compression # determine information from sections 0123 to construct the BUFR table # names expected by the ECMWF BUFR library and create symlinks to the # default tables if needed bufr.setup_tables() # define a descriptor list template = BufrTemplate(verbose=True) template.add_descriptors( DD_D_DATE_YYYYMMDD, # 0 DD_D_TIME_HHMM) # 1 # delay replication for the next 2 descriptors # allow at most 2 delayed replications template.add_delayed_replic_descriptors(2, DD_PRESSURE, DD_TEMPERATURE) # replicate the next 2 descriptors 3 times template.add_replicated_descriptors(3, DD_LATITUDE_HIGH_ACCURACY, DD_LONGITUDE_HIGH_ACCURACY) bufr.register_and_expand_descriptors(template) # activate this one if the encoding crashes without clear cause: # bufr.estimated_num_bytes_for_encoding = 25000 # retrieve the length of the expanded descriptor list exp_descr_list_length = bufr.ktdexl print("exp_descr_list_length = ", exp_descr_list_length) # fill the values array with some dummy varying data num_values = exp_descr_list_length * num_subsets values = np.zeros(num_values, dtype=np.float64) # this is the default # note: these two must be identical for now, otherwise the # python to fortran interface breaks down. This also ofcourse is the # cause of the huge memory use of cvals in case num_values is large. num_cvalues = num_values cvals = np.zeros((num_cvalues, 80), dtype=np.character) for subset in range(num_subsets): # note that python starts counting with 0, unlike fortran, # so there is no need to take (subset-1) i = subset * exp_descr_list_length values[i] = 1999 # year i = i + 1 values[i] = 12 # month i = i + 1 values[i] = 31 # day i = i + 1 values[i] = 23 # hour i = i + 1 values[i] = 59 - subset # minute i = i + 1 values[i] = 2 # delayed replication factor # this delayed replication factor determines the actual number # of values to be stored for this particular subset # even if it is less then the number given in kdata above ! for repl in range(2): i = i + 1 values[i] = 1013.e2 - 100.e2 * subset + i + repl # pressure [pa] i = i + 1 values[i] = 273.15 - 10. * subset + i + repl # temperature [K] for repl in range(3): i = i + 1 values[i] = 51.82 + 0.05 * subset + i + repl # latitude i = i + 1 values[i] = 5.25 + 0.1 * subset + i + repl # longitude # do the encoding to binary format bufr.encode_data(values, cvals) # get an instance of the RawBUFRFile class bf1 = RawBUFRFile() # open the file for writing, 'wb') # write the encoded BUFR message bf1.write_raw_bufr_msg(bufr.encoded_message) # close the file bf1.close()
def create_bufr_file(output_bufr_file, template): # #[ create bufr file ''' and use this BUFR template to create a test BUFR message ''' from pybufr_ecmwf.bufr_interface_ecmwf import BUFRInterfaceECMWF bufr = BUFRInterfaceECMWF(verbose=True) # fill sections 0, 1, 2 and 3 num_subsets = 2 bufr.fill_sections_0123(bufr_code_centre=98, # ECMWF bufr_obstype=3, # sounding bufr_subtype=253, # L2B bufr_table_local_version=1, bufr_table_master=0, bufr_table_master_version=15, bufr_code_subcentre=0, # L2B processing facility num_subsets=num_subsets, bufr_compression_flag=0) # 64=compression/0=no compression # determine information from sections 0123 to construct the BUFR table # names expected by the ECMWF BUFR library and create symlinks to the # default tables if needed bufr.setup_tables(table_b_to_use='B'+TABLE_NAME, table_d_to_use='D'+TABLE_NAME) bufr.register_and_expand_descriptors(template) # activate this one if the encoding crashes without clear cause: # bufr.estimated_num_bytes_for_encoding = 25000 # retrieve the length of the expanded descriptor list exp_descr_list_length = bufr.ktdexl print "exp_descr_list_length = ", exp_descr_list_length # fill the values array with some dummy varying data num_values = num_subsets*bufr.max_nr_expanded_descriptors values = numpy.zeros(num_values, dtype=numpy.float64) # this is the default # note: these two must be identical for now, otherwise the # python to fortran interface breaks down. This also ofcourse is the # cause of the huge memory use of cvals in case num_values is large. num_cvalues = num_values cvals = numpy.zeros((num_cvalues, 80), dtype=numpy.character) cvals_index = 0 repl_counts = [] for subset in range(num_subsets): # note that python starts counting with 0, unlike fortran, # so there is no need to take (subset-1) print 'subset,exp_descr_list_length = ', subset, exp_descr_list_length i = subset*exp_descr_list_length # fill the message with some dummy data # fill year, month, day for val in [2014, 3, 19]: # fill the header values[i] = val+subset i += 1 # fill prod_name # this is not python2.6 compatible #txt = 'filename{}.txt'.format(subset) txt = 'filename'+str(subset)+'.txt' cvals[cvals_index, :] = ' ' for icval, cval in enumerate(txt): cvals[cvals_index, icval] = cval # values[i] = cvals_index * 1000 + 64 # len(txt) values[i] = (cvals_index+1) * 1000 + len(txt) i += 1 cvals_index = cvals_index + 1 for val in [5.1+0.1*subset, 55.2-0.01*subset, 23., 45., 73., 82.]: bufr.verify_in_range(i, val) values[i] = val i += 1 if USE_DELAYED_REPLICATION: # set actual delayed replication repeats num_repl = 3 + 2*subset print 'num_repl = ', num_repl values[i] = num_repl i += 1 repl_counts.append(num_repl) # fill the replicated variable for irepl in range(num_repl): val = 12.+subset*0.1 + irepl*0.01 bufr.verify_in_range(i, val) values[i] = val i += 1 # do the encoding to binary format bufr.kdata = numpy.array(repl_counts) print 'bufr.kdata = ', bufr.kdata bufr.encode_data(values, cvals) print 'DEBUG: values = ', values from pybufr_ecmwf.raw_bufr_file import RawBUFRFile # get an instance of the RawBUFRFile class bf1 = RawBUFRFile() # open the file for writing, 'wb') # write the encoded BUFR message bf1.write_raw_bufr_msg(bufr.encoded_message) # close the file bf1.close()
def encode(output_bufr_file, RadarData, WMOID): # Get the data for the wind profilers WindComponentData = RadarData.getWindComponents() GateSpaceWidths = RadarData.getGateSpace() if len(GateSpaceWidths) > 1: MaxWidth = 0 for Width in GateSpaceWidths: if Width > MaxWidth: MaxWidth = Width else: MaxWidth = GateSpaces[0] print('Using Pulse Mode ' + str(MaxWidth)) for DateTime in WindComponentData: print('Processing ' + str(DateTime)) print(MaxWidth) print(WindComponentData[DateTime].keys()) if MaxWidth in WindComponentData[DateTime].keys(): print('Processing high mode only. Pulse ' + str(MaxWidth) + 'ns') WindComponents = WindComponentData[DateTime][MaxWidth] # Create tge buffer for the hour block of data. bufr = BUFRInterfaceECMWF(verbose=True) # fill sections 0, 1, 2 and 3 in the BUFR table num_subsets = 1 bufr.fill_sections_0123( # ECMWF # wind profiler . Also know as Message Type (Table A) # Message sub-type # L2B processing facility bufr_code_centre=59, bufr_obstype=2, bufr_subtype=7, bufr_table_local_version=1, bufr_table_master=0, bufr_table_master_version=3, bufr_code_subcentre=0, num_subsets=num_subsets, bufr_compression_flag=0, ) bufr.setup_tables() # define a descriptor list template = BufrTemplate() print('adding {0} descriptors'.format(10)) template.add_descriptors( WMO_BLOCK_NUM, WMO_STATION_NUM, DD_LATITUDE_COARSE_ACCURACY, DD_LONGITUDE_COARSE_ACCURACY, STATION_HEIGHT, YEAR, MONTH, MDAY, HOUR, MIN, TIME_SIGNIFICANCE, TIME_PERIOD, DD_WIND_SPEED, DD_WIND_DIR, DD_PRESSURE, DD_TEMPERATURE, RAINFALL_SWE, DD_RELATIVE_HUMD, HEIGHT_INCREMENT, WIND_PROFILER_SUB_MODE_INFO, HEIGHT_INCREMENT, HEIGHT_INCREMENT, HEIGHT_INCREMENT, ) # delay replication for the next 10 descriptors template.add_replicated_descriptors( len(WindComponents), WIND_PROFILER_MODE_INFO, WIND_PROFILER_QC_RESULTS, TOTAL_NUMBER, WIND_U_COMPONENT, WIND_V_COMPONENT, STD_DEV_HORIZONTAL_WIND_SPEED, TOTAL_NUMBER, RADAR_BACK_SCATTER, WIND_W_COMPONENT, STD_DEV_VERTICAL_SPEED, ) bufr.register_and_expand_descriptors(template) # activate this one if the encoding crashes without clear cause: # bufr.estimated_num_bytes_for_encoding = 25000 # retrieve the length of the expanded descriptor list exp_descr_list_length = bufr.ktdexl # fill the values array with some dummy varying data num_values = exp_descr_list_length values = np.zeros(num_values, dtype=np.float64) # this is the default # note: these two must be identical for now, otherwise the # python to fortran interface breaks down. This also ofcourse is the # cause of the huge memory use of cvals in case num_values is large. num_cvalues = num_values cvals = np.zeros((num_cvalues, 80), dtype=np.character) # note that python starts counting with 0, unlike fortran, # so there is no need to take (subset-1) # i = subset*exp_descr_list_length values[0] = WMOID[0:2] # WMO Block Number values[1] = WMOID[2:5] # WMO Station # values[2] = RadarData.getLatitude() # Latitude values[3] = RadarData.getLongitude() values[4] = RadarData.getElev() # Elevation of Station (meters) values[5] = DateTime.timetuple().tm_year # year values[6] = DateTime.timetuple().tm_mon # month values[7] = DateTime.timetuple().tm_mday # day values[8] = DateTime.timetuple().tm_hour # hour values[9] = 0 # minute values[10] = 2 # Time Significance values[11] = -60 # Time Period values[12] = 1 # Wind Speed values[13] = 1 # Wind Dir values[14] = 1 # Pressure values[15] = 1 # Temperature values[16] = .2 # Rainfall values[17] = 1 # Realative Humidty GateSpace = int(MaxWidth) * 1.e-9 * 3.e+8 / 2. values[18] = GateSpace # Height Increment values[19] = 0 # Wind Profiler Sub Mode values[20] = GateSpace # Height Increment values[21] = GateSpace # Height Increment values[22] = GateSpace # Height Increment print('Number of gates ' + str(len(WindComponents))) for i in range(0, len(WindComponents)): for t in range(0, 10): # Calulcate the correct index in the BUFR rec = i * 10 + 23 + t if WindComponents[i][0] <= 1000 \ and WindComponents[i][1] <= 1000: WindRadians = math.radians(WindComponents[i][1]) VelocityU = -WindComponents[i][0] \ * math.sin(WindRadians) VelocityV = -WindComponents[i][0] \ * math.cos(WindRadians) TotalNumber = WindComponents[i][2] SnrDB = WindComponents[i][3] else: VelocityU = VelocityV = TotalNumbe = SnrDB = -99 values[rec] = float('NaN') # level mode continue if rec % 10 == 3: values[rec] = 1 # level mode if rec % 10 == 4: values[rec] = 0 # Quality Control test if rec % 10 == 5: values[ rec] = TotalNumber # Total Number (with respect to accumlation or average) if rec % 10 == 6: values[rec] = VelocityU # U-Component if rec % 10 == 7: values[rec] = VelocityV # V-Component if rec % 10 == 8: values[ rec] = 0.000 # Std Deviation of horizontal wind speed if rec % 10 == 9: values[ rec] = TotalNumber # Total Number (with respect to accumlation or average) if rec % 10 == 0: values[ rec] = SnrDB / 100 # Radar Back Scatter (Peak Power) x100 if rec % 10 == 1: values[rec] = 0.000 # W-Component x100 if rec % 10 == 2: values[rec] = 0.000 # Std Deviation of vertical wind # do the encoding to binary format bufr.encode_data(values, cvals) HeaderString = ''' 287 IUAK01 PANC %02d%02d00 ''' \ % (DateTime.timetuple().tm_mday, DateTime.timetuple().tm_hour) if not os.path.exists(OutputPath): os.makedirs(OutputPath) OutputFile = \ '%s/IUPTO2_%s_%02d%02d00_216234297.bufr.%04d%02d%02d%02d' \ % ( OutputPath, RadarData.getSiteID().upper(), DateTime.timetuple().tm_mon, DateTime.timetuple().tm_mday, DateTime.timetuple().tm_year, DateTime.timetuple().tm_mon, DateTime.timetuple().tm_mday, DateTime.timetuple().tm_hour, ) # Remove file if exsists if os.path.exists(OutputFile): os.remove(OutputFile) bf1 = open(OutputFile, 'ab') bf1.write(HeaderString) bf1.close() # get an instance of the RawBUFRFile class bf1 = RawBUFRFile() # open the file for writing, 'ab') # write the encoded BUFR message bf1.write_raw_bufr_msg(bufr.encoded_message) # close the file bf1.close() # #] print('succesfully written BUFR encoded data to file: ', OutputFile)