    def __init__(self,
        """ Create a matched filter engine.

        low_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional
            The frequency to begin the filter calculation. If None, begin at the
            first frequency after DC.
        high_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional
            The frequency to stop the filter calculation. If None, continue to the
            the nyquist frequency.
        snr_threshold : float
            The minimum snr to return when filtering
        segment_list : list
            List of FrequencySeries that are the Fourier-transformed data segments
        template_output : complex64
            Array of memory given as the 'out' parameter to waveform.FilterBank
        use_cluster : boolean
            If true, cluster triggers above threshold using a window; otherwise,
            only apply a threshold.
        downsample_factor : {1, int}, optional
            The factor by which to reduce the sample rate when doing a heirarchical
            matched filter
        upsample_threshold : {1, float}, optional
            The fraction of the snr_threshold to trigger on the subsampled filter.
        upsample_method : {pruned_fft, str}
            The method to upsample or interpolate the reduced rate filter.
        # Assuming analysis time is constant across templates and segments, also
        # delta_f is constant across segments.
        self.tlen = tlen
        self.flen = self.tlen / 2 + 1
        self.delta_f = delta_f
        self.dtype = dtype
        self.snr_threshold = snr_threshold
        self.flow = low_frequency_cutoff
        self.fhigh = high_frequency_cutoff
        self.gpu_callback_method = gpu_callback_method

        if downsample_factor == 1:
            self.snr_mem = zeros(self.tlen, dtype=self.dtype)
            self.corr_mem = zeros(self.tlen, dtype=self.dtype)
            self.segments = segment_list

            if use_cluster:
                self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.full_matched_filter_and_cluster
                # setup the threasholding/clustering operations for each segment
                self.threshold_and_clusterers = []
                for seg in self.segments:
                    thresh = events.ThresholdCluster(self.snr_mem[seg.analyze])
                self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.full_matched_filter_thresh_only

            # Assuming analysis time is constant across templates and segments, also
            # delta_f is constant across segments.
            self.htilde = template_output
            self.kmin, self.kmax = get_cutoff_indices(self.flow, self.fhigh,
                                                      self.delta_f, self.tlen)

            # Set up the correlation operations for each analysis segment
            corr_slice = slice(self.kmin, self.kmax)
            self.correlators = []
            for seg in self.segments:
                corr = Correlator(self.htilde[corr_slice], seg[corr_slice],

            # setup up the ifft we will do
            self.ifft = IFFT(self.corr_mem, self.snr_mem)

        elif downsample_factor >= 1:
            self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.heirarchical_matched_filter_and_cluster
            self.downsample_factor = downsample_factor
            self.upsample_method = upsample_method
            self.upsample_threshold = upsample_threshold

            N_full = self.tlen
            N_red = N_full / downsample_factor
            self.kmin_full, self.kmax_full = get_cutoff_indices(
                self.flow, self.fhigh, self.delta_f, N_full)

            self.kmin_red, _ = get_cutoff_indices(self.flow, self.fhigh,
                                                  self.delta_f, N_red)

            if self.kmax_full < N_red:
                self.kmax_red = self.kmax_full
                self.kmax_red = N_red - 1

            self.snr_mem = zeros(N_red, dtype=self.dtype)
            self.corr_mem_full = FrequencySeries(zeros(N_full,
            self.corr_mem = Array(self.corr_mem_full[0:N_red], copy=False)
            self.inter_vec = zeros(N_full, dtype=self.dtype)

            raise ValueError("Invalid downsample factor")
class MatchedFilterControl(object):
    def __init__(self,
        """ Create a matched filter engine.

        low_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional
            The frequency to begin the filter calculation. If None, begin at the
            first frequency after DC.
        high_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional
            The frequency to stop the filter calculation. If None, continue to the
            the nyquist frequency.
        snr_threshold : float
            The minimum snr to return when filtering
        segment_list : list
            List of FrequencySeries that are the Fourier-transformed data segments
        template_output : complex64
            Array of memory given as the 'out' parameter to waveform.FilterBank
        use_cluster : boolean
            If true, cluster triggers above threshold using a window; otherwise,
            only apply a threshold.
        downsample_factor : {1, int}, optional
            The factor by which to reduce the sample rate when doing a heirarchical
            matched filter
        upsample_threshold : {1, float}, optional
            The fraction of the snr_threshold to trigger on the subsampled filter.
        upsample_method : {pruned_fft, str}
            The method to upsample or interpolate the reduced rate filter.
        # Assuming analysis time is constant across templates and segments, also
        # delta_f is constant across segments.
        self.tlen = tlen
        self.flen = self.tlen / 2 + 1
        self.delta_f = delta_f
        self.dtype = dtype
        self.snr_threshold = snr_threshold
        self.flow = low_frequency_cutoff
        self.fhigh = high_frequency_cutoff
        self.gpu_callback_method = gpu_callback_method

        if downsample_factor == 1:
            self.snr_mem = zeros(self.tlen, dtype=self.dtype)
            self.corr_mem = zeros(self.tlen, dtype=self.dtype)
            self.segments = segment_list

            if use_cluster:
                self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.full_matched_filter_and_cluster
                # setup the threasholding/clustering operations for each segment
                self.threshold_and_clusterers = []
                for seg in self.segments:
                    thresh = events.ThresholdCluster(self.snr_mem[seg.analyze])
                self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.full_matched_filter_thresh_only

            # Assuming analysis time is constant across templates and segments, also
            # delta_f is constant across segments.
            self.htilde = template_output
            self.kmin, self.kmax = get_cutoff_indices(self.flow, self.fhigh,
                                                      self.delta_f, self.tlen)

            # Set up the correlation operations for each analysis segment
            corr_slice = slice(self.kmin, self.kmax)
            self.correlators = []
            for seg in self.segments:
                corr = Correlator(self.htilde[corr_slice], seg[corr_slice],

            # setup up the ifft we will do
            self.ifft = IFFT(self.corr_mem, self.snr_mem)

        elif downsample_factor >= 1:
            self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.heirarchical_matched_filter_and_cluster
            self.downsample_factor = downsample_factor
            self.upsample_method = upsample_method
            self.upsample_threshold = upsample_threshold

            N_full = self.tlen
            N_red = N_full / downsample_factor
            self.kmin_full, self.kmax_full = get_cutoff_indices(
                self.flow, self.fhigh, self.delta_f, N_full)

            self.kmin_red, _ = get_cutoff_indices(self.flow, self.fhigh,
                                                  self.delta_f, N_red)

            if self.kmax_full < N_red:
                self.kmax_red = self.kmax_full
                self.kmax_red = N_red - 1

            self.snr_mem = zeros(N_red, dtype=self.dtype)
            self.corr_mem_full = FrequencySeries(zeros(N_full,
            self.corr_mem = Array(self.corr_mem_full[0:N_red], copy=False)
            self.inter_vec = zeros(N_full, dtype=self.dtype)

            raise ValueError("Invalid downsample factor")

    def full_matched_filter_and_cluster(self, segnum, template_norm, window):
        """ Return the complex snr and normalization.

        Calculated the matched filter, threshold, and cluster.

        segnum : int
            Index into the list of segments at MatchedFilterControl construction
            against which to filter.
        template_norm : float
            The htilde, template normalization factor.
        window : int
            Size of the window over which to cluster triggers, in samples

        snr : TimeSeries
            A time series containing the complex snr.
        norm : float
            The normalization of the complex snr.
        corrrelation: FrequencySeries
            A frequency series containing the correlation vector.
        idx : Array
            List of indices of the triggers.
        snrv : Array
            The snr values at the trigger locations.
        norm = (4.0 * self.delta_f) / sqrt(template_norm)
        snrv, idx = self.threshold_and_clusterers[
            segnum].threshold_and_cluster(self.snr_threshold / norm, window)

        if len(idx) == 0:
            return [], [], [], [], []

        logging.info("%s points above threshold" % str(len(idx)))
        return self.snr_mem, norm, self.corr_mem, idx, snrv

    def full_matched_filter_thresh_only(self, segnum, template_norm, window):
        """ Return the complex snr and normalization.

        Calculated the matched filter, threshold, and cluster.

        segnum : int
            Index into the list of segments at MatchedFilterControl construction
            against which to filter.
        template_norm : float
            The htilde, template normalization factor.
        window : int
            Size of the window over which to cluster triggers, in samples.
            This is IGNORED by this function, and provided only for API compatibility.

        snr : TimeSeries
            A time series containing the complex snr.
        norm : float
            The normalization of the complex snr.
        corrrelation: FrequencySeries
            A frequency series containing the correlation vector.
        idx : Array
            List of indices of the triggers.
        snrv : Array
            The snr values at the trigger locations.
        norm = (4.0 * self.stilde_delta_f) / sqrt(template_norm)
        snrv, idx = events.threshold_only(
            self.snr_threshold / norm)

        if len(idx) == 0:
            return [], [], [], [], []

        logging.info("%s points above threshold" % str(len(idx)))
        return self.snr_mem, norm, self.corr_mem, idx, snrv

    def heirarchical_matched_filter_and_cluster(self, htilde, template_norm,
                                                stilde, window):
        """ Return the complex snr and normalization. 
        Calculated the matched filter, threshold, and cluster. 

        htilde : FrequencySeries 
            The template waveform. Must come from the FilterBank class.
        template_norm : float
            The htilde, template normalization factor.
        stilde : FrequencySeries 
            The strain data to be filtered.
        window : int
            The size of the cluster window in samples.

        snr : TimeSeries
            A time series containing the complex snr at the reduced sample rate.
        norm : float
            The normalization of the complex snr.  
        corrrelation: FrequencySeries
            A frequency series containing the correlation vector. 
        idx : Array
            List of indices of the triggers.
        snrv : Array
            The snr values at the trigger locations.
        from pycbc.fft.fftw_pruned import pruned_c2cifft, fft_transpose

        norm = (4.0 * stilde.delta_f) / sqrt(template_norm)


        ifft(self.corr_mem, self.snr_mem)

        if not hasattr(stilde, 'red_analyze'):
            stilde.red_analyze = \

        idx_red, snrv_red = events.threshold(
            self.snr_threshold / norm * self.upsample_threshold)
        if len(idx_red) == 0:
            return [], None, [], [], []

        idx_red, _ = events.cluster_reduce(idx_red, snrv_red,
                                           window / self.downsample_factor)
        logging.info("%s points above threshold at reduced resolution"\

        # The fancy upsampling is here
        if self.upsample_method == 'pruned_fft':
            idx = (idx_red + stilde.analyze.start/self.downsample_factor)\
                   * self.downsample_factor

            idx = smear(idx, self.downsample_factor)

            # cache transposed  versions of htilde and stilde
            if not hasattr(self.corr_mem_full, 'transposed'):
                self.corr_mem_full.transposed = zeros(len(self.corr_mem_full),

            if not hasattr(htilde, 'transposed'):
                htilde.transposed = zeros(len(self.corr_mem_full),
                htilde.transposed[self.kmin_full:self.kmax_full] = htilde[
                htilde.transposed = fft_transpose(htilde.transposed)

            if not hasattr(stilde, 'transposed'):
                stilde.transposed = zeros(len(self.corr_mem_full),
                stilde.transposed[self.kmin_full:self.kmax_full] = stilde[
                stilde.transposed = fft_transpose(stilde.transposed)

            correlate(htilde.transposed, stilde.transposed,
            snrv = pruned_c2cifft(self.corr_mem_full.transposed,
            idx = idx - stilde.analyze.start
            idx2, snrv = events.threshold(Array(snrv, copy=False),
                                          self.snr_threshold / norm)

            if len(idx2) > 0:
                idx, snrv = events.cluster_reduce(idx[idx2], snrv, window)
                idx, snrv = [], []

            logging.info("%s points at full rate and clustering" % len(idx))
            return self.snr_mem, norm, self.corr_mem_full, idx, snrv
            raise ValueError("Invalid upsample method")
    def __init__(self, low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff, snr_threshold, tlen,
                 delta_f, dtype, segment_list, template_output, use_cluster,
                 downsample_factor=1, upsample_threshold=1, upsample_method='pruned_fft',
                 gpu_callback_method='none', cluster_function='symmetric'):
        """ Create a matched filter engine.

        low_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional
            The frequency to begin the filter calculation. If None, begin at the
            first frequency after DC.
        high_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional
            The frequency to stop the filter calculation. If None, continue to the
            the nyquist frequency.
        snr_threshold : float
            The minimum snr to return when filtering
        segment_list : list
            List of FrequencySeries that are the Fourier-transformed data segments
        template_output : complex64
            Array of memory given as the 'out' parameter to waveform.FilterBank
        use_cluster : boolean
            If true, cluster triggers above threshold using a window; otherwise,
            only apply a threshold.
        downsample_factor : {1, int}, optional
            The factor by which to reduce the sample rate when doing a heirarchical
            matched filter
        upsample_threshold : {1, float}, optional
            The fraction of the snr_threshold to trigger on the subsampled filter.
        upsample_method : {pruned_fft, str}
            The method to upsample or interpolate the reduced rate filter.
        cluster_function : {symmetric, str}, optional
            Which method is used to cluster triggers over time. If 'findchirp', a
            sliding forward window; if 'symmetric', each window's peak is compared
            to the windows before and after it, and only kept as a trigger if larger
            than both.
        # Assuming analysis time is constant across templates and segments, also
        # delta_f is constant across segments.
        self.tlen = tlen
        self.flen = self.tlen / 2 + 1
        self.delta_f = delta_f
        self.dtype = dtype
        self.snr_threshold = snr_threshold
        self.flow = low_frequency_cutoff
        self.fhigh = high_frequency_cutoff
        self.gpu_callback_method = gpu_callback_method
        if cluster_function not in ['symmetric', 'findchirp']:
            raise ValueError("MatchedFilter: 'cluster_function' must be either 'symmetric' or 'findchirp'")
        self.cluster_function = cluster_function
        self.segments = segment_list
        self.htilde = template_output

        if downsample_factor == 1:
            self.snr_mem = zeros(self.tlen, dtype=self.dtype)
            self.corr_mem = zeros(self.tlen, dtype=self.dtype)

            if use_cluster and (cluster_function == 'symmetric'):
                self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.full_matched_filter_and_cluster_symm
                # setup the threasholding/clustering operations for each segment
                self.threshold_and_clusterers = []
                for seg in self.segments:
                    thresh = events.ThresholdCluster(self.snr_mem[seg.analyze])
            elif use_cluster and (cluster_function == 'findchirp'):
                self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.full_matched_filter_and_cluster_fc
                self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.full_matched_filter_thresh_only
            # Assuming analysis time is constant across templates and segments, also
            # delta_f is constant across segments.
            self.kmin, self.kmax = get_cutoff_indices(self.flow, self.fhigh, 
                                                      self.delta_f, self.tlen)   
            # Set up the correlation operations for each analysis segment
            corr_slice = slice(self.kmin, self.kmax)
            self.correlators = []      
            for seg in self.segments:
                corr = Correlator(self.htilde[corr_slice], 
            # setup up the ifft we will do
            self.ifft = IFFT(self.corr_mem, self.snr_mem)

        elif downsample_factor >= 1:
            self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.heirarchical_matched_filter_and_cluster
            self.downsample_factor = downsample_factor
            self.upsample_method = upsample_method
            self.upsample_threshold = upsample_threshold

            N_full = self.tlen
            N_red = N_full / downsample_factor
            self.kmin_full, self.kmax_full = get_cutoff_indices(self.flow,
                                              self.fhigh, self.delta_f, N_full)

            self.kmin_red, _ = get_cutoff_indices(self.flow,
                                                  self.fhigh, self.delta_f, N_red)

            if self.kmax_full < N_red:
                self.kmax_red = self.kmax_full
                self.kmax_red = N_red - 1

            self.snr_mem = zeros(N_red, dtype=self.dtype)
            self.corr_mem_full = FrequencySeries(zeros(N_full, dtype=self.dtype), delta_f=self.delta_f)
            self.corr_mem = Array(self.corr_mem_full[0:N_red], copy=False)
            self.inter_vec = zeros(N_full, dtype=self.dtype)

            raise ValueError("Invalid downsample factor")
class MatchedFilterControl(object):
    def __init__(self, low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff, snr_threshold, tlen,
                 delta_f, dtype, segment_list, template_output, use_cluster,
                 downsample_factor=1, upsample_threshold=1, upsample_method='pruned_fft',
                 gpu_callback_method='none', cluster_function='symmetric'):
        """ Create a matched filter engine.

        low_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional
            The frequency to begin the filter calculation. If None, begin at the
            first frequency after DC.
        high_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional
            The frequency to stop the filter calculation. If None, continue to the
            the nyquist frequency.
        snr_threshold : float
            The minimum snr to return when filtering
        segment_list : list
            List of FrequencySeries that are the Fourier-transformed data segments
        template_output : complex64
            Array of memory given as the 'out' parameter to waveform.FilterBank
        use_cluster : boolean
            If true, cluster triggers above threshold using a window; otherwise,
            only apply a threshold.
        downsample_factor : {1, int}, optional
            The factor by which to reduce the sample rate when doing a heirarchical
            matched filter
        upsample_threshold : {1, float}, optional
            The fraction of the snr_threshold to trigger on the subsampled filter.
        upsample_method : {pruned_fft, str}
            The method to upsample or interpolate the reduced rate filter.
        cluster_function : {symmetric, str}, optional
            Which method is used to cluster triggers over time. If 'findchirp', a
            sliding forward window; if 'symmetric', each window's peak is compared
            to the windows before and after it, and only kept as a trigger if larger
            than both.
        # Assuming analysis time is constant across templates and segments, also
        # delta_f is constant across segments.
        self.tlen = tlen
        self.flen = self.tlen / 2 + 1
        self.delta_f = delta_f
        self.dtype = dtype
        self.snr_threshold = snr_threshold
        self.flow = low_frequency_cutoff
        self.fhigh = high_frequency_cutoff
        self.gpu_callback_method = gpu_callback_method
        if cluster_function not in ['symmetric', 'findchirp']:
            raise ValueError("MatchedFilter: 'cluster_function' must be either 'symmetric' or 'findchirp'")
        self.cluster_function = cluster_function
        self.segments = segment_list
        self.htilde = template_output

        if downsample_factor == 1:
            self.snr_mem = zeros(self.tlen, dtype=self.dtype)
            self.corr_mem = zeros(self.tlen, dtype=self.dtype)

            if use_cluster and (cluster_function == 'symmetric'):
                self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.full_matched_filter_and_cluster_symm
                # setup the threasholding/clustering operations for each segment
                self.threshold_and_clusterers = []
                for seg in self.segments:
                    thresh = events.ThresholdCluster(self.snr_mem[seg.analyze])
            elif use_cluster and (cluster_function == 'findchirp'):
                self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.full_matched_filter_and_cluster_fc
                self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.full_matched_filter_thresh_only
            # Assuming analysis time is constant across templates and segments, also
            # delta_f is constant across segments.
            self.kmin, self.kmax = get_cutoff_indices(self.flow, self.fhigh, 
                                                      self.delta_f, self.tlen)   
            # Set up the correlation operations for each analysis segment
            corr_slice = slice(self.kmin, self.kmax)
            self.correlators = []      
            for seg in self.segments:
                corr = Correlator(self.htilde[corr_slice], 
            # setup up the ifft we will do
            self.ifft = IFFT(self.corr_mem, self.snr_mem)

        elif downsample_factor >= 1:
            self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.heirarchical_matched_filter_and_cluster
            self.downsample_factor = downsample_factor
            self.upsample_method = upsample_method
            self.upsample_threshold = upsample_threshold

            N_full = self.tlen
            N_red = N_full / downsample_factor
            self.kmin_full, self.kmax_full = get_cutoff_indices(self.flow,
                                              self.fhigh, self.delta_f, N_full)

            self.kmin_red, _ = get_cutoff_indices(self.flow,
                                                  self.fhigh, self.delta_f, N_red)

            if self.kmax_full < N_red:
                self.kmax_red = self.kmax_full
                self.kmax_red = N_red - 1

            self.snr_mem = zeros(N_red, dtype=self.dtype)
            self.corr_mem_full = FrequencySeries(zeros(N_full, dtype=self.dtype), delta_f=self.delta_f)
            self.corr_mem = Array(self.corr_mem_full[0:N_red], copy=False)
            self.inter_vec = zeros(N_full, dtype=self.dtype)

            raise ValueError("Invalid downsample factor")

    def full_matched_filter_and_cluster_symm(self, segnum, template_norm, window):
        """ Return the complex snr and normalization.

        Calculated the matched filter, threshold, and cluster.

        segnum : int
            Index into the list of segments at MatchedFilterControl construction
            against which to filter.
        template_norm : float
            The htilde, template normalization factor.
        window : int
            Size of the window over which to cluster triggers, in samples

        snr : TimeSeries
            A time series containing the complex snr.
        norm : float
            The normalization of the complex snr.
        corrrelation: FrequencySeries
            A frequency series containing the correlation vector.
        idx : Array
            List of indices of the triggers.
        snrv : Array
            The snr values at the trigger locations.
        norm = (4.0 * self.delta_f) / sqrt(template_norm)
        snrv, idx = self.threshold_and_clusterers[segnum].threshold_and_cluster(self.snr_threshold / norm, window)

        if len(idx) == 0:
            return [], [], [], [], []

        logging.info("%s points above threshold" % str(len(idx)))
        return self.snr_mem, norm, self.corr_mem, idx, snrv

    def full_matched_filter_and_cluster_fc(self, segnum, template_norm, window):
        """ Return the complex snr and normalization.

        Calculated the matched filter, threshold, and cluster.

        segnum : int
            Index into the list of segments at MatchedFilterControl construction
            against which to filter.
        template_norm : float
            The htilde, template normalization factor.
        window : int
            Size of the window over which to cluster triggers, in samples

        snr : TimeSeries
            A time series containing the complex snr.
        norm : float
            The normalization of the complex snr.
        corrrelation: FrequencySeries
            A frequency series containing the correlation vector.
        idx : Array
            List of indices of the triggers.
        snrv : Array
            The snr values at the trigger locations.
        norm = (4.0 * self.delta_f) / sqrt(template_norm)
        idx, snrv = events.threshold(self.snr_mem[self.segments[segnum].analyze],
                                     self.snr_threshold / norm)
        idx, snrv = events.cluster_reduce(idx, snrv, window)

        if len(idx) == 0:
            return [], [], [], [], []

        logging.info("%s points above threshold" % str(len(idx)))
        return self.snr_mem, norm, self.corr_mem, idx, snrv

    def full_matched_filter_thresh_only(self, segnum, template_norm, window):
        """ Return the complex snr and normalization.

        Calculated the matched filter, threshold, and cluster.

        segnum : int
            Index into the list of segments at MatchedFilterControl construction
            against which to filter.
        template_norm : float
            The htilde, template normalization factor.
        window : int
            Size of the window over which to cluster triggers, in samples.
            This is IGNORED by this function, and provided only for API compatibility.

        snr : TimeSeries
            A time series containing the complex snr.
        norm : float
            The normalization of the complex snr.
        corrrelation: FrequencySeries
            A frequency series containing the correlation vector.
        idx : Array
            List of indices of the triggers.
        snrv : Array
            The snr values at the trigger locations.
        norm = (4.0 * self.stilde_delta_f) / sqrt(template_norm)
        snrv, idx = events.threshold_only(self.snr_mem[self.segments[segnum].analyze],
                                          self.snr_threshold / norm)

        if len(idx) == 0:
            return [], [], [], [], []

        logging.info("%s points above threshold" % str(len(idx)))
        return self.snr_mem, norm, self.corr_mem, idx, snrv

    def heirarchical_matched_filter_and_cluster(self, segnum, template_norm, window):
        """ Return the complex snr and normalization. 
        Calculated the matched filter, threshold, and cluster. 

        segnum : int
            Index into the list of segments at MatchedFilterControl construction
        template_norm : float
            The htilde, template normalization factor.
        window : int
            Size of the window over which to cluster triggers, in samples

        snr : TimeSeries
            A time series containing the complex snr at the reduced sample rate.
        norm : float
            The normalization of the complex snr.  
        corrrelation: FrequencySeries
            A frequency series containing the correlation vector. 
        idx : Array
            List of indices of the triggers.
        snrv : Array
            The snr values at the trigger locations.
        from pycbc.fft.fftw_pruned import pruned_c2cifft, fft_transpose
        htilde = self.htilde
        stilde = self.segments[segnum]

        norm = (4.0 * stilde.delta_f) / sqrt(template_norm)
        ifft(self.corr_mem, self.snr_mem)           

        if not hasattr(stilde, 'red_analyze'):
            stilde.red_analyze = \

        idx_red, snrv_red = events.threshold(self.snr_mem[stilde.red_analyze], 
                                self.snr_threshold / norm * self.upsample_threshold)
        if len(idx_red) == 0:
            return [], None, [], [], []

        idx_red, _ = events.cluster_reduce(idx_red, snrv_red, window / self.downsample_factor)
        logging.info("%s points above threshold at reduced resolution"\

        # The fancy upsampling is here
        if self.upsample_method=='pruned_fft':
            idx = (idx_red + stilde.analyze.start/self.downsample_factor)\
                   * self.downsample_factor

            idx = smear(idx, self.downsample_factor)
            # cache transposed  versions of htilde and stilde
            if not hasattr(self.corr_mem_full, 'transposed'):
                self.corr_mem_full.transposed = zeros(len(self.corr_mem_full), dtype=self.dtype)
            if not hasattr(htilde, 'transposed'):
                htilde.transposed = zeros(len(self.corr_mem_full), dtype=self.dtype)
                htilde.transposed[self.kmin_full:self.kmax_full] = htilde[self.kmin_full:self.kmax_full]
                htilde.transposed = fft_transpose(htilde.transposed)
            if not hasattr(stilde, 'transposed'):
                stilde.transposed = zeros(len(self.corr_mem_full), dtype=self.dtype)
                stilde.transposed[self.kmin_full:self.kmax_full] = stilde[self.kmin_full:self.kmax_full]
                stilde.transposed = fft_transpose(stilde.transposed)  
            correlate(htilde.transposed, stilde.transposed, self.corr_mem_full.transposed)      
            snrv = pruned_c2cifft(self.corr_mem_full.transposed, self.inter_vec, idx, pretransposed=True)   
            idx = idx - stilde.analyze.start
            idx2, snrv = events.threshold(Array(snrv, copy=False), self.snr_threshold / norm)
            if len(idx2) > 0:
                idx, snrv = events.cluster_reduce(idx[idx2], snrv, window)
                idx, snrv = [], []

            logging.info("%s points at full rate and clustering" % len(idx))
            return self.snr_mem, norm, self.corr_mem_full, idx, snrv
            raise ValueError("Invalid upsample method")            
    def __init__(self, low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff, snr_threshold, tlen,
                 delta_f, dtype, segment_list, template_output, window,
                 downsample_factor=1, upsample_threshold=1, upsample_method='pruned_fft',
        """ Create a matched filter engine.

        low_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional
            The frequency to begin the filter calculation. If None, begin at the
            first frequency after DC.
        high_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional
            The frequency to stop the filter calculation. If None, continue to the 
            the nyquist frequency.
        snr_threshold : float
            The minimum snr to return when filtering
        segment_list : list
            List of FrequencySeries that are the Fourier-transformed data segments
        template_output : complex64
            Array of memory given as the 'out' parameter to waveform.FilterBank
        window : int
            The size of the cluster window in samples.
        downsample_factor : {1, int}, optional
            The factor by which to reduce the sample rate when doing a heirarchical
            matched filter
        upsample_threshold : {1, float}, optional
            The fraction of the snr_threshold to trigger on the subsampled filter.
        upsample_method : {pruned_fft, str}
            The method to upsample or interpolate the reduced rate filter.

        self.tlen = tlen
        self.flen = self.tlen / 2 + 1
        self.delta_f = delta_f
        self.dtype = dtype
        self.snr_threshold = snr_threshold    
        self.flow = low_frequency_cutoff
        self.fhigh = high_frequency_cutoff    
        self.gpu_callback_method = gpu_callback_method
        if downsample_factor == 1:
            self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.full_matched_filter_and_cluster
            self.snr_mem = zeros(self.tlen, dtype=self.dtype)
            self.corr_mem = zeros(self.tlen, dtype=self.dtype)
            self.segments = segment_list
            # Assuming analysis time is constant across templates and segments, also
            # delta_f is constant across segments.
            self.stilde_delta_f = segment_list[0].delta_f
            self.htilde = template_output
            self.kmin, self.kmax = get_cutoff_indices(self.flow, self.fhigh,
                                                      self.segments[0].delta_f, self.tlen)   
            self.corr_slice = slice(self.kmin, self.kmax)
            self.corr_np = numpy.array(self.corr_mem.data[self.corr_slice], copy = False)
            self.hcorr = numpy.array(self.htilde.data[self.corr_slice], copy = False)
            self.correlators = []
            for i in range(0, len(self.segments)):
                                                   numpy.array(self.segments[i].data[self.corr_slice], copy = False),
            self.ifft = IFFT(self.corr_mem, self.snr_mem)
            self.threshold_and_clusterers = []
            for i in range(0, len(self.segments)):
                        numpy.array(self.snr_mem.data[self.segments[i].analyze], copy=False),

        elif downsample_factor >= 1:
            self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.heirarchical_matched_filter_and_cluster
            self.downsample_factor = downsample_factor
            self.upsample_method = upsample_method
            self.upsample_threshold = upsample_threshold  
            N_full = self.tlen 
            N_red = N_full / downsample_factor  
            self.kmin_full, self.kmax_full = get_cutoff_indices(self.flow,
                                              self.fhigh, self.delta_f, N_full)  
            self.kmin_red, _ = get_cutoff_indices(self.flow,
                                                  self.fhigh, self.delta_f, N_red)
            if self.kmax_full < N_red:
                self.kmax_red = self.kmax_full
                self.kmax_red = N_red - 1  
            self.snr_mem = zeros(N_red, dtype=self.dtype)
            self.corr_mem_full = FrequencySeries(zeros(N_full, dtype=self.dtype), delta_f=self.delta_f)
            self.corr_mem = Array(self.corr_mem_full[0:N_red], copy=False)
            self.inter_vec = zeros(N_full, dtype=self.dtype)                      
            raise ValueError("Invalid downsample factor")
class MatchedFilterControl(object):
    def __init__(self, low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff, snr_threshold, tlen,
                 delta_f, dtype, segment_list, template_output, window,
                 downsample_factor=1, upsample_threshold=1, upsample_method='pruned_fft',
        """ Create a matched filter engine.

        low_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional
            The frequency to begin the filter calculation. If None, begin at the
            first frequency after DC.
        high_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional
            The frequency to stop the filter calculation. If None, continue to the 
            the nyquist frequency.
        snr_threshold : float
            The minimum snr to return when filtering
        segment_list : list
            List of FrequencySeries that are the Fourier-transformed data segments
        template_output : complex64
            Array of memory given as the 'out' parameter to waveform.FilterBank
        window : int
            The size of the cluster window in samples.
        downsample_factor : {1, int}, optional
            The factor by which to reduce the sample rate when doing a heirarchical
            matched filter
        upsample_threshold : {1, float}, optional
            The fraction of the snr_threshold to trigger on the subsampled filter.
        upsample_method : {pruned_fft, str}
            The method to upsample or interpolate the reduced rate filter.

        self.tlen = tlen
        self.flen = self.tlen / 2 + 1
        self.delta_f = delta_f
        self.dtype = dtype
        self.snr_threshold = snr_threshold    
        self.flow = low_frequency_cutoff
        self.fhigh = high_frequency_cutoff    
        self.gpu_callback_method = gpu_callback_method
        if downsample_factor == 1:
            self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.full_matched_filter_and_cluster
            self.snr_mem = zeros(self.tlen, dtype=self.dtype)
            self.corr_mem = zeros(self.tlen, dtype=self.dtype)
            self.segments = segment_list
            # Assuming analysis time is constant across templates and segments, also
            # delta_f is constant across segments.
            self.stilde_delta_f = segment_list[0].delta_f
            self.htilde = template_output
            self.kmin, self.kmax = get_cutoff_indices(self.flow, self.fhigh,
                                                      self.segments[0].delta_f, self.tlen)   
            self.corr_slice = slice(self.kmin, self.kmax)
            self.corr_np = numpy.array(self.corr_mem.data[self.corr_slice], copy = False)
            self.hcorr = numpy.array(self.htilde.data[self.corr_slice], copy = False)
            self.correlators = []
            for i in range(0, len(self.segments)):
                                                   numpy.array(self.segments[i].data[self.corr_slice], copy = False),
            self.ifft = IFFT(self.corr_mem, self.snr_mem)
            self.threshold_and_clusterers = []
            for i in range(0, len(self.segments)):
                        numpy.array(self.snr_mem.data[self.segments[i].analyze], copy=False),

        elif downsample_factor >= 1:
            self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.heirarchical_matched_filter_and_cluster
            self.downsample_factor = downsample_factor
            self.upsample_method = upsample_method
            self.upsample_threshold = upsample_threshold  
            N_full = self.tlen 
            N_red = N_full / downsample_factor  
            self.kmin_full, self.kmax_full = get_cutoff_indices(self.flow,
                                              self.fhigh, self.delta_f, N_full)  
            self.kmin_red, _ = get_cutoff_indices(self.flow,
                                                  self.fhigh, self.delta_f, N_red)
            if self.kmax_full < N_red:
                self.kmax_red = self.kmax_full
                self.kmax_red = N_red - 1  
            self.snr_mem = zeros(N_red, dtype=self.dtype)
            self.corr_mem_full = FrequencySeries(zeros(N_full, dtype=self.dtype), delta_f=self.delta_f)
            self.corr_mem = Array(self.corr_mem_full[0:N_red], copy=False)
            self.inter_vec = zeros(N_full, dtype=self.dtype)                      
            raise ValueError("Invalid downsample factor")
    def full_matched_filter_and_cluster(self, segnum, template_norm):
        """ Return the complex snr and normalization. 
        Calculated the matched filter, threshold, and cluster. 

        segnum : int
            Index into the list of segments at MatchedFilterControl construction
            against which to filter.
        template_norm : float
            The htilde, template normalization factor.

        snr : TimeSeries
            A time series containing the complex snr.
        norm : float
            The normalization of the complex snr.  
        corrrelation: FrequencySeries
            A frequency series containing the correlation vector. 
        idx : Array
            List of indices of the triggers.
        snrv : Array
            The snr values at the trigger locations.
        norm = (4.0 * self.stilde_delta_f) / sqrt(template_norm)
        snrv, idx = self.threshold_and_clusterers[segnum].threshold_and_cluster(self.snr_threshold / norm)
        if len(idx) == 0:
            return [], [], [], [], [] 
        logging.info("%s points above threshold" % str(len(idx)))                     
        return self.snr_mem, norm, self.corr_mem, idx, snrv   
    def heirarchical_matched_filter_and_cluster(self, htilde, template_norm, stilde, window):
        """ Return the complex snr and normalization. 
        Calculated the matched filter, threshold, and cluster. 

        htilde : FrequencySeries 
            The template waveform. Must come from the FilterBank class.
        template_norm : float
            The htilde, template normalization factor.
        stilde : FrequencySeries 
            The strain data to be filtered.
        window : int
            The size of the cluster window in samples.

        snr : TimeSeries
            A time series containing the complex snr at the reduced sample rate.
        norm : float
            The normalization of the complex snr.  
        corrrelation: FrequencySeries
            A frequency series containing the correlation vector. 
        idx : Array
            List of indices of the triggers.
        snrv : Array
            The snr values at the trigger locations.
        from pycbc.fft.fftw_pruned import pruned_c2cifft, fft_transpose                           
        norm = (4.0 * stilde.delta_f) / sqrt(template_norm)
        ifft(self.corr_mem, self.snr_mem)           

        if not hasattr(stilde, 'red_analyze'):
            stilde.red_analyze = \

        idx_red, snrv_red = events.threshold(self.snr_mem[stilde.red_analyze], 
                                self.snr_threshold / norm * self.upsample_threshold)
        if len(idx_red) == 0:
            return [], None, [], [], []

        idx_red, _ = events.cluster_reduce(idx_red, snrv_red, window / self.downsample_factor)
        logging.info("%s points above threshold at reduced resolution"\

        # The fancy upsampling is here
        if self.upsample_method=='pruned_fft':
            idx = (idx_red + stilde.analyze.start/self.downsample_factor)\
                   * self.downsample_factor

            idx = smear(idx, self.downsample_factor)
            # cache transposed  versions of htilde and stilde
            if not hasattr(self.corr_mem_full, 'transposed'):
                self.corr_mem_full.transposed = zeros(len(self.corr_mem_full), dtype=self.dtype)
            if not hasattr(htilde, 'transposed'):
                htilde.transposed = zeros(len(self.corr_mem_full), dtype=self.dtype)
                htilde.transposed[self.kmin_full:self.kmax_full] = htilde[self.kmin_full:self.kmax_full]
                htilde.transposed = fft_transpose(htilde.transposed)
            if not hasattr(stilde, 'transposed'):
                stilde.transposed = zeros(len(self.corr_mem_full), dtype=self.dtype)
                stilde.transposed[self.kmin_full:self.kmax_full] = stilde[self.kmin_full:self.kmax_full]
                stilde.transposed = fft_transpose(stilde.transposed)  
            correlate(htilde.transposed, stilde.transposed, self.corr_mem_full.transposed)      
            snrv = pruned_c2cifft(self.corr_mem_full.transposed, self.inter_vec, idx, pretransposed=True)   
            idx = idx - stilde.analyze.start
            idx2, snrv = events.threshold(Array(snrv, copy=False), self.snr_threshold / norm)
            if len(idx2) > 0:
                idx, snrv = events.cluster_reduce(idx[idx2], snrv, window)
                idx, snrv = [], []

            logging.info("%s points at full rate and clustering" % len(idx))
            return self.snr_mem, norm, self.corr_mem_full, idx, snrv
            raise ValueError("Invalid upsample method")