 def _ensureColor(self, pref):
     """ Ensures that the tags for pref_normal and pref_bold are set in the text buffer """
     tb = self.readView.get_buffer()
     if not pref in self.colors:
         color = uistuff.genColor(len(self.colors) + 1, self.startpoint)
         self.colors[pref] = color
         color = [int(c * 255) for c in color]
         color = "#" + "".join([hex(v)[2:].zfill(2) for v in color])
         tb.create_tag(pref + "_normal", foreground=color)
         tb.create_tag(pref + "_bold", foreground=color, weight=Pango.Weight.BOLD)
 def _ensureColor(self, pref):
     """ Ensures that the tags for pref_normal and pref_bold are set in the text buffer """
     tb = self.readView.get_buffer()
     if not pref in self.colors:
         color = uistuff.genColor(len(self.colors) + 1, self.startpoint)
         self.colors[pref] = color
         color = [int(c * 255) for c in color]
         color = "#" + "".join([hex(v)[2:].zfill(2) for v in color])
         tb.create_tag(pref + "_normal", foreground=color)
         tb.create_tag(pref + "_bold", foreground=color, weight=Pango.Weight.BOLD)