def loadData(dynamic_trial, static_trial, vsk_file):
    #load the data, usually there is some checks in here to make sure we loaded
    # correctly, but for now we assume its loaded
    motionData = pycgmIO.loadData(dynamic_trial)
    vskdata = pycgmIO.loadVSK(vsk_file)
    staticData = pycgmIO.loadData(static_trial)
    #The vsk is loaded, but for some reasons the return is split, so we combine
    vsk = pycgmIO.createVskDataDict(vskdata[0], vskdata[1])
    print("Motion Data Length:", len(motionData))

    return motionData, vsk, staticData
文件: runpyCGM.py 项目: luwangg/pyCGM
def main(argv):
    Take in motion data file, time span
    returns output file of angles
    pyCGM.py -i <motionFile> -o <outputfile> -s <start> -e <end> 
    flat_foot = False
    global vskdata
    start,end = None,None
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"h:i:o:s:e:v:x",["ifile=","ofile=","start=","end=","vskfile=","staticinput="])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        print 'pyCGM.py -i <motionFile> -o <outputfile> -s <start> -e <end>'
    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':
                print 'pyCGM.py -i <motionFile> -o <outputfile> -s <start> -e <end>'
        elif opt in ("-i", "--ifile"):
                inputfile = arg
        elif opt in ("-o", "--ofile"):
                outputfile = arg
        elif opt in ("-s", "--start"):
                start = int(arg)
        elif opt in ("-e", "--end"):
                end = int(arg)
        elif opt in ("-v","--vskfile"):
                inputvsk = arg
        elif opt in ("-x","--staticinput"):
                staticfile = arg

#TODO -x is not working for input
    filename = './'+inputfile
    motionData  = pycgmIO.loadData(filename) 
    if len(motionData) == 0 or motionData == None:
        print "No Data Loaded"
    if inputvsk != None:
        vskdata = pycgmIO.loadVSK(inputvsk)
        if vskdata!=None:
                vsk = pycgmIO.createVskDataDict(vskdata[0],vskdata[1])
    if staticfile != None:
        staticData = pycgmIO.loadData(staticfile)
        calibratedMeasurements = pycgmStatic.getStatic(staticData,vsk,flat_foot)


def loadData(dynamic_trial, static_trial, vsk_file):
    """Loads the data given the paths to the dynamic trial, the static
    trial, and the vsk file. Calls to pycgmIO are made to load in the

        A tuple of three arrays that pertain to the motion data,
        the vsk file, and the static data. These arrays are then directly
        used to compute the joint angles. To see how these arrays are
        made, please refer to pycgmIO.
    #load the data, usually there is some checks in here to make sure we loaded
    # correctly, but for now we assume its loaded
    motionData = pycgmIO.loadData(dynamic_trial)
    vskdata = pycgmIO.loadVSK(vsk_file)
    staticData = pycgmIO.loadData(static_trial)
    #The vsk is loaded, but for some reasons the return is split, so we combine
    vsk = pycgmIO.createVskDataDict(vskdata[0], vskdata[1])
    print("Motion Data Length:", len(motionData))

    return motionData, vsk, staticData
def mainMPI(argv):
    testtime = time.strftime("%d_%H_%M_%S", time.gmtime())
    runfolder = str(testtime) + '/'

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "h:i:o:s:e:c:f:p:v:x:r", [
            "ifile=", "ofile=", "start=", "end=", "calctype=", "singleframe=",
            "nprocs=", "vskfile=", "staticinput=", "rank="
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        print 'pyCGM.py -i <motionFile> -o <outputfile> -s <start> -e <end> -c <calctype> -sf <singleframe>'

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':
            print 'pyCGM.py -i <motionFile> -o <outputfile> -s <start> -e <end> -c <calctype> -sf <singleframe> -p <procs>'
        elif opt in ("-i", "--ifile"):
            inputfile = arg
        elif opt in ("-o", "--ofile"):
            outputfile = arg
        elif opt in ("-s", "--start"):
            start = int(arg)
        elif opt in ("-e", "--end"):
            end = int(arg)
        elif opt in ("-c", "--calctype"):
            calctype = arg
        elif opt in ("-f", "--singleframe"):
            singleframe = arg
        elif opt in ("-p", "--nprocs"):
            procs = int(arg)
        elif opt in ("-v", "--vskfile"):
            inputvsk = arg
        elif opt in ("-x", "--staticinput"):
            staticfile = arg
        elif opt in ("-r", "--rank"):
            rank = arg

    #Get this processes rank and the size of the mpi rank call
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    rank_size = comm.Get_size()

    #Set the variable motiondata to none at start for all ranks
    motiondata = None
    vsk = None
    static = None
    motiondata_lab = None
    if rank == 0:
        #File to use in calculation
        start = 0
        flat_foot = False
        filename = './' + inputfile

        #Time setup
        totalTime = time.time()
        loadDataTime = time.time()

        #Load motion data from file
        motionData = pycgmIO.loadData(filename)

        loadDataTime = time.time() - loadDataTime

        if len(motionData) == 0:
            print "No Data Loaded"

        #Load VSK File and parse into dict
        if inputvsk != None:
            loadVskTime = time.time()
            vskdata = pycgmIO.loadVSK(inputvsk)
            if vskdata == None:
                print "VSK Not Loaded"
            vsk = pycgmIO.createVskDataDict(vskdata[0], vskdata[1])
            loadVskTime = time.time() - loadVskTime

        if staticfile != None:
            #Load static file and time it
            loadStaticTime = time.time()
            staticData = pycgmIO.loadData(staticfile)
            loadStaticTime = time.time() - loadStaticTime
            #Calculate Static and time it
            calculateStaticTime = time.time()
            vsk = pycgmStatic.getStatic(staticData, vsk, flat_foot)
            calculateStaticTime = time.time() - calculateStaticTime

        #Split the motion data to labels and values to send faster with MPI
        # then combine again in each process
        motiondata_val, motiondata_lab = pycgmIO.splitDataDict(motionData)

    #Start timing the calculation time
    calculateAnglesTime = time.time()

    if rank == 0:
        #Split the data evenly for the processes
        motionData_val_scatter = []
        l = len(motiondata_val) / (rank_size - 1)
        for i in range(rank_size - 1):
            start = i * l
            end = (i + 1) * l
            if i == rank_size - 2:
                end = len(motiondata_val)
            #Append each dataset as an array of the data, vsk info, and static

        #Set the master rank single_result value to None so there is a variable
        # for it to read when gathering
        single_result = None
        motionData_val_scatter = []
        single_result = None

    motionData = comm.scatter(motionData_val_scatter, root=0)
    vsk = comm.bcast(vsk, root=0)
    static = comm.bcast(static, root=0)
    motiondata_lab = comm.bcast(motiondata_lab, root=0)

    if rank != 0:
        #combine the values and labels back into a dict
        motionData = pycgmIO.combineDataDict(motionData, motiondata_lab)
        single_result = pycgmCalc.calcFramesMPI(motionData, vsk)

    result_total = comm.gather(single_result, root=0)

    if rank == 0:
        results = np.asarray(result_total)[1:]

        #Put all angles in a list instead of separate arrays
        angles = []
        for i in results:
            angles = angles + i
        result = angles

        #Check the time
        calculateAnglesTime = time.time() - calculateAnglesTime
        savaDataTime = time.time()
        #Write the result to file
        angles = ['R Hip', 'L Hip', 'R Knee', 'L Knee', 'R Ankle', 'L Ankle']
        axis = [
            "PELO", "PELX", "PELY", "PELZ", "HIPO", "HIPX", "HIPY", "HIPZ",
            "R KNEO", "R KNEX", "R KNEY", "R KNEZ", "L KNEO", "L KNEX",
            "L KNEY", "L KNEZ", "R ANKO", "R ANKX", "R ANKY", "R ANKZ",
            "L ANKO", "L ANKX", "L ANKY", "L ANKZ", "R FOOO", "R FOOX",
            "R FOOY", "R FOOZ", "L FOOO", "L FOOX", "L FOOY", "L FOOZ"

                            runfolder + outputfile,
        savaDataTime = time.time() - savaDataTime

        totalTimes = time.time() - totalTime
        totalTime = totalTimes / 100
        with open(runfolder + str(time.time()) + '_Root_Node_Stats.txt',
                  'wb') as f:
            f.write("Total time = %.10fs" % (totalTimes, ) + '\n')
            f.write("Cores = " + str(rank_size) + '\n')
                "Total time to load data     \t= %.10fs\t%0.4f%%" %
                (loadStaticTime + loadVskTime + loadDataTime,
                 (loadStaticTime + loadVskTime + loadDataTime) / totalTime) +
            f.write("\tTime to load VSK            = %.10fs\t%0.4f%%" %
                    (loadVskTime, (loadVskTime) / totalTime) + '\n')
            f.write("\tTime to load static data    = %.10fs\t%0.4f%%" %
                    (loadStaticTime, (loadStaticTime) / totalTime) + '\n')
            f.write("\tTime to load data           = %.10fs\t%0.4f%%" %
                    (loadDataTime, (loadDataTime) / totalTime) + '\n')
            f.write("Total time for calculations \t= %.10fs\t%0.4f%%" %
                    (calculateStaticTime + calculateAnglesTime,
                     (calculateStaticTime + calculateAnglesTime) / totalTime) +
            f.write("\tTime to calculate static    = %.10fs\t%0.4f%%" %
                     (calculateStaticTime) / totalTime) + '\n')
            f.write("\tTime to calculate angles    = %.10fs\t%0.4f%%" %
                     (calculateAnglesTime) / totalTime) + '\n')
            f.write("Total time to save output      \t= %.10fs\t%0.4f%%" %
                    (savaDataTime, (savaDataTime) / totalTime) + '\n')
