def make_bare_tx(candidate, change_address, rs_asm, version=1):

    # <Tx> components
    spendables = []
    ins = []
    outs = []

    # estimate the final (signed) bytesize per input based on the redeemscript
    redeem_script = tools.compile(rs_asm)
    in_size = estimate_input_size(redeem_script)

    # initialize size and amount counters
    in_amount = Decimal(0)
    est_size = TX_COMPONENTS.version + TX_COMPONENTS.out_count + TX_COMPONENTS.in_count

    # add output size
    est_size += OUTSIZE * 2

    # iterate over unspents
    for utxo in candidate.utxos:

        value = Decimal(utxo.amount) * COIN
        in_amount += value

        script = h2b(utxo.script)
        # for now: test if the in_script we figured we would need, actually matches the in script :D

        # reverse that tx hash
        prevtx = h2b_rev(utxo.hash)

        # output index
        outnum = utxo.outpoint

        # create "spendable"
        spdbl = Spendable(value, script, prevtx, outnum)

        # also create this as input
        as_input = spdbl.tx_in()
        as_input.sigs = []

        # add the estimated size per input
        est_size += in_size

    # calc fee and out amount
    fee = (Decimal(math.ceil(est_size / 1000)) * COIN *
    change_amount = Decimal(
        math.floor(in_amount - (candidate.amount * COIN) - fee))

    # create outputs
        TxOut(int(candidate.amount * COIN), make_payto(candidate.address)))
    outs.append(TxOut(int(change_amount), make_payto_script(change_address)))

    # create bare tx without sigs
    tx = Tx(version, ins, outs, 0, spendables)

    return tx
from pycoin.tx import Tx, tx_utils, Spendable, pay_to
from pycoin import convention

amount = convention.btc_to_satoshi(first_nondust['amount'])
dustbtc = convention.btc_to_satoshi(DUST)
feebtc = convention.btc_to_satoshi(FEE)

unspent = Spendable( amount, standard_tx_out_script(first_address), \
            serialize.h2b_rev(first_nondust['tx']), first_nondust['n'] )

txout = TxOut( dustbtc, standard_tx_out_script(bob_notif.address()) )
change = TxOut( amount - (dustbtc + feebtc), standard_tx_out_script(change_addresses.pop()) )
op_return_script = pay_to.ScriptNulldata(alice_masked_pcode_nosuffix)
op_return_txout = TxOut(0, op_return_script.script())

notif_tx = Tx( 1, [unspent.tx_in()], [txout, change, op_return_txout], unspents=[unspent] )
tx_utils.sign_tx( notif_tx, [first_node.wif()] )
print "Signed Notification TX as hex:\n", notif_tx.as_hex()

data = urlencode(dict( hex=notif_tx.as_hex() ))
response = json.load( urlopen(url="http://tbtc.blockr.io/api/v1/tx/decode", data=data) )
print "Decoded:\n", pretty_json(response), '\n'

alice_notif_exp = alice_notif.secret_exponent()
bob_pcode_nodes = get_nodes(bob_wallet, GAP_LIMIT, pcode=True)
bob_ephem_key = None

for bob_pcode_node in bob_pcode_nodes.values():
    pcode_pp = bob_pcode_node.public_pair()
    pcode_point = ellipticcurve.Point(curve, pcode_pp[0], pcode_pp[1])
文件: sweep.py 项目: bizcoine/mop-py
def make_bare_tx(network, from_address, to_address, redeem_script, version=1):

    # <Tx> components
    spendables = []
    ins = []
    outs = []

    # estimate the final (signed) bytesize per input based on the redeemscript
    in_size = estimate_input_size(redeem_script)

    # initialize size and amount counters
    in_amount = Decimal(0)
    est_size = TX_COMPONENTS.version + TX_COMPONENTS.out_count + TX_COMPONENTS.in_count

    # add output size (we"ll only have 1)
    est_size += TX_COMPONENTS.out_scriptlen + TX_COMPONENTS.out_scriptsize + TX_COMPONENTS.out_scriptlen

    unspent_response = sochain_get_unspents(network, from_address)

    unspents = unspent_response.get("txs", [])

    # iterate over unspents
    for tx in unspents:

        value = Decimal(tx.get("value")) * Decimal(1e8)
        in_amount += value

        script = h2b(tx.get("script_hex"))
        # for now: test if the in_script we figured we would need, actually matches the in script :D

        # reverse that tx hash
        txhex = tx.get("txid")
        prevtx = h2b_rev(txhex)

        # output index
        outnum = tx.get("output_no")

        # create "spendable"
        spdbl = Spendable(value, script, prevtx, outnum)

        # also create this as input
        as_input = spdbl.tx_in()
        as_input.sigs = []

        # add the estimated size per input
        est_size += in_size

    # calc fee and out amount
    fee = Decimal(math.ceil(
        est_size / 1000.0)) * Decimal(1e8) * NETWORK_FEES.get(network)
    out_amount = in_amount - fee

    if (is_p2sh(to_address)):
        outscript = make_payto_script(to_address)
        outscript = make_payto_address(to_address)

    # create output
    outs.append(TxOut(out_amount, outscript))

    # create bare tx without sigs
    tx = Tx(version, ins, outs, 0, spendables)

    return tx