    def show_network(self):
        @brief Shows connections in the network. It supports only 2-d and 3-d representation.
        if (self._ccore_network_pointer is not None) and (self._osc_conn is None):
            self._osc_conn = sync_connectivity_matrix(self._ccore_network_pointer)
        dimension = len(self._osc_loc[0])
        if (dimension != 3) and (dimension != 2):
            raise NameError('Network that is located in different from 2-d and 3-d dimensions can not be represented');
        from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
        from matplotlib import rcParams
        rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Arial']
        rcParams['font.size'] = 12

        fig = plt.figure()
        axes = None
        if dimension == 2:
            axes = fig.add_subplot(111)
        elif dimension == 3:
            axes = fig.gca(projection='3d')
        surface_font = FontProperties()
        for i in range(0, self._num_osc, 1):
            if dimension == 2:
                axes.plot(self._osc_loc[i][0], self._osc_loc[i][1], 'bo')
                if self._conn_represent == conn_represent.MATRIX:
                    for j in range(i, self._num_osc, 1):    # draw connection between two points only one time
                        if self.has_connection(i, j) is True:
                            axes.plot([self._osc_loc[i][0], self._osc_loc[j][0]], [self._osc_loc[i][1], self._osc_loc[j][1]], 'b-', linewidth = 0.5)
                    for j in self.get_neighbors(i):
                        if (self.has_connection(i, j) is True) and (i > j):     # draw connection between two points only one time
                            axes.plot([self._osc_loc[i][0], self._osc_loc[j][0]], [self._osc_loc[i][1], self._osc_loc[j][1]], 'b-', linewidth = 0.5)
            elif dimension == 3:
                axes.scatter(self._osc_loc[i][0], self._osc_loc[i][1], self._osc_loc[i][2], c = 'b', marker = 'o')
                if self._conn_represent == conn_represent.MATRIX:
                    for j in range(i, self._num_osc, 1):    # draw connection between two points only one time
                        if self.has_connection(i, j) is True:
                            axes.plot([self._osc_loc[i][0], self._osc_loc[j][0]], [self._osc_loc[i][1], self._osc_loc[j][1]], [self._osc_loc[i][2], self._osc_loc[j][2]], 'b-', linewidth = 0.5)
                    for j in self.get_neighbors(i):
                        if (self.has_connection(i, j) == True) and (i > j):     # draw connection between two points only one time
                            axes.plot([self._osc_loc[i][0], self._osc_loc[j][0]], [self._osc_loc[i][1], self._osc_loc[j][1]], [self._osc_loc[i][2], self._osc_loc[j][2]], 'b-', linewidth = 0.5)

    def has_connection(self, i, j):
        @brief Returns True if there is connection between i and j oscillators and False - if connection doesn't exist.
        @param[in] i (uint): index of an oscillator in the network.
        @param[in] j (uint): index of an oscillator in the network.

        if ( (self._ccore_network_pointer is not None) and (self._osc_conn is None) ):
            self._osc_conn = wrapper.sync_connectivity_matrix(self._ccore_network_pointer);

        return super().has_connection(i, j);
    def get_neighbors(self, index):
        @brief Finds neighbors of the oscillator with specified index.
        @param[in] index (uint): index of oscillator for which neighbors should be found in the network.
        @return (list) Indexes of neighbors of the specified oscillator.

        if ( (self._ccore_network_pointer is not None) and (self._osc_conn is None) ):
            self._osc_conn = wrapper.sync_connectivity_matrix(self._ccore_network_pointer);

        return super().get_neighbors(index);