def metadata_index_responder(sesh, network, climo=False):
    '''The function creates a pydap csv response which lists variable metadata out of the database. It returns an generator for the contents of the file
    :param sesh: database session
    :type sesh: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session
    :param network: Name of the network for which variables should be listed
    :type network: str
    :rtype: generator
    maxlen = 256
    if climo:
        climo_filt = or_(Variable.cell_method.like('%within%'), Variable.cell_method.like('%over%'))
        climo_filt = not_(or_(Variable.cell_method.like('%within%'), Variable.cell_method.like('%over%')))

    rv = sesh.query(Variable).join(Network).filter(Network.name == network).filter(climo_filt)
    a = np.array([(var.name, var.standard_name, var.cell_method, var.unit) for var in rv],
                 dtype=np.dtype({'names': ['variable', 'standard_name', 'cell_method', 'unit'],
                                 'formats':[(str, maxlen), (str, maxlen), (str, maxlen), (str, maxlen)]})
    dst = DatasetType('Variable metadata')
    seq = SequenceType('variables')
    seq['variable']      = BaseType('variable')
    seq['standard_name'] = BaseType('standard_name', reference='http://llnl.gov/')
    seq['cell_method']   = BaseType('cell_method', reference='http://llnl.gov/')
    seq['unit']          = BaseType('unit')
    seq.data = a
    dst['variables'] = seq
    responder = BaseHandler(dst)
    environ = {'PATH_INFO': '/variables.foo.ascii', 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET'}
    return responder(environ, null_start_response)
def density(dataset, salinity, temperature, pressure):
    """Calculate in-situ density.

    This function calculated in-situ density from absolute salinity and
    conservative temperature, using the `gsw.rho` function. Returns a new
    sequence with the data.

    # find sequence
    for sequence in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
        raise ConstraintExpressionError(
            'Function "bounds" should be used on a Sequence.')

    selection = sequence[salinity.name, temperature.name, pressure.name]
    rows = [tuple(row) for row in selection]
    data = np.rec.fromrecords(rows,
                              names=['salinity', 'temperature', 'pressure'])
    rho = gsw.rho(data['salinity'], data['temperature'], data['pressure'])

    out = SequenceType("result")
    out['rho'] = BaseType("rho", units="kg/m**3")
    out.data = np.rec.fromrecords(rho.reshape(-1, 1), names=['rho'])
    return out
def density(dataset, salinity, temperature, pressure):
    """Calculate in-situ density.

    This function calculated in-situ density from absolute salinity and
    conservative temperature, using the `gsw.rho` function. Returns a new
    sequence with the data.

    # find sequence
    for sequence in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
        raise ConstraintExpressionError(
            'Function "bounds" should be used on a Sequence.')

    selection = sequence[salinity.name, temperature.name, pressure.name]
    rows = [tuple(row) for row in selection]
    data = np.rec.fromrecords(
        rows, names=['salinity', 'temperature', 'pressure'])
    rho = gsw.rho(data['salinity'], data['temperature'], data['pressure'])

    out = SequenceType("result")
    out['rho'] = BaseType("rho", units="kg/m**3")
    out.data = np.rec.fromrecords(rho.reshape(-1, 1), names=['rho'])
    return out
    def test_regexp(self):
        sequence = SequenceType("sequence")
        sequence["name"] = BaseType("name")
        sequence.data = IterData([
            ("John", "Paul", "George", "Ringo"),
        ], sequence)

        filtered = sequence[ConstraintExpression('sequence.name=~"J.*"')]
        self.assertEqual(list(filtered.iterdata()), [("John", )])
    def test_regexp(self):
        sequence = SequenceType("sequence")
        sequence["name"] = BaseType("name")
        sequence.data = IterData([
            ("John", "Paul", "George", "Ringo"),
        ], sequence)

        filtered = sequence[ConstraintExpression('sequence.name=~"J.*"')]
        self.assertEqual(list(filtered.iterdata()), [("John",)])
文件: test_model.py 项目: pydap/pydap
def sequence_example():
    """Create a standard sequence from the DAP spec."""
    example = SequenceType("example")
    example["index"] = BaseType("index")
    example["temperature"] = BaseType("temperature")
    example["site"] = BaseType("site")
    example.data = np.rec.fromrecords([
        (10, 15.2, "Diamond_St"),
        (11, 13.1, 'Blacktail_Loop'),
        (12, 13.3, 'Platinum_St'),
        (13, 12.1, 'Kodiak_Trail')], names=list(example.keys()))
    return example
def sequence_example():
    """Create a standard sequence from the DAP spec."""
    example = SequenceType("example")
    example["index"] = BaseType("index")
    example["temperature"] = BaseType("temperature")
    example["site"] = BaseType("site")
    example.data = np.rec.fromrecords([
        (10, 15.2, "Diamond_St"),
        (11, 13.1, 'Blacktail_Loop'),
        (12, 13.3, 'Platinum_St'),
        (13, 12.1, 'Kodiak_Trail')], names=list(example.keys()))
    return example
def sequence_type_data():
    Simple sequence test data
    data = [(10, 15.2, 'Diamond_St'), (11, 13.1, 'Blacktail_Loop'),
            (12, 13.3, 'Platinum_St'), (13, 12.1, 'Kodiak_Trail')]
    dtype = [('index', '<i4'), ('temperature', '<f8'), ('station', 'S40')]
    seq = SequenceType('sequence')
    seq['index'] = BaseType('index')
    seq['temperature'] = BaseType('temperature')
    seq['station'] = BaseType('station')
    seq.data = np.array(data, dtype=dtype)
    return seq
def sequence_type_data():
    Simple sequence test data
    data = [(10, 15.2, 'Diamond_St'),
            (11, 13.1, 'Blacktail_Loop'),
            (12, 13.3, 'Platinum_St'),
            (13, 12.1, 'Kodiak_Trail')]
    dtype = [('index', '<i4'),
             ('temperature', '<f8'),
             ('station', 'S40')]
    seq = SequenceType('sequence')
    seq['index'] = BaseType('index')
    seq['temperature'] = BaseType('temperature')
    seq['station'] = BaseType('station')
    seq.data = np.array(data, dtype=dtype)
    return seq
def double(dataset, var):
    """A dummy function that doubles a value.

    The value must be in a sequence. Return a new sequence with the value

    # sequence is the first variable
    sequence = next(dataset.children())

    # get a single variable and double its value
    selection = sequence[var.name]
    rows = [(value * 2, ) for value in selection]

    # create output sequence
    out = SequenceType("result")
    out["double"] = BaseType("double")
    out.data = np.rec.fromrecords(rows, names=["double"])

    return out
def double(dataset, var):
    """A dummy function that doubles a value.

    The value must be in a sequence. Return a new sequence with the value

    # sequence is the first variable
    sequence = next(dataset.children())

    # get a single variable and double its value
    selection = sequence[var.name]
    rows = [(value*2,) for value in selection]

    # create output sequence
    out = SequenceType("result")
    out["double"] = BaseType("double")
    out.data = np.rec.fromrecords(rows, names=["double"])

    return out
# A very simple sequence: flat and with no strings. This sequence can be mapped
# directly to a Numpy structured array, and can be easily encoded and decoded
# in the DAP spec.
VerySimpleSequence = DatasetType("VerySimpleSequence")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"] = SequenceType("sequence")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"]["byte"] = BaseType("byte")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"]["int"] = BaseType("int")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"]["float"] = BaseType("float")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"].data = np.array([
    (0, 1, 10.),
    (1, 2, 20.),
    (2, 3, 30.),
    (3, 4, 40.),
    (4, 5, 50.),
    (5, 6, 60.),
    (6, 7, 70.),
    (7, 8, 80.),
                                               dtype=[('byte', 'b'),
                                                      ('int', 'i4'),
                                                      ('float', 'f4')])

# A nested sequence.
NestedSequence = DatasetType("NestedSequence")
NestedSequence["location"] = SequenceType("location")
NestedSequence["location"]["lat"] = BaseType("lat")
NestedSequence["location"]["lon"] = BaseType("lon")
NestedSequence["location"]["elev"] = BaseType("elev")
NestedSequence["location"]["time_series"] = SequenceType("time_series")
NestedSequence["location"]["time_series"]["time"] = BaseType("time")
from collections import OrderedDict

# A very simple sequence: flat and with no strings. This sequence can be mapped
# directly to a Numpy structured array, and can be easily encoded and decoded
# in the DAP spec.
VerySimpleSequence = DatasetType("VerySimpleSequence")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"] = SequenceType("sequence")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"]["byte"] = BaseType("byte")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"]["int"] = BaseType("int")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"]["float"] = BaseType("float")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"].data = np.array([
    (0, 1, 10.),
    (1, 2, 20.),
    (2, 3, 30.),
    (3, 4, 40.),
    (4, 5, 50.),
    (5, 6, 60.),
    (6, 7, 70.),
    (7, 8, 80.),
    ], dtype=[('byte', 'b'), ('int', 'i4'), ('float', 'f4')])

# A nested sequence.
NestedSequence = DatasetType("NestedSequence")
NestedSequence["location"] = SequenceType("location")
NestedSequence["location"]["lat"] = BaseType("lat")
NestedSequence["location"]["lon"] = BaseType("lon")
NestedSequence["location"]["elev"] = BaseType("elev")
NestedSequence["location"]["time_series"] = SequenceType("time_series")
NestedSequence["location"]["time_series"]["time"] = BaseType("time")
NestedSequence["location"]["time_series"]["slp"] = BaseType("slp")