def test_main_badcohmodel():
    """Should raise an error if a wrong coherence model is passed in
    # given
    spat_df = pd.DataFrame([[0], [0], [0], [0]],
    freq = 1
    # when & then
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        get_coh_mat(spat_df, freq, coh_model='garbage')
def test_3d_missingkwargs():
    """IEC coherence should raise an error if missing parameter(s)
    # given
    spat_df = pd.DataFrame([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 1]],
                           columns=['u_p0', 'u_p1'])
    freq, kwargs, coh_model = 1, {'ed': 3, 'u_ref': 12}, '3d'
    # when & then
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        get_coh_mat(freq, spat_df, coh_model=coh_model, **kwargs)
def test_iec_badedition():
    """IEC coherence should raise an error if any edn other than 3 is given
    # given
    spat_df = pd.DataFrame([[0], [0], [0], [0]],
    freq, coh_model = 1, 'iec'
    kwargs = {'ed': 4, 'u_ref': 12, 'l_c': 340.2}
    # when & then
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        get_coh_mat(spat_df, freq, **kwargs)
def test_main_default():
    """Check the default value for get_coherence
    # given
    spat_df = pd.DataFrame([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 1]],
                           columns=['u_p0', 'u_p1'])
    freq = 1
    kwargs = {'u_ref': 1, 'l_c': 1}
    coh_theory = np.array([[1, 5.637379774e-6], [5.637379774e-6, 1]])
    # when
    coh = get_coh_mat(freq, spat_df, **kwargs)[:, :, 0]
    # then
    np.testing.assert_allclose(coh, coh_theory)
def test_iec_value():
    """Verify that the value of IEC coherence matches theory
    # 1: same comp, 2: diff comp
    for comp2, coh2 in [(0, 0.0479231144), (1, 0)]:
        # given
        spat_df = pd.DataFrame([[0, comp2], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 1]],
                               columns=['u_p0', 'x_p1'])
        freq = 0.5
        kwargs = {'ed': 3, 'u_ref': 2, 'l_c': 3, 'coh_model': 'iec'}
        coh_theory = np.array([[1., coh2], [coh2, 1.]])
        # when
        coh = get_coh_mat(freq, spat_df, **kwargs)[:, :, 0]
        # then
        np.testing.assert_allclose(coh, coh_theory)
def test_3d_value():
    """Verify that the value of 3d coherence matches theory"""
    # 1: same comp, 2: diff comp
    for comp, coh2 in [(0, 0.0479231144), (1, 0.0358754554),
                       (2, 0.0013457414)]:
        # given
        spat_df = pd.DataFrame([[comp, comp], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 1]],
                               columns=['x_p0', 'y_p1'])
        freq = 0.5
        kwargs = {'u_ref': 2, 'l_c': 3, 'coh_model': '3d'}
        coh_theory = np.array([[1., coh2], [coh2, 1.]])
        # when
        coh = get_coh_mat(freq, spat_df, **kwargs)[:, :, 0]
        # then
        np.testing.assert_allclose(coh, coh_theory, atol=1e-6)
def test_verify_iec_sim_coherence():
    """check that the simulated box has the right coherence
    # given
    y, z = [0], [70, 80]
    spat_df = gen_spat_grid(y, z)
    kwargs = {
        'u_ref': 10,
        'turb_class': 'B',
        'l_c': 340.2,
        'z_ref': 70,
        'T': 300,
        'dt': 100
    coh_model = 'iec'
    n_real = 1000  # number of realizations in ensemble
    coh_thresh = 0.12  # coherence threshold
    # get theoretical coherence
    idcs = np.triu_indices(spat_df.shape[1], k=1)
    coh_theo = get_coh_mat(1 / kwargs['T'],
    # when
    ii_jj = [
        (i, j)
        for (i, j) in itertools.combinations(np.arange(spat_df.shape[1]), 2)
    ]  # pairwise indices
    ii, jj = [tup[0] for tup in ii_jj], [tup[1] for tup in ii_jj]
    turb_ens = np.empty((int(np.ceil(kwargs['T'] / kwargs['dt'])),
                         3 * len(y) * len(z), n_real))
    for i_real in range(n_real):
        turb_ens[:, :, i_real] = gen_turb(spat_df,
    turb_fft = np.fft.rfft(turb_ens, axis=0)
    x_ii, x_jj = turb_fft[1, ii, :], turb_fft[1, jj, :]
    coh = np.mean(
        (x_ii * np.conj(x_jj)) /
        (np.sqrt(x_ii * np.conj(x_ii)) * np.sqrt(x_jj * np.conj(x_jj))),
    max_coh_diff = np.abs(coh - coh_theo).max()
    # then
    assert max_coh_diff < coh_thresh
def gen_turb(spat_df,
    """Generate a turbulence box (constrained or unconstrained).

    spat_df : pandas.DataFrame
        Spatial information on the points to simulate. Must have rows `[k, x, y, z]`,
        and each of the `n_sp` columns corresponds to a different spatial location and
        turbine component (u, v or w).
    T : float, optional
        Total length of time to simulate in seconds. Default is 600.
    dt : float, optional
        Time step for generated turbulence in seconds. Default is 1.
    con_tc : pyconturb TimeConstraint, optional
        Optional constraining data for the simulation. The TimeConstraint object is built
        into PyConTurb; see documentation for more details.
    coh_model : str, optional
        Spatial coherence model specifier. Default is IEC 61400-1.
    wsp_func : function, optional
        Function to specify spatial variation of mean wind speed. See details
        in `Mean wind speed profiles` section.
    sig_func : function, optional
        Function to specify spatial variation of turbulence standard deviation.
        See details in `Turbulence standard deviation` section.
    spec_func : function, optional
        Function to specify spatial variation of turbulence power spectrum. See
        details in `Turbulence spectra` section.
    interp_data : str, optional
        Interpolate mean wind speed, standard deviation, and/or power spectra profile
        functions from provided constraint data. Possible options are ``'none'`` (use
        provided/default profile functions), ``'all'`` (interpolate all profile,
        functions), or a list containing and combination of ``'wsp'``, ``'sig'`` and
        ``'spec'`` (interpolate the wind speed, standard deviation and/or power spectra).
        Default is IEC 61400-1 profiles (i.e., no interpolation).
    seed : int, optional
        Optional random seed for turbulence generation. Use the same seed and
        settings to regenerate the same turbulence box.
    nf_chunk : int, optional
        Number of frequencies in a chunk of analysis. Increasing this number may speed
        up computation but may result in more (or too much) memory used. Smaller grids
        may benefit from larger values for ``nf_chunk``. Default is 1.
    write_freq_data : logical, optional
        The data for each frequency is saved to a file, unless the file already exist, 
        in which case the frequency is skipped. This parameter is useful for parallel 
        processing, in conjunction with `combine_freq_data` and `preffix`. 
        The frequencies are processed in random order. This way, two identical calls to
        `gen_turb` can be run simulatenously, making it unlikely that two frequencies will
        be processed at the same time.
        Default is False.
    combine_freq_data : logical, optional
        When True, attempt to read all the files generated (by `write_freq_data`=True),
        combine the data, and return the turbulence data frame `turb_df`. When parallel
        calls are used, only one processor should be responsible to combine the files.
        Should be used with write_freq_data is True.
        Default is False.
    preffix : string, optional
        preffix used for the file generation. Only applies when `write_freq_data` is True.
        Filenames are generated as: preffix+'pyConTurb'+str(i_f)+'.pkl'
        Default is ''.
    verbose : bool, optional
        Print extra information during turbulence generation. Default is False.
    dtype : data type, optional
        Change precision of calculation (np.float32 or np.float64). Will reduce the 
        storage, and might slightly reduce the computational time. Default is np.float64
        Optional keyword arguments to be fed into the
        spectral/turbulence/profile/etc. models.

    turb_df : pandas.DataFrame
        Generated turbulence box. Each row corresponds to a time step and each
        column corresponds to a point/component in ``spat_df``.
    if verbose:
        print('Beginning turbulence simulation...')
    # if con_data passed in, throw deprecation warning
    if ('con_data'
            in kwargs) and (con_tc is None):  # don't use con_data please
            'The con_data option is deprecated and will be removed in future' +
            ' versions. Please see the documentation for how to specify' +
            ' time constraints.',
        con_tc = TimeConstraint().from_con_data(kwargs['con_data'])
    # if asked to interpret but no data, throw warning
    if (((interp_data == 'all') or isinstance(interp_data, list))
            and (con_tc is None)):
        raise ValueError(
            'If "interp_data" is not "none", constraints must be given!')
    # return None if all simulation points collocated with constraints
    if check_sims_collocated(spat_df, con_tc):
        print('All simulation points collocated with constraints! ' +
              'Nothing to simulate.')
        return None
    dtype_complex = np.complex64 if dtype == np.float32 else np.complex128

    # add T, dt, con_tc to kwargs
    kwargs = {**_DEF_KWARGS, **kwargs, 'T': T, 'dt': dt, 'con_tc': con_tc}
    wsp_func, sig_func, spec_func = assign_profile_functions(
        wsp_func, sig_func, spec_func, interp_data)
    # assign/create constraining data
    n_t = int(np.ceil(kwargs['T'] / kwargs['dt']))  # no. time steps
    t = np.arange(n_t) * kwargs['dt']  # time array
    if con_tc is None:  # create empty constraint data if not passed in
        constrained, n_d = False, 0  # no. of constraints
        con_tc = TimeConstraint(index=_spat_rownames)
        constrained = True
        n_d = con_tc.shape[1]  # no. of constraints
        if not np.allclose(con_tc.get_time().index.values.astype(float), t):
            raise ValueError(
                'TimeConstraint time does not match requested T, dt!')

    # combine data and sim spat_dfs
    all_spat_df = combine_spat_con(spat_df, con_tc)  # all sim points
    n_s = all_spat_df.shape[1]  # no. of total points to simulate

    one_point = False
    if n_s == 1:  # only one point, skip coherence
        one_point = True

    # intermediate variables
    n_f = n_t // 2 + 1  # no. freqs
    freq = np.arange(n_f) / kwargs['T']  # frequency array

    # get magnitudes of points to simulate. (nf, nsim). con_tc in kwargs.
    sim_mags = get_magnitudes(all_spat_df.iloc[:, n_d:], spec_func, sig_func,

    if constrained:
        conturb_fft = np.fft.rfft(con_tc.get_time().values,
                                  axis=0) / n_t  # constr fft
        con_mags = np.abs(conturb_fft)  # mags of constraints
        all_mags = np.concatenate((con_mags, sim_mags), axis=1)  # con and sim
        all_mags = sim_mags  # just sim
    all_mags = all_mags.astype(dtype, copy=False)

    # get uncorrelated phasors for simulation
    np.random.seed(seed=seed)  # initialize random number generator
    sim_unc_pha = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(n_f, n_s - n_d))
    if not (n_t %
            2):  # if even time steps, last phase must be 0 or pi for real sig
        sim_unc_pha[-1, :] = np.exp(
            1j * np.round(np.real(sim_unc_pha[-1, :])) * np.pi)

    # no coherence if one point
    if one_point:
        turb_fft = all_mags * sim_unc_pha

    # if more than one point, correlate everything

        if not write_freq_data:  # then we need to store
            turb_fft = np.zeros((n_f, n_s), dtype=dtype_complex)
        n_chunks = int(np.ceil(freq.size / nf_chunk))

        # Shuffle the freuqencies so that parallel processing will likely not conflict
        freq_idx = np.arange(1, freq.size)
        # loop through frequencies
        for iif, i_f in enumerate(freq_idx):
            sLbl = '{:5d}/{} - '.format(i_f, len(freq_idx))
            with Timer(sLbl + 'Freq_loop:'):
                filename = freq_data_filename(preffix, i_f)
                if write_freq_data and os.path.exists(filename):
                    print('>>> File exists, skipping ', filename)

                i_chunk = i_f // nf_chunk  # calculate chunk number
                if (i_f - 1) % nf_chunk == 0:  # genr cohrnc chunk when needed
                    if verbose:
                        print(f'  Processing chunk {i_chunk + 1} / {n_chunks}')
                    with Timer(sLbl + 'Coherence'):
                        all_coh_mat = get_coh_mat(
                            freq[i_chunk * nf_chunk:(i_chunk + 1) * nf_chunk],

                with Timer(sLbl + 'Sigma:'):
                    # assemble "sigma" matrix, which is coh matrix times mag arrays
                    sigma = np.einsum(
                        'i,j->ij', all_mags[i_f, :],
                        all_mags[i_f, :]) * all_coh_mat[:, :, i_f % nf_chunk]

                with Timer(sLbl + 'Cholesky:'):
                    # get cholesky decomposition of sigma matrix
                    cor_mat = scipy.linalg.cholesky(sigma,

                # if constraints, assign data unc_pha
                if constrained:
                    with Timer(sLbl + 'Solve:'):
                        dat_unc_pha = np.linalg.solve(cor_mat[:n_d, :n_d],
                                                      conturb_fft[i_f, :])
                    dat_unc_pha = []
                with Timer(sLbl + 'Rest:'):
                    unc_pha = np.concatenate(
                        (dat_unc_pha, sim_unc_pha[i_f, :]))
                    cor_pha = cor_mat @ unc_pha

                    # calculate and save correlated Fourier components
                    if write_freq_data:
                        save_freq_data(cor_pha, filename)
                        turb_fft[i_f, :] = cor_pha

            del all_mags
            del all_coh_mat  # free up memory
            del sigma
            del cor_pha
            del unc_pha

    if write_freq_data and not combine_freq_data:
        return None

    if write_freq_data and combine_freq_data:
        turb_fft = load_freq_data(n_f, n_s, preffix, dtype_complex)

    with Timer('Final'):
        # convert to time domain and pandas dataframe
        turb_arr = np.fft.irfft(turb_fft, axis=0, n=n_t) * n_t
        turb_arr = turb_arr.astype(dtype, copy=False)
        turb_df = pd.DataFrame(turb_arr, columns=all_spat_df.columns, index=t)

        # return just the desired simulation points
        turb_df = clean_turb(spat_df, all_spat_df, turb_df)

        # add in mean wind speed according to specified profile
        wsp_profile = get_wsp_values(spat_df, wsp_func, veer_func, **kwargs)
        turb_df[:] += wsp_profile

    if verbose:
        print('Turbulence generation complete.')

    if write_freq_data and combine_freq_data:
        with Timer('Delete'):
            delete_freq_data(n_f, preffix)

    return turb_df