def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    T = 1000

    signal_time = rng.uniform(100, T - 800)

    output_delay = 100

    width = 100
    magnitude = 4

    epochs = {}
    epochs['T'] = T
    t, e = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(
        dt, epochs)  # Time, task epochs in discrete time
    trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}  # Trial

    trial['info'] = {}

    signal_time /= dt
    width /= dt
    output_delay /= dt

    input_type = rng.randint(0, TypeCount)
    #input_type = 8
    # Input matrix
    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))

    for tt in range(len(t)):
        if tt >= signal_time:
            X[tt][0] = (input_type + 1) * 2 * np.exp(-(tt - signal_time) /
                                                     (output_delay * 4))

    #X = np.flip(X)
    trial['inputs'] = X

    # Target output

    if params.get('target_output', False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout))  # Output matrix
        M = np.ones((len(t), Nout))  # Mask matrix

        for i in range(NoutSplit):
            for tt in range(len(t)):
                Y[tt][i + NoutSplit * input_type] = \
                    np.exp( -(tt - (signal_time + output_delay * (i + 2))) \
                    **2 / (2 * width**2)) * magnitude

        trial['outputs'] = Y

    return trial
def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    T = 1000

    #    signal_time = rng.uniform(100, T - 600)
    signal_time = rng.uniform(100, T - 800)
    #    delay = 500
    delay = 800
    #    delay1 = 500
    #    width = 20
    width = 20
    magnitude = 4

    epochs = {}
    epochs['T'] = T
    t, e = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(
        dt, epochs)  # Time, task epochs in discrete time
    trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}  # Trial

    trial['info'] = {}

    signal_time /= dt
    delay /= dt
    width /= dt

    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))

    for tt in range(len(t)):
        if tt > signal_time:
            X[tt][0] = np.exp(-(tt - signal_time) / delay) * magnitude

    trial['inputs'] = X

    # Target output

    if params.get('target_output', False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout))  # Output matrix
        M = np.ones((len(t), Nout))  # Mask matrix

        for i in range(Nout):
            for tt in range(len(t)):
                Y[tt][i] = np.exp(-(tt - (signal_time + delay / Nout *
                                          (i + 1)))**2 /
                                  (2 * width**2)) * magnitude * 3

#                Y[tt][i] = np.exp( -(tt - (signal_time + delay1 / Nout * (i + 1)))**2 / (2 * width**2)) * magnitude

        trial['outputs'] = Y

    return trial
def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    # Select task condition

    catch_trial = False
    if params['name'] in ['gradient', 'test']:
        if params.get('catch', rng.rand() < pcatch):
            catch_trial = True
            # Context
            context = params.get('context', rng.choice(contexts))

            # Coherences
            coh_m = params.get('coh_m', rng.choice(cohs))
            coh_c = params.get('coh_c', rng.choice(cohs))

            # Left/right
            left_right_m = params.get('left_right_m', rng.choice(left_rights))
            left_right_c = params.get('left_right_c', rng.choice(left_rights))
    elif params['name'] == 'validation':
        b = params['minibatch_index'] % (nconditions + 1)
        if b == 0:
            catch_trial = True
            k = tasktools.unravel_index(b - 1,
                                        (len(contexts), len(cohs), len(cohs),
                                         len(left_rights), len(left_rights)))
            context = contexts[k[0]]
            coh_m = cohs[k[1]]
            coh_c = cohs[k[2]]
            left_right_m = left_rights[k[3]]
            left_right_c = left_rights[k[4]]
        raise ValueError("Unknown trial type.")

    # Epochs

    if catch_trial:
        epochs = {'T': 2000}
        if params['name'] == 'test':
            fixation = 400
            fixation = 100
        stimulus = 800
        decision = 300
        T = fixation + stimulus + decision

        epochs = {
            'fixation': (0, fixation),
            'stimulus': (fixation, fixation + stimulus),
            'decision': (fixation + stimulus, T)
        epochs['T'] = T

    # Trial info

    t, e = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(
        dt, epochs)  # Time, task epochs in discrete time
    trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}  # Trial

    if catch_trial:
        trial['info'] = {}
        if context == 'm':
            left_right = left_right_m
            left_right = left_right_c

        # Correct choice
        if left_right > 0:
            choice = 0
            choice = 1

        # Trial info
        trial['info'] = {
            'coh_m': coh_m,
            'left_right_m': left_right_m,
            'coh_c': coh_c,
            'left_right_c': left_right_c,
            'context': context,
            'choice': choice

    # Inputs

    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))
    if not catch_trial:
        # Context
        if context == 'm':
            X[e['stimulus'], 0] = 1
            X[e['stimulus'], 1] = 1

        # Motion stimulus
        if left_right_m > 0:
            choice_m = 0
            choice_m = 1
        X[e['stimulus'], 2 + choice_m] = scale(+coh_m)
        X[e['stimulus'], 2 + (1 - choice_m)] = scale(-coh_m)

        # Colour stimulus
        if left_right_c > 0:
            choice_c = 0
            choice_c = 1
        X[e['stimulus'], 4 + choice_c] = scale(+coh_c)
        X[e['stimulus'], 4 + (1 - choice_c)] = scale(-coh_c)
    trial['inputs'] = X

    # Target output

    if params.get('target_output', False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout))  # Output matrix
        M = np.zeros_like(Y)  # Mask matrix

        # Hold values
        hi = 1
        lo = 0.2

        if catch_trial:
            Y[:] = lo
            M[:] = 1
            # Fixation
            Y[e['fixation'], :] = lo

            # Decision
            Y[e['decision'], choice] = hi
            Y[e['decision'], 1 - choice] = lo

            # Only care about fixation and decision periods
            M[e['fixation'] + e['decision'], :] = 1

        # Outputs and mask
        trial['outputs'] = Y
        trial['mask'] = M


    return trial
def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    # Select task condition

    if params.get('catch', rng.rand() < pcatch):
        catch_trial = True
        catch_trial = False
        coh         = params.get('coh',        rng.choice(cohs))
        left_right  = params.get('left_right', rng.choice(left_rights))

    # Epochs

    if catch_trial:
        epochs = {'T': 2000}
        fixation = 100
        stimulus = 800
        decision = 300
        T        = fixation + stimulus + decision

        epochs = {
            'fixation': (0, fixation),
            'stimulus': (fixation, fixation + stimulus),
            'decision': (fixation + stimulus, T)
        epochs['T'] = T

    # Trial info

    t, e  = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(dt, epochs) # Time, task epochs
    #print epochs
    #print t
    #print e
    trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}           # Trial

    if catch_trial:
        trial['info'] = {}
        # Correct choice
        if left_right > 0:
            choice = 0
            choice = 1

        # Trial info
        trial['info'] = {'coh': coh, 'left_right': left_right, 'choice': choice}

    # Inputs

    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))
    X_old = np.copy(X)
    if not catch_trial:
        X[e['stimulus'],choice]   = scale(+coh)
        X[e['stimulus'],1-choice] = scale(-coh)
    trial['inputs'] = X

    # Target output

    if params.get('target_output', False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout)) # Output
        M = np.zeros_like(Y)         # Mask

        if catch_trial:
            Y[:] = 0.2
            M[:] = 1
            # Fixation
            Y[e['fixation'],:] = 0.2

            # Decision
            Y[e['decision'],choice]   = 1
            Y[e['decision'],1-choice] = 0.2

            # Only care about fixation and decision periods
            M[e['fixation']+e['decision'],:] = 1

        # Outputs and mask
        trial['outputs'] = Y
        trial['mask']    = M


    return trial
def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    # Select task condition

    catch_trial = False
    if params['name'] in ['gradient', 'test']:
        if params.get('catch', rng.rand() < pcatch):
            catch_trial = True
            fpair = params.get('fpair', fpairs[rng.choice(len(fpairs))])
            gt_lt = params.get('gt_lt', rng.choice(gt_lts))
    elif params['name'] == 'validation':
        b = params['minibatch_index'] % (nconditions + 1)
        if b == 0:
            catch_trial = True
            k0, k1 = tasktools.unravel_index(b - 1, (len(fpairs), len(gt_lts)))
            fpair = fpairs[k0]
            gt_lt = gt_lts[k1]
        raise ValueError("Unknown trial type.")

    # Epochs

    if catch_trial:
        epochs = {'T': 2500}
        if params['name'] == 'test':
            fixation = 500
            fixation = 100
        f1 = 500
        if params['name'] == 'test':
            delay = 3000
            delay = tasktools.uniform(rng, dt, 2500, 3500)
        f2 = 500
        decision = 300
        T = fixation + f1 + delay + f2 + decision

        epochs = {
            'fixation': (0, fixation),
            'f1': (fixation, fixation + f1),
            'delay': (fixation + f1, fixation + f1 + delay),
            'f2': (fixation + f1 + delay, fixation + f1 + delay + f2),
            'decision': (fixation + f1 + delay + f2, T)
        epochs['T'] = T

    # Trial info

    t, e = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(dt, epochs)  # Task epochs in discrete time
    trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}  # Trial

    if catch_trial:
        trial['info'] = {}
        # Correct choice
        if gt_lt == '>':
            f1, f2 = fpair
            choice = 0
            f2, f1 = fpair
            choice = 1

        # Info
        trial['info'] = {'f1': f1, 'f2': f2, 'choice': choice}

    # Inputs

    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))
    if not catch_trial:
        # Stimulus 1
        X[e['f1'], POS] = scale_p(f1)
        X[e['f1'], NEG] = scale_n(f1)

        # Stimulus 2
        X[e['f2'], POS] = scale_p(f2)
        X[e['f2'], NEG] = scale_n(f2)
    trial['inputs'] = X

    # Target output

    if params.get('target_output', False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout))  # Output matrix
        M = np.zeros_like(Y)  # Mask matrix

        # Hold values
        hi = 1
        lo = 0.2

        if catch_trial:
            Y[:] = lo
            M[:] = 1
            # Fixation
            Y[e['fixation'], :] = lo

            # Decision
            Y[e['decision'], choice] = hi
            Y[e['decision'], 1 - choice] = lo

            # Mask
            M[e['fixation'] + e['decision'], :] = 1

        trial['outputs'] = Y
        trial['mask'] = M


    return trial
def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    # Select task condition

    catch_trial = False
    if params['name'] in ['gradient', 'test']:
        if params.get('catch', rng.rand() < pcatch):
            catch_trial = True
            # Context
            context = params.get('context', rng.choice(contexts))

            # Coherences
            coh_m = params.get('coh_m', rng.choice(cohs))
            coh_c = params.get('coh_c', rng.choice(cohs))

            # Left/right
            left_right_m = params.get('left_right_m', rng.choice(left_rights))
            left_right_c = params.get('left_right_c', rng.choice(left_rights))
    elif params['name'] == 'validation':
        b = params['minibatch_index'] % (nconditions + 1)
        if b == 0:
            catch_trial = True
            k = tasktools.unravel_index(b-1, (len(contexts),
                                              len(cohs), len(cohs),
                                              len(left_rights), len(left_rights)))
            context      = contexts[k[0]]
            coh_m        = cohs[k[1]]
            coh_c        = cohs[k[2]]
            left_right_m = left_rights[k[3]]
            left_right_c = left_rights[k[4]]
        raise ValueError("Unknown trial type.")

    # Epochs

    if catch_trial:
        epochs = {'T': 2000}
        if params['name'] == 'test':
            fixation = 400
            fixation = 100
        stimulus = 800
        decision = 300
        T        = fixation + stimulus + decision

        epochs = {
            'fixation': (0, fixation),
            'stimulus': (fixation, fixation + stimulus),
            'decision': (fixation + stimulus, T)
        epochs['T'] = T

    # Trial info

    t, e  = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(dt, epochs) # Time, task epochs in discrete time
    trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}           # Trial

    if catch_trial:
        trial['info'] = {}
        if context == 'm':
            left_right = left_right_m
            left_right = left_right_c

        # Correct choice
        if left_right > 0:
            choice = 0
            choice = 1

        # Trial info
        trial['info'] = {
            'coh_m':        coh_m,
            'left_right_m': left_right_m,
            'coh_c':        coh_c,
            'left_right_c': left_right_c,
            'context':      context,
            'choice':       choice

    # Inputs

    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))
    if not catch_trial:
        # Context
        if context == 'm':
            X[e['stimulus'],0] = 1
            X[e['stimulus'],1] = 1

        # Motion stimulus
        if left_right_m > 0:
            choice_m = 0
            choice_m = 1
        X[e['stimulus'],2+choice_m]     = scale(+coh_m)
        X[e['stimulus'],2+(1-choice_m)] = scale(-coh_m)

        # Colour stimulus
        if left_right_c > 0:
            choice_c = 0
            choice_c = 1
        X[e['stimulus'],4+choice_c]     = scale(+coh_c)
        X[e['stimulus'],4+(1-choice_c)] = scale(-coh_c)
    trial['inputs'] = X

    # Target output

    if params.get('target_output', False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout)) # Output matrix
        M = np.zeros_like(Y)         # Mask matrix

        # Hold values
        hi = 1
        lo = 0.2

        if catch_trial:
            Y[:] = lo
            M[:] = 1
            # Fixation
            Y[e['fixation'],:] = lo

            # Decision
            Y[e['decision'],choice]   = hi
            Y[e['decision'],1-choice] = lo

            # Only care about fixation and decision periods
            M[e['fixation']+e['decision'],:] = 1

        # Outputs and mask
        trial['outputs'] = Y
        trial['mask']    = M


    return trial
def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    # Select task condition

    catch_trial = False
    if params['name'] in ['gradient', 'test']:
        if params.get('catch', rng.rand() < pcatch):
            catch_trial = True
            coh = params.get('coh', rng.choice(cohs))
            in_out = params.get('in_out', rng.choice(in_outs))
    elif params['name'] == 'validation':
        b = params['minibatch_index'] % (nconditions + 1)
        if b == 0:
            catch_trial = True
            k0, k1 = tasktools.unravel_index(b - 1, (len(cohs), len(in_outs)))
            coh = cohs[k0]
            in_out = in_outs[k1]
        raise ValueError("Unknown trial type.")

    # Epochs

    if catch_trial:
        epochs = {'T': 2000}
        if params['name'] == 'test':
            fixation = 300
            fixation = 100
        stimulus = 800
        decision = 300
        T = fixation + stimulus + decision

        epochs = {
            'fixation': (0, fixation),
            'stimulus': (fixation, fixation + stimulus),
            'decision': (fixation + stimulus, T)
        epochs['T'] = T

    # Trial info

    t, e = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(
        dt, epochs)  # Time, task epochs in discrete time
    trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}  # Trial

    if catch_trial:
        trial['info'] = {}
        # Correct choice
        if in_out > 0:
            choice = 0
            choice = 1

        # Trial info
        trial['info'] = {'coh': coh, 'in_out': in_out, 'choice': choice}

    # Inputs

    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))
    if not catch_trial:
        X[e['stimulus'], choice] = scale(+coh)
        X[e['stimulus'], 1 - choice] = scale(-coh)
    trial['inputs'] = X

    # Target output

    if params.get('target_output', False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout))  # Output
        M = np.zeros_like(Y)  # Mask

        # Hold values
        hi = 1
        lo = 0.2

        if catch_trial:
            Y[:] = lo
            M[:] = 1
            # Fixation
            Y[e['fixation'], :] = lo

            # Decision
            Y[e['decision'], choice] = hi
            Y[e['decision'], 1 - choice] = lo

            # Only care about fixation and decision periods
            M[e['fixation'] + e['decision'], :] = 1

        # Outputs and mask
        trial['outputs'] = Y
        trial['mask'] = M


    return trial
def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    # Select task condition

    catch_trial = False
    if params['name'] in ['gradient', 'test']:
        if params.get('catch', rng.rand() < pcatch):
            catch_trial = True
            modality = params.get('modality', rng.choice(modalities))
            freq = params.get('freq', rng.choice(freqs))
    elif params['name'] == 'validation':
        b = params['minibatch_index'] % (nconditions + 1)
        if b == 0:
            catch_trial = True
            k1, k2 = tasktools.unravel_index(b - 1,
                                             (len(modalities), len(freqs)))
            modality = modalities[k1]
            freq = freqs[k2]
        raise ValueError("Unknown trial type.")

    # Epochs

    if catch_trial:
        epochs = {'T': 2500}
        if params['name'] == 'test':
            fixation = 500
            fixation = 100
        stimulus = 1000
        decision = 300
        T = fixation + stimulus + decision

        epochs = {
            'fixation': (0, fixation),
            'stimulus': (fixation, fixation + stimulus),
            'decision': (fixation + stimulus, T)
        epochs['T'] = T

    # Trial info

    t, e = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(
        dt, epochs)  # Time, task epochs in discrete time
    trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}  # Trial

    if catch_trial:
        trial['info'] = {}
        # Correct choice
        if freq > boundary:
            choice = 0
            choice = 1

        # Trial info
        trial['info'] = {'modality': modality, 'freq': freq, 'choice': choice}

    # Inputs

    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))
    if not catch_trial:
        if 'v' in modality:
            X[e['stimulus'], VISUAL_P] = scale_v_p(freq)
            X[e['stimulus'], VISUAL_N] = scale_v_n(freq)
        if 'a' in modality:
            X[e['stimulus'], AUDITORY_P] = scale_a_p(freq)
            X[e['stimulus'], AUDITORY_N] = scale_a_n(freq)
        X[e['stimulus'] + e['decision'], START] = 1
    trial['inputs'] = X

    # Target output

    if params.get('target_output', False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout))  # Output matrix
        M = np.zeros_like(Y)  # Mask matrix

        # Hold values
        hi = 1
        lo = 0.2

        if catch_trial:
            Y[:] = lo
            M[:] = 1
            # Fixation
            Y[e['fixation'], :] = lo

            # Decision
            Y[e['decision'], choice] = hi
            Y[e['decision'], 1 - choice] = lo

            # Only care about fixation and decision periods
            M[e['fixation'] + e['decision'], :] = 1

        # Outputs and mask
        trial['outputs'] = Y
        trial['mask'] = M


    return trial
def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    # Select task condition

    if params.get('catch', rng.rand() < pcatch):
        catch_trial = True
        catch_trial = False
        coh         = params.get('coh',        rng.choice(cohs))
        left_right  = params.get('left_right', rng.choice(left_rights))

    # Epochs

    if catch_trial:
        epochs = {'T': 2000}
        fixation = 100
        stimulus = 800
        decision = 300
        T        = fixation + stimulus + decision

        epochs = {
            'fixation': (0, fixation),
            'stimulus': (fixation, fixation + stimulus),
            'decision': (fixation + stimulus, T)
        epochs['T'] = T

    # Trial info

    t, e  = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(dt, epochs) # Time, task epochs
    trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}           # Trial

    if catch_trial:
        trial['info'] = {}
        # Correct choice
        if left_right > 0:
            choice = 0
            choice = 1

        # Trial info
        trial['info'] = {'coh': coh, 'left_right': left_right, 'choice': choice}

    # Inputs

    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))
    if not catch_trial:
        X[e['stimulus'],choice]   = scale(+coh)
        X[e['stimulus'],1-choice] = scale(-coh)
    trial['inputs'] = X

    # Target output

    if params.get('target_output', False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout)) # Output
        M = np.zeros_like(Y)         # Mask

        if catch_trial:
            Y[:] = 0.2
            M[:] = 1
            # Fixation
            Y[e['fixation'],:] = 0.2

            # Decision
            Y[e['decision'],choice]   = 1
            Y[e['decision'],1-choice] = 0.2

            # Only care about fixation and decision periods
            M[e['fixation']+e['decision'],:] = 1

        # Outputs and mask
        trial['outputs'] = Y
        trial['mask']    = M


    return trial
文件: rdm_rt.py 项目: xjwanglab/pycog
def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Select task condition
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    catch_trial = False
    if params["name"] in ["gradient", "test"]:
        if params.get("catch", rng.rand() < pcatch):
            catch_trial = True
            coh = params.get("coh", rng.choice(cohs))
            in_out = params.get("in_out", rng.choice(in_outs))
    elif params["name"] == "validation":
        b = params["minibatch_index"] % (nconditions + 1)
        if b == 0:
            catch_trial = True
            k0, k1 = tasktools.unravel_index(b - 1, (len(cohs), len(in_outs)))
            coh = cohs[k0]
            in_out = in_outs[k1]
        raise ValueError("Unknown trial type.")

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Epochs
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if catch_trial:
        epochs = {"T": 2000}
        if params["name"] == "test":
            fixation = 300
            stimulus = 1500
            fixation = 100
            stimulus = 800
        no_reward = 300
        T = fixation + stimulus

        epochs = {"fixation": (0, fixation), "stimulus": (fixation, T), "decision": (fixation + no_reward, T)}
        epochs["T"] = T

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Trial info
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    t, e = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(dt, epochs)  # Time, task epochs in discrete time
    trial = {"t": t, "epochs": epochs}  # Trial

    if catch_trial:
        trial["info"] = {}
        # Correct choice
        if in_out > 0:
            choice = 0
            choice = 1

        # Trial info
        trial["info"] = {"coh": coh, "in_out": in_out, "choice": choice}

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Inputs
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))
    if not catch_trial:
        # Stimulus
        X[e["stimulus"], choice] = scale(+coh)
        X[e["stimulus"], 1 - choice] = scale(-coh)

        # Start cue
        X[e["stimulus"], START] = 1
    trial["inputs"] = X

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Target output
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if params.get("target_output", False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout))  # Output matrix
        M = np.zeros_like(Y)  # Mask matrix

        # Hold values
        hi = 1.2
        lo = 0.2

        if catch_trial:
            Y[:] = lo
            M[:] = 1
            # Fixation
            Y[e["fixation"], :] = lo

            # Decision
            Y[e["decision"], choice] = hi
            Y[e["decision"], 1 - choice] = lo

            # Only care about fixation and decision periods
            M[e["fixation"] + e["decision"], :] = 1

        # Outputs and mask
        trial["outputs"] = Y
        trial["mask"] = M

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    return trial
def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    # Select task condition

    catch_trial = False
    if params['name'] in ['gradient', 'test']:
        if params.get('catch', rng.rand() < pcatch):
            catch_trial = True
            modality = params.get('modality', rng.choice(modalities))
            freq     = params.get('freq',     rng.choice(freqs))
    elif params['name'] == 'validation':
        b = params['minibatch_index'] % (nconditions + 1)
        if b == 0:
            catch_trial = True
            k1, k2   = tasktools.unravel_index(b-1,
                                               (len(modalities), len(freqs)))
            modality = modalities[k1]
            freq     = freqs[k2]
        raise ValueError("Unknown trial type.")

    # Epochs

    if catch_trial:
        epochs = {'T': 2500}
        if params['name'] == 'test':
            fixation = 500
            fixation = 100
        stimulus = 1000
        decision = 300
        T        = fixation + stimulus + decision

        epochs = {
            'fixation': (0, fixation),
            'stimulus': (fixation, fixation + stimulus),
            'decision': (fixation + stimulus, T)
        epochs['T'] = T

    # Trial info

    t, e  = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(dt, epochs) # Time, task epochs in discrete time
    trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}           # Trial

    if catch_trial:
        trial['info'] = {}
        # Correct choice
        if freq > boundary:
            choice = 0
            choice = 1

        # Trial info
        trial['info'] = {'modality':  modality, 'freq': freq, 'choice': choice}

    # Inputs

    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))
    if not catch_trial:
        if 'v' in modality:
            X[e['stimulus'],VISUAL_P] = scale_v_p(freq)
            X[e['stimulus'],VISUAL_N] = scale_v_n(freq)
        if 'a' in modality:
            X[e['stimulus'],AUDITORY_P] = scale_a_p(freq)
            X[e['stimulus'],AUDITORY_N] = scale_a_n(freq)
        X[e['stimulus'] + e['decision'],START] = 1
    trial['inputs'] = X

    # Target output

    if params.get('target_output', False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout)) # Output matrix
        M = np.zeros_like(Y)         # Mask matrix

        # Hold values
        hi = 1
        lo = 0.2

        if catch_trial:
            Y[:] = lo
            M[:] = 1
            # Fixation
            Y[e['fixation'],:] = lo

            # Decision
            Y[e['decision'],choice]   = hi
            Y[e['decision'],1-choice] = lo

            # Only care about fixation and decision periods
            M[e['fixation']+e['decision'],:] = 1

        # Outputs and mask
        trial['outputs'] = Y
        trial['mask']    = M


    return trial

var_rec = 0.05**2

# Task structure

# Period of the sine wave
period = 8*tau

# Sample duration
epochs = {'T': 2*period}

# Trial info
t, e  = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(dt, epochs) # Time, task epochs in discrete time
trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}           # Trial

# Target output
trial['outputs'] = 0.9*np.sin(2*np.pi*t/period)[:,None]

def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):        #Note all trial needs is t, epochs, outputs
    return trial

# Target error
min_error = 0.05

# Online training
mode         = 'continuous'
n_validation = 50
def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Select task condition
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    catch_trial = False
    if params["name"] in ["gradient", "test"]:
        if params.get("catch", rng.rand() < pcatch):
            catch_trial = True
            # Context
            context = params.get("context", rng.choice(contexts))

            # Coherences
            coh_m = params.get("coh_m", rng.choice(cohs))
            coh_c = params.get("coh_c", rng.choice(cohs))

            # Left/right
            left_right_m = params.get("left_right_m", rng.choice(left_rights))
            left_right_c = params.get("left_right_c", rng.choice(left_rights))
    elif params["name"] == "validation":
        b = params["minibatch_index"] % (nconditions + 1)
        if b == 0:
            catch_trial = True
            k = tasktools.unravel_index(
                b - 1, (len(contexts), len(cohs), len(cohs), len(left_rights), len(left_rights))
            context = contexts[k[0]]
            coh_m = cohs[k[1]]
            coh_c = cohs[k[2]]
            left_right_m = left_rights[k[3]]
            left_right_c = left_rights[k[4]]
        raise ValueError("Unknown trial type.")

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Epochs
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if catch_trial:
        epochs = {"T": 2000}
        if params["name"] == "test":
            fixation = 400
            fixation = 100
        stimulus = 800
        decision = 300
        T = fixation + stimulus + decision

        epochs = {
            "fixation": (0, fixation),
            "stimulus": (fixation, fixation + stimulus),
            "decision": (fixation + stimulus, T),
        epochs["T"] = T

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Trial info
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    t, e = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(dt, epochs)  # Time, task epochs in discrete time
    trial = {"t": t, "epochs": epochs}  # Trial

    if catch_trial:
        trial["info"] = {}
        if context == "m":
            left_right = left_right_m
            left_right = left_right_c

        # Correct choice
        if left_right > 0:
            choice = 0
            choice = 1

        # Trial info
        trial["info"] = {
            "coh_m": coh_m,
            "left_right_m": left_right_m,
            "coh_c": coh_c,
            "left_right_c": left_right_c,
            "context": context,
            "choice": choice,

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Inputs
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))
    if not catch_trial:
        # Context
        if context == "m":
            X[e["stimulus"], 0] = 1
            X[e["stimulus"], 1] = 1

        # Motion stimulus
        if left_right_m > 0:
            choice_m = 0
            choice_m = 1
        X[e["stimulus"], 2 + choice_m] = scale(+coh_m)
        X[e["stimulus"], 2 + (1 - choice_m)] = scale(-coh_m)

        # Colour stimulus
        if left_right_c > 0:
            choice_c = 0
            choice_c = 1
        X[e["stimulus"], 4 + choice_c] = scale(+coh_c)
        X[e["stimulus"], 4 + (1 - choice_c)] = scale(-coh_c)
    trial["inputs"] = X

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Target output
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if params.get("target_output", False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout))  # Output matrix
        M = np.zeros_like(Y)  # Mask matrix

        # Hold values
        hi = 1
        lo = 0.2

        if catch_trial:
            Y[:] = lo
            M[:] = 1
            # Fixation
            Y[e["fixation"], :] = lo

            # Decision
            Y[e["decision"], choice] = hi
            Y[e["decision"], 1 - choice] = lo

            # Only care about fixation and decision periods
            M[e["fixation"] + e["decision"], :] = 1

        # Outputs and mask
        trial["outputs"] = Y
        trial["mask"] = M

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    return trial
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from pycog import tasktools

from pycog import RNN
from pycog.figtools import Figure

tau = 100
dt = 20

period = 8 * tau

epochs = {'T': 2 * period}

t, e = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(dt, epochs)

rnn = RNN('savefile.pkl', {'dt': 0.5, 'var_rec': 0.01**2})
info = rnn.run(T=2 * period)

fig = Figure()
plot = fig.add()

plot.plot(rnn.t / tau, rnn.z[0], color=Figure.colors('blue'))
plot.xlim(rnn.t[0] / tau, rnn.t[-1] / tau)
plot.ylim(0, 2)

print rnn.t[0]
print rnn.t[-1]
plot.plot((rnn.t / tau)[:], (0.9 * np.power(rnn.t / (2 * period), 2))[:],
def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    # Select task condition

    if params['name'] in ['gradient', 'test']:
        seq = params.get('seq', rng.choice(sequences.keys()))
    elif params['name'] == 'validation':
        b = params['minibatch_index'] % nseq
        if b == 0:
            generate_trial.seqs = rng.permutation(nseq)

        seq = generate_trial.seqs[b] + 1
        raise ValueError("Unknown trial type.")

    # Epochs

    iti      = 1000
    fixation = 1000
    M1       = 500
    M2       = 500
    M3       = 500
    T        = iti + fixation + M1 + M2 + M3

    epochs = {
        'iti':      (0, iti),
        'fixation': (iti, iti + fixation),
        'M1':       (iti + fixation, iti + fixation + M1),
        'M2':       (iti + fixation + M1, iti + fixation + M1 + M2),
        'M3':       (iti + fixation + M1 + M2, iti + fixation + M1 + M2 + M3),
    epochs['T'] = T

    # Trial info

    t, e  = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(dt, epochs) # Time, task epochs in discrete time
    trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}           # Trial

    trial['info'] = {'seq': seq}

    # Inputs

    # Input matrix
    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))

    # Which sequence?
    X[:,SEQUENCE[seq-1]] = 1

    # Sequence
    sequence = sequences[seq]

    # Options
    X[e['fixation'],sequence[0]] = 1
    for I, J in zip([e['M1'], e['M2'], e['M3']],
                    [[sequence[0]] + options[sequence[0]],
                     [sequence[1]] + options[sequence[1]],
                     [sequence[2]] + options[sequence[2]]]):
        for j in J:
            X[I,j] = 1

    # Inputs
    trial['inputs'] = X

    # Target output

    if params.get('target_output', False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout)) # Output matrix
        M = np.zeros((len(t), Nout)) # Mask matrix

        # Hold gaze
        Y[e['fixation'],:] = target_position(sequence[0])
        Y[e['M1'],:]       = target_position(sequence[1])
        Y[e['M2'],:]       = target_position(sequence[2])
        Y[e['M3'],:]       = target_position(sequence[3])

        # We don't constrain the intertrial interval
        M[e['fixation']+e['M1']+e['M2']+e['M3'],:] = 1

        # Output and mask
        trial['outputs'] = Y
        trial['mask']    = M


    return trial
    delay = 800
    #    delay1 = 500
    width = 20
    #    width = 5 # when N=1000 & Nout=50
    magnitude = 4
    dt = 0.5
    var_rec = 0.01**2
    #    T = 100
    #    signal_time = rng.uniform(10, T - 60)
    #    delay = 50
    #    width = 2
    #    magnitude = 4

    epochs = {}
    epochs['T'] = T
    t, e = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(
        dt, epochs)  # Time, task epochs in discrete time
    trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}  # Trial

    trial['info'] = {}

    signal_time /= dt
    delay /= dt
    width /= dt

    #    print "signal_time is: ",signal_time
    # Input matrix
    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))

    for tt in range(len(t)):
        if tt > signal_time:
            X[tt][0] = np.exp(-(tt - signal_time) / delay) * magnitude
def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    T = 1000

    #    signal_time = rng.uniform(100, T - 600)
    signal_time = rng.uniform(100, T - 800)
    #    delay = 500
    delay = 800
    #    delay1 = 500
    width = 20
    #    width = 5 # when N=1000 & Nout=50
    magnitude = 4

    #    T = 100
    #    signal_time = rng.uniform(10, T - 60)
    #    delay = 50
    #    width = 2
    #    magnitude = 4

    epochs = {}
    epochs['T'] = T
    t, e = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(
        dt, epochs)  # Time, task epochs in discrete time
    trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}  # Trial

    trial['info'] = {}

    signal_time /= dt
    delay /= dt
    width /= dt

    #    print "signal_time is: ",signal_time
    # Input matrix
    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))

    for tt in range(len(t)):
        if tt > signal_time:
            X[tt][0] = np.exp(-(tt - signal_time) / delay) * magnitude

    trial['inputs'] = X

    # Target output

    if params.get('target_output', False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout))  # Output matrix
        M = np.ones((len(t), Nout))  # Mask matrix

        for i in range(Nout):
            for tt in range(len(t)):
                Y[tt][i] = np.exp(-(tt - (signal_time + delay / Nout *
                                          (i + 1)))**2 /
                                  (2 * width**2)) * magnitude * 3

#                Y[tt][i] = np.exp( -(tt - (signal_time + delay1 / Nout * (i + 1)))**2 / (2 * width**2)) * magnitude

        trial['outputs'] = Y
    '''heat_map = sb.heatmap(Y)
    plt.title('Heat map of target sequential activation of neurons')
    plt.ylabel('Target output neural nodes')

    plt.plot(t/tau, X[0])
#    plt.plot(rnn.t/tau, rnn.r[3])    
#    plt.plot(rnn.t/tau, rnn.r[4])    
#    for j in range(Nout):
    legend = ['Input']
    for j in range(Nout):
         plt.plot(t/tau, Y[i])
         legend.append('Output {}'.format(j+1))
#        plt.plot(rnn.t/tau, rnn.r[j])
    plt.title('Target sequential activation of neurons')
    plt.ylabel('Target output neural nodes')

    return trial
def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    # Select task condition

    if params['name'] in ['gradient', 'test']:
        seq = params.get('seq', rng.choice(sequences.keys()))
    elif params['name'] == 'validation':
        b = params['minibatch_index'] % nseq
        if b == 0:
            generate_trial.seqs = rng.permutation(nseq)

        seq = generate_trial.seqs[b] + 1
        raise ValueError("Unknown trial type.")

    # Epochs

    iti = 1000
    fixation = 1000
    M1 = 500
    M2 = 500
    M3 = 500
    T = iti + fixation + M1 + M2 + M3

    epochs = {
        'iti': (0, iti),
        'fixation': (iti, iti + fixation),
        'M1': (iti + fixation, iti + fixation + M1),
        'M2': (iti + fixation + M1, iti + fixation + M1 + M2),
        'M3': (iti + fixation + M1 + M2, iti + fixation + M1 + M2 + M3),
    epochs['T'] = T

    # Trial info

    t, e = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(
        dt, epochs)  # Time, task epochs in discrete time
    trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}  # Trial

    trial['info'] = {'seq': seq}

    # Inputs

    # Input matrix
    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))

    # Which sequence?
    X[:, SEQUENCE[seq - 1]] = 1

    # Sequence
    sequence = sequences[seq]

    # Options
    X[e['fixation'], sequence[0]] = 1
    for I, J in zip([e['M1'], e['M2'], e['M3']],
                    [[sequence[0]] + options[sequence[0]],
                     [sequence[1]] + options[sequence[1]],
                     [sequence[2]] + options[sequence[2]]]):
        for j in J:
            X[I, j] = 1

    # Inputs
    trial['inputs'] = X

    # Target output

    if params.get('target_output', False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout))  # Output matrix
        M = np.zeros((len(t), Nout))  # Mask matrix

        # Hold gaze
        Y[e['fixation'], :] = target_position(sequence[0])
        Y[e['M1'], :] = target_position(sequence[1])
        Y[e['M2'], :] = target_position(sequence[2])
        Y[e['M3'], :] = target_position(sequence[3])

        # We don't constrain the intertrial interval
        M[e['fixation'] + e['M1'] + e['M2'] + e['M3'], :] = 1

        # Output and mask
        trial['outputs'] = Y
        trial['mask'] = M


    return trial
def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Select task condition
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    catch_trial = False
    if params['name'] in ['gradient', 'test']:
        if params.get('catch', rng.rand() < pcatch):
            catch_trial = True
            intensity = params.get('intensity', rng.choice(intensity_range))
    elif params['name'] == 'validation':
        b = params['minibatch_index'] % (nconditions + 1)
        if b == 0:
            catch_trial = True
            intensity = params.get('intensity', rng.choice(intensity_range))
        raise ValueError("Unknown trial type.")

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Epochs
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    t_foward_min = 80
    t_foward_avg = 800
    t_foward_max = 1500

    t_stimulus = 300

    t_reversal_min = 80
    t_reversal_avg = 500
    t_reversal_max = 1500

    if catch_trial:
        epochs = {'T': tasktools.truncated_exponential(rng, dt, t_foward_avg,
                                                       xmin=t_foward_min, xmax=t_foward_max)}
        if params['name'] == 'test':
            forward = tasktools.truncated_exponential(rng, dt, t_foward_avg,
                                                      xmin=t_foward_min, xmax=t_foward_max)
            forward = tasktools.truncated_exponential(rng, dt, t_foward_avg,
                                                      xmin=t_foward_min, xmax=t_foward_max)
        stimulus = t_stimulus
        reversal = tasktools.truncated_exponential(rng, dt, t_reversal_avg,
                                                   xmin=t_reversal_min, xmax=t_reversal_max)
        T = forward + stimulus + reversal

        epochs = {'forward': (0, forward),
                  'stimulus': (forward, forward + stimulus),
                  'reversal': (forward + stimulus, T),
                  'T': T}

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Trial info
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    t, e  = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(dt, epochs) # Time, task epochs in discrete time
    trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}           # Trial

    # Save e info
    trial['e'] = e

    if catch_trial:
        trial['info'] = {}
        # Trial info
        trial['info'] = {'intensity': intensity}

    # Inputs

    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))
    if not catch_trial:
        # Stimulus
        X[e['stimulus']] = intensity

    trial['inputs'] = X

    # Target output

    if params.get('target_output', False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout)) # Output matrix
        M = np.zeros_like(Y)         # Mask matrix

        # Hold values
        hi = 1
        lo = 0.2

        if catch_trial:
            Y[:, 0] = hi   # forward module output
            Y[:, 1] = lo   # reversal module output
            M[:] = 1
            # forward period
            Y[e['forward'], 0] = hi    # forward module output
            Y[e['forward'], 1] = lo    # reversal module output

            # reversal periods
            Y[e['reversal'], 0] = lo     # forward module output
            Y[e['reversal'], 1] = hi     # reversal module output

            # Only care about forward and reversal periods
            M[e['forward']+e['reversal'],:] = 1

        # Outputs and mask
        trial['outputs'] = Y
        trial['mask']    = M


    return trial
文件: romo.py 项目: grahamas/pycog
def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    # Select task condition

    catch_trial = False
    if params['name'] in ['gradient', 'test']:
        if params.get('catch', rng.rand() < pcatch):
            catch_trial = True
            fpair = params.get('fpair', fpairs[rng.choice(len(fpairs))])
            gt_lt = params.get('gt_lt', rng.choice(gt_lts))
    elif params['name'] == 'validation':
        b = params['minibatch_index'] % (nconditions + 1)
        if b == 0:
            catch_trial = True
            k0, k1 = tasktools.unravel_index(b-1, (len(fpairs), len(gt_lts)))
            fpair  = fpairs[k0]
            gt_lt  = gt_lts[k1]
        raise ValueError("Unknown trial type.")

    # Epochs

    if catch_trial:
        epochs = {'T': 2500}
        if params['name'] == 'test':
            fixation = 500
            fixation = 100
        f1 = 500
        if params['name'] == 'test':
            delay = 3000
            delay = tasktools.uniform(rng, dt, 2500, 3500)
        f2       = 500
        decision = 300
        T        = fixation + f1 + delay + f2 + decision

        epochs = {
            'fixation': (0, fixation),
            'f1':       (fixation, fixation + f1),
            'delay':    (fixation + f1, fixation + f1 + delay),
            'f2':       (fixation + f1 + delay, fixation + f1 + delay + f2),
            'decision': (fixation + f1 + delay + f2, T)
        epochs['T'] = T

    # Trial info

    t, e  = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(dt, epochs) # Task epochs in discrete time
    trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}           # Trial

    if catch_trial:
        trial['info'] = {}
        # Correct choice
        if gt_lt == '>':
            f1, f2 = fpair
            choice = 0
            f2, f1 = fpair
            choice = 1

        # Info
        trial['info'] = {'f1': f1, 'f2': f2, 'choice': choice}

    # Inputs

    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))
    if not catch_trial:
        # Stimulus 1
        X[e['f1'],POS] = scale_p(f1)
        X[e['f1'],NEG] = scale_n(f1)

        # Stimulus 2
        X[e['f2'],POS] = scale_p(f2)
        X[e['f2'],NEG] = scale_n(f2)
    trial['inputs'] = X

    # Target output

    if params.get('target_output', False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout)) # Output matrix
        M = np.zeros_like(Y)         # Mask matrix

        # Hold values
        hi = 1
        lo = 0.2

        if catch_trial:
            Y[:] = lo
            M[:] = 1
            # Fixation
            Y[e['fixation'],:] = lo

            # Decision
            Y[e['decision'],choice]   = hi
            Y[e['decision'],1-choice] = lo

            # Mask
            M[e['fixation']+e['decision'],:] = 1

        trial['outputs'] = Y
        trial['mask']    = M


    return trial
def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    # Select task condition

    catch_trial = False
    if params['name'] in ['gradient', 'test']:
        if params.get('catch',
                      rng.rand() < pcatch):  #pcatch chance of a catch trial
            catch_trial = True
            cond = params.get('conditions',
            #Revert back to cohs if this brings up an issue
            in_out = params.get('in_out', rng.choice(in_outs))
    elif params['name'] == 'validation':
        b = params['minibatch_index'] % (nconditions + 1)
        if b == 0:
            catch_trial = True
            k0, k1 = tasktools.unravel_index(b - 1,
                                             (len(conditions), len(in_outs)))
            cond = conditions[k0]
            in_out = in_outs[k1]
        raise ValueError("Unknown trial type.")

    # Epochs

    if catch_trial:
        epochs = {'T': 2500}
        if params['name'] == 'test':
            fixation = 300
            fixation = 100
        f1 = 100
        delay = 200
        f2 = 100
        decision = 200
        # else:
        #     if params['name'] == 'test':
        #         firstInterval = 300
        #     else:
        #         firstInterval = 100
        #     secondInterval = 200
        #     decision = 200
        T = fixation + f1 + delay + f2 + decision

        epochs = {
            'fixation': (0, fixation),
            'f1': (fixation, fixation + f1),
            'delay': (fixation + f1, fixation + f1 + delay),
            'f2': (fixation + f1 + delay, fixation + f1 + delay + f2),
            'decision': (fixation + f1 + delay + f2, T)
        epochs['T'] = T

    # Trial info

    t, e = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(
        dt, epochs)  # Time, e is array of epochs w/ points
    trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}  # Trial

    if catch_trial:
        trial['info'] = {}
        # Correct choice

        if cond in [(yes, yes), (no, no)]:
            choice = 0
            choice = 1

        #if in_out == 'equal':
        #    choice = 0
        #    choice = 1

        # Trial info
        trial['info'] = {'cond': cond, 'in_out': in_out, 'choice': choice}

    # Inputs

    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))
    if not catch_trial:
        # Stimulus 1
        X[e['f1'], POS] = cond[0]
          NEG] = yes + no - cond[0]  #flipped frequency 1->0.2, 0.2 -> 1

        # Stimulus 2
        X[e['f2'], POS] = cond[1]
          NEG] = yes + no - cond[1]  #flipped frequency 1->0.2, 0.2 -> 1
    trial['inputs'] = X

    # Target output

    if params.get('target_output', False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout))  # Output
        M = np.zeros_like(Y)  # Mask

        # Hold values
        hi = 1
        lo = 0.2

        if catch_trial:
            Y[:] = lo
            M[:] = 1
            # Fixation
            Y[e['fixation'], :] = lo

            # Decision
            Y[e['decision'], choice] = hi  # One neuron spikes high
            Y[e['decision'], 1 - choice] = lo  # The other spikes low

            # Only care about fixation and decision periods
            M[e['fixation'] + e['decision'], :] = 1

        # Outputs and mask
        trial['outputs'] = Y
        trial['mask'] = M


    return trial
def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    # Select task condition

    catch_trial = False
    if params['name'] in ['gradient', 'test']:
        if params.get('catch', rng.rand() < pcatch):  #pcatch probability of catch trial
            catch_trial = True
            pair = params.get('pair', pairs[rng.choice(len(pairs))]) #random pair
            #gt_lt = params.get('gt_lt', rng.choice(gt_lts)) #random order
    elif params['name'] == 'validation':    
        b = params['minibatch_index'] % (nconditions + 1) #0 to 4
        if b == 0:
            catch_trial = True
        else:       #b-1 is 0 to 3, len(pairs) = 0 to 1
            k0, k1 = tasktools.unravel_index(b-1, (len(pairs),1))#len(gt_lts)))
            pair  = pairs[b-1]
            #gt_lt  = gt_lts[k1]
        raise ValueError("Unknown trial type.")

    # Epochs

    if catch_trial:
        epochs = {'T': 2500}
        if params['name'] == 'test':
            fixation = 500
            fixation = 100
        f1 = 500
        if params['name'] == 'test':
            delay = 3000
            delay = 3000
        f2       = 500
        decision = 300
        T        = fixation + f1 + delay + f2 + decision

        epochs = {
            'fixation': (0, fixation),
            'f1':       (fixation, fixation + f1),
            'delay':    (fixation + f1, fixation + f1 + delay),
            'f2':       (fixation + f1 + delay, fixation + f1 + delay + f2),
            'decision': (fixation + f1 + delay + f2, T)
        epochs['T'] = T

    # Trial info

    t, e  = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(dt, epochs) # Task epochs in discrete time
    trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}           # Trial

    if catch_trial:
        trial['info'] = {}
        a1, a2 = pair
        # Correct choice
        if a1 == a2:     
            choice = 0
            choice = 1

        # Info
        trial['info'] = {'f1': a1, 'f2': a2, 'choice': choice}

    # Inputs

    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))
    if not catch_trial:
        # Stimulus 1
        X[e['f1'],POS] = scale_p(a1)
        #X[e['f1'],NEG] = scale_n(f1)

        # Stimulus 2
        X[e['f2'],POS] = scale_p(a2)
        #X[e['f2'],NEG] = scale_n(f2)
    trial['inputs'] = X

    # Target output

    if params.get('target_output', False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout)) # Output matrix by time
        M = np.zeros_like(Y)         # Mask matrix by time

        # Hold values
        hi = 1
        lo = 0.2

        if catch_trial:
            Y[:] = lo
            M[:] = 1
            # Fixation
            Y[e['fixation'],:] = lo #while fixating it should not be spiking

            # Decision
            Y[e['decision'],choice]   = hi  #output corresponding to choice = hi
            Y[e['decision'],1-choice] = lo  #other one goes to lo

            # Mask
            M[e['fixation']+e['decision'],:] = 1

        trial['outputs'] = Y
        trial['mask']    = M


    return trial
def generate_trial(rng, dt, params):
    # Select task condition

    catch_trial = False
    if params['name'] in ['gradient', 'test']:
        if params.get('catch', rng.rand() < pcatch):
            catch_trial = True
            coh    = params.get('coh',    rng.choice(cohs))
            in_out = params.get('in_out', rng.choice(in_outs))
    elif params['name'] == 'validation':
        b = params['minibatch_index'] % (nconditions + 1)
        if b == 0:
            catch_trial = True
            k0, k1 = tasktools.unravel_index(b-1, (len(cohs), len(in_outs)))
            coh    = cohs[k0]
            in_out = in_outs[k1]
        raise ValueError("Unknown trial type.")

    # Epochs

    if catch_trial:
        epochs = {'T': 2000}
        if params['name'] == 'test':
            fixation = 300
            fixation = 100
        stimulus = 800
        decision = 300
        T        = fixation + stimulus + decision

        epochs = {
            'fixation': (0, fixation),
            'stimulus': (fixation, fixation + stimulus),
            'decision': (fixation + stimulus, T)
        epochs['T'] = T

    # Trial info

    t, e  = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(dt, epochs) # Time, task epochs in discrete time
    trial = {'t': t, 'epochs': epochs}           # Trial

    if catch_trial:
        trial['info'] = {}
        # Correct choice
        if in_out > 0:
            choice = 0
            choice = 1

        # Trial info
        trial['info'] = {'coh': coh, 'in_out': in_out, 'choice': choice}

    # Inputs

    X = np.zeros((len(t), Nin))
    if not catch_trial:
        X[e['stimulus'],choice]   = scale(+coh)
        X[e['stimulus'],1-choice] = scale(-coh)
    trial['inputs'] = X

    # Target output

    if params.get('target_output', False):
        Y = np.zeros((len(t), Nout)) # Output
        M = np.zeros_like(Y)         # Mask

        # Hold values
        hi = 1
        lo = 0.2

        if catch_trial:
            Y[:] = lo
            M[:] = 1
            # Fixation
            Y[e['fixation'],:] = lo

            # Decision
            Y[e['decision'],choice]   = hi
            Y[e['decision'],1-choice] = lo

            # Only care about fixation and decision periods
            M[e['fixation']+e['decision'],:] = 1

        # Outputs and mask
        trial['outputs'] = Y
        trial['mask']    = M


    return trial
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from pycog import tasktools

from pycog          import RNN
from pycog.figtools import Figure

tau = 100
dt  = 20

period = 8*tau

epochs = {'T': 2*period}

t, e  = tasktools.get_epochs_idx(dt, epochs)

rnn  = RNN('savefile.pkl', {'dt': 0.5, 'var_rec': 0.01**2})
info = rnn.run(T=2*period)

fig  = Figure()
plot = fig.add()

plot.plot(rnn.t/tau, rnn.z[0], color=Figure.colors('blue'))
plot.xlim(rnn.t[0]/tau, rnn.t[-1]/tau)
plot.ylim(0, 2)

print rnn.t[0]
print rnn.t[-1]
plot.plot((rnn.t/tau)[:], (0.9*np.power(rnn.t/(2*period),2))[:],color=Figure.colors('orange'))
