文件: cdn.py 项目: wowjinxy/ninfs
class CDNContentsMount(LoggingMixIn, Operations):
    fd = 0

    # get the real path by returning self.cdn_dir + path
    def rp(self, path):
        return os.path.join(self.cdn_dir, path)

    def __init__(self, tmd_file: str = None, cdn_dir: str = None, dec_key: str = None, dev: bool = False,
                 seeddb: str = None, boot9: str = None):
        if tmd_file:
            self.cdn_dir = os.path.dirname(tmd_file)
            self.cdn_dir = cdn_dir
            tmd_file = os.path.join(cdn_dir, 'tmd')

        self.crypto = CryptoEngine(boot9=boot9, dev=dev)

        self.cdn_content_size = 0
        self.dev = dev
        self.seeddb = seeddb

        # get status change, modify, and file access times
            self.g_stat = get_time(tmd_file)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            exit('Could not find "tmd" in directory')

        self.tmd = TitleMetadataReader.from_file(tmd_file)

        # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
        self.title_id = self.tmd.title_id

        if not os.path.isfile(self.rp('cetk')):
            if not dec_key:
                exit('cetk not found. Provide the ticket or decrypted titlekey with --dec-key.')

        if dec_key:
                titlekey = bytes.fromhex(dec_key)
                if len(titlekey) != 16:
                    exit('--dec-key input is not 32 hex characters.')
            except ValueError:
                exit('Failed to convert --dec-key input to bytes. Non-hex character likely found, or is not '
                     '32 hex characters.')
            # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
            self.crypto.set_normal_key(Keyslot.DecryptedTitlekey, titlekey)
            with open(self.rp('cetk'), 'rb') as tik:
                # load ticket

        # create virtual files
        self.files = {'/ticket.bin': {'size': 0x350, 'type': 'raw', 'real_filepath': self.rp('cetk')},
                      '/tmd.bin': {'size': 0xB04 + self.tmd.content_count * CHUNK_RECORD_SIZE, 'offset': 0,
                                   'type': 'raw', 'real_filepath': self.rp('tmd')},
                      '/tmdchunks.bin': {'size': self.tmd.content_count * CHUNK_RECORD_SIZE, 'offset': 0xB04,
                                         'type': 'raw', 'real_filepath': self.rp('tmd')}}

        self.dirs: Dict[str, NCCHContainerMount] = {}

    def init(self, path):
        # read contents to generate virtual files
        for chunk in self.tmd.chunk_records:
            if os.path.isfile(self.rp(chunk.id)):
                real_filename = chunk.id
            elif os.path.isfile(self.rp(chunk.id.upper())):
                real_filename = chunk.id.upper()
                print(f'Content {chunk.cindex:04}:{chunk.id} not found, will not be included.')
            f_stat = os.stat(self.rp(real_filename))
            if chunk.size != f_stat.st_size:
                print('Warning: TMD Content size and filesize of', chunk.id, 'are different.')
            self.cdn_content_size += chunk.size
            is_srl = chunk.cindex == 0 and self.title_id[3:5] == '48'
            file_ext = 'nds' if is_srl else 'ncch'
            filename = f'/{chunk.cindex:04x}.{chunk.id}.{file_ext}'
            self.files[filename] = {'size': chunk.size, 'index': chunk.cindex.to_bytes(2, 'big'),
                                    'type': 'enc' if chunk.type.encrypted else 'raw',
                                    'real_filepath': self.rp(real_filename)}

            dirname = f'/{chunk.cindex:04x}.{chunk.id}'
            # noinspection PyBroadException
                f_time = get_time(f_stat)
                content_vfp = _c.VirtualFileWrapper(self, filename, chunk.size)
                # boot9 is not passed here, as CryptoEngine has already set up the keys at the beginning.
                if is_srl:
                    content_fuse = SRLMount(content_vfp, g_stat=f_time)
                    content_reader = NCCHReader(content_vfp, dev=self.dev, seeddb=self.seeddb)
                    content_fuse = NCCHContainerMount(content_reader, g_stat=f_time)
                self.dirs[dirname] = content_fuse
            except Exception as e:
                print(f'Failed to mount {filename}: {type(e).__name__}: {e}')

    def getattr(self, path, fh=None):
        first_dir = _c.get_first_dir(path)
        if first_dir in self.dirs:
            return self.dirs[first_dir].getattr(_c.remove_first_dir(path), fh)
        uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context()
        if path == '/' or path in self.dirs:
            st = {'st_mode': (S_IFDIR | 0o555), 'st_nlink': 2}
        elif path in self.files:
            st = {'st_mode': (S_IFREG | 0o444), 'st_size': self.files[path]['size'], 'st_nlink': 1}
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)
        return {**st, **self.g_stat, 'st_uid': uid, 'st_gid': gid}

    def open(self, path, flags):
        self.fd += 1
        return self.fd

    def readdir(self, path, fh):
        first_dir = _c.get_first_dir(path)
        if first_dir in self.dirs:
            yield from self.dirs[first_dir].readdir(_c.remove_first_dir(path), fh)
            yield from ('.', '..')
            yield from (x[1:] for x in self.files)
            yield from (x[1:] for x in self.dirs)

    def read(self, path, size, offset, fh):
        first_dir = _c.get_first_dir(path)
        if first_dir in self.dirs:
            return self.dirs[first_dir].read(_c.remove_first_dir(path), size, offset, fh)
        fi = self.files[path]
        real_size = size
        with open(fi['real_filepath'], 'rb') as f:
            if fi['type'] == 'raw':
                # if raw, just read and return
                data = f.read(size)

            elif fi['type'] == 'enc':
                # if encrypted, the block needs to be decrypted first
                # CBC requires a full block (0x10 in this case). and the previous
                #   block is used as the IV. so that's quite a bit to read if the
                #   application requires just a few bytes.
                # thanks Stary2001
                before = offset % 16
                if size % 16 != 0:
                    size = size + 16 - size % 16
                if offset - before == 0:
                    # use the initial value if reading from the first block
                    iv = fi['index'] + (b'\0' * 14)
                    # use the previous block if reading anywhere else
                    f.seek(offset - before - 0x10)
                    iv = f.read(0x10)
                # read to block size
                f.seek(offset - before)
                # adding 0x10 to the size fixes some kind of decryption bug
                data = self.crypto.create_cbc_cipher(Keyslot.DecryptedTitlekey,
                                                     iv).decrypt(f.read(size + 0x10))[before:real_size + before]

                from pprint import pformat
                      'Warning: unknown file type (this should not happen!)',
                      'Please file an issue or contact the developer with the details below.',
                      '  https://github.com/ihaveamac/ninfs/issues',
                      f'{path!r}: {pformat(fi)!r}', sep='\n')

                data = b'g' * size

            return data

    def statfs(self, path):
        first_dir = _c.get_first_dir(path)
        if first_dir in self.dirs:
            return self.dirs[first_dir].read(_c.remove_first_dir(path))
        return {'f_bsize': 4096, 'f_blocks': self.cdn_content_size // 4096, 'f_bavail': 0, 'f_bfree': 0,
                'f_files': len(self.files)}
class CTRImportableArchiveMount(LoggingMixIn, Operations):
    fd = 0

    def __init__(self,
                 cia_fp: BinaryIO,
                 g_stat: os.stat_result,
                 dev: bool = False,
                 seeddb: bool = None):
        self.crypto = CryptoEngine(dev=dev)

        self.dev = dev
        self.seeddb = seeddb

        self._g_stat = g_stat
        # get status change, modify, and file access times
        self.g_stat = {
            'st_ctime': int(g_stat.st_ctime),
            'st_mtime': int(g_stat.st_mtime),
            'st_atime': int(g_stat.st_atime)

        # open cia and get section sizes
        archive_header_size, cia_type, cia_version, cert_chain_size, \
            ticket_size, tmd_size, meta_size, content_size = unpack('<IHHIIIIQ', cia_fp.read(0x20))

        self.cia_size = new_offset(archive_header_size) + new_offset(cert_chain_size) + new_offset(ticket_size)\
            + new_offset(tmd_size) + new_offset(meta_size) + new_offset(content_size)

        # get offsets for sections of the CIA
        # each section is aligned to 64-byte blocks
        cert_chain_offset = new_offset(archive_header_size)
        ticket_offset = cert_chain_offset + new_offset(cert_chain_size)
        tmd_offset = ticket_offset + new_offset(ticket_size)
        self.content_offset = tmd_offset + new_offset(tmd_size)
        meta_offset = self.content_offset + new_offset(content_size)

        # load tmd
        self.tmd = TitleMetadataReader.load(cia_fp)
        self.title_id = self.tmd.title_id

        # load titlekey

        # create virtual files
        self.files = {
            '/header.bin': {
                'size': archive_header_size,
                'offset': 0,
                'type': 'raw'
            '/cert.bin': {
                'size': cert_chain_size,
                'offset': cert_chain_offset,
                'type': 'raw'
            '/ticket.bin': {
                'size': ticket_size,
                'offset': ticket_offset,
                'type': 'raw'
            '/tmd.bin': {
                'size': tmd_size,
                'offset': tmd_offset,
                'type': 'raw'
            '/tmdchunks.bin': {
                'size': self.tmd.content_count * CHUNK_RECORD_SIZE,
                'offset': tmd_offset + 0xB04,
                'type': 'raw'
        if meta_size:
            self.files['/meta.bin'] = {
                'size': meta_size,
                'offset': meta_offset,
                'type': 'raw'
            # show icon.bin if meta size is the expected size
            # in practice this never changes, but better to be safe
            if meta_size == 0x3AC0:
                self.files['/icon.bin'] = {
                    'size': 0x36C0,
                    'offset': meta_offset + 0x400,
                    'type': 'raw'

        self.dirs: Dict[str, NCCHContainerMount] = {}

        self.f = cia_fp

    def __del__(self, *args):
        except AttributeError:

    destroy = __del__

    def init(self, path):
        # read chunks to generate virtual files
        current_offset = self.content_offset
        for chunk in self.tmd.chunk_records:
            is_srl = chunk.cindex == 0 and self.title_id[3:5] == '48'
            file_ext = 'nds' if is_srl else 'ncch'
            filename = f'/{chunk.cindex:04x}.{chunk.id}.{file_ext}'
            self.files[filename] = {
                'size': chunk.size,
                'offset': current_offset,
                'index': chunk.cindex.to_bytes(2, 'big'),
                'type': 'enc' if chunk.type.encrypted else 'raw'
            current_offset += new_offset(chunk.size)

            dirname = f'/{chunk.cindex:04x}.{chunk.id}'
            # noinspection PyBroadException
                content_vfp = _c.VirtualFileWrapper(self, filename, chunk.size)
                if is_srl:
                    content_fuse = SRLMount(content_vfp, g_stat=self._g_stat)
                    content_fuse = NCCHContainerMount(content_vfp,
                self.dirs[dirname] = content_fuse
            except Exception as e:
                print(f'Failed to mount {filename}: {type(e).__name__}: {e}')

    def flush(self, path, fh):
        return self.f.flush()

    def getattr(self, path, fh=None):
        first_dir = _c.get_first_dir(path)
        if first_dir in self.dirs:
            return self.dirs[first_dir].getattr(_c.remove_first_dir(path), fh)
        uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context()
        if path == '/' or path in self.dirs:
            st = {'st_mode': (S_IFDIR | 0o555), 'st_nlink': 2}
        elif path in self.files:
            st = {
                'st_mode': (S_IFREG | 0o444),
                'st_size': self.files[path]['size'],
                'st_nlink': 1
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)
        return {**st, **self.g_stat, 'st_uid': uid, 'st_gid': gid}

    def open(self, path, flags):
        self.fd += 1
        return self.fd

    def readdir(self, path, fh):
        first_dir = _c.get_first_dir(path)
        if first_dir in self.dirs:
            yield from self.dirs[first_dir].readdir(_c.remove_first_dir(path),
            yield from ('.', '..')
            yield from (x[1:] for x in self.files)
            yield from (x[1:] for x in self.dirs)

    def read(self, path, size, offset, fh):
        first_dir = _c.get_first_dir(path)
        if first_dir in self.dirs:
            return self.dirs[first_dir].read(_c.remove_first_dir(path), size,
                                             offset, fh)
        fi = self.files[path]
        real_offset = fi['offset'] + offset
        if fi['offset'] + offset > fi['offset'] + fi['size']:
            return b''
        if offset + size > fi['size']:
            size = fi['size'] - offset
        real_size = size

        if fi['type'] == 'raw':
            # if raw, just read and return
            data = self.f.read(size)

        elif fi['type'] == 'enc':
            # if encrypted, the block needs to be decrypted first
            # CBC requires a full block (0x10 in this case). and the previous
            #   block is used as the IV. so that's quite a bit to read if the
            #   application requires just a few bytes.
            # thanks Stary2001
            before = offset % 16
            if size % 16 != 0:
                size = size + 16 - size % 16
            if offset - before == 0:
                # use the initial value if reading from the first block
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                iv = fi['index'] + (b'\0' * 14)
                # use the previous block if reading anywhere else
                self.f.seek(real_offset - before - 0x10)
                iv = self.f.read(0x10)
            # read to block size
            self.f.seek(real_offset - before)
            # adding 0x10 to the size fixes some kind of decryption bug
            data = self.crypto.create_cbc_cipher(
                Keyslot.DecryptedTitlekey, iv).decrypt(
                    self.f.read(size + 0x10))[before:real_size + before]

            from pprint import pformat
                'Warning: unknown file type (this should not happen!)',
                'Please file an issue or contact the developer with the details below.',
                '  https://github.com/ihaveamac/ninfs/issues',
                f'{path!r}: {pformat(fi)!r}',

            data = b'g' * size

        return data

    def statfs(self, path):
        first_dir = _c.get_first_dir(path)
        if first_dir in self.dirs:
            return self.dirs[first_dir].statfs(_c.remove_first_dir(path))
        return {
            'f_bsize': 4096,
            'f_blocks': self.cia_size // 4096,
            'f_bavail': 0,
            'f_bfree': 0,
            'f_files': len(self.files)