文件: logic.py 项目: conda/libconda
    def sat(self, additional=None, includeIf=False, names=False, limit=0):
        Calculate a SAT solution for the current clause set.

        Returned is the list of those solutions.  When the clauses are
        unsatisfiable, an empty list is returned.

        if self.unsat:
            return None
        if not self.m:
            return set() if names else []
        if additional:
            additional = list(map(lambda x: tuple(map(self.varnum, x)), additional))
            clauses = chain(self.clauses, additional)
            clauses = self.clauses
            solution = pycosat.solve(clauses, vars=self.m, prop_limit=limit)
        except TypeError:
            # pycosat 0.6.1 should not require this; pycosat 0.6.0 did, but we
            # have made conda dependent on pycosat 0.6.1. However, issue #2276
            # suggests that some people are still seeing this behavior even when
            # pycosat 0.6.1 is installed. Until we can understand why, this
            # needs to stay. I still don't want to invoke it unnecessarily,
            # because for large clauses lists it is slow.
            clauses = list(map(list, clauses))
            solution = pycosat.solve(clauses, vars=self.m, prop_limit=limit)
        if solution in ("UNSAT", "UNKNOWN"):
            return None
        if additional and includeIf:
        if names:
            return set(nm for nm in (self.indices.get(s) for s in solution) if nm and nm[0] != '!')
        return solution
    def check_interaction(self, c, f, random_features):
        A function, which checks if an interaction (1) can occure in at least one variant but
        (2) won't occure in every variant of a model given the provided list of constrains.

            c (list): The model's constrains
            f (dict): The model's features
            random_features (list): The features, which were generated by the new_interactions function

            True, if the interaction can occure in at least one but not all variants
            False, if the interaction can't occure or if the features are dependent on eachother
        constrains = list(c)
        for elem in random_features:
            index = list(f.keys()).index(elem)
        if pycosat.solve(constrains) == "UNSAT":
            return False
        constrains = list(c)
        index = list(-list(f.keys()).index(elem) for elem in random_features)
        if pycosat.solve(constrains) == "UNSAT":
            return False
        return True
文件: logic.py 项目: zhjwy9343/conda
    def sat(self, additional=None, includeIf=False, names=False, limit=0):
        Calculate a SAT solution for the current clause set.

        Returned is the list of those solutions.  When the clauses are
        unsatisfiable, an empty list is returned.

        if self.unsat:
            return None
        if not self.m:
            return set() if names else []
        if additional:
            additional = list(map(lambda x: tuple(map(self.varnum, x)), additional))
            clauses = chain(self.clauses, additional)
            clauses = self.clauses
            solution = pycosat.solve(clauses, vars=self.m, prop_limit=limit)
        except TypeError:
            # pycosat 0.6.1 should not require this; pycosat 0.6.0 did, but we
            # have made conda dependent on pycosat 0.6.1. However, issue #2276
            # suggests that some people are still seeing this behavior even when
            # pycosat 0.6.1 is installed. Until we can understand why, this
            # needs to stay. I still don't want to invoke it unnecessarily,
            # because for large clauses lists it is slow.
            clauses = list(map(list, clauses))
            solution = pycosat.solve(clauses, vars=self.m, prop_limit=limit)
        if solution in ("UNSAT", "UNKNOWN"):
            return None
        if additional and includeIf:
        if names:
            return set(nm for nm in (self.indices.get(s) for s in solution) if nm and nm[0] != '!')
        return solution
 def is_proper(self, sudoku):
     rules = self.get_rules(9) + sudoku
     sol = pycosat.solve(rules)
     rules.append([-x for x  in  sol if x > 0])
     if pycosat.solve(rules) == "UNSAT":
         return True
     return False
 def test_literal(self, literal):
     result = self.UNKNOWN
     if pycosat.solve(self.game.clauses + [[literal]]) == 'UNSAT':
         result = self.FALSE
     elif pycosat.solve(self.game.clauses + [[-literal]]) == 'UNSAT':
         result = self.TRUE
     return result
    def sat_ibea_mutate(ind):
        # ICSE 2015 mutate settings
        decs = [i for i in ind]
        if random.random() < 0.98:
            # apply standard mutation
            for x in range(len(decs)):
                if random.random(
                ) < 0.001 and x not in dead and x not in mandatory:
                    decs[x] = str(1 - int(decs[x]))
            if random.random() < 0.5:
                # apply smart mutation
                for x in range(len(decs)):
                    if random.random(
                    ) < 0.001 and x not in dead and x not in mandatory:
                        decs[x] = str(1 - int(decs[x]))

                false_list = list()
                for c_i, c in enumerate(fm.cnfs):
                    corr = False
                    for x in c:
                        if (x > 0 and decs[abs(x) - 1]
                                == '1') or (x < 0 and decs[abs(x) - 1] == '0'):
                            corr = True
                    if not corr:
                        false_list.extend([abs(x) for x in c])

                if len(false_list) > 0:
                    cnf = copy.deepcopy(fm.cnfs)
                    for i, v in enumerate(decs):
                        if i in false_list: continue
                        if v == '1':
                            cnf.append([i + 1])
                            cnf.append([-i - 1])
                    for x in cnf:
                    sol = pycosat.solve(cnf, vars=fm.featureNum)
                    if sol != 'UNSAT':
                        new_ind = fm.Individual(''.join(
                            ['1' if i > 0 else '0' for i in sol]))
                        return new_ind,
                # apply smart replacement
                cnf = copy.deepcopy(fm.cnfs)
                for x in cnf:
                sol = pycosat.solve(cnf, vars=fm.featureNum)
                if sol != 'UNSAT':
                    new_ind = fm.Individual(''.join(
                        ['1' if i > 0 else '0' for i in sol]))
                    return new_ind,

        return fm.Individual(''.join(decs)),
    def sat(self, additional=None, includeIf=False, names=False, limit=0):
        Calculate a SAT solution for the current clause set.

        Returned is the list of those solutions.  When the clauses are
        unsatisfiable, an empty list is returned.

        if self.unsat:
            return None
        if not self.m:
            return set() if names else []
        clauses = self.clauses
        if additional:

            def preproc(eqs):
                def preproc_(cc):
                    for c in cc:
                        c = self.names.get(c, c)
                        if c is False:
                        yield c
                        if c is True:

                for cc in eqs:
                    cc = tuple(preproc_(cc))
                    if not cc:
                        yield cc
                    if cc[-1] is not True:
                        yield cc

            additional = list(preproc(additional))
            if additional:
                if not additional[-1]:
                    return None
                clauses = chain(clauses, additional)
            solution = pycosat.solve(clauses, vars=self.m, prop_limit=limit)
        except TypeError:
            # pycosat 0.6.1 should not require this; pycosat 0.6.0 did, but we
            # have made conda dependent on pycosat 0.6.1. However, issue #2276
            # suggests that some people are still seeing this behavior even when
            # pycosat 0.6.1 is installed. Until we can understand why, this
            # needs to stay. I still don't want to invoke it unnecessarily,
            # because for large clauses lists it is slow.
            clauses = list(map(list, clauses))
            solution = pycosat.solve(clauses, vars=self.m, prop_limit=limit)
        if solution in ("UNSAT", "UNKNOWN"):
            return None
        if additional and includeIf:
        if names:
            return set(nm for nm in (self.indices.get(s) for s in solution)
                       if nm and nm[0] != '!')
        return solution
文件: logic.py 项目: Korijn/conda
    def sat(self, additional=None, includeIf=False, names=False, limit=0):
        Calculate a SAT solution for the current clause set.

        Returned is the list of those solutions.  When the clauses are
        unsatisfiable, an empty list is returned.

        if self.unsat:
            return None
        if not self.m:
            return set() if names else []
        clauses = self.clauses
        if additional:

            def preproc(eqs):
                def preproc_(cc):
                    for c in cc:
                        c = self.names.get(c, c)
                        if c is False:
                        yield c
                        if c is True:

                for cc in eqs:
                    cc = tuple(preproc_(cc))
                    if not cc:
                        yield cc
                    if cc[-1] is not True:
                        yield cc

            additional = list(preproc(additional))
            if additional:
                if not additional[-1]:
                    return None
                clauses = chain(clauses, additional)
            solution = pycosat.solve(clauses, vars=self.m, prop_limit=limit)
        except TypeError:
            # pycosat 0.6.1 should not require this; pycosat 0.6.0 did, but we
            # have made conda dependent on pycosat 0.6.1. However, issue #2276
            # suggests that some people are still seeing this behavior even when
            # pycosat 0.6.1 is installed. Until we can understand why, this
            # needs to stay. I still don't want to invoke it unnecessarily,
            # because for large clauses lists it is slow.
            clauses = list(map(list, clauses))
            solution = pycosat.solve(clauses, vars=self.m, prop_limit=limit)
        if solution in ("UNSAT", "UNKNOWN"):
            return None
        if additional and includeIf:
        if names:
            return set(nm for nm in (self.indices.get(s) for s in solution) if nm and nm[0] != "!")
        return solution
文件: solver.py 项目: maxalmina/kudo
def solve2(sudoku):
    clauses = sudoku_clauses()
    global petunjuk
    petunjukC = 0
    for i in range(1, n1):
        for j in range(1, n1):
            d = sudoku[i - 1][j - 1]
            # untuk setiap given.
            if d:
                petunjukC += 1
                petunjuk = petunjukC
                clauses.append([v(i, j, d)])

    def read_cell(i, j):
        # mengembalikan i,j
        for d in range(1, n1):
            if v(i, j, d) in sol:
                return d

    # memulai SAT solver
    sol = set(pycosat.solve(clauses))
    checker = len(sol)
    counter = 0
    global solusi
    global jumSol
    temp = []
    for i in range(n2):
        for j in range(n2):
    tempSol = temp
    if checker == 5:
        jumSol = counter
        return False
    while (checker != 5):
        if (counter == 100):
        counter += 1
        jumSol = counter

        for i in range(1, n1):
            for j in range(1, n1):
                tempSol[i - 1][j - 1] = read_cell(i, j)

        tempSol = temp
        clauses.append([-x for x in sol])
        sol = set(pycosat.solve(clauses))
        checker = len(sol)
    return True
def solve(grid):
    #solve a Sudoku problem
    clauses = sudoku_clauses()
    for i in range(1, 10):
        for j in range(1, 10):
            d = grid[i - 1][j - 1]
            # For each digit already known, a clause (with one literal). 
            if d:
                clauses.append([v(i, j, d)])
    # Print number SAT clause  
    numclause = len(clauses)
    print "P CNF " + str(numclause) +"(number of clauses)"
    # solve the SAT problem
    start = time.time()
    sol = set(pycosat.solve(clauses))
    end = time.time()
    print("Time: "+str(end - start))
    def read_cell(i, j):
        # return the digit of cell i, j according to the solution
        for d in range(1, 10):
            if v(i, j, d) in sol:
                return d

    for i in range(1, 10):
        for j in range(1, 10):
            grid[i - 1][j - 1] = read_cell(i, j)
def solve(sudoku_mat, sudoku_sz):
	# Setting params (size, size-square, root-size)
	# Adding all clauses to the list clause_set
	clause_set = sudoku_vals(sudoku_mat);
	for i in range(sudo_size):
		row_clause(i, clause_set)
		col_clause(i, clause_set)
	for i in range(sudo_size_sqrt):
		for j in range(sudo_size_sqrt):
	print len(clause_set)
	# We would also like to print a cnf file 'sudoku.cnf' of the clauses so we canconveniently use it with other SAT solvers
	outfile = file('sudoku.cnf','w')
	outfile.write('p cnf '+str(sudo_size**3)+' '+str(len(clause_set)))
	for clause in clause_set:
		string = ''
		for var in clause:
			string = string + str(var) + ' '
		string = string[:-1]
		outfile.write('\n'+string+' 0')
	# Solving the sudoku using pycosat SAT solver for python, which is based on PicoSAT
	sol = set(pycosat.solve(clause_set))
	# Editing the original matrix to reflect the solved sudoku
	def read_cell(i,j):
		for d in range(1,sudo_size+1):
			if v(i,j,d) in sol:
				return d
	for i in range(sudo_size):
		for j in range(sudo_size):
			sudoku_mat[i][j] = read_cell(i,j)
    def sat(self, additional=None, includeIf=False, names=False, limit=0):
        Calculate a SAT solution for the current clause set.

        Returned is the list of those solutions.  When the clauses are
        unsatisfiable, an empty list is returned.

        if self.unsat:
            return None
        if not self.m:
            return set() if names else []
        if additional:
            additional = list(map(lambda x: tuple(map(self.varnum, x)), additional))
            clauses = chain(self.clauses, additional)
            clauses = self.clauses
        clauses = list(clauses)
        solution = pycosat.solve(clauses, vars=self.m, prop_limit=limit)
        if solution in ("UNSAT", "UNKNOWN"):
            return None
        if additional and includeIf:
        if names:
            return set(nm for nm in (self.indices.get(s) for s in solution) if nm and nm[0] != '!')
        return solution
def get_combinations(nVars, clauses, size, outputfile, combs):
    feasibleCombs = []
    allComb = []
    start = time.time()
    if size == 1:
        allComb = [[x]
                   for x in range(-nVars, 0)] + [[x]
                                                 for x in range(1, nVars + 1)]
        literals = list(map(lambda x: x[0], combs[0]))
        for precomb in combs[
                -1]:  # expected to be sorted, add only literals with greater value
            first = bisect.bisect_right(literals, precomb[-1])
            for l in range(first, len(literals)):
                if -(literals[l]) not in precomb:
                    newComb = precomb[:] + [literals[l]]
    f = open(outputfile, "w")
    total = len(allComb)
    print("Total combinations to check " + str(total))
    #print("Time to generate combinations to check " + str(time.time() - start))
    curPerc = 0.0
    for i in range(len(allComb)):
        comb = allComb[i]
        cnf = clauses[:] + list(map(lambda x: [x], comb))
        s = pycosat.solve(cnf)
        if s != 'UNSAT':
            f.write(','.join(map(str, comb)) + '\n')
        if i / total > curPerc + 0.05:
            curPerc += 0.05
            print(str(round(100 * curPerc)) + "% done")
    print("Time to get satisfiable combinations " + str(time.time() - start))
    return feasibleCombs
def pycoSAT(expr_list):
    """Check satisfiability of an expression list.
    Given a list of CNF expressions, returns a model that causes all input expressions
    to be true. Returns false if it cannot find a satisfible model.
    A model is simply a dictionary with Expr symbols as keys with corresponding values
    that are booleans: True if that symbol is true in the model and False if it is
    false in the model.
    Each CNF expression in the input list should be relatively short. Long expression 
    will cause this method to become incredibly slow.
    Calls the pycosat solver: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pycosat
    >>> ppsubst(pycoSAT([A&~B]))
    {A: True, B: False}
    >>> pycoSAT([P&~P])
    clauses = []
    for expr in expr_list:
        clauses += conjuncts(expr)

    # Load symbol dictionary
    symbol_dict = mapSymbolAndIndices(clauses)
    # Convert Expr to integers
    clauses_int = exprClausesToIndexClauses(clauses, symbol_dict)

    model_int = pycosat.solve(clauses_int)

    if model_int == 'UNSAT' or model_int == 'UNKNOWN':
        return False

    model = indexModelToExprModel(model_int, symbol_dict)

    return model
def get_combinations_t(dimacs_, t_, outfile_, vlist_):
    # get list of features
    _features, _clauses, _vcount = read_dimacs(dimacs_)

    # get t wise combinations
    raw = combinations(vlist_, t_)
    raw = list(raw)
    f = open(outfile_, "w")

    # filter out combinations that are invalid
    j = 0

    while raw:
        c = raw.pop()
        assigned = list(map(int, c))
        aclause = [assigned[i:i + 1] for i in range(0, len(assigned))]
        cnf = _clauses + aclause
        s = pycosat.solve(cnf)

        if s != 'UNSAT':
            for i in range(0, len(c)):
                if i < len(c)-1:
            j += 1

        # print progress
        if j % 10000 == 0:


def coloring(graph, k):
    clauses = to_sat(graph, k)
    rclauses = flatten(clauses, k)
    solution = pycosat.solve(rclauses)
    if solution == u'UNSAT':
        return solution
    return solution_colors(solution, k)
文件: sat.py 项目: ZGES/APTO-lab
def get_satisfiability_percent(k, var_list, sign, clause_number, T):
    counter = 0
    for i in range(0, T):
        cnf = generate_cnf(k, var_list, sign, clause_number)
        if pycosat.solve(cnf) != 'UNSAT':
            counter += 1
    return counter / T
def solve_puzzle(puzzle):
    assert len(puzzle) == 9
    assert all(len(row) == 9 for row in puzzle)

    clauses = []
    clauses += one_digit_in_every_cell()
    clauses += one_digit_in_every_row()
    clauses += one_digit_in_every_column()
    clauses += one_digit_in_every_block()

    for row, column in product(range(1, 10), repeat=2):
        if puzzle[row - 1][column - 1] != "*":
            digit = int(puzzle[row - 1][column - 1])
            assert digit in range(1, 10)
            clauses += [[varnum(row, column, digit)]]

    solution = pycosat.solve(clauses)
    if isinstance(solution, str):
        print("No solution")

    assert isinstance(solution, list)

    for row in range(1, 10):
        for column in range(1, 10):
            for digit in range(1, 10):
                if varnum(row, column, digit) in solution:
                    print(digit, end="")
文件: SAFARI.py 项目: guys79/SAFARI
def doesnt_entail_false(SD, a, w_tag):
    SD ∧ a ∧ w′ 6|=⊥
    :param SD: The rules that defines the connection between the components
    :param a: The observation
    :param w_tag: The diagnosis
    :return: True IFF the above expression is satisfied
    cnf_model = SD.get_model_cnf()
    healthy = w_tag[0]
    non_healthy = w_tag[1]

    for comp in healthy:

    for comp in non_healthy:
        cnf_model.append([-1 * (comp.get_health().get_id())])

    for observation in a:

    sol = sat_solver.solve(cnf_model)

    if sol == 'UNSAT':
        return False
    return True
文件: TP1.py 项目: Hamza5/RCR2
def inconsistency_degree(knowledge_base_wc, clause):
    Return the inconsistency degree of knowledge_base_wc union the negation of clause using the refutation.
    :param knowledge_base_wc: A WeightedKnowledgeBase (Sigma).
    :param clause: A list containing variables (Phi).
    :return: The value of inconsistency Val(Sigma U neg(Phi)).
    assert isinstance(knowledge_base_wc, WeightedKnowledgeBase)
    r = 0  # Just an initialisation
    l = 0
    u = len(knowledge_base_wc)
    while l < u:
        r = (l + u) // 2  # Integer division
        print('u =', u, 'l =', l, 'r =', r)
        union = [list(x) for x in knowledge_base_wc[r:u]] + negation(clause)
        print(_union_msg, union)
        results = pycosat.solve(union)
        print(_results_msg, results)
        if isinstance(results, list):
            # Picosat found a solution
            u = r - 1
            l = r
    return knowledge_base_wc[r][0].weight  # Weight of the clause
def solve(grid):
    solve a Sudoku grid inplace
    clauses = sudoku_clauses()
    for i in range(1, 10):
        for j in range(1, 10):
            d = grid[i - 1][j - 1]
            # For each digit already known, a clause (with one literal).
            # Note:
            #     We could also remove all variables for the known cells
            #     altogether (which would be more efficient).  However, for
            #     the sake of simplicity, we decided not to do that.
            if d:
                clauses.append([v(i, j, d)])

    # solve the SAT problem
    start = time.clock()
    sol = set(pycosat.solve(clauses))
    t =  time.clock() - start
    print 'pycosat	clauses:', len(clauses), '	solution time:', t

    def read_cell(i, j):
        # return the digit of cell i, j according to the solution
        for d in range(1, 10):
            if v(i, j, d) in sol:
                return d

    for i in range(1, 10):
        for j in range(1, 10):
            grid[i - 1][j - 1] = read_cell(i, j)
文件: logic.py 项目: NoriVicJr/conda
    def sat(self, additional=None, includeIf=False, names=False, limit=0):
        Calculate a SAT solution for the current clause set.

        Returned is the list of those solutions.  When the clauses are
        unsatisfiable, an empty list is returned.

        if self.unsat:
            return None
        if not self.m:
            return set() if names else []
        if additional:
            additional = list(map(lambda x: tuple(map(self.varnum, x)), additional))
            clauses = chain(self.clauses, additional)
            clauses = self.clauses
        clauses = list(clauses)
        solution = pycosat.solve(clauses, vars=self.m, prop_limit=limit)
        if solution in ("UNSAT", "UNKNOWN"):
            return None
        if additional and includeIf:
        if names:
            return set(nm for nm in (self.indices.get(s) for s in solution) if nm and nm[0] != '!')
        return solution
    def SR(n):

        cnf = CNF(n)
        sat = True

        while sat:
            # Select a random k ~ Bernouilli(0.3) + Geo(0.4)
            k = np.random.binomial(1, 0.4) + np.random.geometric(0.4)
            # Create a clause with k randomly selected variables
            clause = [
                int(np.random.randint(1, n + 1) * np.random.choice([-1, +1]))
                for i in range(k)
            # Append clause to cnf
            # Check for satisfiability
            if pycosat.solve(cnf.clauses) == "UNSAT":
                sat = False
                # Create an identical copy of cnf
                cnf2 = copy.deepcopy(cnf)
                # Flip the polarity of a single literal in the last clause of cnf2
                cnf2.clauses[-1][np.random.randint(0, len(
                    cnf2.clauses[-1]))] *= -1

        cnf.sat = False
        cnf2.sat = True

        cnf.m = cnf2.m = len(cnf.clauses)

        return cnf, cnf2
文件: logic.py 项目: Bbouley/conda
def sat(clauses):
    Calculate a SAT solution for `clauses`.

    Returned is the list of those solutions.  When the clauses are
    unsatisfiable, an empty list is returned.

        import pycosat
    except ImportError:
        sys.exit('Error: could not import pycosat (required for dependency '

    except TypeError:
        # Old versions of pycosat require lists. This conversion can be very
        # slow, though, so only do it if we need to.
        clauses = list(map(list, clauses))

    solution = pycosat.solve(clauses)
    if solution == "UNSAT" or solution == "UNKNOWN": # wtf https://github.com/ContinuumIO/pycosat/issues/14
        return []
    # XXX: If solution == [] (i.e., clauses == []), the result will have
    # boolean value of False even though the clauses are not unsatisfiable)
    return solution
def solved(game):
    cnf = cnf_encoding(game)
    sol = pycosat.solve(cnf)

    n = game[0]
    m = game[1]
    k = game[2]
    game_sze = (n, m, k)

    solved_table = []
    for i in range(n):
        row = []
        for j in range(m):

    cur_vtx = cell_to_vertex(game_sze, game[3])
    row, column = vertex_to_cell(game_sze, cur_vtx)
    solved_table[row][column] = 1
    for i in range(n * m - 1):
        nbhs = vertex_nbhs(game_sze, cur_vtx)
        for nbh in nbhs:
            if sol[exactly_before(game_sze, cur_vtx, nbh) - 1] > 0:
                nbh_r, nbh_c = vertex_to_cell(game_sze, nbh)
                solved_table[nbh_r][nbh_c] = i + 2
                next_vtx = nbh
        cur_vtx = next_vtx

    return solved_table
def pycoSAT(expr):
    """Check satisfiability of an expression.
    Given a CNF expression, returns a model that causes the input expression
    to be true. Returns false if it cannot find a satisfible model.
    A model is simply a dictionary with Expr symbols as keys with corresponding values
    that are booleans: True if that symbol is true in the model and False if it is
    false in the model.
    Calls the pycosat solver: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pycosat
    >>> ppsubst(pycoSAT(A&~B))
    {A: True, B: False}
    >>> pycoSAT(P&~P)
    assert is_valid_cnf(expr), "{} is not in CNF.".format(expr)

    clauses = conjuncts(expr)

    # Load symbol dictionary
    symbol_dict = mapSymbolAndIndices(clauses)
    # Convert Expr to integers
    clauses_int = exprClausesToIndexClauses(clauses, symbol_dict)
    model_int = pycosat.solve(clauses_int)
    if model_int == 'UNSAT' or model_int == 'UNKNOWN':
        return False
    model = indexModelToExprModel(model_int, symbol_dict)
    return model
文件: sat.py 项目: Petroniuss/adpto
def satPhaseTransition(n: int, k: int, T: int):
    S = [1, -1]
    V = range(1, n + 1)

    def randVar():
        return random.choice(V) * random.choice(S)

    def genFormula(clausesNumber: int):
        return [[randVar() for _ in range(k)] for _ in range(clausesNumber)]

    inverse_step = 10
    xs, ys = [], []
    for i in range(1, 10 * inverse_step):
        a = (1 + i / inverse_step)
        clausesNumber = int(a * n)

        satisfiable = 0
        for _ in range(T):
            formula = genFormula(clausesNumber)
            if pycosat.solve(formula) != u'UNSAT':
                satisfiable += 1

        res = satisfiable / T

        print(a, res)

    plt.plot(xs, ys)
文件: logic.py 项目: eabartlett/cs188
def pycoSAT(expr_list):
    """Check satisfiability of an expression list.
    Given a list of CNF expressions, returns a model that causes all input expressions
    to be true. Returns false if it cannot find a satisfible model.
    A model is simply a dictionary with Expr symbols as keys with corresponding values
    that are booleans: True if that symbol is true in the model and False if it is
    false in the model.
    Each CNF expression in the input list should be relatively short. Long expression 
    will cause this method to become incredibly slow.
    Calls the pycosat solver: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pycosat
    >>> ppsubst(pycoSAT([A&~B]))
    {A: True, B: False}
    >>> pycoSAT([P&~P])
    clauses = []
    for expr in expr_list:
        clauses += conjuncts(expr)

    # Load symbol dictionary
    symbol_dict = mapSymbolAndIndices(clauses)
    # Convert Expr to integers
    clauses_int = exprClausesToIndexClauses(clauses, symbol_dict)
    model_int = pycosat.solve(clauses_int)
    if model_int == 'UNSAT' or model_int == 'UNKNOWN':
        return False
    model = indexModelToExprModel(model_int, symbol_dict)
    return model
def solve(sudoku, size_block, clauses):
    size = size_block**2
    for i in range(1, size + 1):
        for j in range(1, size + 1):
            d = int(sudoku[(i - 1) * size + (j - 1)])
            # For each digit already known, a clause (with one literal).
            if d:
                clauses.append([v(i, j, d, size_block)])

    # solve the SAT problem
    sol = pycosat.solve(clauses)
    if sol == 'UNSAT' or sol == 'UNKNOWN' or not sol['solved']:
        print("Picosat unsuccessful: ", sol)
        return {'solved': False}
    sol_clauses = sol['clauses']

    def read_cell(i, j):
        # return the digit of cell i, j according to the solution
        for d in range(1, size + 1):
            if v(i, j, d, size_block) in sol_clauses:
                return d

    sol_sudoku = [0 for i in range(size**2)]
    for i in range(1, size + 1):
        for j in range(1, size + 1):
            sol_sudoku[(i - 1) * size + (j - 1)] = read_cell(i, j)
    sol['solution'] = sol_sudoku
    return sol
def sat_solve(list_formulas):
    import pycosat
    solve = pycosat.solve(pycosat_input(list_formulas))
    if type(solve) == list:
        print(list(filter(lambda x: x > 0, solve)))
    def query(self, literal): 
        """ Query the KB to see if literal is satisfiable with it
            Returns solution (list of assignments) if (KB and literal) is satisfiable 
            Returns "UNSAT" if (KB AND literal) is unsatisfiable 
            Returns "UNKNOWN" if pycosat cannot determine a solution 
            If KB and M(i, j) is unsatisfiable, then cell (i. j) is not a mine 
            If KB and not M(i, j) is unsatisfiable, then cell (i. j) is a mine 
            Note that the literal itself will have the truth value in it's .mine field. 

        # If knowledgebase doesnt know about this literal, return IDK 
        if (literal.i, literal.j) not in self.literals: 
            return "IDK" 

        # Create a copy of the KB to query against. 
        query_cnf = list.copy(self.idx_representation)

        # Add the query literal to the copy 
        # Is the copy of the KB satisfiable?  
        return pycosat.solve(query_cnf)
def main ():

    killerRules = readSudoku(sys.argv[1])
    cnf =  encode_to_cnf(killerRules)       
    # #solve the encoded CNF     
    start = time.time()
    result_list = pycosat.solve(cnf)
    end = time.time()
    #output the result
    # print result_list
    if result_list == 'UNSAT':
        print 'UNSAT'
    elif result_list !=[]:
        # print '\n\nFor a this killer sudoku, ',
        # print_matrix(matrix)
        result_matrix = decode_to_matrix(result_list)
        # uncomment these two lines if you want to print the sudoku 
        # print 'one of the solutions found is\n'
        # print_matrix(result_matrix)

        if (verify_killer_sudoku(killerRules, result_matrix)):
            # print 'yes, it is a valid answer!'
            print 'CORRECT %04.5f %d %d'% ((end-start), countCNF_ari, countCNF_all)
            print 'ERROR'
            # print 'no, it is not a valid answer'
        print 'SYSTEM ERROR'
def solve(grid):
    #solve a Sudoku problem
    clauses = sudoku_clauses()
    for i in range(1, 10):
        for j in range(1, 10):
            d = grid[i - 1][j - 1]
            # For each digit already known, a clause (with one literal).
            if d:
                clauses.append([v(i, j, d)])

    # Print number SAT clause
    numclause = len(clauses)
    print "P CNF " + str(numclause) + "(number of clauses)"

    # solve the SAT problem
    start = time.time()
    sol = set(pycosat.solve(clauses))
    end = time.time()
    print("Time: " + str(end - start))

    def read_cell(i, j):
        # return the digit of cell i, j according to the solution
        for d in range(1, 10):
            if v(i, j, d) in sol:
                return d

    for i in range(1, 10):
        for j in range(1, 10):
            grid[i - 1][j - 1] = read_cell(i, j)
def Exercise36misunderstood():
    # 2 parts: first of all, how do I assert 2 nodes differ by k colors?
    # second, find all 3+cliques. For each u-v, if v is in a 3+clique with u, assert 1 diff, else assert 2 diff
    d = 10
    n = 3
    graphColorer = GraphColoring(nodeDict=McGregor(n, d).nodeDict,
                                   literalToID=(lambda x: (((x - 1) % (n + 1) ** 2) // (n + 1), (x - 1) % (n + 1))),
                                   literalToColor=     (lambda x: (x-1) // (n+1)**2),
                                   GraphNodeToLiteral=      (lambda indexTuple, color: indexTuple[0] * (n + 1) + indexTuple[1] + ((n + 1) ** 2) * color + 1))
    for i, A in enumerate(graphColorer.nodeDict):
        for j, B in enumerate(graphColorer.nodeDict):
            if j <= i:
            if graphColorer.sharesNeighbor(A, B):
                if graphColorer.isAdjacent(A, B):
                    graphColorer.assertRdiffColors(A, B, 1)
                    graphColorer.assertRdiffColors(A, B, 2)
    def solve(self):
        Résoudre la grille, dessiner la solution et afficher le résultat dans
        le champs de texte prévu pour. 
        # Rendre la grille non modifiable une fois qu'elle a été résolue
        self.tag_unbind("cell", "<ButtonPress-1>")
        # Afficher un message des fois que la recherche d'une solution mette
        # un peu de temps
        self.solvable_textvar.set("Looking for solution...")
        # rendre solides toutes les cases qui ne sont pas dans une zone ou solides
        self.dtag("selected", "selected")
        self.addtag_withtag("selected", "blank")

        # Générer les clauses
        cnf = gen_cnf(
            self.dimensions[0], self.dimensions[1], self.zones, self.black_cells
        # Convertir les clauses en 3-sat
        cnf = sat_3sat(cnf, self.dimensions[1], self.dimensions[0])
        # Trouver une solution
        solution = sat.solve(cnf)
        # Si une solution a été trouvée, l'afficher et mettre à jour le texte
        if not (solution == "UNSAT" or solution == "UNKNOWN"):
            self.solvable_textvar.set("Solution found!")
        # Sinon, juste mettre a jour le texte
            self.solvable_textvar.set("No solution found!")
def solve_sat(options, puzzle, colors, color_var, dir_vars, clauses):
    '''Solve the SAT now that it has been reduced to a list of clauses in
CNF.  This is an iterative process: first we try to solve a SAT, then
we detect cycles. If cycles are found, they are prevented from
recurring, and the next iteration begins. Returns the SAT solution
set, the decoded puzzle solution, and the number of cycle repairs


    start = datetime.now()

    decoded = None
    all_decoded = []
    repairs = 0

    while True:

        sol = pycosat.solve(clauses)  # pylint: disable=E1101

        if not isinstance(sol, list):
            decoded = None

        decoded = decode_solution(puzzle, colors, color_var, dir_vars, sol)

        extra_clauses = detect_cycles(decoded, dir_vars)

        if not extra_clauses:

        clauses += extra_clauses
        repairs += 1

    solve_time = (datetime.now() - start).total_seconds()

    if not options.quiet:
        if options.display_cycles:
            for cycle_decoded in all_decoded[:-1]:
                print 'intermediate solution with cycles:'
                show_solution(options, colors, cycle_decoded)

        if decoded is None:
            print 'solver returned {} after {:,} cycle '\
                'repairs and {:.3f} seconds'.format(
                    str(sol), repairs, solve_time)

            print 'obtained solution after {:,} cycle repairs '\
                'and {:.3f} seconds:'.format(
                    repairs, solve_time)
            show_solution(options, colors, decoded)

    return sol, decoded, repairs, solve_time
def solve(grid):
    solve a Sudoku grid inplace
    clauses = sudoku_clauses()
    for i in range(1, 10):
        for j in range(1, 10):
            d = grid[i - 1][j - 1]
            # For each digit already known, a clause (with one literal).
            # Note:
            #     We could also remove all variables for the known cells
            #     altogether (which would be more efficient).  However, for
            #     the sake of simplicity, we decided not to do that.
            if d:
                clauses.append([v(i, j, d)])

    # solve the SAT problem
    # verbose = 1 --> see statistics (@ terminal, TBD: get statistics in python)
    sol = set(pycosat.solve(clauses, verbose=1, vars=729))

    def read_cell(i, j):
        # return the digit of cell i, j according to the solution
        for d in range(1, 10):
            if v(i, j, d) in sol:
                return d

    for i in range(1, 10):
        for j in range(1, 10):
            grid[i - 1][j - 1] = read_cell(i, j)

    return sol
def sat(clauses):
    Calculate a SAT solution for `clauses`.

    Returned is the list of those solutions.  When the clauses are
    unsatisfiable, an empty list is returned.

        import pycosat
    except ImportError:
        sys.exit('Error: could not import pycosat (required for dependency '

        pycosat.itersolve({(1, )})
    except TypeError:
        # Old versions of pycosat require lists. This conversion can be very
        # slow, though, so only do it if we need to.
        clauses = list(map(list, clauses))

    solution = pycosat.solve(clauses)
    if solution == "UNSAT" or solution == "UNKNOWN":  # wtf https://github.com/ContinuumIO/pycosat/issues/14
        return []
    # XXX: If solution == [] (i.e., clauses == []), the result will have
    # boolean value of False even though the clauses are not unsatisfiable)
    return solution
文件: plogic.py 项目: skydark/spdlr
 def sat(self, formula=None):
     if formula:
         added_clause, new_atoms = self._add(formula)
     ret = pycosat.solve(self.cnfs)
     if formula:
         self._roll_back(added_clause, new_atoms)
     # FIXME
     return ret not in ('UNSAT', 'UNKNOWN')
def solve_nqueen(board, NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLUMNS):

    nqueen_clauses = get_nqueen_clauses(NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLUMNS)
    solution = set(pycosat.solve(nqueen_clauses))

    for row in range(1,NUM_ROWS+1):
        for column in range(1,NUM_COLUMNS+1):
            board[row-1][column-1] = get_cell_solution(solution,row, column)
def py_itersolve(clauses):
    while True:
        sol = pycosat.solve(clauses)
        if isinstance(sol, list):
            yield sol
            clauses.append([-x for x in sol])
        else: # no more solutions -- stop iteration
文件: model.py 项目: michal3141/sat
 def solve(self):
     solution = pycosat.solve(self.clauses)
     if solution == 'UNSAT':
         return 'UNSAT'
         #print solution
         solution = [x for x in solution if -x not in self.all_units]
         return sorted(list(set(solution)), key=abs)
文件: pysat.py 项目: phrqas/rao-star
 def _solve_sat(self,cnf):
     Calls the SAT solver.
     start = time.time()
     sol = pycosat.solve(cnf)
     elapsed = time.time()-start
     if self.verbose:
         print('\t- Took %.3f ms to solve SAT problem.'%(1000.0*elapsed))
     return sol
def solve(n):
    global N
    N = n
    clauses = queens_clauses()

    # solve the SAT problem
    sol = set(pycosat.solve(clauses))
    for i in range(N):
        print ''.join('Q' if v(i, j) in sol else '.' for j in range(N))
    print n, len(clauses)
文件: a9bsp.py 项目: ericpruitt/a9bsp
    def solution(self):
        Return arbitrary solution to the currently described satisfiability
        solution = pycosat.solve(self.clauses)

        if solution == "UNSAT":
            raise UnsatisfiableConstraints("Constraints are unsatisfiable")
        elif solution == "UNKNOWN":
            raise SolutionNotFound("Search limits exhausted without solution")
            return self.remap_solution(solution)
    def proper(self):
        global baseClauses
        totalClauses = baseClauses + self.givens_to_dimacs_list()

        sol = set(pycosat.solve(totalClauses))

        def read_cell(i, j):
            for d in range(1, 10):
                if v(i, j, d) in sol:
                    return [v(i, j, d),d]

        negation = []
        for i in range(1, 10):
            for j in range(1, 10):
                negation.append(-read_cell(i, j)[0])

        res = pycosat.solve(totalClauses)
        if res == "UNSAT":
            return 1
            return 0
def solve_sudoku(sudoku_board):
    Generate a sudoku clauses, apply in a pycosat and get sudoku solution
    sudoku_clauses = get_sudoku_clauses()
    single_clauses = get_single_clauses(sudoku_board)

    sudoku_solution = set(pycosat.solve(sudoku_clauses))

    for row in range(1, NUM_DIGITS+1):
        for column in range(1, NUM_DIGITS+1):
            sudoku_board[row-1][column-1] = get_cell_solution(
                sudoku_solution, row, column)
    return sudoku_board
文件: logic.py 项目: ARF1/conda
def sat(clauses, iterator=False):
    Calculate a SAT solution for `clauses`.

    Returned is the list of those solutions.  When the clauses are
    unsatisfiable, an empty list is returned.

    if pycosat_prep:
        clauses = list(map(list,clauses))
    if iterator:
        return pycosat.itersolve(clauses)
    solution = pycosat.solve(clauses)
    if solution == "UNSAT" or solution == "UNKNOWN":
        return None
    return solution
文件: logic.py 项目: certik/conda
def sat(clauses):
    Calculate a SAT solution for `clauses`.

    Returned is the list of those solutions.  When the clauses are
    unsatisfiable, an empty list is returned.

        import pycosat
    except ImportError:
        sys.exit('Error: could not import pycosat (required for dependency '

    solution = pycosat.solve(clauses)
    if solution == "UNSAT" or solution == "UNKNOWN": # wtf https://github.com/ContinuumIO/pycosat/issues/14
        return []
    return solution
    def sat(self, additional=None, includeIf=False, names=False, limit=0):
        Calculate a SAT solution for the current clause set.

        Returned is the list of those solutions.  When the clauses are
        unsatisfiable, an empty list is returned.

        if self.unsat:
            return None
        if not self.m:
            return set() if names else []
        clauses = self.clauses
        if additional:
            def preproc(eqs):
                def preproc_(cc):
                    for c in cc:
                        c = self.names.get(c, c)
                        if c is False:
                        yield c
                        if c is True:
                for cc in eqs:
                    cc = tuple(preproc_(cc))
                    if not cc:
                        yield cc
                    if cc[-1] is not True:
                        yield cc
            additional = list(preproc(additional))
            if additional:
                if not additional[-1]:
                    return None
                clauses = tuple(chain(clauses, additional))
        log.debug("Invoking SAT with clause count: %s", len(clauses))
        solution = pycosat.solve(clauses, vars=self.m, prop_limit=limit)
        if solution in ("UNSAT", "UNKNOWN"):
            return None
        if additional and includeIf:
        if names:
            return set(nm for nm in (self.indices.get(s) for s in solution) if nm and nm[0] != '!')
        return solution
def solve(grid,n):

    clauses = sudoku_clauses(n)
    for i in range(1, n+1):
        for j in range(1, n+1):
            d = grid[i - 1][j - 1]
            if d:
                clauses.append([v(i, j, d,n)])

    # solve the SAT problem need 
    sol = set(pycosat.solve(clauses))

    def read_cell(i, j):
        # return the digit of cell i, j according to the solution
        for d in range(1, n+1):
            if v(i, j, d,n) in sol:
                return d

    for i in range(1, n+1):
        for j in range(1, n+1):
            grid[i - 1][j - 1] = read_cell(i, j)
文件: satoku.py 项目: jayshans/Satoku
def runSatoku(n):
	global id
	global lid
	id = {}
	lid = ['']
	start = time.clock()
	cnf = satokuCNF(n)
	cTime = (time.clock() - start)
	start = time.clock()
	sol = sat.solve(cnf)
	basTime = (time.clock() - start)
	if type(sol) == type([]):
		solExists = True
		solExists = False
	print '	satoku  solution:', solExists, '	clauses:', len(cnf), '	construction time:', cTime, '	solution time:', basTime
		sud = satToSatoku(sol, n)
文件: satoku.py 项目: jayshans/Satoku
def runBasic(n):
	global id
	global lid
	id = {}
	lid = [''] 
	start = time.clock()
	basic = basicCNF(n)
	cTime = (time.clock() - start) 
	start = time.clock()
	basSol = sat.solve(basic)
	basTime = (time.clock() - start)
	if type(basSol) == type([]):
		basSolExists = True
		basSolExists = False
	print '	basic   solution:', basSolExists, '	clauses:', len(basic), '	construction time:', cTime, '	solution time:', basTime
		sud = satToSud(basSol, n)
def test_sat(index):
    r = Resolve2(index)

    clauses = r.get_clauses()
    a_versions = set()
    for fn in sorted(index):
        name, version, build = nvb_fn(fn)
        if name != 'anaconda' or version < '1.5':

        clauses[-1] = [r.v[fn]]
        sol = pycosat.solve(clauses)
        print fn, 'SAT' if isinstance(sol, list) else sol
        if not isinstance(sol, list):

    print 'size index', len(index)
    for es in [
        ['numpy 1.7*', 'python 2.7*', 'conda'],
        ['numpy 1.7*', 'python 2.7*'],
        ['numpy 1.7*', 'python 2.6*'],
        ['numpy 1.7*', 'python 3.3*'],
        ['numpy 1.6*', 'python 2.7*'],
        ['numpy 1.6*', 'python 2.6*'],
        for a_version in sorted(a_versions):
            specs = ['anaconda %s' % a_version]

            for features in set(), set(['mkl']):
                print specs, features
                r.msd_cache = {}
                    assert r.solve(specs, features=features)
                except RuntimeError:
                    print 'UNSAT'
def solve_sudoku(sudoku_grid, sudoku_clauses):
    This method receive a sudoku grid an solve it using
    a sat solver.

    :param sudoku_grid: A 9 X 9 grid representing a sudoku game.
    :param sudoku_clauses: An array containing all the possible clauses
                           for the sudoki board.

    :return: A 9 x 9 grid representing a sudoku solution for
             the given board.

    single_clauses = get_single_clauses(sudoku_grid)

    sudoku_solution = set(pycosat.solve(sudoku_clauses))

    for row in range(1, DIGITS + 1):
        for column in range(1, DIGITS + 1):
            sudoku_grid[row - 1][column - 1] = get_cell_solution(
                sudoku_solution, row, column)

    return sudoku_grid
 def test_cnf3(self):
     self.assertEqual(solve(clauses3), [-1, -2])
 def test_cnf1_prop_limit(self):
     for lim in range(1, 20):
         self.assertEqual(solve(clauses1, prop_limit=lim),
                          "UNKNOWN" if lim < 8 else [1, -2, -3, -4, 5])
 def test_cnf3_3vars(self):
     self.assertEqual(solve(clauses3, vars=3), [-1, -2, -3])
 def test_cnf1_vars(self):
     self.assertEqual(solve(clauses1, vars=7),
                      [1, -2, -3, -4, 5, -6, -7])