def log_event(self, frame):
        write_log = False
        self_obj = None
        if dict_contains(frame.f_locals, "self"):
            self_obj = frame.f_locals["self"]
            if isinstance(self_obj, threading.Thread) or self_obj.__class__ == ObjectWrapper:
                write_log = True
        if hasattr(frame, "f_back") and frame.f_back is not None:
            back = frame.f_back
            if hasattr(back, "f_back") and back.f_back is not None:
                back = back.f_back
                if dict_contains(back.f_locals, "self"):
                    if isinstance(back.f_locals["self"], threading.Thread):
                        write_log = True
            if write_log:
                t = threadingCurrentThread()
                back = frame.f_back
                if not back:
                _, name, back_base = pydevd_file_utils.get_abs_path_real_path_and_base_from_frame(back)
                event_time = cur_time() - self.start_time
                method_name = frame.f_code.co_name

                if isinstance(self_obj, threading.Thread):
                    if not hasattr(self_obj, "_pydev_run_patched"):
                        wrap_attr(self_obj, "run")
                    if (method_name in THREAD_METHODS) and (back_base not in DONT_TRACE_THREADING or \
                            (method_name in INNER_METHODS and back_base in INNER_FILES)):
                        thread_id = get_thread_id(self_obj)
                        name = self_obj.getName()
                        real_method = frame.f_code.co_name
                        parent = None
                        if real_method == "_stop":
                            if back_base in INNER_FILES and \
                                            back.f_code.co_name == "_wait_for_tstate_lock":
                                back = back.f_back.f_back
                            real_method = "stop"
                            if hasattr(self_obj, "_pydev_join_called"):
                                parent = get_thread_id(t)
                        elif real_method == "join":
                            # join called in the current thread, not in self object
                            if not self_obj.is_alive():
                            thread_id = get_thread_id(t)
                            name = t.getName()
                            setattr(self_obj, "_pydev_join_called", True)

                        if real_method == "start":
                            parent = get_thread_id(t)
                        send_message("threading_event", event_time, name, thread_id, "thread",
                        real_method, back.f_code.co_filename, back.f_lineno, back, parent=parent)
                        # print(event_time, self_obj.getName(), thread_id, "thread",
                        #       real_method, back.f_code.co_filename, back.f_lineno)

                if method_name == "pydev_after_run_call":
                    if hasattr(frame, "f_back") and frame.f_back is not None:
                        back = frame.f_back
                        if hasattr(back, "f_back") and back.f_back is not None:
                            back = back.f_back
                        if dict_contains(back.f_locals, "self"):
                            if isinstance(back.f_locals["self"], threading.Thread):
                                my_self_obj = frame.f_back.f_back.f_locals["self"]
                                my_back = frame.f_back.f_back
                                my_thread_id = get_thread_id(my_self_obj)
                                send_massage = True
                                if IS_PY3K and hasattr(my_self_obj, "_pydev_join_called"):
                                    send_massage = False
                                    # we can't detect stop after join in Python 2 yet
                                if send_massage:
                                    send_message("threading_event", event_time, "Thread", my_thread_id, "thread",
                                                 "stop", my_back.f_code.co_filename, my_back.f_lineno, my_back, parent=None)

                if self_obj.__class__ == ObjectWrapper:
                    if back_base in DONT_TRACE_THREADING:
                        # do not trace methods called from threading
                    back_back_base = pydevd_file_utils.get_abs_path_real_path_and_base_from_frame(back.f_back)[-1]
                    back = back.f_back
                    if back_back_base in DONT_TRACE_THREADING:
                        # back_back_base is the file, where the method was called froms
                    if method_name == "__init__":
                        send_message("threading_event", event_time, t.getName(), get_thread_id(t), "lock",
                                     method_name, back.f_code.co_filename, back.f_lineno, back, lock_id=str(id(frame.f_locals["self"])))
                    if dict_contains(frame.f_locals, "attr") and \
                            (frame.f_locals["attr"] in LOCK_METHODS or
                            frame.f_locals["attr"] in QUEUE_METHODS):
                        real_method = frame.f_locals["attr"]
                        if method_name == "call_begin":
                            real_method += "_begin"
                        elif method_name == "call_end":
                            real_method += "_end"
                        if real_method == "release_end":
                            # do not log release end. Maybe use it later
                        send_message("threading_event", event_time, t.getName(), get_thread_id(t), "lock",
                        real_method, back.f_code.co_filename, back.f_lineno, back, lock_id=str(id(self_obj)))

                        if real_method in ("put_end", "get_end"):
                            # fake release for queue, cause we don't call it directly
                            send_message("threading_event", event_time, t.getName(), get_thread_id(t), "lock",
                                         "release", back.f_code.co_filename, back.f_lineno, back, lock_id=str(id(self_obj)))
                        # print(event_time, t.getName(), get_thread_id(t), "lock",
                        #       real_method, back.f_code.co_filename, back.f_lineno)

        except Exception:
    def log_event(self, frame):
        write_log = False
        self_obj = None
        if "self" in frame.f_locals:
            self_obj = frame.f_locals["self"]
            if isinstance(self_obj, threading.Thread) or self_obj.__class__ == ObjectWrapper:
                write_log = True
        if hasattr(frame, "f_back") and frame.f_back is not None:
            back = frame.f_back
            if hasattr(back, "f_back") and back.f_back is not None:
                back = back.f_back
                if "self" in back.f_locals:
                    if isinstance(back.f_locals["self"], threading.Thread):
                        write_log = True
            if write_log:
                t = threadingCurrentThread()
                back = frame.f_back
                if not back:
                _, name, back_base = pydevd_file_utils.get_abs_path_real_path_and_base_from_frame(back)
                event_time = cur_time() - self.start_time
                method_name = frame.f_code.co_name

                if isinstance(self_obj, threading.Thread):
                    if not hasattr(self_obj, "_pydev_run_patched"):
                        wrap_attr(self_obj, "run")
                    if (method_name in THREAD_METHODS) and (back_base not in DONT_TRACE_THREADING or \
                            (method_name in INNER_METHODS and back_base in INNER_FILES)):
                        thread_id = get_thread_id(self_obj)
                        name = self_obj.getName()
                        real_method = frame.f_code.co_name
                        parent = None
                        if real_method == "_stop":
                            if back_base in INNER_FILES and \
                                            back.f_code.co_name == "_wait_for_tstate_lock":
                                back = back.f_back.f_back
                            real_method = "stop"
                            if hasattr(self_obj, "_pydev_join_called"):
                                parent = get_thread_id(t)
                        elif real_method == "join":
                            # join called in the current thread, not in self object
                            if not self_obj.is_alive():
                            thread_id = get_thread_id(t)
                            name = t.getName()
                            self_obj._pydev_join_called = True

                        if real_method == "start":
                            parent = get_thread_id(t)
                        send_message("threading_event", event_time, name, thread_id, "thread",
                        real_method, back.f_code.co_filename, back.f_lineno, back, parent=parent)
                        # print(event_time, self_obj.getName(), thread_id, "thread",
                        #       real_method, back.f_code.co_filename, back.f_lineno)

                if method_name == "pydev_after_run_call":
                    if hasattr(frame, "f_back") and frame.f_back is not None:
                        back = frame.f_back
                        if hasattr(back, "f_back") and back.f_back is not None:
                            back = back.f_back
                        if "self" in back.f_locals:
                            if isinstance(back.f_locals["self"], threading.Thread):
                                my_self_obj = frame.f_back.f_back.f_locals["self"]
                                my_back = frame.f_back.f_back
                                my_thread_id = get_thread_id(my_self_obj)
                                send_massage = True
                                if IS_PY3K and hasattr(my_self_obj, "_pydev_join_called"):
                                    send_massage = False
                                    # we can't detect stop after join in Python 2 yet
                                if send_massage:
                                    send_message("threading_event", event_time, "Thread", my_thread_id, "thread",
                                                 "stop", my_back.f_code.co_filename, my_back.f_lineno, my_back, parent=None)

                if self_obj.__class__ == ObjectWrapper:
                    if back_base in DONT_TRACE_THREADING:
                        # do not trace methods called from threading
                    back_back_base = pydevd_file_utils.get_abs_path_real_path_and_base_from_frame(back.f_back)[-1]
                    back = back.f_back
                    if back_back_base in DONT_TRACE_THREADING:
                        # back_back_base is the file, where the method was called froms
                    if method_name == "__init__":
                        send_message("threading_event", event_time, t.getName(), get_thread_id(t), "lock",
                                     method_name, back.f_code.co_filename, back.f_lineno, back, lock_id=str(id(frame.f_locals["self"])))
                    if "attr" in frame.f_locals and \
                            (frame.f_locals["attr"] in LOCK_METHODS or
                            frame.f_locals["attr"] in QUEUE_METHODS):
                        real_method = frame.f_locals["attr"]
                        if method_name == "call_begin":
                            real_method += "_begin"
                        elif method_name == "call_end":
                            real_method += "_end"
                        if real_method == "release_end":
                            # do not log release end. Maybe use it later
                        send_message("threading_event", event_time, t.getName(), get_thread_id(t), "lock",
                        real_method, back.f_code.co_filename, back.f_lineno, back, lock_id=str(id(self_obj)))

                        if real_method in ("put_end", "get_end"):
                            # fake release for queue, cause we don't call it directly
                            send_message("threading_event", event_time, t.getName(), get_thread_id(t), "lock",
                                         "release", back.f_code.co_filename, back.f_lineno, back, lock_id=str(id(self_obj)))
                        # print(event_time, t.getName(), get_thread_id(t), "lock",
                        #       real_method, back.f_code.co_filename, back.f_lineno)

        except Exception: