def create(definition, projectDict=None): classString = "ProjectFactoryCreate" MU.logMsg(classString, "Submitting project definition for validation and object creation", "info") validator = ExperimentDefinitionValidator(definition) definition = validator.getExperimentDefinition() isValid, validMsg = validator.validateDefinition() MU.logMsg(classString, "Project definition validation result: %s" % validMsg, "info") if not isValid: msg = "Invalid definition, cannot create project! %s" % validMsg MU.logMsg(classString, msg, "error") raise ProjectError(msg) # If valid csv, start to populate database objects csv = definition csvType = validator.getDefinitionType() def createProject(pDict): if pDict is None: pDict = {} projects = Project.objects.count() if projects: lastProject = Project.objects.all().order_by("-projectID")[0] projectID = lastProject.projectID + 1 else: projectID = 1 project = Project( projectID=projectID, name=pDict.get("name", "dummy"), description=pDict.get("description", "dummy"), tags=pDict.get("tags", None), status=pDict.get("status", enums.getChoice(enums.PROJECT_STATUS, "INSTANTIATED")), ) return project def createSecondaryJobs(): secondaryJobObjects = {} # Do it by condition conditions = n.unique(csv["Name"]) newJobDefs = {} for cond in conditions: condRows = csv[csv["Name"] == cond] # If this is a new secondary job, populate the necessary database tables if csvType == "newJob": uniqueJobs = n.unique( zip( condRows["SecondaryServerName"], condRows["SecondaryProtocol"], condRows["SecondaryReference"], ) ) for job in uniqueJobs: msg = "Creating SecondaryJob for job info: %s" % str(job) MU.logMsg(classString, msg, "info") # First make the job, but don't save it serverName = job[0] protocol = job[1] reference = job[2] secondaryServer = SecondaryAnalysisServer.objects.get(serverName=serverName) sjs = SecondaryJobServiceFactory.create(secondaryServer) # protocolEntry = sjs.getModelProtocolInfo(job[1]) # referenceEntry = sjs.getModelReferenceInfo(job[2]) # # jobDef = {'protocol' : simplejson.dumps(protocolEntry), # 'reference' : simplejson.dumps(referenceEntry), # 'server' : secondaryServer} jobDef = {"protocol": protocol, "reference": reference, "server": secondaryServer} # Now add the cells jobRows = condRows[ (condRows["SecondaryServerName"] == serverName) & (condRows["SecondaryProtocol"] == protocol) & (condRows["SecondaryReference"] == reference) ] jobCells = n.unique(zip(jobRows["SMRTCellPath"], jobRows["PrimaryFolder"])) smrtCells = [] for c in jobCells: path, primaryFolder = tuple(c) msg = "Creating or accessing SMRTCell for data path: %s" % os.path.join(path, primaryFolder) MU.logMsg(classString, msg, "info") if os.path.exists(path): # This is a data path limsCode = LIMSMapper.limsCodeFromCellPath(path) cell = SMRTCell.objects.get_or_create( path=path, primaryFolder=primaryFolder, limsCode=limsCode ) smrtCells.append(cell[0]) else: # this is a LIMS Code dataPath = LIMSMapper.cellPathFromLimsCode(path) cell = SMRTCell.objects.get_or_create( path=dataPath, primaryFolder=primaryFolder, limsCode=path ) smrtCells.append(cell[0]) # Add the SMRT Cells jobDef["cells"] = smrtCells hasJob = False for pk, jd in newJobDefs.iteritems(): if jobDef == jd: hasJob = True jobObj = SecondaryJob.objects.get(id=pk) if not hasJob: cells = jobDef.pop("cells") jobObj = SecondaryJob(**jobDef) jobObj.cells.add(*cells) jobDef["cells"] = cells newJobDefs[] = jobDef msg = "Successfully created and saved SecondaryJob: %s" % str(model_to_dict(jobObj)) MU.logMsg(classString, msg, "info") # Link secondary job to condition if not secondaryJobObjects.has_key(cond): secondaryJobObjects[cond] = [jobObj] else: secondaryJobObjects[cond].append(jobObj) else: # Job already exists for job, serverName in zip(condRows["SecondaryJobID"], condRows["SecondaryServerName"]): server = SecondaryAnalysisServer.objects.get(serverName=serverName) newJob, created = SecondaryJob.objects.get_or_create(jobID=job, server=server) # Add other job info in here if job was newly created... if True: # created: sjs = SecondaryJobServiceFactory.create(server) jobID = newJob.jobID jobInfo = sjs.getModelJobInfo(jobID) # Add protocol and reference info # protocol = SecondaryJobService.getSingleItem(jobInfo.get('protocol', {'name' : 'unknown'})) # reference = SecondaryJobService.getSingleItem(jobInfo.get('reference', {'name' : 'unknown'})) # newJob.protocol = simplejson.dumps(protocol) # newJob.reference = simplejson.dumps(reference) newJob.protocol = jobInfo.get("protocol", "unknown") newJob.reference = jobInfo.get("reference", "unknown") # Get the SMRT Cells smrtCells = jobInfo.get("inputs", []) smrtCellObjs = [] for c in smrtCells: cell = SMRTCell.objects.get_or_create( path=c["SMRTCellPath"], primaryFolder=c["PrimaryFolder"], limsCode=c["LIMSCode"] ) smrtCellObjs.append(cell[0]) # Now add the SMRT Cells to the new job [newJob.cells.add(x) for x in smrtCellObjs] # Link secondary job to condition if not secondaryJobObjects.has_key(cond): secondaryJobObjects[cond] = [newJob] else: secondaryJobObjects[cond].append(newJob) return secondaryJobObjects def createConditions(secondaryJobs, project): conditionObjects = [] for cond, jobs in secondaryJobs.iteritems(): condRows = csv[csv["Name"] == cond] extraCols = filter(lambda x: x.startswith("p_"), condRows.dtype.names) extrasDict = {} for col in extraCols: extrasDict[col] = list(n.unique(condRows[col])) extrasJSON = simplejson.dumps(extrasDict) extractBy = ["( %s )" % e for e in n.unique(condRows["ExtractBy"])] extractByString = " | ".join(extractBy) condObj = Condition( name=cond, extractBy=extractByString, extrasDict=extrasJSON, project=project, status=enums.getChoice(enums.CONDITION_STATUS, "INSTANTIATED"), ) # Add secondary jobs to condition object condObj.secondaryJob.add(*jobs) conditionObjects.append(condObj) return conditionObjects project = createProject(projectDict) jobs = createSecondaryJobs() createConditions(jobs, project) return MProject(project)
def validateProjectDefinition(definition): validator = ExperimentDefinitionValidator(definition) definition = validator.getExperimentDefinition() isValid, validMsg = validator.validateDefinition() return (isValid, validMsg)