    except ImportError:

    # export the graph, can be loaded by a viewer like gephi
    print("Exporting to gexf...")
    excel.export_to_gexf(fname + ".gexf")

    # As an alternative to using evaluate to put cells in the graph and
    # as a way to trim down the size of the file to just that needed.
    excel.trim_graph(input_addrs=['Sheet1!A1'], output_addrs=['Sheet1!D1'])

    # As a sanity check, validate that the compiled code can produce
    # the current cell values.
    assert {} == excel.validate_calcs(output_addrs=['Sheet1!D1'])

    print("Serializing to disk...")

    # To reload the file later...

    print("Loading from compiled file...")
    excel = ExcelCompiler.from_file(fname)

    # test evaluation
    print(f"D1 is {excel.evaluate('Sheet1!D1')}")

    print("Setting A1 to 1")
    excel.set_value('Sheet1!A1', 1)
from pycel import ExcelCompiler

filename = "/home/kevit/Downloads/ppp.xlsx"

excel = ExcelCompiler(filename=filename)

print(" M17 is {}".format(excel.evaluate('Backtest!M17')))

# for col in worksheet.iter_cols(min_col=14, max_col=14, min_row=6, max_row=22):
        # # #      for cell in col:
        # # #          new_result = ((cell.value - temp) / temp) * 100
        # # #          print('cell value', cell.value)
        # # #          print('temp', temp)
        # # #          print('new_result', new_result)
        # # #          difference = new_result - result
        # # #          print('difference', difference)
        # # #          if difference > 10:
        # # #              print('There is problem with the market place requests data ', cell.value)
        # # #              l2.append(cell.row)
        # # #
        # # #          result = new_result
        # # #          print('result', result)
        # # #          temp = cell.value
        # # #          print('temp', temp)
def index(request):
    if "GET" == request.method:
        return render(request, 'testapp/index.html', {})


        file_name = request.POST.get('file_name')
        inputsheet = request.POST.get('sheet_name')
        min_row = request.POST.get('min_row')
        max_row = request.POST.get('max_row')
        column = request.POST.get('column')
        first_cell_index = request.POST.get('first_cell_index')
        second_cell_index = request.POST.get('second_cell_index')
        inputfile  = request.FILES['file']

        con = Report(column = column, file = inputfile)

        sinputfile = str(inputfile)
        sss= sinputfile.replace(' ','_')

        excel = ExcelCompiler(filename = sss)
        # print(" P16 is {}".format(excel.evaluate('Backtest!P16')))
        # excel.validate_calcs(output_addrs=['Backtest!P16'])
        # print(" P16 is {}".format(excel.evaluate('Backtest!P16')))

        # excel = ExcelCompiler(filename = sinputfile)
        # val = 'Backtest!'+'L16'
        # print(excel.validate_calcs(output_addrs=[val]))
        # a=excel.evaluate(val)
        # print('a',a)

        # print(" P16 is {}".format(excel.evaluate('Backtest!P16')))

        wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename = inputfile, data_only= True)
        # getting a particular sheet by name out of many sheets
        worksheet = wb['Backtest']

        # # # a = worksheet['E4'].value
        # # # print('a', a)
        # # # temp = worksheet['E5'].value
        # # # print('temp', temp)
        # # # result = ((temp - a) / a) * 100
        # # # print('result', result)
        # # # # l1 = []
        # # #
        # # #
        # # # for col in worksheet.iter_cols(min_col=5, max_col=5, min_row=6, max_row=203):
        # # #     for cell in col:
        # # #         new_result = ((cell.value - temp) / temp) * 100
        # # #         print('cell value', cell.value)
        # # #         print('temp', temp)
        # # #         print('new_result', new_result)
        # # #         difference = new_result - result
        # # #         print('difference', difference)
        # # #         if difference < -10:
        # # #             print('There is problem with the unique visitor data ', cell.value)
        # # #             l1.append(cell.row)
        # # #
        # # #         result = new_result
        # # #         print('result', result)
        # # #         temp = cell.value
        # # #         print('temp', temp)
        # # #     print(l1)
        # # #
        # # #  a = worksheet['N4'].value
        # # #  print('a', a)
        # # #  temp = worksheet['N5'].value
        # # #  print('temp', temp)
        # # #  result = ((temp - a) / a) * 100
        # # #  print('result', result)
        # # #  l2 =[]

        # # #  for col in worksheet.iter_cols(min_col=14, max_col=14, min_row=6, max_row=22):
        # # # #      for cell in col:
        # # # #          new_result = ((cell.value - temp) / temp) * 100
        # # # #          print('cell value', cell.value)
        # # # #          print('temp', temp)
        # # # #          print('new_result', new_result)
        # # # #          difference = new_result - result
        # # # #          print('difference', difference)
        # # # #          if difference > 10:
        # # # #              print('There is problem with the market place requests data ', cell.value)
        # # # #              l2.append(cell.row)
        # # # #
        # # # #          result = new_result
        # # # #          print('result', result)
        # # # #          temp = cell.value
        # # # #          print('temp', temp)
        # # #
        # # #  # a = worksheet['V4'].value
        # # #  # print('a', a)
        # # #  # temp = worksheet['V5'].value
        # # #  # print('temp', temp)
        # # #  # result = ((temp - a) / a) * 100
        # # #  # print('result', result)
        # # #
        # # #  # for col in worksheet.iter_cols(min_col= 22, max_col=22, min_row=6, max_row=21):
        # # #  #     for cell in col:
        # # #  #         new_result = ((cell.value - temp) / temp) * 100
        # # #  #         print('cell value', cell.value)
        # # #  #         print('temp', temp)
        # # #  #
        # # #  #         print('new_result', new_result)
        # # #  #
        # # #  #         difference = new_result - result
        # # #  #         print('difference', difference)
        # # #  #         if difference > 10:
        # # #  #             print('There is problem with the market place  revenue data ', cell.value)
        # # #  #         result = new_result
        # # #  #         print('result', result)
        # # #  #         temp = cell.value
        # # #  #         print('temp', temp)
        # # #

        icolumn = int(column)

        for col in  worksheet.iter_cols(min_col= icolumn, max_col = icolumn, min_row =4):
            for cell in col:
                if cell.value is None:

                c= cell.coordinate
                sc = str(c)
                val = 'Backtest!' + sc
                if excel.evaluate(val) != 0 :
                    temp =  excel.evaluate(val)
                    new_row = cell.row


        irow = new_row+1
        l1 = []

        for col in  worksheet.iter_cols(min_col= icolumn, max_col = icolumn, min_row=irow ):
            for cell in col:
                c = cell.coordinate
                sc = str(c)
                val = 'Backtest!' + sc
                p = excel.evaluate(val)
                if cell.value is None:
                difference = p - temp
                if difference > 0.1 or difference < - 0.1:

                temp = excel.evaluate(val)

        # excel_data = list()
        # iterating over the rows and column
        # getting value from each cell in row

        # for col in worksheet.iter_cols(min_col=16,max_col=16,min_row=10,max_row=20):
        #     row_data = list()
        #     for cell in col:
        #         if cell.value is None:
        #             continue
        #         c = cell.coordinate
        #         sc = str(c)
        #         val = 'Backtest!' + sc
        #         excel.validate_calcs(output_addrs=[val])
        #         a = excel.evaluate(val)
        #         row_data.append(a)
        #     excel_data.append(row_data)

        # # a = worksheet[first_cell_index].value
        # # print('a', a)
        # # temp = worksheet[second_cell_index].value
        # # print('temp', temp)
        # # result = ((temp - a) / a) * 100
        # # print('result', result)
        # # l1 = []
        # #
        # # mirow = int(min_row)
        # # marow = int(max_row)
        # # icol = int(column)
        # #
        # #
        # #
        # # for col in worksheet.iter_cols(min_col= icol, max_col= icol, min_row= mirow, max_row= marow):
        # #     for cell in col:
        # #         new_result = ((cell.value - temp) / temp) * 100
        # #         print('cell value', cell.value)
        # #         print('temp', temp)
        # #         print('new_result', new_result)
        # #         difference = new_result - result
        # #         print('difference', difference)
        # #         if difference > 10 or difference < -10:
        # #             print('There is problem with the unique visitor data ', cell.value)
        # #             l1.append(cell.row)
        # #
        # #         result = new_result
        # #         print('result', result)
        # #         temp = cell.value
        # #         print('temp', temp)
        # #     print(l1)
        # #
        # # icolumn = int(column)
        # # imin_row = int(min_row)
        # # imax_row = int(max_row)
        # #
        # # temp = worksheet[first_cell_index].value * 100
        # # print('temp', temp)
        # # l1=[]
        # #
        # #
        # # for col in worksheet.iter_cols(min_col= icolumn,max_col= icolumn,min_row= imin_row,max_row= imax_row):
        # #     for cell in col:
        # #         a = cell.value *100
        # #         difference = (a - temp)
        # #         if difference >10 or difference < -10:
        # #             print(cell.row)
        # #             print('there is faulty data ',  cell.value)
        # #             l1.append(cell.row)
        # #
        # #         temp = cell.value * 100
        # #
        # #
        # # temp = worksheet['N10'].value
        # # t=temp *100
        # # print('t', t)
        # print(worksheet['P10'].value)
        # wb.save()

        qs = Report.objects.all()

        return render(request, 'testapp/index.html',{'l1':l1})
    except ImportError:

    # export the graph, can be loaded by a viewer like gephi
    print("Exporting to gexf...")
    excel.export_to_gexf(fname + ".gexf")

    # As an alternative to using evaluate to put cells in the graph and
    # as a way to trim down the size of the file to just that needed.
    excel.trim_graph(input_addrs=['Sheet1!A1'], output_addrs=['Sheet1!D1'])

    # As a sanity check, validate that the compiled code can produce
    # the current cell values.
    assert {} == excel.validate_calcs(output_addrs=['Sheet1!D1'])

    print("Serializing to disk...")

    # To reload the file later...

    print("Loading from compiled file...")
    excel = ExcelCompiler.from_file(fname)

    # test evaluation
    print("D1 is %s" % excel.evaluate('Sheet1!D1'))

    print("Setting A1 to 1")
    excel.set_value('Sheet1!A1', 1)