    def __init__(self, parent, counter, modelid, active_parms, tau=None):
        """ Initialize with given parameters. """
        wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent=parent, id=wx.ID_ANY)
        self.parent = parent

        self.corr = Correlation(fit_model=modelid)
        if tau is not None:
            self.corr.lag_time = tau
        # active_parameters:
        # [0] labels
        # [1] values
        # [2] bool values to fit
        self.corr.fit_parameters = active_parms[1]
        self.corr.fit_parameters_variable = active_parms[2]

        self._bgselected = None
        self._bg2selected = None

        self.FitKnots = 5  # number of knots for spline fit or similiars

        self.weighted_fittype_id = 0  # integer (drop down item)
        self.weighted_nuvar = 3  # bins for std-dev. (left and rigth)

        # The weights that are plotted in the page
        # This is set by the PlotAll function
        self.weights_plot_fill_area = None

        # A list containing page numbers that share parameters with this page.
        # This parameter is defined by the global fitting tool and is saved in
        # sessions.
        self.GlobalParameterShare = []
        # Counts number of Pages already created:
        self.counter = counter
        # Has inital plot been performed?
        # Call PlotAll("init") to set this to true. If it is true, then
        # nothing will be plotted if called with "init"
        self.InitialPlot = False
        # Model we are using

        # Tool statistics uses this list:
        self.StatisticsCheckboxes = None
        # Splitter window
        # Sizes
        size = parent.notebook.GetSize()
        tabsize = 33
        size[1] = size[1] - tabsize
        self.sizepanelx = 270
        canvasx = size[0] - self.sizepanelx + 5
        sizepanel = (self.sizepanelx, size[1])
        sizecanvas = (canvasx, size[1])
        self.sp = wx.SplitterWindow(self, size=size, style=wx.SP_3DSASH)
        # This is necessary to prevent "Unsplit" of the SplitterWindow:
        # Settings Section (left side)
        #self.panelsettings = wx.Panel(self.sp, size=sizepanel)
        self.panelsettings = scrolled.ScrolledPanel(self.sp, size=sizepanel)
        # Setting up Plot (correlation + chi**2)
        self.spcanvas = wx.SplitterWindow(self.sp,
        # This is necessary to prevent "Unsplit" of the SplitterWindow:
        # y difference in pixels between Auocorrelation and Residuals
        cupsizey = size[1] * 4 / 5
        # Calculate initial data
        # Draw the settings section
        # Load default values
        # Upper Plot for plotting of Correlation Function
        self.canvascorr = plot.PlotCanvas(self.spcanvas)
        self.canvascorr.logScale = (True, False)
        self.canvascorr.enableZoom = True
        self.PlotAll(event="init", trigger="tab_init")
        self.canvascorr.SetSize((canvasx, cupsizey))
        # Lower Plot for plotting of the residuals
        self.canvaserr = plot.PlotCanvas(self.spcanvas)
        self.canvaserr.logScale = (True, False)
        self.canvaserr.enableZoom = True
        self.canvaserr.SetSize((canvasx, size[1] - cupsizey))
        self.spcanvas.SplitHorizontally(self.canvascorr, self.canvaserr,
        self.sp.SplitVertically(self.panelsettings, self.spcanvas,
        # Bind resizing to resizing function.
        wx.EVT_SIZE(self, self.OnSize)