文件: proxy.py 项目: msaunby/weather
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        slice_ = combine_slices(self._slice, fix_slice(index, self.shape))
        scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(self.url)
        url = urlunsplit((
                scheme, netloc, path + '.dods',
                quote(self.id) + hyperslab(slice_) + '&' + query,

        resp, data = request(url)
        dds, xdrdata = data.split('\nData:\n', 1)
        dataset = DDSParser(dds).parse()
        data = data2 = DapUnpacker(xdrdata, dataset).getvalue()

        # Retrieve the data from any parent structure(s).
        for var in walk(dataset):
            if type(var) in (StructureType, DatasetType):
                data = data[0]
            elif var.id == self.id: 
                return data

        # Some old servers return the wrong response. :-/
        # I found a server that would return an array to a request
        # for an array inside a grid (instead of a structure with
        # the array); this will take care of it.
        for var in walk(dataset):
            if type(var) in (StructureType, DatasetType):
                data2 = data2[0]
            elif self.id.endswith(var.id):
                return data2
    def __init__(self, url):
        # download DDS/DAS
        scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(url)
        ddsurl = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path + '.dds', query, fragment))
        r = requests.get(ddsurl)
        dds = r.text.encode('utf-8')
        dasurl = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path + '.das', query, fragment))
        r = requests.get(dasurl)
        das = r.text.encode('utf-8')

        # build the dataset from the DDS and add attributes from the DAS
        self.dataset = build_dataset(dds)
        add_attributes(self.dataset, parse_das(das))

        # remove any projection from the url, leaving selections
        projection, selection = parse_ce(query)
        url = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, '&'.join(selection), fragment))

        # now add data proxies
        for var in walk(self.dataset, BaseType):
            var.data = BaseProxy(url, var.id, var.descr)
        for var in walk(self.dataset, SequenceType):
            var.data = SequenceProxy(url, var.id, var.descr)

        # apply projections
        for var in projection:
            target = self.dataset
            while var:
                token, index = var.pop(0)
                target = target[token]
                if index and isinstance(target.data, BaseProxy):
                    target.data.slice = fix_slice(index, target.shape)
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        slice_ = combine_slices(self._slice, fix_slice(index, self.shape))
        scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(self.url)
        url = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path + '.dods',
                          self.id + hyperslab(slice_) + '&' + query, fragment))

        resp, data = request(url)
        dds, xdrdata = data.split('\nData:\n', 1)
        dataset = DDSParser(dds).parse()
        data = data2 = DapUnpacker(xdrdata, dataset).getvalue()

        # Retrieve the data from any parent structure(s).
        for var in walk(dataset):
            if type(var) in (StructureType, DatasetType):
                data = data[0]
            elif var.id == self.id:
                return data

        # Some old servers return the wrong response. :-/
        # I found a server that would return an array to a request
        # for an array inside a grid (instead of a structure with
        # the array); this will take care of it.
        for var in walk(dataset):
            if type(var) in (StructureType, DatasetType):
                data2 = data2[0]
            elif self.id.endswith(var.id):
                return data2
文件: dap.py 项目: lukecampbell/pydap
    def __init__(self, url):
        # download DDS/DAS
        scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(url)
        ddsurl = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path + '.dds', query, fragment))
        dds = requests.get(ddsurl).text.encode('utf-8')
        dasurl = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path + '.das', query, fragment))
        das = requests.get(dasurl).text.encode('utf-8')

        # build the dataset from the DDS and add attributes from the DAS
        self.dataset = build_dataset(dds)
        add_attributes(self.dataset, parse_das(das))

        # remove any projection from the url, leaving selections
        projection, selection = parse_ce(query)
        url = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, '&'.join(selection), fragment))

        # now add data proxies
        for var in walk(self.dataset, BaseType):
            var.data = BaseProxy(url, var.id, var.descr)
        for var in walk(self.dataset, SequenceType):
            var.data = SequenceProxy(url, var.id, var.descr)

        # apply projections
        for var in projection:
            target = self.dataset
            while var:
                token, index = var.pop(0)
                target = target[token]
                if index and isinstance(target.data, BaseProxy):
                    target.data.slice = fix_slice(index, target.shape)
    def __init__(self, url, application=None, session=None, output_grid=True):
        # download DDS/DAS
        scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(url)

        ddsurl = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path + '.dds', query, fragment))
        r = GET(ddsurl, application, session)
        dds = r.text

        dasurl = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path + '.das', query, fragment))
        r = GET(dasurl, application, session)
        das = r.text

        # build the dataset from the DDS and add attributes from the DAS
        self.dataset = build_dataset(dds)
        add_attributes(self.dataset, parse_das(das))

        # remove any projection from the url, leaving selections
        projection, selection = parse_ce(query)
        url = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, '&'.join(selection), fragment))

        # now add data proxies
        for var in walk(self.dataset, BaseType):
            var.data = BaseProxy(url,
        for var in walk(self.dataset, SequenceType):
            template = copy.copy(var)
            var.data = SequenceProxy(url,

        # apply projections
        for var in projection:
            target = self.dataset
            while var:
                token, index = var.pop(0)
                target = target[token]
                if isinstance(target, BaseType):
                    target.data.slice = fix_slice(index, target.shape)
                elif isinstance(target, GridType):
                    index = fix_slice(index, target.array.shape)
                    target.array.data.slice = index
                    for s, child in zip(index, target.maps):
                        target[child].data.slice = (s, )
                elif isinstance(target, SequenceType):
                    target.data.slice = index

        # retrieve only main variable for grid types:
        for var in walk(self.dataset, GridType):
def dispatch(dataset):
    buf = StringIO()
    wb = Workbook(buf,
                  {'constant_memory': True,
                   'in_memory': True,
                   'default_date_format': 'yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss'}
    format_ = wb.add_format(FORMAT)

    # dataset metadata
    ws = wb.add_worksheet('Global attributes')
    write_metadata(ws, dataset, 0, 0, format_)

    # 1D grids
    for grid in [g for g in walk(dataset, GridType) if len(g.shape) == 1]:
        logger.debug('Grid {}'.format(grid.name))
        ws = wb.add_worksheet(grid.name)

        # headers
        ws.write(0, 0, grid.dimensions[0], format_)
        ws.write(0, 1, grid.name, format_)

        # data
        for j, data in enumerate(grid.data):
            for i, value in enumerate(numpy.asarray(data)):
                ws.write(i+1, 1-j, value)

        # add var metadata
        write_metadata(ws, grid, 0, 2, format_)

    # sequences
    for seq in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
        logger.debug('Sequence {}'.format(seq.name))

        ws = wb.add_worksheet(seq.name)

        # add header across the first row
        for j, var_ in enumerate(seq.keys()):
            ws.write(0, j, var_, format_)

        # add data in the subsequent rows
        for i, row in enumerate(seq.data):
            for j, value in enumerate(row):
                ws.write(i+1, j, value)

        # add var metadata in columns to the right of the data
        n = 0
        j = len(seq.keys())+1
        for child in seq.children():
            logger.debug("Child {}".format(child.name))
            ws.merge_range(n, j, n, j+1, child.name, format_)
            n = write_metadata(ws, child, n+1, j, format_)+1

    return buf
    def __iter__(self):
        dataset = self.dataset
        buf = StringIO()
        buf = BytesIO()
        mdict = {}
        #mdict = { dataset.name: {} }
        #target = mdict[dataset.name]

        # Global attributes. We need to skip empty dictionaries since savemat
        # doesn't work with them.
        #if dataset.attributes:
        #    target['attributes'] =  dataset.attributes.copy()

        # Gridded data.
        for grid in walk(dataset, GridType):
            target = mdict[dataset.name][grid.name] = {}
            # Add dimensions.
            for map_ in grid.maps.values():
                target[map_.name] = {
                    'data': numpy.asarray(map_, dtype='f'),
                if map_.attributes:
                    target[map_.name]['attributes'] = map_.attributes.copy()
            # Add the var.
            target[grid.array.name] = {
                'data': numpy.asarray(grid.array, dtype='f'),
            if grid.array.attributes:
                       name]['attributes'] = grid.array.attributes.copy()

        # Sequences.
        for seq in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
            #target = mdict[dataset.name][seq.name] = {}
            # Add vars.
            #for child in seq.walk():
            for child in seq.children():
                #target[child.name] = {
                #    'data': numpy.fromiter(child.data, child.dtype),
                #'data': numpy.fromiter(child.data, child.type.typecode),
                #target[child.name] = numpy.fromiter(child.data, child.dtype)
                mdict[child.id.replace('.', '_')] = numpy.fromiter(
                    child.data, child.dtype)
                #if child.attributes:
                #    target[child.name]['attributes'] = child.attributes.copy()

        savemat(buf, mdict)
        yield buf.getvalue()
        return [buf.getvalue()]

        for line in matlab(self.dataset):
            yield line.encode('ascii')
文件: dap.py 项目: pydap/pydap
    def __init__(self, url, application=None, session=None, output_grid=True):
        # download DDS/DAS
        scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(url)

        ddsurl = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path + ".dds", query, fragment))
        r = GET(ddsurl, application, session)
        dds = r.text

        dasurl = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path + ".das", query, fragment))
        r = GET(dasurl, application, session)
        das = r.text

        # build the dataset from the DDS and add attributes from the DAS
        self.dataset = build_dataset(dds)
        add_attributes(self.dataset, parse_das(das))

        # remove any projection from the url, leaving selections
        projection, selection = parse_ce(query)
        url = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, "&".join(selection), fragment))

        # now add data proxies
        for var in walk(self.dataset, BaseType):
            var.data = BaseProxy(url, var.id, var.dtype, var.shape, application=application, session=session)
        for var in walk(self.dataset, SequenceType):
            template = copy.copy(var)
            var.data = SequenceProxy(url, template, application=application, session=session)

        # apply projections
        for var in projection:
            target = self.dataset
            while var:
                token, index = var.pop(0)
                target = target[token]
                if isinstance(target, BaseType):
                    target.data.slice = fix_slice(index, target.shape)
                elif isinstance(target, GridType):
                    index = fix_slice(index, target.array.shape)
                    target.array.data.slice = index
                    for s, child in zip(index, target.maps):
                        target[child].data.slice = (s,)
                elif isinstance(target, SequenceType):
                    target.data.slice = index

        # retrieve only main variable for grid types:
        for var in walk(self.dataset, GridType):
def calculate_size(dataset):
    size = 0
    for var in walk(dataset):
        # Pydap can't calculate the size of a dataset with a 
        # Sequence since the data is streamed directly.
        if (isinstance(var, SequenceType) or
                (isinstance(var, BaseType) and
                    var.type in [Url, String])):
            return None
        elif isinstance(var, BaseType):
            # account for array size marker
            if var.shape:
                size += 8
            # calculate size
            if var.shape == ():
                vsize = 1
                vsize = numpy.prod(var.shape)
            if var.type == Byte:
                size += -vsize % 4
                size += vsize * var.type.size

    # account for DDS
    size += len(''.join(dds_dispatch(dataset))) + len('Data:\n')
    return str(size)
        def serialize(dataset):
            fig = Figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
            ax = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.45, 0.85])

            # Plot requested grids.
            layers = [
                layer for layer in query.get('LAYERS', '').split(',') if layer
            ] or [var.id for var in walk(dataset, GridType)]
            layer = layers[0]
            names = [dataset] + layer.split('.')
            grid = reduce(operator.getitem, names)

            actual_range = self._get_actual_range(grid)
            norm = Normalize(vmin=actual_range[0], vmax=actual_range[1])
            cb = ColorbarBase(ax,
            for tick in cb.ax.get_yticklabels():

            # Save to buffer.
            canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
            output = StringIO()
            if hasattr(dataset, 'close'): dataset.close()
            return [output.getvalue()]
def density(dataset, salinity, temperature, pressure):
    """Calculate in-situ density.

    This function calculated in-situ density from absolute salinity and
    conservative temperature, using the `gsw.rho` function. Returns a new
    sequence with the data.

    # find sequence
    for sequence in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
        raise ConstraintExpressionError(
            'Function "bounds" should be used on a Sequence.')

    selection = sequence[salinity.name, temperature.name, pressure.name]
    rows = [tuple(row) for row in selection]
    data = np.rec.fromrecords(
        rows, names=['salinity', 'temperature', 'pressure'])
    rho = gsw.rho(data['salinity'], data['temperature'], data['pressure'])

    out = SequenceType("result")
    out['rho'] = BaseType("rho", units="kg/m**3")
    out.data = np.rec.fromrecords(rho.reshape(-1, 1), names=['rho'])
    return out
def add_attributes(dataset, attributes):
    """Add attributes from a parsed DAS to a dataset.

    Returns the dataset with added attributes.

    dataset.attributes['NC_GLOBAL'] = attributes.get('NC_GLOBAL', {})
    dataset.attributes['DODS_EXTRA'] = attributes.get('DODS_EXTRA', {})

    for var in list(walk(dataset))[::-1]:
        # attributes can be flat, eg, "foo.bar" : {...}
        if var.id in attributes:

        # or nested, eg, "foo" : { "bar" : {...} }
            nested = reduce(operator.getitem,
                            [attributes] + var.id.split('.')[:-1])
            k = var.id.split('.')[-1]
        except KeyError:

    # add attributes that don't belong to any child
    for k, v in attributes.items():
        dataset.attributes[k] = v

    return dataset
    def serialize(dataset):
        buf = StringIO()
        df = pd.DataFrame({'foo': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'bar': [54, 32, 91, 57]})
        return [buf.getvalue()]

        wb = Workbook()

        # dataset metadata
        ws = wb.add_sheet('Global attributes')
        write_metadata(ws, dataset, 0, 0)

        # sequences
        for seq in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
            ws = wb.add_sheet(seq.name)

            # add header
            for j, var_ in enumerate(seq.keys()):
                ws.write(0, j, var_, HEADER)

            # add data
            for i, row in enumerate(seq.data):
                for j, value in enumerate(row):
                    ws.write(i + 1, j, value)

            # add var metadata
            n = 0
            j = len(seq.keys()) + 1
            for child in seq.walk():
                ws.write_merge(n, n, j, j + 1, child.name, HEADER)
                n = write_metadata(ws, child, n + 1, j) + 1

        return [buf.getvalue()]
def density(dataset, salinity, temperature, pressure):
    """Calculate in-situ density.

    This function calculated in-situ density from absolute salinity and
    conservative temperature, using the `gsw.rho` function. Returns a new
    sequence with the data.

    # find sequence
    for sequence in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
        raise ConstraintExpressionError(
            'Function "bounds" should be used on a Sequence.')

    selection = sequence[salinity.name, temperature.name, pressure.name]
    rows = [tuple(row) for row in selection]
    data = np.rec.fromrecords(rows,
                              names=['salinity', 'temperature', 'pressure'])
    rho = gsw.rho(data['salinity'], data['temperature'], data['pressure'])

    out = SequenceType("result")
    out['rho'] = BaseType("rho", units="kg/m**3")
    out.data = np.rec.fromrecords(rho.reshape(-1, 1), names=['rho'])
    return out
def calculate_size(dataset):
    Calculate the size of the response.

    length = 0

    for var in walk(dataset):
        # Pydap can't calculate the size of sequences since the data is streamed
        # directly from the source. Also, strings are encoded individually, so
        # it's not possible to get their size unless we read everything.
        if (isinstance(var, SequenceType)
                or (isinstance(var, BaseType) and var.data.dtype.char == 'S')):
            return None
        elif isinstance(var, BaseType):
            if var.shape:
                length += 8  # account for array size marker

            size = np.prod(var.shape)
            if var.data.dtype == np.byte:
                length += size + (-size % 4)
            elif var.data.dtype == np.short:
                length += size * 4
                length += size * var.data.dtype.itemsize

    # account for DDS
    length += len(''.join(dds_dispatch(dataset))) + len('Data:\n')

    return str(length)
def calculate_size(dataset):
    """Calculate the size of the response. Returns the size in bytes."""
    length = 0

    for var in walk(dataset):
        # Pydap can't calculate the size of sequences since the data is
        # streamed directly from the source. Also, strings are encoded
        # individually, so it's not possible to get their size unless we read
        # everything.
        if (isinstance(var, SequenceType) or
                (isinstance(var, BaseType) and var.dtype.char in 'SU')):
            return None
        elif isinstance(var, BaseType):
            if var.shape:
                length += 8  # account for array size marker

            size = int(np.prod(var.shape))
            if var.data.dtype == np.byte:
                length += size + (-size % 4)
            elif var.data.dtype == np.short:
                length += size * 4
                opendap_size = np.dtype(typemap[var.data.dtype.char]).itemsize
                length += size * opendap_size

    # account for DDS
    length += len(''.join(dds(dataset))) + len(b'Data:\n')

    return length
def add_attributes(dataset, attributes):
    """Add attributes from a parsed DAS to a dataset.

    Returns the dataset with added attributes.

    dataset.attributes['NC_GLOBAL'] = attributes.get('NC_GLOBAL', {})
    dataset.attributes['DODS_EXTRA'] = attributes.get('DODS_EXTRA', {})

    for var in list(walk(dataset))[::-1]:
        # attributes can be flat, eg, "foo.bar" : {...}
        if var.id in attributes:

        # or nested, eg, "foo" : { "bar" : {...} }
            nested = reduce(
                operator.getitem, [attributes] + var.id.split('.')[:-1])
            k = var.id.split('.')[-1]
        except KeyError:

    # add attributes that don't belong to any child
    for k, v in attributes.items():
        dataset.attributes[k] = v

    return dataset
        def serialize(dataset):
            fig = Figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
            ax = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.45, 0.85])

            # Plot requested grids.
            layers = [layer for layer in query.get('LAYERS', '').split(',')
                    if layer] or [var.id for var in walk(dataset, GridType)]
            layer = layers[0]
            names = [dataset] + layer.split('.')
            grid = reduce(operator.getitem, names)

            actual_range = self._get_actual_range(grid)
            norm = Normalize(vmin=actual_range[0], vmax=actual_range[1])
            cb = ColorbarBase(ax, cmap=get_cmap(cmap), norm=norm,
            for tick in cb.ax.get_yticklabels():

            # Save to buffer.
            canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
            output = StringIO() 
            if hasattr(dataset, 'close'): dataset.close()
            return [ output.getvalue() ]
    def __iter__(self):

        grids = walk(self.dataset, GridType)

        def generate_aaigrid_files(grid):
            '''Generator that yields multiple file names for each layer of the grid parameter
               This function delegates the actual creation of the '.asc' files to _grid_array_to_gdal_files()
               Files get writted to temp space on disk (by the delegatee)
               and then filenames are yielded from this generator
            logger.debug("In generate_aaigrid_files for grid {}".format(grid))
            missval = find_missval(grid)
            srs = self.srs
            geo_transform = detect_dataset_transform(grid)

            output_fmt = grid.name + '_{i}.asc'
            for file_ in _grid_array_to_gdal_files(grid.array, srs, geo_transform, filename_fmt=output_fmt, missval=missval):
                yield file_

        # Send each of the grids through _grid_array_to_gdal_files
        # which will generate multiple files per grid
        logger.debug("__iter__: creating the file generator for grids {}".format(grids))
        file_generator = chain.from_iterable(imap(generate_aaigrid_files, grids))

        return ziperator(file_generator)
文件: dods.py 项目: phrrngtn/pydap
def calculate_size(dataset):
    """Calculate the size of the response. Returns the size in bytes."""
    length = 0

    for var in walk(dataset):
        # Pydap can't calculate the size of sequences since the data is
        # streamed directly from the source. Also, strings are encoded
        # individually, so it's not possible to get their size unless we read
        # everything.
        if (isinstance(var, SequenceType)
                or (isinstance(var, BaseType) and var.dtype.char in 'SU')):
            return None
        elif isinstance(var, BaseType):
            if var.shape:
                length += 8  # account for array size marker

            size = int(np.prod(var.shape))
            if var.data.dtype == np.byte:
                length += size + (-size % 4)
            elif var.data.dtype == np.short:
                length += size * 4
                opendap_size = np.dtype(typemap[var.data.dtype.char]).itemsize
                length += size * opendap_size

    # account for DDS
    length += len(''.join(dds(dataset))) + len(b'Data:\n')

    return length
def calculate_size(dataset):
    size = 0
    for var in walk(dataset):
        # Pydap can't calculate the size of a dataset with a
        # Sequence since the data is streamed directly.
        if (isinstance(var, SequenceType)
                or (isinstance(var, BaseType) and var.type in [Url, String])):
            return None
        elif isinstance(var, BaseType):
            # account for array size marker
            if var.shape:
                size += 8
            # calculate size
            if var.shape == ():
                vsize = 1
                vsize = numpy.prod(var.shape)
            if var.type == Byte:
                size += -vsize % 4
                size += vsize * var.type.size

    # account for DDS
    size += len(''.join(dds_dispatch(dataset))) + len('Data:\n')
    return str(size)
def add_attributes(dataset, attributes):
    Add attributes from a parsed DAS to a dataset.

    dataset.attributes['NC_GLOBAL'] = attributes.get('NC_GLOBAL', {})
    dataset.attributes['DODS_EXTRA'] = attributes.get('DODS_EXTRA', {})

    # add attributes that don't belong to any child
    for k, v in attributes.items():
        if k not in dataset:
            dataset.attributes[k] = v

    for var in walk(dataset):
        # attributes can be flat, eg, "foo.bar" : {...}
        if var.id in attributes:
        # or nested, eg, "foo" : { "bar" : {...} }
                    reduce(operator.getitem, [attributes] + var.id.split('.')))
        except KeyError:

    return dataset
    def __iter__(self):
        nc = self.nc

        # Hack to find the variables if they're nested in the tree
        var2id = {}
        for recvar in nc.variables.keys():
            for dstvar in walk(self.dataset, BaseType):
                if recvar == dstvar.name:
                    var2id[recvar] = dstvar.id

        def type_generator(input):
            epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1)
            # is this a "scalar" (i.e. a standard python object)
            # if so, it needs to be a numpy array, or at least have 'dtype' and 'byteswap' attributes
            for value in input:
                if isinstance(value, (type(None), str, int, float, bool, datetime)):
                    # special case datetimes, since dates aren't supported by NetCDF3
                    if type(value) == datetime:
                        since_epoch = (value - epoch).total_seconds() 
                        yield np.array(since_epoch / 3600. / 24., dtype='Float32') # days since epoch
                        yield np.array(value)
                    yield value
        def nonrecord_input():
            for varname in nc.non_recvars.keys():
                debug("Iterator for %s", varname)
                dst_var = get_var(self.dataset, var2id[varname]).data
                # skip 0-d variables
                if not dst_var.shape:

                # Make sure that all elements of the list are iterators
                for x in dst_var:
                    yield x
            debug("Done with nonrecord input")

        # Create a generator for the record variables
        recvars = nc.recvars.keys()
        def record_generator(nc, dst, table):
            debug("record_generator() for dataset %s", dst)
            vars = [ iter(get_var(dst, table[varname])) for varname in nc.recvars.keys() ]
            while True:
                for var in vars:
                        yield var.next()
                    except StopIteration:
        more_input = type_generator(record_generator(nc, self.dataset, var2id))

        # Create a single pipeline which includes the non-record and record variables
        pipeline = nc_generator(nc, chain(type_generator(nonrecord_input()), more_input))

        # Generate the netcdf stream
        for block in pipeline:
            yield block
def dispatch(dataset):
    buf = StringIO()
    wb = Workbook()

    # dataset metadata
    ws = wb.add_sheet("Global attributes")
    write_metadata(ws, dataset, 0, 0)

    # 1D grids
    for grid in [g for g in walk(dataset, GridType) if len(g.shape) == 1]:
        ws = wb.add_sheet(grid.name)

        # headers
        ws.write(0, 0, grid.dimensions[0], HEADER)
        ws.write(0, 1, grid.name, HEADER)

        # data
        for j, data in enumerate(grid.data):
            for i, value in enumerate(numpy.asarray(data)):
                ws.write(i + 1, 1 - j, value)

        # add var metadata
        write_metadata(ws, grid, 0, 2)

    # sequences
    for seq in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
        ws = wb.add_sheet(seq.name)

        # add header
        for j, var_ in enumerate(seq.keys()):
            ws.write(0, j, var_, HEADER)

        # add data
        for i, row in enumerate(seq.data):
            for j, value in enumerate(row):
                ws.write(i + 1, j, value)

        # add var metadata
        n = 0
        j = len(seq.keys()) + 1
        for child in seq.children():
            ws.write_merge(n, n, j, j + 1, child.name, HEADER)
            n = write_metadata(ws, child, n + 1, j) + 1

    return [buf.getvalue()]
def dispatch(dataset):
    buf = StringIO()
    wb = Workbook()

    # dataset metadata
    ws = wb.add_sheet('Global attributes')
    write_metadata(ws, dataset, 0, 0)

    # 1D grids
    for grid in [g for g in walk(dataset, GridType) if len(g.shape) == 1]:
        ws = wb.add_sheet(grid.name)

        # headers
        ws.write(0, 0, grid.dimensions[0], HEADER)
        ws.write(0, 1, grid.name, HEADER)

        # data
        for j, data in enumerate(grid.data):
            for i, value in enumerate(numpy.asarray(data)):
                ws.write(i + 1, 1 - j, value)

        # add var metadata
        write_metadata(ws, grid, 0, 2)

    # sequences
    for seq in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
        ws = wb.add_sheet(seq.name)

        # add header
        for j, var_ in enumerate(seq.keys()):
            ws.write(0, j, var_, HEADER)

        # add data
        for i, row in enumerate(seq.data):
            for j, value in enumerate(row):
                ws.write(i + 1, j, value)

        # add var metadata
        n = 0
        j = len(seq.keys()) + 1
        for child in seq.children():
            ws.write_merge(n, n, j, j + 1, child.name, HEADER)
            n = write_metadata(ws, child, n + 1, j) + 1

    return [buf.getvalue()]
def bounds(dataset, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, tmin, tmax):
    r"""Bound a sequence in space and time.

    This function is used by GrADS to access Sequences, eg:

        http://server.example.com/dataset.dods?sequence& \

    We assume the dataset has only a single Sequence, which will be returned
    modified in place.

    # find sequence
    for sequence in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
        break  # get first sequence
        raise ConstraintExpressionError(
            'Function "bounds" should be used on a Sequence.')

    for child in sequence.children():
        if child.attributes.get('axis', '').lower() == 'x':
            if xmin == xmax:
                sequence.data = sequence[child == xmin].data
                sequence.data = sequence[
                    (child >= xmin) & (child <= xmax)].data
        elif child.attributes.get('axis', '').lower() == 'y':
            if ymin == ymax:
                sequence.data = sequence[child == ymin].data
                sequence.data = sequence[
                    (child >= ymin) & (child <= ymax)].data
        elif child.attributes.get('axis', '').lower() == 'z':
            if zmin == zmax:
                sequence.data = sequence[child == zmin].data
                sequence.data = sequence[
                    (child >= zmin) & (child <= zmax)].data
        elif child.attributes.get('axis', '').lower() == 't':
            start = datetime.strptime(tmin, '%HZ%d%b%Y')
            end = datetime.strptime(tmax, '%HZ%d%b%Y')
            units = child.attributes.get('units', 'seconds since 1970-01-01')

            # if start and end are equal, add the step
            if start == end and 'grads_step' in child.attributes:
                dt = parse_step(child.attributes['grads_step'])
                end = start + dt
                tmin = coards.format(start, units)
                tmax = coards.format(end, units)
                sequence.data = sequence[
                    (child >= tmin) & (child < tmax)].data
                tmin = coards.format(start, units)
                tmax = coards.format(end, units)
                sequence.data = sequence[
                    (child >= tmin) & (child <= tmax)].data

    return sequence
        def serialize(dataset):
            grids = [grid for grid in walk(dataset, GridType) if is_valid(grid, dataset)]

            # Set global lon/lat ranges.
                lon_range = self.cache.get_value('lon_range')
            except (KeyError, AttributeError):
                    lon_range = dataset.attributes['NC_GLOBAL']['lon_range']
                except KeyError:
                    lon_range = [np.inf, -np.inf]
                    for grid in grids:
                        lon = np.asarray(get_lon(grid, dataset)[:])
                        lon_range[0] = min(lon_range[0], np.min(lon))
                        lon_range[1] = max(lon_range[1], np.max(lon))
                if self.cache:
                    self.cache.set_value('lon_range', lon_range)
                lat_range = self.cache.get_value('lat_range')
            except (KeyError, AttributeError):
                    lat_range = dataset.attributes['NC_GLOBAL']['lat_range']
                except KeyError:
                    lat_range = [np.inf, -np.inf]
                    for grid in grids:
                        lat = np.asarray(get_lat(grid, dataset)[:])
                        lat_range[0] = min(lat_range[0], np.min(lat))
                        lat_range[1] = max(lat_range[1], np.max(lat))
                if self.cache:
                    self.cache.set_value('lat_range', lat_range)

            # Remove ``REQUEST=GetCapabilites`` from query string.
            location = construct_url(environ, with_query_string=True)
            base = location.split('REQUEST=')[0].rstrip('?&')

            context = {
                    'dataset': dataset,
                    'location': base,
                    'layers': grids,
                    'lon_range': lon_range,
                    'lat_range': lat_range,
            # Load the template using the specified renderer, or fallback to the 
            # default template since most of the people won't bother installing
            # and/or creating a capabilities template -- this guarantees that the
            # response will work out of the box.
                renderer = environ['pydap.renderer']
                template = renderer.loader('capabilities.xml')
            except (KeyError, TemplateNotFound):
                renderer = self.renderer
                template = renderer.loader('capabilities.xml')

            output = renderer.render(template, context, output_format='text/xml')
            if hasattr(dataset, 'close'): dataset.close()
            return [output.encode('utf-8')]
def apply_projection(projection, dataset):
    Apply a given projection to a dataset.

    The function returns a new dataset object, after applying the projection to
    the original dataset.

    out = DatasetType(name=dataset.name, attributes=dataset.attributes)

    debug('in apply_projection')
    for var in projection:
        debug("Looping over %s", var)
        target, template = out, dataset
        while var:
            name, slice_ = var.pop(0)
            # FIXME: Need more checks for whether the projection is valid or not
            candidate = template[name]
            # apply slice
            if slice_:
                debug("Slicing %s with slice %s", name, slice_)
                if isinstance(candidate, BaseType):
                    candidate.data = candidate[slice_]
                elif isinstance(candidate, SequenceType):
                    candidate = candidate[slice_[0]]
                elif isinstance(candidate, GridType):
                    if len(candidate.maps) != len(slice_):
                        raise HTTPBadRequest("Attempt to slice grid with %d maps with slice (%s) of length %d" %
                                         (len(candidate.maps), slice_, len(slice_)))
                    candidate = candidate[slice_]

            # handle structures
            if isinstance(candidate, StructureType):
                debug("instance is a StructureType")
                # add variable to target
                if name not in target.keys():
                    if var:
                        # if there are more children to add we need to clear the
                        # candidate so it has only explicitly added children; 
                        # also, Grids are degenerated into Structures
                        if isinstance(candidate, GridType):
                            candidate = StructureType(candidate.name, candidate.attributes)
                        candidate._keys = []
                    target[name] = candidate
                target, template = target[name], template[name]
                target[name] = candidate

    # fix sequence data, including only variables that are in the sequence
    for seq in walk(out, SequenceType):
        seq.data = get_var(dataset, seq.id)[tuple(seq.keys())].data

    debug('out of apply_projection()')
    return out
    def serialize(dataset):
        buf = StringIO()
        mdict = {dataset.name: {}}
        target = mdict[dataset.name]

        # Global attributes. We need to skip empty dictionaries since savemat
        # doesn't work with them.
        if dataset.attributes:
            target['attributes'] = dataset.attributes.copy()

        # Gridded data.
        for grid in walk(dataset, GridType):
            target = mdict[dataset.name][grid.name] = {}
            # Add dimensions.
            for map_ in grid.maps.values():
                target[map_.name] = {
                    'data': numpy.asarray(map_, dtype='f'),
                if map_.attributes:
                    target[map_.name]['attributes'] = map_.attributes.copy()
            # Add the var.
            target[grid.array.name] = {
                'data': numpy.asarray(grid.array, dtype='f'),
            if grid.array.attributes:
                       name]['attributes'] = grid.array.attributes.copy()

        # Sequences.
        for seq in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
            target = mdict[dataset.name][seq.name] = {}
            # Add vars.
            for child in seq.walk():
                target[child.name] = {
                    'data': numpy.fromiter(child.data, child.type.typecode),
                if child.attributes:
                    target[child.name]['attributes'] = child.attributes.copy()

        savemat(buf, mdict)
        return [buf.getvalue()]
 def _set_data(self, data):
     if isinstance(data, SequenceData):
         self._data = data
         for var in walk(self, (BaseType, SequenceType)):
             if var is not self:
                 id_ = var.id[len(self.id)+1:]
                 var.data = data[id_]
         self._data = None
         for i, var in enumerate(self.walk()):
             var.data = numpy.asarray(
                     get_row(data, i, self._nesting_level), 'O')
        def serialize(dataset):
            fig = Figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
            ax = fig.add_axes([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0])

            # Set transparent background; found through http://sparkplot.org/browser/sparkplot.py.
            if asbool(query.get('TRANSPARENT', 'true')):
            # Plot requested grids (or all if none requested).
            layers = [layer for layer in query.get('LAYERS', '').split(',')
                    if layer] or [var.id for var in walk(dataset, GridType)]
            for layer in layers:
                names = [dataset] + layer.split('.')
                grid = reduce(operator.getitem, names)
                if is_valid(grid, dataset):
                    self._plot_grid(dataset, grid, time, bbox, (w, h), ax, cmap)

            # Save to buffer.
            ax.axis( [bbox[0], bbox[2], bbox[1], bbox[3]] )
            canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
            output = StringIO() 
            # Optionally convert to paletted png
            paletted = asbool(environ.get('pydap.responses.wms.paletted', 'false'))
            if paletted:
                # Read image
                buf, size = canvas.print_to_buffer()
                im = Image.frombuffer('RGBA', size, buf, 'raw', 'RGBA', 0, 1)
                # Find number of colors
                colors = im.getcolors(256)
                # Only convert if the number of colors is less than 256
                if colors is not None:
                    ncolors = len(colors)
                    # Get alpha band
                    alpha = im.split()[-1]
                    # Convert to paletted image
                    im = im.convert("RGB")
                    im = im.convert("P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=ncolors)
                    # Set all pixel values below ncolors to 1 and the rest to 0
                    mask = Image.eval(alpha, lambda a: 255 if a <=128 else 0)
                    # Paste the color of index ncolors and use alpha as a mask
                    im.paste(ncolors, mask)
                    # Truncate palette to actual size to save space
                    im.palette.palette = im.palette.palette[:3*(ncolors+1)]
                    im.save(output, 'png', optimize=False, transparency=ncolors)
            if hasattr(dataset, 'close'): dataset.close()
            return [ output.getvalue() ]
def apply_projection(projection, dataset):
    """Apply a given projection to a dataset.

    This function builds and returns a new dataset by adding those variables
    that were requested on the projection.

    out = DatasetType(name=dataset.name, attributes=dataset.attributes)

    # first collect all the variables
    for p in projection:
        target, template = out, dataset
        for i, (name, slice_) in enumerate(p):
            candidate = template[name]

            # add variable to target
            if isinstance(candidate, StructureType):
                if name not in target.keys():
                    if i < len(p) - 1:
                        # if there are more children to add we need to clear
                        # the candidate so it has only explicitly added
                        # children; also, Grids are degenerated into Structures
                        if isinstance(candidate, GridType):
                            candidate = StructureType(candidate.name,
                        candidate._keys = []
                    target[name] = candidate
                target, template = target[name], template[name]
                target[name] = candidate

    # fix sequence data to include only variables that are in the sequence
    for seq in walk(out, SequenceType):
        seq.data = get_var(dataset, seq.id)[tuple(seq.keys())].data

    # apply slices
    for p in projection:
        target = out
        for name, slice_ in p:
            target, parent = target[name], target

            if slice_:
                if isinstance(target, BaseType):
                    target.data = target[slice_]
                elif isinstance(target, SequenceType):
                    parent[name] = target[slice_[0]]
                elif isinstance(target, GridType):
                    parent[name] = target[slice_]
                    raise ConstraintExpressionError("Invalid projection!")

    return out
def apply_projection(projection, dataset):
    """Apply a given projection to a dataset.

    This function builds and returns a new dataset by adding those variables
    that were requested on the projection.

    out = DatasetType(name=dataset.name, attributes=dataset.attributes)

    # first collect all the variables
    for p in projection:
        target, template = out, dataset
        for i, (name, slice_) in enumerate(p):
            candidate = template[name]

            # add variable to target
            if isinstance(candidate, StructureType):
                if name not in target.keys():
                    if i < len(p) - 1:
                        # if there are more children to add we need to clear
                        # the candidate so it has only explicitly added
                        # children; also, Grids are degenerated into Structures
                        if isinstance(candidate, GridType):
                            candidate = StructureType(
                                candidate.name, candidate.attributes)
                        candidate._keys = []
                    target[name] = candidate
                target, template = target[name], template[name]
                target[name] = candidate

    # fix sequence data to include only variables that are in the sequence
    for seq in walk(out, SequenceType):
        seq.data = get_var(dataset, seq.id)[tuple(seq.keys())].data

    # apply slices
    for p in projection:
        target = out
        for name, slice_ in p:
            target, parent = target[name], target

            if slice_:
                if isinstance(target, BaseType):
                    target.data = target[slice_]
                elif isinstance(target, SequenceType):
                    parent[name] = target[slice_[0]]
                elif isinstance(target, GridType):
                    parent[name] = target[slice_]
                    raise ConstraintExpressionError("Invalid projection!")

    return out
def wrap_arrayterator(dataset, size):
    Wrap `BaseType` objects in an Arrayterator.

    Since the buffer size of the Arrayterator is in elements, not bytes, we 
    convert according to the data item size.

    for var in walk(dataset, BaseType):
        elements = size // var.data.dtype.itemsize
        var.data = Arrayterator(var.data, elements)

    return dataset
def apply_selection(selection, dataset):
    Apply a given selection to a dataset, modifying it inplace.

    for seq in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
        # apply only relevant selections
        conditions = [condition for condition in selection
                if re.match('%s\.[^\.]+(<=|<|>=|>|=|!=)' % re.escape(seq.id), condition)]
        for condition in conditions:
            id1, op, id2 = parse_selection(condition, dataset)
            seq.data = seq[ op(id1, id2) ].data
    return dataset
文件: lib.py 项目: lukecampbell/pydap
def apply_selection(selection, dataset):
    Apply a given selection to a dataset, modifying it inplace.

    for seq in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
        # apply only relevant selections
        conditions = [
            condition for condition in selection
            if re.match('%s\.[^\.]+(<=|<|>=|>|=|!=)' %
                        re.escape(seq.id), condition)
        for condition in conditions:
            id1, op, id2 = parse_selection(condition, dataset)
            seq.data = seq[op(id1, id2)].data
    return dataset
文件: lib.py 项目: lukecampbell/pydap
def apply_projection(projection, dataset):
    Apply a given projection to a dataset.

    The function returns a new dataset object, after applying the projection to
    the original dataset.

    out = DatasetType(name=dataset.name, attributes=dataset.attributes)

    for var in projection:
        target, template = out, dataset
        while var:
            name, slice_ = var.pop(0)
            candidate = template[name]

            # apply slice
            if slice_:
                if isinstance(candidate, BaseType):
                    candidate.data = candidate[slice_]
                elif isinstance(candidate, SequenceType):
                    candidate = candidate[slice_[0]]
                elif isinstance(candidate, GridType):
                    candidate = candidate[slice_]

            # handle structures
            if isinstance(candidate, StructureType):
                # add variable to target
                if name not in target.keys():
                    if var:
                        # if there are more children to add we need to clear the
                        # candidate so it has only explicitly added children;
                        # also, Grids are degenerated into Structures
                        if isinstance(candidate, GridType):
                            candidate = StructureType(candidate.name,
                        candidate._keys = []
                    target[name] = candidate
                target, template = target[name], template[name]
                target[name] = candidate

    # fix sequence data, including only variables that are in the sequence
    for seq in walk(out, SequenceType):
        seq.data = get_var(dataset, seq.id)[tuple(seq.keys())].data

    return out
文件: cache.py 项目: hyoklee/pydap
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        req = Request(environ)
        if "." in req.path_info:
            basename, response = req.path_info.rsplit(".", 1)
            basename, response = req.path_info, None

        # cache a local copy
        if response in self.responses:
            url = urljoin(self.url, basename)
            dataset = open_url(url)
            cachepath = os.path.join(self.cachedir, basename.replace("/", "_"))

            # here we an use mstat to check the mtime of the file, and
            # do a HEAD on the dataset to compare with Last-Modified header
            r = requests.head(url + ".dods")
            if "last-modified" in r.headers:
                last_modified = time.mktime(parsedate(r.headers["last-modified"]))
                mtime = time.mktime(time.localtime(os.stat(cachepath)[ST_MTIME]))
                if last_modified > mtime:

            # replace data with a caching version
            for var in walk(dataset, BaseType):
                var.data = CachingArrayProxy(
            # for var in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
            #    var.data = CachingSequenceProxy(
            #            cachepath,
            #            var.id,
            #            var.data.url, var.data.slice, var.data._slice, var.data.children)

            app = SimpleHandler(dataset)
        # pass this upstream
            app = Proxy(self.url)

        return app(environ, start_response)
    def __iter__(self):
        dataset = self.dataset
        #buf = StringIO()
        buf = BytesIO()
        wb = Workbook()
        #ws = wb.create_sheet('Global attributes')
        #write_metadata(ws, self.dataset, 0, 0)

        for seq in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
            ws = wb.create_sheet(seq.id)

            # add header
            #            for j, var_ in enumerate(seq.keys()):
            #                ws.write(0, j, var_)

            # add data
            for i, row in enumerate(seq.data):
                #for j, value in enumerate(seq.data):
                #for j, value in enumerate(row):
                ws.append([value for value in row])
                #ws.write(i+1, j, value)

            # add var metadata
            #n = 0
            #j = len(seq.keys())+1
            #for child in seq.walk():
            #ws.write_merge(n, n, j, j+1, child.name, HEADER)

#                ws.write(n, n, j, j+1, child.name, HEADER)
#                n = write_metadata(ws, child, n+1, j)+1
#    pass
        yield buf.getvalue()
        return [buf.getvalue()]

        #        df = pd.DataFrame({'foo':[1,2,3,4], 'bar':[54,32,91, 57]})
        #        temp_file = tempfile.NamedTempFile()
        #        df.to_excel(temp_file)

        return [buf.getvalue()]

        with open(temp_file, 'rb') as f:
            yield f.read()
文件: lib.py 项目: lukecampbell/pydap
def apply_projection(projection, dataset):
    Apply a given projection to a dataset.

    The function returns a new dataset object, after applying the projection to
    the original dataset.

    out = DatasetType(name=dataset.name, attributes=dataset.attributes)

    for var in projection:
        target, template = out, dataset
        while var:
            name, slice_ = var.pop(0)
            candidate = template[name]
            # apply slice
            if slice_:
                if isinstance(candidate, BaseType):
                    candidate.data = candidate[slice_]
                elif isinstance(candidate, SequenceType):
                    candidate = candidate[slice_[0]]
                elif isinstance(candidate, GridType):
                    candidate = candidate[slice_]

            # handle structures
            if isinstance(candidate, StructureType):
                # add variable to target
                if name not in target.keys():
                    if var:
                        # if there are more children to add we need to clear the
                        # candidate so it has only explicitly added children; 
                        # also, Grids are degenerated into Structures
                        if isinstance(candidate, GridType):
                            candidate = StructureType(candidate.name, candidate.attributes)
                        candidate._keys = []
                    target[name] = candidate
                target, template = target[name], template[name]
                target[name] = candidate

    # fix sequence data, including only variables that are in the sequence
    for seq in walk(out, SequenceType):
        seq.data = get_var(dataset, seq.id)[tuple(seq.keys())].data

    return out
    def __init__(self, dataset):

        if not dataset:
            raise HTTPBadRequest("The ArcASCII Grid (aaigrid) response did not receive required dataset parameter")

        # We will (should?) always get a _DatasetType_ and should use pydap.lib.walk to walk through all of the Grids
        self.grids = walk(dataset, GridType)
        if not self.grids:
            raise HTTPBadRequest("The ArcASCII Grid (aaigrid) response only supports GridTypes, yet none are included in the requested dataset: {}".format(dataset))

        for grid in self.grids:
            l = len(grid.maps)
            if l not in (2, 3):
                raise HTTPBadRequest("The ArcASCII Grid (aaigrid) response only supports Grids with 2 or 3 dimensions, but one of the requested grids contains {} dimension{}".format(l, 's' if l > 1 else ''))
            except Exception, e:
                raise HTTPBadRequest("The ArcASCII Grid (aaigrid) response could not detect the grid transform for grid {}: {}".format(grid.name, e.message))
    def test_body(self):
        """Test the HTML response.

        We use BeautifulSoup to parse the response, and check for some
        elements that should be there.

        res = self.app.get('/.html')
        soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, "html.parser")

        self.assertEqual(soup.title.string, "Dataset http://localhost/.html")
        self.assertEqual(soup.form["action"], "http://localhost/.html")
        self.assertEqual(soup.form["method"], "POST")

        # check that all variables are present
        ids = [var.id for var in walk(VerySimpleSequence)]
        for h2, id_ in zip(soup.find_all("h2"), ids):
            self.assertEqual(h2.string, id_)
def wrap_arrayterator(dataset, size):
    """Wrap `BaseType` objects in an Arrayterator.

    This function is used to optimize access to huge datasets. It returns a new
    dataset with data wrapped in Arrayterators. This way the data is read in
    blocks instead of buffering everything in memory.

    Since the buffer size of the Arrayterator is in elements, not bytes, we
    convert according to the data item size.

    for var in walk(dataset, BaseType):
        if (not isinstance(var.data, Arrayterator) and
                var.data.dtype.itemsize and var.data.shape):
            elements = size // var.data.dtype.itemsize
            var.data = Arrayterator(var.data, elements)

    return dataset
    def test_body(self):
        """Test the HTML response.

        We use BeautifulSoup to parse the response, and check for some
        elements that should be there.

        res = self.app.get('/.html')
        soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, "html.parser")

        self.assertEqual(soup.title.string, "Dataset http://localhost/.html")
        self.assertEqual(soup.form["action"], "http://localhost/.html")
        self.assertEqual(soup.form["method"], "POST")

        # check that all variables are present
        ids = [var.id for var in walk(VerySimpleSequence)]
        for h2, id_ in zip(soup.find_all("h2"), ids):
            self.assertEqual(h2.string, id_)
def wrap_arrayterator(dataset, size):
    """Wrap `BaseType` objects in an Arrayterator.

    This function is used to optimize access to huge datasets. It returns a new
    dataset with data wrapped in Arrayterators. This way the data is read in
    blocks instead of buffering everything in memory.

    Since the buffer size of the Arrayterator is in elements, not bytes, we
    convert according to the data item size.

    for var in walk(dataset, BaseType):
        if (not isinstance(var.data, Arrayterator) and var.data.dtype.itemsize
                and var.data.shape):
            elements = size // var.data.dtype.itemsize
            var.data = Arrayterator(var.data, elements)

    return dataset
   def get_datafile_variables(url):
      """Get datafile variables in JSON format
      Keyword arguments:
      url -- datafile remote url

      dataset = open_url(url)
      attributes = {}
      for child in walk(dataset):
         parts = child.id.split('.')
         if hasattr(child, "dimensions") and len(parts) == 1:
            isVar = False
            item = {}
            if len(child.dimensions) == 1:
               if (child.dimensions[0] != child.id
                     and child.dimensions[0] == 'time'):
                  isVar = True
                  item['dimensions'] = 1
            elif len(child.dimensions) == 3:
               if ('lat' in child.dimensions
                     and 'lon' in child.dimensions
                     and 'time' in child.dimensions):
                  isVar = True
                  item['dimensions'] = 3

            if isVar:
                  # Generates a name for the variable. Uses its long name if
                  # possible, otherwise uses the id.
                  if (child.attributes.has_key('long_name')
                        and child.attributes['long_name'] != ""):
                     item['name'] = child.attributes['long_name']
                     item['name'] = child.id

                  attributes[child.id] = item

      if hasattr(dataset, 'close'):

      out = json.dumps(attributes)
      return out
文件: das.py 项目: lukecampbell/pydap
def add_attributes(dataset, attributes):
    Add attributes from a parsed DAS to a dataset.

    dataset.attributes['NC_GLOBAL'] = attributes.get('NC_GLOBAL', {})
    dataset.attributes['DODS_EXTRA'] = attributes.get('DODS_EXTRA', {})

    for var in walk(dataset):
        # attributes can be flat, eg, "foo.bar" : {...}
        if var.id in attributes:
        # or nested, eg, "foo" : { "bar" : {...} }
                reduce(operator.getitem, [attributes] + var.id.split('.')))
        except KeyError:

    return dataset
    def get_datafile_variables(url):
        """Get datafile variables in JSON format
      Keyword arguments:
      url -- datafile remote url

        dataset = open_url(url)
        attributes = {}
        for child in walk(dataset):
            parts = child.id.split('.')
            if hasattr(child, "dimensions") and len(parts) == 1:
                isVar = False
                item = {}
                if len(child.dimensions) == 1:
                    if (child.dimensions[0] != child.id
                            and child.dimensions[0] == 'time'):
                        isVar = True
                        item['dimensions'] = 1
                elif len(child.dimensions) == 3:
                    if ('lat' in child.dimensions and 'lon' in child.dimensions
                            and 'time' in child.dimensions):
                        isVar = True
                        item['dimensions'] = 3

                if isVar:
                    # Generates a name for the variable. Uses its long name if
                    # possible, otherwise uses the id.
                    if (child.attributes.has_key('long_name')
                            and child.attributes['long_name'] != ""):
                        item['name'] = child.attributes['long_name']
                        item['name'] = child.id

                    attributes[child.id] = item

        if hasattr(dataset, 'close'):

        out = json.dumps(attributes)
        return out
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        req = Request(environ)
        if '.' in req.path_info:
            basename, response = req.path_info.rsplit('.', 1)
            basename, response = req.path_info, None

        # cache a local copy
        if response in self.responses:
            url = urljoin(self.url, basename)
            dataset = open_url(url)
            cachepath = os.path.join(self.cachedir, basename.replace('/', '_'))

            # here we an use mstat to check the mtime of the file, and 
            # do a HEAD on the dataset to compare with Last-Modified header
            r = requests.head(url + '.dods')
            if 'last-modified' in r.headers:
                last_modified = time.mktime(parsedate(r.headers['last-modified']))
                mtime = time.mktime(time.localtime( os.stat(cachepath)[ST_MTIME] ))
                if last_modified > mtime:

            # replace data with a caching version
            for var in walk(dataset, BaseType):
                var.data = CachingArrayProxy(
                        cachepath, self.tilesize, self.maxsize,
                        var.type, var.id,
                        var.data.url, var.data.shape, var.data._slice)
            #for var in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
            #    var.data = CachingSequenceProxy(
            #            cachepath,
            #            var.id,
            #            var.data.url, var.data.slice, var.data._slice, var.data.children)

            app = SimpleHandler(dataset)
        # pass this upstream
            app = Proxy(self.url)

        return app(environ, start_response)
文件: proxy.py 项目: msaunby/weather
    def __iter__(self):
        scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(self.url)
        id_ = ','.join('%s.%s' % (self.id, child) for child in self.children) or self.id
        url = urlunsplit((
                scheme, netloc, path + '.dods',
                quote(id_) + hyperslab(self._slice) + '&' + query,

        resp, data = request(url)
        dds, xdrdata = data.split('\nData:\n', 1)
        dataset = DDSParser(dds).parse()
        dataset.data = DapUnpacker(xdrdata, dataset).getvalue()

        # Strip any projections from the request id.
        id_ = re.sub('\[.*?\]', '', self.id)
        # And return the proper data.
        for var in walk(dataset):
            if var.id == id_:
                data = var.data
                if isinstance(var, SequenceType):
                    order = [var.keys().index(k) for k in self.children]
                    data = reorder(order, data, var._nesting_level)
                return iter(data)
    def __iter__(self):
        scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(self.url)
        id_ = ','.join('%s.%s' % (self.id, child)
                       for child in self.children) or self.id
        url = urlunsplit(
            (scheme, netloc, path + '.dods',
             id_ + hyperslab(self._slice) + '&' + query, fragment))

        resp, data = request(url)
        dds, xdrdata = data.split('\nData:\n', 1)
        dataset = DDSParser(dds).parse()
        dataset.data = DapUnpacker(xdrdata, dataset).getvalue()

        # Strip any projections from the request id.
        id_ = re.sub('\[.*?\]', '', self.id)
        # And return the proper data.
        for var in walk(dataset):
            if var.id == id_:
                data = var.data
                if isinstance(var, SequenceType):
                    order = [var.keys().index(k) for k in self.children]
                    data = reorder(order, data, var._nesting_level)
                return iter(data)
def open_url(url):
    Open a given dataset URL, trying different response methods. 

    The function checks the stub DDX method, and falls back to the
    DDS+DAS responses. It can be easily extended for other representations
    like JSON.

    The URL should point to the dataset, omitting any response extensions
    like ``.dds``. Username and password can be passed in the URL like::

        http://user:[email protected]:port/path

    They will be transmitted as plaintext if the server supports only
    Basic authentication, so be careful. For Digest authentication this
    is safe.

    The URL can point directly to an Opendap dataset, or it can contain
    any number of contraint expressions (selection/projections)::


    You can also specify a cache directory, a timeout and a proxy using
    the global variables from ``pydap.lib``::

        >>> import pydap.lib
        >>> pydap.lib.TIMEOUT = 60  # seconds
        >>> pydap.lib.CACHE = '.cache'
        >>> import httplib2
        >>> from pydap.util import socks
        >>> pydap.lib.PROXY = httplib2.ProxyInfo(socks.PROXY_TYPE_HTTP, 'localhost', 8000)

    for response in [_ddx, _ddsdas]:
        dataset = response(url)
        if dataset: break
        raise ClientError("Unable to open dataset.")

    # Remove any projections from the url, leaving selections.
    scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(url)
    projection, selection = parse_qs(query)
    url = urlunsplit(
            (scheme, netloc, path, '&'.join(selection), fragment))

    # Set data to a Proxy object for BaseType and SequenceType. These
    # variables can then be sliced to retrieve the data on-the-fly.
    for var in walk(dataset, BaseType):
        var.data = ArrayProxy(var.id, url, var.shape)
    for var in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
        var.data = SequenceProxy(var.id, url)

    # Set server-side functions.
    dataset.functions = Functions(url)

    # Apply the corresponding slices.
    projection = fix_shn(projection, dataset)
    for var in projection:
        target = dataset
        while var:
            token, slice_ = var.pop(0)
            target = target[token]
            if slice_ and isinstance(target.data, VariableProxy):
                shape = getattr(target, 'shape', (sys.maxint,))
                target.data._slice = fix_slice(slice_, shape)

    return dataset
文件: ssf.py 项目: lukecampbell/pydap
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        # specify that we want the parsed dataset
        environ['x-wsgiorg.want_parsed_response'] = True
        req = Request(environ)
        original_query = req.query_string
        projection, selection = parse_ce(req.query_string)

        # apply selection without any function calls
        req.query_string = '&'.join(expr for expr in selection if not FUNCTION.match(expr))
        res = req.get_response(self.app)

        # ignore DAS requests
        path, response = req.path.rsplit('.', 1)
        if response == 'das':
            return self.app(environ, start_response)

        # get the dataset
        method = getattr(res.app_iter, 'x_wsgiorg_parsed_response', False)
        if not method:
            environ['QUERY_STRING'] = original_query
            return self.app(environ, start_response)
        dataset = method(DatasetType)

        # apply selection containing server-side functions
        selection = (expr for expr in selection if FUNCTION.match(expr))
        for expr in selection:
            if RELOP.search(expr):
                call, op, other = RELOP.split(expr)
                op = {
                        '<' : operator.lt,
                        '>' : operator.gt,
                        '!=': operator.ne,
                        '=' : operator.eq,
                        '>=': operator.ge,
                        '<=': operator.le,
                        '=~': lambda a, b: re.match(b, a),
                other = ast.literal_eval(other)
                call, op, other = expr, operator.eq, 1

            # evaluate the function call
            sequence = eval_function(dataset, call, self.functions)

            # is this an inplace call?
            for var in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
                if sequence is var:
                # get the data from the resulting variable, and use it to 
                # constrain the original dataset
                data = np.fromiter(sequence)
                print data.shape
                valid = op(data, other)

                for sequence in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
                    data = np.asarray(list(sequence), 'O')[valid]
                    sequence.data = np.asarray(list(sequence), 'O')[valid]
                dataset = out

        # now apply projection
        if projection:
            projection = fix_shorthand(projection, dataset)
            base = [p for p in projection if not isinstance(p, basestring)] 
            func = [p for p in projection if isinstance(p, basestring)] 

            # apply non-function projection
            out = apply_projection(base, dataset)

            # apply function projection
            for call in func:
                var = eval_function(dataset, call, self.functions)
                for child in walk(var):
                    parent = reduce(operator.getitem, [out] + child.id.split('.')[:-1])
                    if child.name not in parent.keys():
                        parent[child.name] = child
            dataset = out

        # Return the original response (DDS, DAS, etc.)
        path, response = req.path.rsplit('.', 1)
        res = BaseHandler.responses[response](dataset)

        return res(environ, start_response)
 def setUp(self):
     """Build dataset with no shared data."""
     self.dataset = copy.copy(SimpleGrid)
     for var in walk(self.dataset, BaseType):
         var.data = var.data.copy()
    def __init__(self, dataset):
        BaseResponse.__init__(self, dataset)

        self.nc = netcdf_file(None)
        if 'NC_GLOBAL' in self.dataset.attributes:

        dimensions = [
            var.dimensions for var in walk(self.dataset)
            if isinstance(var, BaseType)
        dimensions = set(reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, dimensions))
            unlim_dim = self.dataset.attributes['DODS_EXTRA'][
            unlim_dim = None

        # GridType
        for grid in walk(dataset, GridType):

            # add dimensions
            for dim, map_ in grid.maps.items():
                if dim in self.nc.dimensions:

                n = None if dim == unlim_dim else grid[dim].data.shape[0]
                self.nc.createDimension(dim, n)
                if not n:
                var = grid[dim]

                # and add dimension variable
                                       var.dtype.char, (dim, ),

            # finally add the grid variable itself
            base_var = grid[grid.name]
            var = self.nc.createVariable(base_var.name,

        # Sequence types!
        for seq in walk(dataset, SequenceType):

            self.nc.createDimension(seq.name, None)
                n = len(seq)
            except TypeError:
                # FIXME: materializing and iterating through a sequence to find the length
                # could have performance problems and could potentially consume the iterable
                # Do lots of testing here and determine the result of not calling set_numrecs()
                n = len([x for x in seq[seq.keys()[0]]])

            dim = seq.name,

            for child in seq.children():
                dtype = child.dtype
                # netcdf does not have a date type, so remap to float
                if dtype == np.dtype('datetime64'):
                    dtype = np.dtype('float32')
                elif dtype == np.dtype('object'):
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Don't know how to handle numpy type {0}".format(

                var = self.nc.createVariable(child.name,

        self.headers.extend([('Content-type', 'application/x-netcdf')])
        # Optionally set the filesize header if possible
            self.headers.extend([('Content-length', self.nc.filesize)])
        except ValueError:
    def __iter__(self):
        nc = self.nc

        # Hack to find the variables if they're nested in the tree
        var2id = {}
        for recvar in nc.variables.keys():
            for dstvar in walk(self.dataset, BaseType):
                if recvar == dstvar.name:
                    var2id[recvar] = dstvar.id

        def type_generator(input):
            epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1)
            # is this a "scalar" (i.e. a standard python object)
            # if so, it needs to be a numpy array, or at least have 'dtype' and 'byteswap' attributes
            for value in input:
                if isinstance(value,
                              (type(None), str, int, float, bool, datetime)):
                    # special case datetimes, since dates aren't supported by NetCDF3
                    if type(value) == datetime:
                        since_epoch = (value - epoch).total_seconds()
                        yield np.array(since_epoch / 3600. / 24.,
                                       dtype='Float32')  # days since epoch
                        yield np.array(value)
                    yield value

        def nonrecord_input():
            for varname in nc.non_recvars.keys():
                debug("Iterator for %s", varname)
                dst_var = get_var(self.dataset, var2id[varname]).data
                # skip 0-d variables
                if not dst_var.shape:

                # Make sure that all elements of the list are iterators
                for x in dst_var:
                    yield x
            debug("Done with nonrecord input")

        # Create a generator for the record variables
        recvars = nc.recvars.keys()

        def record_generator(nc, dst, table):
            debug("record_generator() for dataset %s", dst)
            vars = [
                iter(get_var(dst, table[varname]))
                for varname in nc.recvars.keys()
            while True:
                for var in vars:
                        yield var.next()
                    except StopIteration:

        more_input = type_generator(record_generator(nc, self.dataset, var2id))

        # Create a single pipeline which includes the non-record and record variables
        pipeline = nc_generator(
            nc, chain(type_generator(nonrecord_input()), more_input))

        # Generate the netcdf stream
        for block in pipeline:
            yield block