def test_block(visualize):
    #arms = [LEFT_ARM]
    arms = ARMS
    block_name = create_name('greenblock', 1)
    tray_name = create_name('tray', 1)

    world, table_body = create_world([tray_name, block_name], visualize=visualize)
    with ClientSaver(world.perception.client):
        block_z = stable_z(world.perception.sim_bodies[block_name], table_body) + Z_EPSILON
        tray_z = stable_z(world.perception.sim_bodies[tray_name], table_body) + Z_EPSILON
        #attach_viewcone(world.perception.pr2, depth=1, head_name='high_def_frame')
    #block_y = 0.0
    block_y = -0.4
    world.perception.set_pose(block_name, Point(0.6, block_y, block_z), unit_quat())
    world.perception.set_pose(tray_name, Point(0.6, 0.4, tray_z), unit_quat())
    update_world(world, table_body)

    init = [
        ('Stackable', block_name, tray_name, TOP),
    goal = [
        ('On', block_name, tray_name, TOP),
    #goal = [
    #    ('Grasped', arms[0], block_name),
    task = Task(init=init, goal=goal, arms=arms, empty_arms=True)

    return world, task
def test_pour(visualize):
    arms = [LEFT_ARM]
    #cup_name, bowl_name = 'bluecup', 'bluebowl'
    #cup_name, bowl_name = 'cup_7', 'cup_8'
    #cup_name, bowl_name = 'cup_7-1', 'cup_7-2'
    #cup_name, bowl_name = get_name('bluecup', 1), get_name('bluecup', 2)
    cup_name = create_name('bluecup', 1) # bluecup | purple_cup | orange_cup | blue_cup | olive1_cup | blue3D_cup
    bowl_name = create_name('bowl', 1) # bowl | steel_bowl

    world, table_body = create_world([bowl_name, cup_name, bowl_name], visualize=visualize)
    with ClientSaver(world.perception.client):
        cup_z = stable_z(world.perception.sim_bodies[cup_name], table_body) + Z_EPSILON
        bowl_z = stable_z(world.perception.sim_bodies[bowl_name], table_body) + Z_EPSILON
    world.perception.set_pose(cup_name, Point(0.6, 0.2, cup_z), unit_quat())
    world.perception.set_pose(bowl_name, Point(0.6, 0.0, bowl_z), unit_quat())
    update_world(world, table_body)

    init = [
        ('Contains', cup_name, COFFEE),
        #('Graspable', bowl_name),
    goal = [
        ('Contains', bowl_name, COFFEE),
    task = Task(init=init, goal=goal, arms=arms,
                empty_arms=True, reset_arms=True, reset_items=True)

    return world, task
def test_stack_pour(visualize):
    arms = [LEFT_ARM]
    bowl_name = create_name('whitebowl', 1)
    cup_name = create_name('bluecup', 1)
    purple_name = create_name('purpleblock', 1)

    items = [bowl_name, cup_name, purple_name]
    world, table_body = create_world(items,  visualize=visualize)
    cup_x = 0.5
    initial_poses = {
        bowl_name: ([cup_x, -0.2, 0.0], unit_quat()),
        cup_name: ([cup_x, 0.1, 0.0], unit_quat()),
        purple_name: ([cup_x, 0.4, 0.0], unit_quat()),
    with ClientSaver(world.perception.client):
        for name, pose in initial_poses.items():
            point, quat = pose
            point[2] += stable_z(world.perception.sim_bodies[name], table_body) + Z_EPSILON
            world.perception.set_pose(name, point, quat)
    update_world(world, table_body)

    init = [
        ('Contains', cup_name, COFFEE),
        ('Stackable', bowl_name, purple_name, TOP),
    goal = [
        ('Contains', bowl_name, COFFEE),
        ('On', bowl_name, purple_name, TOP),
    task = Task(init=init, goal=goal, arms=arms, graspable=['whitebowl'])
    return world, task
def test_push_pour(visualize):
    arms = ARMS
    cup_name = create_name('bluecup', 1)
    bowl_name = create_name('bowl', 1)

    items = [bowl_name, cup_name, bowl_name]
    world, table_body = create_world(items, visualize=visualize)
    set_point(table_body, np.array(TABLE_POSE[0]) + np.array([0, -0.1, 0]))

    with ClientSaver(world.perception.client):
        cup_z = stable_z(world.perception.sim_bodies[cup_name], table_body) + Z_EPSILON
        bowl_z = stable_z(world.perception.sim_bodies[bowl_name], table_body) + Z_EPSILON
    world.perception.set_pose(cup_name, Point(0.75, 0.4, cup_z), unit_quat())
    world.perception.set_pose(bowl_name, Point(0.5, -0.6, bowl_z), unit_quat())
    update_world(world, table_body)

    # TODO: can prevent the right arm from being able to pick
    init = [
        ('Contains', cup_name, COFFEE),
        #('Graspable', bowl_name),
        ('CanPush', bowl_name, LEFT_ARM), # TODO: intersection of these regions
    goal = [
        ('Contains', bowl_name, COFFEE),
        ('InRegion', bowl_name, LEFT_ARM),
    task = Task(init=init, goal=goal, arms=arms, pushable=[bowl_name])
    # Most of the time places the cup to exchange arms

    return world, task
文件: pour.py 项目: lyltc1/LTAMP
def get_water_path(bowl_body, bowl_pose, cup_body, pose_waypoints):
    cup_pose = pose_waypoints[0]
    bowl_origin_from_base = get_urdf_from_base(
        bowl_body)  # TODO: reference pose
    cup_origin_from_base = get_urdf_from_base(cup_body)
    ray_start = point_from_pose(multiply(cup_pose, cup_origin_from_base))
    ray_end = point_from_pose(multiply(bowl_pose, bowl_origin_from_base))
    water_path = interpolate_poses((ray_start, unit_quat()),
                                   (ray_end, unit_quat()),
    return water_path
文件: common.py 项目: lyltc1/LTAMP
def get_urdf_from_z_axis(body, z_fraction, reference_quat=unit_quat()):
    # AKA the pose of the body's center wrt to the body's origin
    # z_fraction=0. => bottom, z_fraction=0.5 => center, z_fraction=1. => top
    ref_from_urdf = (unit_point(), reference_quat)
    center_in_ref, (_,
                    height) = approximate_as_cylinder(body,
    center_in_ref[2] += (z_fraction - 0.5) * height
    ref_from_center = (center_in_ref, unit_quat()
                       )  # Maps from center frame to origin frame
    urdf_from_center = multiply(invert(ref_from_urdf), ref_from_center)
    return urdf_from_center
def test_holding(visualize, num_blocks=2):
    arms = [LEFT_ARM]
    #item_type = 'greenblock'
    #item_type = 'bowl'
    item_type = 'purple_cup'

    item_poses = [
        ([0.6, +0.4, 0.0], z_rotation(np.pi / 2)),
        ([0.6, -0.4, 0.0], unit_quat()),
    items = [create_name(item_type, i) for i in range(min(len(item_poses), num_blocks))]

    world, table_body = create_world(items, visualize=visualize)
    with ClientSaver(world.perception.client):
        for name, pose in zip(items, item_poses):
            point, quat = pose
            point[2] += stable_z(world.perception.sim_bodies[name], table_body) + Z_EPSILON
            world.perception.set_pose(name, point, quat)
    update_world(world, table_body)

    init = [
        ('Graspable', item) for item in items
    goal = [
        #('Holding', items[0]),
        ('HoldingType', item_type),
    task = Task(init=init, goal=goal, arms=arms)

    return world, task
def get_handle_grasps(world, joint, pull=True, pre_distance=APPROACH_DISTANCE):
    pre_direction = pre_distance * get_unit_vector([0, 0, 1])
    #half_extent = 1.0*FINGER_EXTENT[2] # Collides
    half_extent = 1.05 * FINGER_EXTENT[2]

    grasps = []
    for link in get_link_subtree(world.kitchen, joint):
        if 'handle' in get_link_name(world.kitchen, link):
            # TODO: can adjust the position and orientation on the handle
            for yaw in [0, np.pi]:  # yaw=0 DOESN'T WORK WITH LULA
                handle_grasp = (Point(z=-half_extent),
                                    Euler(roll=np.pi, pitch=np.pi / 2,
                #if not pull:
                #    handle_pose = get_link_pose(world.kitchen, link)
                #    for distance in np.arange(0., 0.05, step=0.001):
                #        pregrasp = multiply(([0, 0, -distance], unit_quat()), handle_grasp)
                #        tool_pose = multiply(handle_pose, invert(pregrasp))
                #        set_tool_pose(world, tool_pose)
                #        # TODO: check collisions
                #        wait_for_user()
                handle_pregrasp = multiply((pre_direction, unit_quat()),
                grasps.append(HandleGrasp(link, handle_grasp, handle_pregrasp))
    return grasps
文件: run_pr2.py 项目: lyltc1/LTAMP
def add_table_surfaces(world):
    table_pose = None
    for body_info in world.perception.surfaces:
        if body_info.type == TABLE:
            table_pose = body_info.pose
    assert table_pose is not None
    initial_poses = {
        STOVE_NAME: (STOVE_POSITION, unit_quat()),
        PLACEMAT_NAME: (PLACEMAT_POSITION, unit_quat()),
        BUTTON_NAME: (BUTTON_POSITION, unit_quat()),
    with ClientSaver(world.perception.client):
        for name, local_pose in initial_poses.items():
            world_pose = multiply(table_pose, local_pose)
            from perception_tools.retired.ros_perception import BodyInfo
                BodyInfo(name, None, world_pose, name))
def test_cup(visualize):
    arms = [LEFT_ARM]
    cup_name = create_name('greenblock', 1)
    block_name = create_name('purpleblock', 1) # greenblock
    tray_name = create_name('tray', 1)

    world, table_body = create_world([tray_name, cup_name, block_name], visualize=visualize)
    #cup_x = 0.6
    cup_x = 0.8
    block_x = cup_x - 0.15
    initial_poses = {
        cup_name: ([cup_x, 0.0, 0.0], unit_quat()),
        block_name: ([block_x, 0.0, 0.0], unit_quat()), # z_rotation(np.pi/2)
        tray_name: ([0.6, 0.4, 0.0], unit_quat()),
    with ClientSaver(world.perception.client):
        for name, pose in initial_poses.items():
            point, quat = pose
            point[2] += stable_z(world.perception.sim_bodies[name], table_body) + Z_EPSILON
            world.perception.set_pose(name, point, quat)
    update_world(world, table_body)

    #with ClientSaver(world.perception.client):
    #    draw_pose(get_pose(world.perception.sim_bodies['bluecup']))
    #    draw_aabb(get_aabb(world.perception.sim_bodies['bluecup']))
    #    wait_for_interrupt()

    init = [
        #('Contains', cup_name, WATER),
        ('Stackable', cup_name, tray_name, TOP),
    goal = [
        #('Grasped', goal_arm, block_name),
        #('Grasped', goal_arm, cup_name),
        ('On', cup_name, tray_name, TOP),
        #('On', cup_name, TABLE_NAME, TOP),
        #('Empty', goal_arm),
    task = Task(init=init, goal=goal, arms=arms)

    return world, task
def test_stacking(visualize):
    # TODO: move & stack
    arms = [LEFT_ARM]
    #arms = ARMS

    cup_name = create_name('bluecup', 1) # bluecup | spoon
    green_name = create_name('greenblock', 1)
    purple_name = create_name('purpleblock', 1)

    items = [cup_name, green_name, purple_name]
    world, table_body = create_world(items,  visualize=visualize)
    cup_x = 0.5
    initial_poses = {
        cup_name: ([cup_x, -0.2, 0.0], unit_quat()),
        #cup_name: ([cup_x, -0.2, 0.3], unit_quat()),
        green_name: ([cup_x, 0.1, 0.0], unit_quat()),
        #green_name: ([cup_x, 0.1, 0.0], z_rotation(np.pi / 4)), # TODO: be careful about the orientation when stacking
        purple_name: ([cup_x, 0.4, 0.0], unit_quat()),
    with ClientSaver(world.perception.client):
        for name, pose in initial_poses.items():
            point, quat = pose
            point[2] += stable_z(world.perception.sim_bodies[name], table_body) + Z_EPSILON
            world.perception.set_pose(name, point, quat)
    update_world(world, table_body)

    init = [
        #('Stackable', cup_name, purple_name, TOP),
        ('Stackable', cup_name, green_name, TOP),
        ('Stackable', green_name, purple_name, TOP),
    goal = [
        #('On', cup_name, purple_name, TOP),
        ('On', cup_name, green_name, TOP),
        ('On', green_name, purple_name, TOP),
    task = Task(init=init, goal=goal, arms=arms)

    return world, task
def test_shelves(visualize):
    arms = [LEFT_ARM]
    # TODO: smaller (2) shelves
    # TODO: sample with respect to the link it will supported by
    # shelves.off | shelves_points.off | tableShelves.off
    # import os
    # data_directory = '/Users/caelan/Programs/LIS/git/lis-data/meshes/'
    # mesh = read_mesh_off(os.path.join(data_directory, 'tableShelves.off'))
    # draw_mesh(mesh)
    # wait_for_interrupt()
    start_link = 'shelf2' # shelf1 | shelf2 | shelf3 | shelf4
    end_link = 'shelf1'

    shelf_name = 'two_shelves'
    #shelf_name = 'three_shelves'
    cup_name = create_name('bluecup', 1)

    world, table_body = create_world([shelf_name, cup_name], visualize=visualize)
    cup_x = 0.65
    #shelf_x = 0.8
    shelf_x = 0.75

    initial_poses = {
        shelf_name: ([shelf_x, 0.3, 0.0], quat_from_euler(Euler(yaw=-np.pi/2))),
        #cup_name: ([cup_x, 0.0, 0.0], unit_quat()),
    with ClientSaver(world.perception.client):
        for name, pose in initial_poses.items():
            point, quat = pose
            point[2] += stable_z(world.perception.sim_bodies[name], table_body) + Z_EPSILON
            world.perception.set_pose(name, point, quat)
        shelf_body = world.perception.sim_bodies[shelf_name]
        #print([str(get_link_name(shelf_body, link)) for link in get_links(shelf_body)])
        #print([str(get_link_name(shelf_body, link)) for link in get_links(world.perception.sim_bodies[cup_name])])
        #shelf_link = None
        shelf_link = link_from_name(shelf_body, start_link)
        cup_z = stable_z(world.perception.sim_bodies[cup_name], shelf_body, surface_link=shelf_link) + Z_EPSILON
        world.perception.set_pose(cup_name, [cup_x, 0.1, cup_z], unit_quat())
    update_world(world, table_body, camera_point=np.array([-0.5, -1, 1.5]))

    init = [
        ('Stackable', cup_name, shelf_name, end_link),
    goal = [
        ('On', cup_name, shelf_name, end_link),
        #('On', cup_name, TABLE_NAME, TOP),
        #('Holding', cup_name),
    task = Task(init=init, goal=goal, arms=arms)

    return world, task
    def gen_fn(index, pose, grasp):
        body = brick_from_index[index].body
        set_pose(body, pose.value)

        obstacles = list(obstacle_from_name.values())  # + [body]
        collision_fn = get_collision_fn(
        attach_pose = multiply(pose.value, invert(grasp.attach))
        approach_pose = multiply(attach_pose, (approach_vector, unit_quat()))
        # approach_pose = multiply(pose.value, invert(grasp.approach))
        for _ in range(max_attempts):
            if USE_IKFAST:
                attach_conf = sample_tool_ik(robot, attach_pose)
                set_joint_positions(robot, movable_joints,
                                    sample_fn())  # Random seed
                attach_conf = inverse_kinematics(robot, tool_link, attach_pose)
            if (attach_conf is None) or collision_fn(attach_conf):
            set_joint_positions(robot, movable_joints, attach_conf)
            #if USE_IKFAST:
            #    approach_conf = sample_tool_ik(robot, approach_pose, nearby_conf=attach_conf)
            approach_conf = inverse_kinematics(robot, tool_link, approach_pose)
            if (approach_conf is None) or collision_fn(approach_conf):
            set_joint_positions(robot, movable_joints, approach_conf)
            path = plan_direct_joint_motion(
            if path is None:  # TODO: retreat
            #path = [approach_conf, attach_conf]
            attachment = Attachment(robot, tool_link, grasp.attach, body)
            traj = MotionTrajectory(robot,
            yield approach_conf, traj
def test_clutter(visualize, num_blocks=5, num_beads=0):
    arms = [LEFT_ARM]
    cup_name = create_name('bluecup', 1)
    bowl_name = create_name('bowl', 1) # bowl | cup_7
    clutter = [create_name('greenblock', i) for i in range(num_blocks)]

    world, table_body = create_world([cup_name, bowl_name] + clutter, visualize=visualize)
    with ClientSaver(world.perception.client):
        cup_z = stable_z(world.perception.sim_bodies[cup_name], table_body) + Z_EPSILON
        bowl_z = stable_z(world.perception.sim_bodies[bowl_name], table_body) + Z_EPSILON
        block_z = None
        if 0 < num_blocks:
            block_z = stable_z(world.perception.sim_bodies[clutter[0]], table_body)

    # TODO(lagrassa): first pose collides with the bowl
    xy_poses = [(0.6, -0.1), (0.5, -0.2), (0.6, 0.11), (0.45, 0.12), (0.5, 0.3), (0.7, 0.3)]
    world.perception.set_pose(cup_name, Point(0.6, 0.2, cup_z), unit_quat())
    world.perception.set_pose(bowl_name, Point(0.6, -0.1, bowl_z), unit_quat())
    #if 0 < num_beads:
    #    world.perception.add_beads(cup_name, num_beads, bead_radius=0.007, bead_mass=0.005)
    if block_z is not None:
        clutter_poses = [np.append(xy, block_z) for xy in reversed(xy_poses)]
        for obj, pose in zip(clutter, clutter_poses):
            world.perception.set_pose(obj, pose, unit_quat())
    update_world(world, table_body)

    #init = [('Graspable', name) for name in [cup_name, bowl_name] + clutter]
    init = [
        ('Contains', cup_name, COFFEE),
    goal = [
        ('Contains', bowl_name, COFFEE),
    task = Task(init=init, goal=goal, arms=arms)

    return world, task
def test_cook(visualize):
    # TODO: can also disable collision bodies for stove & placemat
    arms = [LEFT_ARM]
    broccoli_name = 'greenblock'
    stove_name = 'stove'
    placemat_name = 'placemat'
    button_name = 'button'

    items = [stove_name, button_name, placemat_name, broccoli_name]
    world, table_body = create_world(items,  visualize=visualize)
    update_world(world, table_body)

    initial_poses = {
        broccoli_name: ([-0.1, 0.0, 0.0], z_rotation(np.pi/2)),
        stove_name: (STOVE_POSITION, unit_quat()),
        placemat_name: (PLACEMAT_POSITION, unit_quat()),
        button_name: (BUTTON_POSITION, unit_quat()),
    with ClientSaver(world.perception.client):
        for name, local_pose in initial_poses.items():
            world_pose = multiply(TABLE_POSE, local_pose)
            #z = stable_z(world.perception.sim_bodies[name], table_body) # Slightly above world_pose
            world.perception.set_pose(name, *world_pose)

    init = [
        ('IsButton', button_name, stove_name),
        ('Stackable', broccoli_name, stove_name, TOP),
        ('Stackable', broccoli_name, placemat_name, TOP),
    goal = [
        ('Cooked', broccoli_name),
        ('On', broccoli_name, placemat_name, TOP),
    task = Task(init=init, goal=goal, arms=arms)

    return world, task
from plan_tools.planner import Task
from plan_tools.ros_world import ROSWorld
from plan_tools.samplers.grasp import hold_item
from pybullet_tools.pr2_utils import inverse_visibility, set_group_conf, arm_from_arm, \
    WIDE_LEFT_ARM, rightarm_from_leftarm, open_arm
from pybullet_tools.pr2_problems import create_floor
from pybullet_tools.utils import ClientSaver, get_point, unit_quat, unit_pose, link_from_name, draw_point, \
    HideOutput, stable_z, quat_from_euler, Euler, set_camera_pose, z_rotation, multiply, \
    get_quat, create_mesh, set_point, set_quat, set_pose, wait_for_user, \
    get_visual_data, read_obj, BASE_LINK, \
    approximate_as_prism, Pose, draw_mesh, rectangular_mesh, apply_alpha, Point

TABLE_NAME = create_name(TABLE, 1)

# TODO: randomly sample from interval
TABLE_POSE = ([0.55, 0.0, 0.735], unit_quat())

Z_EPSILON = 1e-3

STOVE_POSITION = np.array([0.0, 0.4, 0.0])
PLACEMAT_POSITION = np.array([0.1, 0.0, 0.0])
BUTTON_POSITION = STOVE_POSITION - np.array([0.15, 0.0, 0.0])
TORSO_POSITION = 0.325 # TODO: maintain average distance betweeen pr2 and table

CAMERA_OPTICAL_FRAME = 'head_mount_kinect_rgb_optical_frame'
CAMERA_FRAME = 'head_mount_kinect_rgb_link'
#CAMERA_FRAME = 'high_def_frame'
#CAMERA_OPTICAL_FRAME = 'high_def_optical_frame'

#VIEWER_POINT = np.array([1.25, -0.5, 1.25]) # Angled
VIEWER_POINT = np.array([1.25, 0., 1.25]) # Wide
文件: common.py 项目: lyltc1/LTAMP
def lookup_orientation(name, quat_from_model):
    for model, quat in quat_from_model.items():
        if is_obj_type(name, model):
            return quat
    return unit_quat()
def load_pick_and_place(extrusion_name, scale=MILLIMETER, max_bricks=6):
    assert extrusion_name == 'choreo_brick_demo'
    root_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    bricks_directory = os.path.join(root_directory, PICKNPLACE_DIRECTORY,
    print('Name: {}'.format(extrusion_name))
    with open(
                         PICKNPLACE_FILENAMES[extrusion_name]), 'r') as f:
        json_data = json.loads(f.read())

    kuka_urdf = '../conrob_pybullet/models/kuka_kr6_r900/urdf/kuka_kr6_r900_mit_suction_gripper.urdf'
    obj_directory = os.path.join(bricks_directory, 'meshes', 'collision')
    with HideOutput():
        #world = load_pybullet(os.path.join(bricks_directory, 'urdf', 'brick_demo.urdf'))
        robot = load_pybullet(os.path.join(root_directory, kuka_urdf),
    #set_point(robot, (0.14, 0, 0))

    pick_base_point = parse_point(json_data['pick_base_center_point'])
    draw_pose((pick_base_point, unit_quat()))
    place_base_point = parse_point(json_data['place_base_center_point'])
    draw_pose((place_base_point, unit_quat()))

    # workspace_geo_place_support_object_11 = pick_left_over_bricks_11
    obstacle_from_name = {}
    for filename in json_data['pick_support_surface_file_names']:
        obstacle_from_name[strip_extension(filename)] = \
            create_obj(os.path.join(obj_directory, filename), scale=scale, color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1))
    for filename in json_data['place_support_surface_file_names']:
        obstacle_from_name[strip_extension(filename)] = \
            create_obj(os.path.join(obj_directory, filename), scale=scale, color=(1., 0., 0., 1))

    brick_from_index = {}
    for json_element in json_data['sequenced_elements']:
        index = json_element['order_id']
        pick_body = create_obj(os.path.join(
            obj_directory, json_element['pick_element_geometry_file_name']),
                               color=(0, 0, 1, 1))
        add_body_name(pick_body, index)
        #place_body = create_obj(os.path.join(obj_directory, json_element['place_element_geometry_file_name']),
        #                        scale=scale, color=(0, 1, 0, 1))
        #add_body_name(place_body, name)
        world_from_obj_pick = get_pose(pick_body)

        # [u'pick_grasp_plane', u'pick_grasp_retreat_plane', u'place_grasp_retreat_plane',
        #  u'pick_grasp_approach_plane', u'place_grasp_approach_plane', u'place_grasp_plane']
        ee_grasp_poses = [{
            name: pose_from_tform(parse_transform(approach))
            for name, approach in json_grasp.items()
        } for json_grasp in json_element['grasps']]

        # pick_grasp_plane is at the top of the object with z facing downwards
        grasp_index = 0
        world_from_ee_pick = ee_grasp_poses[grasp_index]['pick_grasp_plane']
        world_from_ee_place = ee_grasp_poses[grasp_index]['place_grasp_plane']
        #draw_pose(world_from_ee_pick, length=0.04)
        #draw_pose(world_from_ee_place, length=0.04)

        ee_from_obj = multiply(invert(world_from_ee_pick),
                               world_from_obj_pick)  # Using pick frame
        world_from_obj_place = multiply(world_from_ee_place, ee_from_obj)
        #set_pose(pick_body, world_from_obj_place)

        grasps = [
                index, num, *[
                             world_from_obj_pick) for name in GRASP_NAMES
                ]) for num, world_from_ee_pick in enumerate(ee_grasp_poses)
        brick_from_index[index] = Brick(
            initial_pose=WorldPose(index, world_from_obj_pick),
            goal_pose=WorldPose(index, world_from_obj_place),
            goal_supports=json_element.get('place_contact_ngh_ids', []))
        # pick_contact_ngh_ids are movable element contact partial orders
        # pick_support_surface_file_names are fixed element contact partial orders

    return robot, brick_from_index, obstacle_from_name
def main(floor_width=2.0):
    # Creates a pybullet world and a visualizer for it
    identity_pose = (unit_point(), unit_quat())
    origin_handles = draw_pose(
        identity_pose, length=1.0
    )  # Draws the origin coordinate system (x:RED, y:GREEN, z:BLUE)

    # Bodies are described by an integer index
    floor = create_box(w=floor_width, l=floor_width, h=0.001,
                       color=TAN)  # Creates a tan box object for the floor
              [0, 0, -0.001 / 2.])  # Sets the [x,y,z] translation of the floor

    obstacle = create_box(w=0.5, l=0.5, h=0.1,
                          color=RED)  # Creates a red box obstacle
        [0.5, 0.5, 0.1 / 2.])  # Sets the [x,y,z] position of the obstacle
    print('Position:', get_point(obstacle))
              [0, 0, np.pi / 4
               ])  #  Sets the [roll,pitch,yaw] orientation of the obstacle
    print('Orientation:', get_euler(obstacle))

    with LockRenderer(
    ):  # Temporarily prevents the renderer from updating for improved loading efficiency
        with HideOutput():  # Temporarily suppresses pybullet output
            robot = load_model(ROOMBA_URDF)  # Loads a robot from a *.urdf file
            robot_z = stable_z(
                robot, floor
            )  # Returns the z offset required for robot to be placed on floor
                      [0, 0, robot_z])  # Sets the z position of the robot
    dump_body(robot)  # Prints joint and link information about robot

    # Joints are also described by an integer index
    # The turtlebot has explicit joints representing x, y, theta
    x_joint = joint_from_name(robot, 'x')  # Looks up the robot joint named 'x'
    y_joint = joint_from_name(robot, 'y')  # Looks up the robot joint named 'y'
    theta_joint = joint_from_name(
        robot, 'theta')  # Looks up the robot joint named 'theta'
    joints = [x_joint, y_joint, theta_joint]

    base_link = link_from_name(
        robot, 'base_link')  # Looks up the robot link named 'base_link'
    world_from_obstacle = get_pose(
    )  # Returns the pose of the origin of obstacle wrt the world frame
    obstacle_aabb = get_subtree_aabb(obstacle)

    random.seed(0)  # Sets the random number generator state
    handles = []
    for i in range(10):
        for handle in handles:
        print('\nIteration: {}'.format(i))
        x = random.uniform(-floor_width / 2., floor_width / 2.)
        set_joint_position(robot, x_joint,
                           x)  # Sets the current value of the x joint
        y = random.uniform(-floor_width / 2., floor_width / 2.)
        set_joint_position(robot, y_joint,
                           y)  # Sets the current value of the y joint
        yaw = random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)
        set_joint_position(robot, theta_joint,
                           yaw)  # Sets the current value of the theta joint
        values = get_joint_positions(
            joints)  # Obtains the current values for the specified joints
        print('Joint values: [x={:.3f}, y={:.3f}, yaw={:.3f}]'.format(*values))

        world_from_robot = get_link_pose(
            base_link)  # Returns the pose of base_link wrt the world frame
        position, quaternion = world_from_robot  # Decomposing pose into position and orientation (quaternion)
        x, y, z = position  # Decomposing position into x, y, z
        print('Base link position: [x={:.3f}, y={:.3f}, z={:.3f}]'.format(
            x, y, z))
        euler = euler_from_quat(
            quaternion)  # Converting from quaternion to euler angles
        roll, pitch, yaw = euler  # Decomposing orientation into roll, pitch, yaw
        print('Base link orientation: [roll={:.3f}, pitch={:.3f}, yaw={:.3f}]'.
              format(roll, pitch, yaw))
            draw_pose(world_from_robot, length=0.5)
        )  # # Draws the base coordinate system (x:RED, y:GREEN, z:BLUE)
        obstacle_from_robot = multiply(
            world_from_robot)  # Relative transformation from robot to obstacle

        robot_aabb = get_subtree_aabb(
            base_link)  # Computes the robot's axis-aligned bounding box (AABB)
        lower, upper = robot_aabb  # Decomposing the AABB into the lower and upper extrema
        center = (lower + upper) / 2.  # Computing the center of the AABB
        extent = upper - lower  # Computing the dimensions of the AABB

        collision = pairwise_collision(
            robot, obstacle
        )  # Checks whether robot is currently colliding with obstacle
        print('Collision: {}'.format(collision))
        wait_for_duration(1.0)  # Like sleep() but also updates the viewer
    wait_for_user()  # Like raw_input() but also updates the viewer

    # Destroys the pybullet world
def eval_task_with_seed(domain,
    if task_lengthscale is not None:
        learner.task_lengthscale = task_lengthscale

    print('sample a new task')
    current_wd, trial_wd = start_task()

    ### fill in additional object
    item_ranges = {}
    sim_world, collector, task, feature, evalfunc, saver = sample_task_with_seed(
        domain.skill, seed=seed, visualize=False, item_ranges=item_ranges)

    context = domain.context_from_feature(feature)
    print('context=', *context)
    # create coffee machine
    if obstacle:
        bowl_name = 'bowl'
        cup_name = 'cup'
        if domain.skill == 'scoop':
            cup_name = 'spoon'
        for key in sim_world.perception.sim_bodies:
            if bowl_name in key:
                bowl_name = key
            if cup_name in key:
                cup_name = key

        cylinder_size = (.01, .03)
        dim_bowl = get_aabb_extent(
        dim_cup = get_aabb_extent(
        bowl_point = get_point(sim_world.perception.sim_bodies[bowl_name])
        bowl_point = np.array(bowl_point)
        cylinder_point = bowl_point.copy()
        cylinder_offset = 1.2
        if domain.skill == 'scoop':
            cylinder_offset = 1.6
        cylinder_point[2] += (dim_bowl[2] + dim_cup[2]) * (np.random.random_sample() * .4 + cylinder_offset) \
                             + cylinder_size[1] / 2.
        # TODO figure out the task space
        cylinder_name = create_name('cylinder', 1)
        obstacle = create_cylinder(*cylinder_size, color=(0, 0, 0, 1))
        INFO_FROM_BODY[(CLIENT, obstacle)] = ModelInfo(cylinder_name,
                                                       cylinder_size, 1, 1)
        sim_world.perception.sim_bodies[cylinder_name] = obstacle
        sim_world.perception.sim_items[cylinder_name] = None
        set_pose(obstacle, (cylinder_point, unit_quat()))

        box_name = create_name('box', 1)
        box1_size = (max(.17,
                         dim_bowl[0] / 2 + cylinder_size[0] * 2), 0.01, 0.01)
        if domain.skill == 'scoop':
            box1_size = (max(.23,
                             dim_bowl[0] / 2 + cylinder_size[0] * 2 + 0.05),
                         0.01, 0.01)
        obstacle = create_box(*box1_size)
        INFO_FROM_BODY[(CLIENT, obstacle)] = ModelInfo(box_name, box1_size, 1,
        sim_world.perception.sim_bodies[box_name] = obstacle
        sim_world.perception.sim_items[box_name] = None
        box1_point = cylinder_point.copy()
        box1_point[2] += cylinder_size[1] / 2 + box1_size[2] / 2
        box1_point[0] += box1_size[0] / 2 - cylinder_size[0] * 2
        set_pose(obstacle, (box1_point, unit_quat()))

        box_name = create_name('box', 2)
        box2_size = (0.01, .01,
                     box1_point[2] - bowl_point[2] + box1_size[2] / 2)
        obstacle = create_box(*box2_size)
        INFO_FROM_BODY[(CLIENT, obstacle)] = ModelInfo(box_name, box2_size, 1,
        sim_world.perception.sim_bodies[box_name] = obstacle
        sim_world.perception.sim_items[box_name] = None
        box2_point = bowl_point.copy()
        box2_point[2] += box2_size[2] / 2
        box2_point[0] = box1_point[0] + box1_size[0] / 2
        set_pose(obstacle, (box2_point, unit_quat()))

    result = get_sample_strategy_result(sample_strategy, learner, context,
                                        sim_world, collector, task, feature,
                                        evalfunc, saver)
    print('context=', *context)
    complete_task(sim_world, current_wd, trial_wd)
    return result