def rexHist(iterable, title, write=False, imgFilePath=None): """ `iterable` *string # An iterable of the CHARMM .out files `title` string # The title of the plot. `write` [`False`,`"svg"`,`"png"`] # The plot's output format, # False won't write a file. `imgFilePath` string # The plot's file path, defaults # to `$cwd/default_title`. """ fileList = list(iterable) fileList = map(expandPath, fileList) tempArray = [] for fileName in fileList: print 'Processing %s...' % fileName filePointer = open(fileName) rawData = getProp(filePointer, 'averener', 'avertemp') tempArray.append(np.array(rawData['avertemp']).mean()) # Calc Temp histData = np.histogram(rawData['averener'], 20, new=True) pyplot.plot(histData[1][1:],histData[0],label=os.path.basename(fileName)) pyplot.legend( ['%3dK' % tempArray[i] for i in xrange(len(fileList))] ,loc=0, ncol=2) pyplot.xlabel(r'$Energy\ (kcal\ mol^{-1})$') pyplot.ylabel(r'$Frequency$') pyplot.title(r'%s' % title) if write: if imgFilePath is None: imgFilePath = '%s/%s.%s' % (os.path.dirname(fileList[0]), title, write) else: imgFilePath = expandPath(imgFilePath) pyplot.savefig(imgFilePath, format=write) else:
def fset(self, value): value = expandPath(value) if not exists(value): raise IOError("No such file or directory: '%s'" % value) self._pdbFilename = value
def parse(pdbFilename, **kwargs): """ Parse a *.pdb* plain text file into its constituent chains and segments, and print one CHARMM formatted *.pdb* file per chain/segment combination. *kwarg defaults are listed first* **kwargs:** | ``informat`` ['auto', 'pdborg', 'charmm'] # 'auto' -> detects input formatting | ``outformat`` ['charmm', 'pdborg', 'auto'] # 'auto' -> same as input formatting | ``outpath`` ['auto', user_specified_path] # 'auto' -> same as pdbFilename path | ``fix_chainid`` [True, False] | ``autofix`` [True, False] | ``modelnum`` ['auto', 0, 1, 2, ...] # 'auto' -> uses the first model found | ``pickleme`` [False, True] # pickles the PDBFile object for later use | ``verbose`` [False, True] | ``old_resid`` [False, True] >>> parse('~/pychm/1yjp/1yjp.pdb',outpath='~',pickleme=True) """ # kwargs kwargs = lowerKeys(kwargs) inFormat = kwargs.get('informat', 'auto') outFormat = kwargs.get('outformat', 'charmm') outPath = kwargs.get('outpath', 'auto') fix_chainid = kwargs.get('fix_chainid', True) autoFix = kwargs.get('autofix', True) modelNum = kwargs.get('modelnum', 'auto') pickleMe = kwargs.get('pickleme', False) verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False) old_resid = kwargs.get('old_resid', False) # Repackage the PDBFile kwargs, make pdbFile object pdbFileArgs = {'informat':inFormat, 'fix_chainid':fix_chainid, 'autofix':autoFix, 'verbose':verbose} pdb = PDBFile(pdbFilename, **pdbFileArgs) if verbose: print '%s: Output formatting set to `%s`' % (pdb.code, outFormat) # Get model number... if modelNum == 'auto': thisMol = pdb.iter_models().next() else: thisMol = pdb[modelNum] if verbose: print '%s: Loading `%s`' % (pdb.code, # Determine explicit output Path if outPath == 'auto': outPath = pdb.path else: outPath = expandPath(outPath) mkdir(outPath) if verbose: print '%s: Output path set to `%s`' % (pdb.code, outPath) # Do Work thisMol.parse() if verbose: print '%s: Parsing `%s`' % (pdb.code, # Write CHARMMing style output. segDict = {'nuc':'nuc', 'pro':'pro', 'good':'goodhet', 'bad':'het', 'dna':'dna', 'rna':'rna'} stdoutList = [] # Write pdb files writeArgs = {'outformat':outFormat, 'ter':True, 'end':False, 'old_resid':old_resid} for seg in thisMol.iter_seg(): stdoutList.append('%s-%s' % (seg.chainid, segDict[seg.segType])) name = '%s/new_%s-%s-%s.pdb' % (outPath, thisMol.code, seg.chainid, segDict[seg.segType]) if verbose: print '%s: Writing output to file `%s`' % (pdb.code, name) seg.write(filename=name, **writeArgs) # Write pickle (chk) file if pickleMe: pickleFilename = '%s/%s.chk' % (outPath, pdb.code) pickleFile = open(pickleFilename,'w') dump(pdb,pickleFile) pickleFile.close() if verbose: print '%s: Writing pickle to file `%s`' % (pdb.code, pickleFilename) if verbose: print '\n\nEnd of verbosity\n\n' # To STDOUT print 'natom=%d' % len(thisMol) print 'nwarn=%d' % len(thisMol.warnings) if thisMol.warnings: print 'warnings=%r' % thisMol.warnings print 'seg=%r' % stdoutList
def fset(self, value): self._filename = expandPath(value)
def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs): super(BaseCHARMMFile, self).__init__() self.filename = expandPath(filename) self.header = [] self.body = []
def write(self, filename, **kwargs): """ Writes a file containing the molecular information contained in :class:`BaseStruct` object. **kwargs:** | ``outformat`` ["charmm","pdborg","debug","xdebug","crd","xcrd","mol2"] | ``old_chainid`` [False,True] | ``old_segType`` [False,True] | ``old_resid`` [False,True] | ``old_atomNum`` [False,True] | ``ter`` [False,True] | ``end`` True if `outformat` in ["pdborg","charmm"] | ``append`` [False,True] >>> thisSeg.write('~/1yjp.pdb',outformat='charmm',old_resid=True) """ # kwargs kwargs = lowerKeys(kwargs) outFormat = kwargs.get('outformat', 'charmm') end = kwargs.get('end', None) ter = kwargs.get('ter', None) append = kwargs.get('append', False) # filename = expandPath(filename) writeMe = [] if outFormat in ['pdborg', 'charmm']: for atom in self: writeMe.append(atom.Print(**kwargs)) if ter is None: ter = True if end is None: end = True elif outFormat == 'mol2': header = kwargs.get('header', None) bonds = kwargs.get('bonds', None) writeMe.append('@<TRIPOS>MOLECULE') if header: for line in header: writeMe.append(line) writeMe.append('') writeMe.append('@<TRIPOS>ATOM') for atom in self: writeMe.append(atom.Print(**kwargs)) writeMe.append('') writeMe.append('@<TRIPOS>BOND') if bonds: for bond in bonds: writeMe.append(bond.writeOut()) writeMe.append('') elif outFormat in ['debug', 'xdebug']: for atom in self: writeMe.append(atom.Print(**kwargs)) elif outFormat in ['crd', 'cor', 'card', 'short', 'shortcard', 'xcrd', 'xcor', 'xcard', 'long', 'longcard']: writeMe.append('*') writeMe.append(' %d' % len(self)) for atom in self: writeMe.append(atom.Print(**kwargs)) # TER/END if ter: writeMe.append('TER') if end: writeMe.append('END\n') # Write file writeMe = '\n'.join(writeMe) if append: writeTo = open(filename,'a') else: writeTo = open(filename,'w') writeTo.write(writeMe) writeTo.close()