class CcnxSocket(object):
  ''' A socket like handler for ccnx operations.
      Runs a simple event loop and handles set interest filter, send interest,
      and publish data. 
      Current only one ccnx handle is used, we can use multiple handles if needed,
      but there is no such need as of now.

  __logger = Logger.get_logger('CcnxSocket')

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    Creates a socket. As of now, we try to get the ccnx key from the default location
    super(CcnxSocket, self).__init__()
    self.ccnx_key = CCN.getDefaultKey()
    self.ccnx_key_locator = pyccn.KeyLocator(self.ccnx_key)
    self.ccnx_handle = CCN() 
    self.event_loop = CcnxLoop(self.ccnx_handle)

  def get_signed_info(self, freshness):
    Get signed info to be included in the Content Object

      freshness (int): the freshness of the Content Object in seconds

      a PyCCN.SignedInfo object 

    si = pyccn.SignedInfo()
    si.publisherPublicKeyDigest = self.ccnx_key.publicKeyID
    si.type = pyccn.CONTENT_DATA
    si.freshnessSeconds = freshness
    si.keyLocator = self.ccnx_key_locator
    return si

  def get_pyccn_name(self, name):
    '''Get a valid name for PyCCN. This is useful when the name string is encoded as unicode, as is the usual case in Python. However, PyCCN has problem handling unicode names, raising TypeError as a result.
      name (str): the name string
      An ascii encoded name string
    if isinstance(name, unicode):
      return Name(name.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
      return Name(name)

  def publish_content(self, name, content, freshness = 5):
    '''Publish the data as a Content Object
      name (str): the name string
      content (bytes): the data bytes

      freshness (int): the freshness in seconds for the Content Object
    co =  ContentObject()
    co.name = self.get_pyccn_name(name)
    co.content = content

    si = self.get_signed_info(freshness)
    co.signedInfo = si


  def send_interest(self, name, closure, template = None):
    '''Send Interest

      name (str): the name string
      closure (PyCCN.Closure): the closure that includes the callbacks to be used by PyCCN for this Interest

      template (PyCCN.Interest): the template for the additional field to be carried in the Interest, such as ChildSelector, Lifetime, AnswerOrigin, etc..
    n = self.get_pyccn_name(name)
    self.ccnx_handle.expressInterest(n, closure, template)
  def register_prefix(self, prefix, closure):
    '''Register the prefix under which the user wishes to receive Interests

      prefix (str): the prefix name string
      closure (PyCCN.Closure): the closure that includes the callbacks to be used by PyCCN when an Interest with such prefix comes
    p = self.get_pyccn_name(prefix)
    self.ccnx_handle.setInterestFilter(p, closure)

  def start(self):
    '''Start the CcnxLoop
    start_new_thread(self.event_loop.run, ())

  def stop(self):
    '''Stop the CcnxLoop
		upcall_called = True

		return pyccn.RESULT_OK

senderclosure = SenderClosure()
receiverclosure = ReceiverClosure()

sender_handle = CCN()
receiver_handle = CCN()

#Looks like the CCNx API doesn't deliver messages
#that we sent to ourselves, so we just push it
sender_handle.setInterestFilter(n, senderclosure)
#senderclosure.upcall(1, None)

i = Interest()
receiver_handle.expressInterest(n, receiverclosure, i)

upcall_called = False

print("Running loops")

#So sender closure is called

#So receiver closure is called
class CcnxSocket(object):
    ''' A socket like handler for ccnx operations.
      Runs a simple event loop and handles set interest filter, send interest,
      and publish data. 
      Current only one ccnx handle is used, we can use multiple handles if needed,
      but there is no such need as of now.

    __logger = Logger.get_logger('CcnxSocket')

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    Creates a socket. As of now, we try to get the ccnx key from the default location
        super(CcnxSocket, self).__init__()
        self.ccnx_key = CCN.getDefaultKey()
        self.ccnx_key_locator = pyccn.KeyLocator(self.ccnx_key)
        self.ccnx_handle = CCN()
        self.event_loop = CcnxLoop(self.ccnx_handle)

    def get_signed_info(self, freshness):
    Get signed info to be included in the Content Object

      freshness (int): the freshness of the Content Object in seconds

      a PyCCN.SignedInfo object 

        si = pyccn.SignedInfo()
        si.publisherPublicKeyDigest = self.ccnx_key.publicKeyID
        si.type = pyccn.CONTENT_DATA
        si.freshnessSeconds = freshness
        si.keyLocator = self.ccnx_key_locator
        return si

    def get_pyccn_name(self, name):
        '''Get a valid name for PyCCN. This is useful when the name string is encoded as unicode, as is the usual case in Python. However, PyCCN has problem handling unicode names, raising TypeError as a result.
      name (str): the name string
      An ascii encoded name string
        if isinstance(name, unicode):
            return Name(name.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
            return Name(name)

    def publish_content(self, name, content, freshness=5):
        '''Publish the data as a Content Object
      name (str): the name string
      content (bytes): the data bytes

      freshness (int): the freshness in seconds for the Content Object
        co = ContentObject()
        co.name = self.get_pyccn_name(name)
        co.content = content

        si = self.get_signed_info(freshness)
        co.signedInfo = si


    def send_interest(self, name, closure, template=None):
        '''Send Interest

      name (str): the name string
      closure (PyCCN.Closure): the closure that includes the callbacks to be used by PyCCN for this Interest

      template (PyCCN.Interest): the template for the additional field to be carried in the Interest, such as ChildSelector, Lifetime, AnswerOrigin, etc..
        n = self.get_pyccn_name(name)
        self.ccnx_handle.expressInterest(n, closure, template)

    def register_prefix(self, prefix, closure):
        '''Register the prefix under which the user wishes to receive Interests

      prefix (str): the prefix name string
      closure (PyCCN.Closure): the closure that includes the callbacks to be used by PyCCN when an Interest with such prefix comes
        p = self.get_pyccn_name(prefix)
        self.ccnx_handle.setInterestFilter(p, closure)

    def start(self):
        '''Start the CcnxLoop
        start_new_thread(self.event_loop.run, ())

    def stop(self):
        '''Stop the CcnxLoop
class TyzxServer(Closure):
    def __init__(self, prefixstr ):
        self.handle = CCN()

        #XXX: temporary, until we allow fetching key from key storage
        self.key = self.handle.getDefaultKey()
        self.keylocator = KeyLocator(self.key)

        self.prefix = Name(prefixstr)

#        member_name = Name.Name(self.members_uri)
#        member_name.appendKeyID(fix_digest(self.key.publicKeyID))
#        self.member_message = self.publish(member_name, nick)

    def listen(self):
        #listen to requests in namespace
        self.handle.setInterestFilter(self.prefix, self)

    def publish(self, name, content):
        # Name
        #print name

        # SignedInfo
        si = pyccn.SignedInfo()
        #si.type = pyccn.CCN_CONTENT_DATA
        si.type = 0x0C04C0 # content type
        si.finalBlockID = b'\x00'
        si.publisherPublicKeyDigest = self.key.publicKeyID
        si.keyLocator = self.keylocator
        si.freshnessSeconds = FRESHNESS_SECONDS

        # ContentObject
        co = ContentObject()
        co.content = content
        co.name = name
        co.signedInfo = si        
        return co

    def upcall(self, kind, upcallInfo):
        global lasttime
        if lasttime is None:  # can't answer yet
            return pyccn.RESULT_OK
        if len(tyzxObjs.objs)<1:
            return pyccn.RESULT_OK
        interest = upcallInfo.Interest
        #print "Interest", interest.name, time.time()
        # CALL content matches interest to check exclusion on versions
        #print interest.exclude
        name = interest.name
        #print name
        if name==self.prefix:   # root 
            #print "Request for root: %s" % str(name)
            if interest.exclude is None:
                freshids = tyzxObjs.objs.keys()[0:1]
                if len(interest.exclude.components) > 0:
                    ids = set(tyzxObjs.objs.keys())# new stuff we have
                    suffixes = set([int(str(s)[1:]) for s in interest.exclude.components])
                    freshids = list(ids.difference(suffixes))           # do we need this conversion?    
                    #print "ids", ids
                    #print "suffixes", suffixes                    
                    #print "freshids", freshids
                    freshids = tyzxObjs.objs.keys()[0:1]

            if len(freshids)>0:
                child = freshids[0] 
                return pyccn.RESULT_OK    # no new content
        else:  # should check what we're receiving! take next component

            child = int(name.components[-1:][0])   # why not be able to do this on name?
            #print "Request for child: %s" % child, time.time()
        #print "child - ", child           
        if tyzxObjs.objs.has_key(child):                                           
            O = tyzxObjs.objs[child]
            # Don't want to respond with a nonexistent. NDN way is to not answer interest.
            # If we've just started, we may not even know what the content store knows.
            # But, we do want to answer "exits" that we know about. 
            #print "child", child, "is not present"
            if tyzxObjs.objExits.has_key(child):
                #print "child", child, "is exited"
                O = tyzxObjs.objExits[child]
                return pyccn.RESULT_OK
            #O = CompositeObject(BaseObject())
            #O.time = lasttime.time
            #O.id = int(child)
            #O.status = "nonexistent" 

        msgname = Name(self.prefix)
        msgname += str(child) 
	msgname.components.append(versionFromTime (O.time))   # should have msgname.append
	#msgname.ccn_data_dirty=True - now handled within PyCCN
# need binary add component
        self.message = self.publish(msgname, O.toJSON())
        #print "Publishing", msgname, O.toJSON()
        #print "Present:", tyzxObjs.objs.keys(), time.time()

        return pyccn.RESULT_INTEREST_CONSUMED

        return pyccn.RESULT_OK
class TyzxServer(Closure):
    def __init__(self, prefixstr):
        self.handle = CCN()

        #XXX: temporary, until we allow fetching key from key storage
        self.key = self.handle.getDefaultKey()
        self.keylocator = KeyLocator(self.key)

        self.prefix = Name(prefixstr)

#        member_name = Name.Name(self.members_uri)
#        member_name.appendKeyID(fix_digest(self.key.publicKeyID))
#        self.member_message = self.publish(member_name, nick)

    def listen(self):
        #listen to requests in namespace
        self.handle.setInterestFilter(self.prefix, self)

    def publish(self, name, content):
        # Name
        #print name

        # SignedInfo
        si = pyccn.SignedInfo()
        #si.type = pyccn.CCN_CONTENT_DATA
        si.type = 0x0C04C0  # content type
        si.finalBlockID = b'\x00'
        si.publisherPublicKeyDigest = self.key.publicKeyID
        si.keyLocator = self.keylocator
        si.freshnessSeconds = FRESHNESS_SECONDS

        # ContentObject
        co = ContentObject()
        co.content = content
        co.name = name
        co.signedInfo = si
        return co

    def upcall(self, kind, upcallInfo):
        global lasttime
        if lasttime is None:  # can't answer yet
            return pyccn.RESULT_OK

        if len(tyzxObjs.objs) < 1:
            return pyccn.RESULT_OK

        interest = upcallInfo.Interest
        #print "Interest", interest.name, time.time()

        # CALL content matches interest to check exclusion on versions

        #print interest.exclude
        name = interest.name
        #print name
        if name == self.prefix:  # root
            #print "Request for root: %s" % str(name)

            if interest.exclude is None:
                freshids = tyzxObjs.objs.keys()[0:1]
                if len(interest.exclude.components) > 0:
                    ids = set(tyzxObjs.objs.keys())  # new stuff we have
                    suffixes = set(
                        [int(str(s)[1:]) for s in interest.exclude.components])
                    freshids = list(ids.difference(
                        suffixes))  # do we need this conversion?
                    #print "ids", ids
                    #print "suffixes", suffixes
                    #print "freshids", freshids
                    freshids = tyzxObjs.objs.keys()[0:1]

            if len(freshids) > 0:
                child = freshids[0]
                return pyccn.RESULT_OK  # no new content

        else:  # should check what we're receiving! take next component

            child = int(
                name.components[-1:][0])  # why not be able to do this on name?
            #print "Request for child: %s" % child, time.time()

        #print "child - ", child
        if tyzxObjs.objs.has_key(child):
            O = tyzxObjs.objs[child]
            # Don't want to respond with a nonexistent. NDN way is to not answer interest.
            # If we've just started, we may not even know what the content store knows.
            # But, we do want to answer "exits" that we know about.
            #print "child", child, "is not present"
            if tyzxObjs.objExits.has_key(child):
                #print "child", child, "is exited"
                O = tyzxObjs.objExits[child]
                return pyccn.RESULT_OK

            #O = CompositeObject(BaseObject())
            #O.time = lasttime.time
            #O.id = int(child)
            #O.status = "nonexistent"

        msgname = Name(self.prefix)
        msgname += str(child)
            O.time))  # should have msgname.append
        #msgname.ccn_data_dirty=True - now handled within PyCCN
        # need binary add component
        self.message = self.publish(msgname, O.toJSON())
        #print "Publishing", msgname, O.toJSON()
        #print "Present:", tyzxObjs.objs.keys(), time.time()

        return pyccn.RESULT_INTEREST_CONSUMED

        return pyccn.RESULT_OK