    def load(self):
        """Load all possible cache details.

        Use full cache details page. Therefore all possible properties are filled in, but the
        loading is a bit slow.

        If you want to load basic details about a PM only cache, the :class:`.PMOnlyException` is
        still thrown, but avaliable details are filled in. If you know, that the cache you are
        loading is PM only, please consider using :meth:`load_quick` as it will load the same
        details, but quicker.

        .. note::
           This method is called automatically when you access a property which isn't yet filled in
           (so-called "lazy loading"). You don't have to call it explicitly.

        :raise .PMOnlyException: If cache is PM only and current user is basic member.
        :raise .LoadError: If cache loading fails (probably because of not existing cache).
            # pick url based on what info we have right now
            if hasattr(self, "url"):
                root = self.geocaching._request(self.url)
            elif hasattr(self, "_wp"):
                root = self.geocaching._request("seek/cache_details.aspx", params={"wp": self._wp})
                raise errors.LoadError("Cache lacks info for loading")
        except errors.Error as e:
            # probably 404 during cache loading - cache not exists
            raise errors.LoadError("Error in loading cache") from e

        # check for PM only caches if using free account
        self.pm_only = root.find("section", "pmo-banner") is not None

        cache_details = root.find(id="ctl00_divContentMain") if self.pm_only else root.find(id="cacheDetails")

        # details also avaliable for basic members for PM only caches -----------------------------

        if self.pm_only:
            self.wp = cache_details.find("li", "li__gccode").text.strip()

            self.name = cache_details.find("h1").text.strip()

            author = cache_details.find(id="ctl00_ContentBody_uxCacheBy").text
            self.author = author[len("A cache by "):]

            # parse cache detail list into a python list
            details = cache_details.find("ul", "ul__hide-details").text.split("\n")

            self.difficulty = float(details[2])

            self.terrain = float(details[5])

            self.size = Size.from_string(details[8])

            self.favorites = int(details[11])
            # parse from <title> - get first word
                self.wp = root.title.string.split(" ")[0]
                raise errors.LoadError
            self.name = cache_details.find("h2").text

            self.author = cache_details("a")[1].text

            size = root.find("div", "CacheSize")

            D_and_T_img = root.find("div", "CacheStarLabels").find_all("img")

            size = size.find("img").get("src")  # size img src
            size = size.split("/")[-1].rsplit(".", 1)[0]  # filename w/o extension
            self.size = Size.from_filename(size)

            self.difficulty, self.terrain = [float(img.get("alt").split()[0]) for img in D_and_T_img]

        type = cache_details.find("img").get("src")  # type img src
        type = type.split("/")[-1].rsplit(".", 1)[0]  # filename w/o extension
        self.type = Type.from_filename(type)

        if self.pm_only:
            raise errors.PMOnlyException()

        # details not avaliable for basic members for PM only caches ------------------------------
        pm_only_warning = root.find("p", "Warning NoBottomSpacing")
        self.pm_only = pm_only_warning and ("Premium Member Only" in pm_only_warning.text) or False

        attributes_widget, inventory_widget, *_ = root.find_all("div", "CacheDetailNavigationWidget")

        hidden = cache_details.find("div", "minorCacheDetails").find_all("div")[1].text
        self.hidden = parse_date(hidden.split(":")[-1])

        self.location = Point.from_string(root.find(id="uxLatLon").text)

        self.state = root.find("ul", "OldWarning") is None

        found = root.find("div", "FoundStatus")
        self.found = found and ("Found It!" or "Attended" in found.text) or False

        attributes_raw = attributes_widget.find_all("img")
        attributes_raw = [_.get("src").split("/")[-1].rsplit("-", 1) for _ in attributes_raw]

        self.attributes = {attribute_name: appendix.startswith("yes") for attribute_name, appendix
                           in attributes_raw if not appendix.startswith("blank")}

        user_content = root.find_all("div", "UserSuppliedContent")
        self.summary = user_content[0].text
        self.description = str(user_content[1])

        self.hint = rot13(root.find(id="div_hint").text.strip())

        favorites = root.find("span", "favorite-value")
        self.favorites = 0 if favorites is None else int(favorites.text)

        self._log_page_url = root.find(id="ctl00_ContentBody_GeoNav_logButton")["href"]

        js_content = "\n".join(map(lambda i: i.text, root.find_all("script")))
        self._logbook_token = re.findall("userToken\\s*=\\s*'([^']+)'", js_content)[0]
        # find original location if any
        if "oldLatLng\":" in js_content:
            old_lat_long = js_content.split("oldLatLng\":")[1].split(']')[0].split('[')[1]
            self.original_location = Point(old_lat_long)
            self.original_location = None

        # if there are some trackables
        if len(inventory_widget.find_all("a")) >= 3:
            trackable_page_url = inventory_widget.find(id="ctl00_ContentBody_uxTravelBugList_uxViewAllTrackableItems")
            self._trackable_page_url = trackable_page_url.get("href")[3:]  # has "../" on start
            self._trackable_page_url = None

        logging.debug("Cache loaded: {}".format(self))
 def test_rot13(self):
     self.assertEqual(rot13("Text"), "Grkg")
     self.assertEqual(rot13("abc'ř"), "nop'ř")