def write_code_versions(path, cp): code_version_dict = get_code_version_numbers(cp) html_text = "" for key, value in code_version_dict.items(): html_text += "<li><b>%s</b>: %s </li>\n" % (key, value.replace("@", "@")) kwds = {"render-function": "render_text", "title": "Version Information from Executables"} save_fig_with_metadata( html_escape(html_text), os.path.join(path, "version_information_from_executables.html"), **kwds )
def write_code_versions(path, cp): code_version_dict = get_code_version_numbers(cp) html_text = '' for key,value in code_version_dict.items(): html_text+= '<li><b>%s</b>: %s </li>\n' %(key,value.replace('@', '@')) kwds = {'render-function' : 'render_text', 'title' : 'Version Information from Executables', } save_fig_with_metadata(html_text, os.path.join(path,'version_information_from_executables.html'), **kwds)
def write_code_versions(path, cp): code_version_dict = get_code_version_numbers(cp) html_text = '' for key,value in code_version_dict.items(): html_text+= '<li><b>%s</b>: %s </li>\n' %(key,value.replace('@', '@')) kwds = {'render-function' : 'render_text', 'title' : 'Version Information from Executables', } save_fig_with_metadata(html_escape(html_text), os.path.join(path,'version_information_from_executables.html'), **kwds)
def write_library_information(path): library_list = get_library_version_info() for curr_lib in library_list: lib_name = curr_lib['Name'] text = '' for key, value in curr_lib.items(): text+='<li> %s : %s </li>\n' %(key,value) kwds = {'render-function' : 'render_text', 'title' : '%s Version Information'%lib_name, } save_fig_with_metadata(text, os.path.join(path,'%s_version_information.html' %(lib_name)), **kwds)
def write_library_information(path): library_list = get_library_version_info() for curr_lib in library_list: lib_name = curr_lib["Name"] text = "" for key, value in curr_lib.items(): text += "<li> %s : %s </li>\n" % (key, value) kwds = {"render-function": "render_text", "title": "%s Version Information" % lib_name} save_fig_with_metadata( html_escape(text), os.path.join(path, "%s_version_information.html" % (lib_name)), **kwds )
def write_library_information(path): library_list = get_library_version_info() for curr_lib in library_list: lib_name = curr_lib['Name'] text = '' for key, value in curr_lib.items(): text+='<li> %s : %s </li>\n' %(key,value) kwds = {'render-function' : 'render_text', 'title' : '%s Version Information'%lib_name, } save_fig_with_metadata(html_escape(text), os.path.join(path,'%s_version_information.html' %(lib_name)), **kwds)
def pygrb_plotter(trigs, injs, xlabel, ylabel, opts, snr_vals=None, conts=None, shade_cont_value=None, colors=None, vert_spike=False, cmd=None): """Master function to plot PyGRB results""" from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # Set up plot fig = plt.figure() cax = fig.gca() # Plot trigger-related and (if present) injection-related quantities cax_plotter = cax.loglog if opts.use_logs else cax.plot cax_plotter(trigs[0], trigs[1], 'bx') if not (injs[0] is None and injs[1] is None): cax_plotter(injs[0], injs[1], 'r+') cax.grid() # Plot contours if conts is not None: contour_plotter(cax, snr_vals, conts, colors, vert_spike=vert_spike) # Add shading above a specific contour (typically used for vetoed area) if shade_cont_value is not None: limy = cax.get_ylim()[1] polyx = copy.deepcopy(snr_vals) polyy = copy.deepcopy(conts[shade_cont_value]) polyx = numpy.append(polyx, [max(snr_vals), min(snr_vals)]) polyy = numpy.append(polyy, [limy, limy]) cax.fill(polyx, polyy, color='#dddddd') # Axes: labels and limits cax.set_xlabel(xlabel) cax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if opts.x_lims: x_lims = map(float, opts.x_lims.split(',')) cax.set_xlim(x_lims) if opts.y_lims: y_lims = map(float, opts.y_lims.split(',')) cax.set_ylim(y_lims) # Wrap up plt.tight_layout() save_fig_with_metadata(fig, opts.output_file, cmd=cmd, title=opts.plot_title, caption=opts.plot_caption) plt.close()
def pygrb_plotter(trig_x, trig_y, inj_x, inj_y, inj_file, xlabel, ylabel, fig_path, snr_vals=None, conts=None, shade_cont_value=None, colors=None, vert_spike=False, xlims=None, ylims=None, use_logs=True, cmd=None, plot_title=None, plot_caption=None): """Master function to plot PyGRB results""" fig_name = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(fig_path))[1]" * %s (%s vs %s)...", fig_name, xlabel, ylabel) # Set up plot fig = plt.figure() cax = fig.gca() # Plot trigger-related quantities if use_logs: cax.loglog(trig_x, trig_y, 'bx') else: cax.plot(trig_x, trig_y, 'bx') cax.grid() # Plot injection-related quantities if inj_file: if use_logs: cax.loglog(inj_x, inj_y, 'r+') else: cax.plot(inj_x, inj_y, 'r+') # Plot contours if conts is not None: contour_plotter(cax, snr_vals, conts, colors, vert_spike=vert_spike) # Add shading above a specific contour (typically used for vetoed area) if shade_cont_value is not None: limy = cax.get_ylim()[1] polyx = copy.deepcopy(snr_vals) polyy = copy.deepcopy(conts[shade_cont_value]) polyx = numpy.append(polyx, [max(snr_vals), min(snr_vals)]) polyy = numpy.append(polyy, [limy, limy]) cax.fill(polyx, polyy, color='#dddddd') # Axes: labels and limits cax.set_xlabel(xlabel) cax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if xlims: cax.set_xlim(xlims) if ylims: cax.set_ylim(ylims) # Wrap up plt.tight_layout() save_fig_with_metadata(fig, fig_path, cmd=cmd, title=plot_title, caption=plot_caption) # fig_kwds=fig_kwds, plt.close()
def write_code_versions(path, cp): code_version_dict = get_code_version_numbers(cp) html_text = '' for key,value in code_version_dict.items(): # value might be a str or a bytes object in python3. python2 is happy # to combine these objects (or uniocde and str, their equivalents) # but python3 is not. try: value = value.decode() except AttributeError: pass html_text+= '<li><b>%s</b>:<br><pre>%s</pre></li><hr><br><br>\n' \ % (key, str(value).replace('@', '@')) kwds = {'render-function' : 'render_text', 'title' : 'Version Information from Executables', } save_fig_with_metadata(html_escape(html_text), os.path.join(path,'version_information_from_executables.html'), **kwds)