def test_structured_table_reference_boundaries(ref, expected):

    Column = namedtuple('Column', 'name')

    class Table:
        def __init__(self, ref, header_rows, totals_rows):
            self.ref = ref
            self.headerRowCount = header_rows
            self.totalsRowCount = totals_rows
            self.tableColumns = tuple(
                Column(name) for name in 'col1 col2 col3 col4 col5'.split())

    class Excel:
        def __init__(self, table):
            self.a_table = table

        def table(self, name):
            if name == 'a_table':
                return self.a_table, None
                return None, None

    class Cell:
        def __init__(self, table, address):
            self.excel = Excel(table)
            self.address = AddressCell(address)

    cell = Cell(Table('A1:E8', 1, 1), 'E5')

    if isinstance(expected, PyCelException):
        with pytest.raises(PyCelException):
            structured_reference_boundaries(ref, cell=cell)

    elif expected is None:
        with pytest.raises(PyCelException):
            structured_reference_boundaries(ref, cell=None)

        ref_bound = structured_reference_boundaries(ref, cell=cell)
        expected_bound = range_boundaries(expected, cell=cell)
        assert ref_bound == expected_bound

        expected_ref = range_boundaries(ref, cell=cell)
        assert ref_bound == expected_ref
def test_structured_table_reference_boundaries(ref, expected):

    Column = namedtuple('Column', 'name')

    class Table:
        def __init__(self, ref, header_rows, totals_rows):
            self.ref = ref
            self.headerRowCount = header_rows
            self.totalsRowCount = totals_rows
            self.tableColumns = tuple(
                Column(name) for name in 'col1 col2 col3 col4 col5'.split())

    class Excel:
        def __init__(self, table):
            self.a_table = table

        def table(self, name):
            if name == 'a_table':
                return self.a_table, None
                return None, None

    class Cell:
        def __init__(self, table, address):
            self.excel = Excel(table)
            self.address = AddressCell(address)

    cell = Cell(Table('A1:E8', 1, 1), 'E5')

    if isinstance(expected, PyCelException):
        with pytest.raises(PyCelException):
            structured_reference_boundaries(ref, cell=cell)

    elif expected is None:
        with pytest.raises(PyCelException):
            structured_reference_boundaries(ref, cell=None)

        ref_bound = structured_reference_boundaries(ref, cell=cell)
        expected_bound = range_boundaries(expected, cell=cell)
        assert ref_bound == expected_bound

        expected_ref = range_boundaries(ref, cell=cell)
        assert ref_bound == expected_ref