    def test_point_in_polygon(self):
        # on polygon
        self.assertEqual(pyclipper.PointInPolygon((180, 200), PATH_SUBJ_1), -1)

        # in polygon
        self.assertEqual(pyclipper.PointInPolygon((200, 180), PATH_SUBJ_1), 1)

        # outside of polygon
        self.assertEqual(pyclipper.PointInPolygon((500, 500), PATH_SUBJ_1), 0)
def get_outside_point(start_point, vect, polygon):
    point = start_point
    reverse_point = start_point
    soluce = None  # soluce in english walkthrough
    while soluce is None:
        point = [point[0]+vect[0], point[1]+vect[1]]
        if not pyclipper.PointInPolygon(point, polygon):
            return point
        reverse_point = [reverse_point[0] - vect[0],
                         reverse_point[1] - vect[1]]
        if not pyclipper.PointInPolygon(reverse_point, polygon):
            return reverse_point
def resolveTree(clipperPaths, processHoles, side):
    ''' resolves the tree of the paths, from outside to inside, returns list of [path_to_cut_inside, <[hole_path_to_avoid1], [hole_path_to_avoid2], ...>] '''
    pairGraph = []
    for ip1 in range(0, len(clipperPaths)):
        p1 = clipperPaths[ip1]
        for ip2 in range(ip1 + 1, len(clipperPaths)):
            p2 = clipperPaths[ip2]
            if pyclipper.PointInPolygon(p2[0], p1) != 0:
                pairGraph.append([ip1, ip2])  #ip1 parent,ip2 child
            elif pyclipper.PointInPolygon(p1[0], p2) != 0:
                pairGraph.append([ip2, ip1])  #ip2 parent,ip1 child
    #calc nesting levels
    nesting = [0] * len(clipperPaths)
    for ip1 in range(0,
                     len(clipperPaths)):  #for each path find the nesting level
        for pp in pairGraph:
            if pp[1] == ip1:
                nesting[ip1] = nesting[ip1] + 1

    print "Nesting info: ", nesting
    #make feature paths first path is outer others are inner (direct holes)
    features = []

    for ip in range(0, len(clipperPaths)):
        if side == "Outside" and not processHoles:
            if nesting[
                    ip] == 0:  #add all paths with odd nesting as outside paths, odd will be added as holes
            if nesting[
                    ip] % 2 == 0:  #add all paths with odd nesting as outside paths, odd will be added as holes

    if processHoles or side == "Outside":
        for pair in pairGraph:
            ip1 = pair[0]
            ip2 = pair[1]
            for feat in features:
                if feat[0] == ip1 and nesting[ip2] % 2 == 1:

    tree = []
    for feat in features:
        paths = []
        for ip in feat:

    return tree
def point_in_polygon(point, polygon):
    stc = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper
    in_polygon = pyclipper.PointInPolygon(stc(point), stc(polygon))
    if in_polygon == 1:
        return True
        return False
def point_inside_loop(point, loop):
    """tests to see if a point is inside (1), on(-1), or outside (0) of a loop"""
    scaled_loop = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(loop, SCALING_FACTOR)
    scaled_point = [int(point[0] * SCALING_FACTOR),
                    int(point[1] * SCALING_FACTOR)]
    is_point_inside = pyclipper.PointInPolygon(scaled_point, scaled_loop)
    return is_point_inside
def paths_contain(pt, paths):
    cnt = 0
    pt = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper([pt], SCALING_FACTOR)[0]
    for path in paths:
        path = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(path, SCALING_FACTOR)
        if pyclipper.PointInPolygon(pt, path):
            cnt = 1 - cnt
    return cnt % 2 != 0
def isOutsideCutRegion(toolPos,
    #check if toolPos is outside cut area - i.e. used to check if we reached end of this continuous pass
    for node in cut_region_tp_polytree.Childs:
        pip = pyclipper.PointInPolygon(toolPos, node.Contour)
        if pip == -1 and include_boundary:
            return True
        if pip == 1:  #if inside the root path, check if not inside any of its holes
            for hole in node.Childs:
                pip = pyclipper.PointInPolygon(toolPos, hole.Contour)
                if pip == -1 and include_boundary:
                    return True
                if pip == 1:
                    return True  # must not be inside all other (holes)
            return False
    return True
def findInterior(polygon, polys):
    for point in polygon.path:
        for exterior_polygon in polys:
            if exterior_polygon == polygon: continue
            if pyclipper.PointInPolygon(point, exterior_polygon.path) == 1:
                print("Polygon %d is inside polygon %d" %
                      (polygon.id, exterior_polygon.id))
                polygon.interior = True
文件: model.py 项目: cloudcalvin/Yuna
def terminals(geom, cell, datafield):
    terms = dict()

    for key, polygons in datafield.get_terminals().items():
        for points in polygons:
            for lbl in cell.labels:
                if pyclipper.PointInPolygon(lbl.position, points) == 1:
                    print('     .terms detected: ' + lbl.text)
                    terms[lbl.text] = Terminal([points])

    for name, term in terms.items():
        term.metal_connection(datafield, name)
        term.extrude(geom, datafield)

    utils.write_cell((99, 0), 'Terminal Edges', terms)
def rate_transferred(room):
    #obj in room

    paths = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(room["contour"])
    objpos = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(
        [[o["translate"][0], o["translate"][2]] for o in room["objList"]])

    tolerance = (
        (np.array(paths).max(axis=1) - np.array(paths).min(axis=1)).min() *
    pco = pyclipper.PyclipperOffset()
    pco.AddPaths(paths, pyclipper.JT_SQUARE, pyclipper.ET_CLOSEDPOLYGON)
    offsetpath = pco.Execute(tolerance)

    flags = [
        any([pyclipper.PointInPolygon(pos, path) for path in offsetpath])
        for pos in objpos
    score = np.log(np.std(np.array(objpos), axis=0) +
                   0.000001).sum() + np.mean(flags) * 10
    return score
 def test_point_in_polygon(self):
     with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
         self.assertEqual(pyclipper.PointInPolygon((180, 200), PATH_SUBJ_1),
 def encloses_endpoints(self, points):
     if pyclipper.PointInPolygon(self.endpoints[0], points) != 0:
         return True
     elif pyclipper.PointInPolygon(self.endpoints[1], points) != 0:
         return True
def poly1_in_poly2(poly1, poly2):
    point = poly1[0]
    if pyclipper.PointInPolygon(point, poly2):
        return True
        return False
def encloses(coord, points):
    """  """
    sc = constants.CLIPPER_SCALE
    coord = st(coord.to_list(), sc)
    points = st(points, sc)
    return pyclipper.PointInPolygon(coord, points) != 0
def isPointInPolygon(point, path):
    import pyclipper
    return True if (pyclipper.PointInPolygon(point, path) == 1) else False
def point_inside(points, position):
    assert position is not None, 'No label position found.'
    if pyclipper.PointInPolygon(position, points) != 0:
        return True
    return False
def get_path(bound, holes, path):
    pc = pyclipper.Pyclipper()
    pc.AddPath(path, pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, False)
    pc.AddPath(bound, pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)
    result = pyclipper.PolyTreeToPaths(pc.Execute2(pyclipper.CT_DIFFERENCE,\
    result_size = len(result)
    if result_size == 1:  # cross once the bound
        middle_point = get_middle_point([result[0][0], result[0][1]])
        vetctor = get_vector([result[0][0], result[0][1]])
        point = get_inside_point(middle_point, vetctor, bound)
        return get_path(bound, holes, [path[0], point]) + \
            get_path(bound, holes, [point, path[1]])[1:]

    elif result_size > 1:  # cross multiple times the bound
        middle_point = None
        solution = [path[0]]
        previous_middle_point = path[0]
        for i in range(0, result_size-1):
            middle_point = get_middle_point([result[i][1], result[i+1][0]])
            vetctor = get_vector([result[i][1], result[i+1][0]])
            for hole in holes:
                if pyclipper.PointInPolygon(middle_point, hole):
                    middle_point = get_outside_point(middle_point,
            solution += get_path(bound, holes, [previous_middle_point, middle_point])[1:]
            previous_middle_point = middle_point
        solution += get_path(bound, holes, [previous_middle_point, path[1]])[1:]
        return solution

    pc.AddPath(path, pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, False)
    for hole in holes:
        pc.AddPath(hole, pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)
    result = pyclipper.PolyTreeToPaths(pc.Execute2(pyclipper.CT_DIFFERENCE,
    result_size = len(result)
    if result_size == 2:  # cross only one hole once
        for hole in holes:  # seek the crossing hole
            pc.AddPath(path, pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, False)
            pc.AddPath(hole, pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)
            result = pyclipper.PolyTreeToPaths(
            result_size = len(result)
            if result_size == 2:
                middle_point = get_middle_point([result[0][1], result[1][0]])
                vetctor = get_vector([result[0][1], result[1][0]])
                point = get_outside_point(middle_point, vetctor, hole)
                return get_path(bound, holes, [path[0], point]) + \
                    get_path(bound, holes, [point, path[1]])[1:]

    elif result_size > 2:  # cross multipleholes or one hole multiple times
        middle_point = None
        solution = [path[0]]
        previous_middle_point = path[0]
        for i in range(1, result_size - 1):
            middle_point = get_middle_point([result[i][0], result[i][1]])
            solution += get_path(bound, holes, [previous_middle_point, middle_point])[1:]
            previous_middle_point = middle_point
        solution += get_path(bound, holes, [previous_middle_point, path[1]])[1:]
        return solution

    return path
def constructSSD(asas, traf, priocode="RS1"):
    """ Calculates the FRV and ARV of the SSD """
    N = 0
    # Parameters
    N_angle = 180  # [-] Number of points on circle (discretization)
    vmin = asas.vmin  # [m/s] Defined in asas.py
    vmax = asas.vmax  # [m/s] Defined in asas.py
    hsep = asas.R  # [m] Horizontal separation (5 NM)
    margin = asas.mar  # [-] Safety margin for evasion
    hsepm = hsep * margin  # [m] Horizontal separation with safety margin
    alpham = 0.4999 * np.pi  # [rad] Maximum half-angle for VO
    betalos = np.pi / 4  # [rad] Minimum divertion angle for LOS (45 deg seems optimal)
    adsbmax = 65. * nm  # [m] Maximum ADS-B range
    beta = np.pi / 4 + betalos / 2
    if priocode == "RS7" or priocode == "RS8":
        adsbmax /= 2

    # Relevant info from traf
    gsnorth = traf.gsnorth
    gseast = traf.gseast
    lat = traf.lat
    lon = traf.lon
    ntraf = traf.ntraf
    hdg = traf.hdg
    gs_ap = traf.ap.tas
    hdg_ap = traf.ap.trk
    apnorth = np.cos(hdg_ap / 180 * np.pi) * gs_ap
    apeast = np.sin(hdg_ap / 180 * np.pi) * gs_ap

    # Local variables, will be put into asas later
    FRV_loc = [None] * traf.ntraf
    ARV_loc = [None] * traf.ntraf
    # For calculation purposes
    ARV_calc_loc = [None] * traf.ntraf
    FRV_area_loc = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=np.float32)
    ARV_area_loc = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=np.float32)

    # # Use velocity limits for the ring-shaped part of the SSD
    # Discretize the circles using points on circle
    angles = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi / N_angle)
    # Put points of unit-circle in a (180x2)-array (CW)
    xyc = np.transpose(
        np.reshape(np.concatenate((np.sin(angles), np.cos(angles))),
                   (2, N_angle)))
    # Map them into the format pyclipper wants. Outercircle CCW, innercircle CW
    circle_tup = (tuple(map(tuple, np.flipud(xyc * vmax))),
                  tuple(map(tuple, xyc * vmin)))
    circle_lst = [
        list(map(list, np.flipud(xyc * vmax))),
        list(map(list, xyc * vmin))

    # If no traffic
    if ntraf == 0:

    # If only one aircraft
    elif ntraf == 1:
        # Map them into the format ARV wants. Outercircle CCW, innercircle CW
        ARV_loc[0] = circle_lst
        FRV_loc[0] = []
        ARV_calc_loc[0] = ARV_loc[0]
        # Calculate areas and store in asas
        FRV_area_loc[0] = 0
        ARV_area_loc[0] = np.pi * (vmax**2 - vmin**2)

    # Function qdrdist_matrix needs 4 vectors as input (lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2)
    # To be efficient, calculate all qdr and dist in one function call
    # Example with ntraf = 5:   ind1 = [0,0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,3]
    #                           ind2 = [1,2,3,4,2,3,4,3,4,4]
    # This way the qdrdist is only calculated once between every aircraft
    # To get all combinations, use this function to get the indices
    ind1, ind2 = qdrdist_matrix_indices(ntraf)
    # Get absolute bearing [deg] and distance [nm]
    # Not sure abs/rel, but qdr is defined from [-180,180] deg, w.r.t. North
    [qdr, dist] = geo.qdrdist_matrix(lat[ind1], lon[ind1], lat[ind2],
    # Put result of function from matrix to ndarray
    qdr = np.reshape(np.array(qdr), np.shape(ind1))
    dist = np.reshape(np.array(dist), np.shape(ind1))
    # SI-units from [deg] to [rad]
    qdr = np.deg2rad(qdr)
    # Get distance from [nm] to [m]
    dist = dist * nm

    # In LoS the VO can't be defined, act as if dist is on edge
    dist[dist < hsepm] = hsepm

    # Calculate vertices of Velocity Obstacle (CCW)
    # These are still in relative velocity space, see derivation in appendix
    # Half-angle of the Velocity obstacle [rad]
    # Include safety margin
    alpha = np.arcsin(hsepm / dist)
    # Limit half-angle alpha to 89.982 deg. Ensures that VO can be constructed
    alpha[alpha > alpham] = alpham
    # Relevant sin/cos/tan
    sinqdr = np.sin(qdr)
    cosqdr = np.cos(qdr)
    tanalpha = np.tan(alpha)
    cosqdrtanalpha = cosqdr * tanalpha
    sinqdrtanalpha = sinqdr * tanalpha

    # Relevant x1,y1,x2,y2 (x0 and y0 are zero in relative velocity space)
    x1 = (sinqdr + cosqdrtanalpha) * 2 * vmax
    x2 = (sinqdr - cosqdrtanalpha) * 2 * vmax
    y1 = (cosqdr - sinqdrtanalpha) * 2 * vmax
    y2 = (cosqdr + sinqdrtanalpha) * 2 * vmax

    # Consider every aircraft
    for i in range(ntraf):
        # Calculate SSD only for aircraft in conflict (See formulas appendix)
        if asas.inconf[i]:
            # SSD for aircraft i
            # Get indices that belong to aircraft i
            ind = np.where(np.logical_or(ind1 == i, ind2 == i))[0]
            # Check whether there are any aircraft in the vicinity
            if len(ind) == 0:
                # No aircraft in the vicinity
                # Map them into the format ARV wants. Outercircle CCW, innercircle CW
                ARV_loc[i] = circle_lst
                FRV_loc[i] = []
                ARV_calc_loc[i] = ARV_loc[i]
                # Calculate areas and store in asas
                FRV_area_loc[i] = 0
                ARV_area_loc[i] = np.pi * (vmax**2 - vmin**2)
                # The i's of the other aircraft
                i_other = np.delete(np.arange(0, ntraf), i)
                # Aircraft that are within ADS-B range
                ac_adsb = np.where(dist[ind] < adsbmax)[0]
                # Now account for ADS-B range in indices of other aircraft (i_other)
                ind = ind[ac_adsb]
                i_other = i_other[ac_adsb]
                if not priocode == "RS7" and not priocode == "RS8":
                    # Put it in class-object (not for RS7 and RS8)
                    asas.inrange[i] = i_other
                    asas.inrange2[i] = i_other
                # VO from 2 to 1 is mirror of 1 to 2. Only 1 to 2 can be constructed in
                # this manner, so need a correction vector that will mirror the VO
                fix = np.ones(np.shape(i_other))
                fix[i_other < i] = -1
                # Relative bearing [deg] from [-180,180]
                # (less required conversions than rad in RotA)
                fix_ang = np.zeros(np.shape(i_other))
                fix_ang[i_other < i] = 180.

                # Get vertices in an x- and y-array of size (ntraf-1)*3x1
                x = np.concatenate(
                    (gseast[i_other], x1[ind] * fix + gseast[i_other],
                     x2[ind] * fix + gseast[i_other]))
                y = np.concatenate(
                    (gsnorth[i_other], y1[ind] * fix + gsnorth[i_other],
                     y2[ind] * fix + gsnorth[i_other]))
                # Reshape [(ntraf-1)x3] and put arrays in one array [(ntraf-1)x3x2]
                x = np.transpose(x.reshape(3, np.shape(i_other)[0]))
                y = np.transpose(y.reshape(3, np.shape(i_other)[0]))
                xy = np.dstack((x, y))

                # Make a clipper object
                pc = pyclipper.Pyclipper()
                # Add circles (ring-shape) to clipper as subject
                            pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)

                # Extra stuff needed for RotA
                if priocode == "RS6":
                    # Make another clipper object for RotA
                    pc_rota = pyclipper.Pyclipper()
                                     pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)
                    # Bearing calculations from own view and other view
                    brg_own = np.mod(
                        (np.rad2deg(qdr[ind]) + fix_ang - hdg[i]) + 540.,
                        360.) - 180.
                    brg_other = np.mod(
                        (np.rad2deg(qdr[ind]) + 180. - fix_ang - hdg[i_other])
                        + 540., 360.) - 180.

                # Add each other other aircraft to clipper as clip
                for j in range(np.shape(i_other)[0]):
                    ## Debug prints
                    ## print(traf.id[i] + " - " + traf.id[i_other[j]])
                    ## print(dist[ind[j]])
                    # Scale VO when not in LOS
                    if dist[ind[j]] > hsepm:
                        # Normally VO shall be added of this other a/c
                        VO = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(
                            tuple(map(tuple, xy[j, :, :])))
                        # Pair is in LOS, instead of triangular VO, use darttip
                        # Check if bearing should be mirrored
                        if i_other[j] < i:
                            qdr_los = qdr[ind[j]] + np.pi
                            qdr_los = qdr[ind[j]]
                        # Length of inner-leg of darttip
                        leg = 1.1 * vmax / np.cos(beta) * np.array(
                            [1, 1, 1, 0])
                        # Angles of darttip
                        angles_los = np.array([
                            qdr_los + 2 * beta, qdr_los, qdr_los - 2 * beta, 0.
                        # Calculate coordinates (CCW)
                        x_los = leg * np.sin(angles_los)
                        y_los = leg * np.cos(angles_los)
                        # Put in array of correct format
                        xy_los = np.vstack((x_los, y_los)).T
                        # Scale darttip
                        VO = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(
                            tuple(map(tuple, xy_los)))
                    # Add scaled VO to clipper
                    pc.AddPath(VO, pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)
                    # For RotA it is possible to ignore
                    if priocode == "RS6":
                        if brg_own[j] >= -20. and brg_own[j] <= 110.:
                            # Head-on or converging from right
                            pc_rota.AddPath(VO, pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)
                        elif brg_other[j] <= -110. or brg_other[j] >= 110.:
                            # In overtaking position
                            pc_rota.AddPath(VO, pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)
                    # Detect conflicts for smaller layer in RS7 and RS8
                    if priocode == "RS7" or priocode == "RS8":
                        if pyclipper.PointInPolygon(
                                    (gseast[i], gsnorth[i])), VO):
                            asas.inconf2[i] = True
                    if priocode == "RS5":
                        if pyclipper.PointInPolygon(
                                    (apeast[i], apnorth[i])), VO):
                            asas.ap_free[i] = False

                # Execute clipper command
                FRV = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(
                               pyclipper.PFT_NONZERO, pyclipper.PFT_NONZERO))

                ARV = pc.Execute(pyclipper.CT_DIFFERENCE,
                                 pyclipper.PFT_NONZERO, pyclipper.PFT_NONZERO)

                if not priocode == "RS1" and not priocode == "RS5" and not priocode == "RS7" and not priocode == "RS8":
                    # Make another clipper object for extra intersections
                    pc2 = pyclipper.Pyclipper()
                    # When using RotA clip with pc_rota
                    if priocode == "RS6":
                        # Calculate ARV for RotA
                        ARV_rota = pc_rota.Execute(pyclipper.CT_DIFFERENCE,
                        if len(ARV_rota) > 0:
                            pc2.AddPaths(ARV_rota, pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)
                        # Put the ARV in there, make sure it's not empty
                        if len(ARV) > 0:
                            pc2.AddPaths(ARV, pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)

                # Scale back
                ARV = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(ARV)

                # Check if ARV or FRV is empty
                if len(ARV) == 0:
                    # No aircraft in the vicinity
                    # Map them into the format ARV wants. Outercircle CCW, innercircle CW
                    ARV_loc[i] = []
                    FRV_loc[i] = circle_lst
                    ARV_calc_loc[i] = []
                    # Calculate areas and store in asas
                    FRV_area_loc[i] = np.pi * (vmax**2 - vmin**2)
                    ARV_area_loc[i] = 0
                elif len(FRV) == 0:
                    # Should not happen with one a/c or no other a/c in the vicinity.
                    # These are handled earlier. Happens when RotA has removed all
                    # Map them into the format ARV wants. Outercircle CCW, innercircle CW
                    ARV_loc[i] = circle_lst
                    FRV_loc[i] = []
                    ARV_calc_loc[i] = circle_lst
                    # Calculate areas and store in asas
                    FRV_area_loc[i] = 0
                    ARV_area_loc[i] = np.pi * (vmax**2 - vmin**2)
                    # Check multi exteriors, if this layer is not a list, it means it has no exteriors
                    # In that case, make it a list, such that its format is consistent with further code
                    if not type(FRV[0][0]) == list:
                        FRV = [FRV]
                    if not type(ARV[0][0]) == list:
                        ARV = [ARV]
                    # Store in asas
                    FRV_loc[i] = FRV
                    ARV_loc[i] = ARV
                    # Calculate areas and store in asas
                    FRV_area_loc[i] = area(FRV)
                    ARV_area_loc[i] = area(ARV)

                    # For resolution purposes sometimes extra intersections are wanted
                    if priocode == "RS2" or priocode == "RS9" or priocode == "RS6" or priocode == "RS3" or priocode == "RS4":
                        # Make a box that covers right or left of SSD
                        own_hdg = hdg[i] * np.pi / 180
                        # Efficient calculation of box, see notes
                        if priocode == "RS2" or priocode == "RS6":
                            # CW or right-turning
                            sin_table = np.array(
                                [[1, 0], [-1, 0], [-1, -1], [1, -1]],
                            cos_table = np.array(
                                [[0, 1], [0, -1], [1, -1], [1, 1]],
                        elif priocode == "RS9":
                            # CCW or left-turning
                            sin_table = np.array(
                                [[1, 0], [1, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, 0]],
                            cos_table = np.array(
                                [[0, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1], [0, -1]],
                        # Overlay a part of the full SSD
                        if priocode == "RS2" or priocode == "RS9" or priocode == "RS6":
                            # Normalized coordinates of box
                            xyp = np.sin(own_hdg) * sin_table + np.cos(
                                own_hdg) * cos_table
                            # Scale with vmax (and some factor) and put in tuple
                            part = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(
                                tuple(map(tuple, 1.1 * vmax * xyp)))
                            pc2.AddPath(part, pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)
                        elif priocode == "RS3":
                            # Small ring
                            xyp = (tuple(
                                    np.flipud(xyc *
                                              min(vmax, gs_ap[i] + 0.1)))),
                                           xyc * max(vmin, gs_ap[i] - 0.1))))
                            part = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(xyp)
                            pc2.AddPaths(part, pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)
                        elif priocode == "RS4":
                            hdg_sel = hdg[i] * np.pi / 180
                            xyp = np.array([[
                                np.sin(hdg_sel - 0.0087),
                                np.cos(hdg_sel - 0.0087)
                            ], [0, 0],
                                                np.sin(hdg_sel + 0.0087),
                                                np.cos(hdg_sel + 0.0087)
                            part = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(
                                tuple(map(tuple, 1.1 * vmax * xyp)))
                            pc2.AddPath(part, pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)
                        # Execute clipper command
                        ARV_calc = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(
                        N += 1
                        # If no smaller ARV is found, take the full ARV
                        if len(ARV_calc) == 0:
                            ARV_calc = ARV
                        # Check multi exteriors, if this layer is not a list, it means it has no exteriors
                        # In that case, make it a list, such that its format is consistent with further code
                        if not type(ARV_calc[0][0]) == list:
                            ARV_calc = [ARV_calc]
                    # Shortest way out prio, so use full SSD (ARV_calc = ARV)
                        ARV_calc = ARV
                    # Update calculatable ARV for resolutions
                    ARV_calc_loc[i] = ARV_calc

    # If sequential approach, the local should go elsewhere
    if not priocode == "RS7" and not priocode == "RS8":
        asas.FRV = FRV_loc
        asas.ARV = ARV_loc
        asas.ARV_calc = ARV_calc_loc
        asas.FRV_area = FRV_area_loc
        asas.ARV_area = ARV_area_loc
        asas.ARV_calc2 = ARV_calc_loc
def is_nested_polygons(hole, poly):
    for point in hole.points:
        if pyclipper.PointInPolygon(point, poly.points) != 1:
            return False
    return True
def constructSSD1(asas, traf):
    """ Calculates the FRV and ARV of the SSD """

    #N = 0
    # Parameters
    N_angle = 180  # [-] Number of points on circle (discretization)
    vmin = asas.vmin  # [m/s] Defined in asas.py
    vmax = asas.vmax  # [m/s] Defined in asas.py
    hsep = asas.R  # [m] Horizontal separation (5 NM)
    margin = asas.mar  # [-] Safety margin for evasion
    hsepm = hsep * margin  # [m] Horizontal separation with safety margin
    alpham = 0.4999 * np.pi  # [rad] Maximum half-angle for VO
    betalos = np.pi / 4  # [rad] Minimum divertion angle for LOS (45 deg seems optimal)
    adsbmax = 200. * nm  # [m] Maximum ADS-B range PRIOR: 65NM, 250NM
    beta = np.pi / 4 + betalos / 2

    # Relevant info from traf
    gsnorth = traf.gsnorth
    gseast = traf.gseast
    lat = traf.lat
    lon = traf.lon
    ntraf = traf.ntraf

    # Local variables, will be put into asas later
    FRV_loc = [None] * traf.ntraf
    FRV_loc_5 = [None] * traf.ntraf  #NEWWWW
    FRV_loc_3 = [None] * traf.ntraf  #NEWWWW
    FRV_loc_min = [None] * traf.ntraf  #NEWWWW
    FRV_loc_tla = [None] * traf.ntraf  #NEWWWW
    FRV_loc_dlos = [None] * traf.ntraf  #NEWWWW

    ARV_loc = [None] * traf.ntraf
    ARV_loc_3 = [None] * traf.ntraf  #NEWWWW
    ARV_loc_5 = [None] * traf.ntraf  #NEWWWW
    ARV_loc_min = [None] * traf.ntraf  #NEWWWW
    ARV_loc_tla = [None] * traf.ntraf  #NEWWWW

    # For calculation purposes
    ARV_calc_loc = [None] * traf.ntraf
    ARV_calc_locmin = [None] * traf.ntraf
    ARV_calc_loc_glb = [None] * traf.ntraf
    ARV_calc_loc_dlos = [None] * traf.ntraf
    ARV_calc_loc_dcpa = [None] * traf.ntraf

    FRV_area_loc = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=np.float32)
    FRV_area_loc_5 = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=np.float32)
    FRV_area_loc_3 = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=np.float32)
    FRV_area_loc_min = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=np.float32)
    FRV_area_loc_tla = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=np.float32)
    FRV_area_loc_dlos = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=np.float32)

    ARV_area_loc = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=np.float32)
    ARV_area_loc_5 = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=np.float32)
    ARV_area_loc_3 = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=np.float32)
    ARV_area_loc_min = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=np.float32)
    ARV_area_loc_tla = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=np.float32)
    ARV_area_loc_dlos = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=np.float32)
    ARV_area_loc_dcpa = np.zeros(traf.ntraf, dtype=np.float32)

    # # Use velocity limits for the ring-shaped part of the SSD
    # Discretize the circles using points on circle
    angles = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi / N_angle)
    # Put points of unit-circle in a (180x2)-array (CW)
    xyc = np.transpose(
        np.reshape(np.concatenate((np.sin(angles), np.cos(angles))),
                   (2, N_angle)))
    # Map them into the format pyclipper wants. Outercircle CCW, innercircle CW
    circle_tup = (tuple(map(tuple, np.flipud(xyc * vmax))),
                  tuple(map(tuple, xyc * vmin)))
    circle_lst = [
        list(map(list, np.flipud(xyc * vmax))),
        list(map(list, xyc * vmin))

    #A default priocide must be defined for this CR method, otherwise it won't work with the predefined one
    if asas.priocode not in asas.strategy_dict:
        asas.priocode = "SRS1"

    # If no traffic
    if ntraf == 0:

    # If only one aircraft
    elif ntraf == 1:
        # Map them into the format ARV wants. Outercircle CCW, innercircle CW
        asas.ARV[0] = circle_lst
        asas.ARV_3[0] = circle_lst
        asas.ARV_5[0] = circle_lst
        asas.ARV_min[0] = circle_lst
        asas.ARV_tla[0] = circle_lst

        asas.FRV[0] = []
        asas.FRV_5[0] = []
        asas.FRV_3[0] = []
        asas.FRV_min[0] = []
        asas.FRV_tla[0] = []
        asas.FRV_dlos[0] = []

        asas.ARV_calc[0] = circle_lst
        asas.ARV_calc_min[0] = circle_lst
        asas.ARV_calc_glb[0] = circle_lst
        asas.ARV_calc_dlos[0] = circle_lst
        asas.ARV_calc_dcpa[0] = circle_lst

        # Calculate areas and store in asas
        asas.FRV_area[0] = 0
        asas.FRV_area_3[0] = 0
        asas.FRV_area_5[0] = 0
        asas.FRV_area_min[0] = 0
        asas.FRV_area_tla[0] = 0
        asas.FRV_area_dlos[0] = 0

        asas.ARV_area[0] = np.pi * (vmax**2 - vmin**2)
        asas.ARV_area_5[0] = np.pi * (vmax**2 - vmin**2)
        asas.ARV_area_3[0] = np.pi * (vmax**2 - vmin**2)
        asas.ARV_area_min[0] = np.pi * (vmax**2 - vmin**2)
        asas.ARV_area_tla[0] = np.pi * (vmax**2 - vmin**2)
        asas.ARV_area_dlos[0] = np.pi * (vmax**2 - vmin**2)

    # Function qdrdist_matrix needs 4 vectors as input (lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2)
    # To be efficient, calculate all qdr and dist in one function call
    # Example with ntraf = 5:   ind1 = [0,0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,3]
    #                           ind2 = [1,2,3,4,2,3,4,3,4,4]
    # This way the qdrdist is only calculated once between every aircraft
    # To get all combinations, use this function to get the indices
    ind1, ind2 = qdrdist_matrix_indices(ntraf)

    # Get absolute bearing [deg] and distance [nm]
    # Not sure abs/rel, but qdr is defined from [-180,180] deg, w.r.t. North

    [qdr, dist] = geo.qdrdist_matrix(lat[ind1], lon[ind1], lat[ind2],

    # Put result of function from matrix to ndarray
    qdr = np.reshape(np.array(qdr), np.shape(ind1))
    dist = np.reshape(np.array(dist), np.shape(ind1))
    # SI-units from [deg] to [rad]
    qdr = np.deg2rad(qdr)
    # Get distance from [nm] to [m]
    dist = dist * nm

    # In LoS the VO can't be defined, act as if dist is on edge
    dist[dist < hsepm] = hsepm

    # Calculate vertices of Velocity Obstacle (CCW)
    # These are still in relative velocity space, see derivation in appendix
    # Half-angle of the Velocity obstacle [rad]
    # Include safety margin
    alpha = np.arcsin(hsepm / dist)
    # Limit half-angle alpha to 89.982 deg. Ensures that VO can be constructed
    alpha[alpha > alpham] = alpham
    #Take the cosinus of alpha to calculate the maximum length of the VO's legs
    cosalpha = np.cos(alpha)

    # Consider every aircraft
    for i in range(ntraf):
        # Calculate SSD only for aircraft in conflict (See formulas appendix)
        if asas.inconf[i] == True:

            # SSD for aircraft i
            # Get indices that belong to aircraft i
            ind = np.where(np.logical_or(ind1 == i, ind2 == i))[0]

            # The i's of the other aircraft
            i_other = np.delete(np.arange(0, ntraf), i)
            # Aircraft that are within ADS-B range
            ac_adsb = np.where(dist[ind] < adsbmax)[0]
            # Now account for ADS-B range in indices of other aircraft (i_other)
            ind = ind[ac_adsb]
            i_other = i_other[ac_adsb]
            asas.inrange[i] = i_other

            # VO from 2 to 1 is mirror of 1 to 2. Only 1 to 2 can be constructed in
            # this manner, so need a correction vector that will mirror the VO
            fix = np.ones(np.shape(i_other))
            fix[i_other < i] = -1

            drel_x, drel_y = fix * dist[ind] * np.sin(
                qdr[ind]), fix * dist[ind] * np.cos(qdr[ind])
            drel = np.dstack((drel_x, drel_y))

            cosalpha_i = cosalpha[ind]

            # Make a clipper object
            pc = pyclipper.Pyclipper()
            pc_5 = pyclipper.Pyclipper()  #NEWWW
            pc_3 = pyclipper.Pyclipper()  #NEWWW
            pc_min = pyclipper.Pyclipper()  #NEWWW
            pc_tla = pyclipper.Pyclipper()  #NEWWW
            pc_calc = pyclipper.Pyclipper()  #NEWWW
            pc_calc_min = pyclipper.Pyclipper()  #NEWWW
            pc_calc_global = pyclipper.Pyclipper()  #NEWWW
            pc_calc_dlos = pyclipper.Pyclipper()  #NEWWW
            pc_calc_dcpa = pyclipper.Pyclipper()  #NEWWW

            # Add circles (ring-shape) to clipper as subject
                        pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)
                          pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)
                          pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)
                            pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)
                            pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)
                             pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)
                                 pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)
                                    pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)
                                  pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)
                                  pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)

            #To analyze current conflicts only it is more pratical
            #to take indexes of the returning variables of the CD method: asas.confpairs, asas.dist, etc..

            #Conflict pairs and intruders within tla
            ind_current = [
                index for index, item in enumerate(asas.confpairs)
                if item[0] == traf.id[i]
            ]  #original indexs
            conf_pairs = [
                list(item) for item in asas.confpairs if item[0] == traf.id[i]
            inconf_with = np.array([item[1] for item in conf_pairs])

            #Minimum time to LoS and intruders at minimum time to LoS +1 min threshold
            min_tlos = np.around(min(asas.tLOS[ind_current]), decimals=0)
            ind_mintlos = [
                index for index, item in enumerate(asas.tLOS[ind_current])
                if item <= min_tlos + 60
            ]  #non original indexes
            ids_min = inconf_with[ind_mintlos]

            #Minimum distance to LoS and intruders at that distance
            dlos = asas.tLOS[ind_current] * asas.vrel[ind_current]
            min_dlos = min(dlos)
            ind_mindlos = [
                index for index, item in enumerate(dlos)
                if item <= min_dlos + 60
            ]  #the threshold is only to make sure computational errors don't mess this
            ids_dlos = inconf_with[ind_mindlos]

            #Minimum distance at CPA
            min_dcpa2 = np.around(min(asas.dcpa2[ind_current]), decimals=0)
            ind_mindcpa = [
                index for index, item in enumerate(asas.dcpa2[ind_current])
                if item <= min_dcpa2 + 60
            ]  #threshold for safety only
            ids_dcpa = inconf_with[ind_mindcpa]
            #Debug prints
            print("In Conflict with",inconf_with)
            print("minimum time to los",min_tlos)
            print("mintlos indexes", ind_mintlos)
            print("ids min", ids_min)
            print("ids dlos", ids_dlos)
            print("ids dcpa", ids_dcpa)

            # Add each other other aircraft to clipper as clip
            for j in range(np.shape(i_other)[0]):

                ## Debug prints
                ##print(traf.id[i] + " - " + traf.id[i_other[j]])
                ## print(dist[ind[j]])
                # Scale VO when not in LOS
                if dist[ind[j]] > hsepm:

                    #Make an auxiliary pyclipper object for resolution purposes
                    pc_aux = pyclipper.Pyclipper()  #NEWWW

                    #Add the area defined by the current velocity with a threshold of 5m/s
                                    pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)

                    dist_mod = dist[ind[
                        j]]  #the value (not array) of the distance is needed for future computations

                    #direction of the VO's bisector
                    nd = drel[0, j, :] / dist_mod

                    R_pz = asas.R * asas.mar
                    #R_pz = asas.R*1.1

                    R = np.array(
                        [[np.sqrt(1 - (R_pz / dist_mod)**2), R_pz / dist_mod],
                         [-R_pz / dist_mod,
                          np.sqrt(1 - (R_pz / dist_mod)**2)]])

                    n_t1 = np.matmul(nd, R)  #Direction of leg2
                    n_t2 = np.matmul(nd, np.transpose(R))  #Direction of leg1

                    #VO points
                    v_other = [gseast[i_other[j]], gsnorth[i_other[j]]]
                    legs_length = 10 * vmax / cosalpha_i[j]
                    VO_points = np.array([
                        np.add(n_t2 * legs_length, v_other),
                        np.add(n_t1 * legs_length, v_other)

                    #take only the farthest 2 vertices of the VO and make a tupple
                    vertexes = tuple(map(tuple, VO_points[1:, :]))

                    # Normally VO shall be added of this other a/c
                    VO = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(
                        tuple(map(tuple, VO_points)))
                    #Define cuts
                    First cut: @5mins to LoS
                    Second cut: @3mins to LoS
                    Third cut : @min time to LoS 
                    Fourth cut : @Look-ahead time 
                    #First cut

                    tau = 5 * 60  #5min to LoS
                    VO_5, _ = roundoff(tau, R_pz, dist_mod, VO_points[0, :],
                                       nd, n_t1, n_t2, vertexes, xyc)
                                 pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)

                    #Second cut

                    tau = 3 * 60  #3min for LoS
                    VO_3, _ = roundoff(tau, R_pz, dist_mod, VO_points[0, :],
                                       nd, n_t1, n_t2, vertexes, xyc)
                                 pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)

                    #Third cut

                    if np.around(min_tlos, decimals=0) != 0:
                        tau = min_tlos + 60  #closest conflict with a threshold one minute
                        v = [gseast[i], gsnorth[i]]

                        VO_min, leg_points = roundoff(tau, R_pz, dist_mod,
                                                      VO_points[0, :], nd,
                                                      n_t1, n_t2, vertexes,

                        if pyclipper.PointInPolygon(
                                    (gseast[i], gsnorth[i])),
                            v = [gseast[i], gsnorth[i]]
                            leg_points.insert(1, v)

                                       pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)
                        #Current conflicts at mintlos
                        if traf.id[i_other[j]] in ids_min:
                            pc_calc_min.AddPath(VO, pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)

                    #Fourth cut- at tLA (for resolution purposes only)

                    #For global resolution @tla considering all VOs
                    if asas.dtlookahead > 0:
                        #Make cut at tla with a threshold of 1 min
                        tau = asas.dtlookahead + 60

                        v = [gseast[i], gsnorth[i]]

                        VO_tla, leg_points = roundoff(tau, R_pz, dist_mod,
                                                      VO_points[0, :], nd,
                                                      n_t1, n_t2, vertexes,

                        if pyclipper.PointInPolygon(
                                    (gseast[i], gsnorth[i])),
                            v = [gseast[i], gsnorth[i]]
                            leg_points.insert(1, v)

                            pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)
                                       pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)

                        if traf.id[i_other[j]] in inconf_with:
                            pc_calc.AddPath(VO, pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)

                    #Selection of conflicts based on distance to LoS

                    if traf.id[i_other[j]] in ids_dlos:
                        #previous:with VO, with leg_points
                        pc_calc_dlos.AddPath(VO, pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)

                    #Selection of conflicts based on distance at CPA

                    if traf.id[i_other[j]] in ids_dcpa:
                        pc_calc_dcpa.AddPath(VO, pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)

                    # Pair is in LOS
                    asas.los[i] = True
                    #Instead of triangular VO, use darttip
                    # Check if bearing should be mirrored
                    if i_other[j] < i:
                        qdr_los = qdr[ind[j]] + np.pi
                        qdr_los = qdr[ind[j]]
                    # Length of inner-leg of darttip
                    leg = 1.1 * vmax / np.cos(beta) * np.array([1, 1, 1, 0])

                    # Angles of darttip
                    angles_los = np.array(
                        [qdr_los + 2 * beta, qdr_los, qdr_los - 2 * beta, 0.])
                    # Calculate coordinates (CCW)
                    x_los = leg * np.sin(angles_los)
                    y_los = leg * np.cos(angles_los)
                    # Put in array of correct format
                    xy_los = np.vstack((x_los, y_los)).T
                    # Scale darttip
                    VO = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(tuple(map(tuple, xy_los)))
                    #Store into the calculation object
                    #pc_calc.AddPath(VO, pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)

                # Add scaled VO to clipper
                pc.AddPath(VO, pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)

            #(end of the for cycle)

            # Execute clipper command
            FRV = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(
                pc.Execute(pyclipper.CT_INTERSECTION, pyclipper.PFT_NONZERO,
            ARV = pc.Execute(pyclipper.CT_DIFFERENCE, pyclipper.PFT_NONZERO,
            # Scale back
            ARV = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(ARV)

            #5mins layer (cuts @5mins)
            FRV_5 = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(
                pc_5.Execute(pyclipper.CT_INTERSECTION, pyclipper.PFT_NONZERO,
            ARV_5 = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(
                pc_5.Execute(pyclipper.CT_DIFFERENCE, pyclipper.PFT_NONZERO,

            #3mins layer (cuts @3mins)
            FRV_3 = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(
                pc_3.Execute(pyclipper.CT_INTERSECTION, pyclipper.PFT_NONZERO,
            ARV_3 = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(
                pc_3.Execute(pyclipper.CT_DIFFERENCE, pyclipper.PFT_NONZERO,

            #mintlos layer (cuts @tlos)
            FRV_min = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(
                               pyclipper.PFT_NONZERO, pyclipper.PFT_NONZERO))
            ARV_min = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(
                pc_min.Execute(pyclipper.CT_DIFFERENCE, pyclipper.PFT_NONZERO,
            #Special cuts for calculation purposes
            ARV_calc_min = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(

            #cuts @tla
            FRV_tla = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(
                               pyclipper.PFT_NONZERO, pyclipper.PFT_NONZERO))
            ARV_tla = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(
                pc_tla.Execute(pyclipper.CT_DIFFERENCE, pyclipper.PFT_NONZERO,

            #cuts @tla for computation purposes
            ARV_tla_glb = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(

            #Current conflicts within tla (take the full layer of VO)
            ARV_calc_tla = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(
                pc_calc.Execute(pyclipper.CT_DIFFERENCE, pyclipper.PFT_NONZERO,

            #dlos layer (takes current conflicts at minimum dlos)
            FRV_dlos = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(
            ARV_dlos = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(

            #dcpa layer
            ARV_dcpa = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(

            # Check multi exteriors, if this layer is not a list, it means it has no exteriors
            # In that case, make it a list, such that its format is consistent with further code

            if len(ARV) == 0:
                ARV_loc[i] = []
                FRV_loc[i] = circle_lst
                # Calculate areas and store in asas
                FRV_area_loc[i] = np.pi * (vmax**2 - vmin**2)
                ARV_area_loc[i] = 0
                if len(ARV_min) == 0:
                    ARV_loc_min[i] = []
                    ARV_area_loc_min[i] = 0
                    ARV_calc_locmin[i] = []
                    if not type(ARV_min[0][0]) == list:
                        ARV_min = [ARV_min]
                    ARV_loc_min[i] = ARV_min
                    ARV_area_loc_min[i] = area(ARV_min)
                if len(ARV_tla) == 0:
                    ARV_loc_tla[i] = []
                    ARV_area_loc_tla[i] = 0
                    if not type(ARV_tla[0][0]) == list:
                        ARV_tla = [ARV_tla]
                    ARV_loc_tla[i] = ARV_tla
                    ARV_area_loc_tla[i] = area(ARV_tla)

                if len(ARV_dlos) == 0:
                    ARV_calc_loc_dlos[i] = []
                    ARV_area_loc_dlos[i] = 0
                    if not type(ARV_dlos[0][0]) == list:
                        ARV_dlos = [ARV_dlos]
                    ARV_calc_loc_dlos[i] = ARV_dlos
                    ARV_area_loc_dlos[i] = area(ARV_dlos)

                if len(ARV_dcpa) == 0:
                    ARV_calc_loc_dcpa[i] = []
                    ARV_area_loc_dcpa[i] = 0
                    if not type(ARV_dcpa[0][0]) == list:
                        ARV_dcpa = [ARV_dcpa]
                    ARV_calc_loc_dcpa[i] = ARV_dcpa
                    ARV_area_loc_dcpa[i] = area(ARV_dcpa)

                if len(ARV_calc_tla) == 0:
                    ARV_calc_loc[i] = []
                    if not type(ARV_calc_tla[0][0]) == list:
                        ARV_calc_tla = [ARV_calc_tla]
                    ARV_calc_loc[i] = ARV_calc_tla

                if len(ARV_tla_glb) == 0:
                    ARV_calc_loc_glb[i] = []
                    if not type(ARV_tla_glb[0][0]) == list:
                        ARV_tla_glb = [ARV_tla_glb]
                    ARV_calc_loc_glb[i] = ARV_tla_glb

                if len(ARV_calc_min) == 0:
                    ARV_calc_locmin[i] = []
                    if not type(ARV_calc_min[0][0]) == list:
                        ARV_calc_min = [ARV_calc_min]
                    ARV_calc_locmin[i] = ARV_calc_min
                ARV_calc_loc[i] = ARV_calc_tla
                ARV_calc_loc_glb[i] = ARV_tla_glb
                ARV_calc_locmin[i] = ARV_calc_min

                if FRV_5:
                    #Calcular tambem ARVs
                    if not type(ARV_5[0][0]) == list:
                        ARV_5 = [ARV_5]
                    ARV_loc_5[i] = ARV_5
                    ARV_area_loc_5[i] = area(ARV_5)
                    if not type(FRV_5[0][0]) == list:
                        FRV_5 = [FRV_5]
                    FRV_loc_5[i] = FRV_5
                    FRV_area_loc_5[i] = area(FRV_5)
                    FRV_loc_5[i] = []
                    FRV_area_loc_5[i] = 0
                    ARV_loc_5[i] = circle_lst
                    ARV_area_loc_5[i] = np.pi * (vmax**2 - vmin**2)

                if FRV_3:
                    if not type(ARV_3[0][0]) == list:
                        ARV_3 = [ARV_3]
                    ARV_loc_3[i] = ARV_3
                    ARV_area_loc_3[i] = area(ARV_3)
                    if not type(FRV_3[0][0]) == list:
                        FRV_3 = [FRV_3]
                    FRV_loc_3[i] = FRV_3
                    FRV_area_loc_3[i] = area(FRV_3)
                    FRV_loc_3[i] = []
                    FRV_area_loc_3[i] = 0
                    ARV_loc_3[i] = circle_lst
                    ARV_area_loc_3[i] = np.pi * (vmax**2 - vmin**2)

                if FRV_min:
                    if not type(ARV_min[0][0]) == list:
                        ARV_min = [ARV_min]
                    ARV_loc_min[i] = ARV_min
                    ARV_area_loc_min[i] = area(ARV_min)
                    if not type(FRV_min[0][0]) == list:
                        FRV_min = [FRV_min]
                    FRV_area_loc_min[i] = area(FRV_min)
                    FRV_loc_min[i] = FRV_min
                    FRV_loc_min[i] = []
                    FRV_area_loc_min[i] = 0
                    ARV_loc_min[i] = circle_lst
                    ARV_area_loc_min[i] = np.pi * (vmax**2 - vmin**2)
                    ARV_calc_locmin[i] = circle_lst

                if FRV_tla:
                    if not type(ARV_tla[0][0]) == list:
                        ARV_tla = [ARV_tla]
                    ARV_loc_tla[i] = ARV_tla
                    ARV_area_loc_tla[i] = area(ARV_tla)
                    if not type(FRV_tla[0][0]) == list:
                        FRV_tla = [FRV_tla]
                    FRV_area_loc_tla[i] = area(FRV_tla)
                    FRV_loc_tla[i] = FRV_tla
                    FRV_loc_tla[i] = []
                    FRV_area_loc_tla[i] = 0
                    ARV_loc_tla[i] = circle_lst
                    ARV_area_loc_tla[i] = np.pi * (vmax**2 - vmin**2)
                    ARV_calc_loc[i] = circle_lst
                    ARV_calc_loc_glb[i] = circle_lst

                if FRV_dlos:
                    if not type(ARV_dlos[0][0]) == list:
                        ARV_dlos = [ARV_dlos]
                    ARV_calc_loc_dlos[i] = ARV_dlos
                    ARV_area_loc_dlos[i] = area(ARV_dlos)
                    if not type(FRV_dlos[0][0]) == list:
                        FRV_dlos = [FRV_dlos]
                    FRV_area_loc_dlos[i] = area(FRV_dlos)
                    FRV_loc_dlos[i] = FRV_dlos
                    FRV_loc_dlos[i] = []
                    FRV_area_loc_dlos[i] = 0
                    ARV_calc_loc_dlos[i] = circle_lst
                    ARV_area_loc_dlos[i] = np.pi * (vmax**2 - vmin**2)

                if not type(FRV[0][0]) == list:
                    FRV = [FRV]

                if not type(ARV[0][0]) == list:
                    ARV = [ARV]

                if not type(ARV_dcpa[0][0]) == list:
                    ARV_dcpa = [ARV_dcpa]

                # Store in asas
                FRV_loc[i] = FRV
                ARV_loc[i] = ARV
                ARV_calc_loc_dcpa[i] = ARV_dcpa
                # Calculate areas and store in asas
                FRV_area_loc[i] = area(FRV)
                ARV_area_loc[i] = area(ARV)
                ARV_area_loc_dcpa[i] = area(ARV_dcpa)

    #Storing the results into asas
    asas.FRV = FRV_loc
    asas.FRV_5 = FRV_loc_5
    asas.FRV_3 = FRV_loc_3
    asas.FRV_min = FRV_loc_min
    asas.FRV_tla = FRV_loc_tla
    asas.FRV_dlos = FRV_loc_dlos

    asas.ARV = ARV_loc
    asas.ARV_3 = ARV_loc_3
    asas.ARV_5 = ARV_loc_5
    asas.ARV_min = ARV_loc_min
    asas.ARV_tla = ARV_loc_tla

    asas.ARV_calc = ARV_calc_loc
    asas.ARV_calc_min = ARV_calc_locmin
    asas.ARV_calc_glb = ARV_calc_loc_glb
    asas.ARV_calc_dlos = ARV_calc_loc_dlos
    asas.ARV_calc_dcpa = ARV_calc_loc_dcpa

    asas.FRV_area = FRV_area_loc
    asas.FRV_area_5 = FRV_area_loc_5
    asas.FRV_area_3 = FRV_area_loc_3
    asas.FRV_area_min = FRV_area_loc_min
    asas.FRV_area_tla = FRV_area_loc_tla
    asas.FRV_area_dlos = FRV_area_loc_dlos

    asas.ARV_area = ARV_area_loc
    asas.ARV_area_5 = ARV_area_loc_5
    asas.ARV_area_3 = ARV_area_loc_3
    asas.ARV_area_min = ARV_area_loc_min
    asas.ARV_area_tla = ARV_area_loc_tla
    asas.ARV_area_dlos = ARV_area_loc_dlos
    asas.ARV_area_dcpa = ARV_area_loc_dcpa

    #The layers list
    asas.layers = [
        None, asas.ARV, asas.ARV_tla, asas.ARV_calc, asas.ARV_min,
        asas.ARV_calc_min, asas.ARV_calc_dlos, asas.ARV_calc_dcpa
    #asas.layers = [None, asas.ARV, asas.ARV_tla, asas.ARV_min, asas.ARV_calc_min, asas.ARV_calc_dlos, asas.ARV_calc_dcpa]
 def point_inside(self, polygon):
     return pyclipper.PointInPolygon(self.position, polygon) != 0
文件: port.py 项目: cloudcalvin/spira
 def point_inside(self, polygon):
     return pyclipper.PointInPolygon(self.midpoint, polygon) != 0
def Execute(op, obj, feat_num, feat, p_scale_factor):
    global toolGeometry
    global optimalCutAreaPerDist
    global iteration_limit_count
    global total_point_count
    global total_iteration_count
    global topZ
    global toolRadiusScaled
    global output_point_count
    global cache_hit_count
    global cache_pot_count
    global cache
    global cp
    global of
    global scale_factor

    scale_factor = p_scale_factor


    toolDiaScaled = op.tool.Diameter * scale_factor
    toolRadiusScaled = toolDiaScaled / 2
    perf_start_time = time.time()
    perf_total_len = 0.0
    print "toolRadiusScaled: ", toolRadiusScaled
    helixDiameter = min(
        op.tool.Diameter, 1000.0 if obj.HelixDiameterLimit.Value == 0.0 else
    print "Helix diameter: ", helixDiameter
    helixDiameterScaled = helixDiameter * scale_factor
    stepOver = 0.01 * obj.StepOver  # percentage to factor
    stepOverDistanceScaled = toolDiaScaled * stepOver
    finishPassOffset = 1.0 * obj.Tolerance / 2
    cache_hit_count = 0
    cache_pot_count = 0
    cache = {}
    output_point_count = 0
    topZ = op.stock.Shape.BoundBox.ZMax

    of = pyclipper.PyclipperOffset()
    cp = pyclipper.Pyclipper()

    toleranceScaled = int(obj.Tolerance * scale_factor)

    stepScaled = 10

    toolGeometry = genToolGeometry(toolRadiusScaled + 1)

    # intitalization = calculate slot cutting area per step i.e. 100% step over
    sceneInit(toolRadiusScaled, topZ, scale_factor)

    distScaled = toolRadiusScaled / 2
    slotStep = translatePath(toolGeometry, [0, distScaled])
    cp.AddPath(toolGeometry, pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)
    cp.AddPath(slotStep, pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)
    crossing = cp.Execute(pyclipper.CT_DIFFERENCE, pyclipper.PFT_EVENODD,
    referenceCutArea = pyclipper.Area(crossing[0])
    fullSlotAreaPerDist = referenceCutArea / distScaled
    bound_extend = int(toolDiaScaled)

    #optimalCutAreaPerDistance (in scaled units)
    optimalCutAreaPerDist = stepOver * fullSlotAreaPerDist
    print "Optimal APD: ", optimalCutAreaPerDist, " Clipper scale factor: ", scale_factor, " Tolerance: ", obj.Tolerance, " Tolerance scaled: ", toleranceScaled
        # find cut region toolpath polygons
        of.AddPaths(feat, pyclipper.JT_ROUND, pyclipper.ET_CLOSEDPOLYGON)
        cut_region_tp = of.Execute(-int(finishPassOffset * scale_factor) -
        cut_region_tp_polytree = of.Execute2(
            -int(finishPassOffset * scale_factor) - toolRadiusScaled)
        cut_region_tp = pyclipper.CleanPolygons(cut_region_tp)

        sceneDrawPaths("BOUNDARY", cut_region_tp, scale_factor, (1, 0, 0),

        cleared, startPoint = findStartPoint(op, feat_num, cut_region_tp,
                                             helixDiameterScaled / 2,
                                             toolRadiusScaled, scale_factor)

        if cleared == None: return [], [0, 0]
        cleared = pyclipper.CleanPolygons(cleared)
        toolPos = startPoint

        of.AddPath([startPoint, startPoint], pyclipper.JT_ROUND,
        helixTp = of.Execute(helixDiameterScaled / 2)
        sceneDrawPaths("TOOLPATH", helixTp, scale_factor, (0, 0, 1), True)

        EngagementPoint.Initialize(cut_region_tp, toolRadiusScaled, stepScaled,
        total_point_count = 1
        total_iteration_count = 0
        iteration_limit_count = 0
        toolPaths = []
        no_cut_count = 0
        over_cut_count = 0
        toolPos = [startPoint[0], startPoint[1] - helixDiameterScaled / 2]
        toolDir = [1.0, 0.0]
        firstEngagePoint = True
        last_tool_gui_update = 0
        pas = 0

        while True:
            pas = pas + 1
            #print "pass:"******"finding next pass engange point... pas:"******"Pass: %d\n"%pas)

            if toolPos == None:
                Console.PrintMessage("next engage point not found\n")
                break  #nothing more to cut

            passToolPath = []
            toClearPath = []
            cumulativeCuttingArea = 0
            no_cut_count = 0
            reachedBoundaryPoint = None
            isOutside = False

            gyro = [toolDir] * 5
            toolDir = GeomUtils.normalize(GeomUtils.sumv(gyro))

            if SHOW_MARKERS:
                sceneDrawToolDir("ENGAGE", toolPos, toolDir, scale_factor,
                                 (0, 1, 0))

            engagePoint = toolPos
            #iteration through the points on path/pass
            i = 0
            deflectionAngle = math.pi  #init
            del deflectionAngleHistory[:]
            distToBoundary = 0
            while True:  #points
                i = i + 1


                if obj.StopProcessing:
                #Console.PrintMessage("findNextPoint: %d =================================================================\n"%i)
                total_point_count = total_point_count + 1
                toolDir = GeomUtils.normalize(GeomUtils.sumv(gyro))

                #distance to the boundary line
                #if distToBoundary<toolRadiusScaled:
                clp, distToBoundary = GeomUtils.getClosestPointOnPaths(
                    cut_region_tp, toolPos)

                distToEngagePoint = GeomUtils.magnitude(
                    GeomUtils.sub2v(toolPos, engagePoint))

                relDistToBoundary = 2.0 * distToBoundary / toolRadiusScaled
                minCutAreaPerDist = optimalCutAreaPerDist / 3 + 1
                #if we are away from end boundary line, try making the optimal cut
                if relDistToBoundary > 1 or distToEngagePoint < toolRadiusScaled:
                    targetArea = optimalCutAreaPerDist
                else:  #decrease the cut area if we are close to boundary, adds a little bit of smoothing to the end of cut
                    targetArea = relDistToBoundary * \
                        (optimalCutAreaPerDist-minCutAreaPerDist) + minCutAreaPerDist

                if distToBoundary < toolRadiusScaled or distToEngagePoint < toolRadiusScaled:
                    stepScaled = toleranceScaled * 2
                elif math.fabs(deflectionAngle) > 0.0001:
                    stepScaled = 4.0 / deflectionAngle
                    stepScaled = toleranceScaled * 4

                if stepScaled < toleranceScaled * 2:
                    stepScaled = toleranceScaled * 2
                if stepScaled > toolRadiusScaled / 2:
                    stepScaled = toolRadiusScaled / 2

                # Find next point with optimal cut

                bound_box = [
                    [toolPos[0] - bound_extend, toolPos[1] - bound_extend],
                    [toolPos[0] + bound_extend, toolPos[1] - bound_extend],
                    [toolPos[0] + bound_extend, toolPos[1] + bound_extend],
                    [toolPos[0] - bound_extend, toolPos[1] + bound_extend]
                cp.AddPath(bound_box, pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True)
                cp.AddPaths(cleared, pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True)
                cleared_bounded = cp.Execute(pyclipper.CT_INTERSECTION,
                if not GeomUtils.anyValidPath(cleared_bounded):
                    cleared_bounded = cleared

                newToolPos, newToolDir, cuttingAreaPerDist, cuttingArea, deflectionAngle = findNextPoint(
                    obj, op, of, cp, cleared_bounded, toolPos, toolDir,
                    toolRadiusScaled, stepScaled, targetArea, scale_factor)
                # CHECK if we reached the the boundary
                if distToBoundary < toolRadiusScaled and isOutsideCutRegion(
                        newToolPos, cut_region_tp_polytree, True):
                    isOutside = True
                    reachedBoundaryPoint = GeomUtils.getIntersectionPointLWP(
                        [toolPos, newToolPos], cut_region_tp)

                    if reachedBoundaryPoint != None:
                        #print "reachedBoundaryPoint:", reachedBoundaryPoint
                        #showTool("TL", reachedBoundaryPoint, scale_factor, (1, 0, 0))
                        newToolPos = reachedBoundaryPoint
                        newToolPos = toolPos

                    cuttingArea, cuttingAreaPerDist = calcCutingArea(
                        toolPos, newToolPos, toolRadiusScaled, cleared_bounded)

                if cuttingArea > 3 * cuttingAreaPerDist + 10 and cuttingAreaPerDist > 2 * optimalCutAreaPerDist + 10:
                    over_cut_count = over_cut_count + 1
                    Console.PrintMessage("Break: over cut (%d %f/%f)\n" %
                                         (over_cut_count, cuttingAreaPerDist,
                    over_cut_count = 0

                if len(toClearPath) == 0: toClearPath.append(toolPos)
                if firstEngagePoint:
                    if len(toClearPath) > 10:
                        of.AddPath(toClearPath, pyclipper.JT_ROUND,
                        toolCoverArea = of.Execute(toolRadiusScaled + 1)[0]
                        cleared = expandClearedArea(cp, toolCoverArea, cleared)
                        toClearPath = []

                if cuttingArea > 0:
                    # cut is OK, record it
                    cumulativeCuttingArea = cumulativeCuttingArea + cuttingArea
                    if time.time() - last_tool_gui_update > GUI_UPDATE_PERIOD:
                        if SHOW_MARKERS:
                            sceneDrawFilledTool("TP", newToolPos, scale_factor,
                                                (0, 0, 1))
                            sceneDrawToolDir("TP", newToolPos, newToolDir,
                                             scale_factor, (0, 0, 1))

                        sceneDrawPath("PTP", passToolPath, scale_factor,
                                      (0, 0, 1))
                        # sceneClearPaths("CL_BOUNDED")
                        # sceneDrawPaths("CL_BOUNDED", cleared_bounded,scale_factor,(1,1,0),True)
                        last_tool_gui_update = time.time()
                    #append next point to toolpath

                    perf_total_len = perf_total_len + stepScaled
                    if i == 0:
                            toolPos)  #append first point to toolpath
                    toolPos = newToolPos
                    no_cut_count = 0
                else:  #no cut
                    #print "no cut:", no_cut_count
                    no_cut_count = no_cut_count + 1
                    newToolDir = toolDir
                    # if no_cut_count > 1:
                    #     print "break: no cut"
                    #     break

                if isOutside:  # next valid cut not found
                    #print "Breaking: reached boundary"
                #distToBoundary = distToBoundary-stepScaled

            #expand cleared area
            if len(toClearPath) > 0:
                of.AddPath(toClearPath, pyclipper.JT_ROUND,
                toolCoverArea = of.Execute(toolRadiusScaled + 1)[0]
                cleared = expandClearedArea(cp, toolCoverArea, cleared)
                toClearPath = []

            if cumulativeCuttingArea > stepScaled * stepOver * referenceCutArea / 40:  #did we cut something significant?
                sceneDrawPath("TOOLPATH", passToolPath, scale_factor)
                passToolPath = GeomUtils.cleanPath(passToolPath,
                appendToolPathCheckCollision(of, cp, toolPaths, passToolPath,
                                             toolRadiusScaled, cleared)

            if over_cut_count > 5:
                    "Break: WARNING: resulting toolpath may be incomplete! (Hint: try changing numeric precision or StepOver)\n"
            if firstEngagePoint:
                firstEngagePoint = False
                moveDistance = stepOverDistanceScaled / 4 + 1
                if not EngagementPoint.moveForwardToCutThreshold(
                        cleared, moveDistance, moveDistance * 2,
                        1.5 * optimalCutAreaPerDist * moveDistance):

            #clear around the engagement point
            toolPos, toolDir = EngagementPoint.getCurrentPoint()

        performance = 1.0 * perf_total_len / scale_factor / (
            time.time() - perf_start_time)  # mm/s
            "Passes: %s, Toolpaths: %d, Output Points: %d, Processed Points: %d, Avg.Iterations: %f, Exceeded: %d, Perf.: %f mm/s, Cut shape cache hit: %d/%d (%f perc.)\n"
            (pas, len(toolPaths), output_point_count, total_point_count,
             1.0 * total_iteration_count / total_point_count,
             iteration_limit_count, performance, cache_hit_count,
             cache_pot_count, 100 * cache_hit_count / (cache_pot_count + 0.1)))

        #generate finishing pass
        passToolPath = []
        of.AddPaths(feat, pyclipper.JT_ROUND, pyclipper.ET_CLOSEDPOLYGON)
        finishing = of.Execute2(-toolRadiusScaled)
        # add only paths containing the startPoint and their childs
        for child in finishing.Childs:
            if pyclipper.PointInPolygon(startPoint, child.Contour) != 0:
                    of, cp, toolPaths,
                                        CLEAN_PATH_TOLERANCE / 2),
                    toolRadiusScaled, cleared, True)
                for hole in child.Childs:
                        of, cp, toolPaths,
                                            CLEAN_PATH_TOLERANCE / 2),
                        toolRadiusScaled, cleared, True)

        # append the return to the initial point (and check collision)
        if len(toolPaths) > 0 and len(toolPaths[0]) > 0:
                of, cp, toolPaths, [[toolPaths[0][0][0], toolPaths[0][0][1]]],
                toolRadiusScaled, cleared, True)

    return toolPaths, startPoint