def plot_gene_prediction(gene, match, data, sim_der, col_names, ensembl_to_hgnc, ax=None, **kwargs): dep = DEPlot() matching_sim = match.loc[match.train_gene == gene, 'net'].astype(str).values pred_lfc = sim_der.coefficients.loc[matching_sim] baseline = data.loc[gene, 'wt'].groupby('time').mean().values random = sim_der.coefficients + baseline random.columns = col_names random = random.unstack() random.index = random.index.set_names(['time', 'replicate']) = 'random' random = pd.concat([random], keys=['random'], names=['condition']) pred = pred_lfc + baseline pred.columns = col_names pred = pred.unstack() pred.index = pred.index.set_names(['time', 'replicate']) = 'predicted' pred = pd.concat([pred], keys=['predicted'], names=['condition']) true = data.loc[gene, ['ki']] pred = pred.reorder_levels(true.index.names) random = random.reorder_levels(true.index.names) ts_data = pd.concat([true, pred, random]) = gene ax = dep.tsplot(ts_data, scatter=False, ax=ax, legend=False, **kwargs) ax.set_title(ensembl_to_hgnc.loc[gene, 'hgnc_symbol']) ax.set_ylabel('')
def display_sim(network, stim, perturbation, times, directory, exp_condition='ko', ctrl_condition='wt', node=None): data_dir = '{}/{}/{}/'.format(directory, network, stim) network_structure = "{}/{}/{}_goldstandard_signed.tsv".format( directory, network, network) ctrl_gsr = GnwSimResults( data_dir, network, ctrl_condition, sim_suffix='dream4_timeseries.tsv', perturb_suffix="dream4_timeseries_perturbations.tsv") exp_gsr = GnwSimResults( data_dir, network, exp_condition, sim_suffix='dream4_timeseries.tsv', perturb_suffix="dream4_timeseries_perturbations.tsv") data = pd.concat([,]).T.sort_index(axis=0).sort_index(axis=1) if node: dep = DEPlot() idx = pd.IndexSlice dep.tsplot(data.loc[node, idx[:, :, perturbation, times]], subgroup='Time', no_fill_legend=True) plt.tight_layout() return dg = get_graph(network_structure) titles = ["x", "y", "PI3K"] mapping = {'G': "PI3k"} dg = nx.relabel_nodes(dg, mapping) draw_results(np.log2(data + 1), perturbation, titles, times=times, g=dg) plt.tight_layout()
def plot_genes(sub_spec, leg_spec, net_spec, matches, dde, sim_dea, tx_to_gene, net_data, ts): # genes = [top.index[29], ts.sort_values('percent', ascending=False).index[0], # ts.sort_values('percent', ascending=False).index[30]] # genes = ts.index[np.random.randint(0, len(top), size=3)] # genes = top.sort_values('grouped_e').index[:3] genes = ['ENSG00000117289', 'ENSG00000213626', 'ENSG00000170044'] w_ratios = [1] * len(genes) + [0.1, 0.1] cols = len(genes) + 2 gs_top = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(2, cols, subplot_spec=sub_spec, width_ratios=w_ratios, wspace=0.5) gs_bottom = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(1, 4, subplot_spec=leg_spec, width_ratios=[1, 1, 0.1, 0.1], wspace=0.5) gs_mid = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(1, cols, subplot_spec=net_spec, width_ratios=w_ratios, wspace=0.5) train_conditions = list( dep = DEPlot() greys = ['0.1', '0.7', '0.4', '0.1', '0.7'] conditions = ['wt', 'ko', 'ki', 'predicted', 'random'] colors = {c: idx for c, idx in zip(conditions, greys)} # colors['random'] = '0.7' three_col = ['#AA0000', '#BBBBBB', '#0000AA'] new_map = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('custom', three_col) edge_cmap = new_map pie_colors = ['#0F8554', '#E17C05', '0.2', '0.7'] train_markers = ['o', '^'] test_markers = ['d', 'X', 's'] plot_times = dde.times.copy() plot_times.remove(15) for idx, gene in enumerate(genes): with sns.axes_style("whitegrid"): train_ax = plt.subplot(gs_top[0, idx]) pred_ax = plt.subplot(gs_top[1, idx]) dep.tsplot([gene, train_conditions], ax=train_ax, legend=False, no_fill_legend=True, color_dict=colors, scatter=False, markers=train_markers) train_ax.set_title(tx_to_gene.loc[gene, 'hgnc_symbol']) train_ax.set_ylabel('log2(counts)') train_ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.0f')) train_ax.set_xlabel('') train_ax.set_xlim(min(plot_times), max(plot_times)) train_ax.set_xticks(plot_times) train_ax.set_xticklabels([]) plot_gene_prediction(gene, matches,, sim_dea.results['ki-wt'], sim_dea.times, tx_to_gene, ax=pred_ax, no_fill_legend=True, color_dict=colors, markers=test_markers) pred_ax.set_xlim(min(plot_times), max(plot_times)) pred_ax.set_xticks(plot_times) pred_ax.set_xticklabels(plot_times, rotation=90) pred_ax.set_ylabel('log2(counts)') pred_ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.0f')) pred_ax.set_title('') if idx != 0: train_ax.set_ylabel('') pred_ax.set_ylabel('') net_ax = plt.subplot(gs_mid[0, idx]) labels = ['G', 'x', 'y'] logics = ['_multiplicative', '_linear', ''] node_info = {} models = net_data.loc[matches[matches.train_gene == gene] ['net'].values] for node in labels: cur_dict = {} counts = Counter(models['{}_logic'.format(node)]) cur_dict['fracs'] = [ counts['{}{}'.format(node, log)] for log in logics ] no_in = sum(models['{}_in'.format(node)] == 0) cur_dict['fracs'][-1] -= no_in cur_dict['fracs'].append(no_in) node_info[node] = cur_dict plot_net(net_ax, node_info, models, labels, edge_cmap, pie_colors) # Add the net legend if idx == len(genes) - 1: leg = net_ax.legend(['AND', 'OR', 'Single input', 'No input'], loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), handletextpad=0.5, frameon=False, handlelength=1) leg.set_title("Node regulation", prop={'size': 24}) # Add the legends labels = {'wt': 'Wildtype', 'ko': 'PI3K KO', 'ki': 'PI3K KI'} for line in train_ax.get_lines() + pred_ax.get_lines(): label = line.get_label() try: new = labels[label] except KeyError: new = label.capitalize() line.set_label(new) train_leg = train_ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), frameon=False, handlelength=1) pred_leg = pred_ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), frameon=False, handlelength=1) train_leg.set_title('Training', prop={'size': 28, 'weight': 'bold'}) pred_leg.set_title('Testing', prop={'size': 28, 'weight': 'bold'}) # Add arrow sns.set_style(None) arrow_ax = plt.subplot(gs_bottom[0]) despine(arrow_ax) detick(arrow_ax) # Scale arrow width fig = arrow_ax.get_figure() bbox = arrow_ax.get_window_extent().transformed( fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) width, height = bbox.width, bbox.height height *= fig.dpi / 2 astyle = ArrowStyle('wedge', tail_width=height, shrink_factor=0.5) fa = FancyArrowPatch(posA=[0, 0.5], posB=[1, 0.5], arrowstyle=astyle, lw=0, color='k') arrow_ax.add_artist(fa) arrow_ax.set_title('fraction of models \n edge exists') arrow_ax.set_xticks([0, 1]) arrow_ax.set_xticklabels(['100%', '0%']) # Add colorbar norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=-1, vmax=1) cbar_ax = plt.subplot(gs_bottom[1]) cb1 = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cbar_ax, cmap=edge_cmap, norm=norm, orientation='horizontal') cb1.set_ticks([-1, 0, 1]) cbar_ax.set_title('Average edge sign')
# grouped = match.groupby('true_gene') # a = 0 # unique = 0 # for gene, data in grouped: # unique += 1 # if gene in true_dde_genes.index: # print(data) # a += 1 # print(a) # print(true_dde_genes.shape) # print(unique) # sys.exit() # print(all) dep = DEPlot() dep.tsplot(dea.voom_data.loc['ENSG00000004799', contrast.replace('ki', 'ko').split('-')], legend=False) plt.tight_layout() dep.tsplot(true_dea.voom_data.loc['ENSG00000004799', contrast.split('-')], legend=False) plt.tight_layout() # Display results display_sim(1995, -1, times, "../data/motif_library/gnw_networks/") display_sim(1995, -1, times,
raw_data = raw_data[~(raw_data < 5).all(axis=1)] # Make the Differential Expression Analysis Object # The reference labels specify how samples will be organized into unique values dea = DEAnalysis(raw_data, index_names=hierarchy, reference_labels=['condition'], time=None, counts=True) # Data can be standarized if desired # norm_data = dea.standardize() # Fit the contrasts and save the object # cont = dea.possible_contrasts() # cont[0] = 'CRE-BRaf' dea.fit_contrasts() dep = DEPlot(dea) sys.exit() # Volcano Plot x = dea.results[0].top_table(p=0.05) # sns.clustermap(x.iloc[:, :10]) genes = utils.grepl('SOX', x.index) g = sns.clustermap(x.loc[genes].iloc[:, :10]) plt.setp(g.ax_heatmap.yaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=0) plt.setp(g.ax_heatmap.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=30) sys.exit() gene = 'SPRY4' print(rh.rvect_to_py(dea.data_matrix).loc[gene].reset_index()) print([gene]) # ax = sns.boxplot(data=rh.rvect_to_py(dea.data_matrix).loc[gene].reset_index(), x='index', y=gene)
import sys import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd from pydiffexp import DEPlot from import read_dea_pickle pd.set_option('display.width', 1000) # Load the DEAnalysis object with fits and data dea = read_dea_pickle("./sprouty_pickle.pkl") # Initialize a plotting object dep = DEPlot(dea) # # dep.tsplot(['SPRY2']) # plt.tight_layout() # dep.heatmap() plt.savefig( '/Users/jfinkle/Dropbox/Justin Finkle, shared/Media/Sprouty/images/row_max_normalized_heatmap.png', fmt='png', dpi=600) # # sys.exit() # Volcano Plot x = dea.results['KO-WT'].top_table(coef=1, use_fstat=False) # dep.volcano_plot(x, top_n=5, show_labels=True)
def plot_sankey(gs, gc, ar_der, dea, e, ts_der, c_condition): # Initialize plotter dep = DEPlot() cur_ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) seg_color = Prism_10.mpl_colors[5] gene_class = 'DRG' genes = gc[gene_class] path_df = ar_der.discrete.loc[genes] # path_df = path_df[(path_df!=0).any(axis=1)] path_df.insert(0, 0, 0) path_df = path_df[(path_df != 0).any(axis=1)] path_df.columns = dea.times # recolor selected node node_color_dict = {(5, -1): Bold_8.mpl_colors[0]} print( path_df.apply( pd.Series.value_counts, axis=0).fillna(0).sort_index(ascending=False).astype(int)) cur_ax = dep.plot_flows(cur_ax, ['diff'], ['0.5'], [1], ['all'], x_coords=path_df.columns, min_sw=0.01, max_sw=1, uniform=True, path_df=path_df, node_width=None, legend=False, node_color=seg_color, node_color_dict=node_color_dict) cur_ax.set_xticklabels('') annotate_n(cur_ax, len(path_df)) cur_ax.set_ylabel('Discrete \nFC') cur_ax.set_yticks(range(-1, 2)) ts_diff_signs = sign_diff(dea, ts_der, genes, e, c_condition) # ts_diff_signs = ts_diff_signs[(ts_diff_signs!=0).any(axis=1)] ts_path_df = np.cumsum(np.sign(ts_diff_signs), axis=1) path_df = ts_path_df path_df.insert(0, 0, 0) path_df = path_df[(path_df != 0).any(axis=1)] path_df.columns = dea.times print( path_df.apply( pd.Series.value_counts, axis=0).fillna(0).sort_index(ascending=False).astype(int)) cur_ax = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0]) highlight = Bold_8.mpl_colors[0] segs = [(3, -1), (3, 0), (3, 1), (3, 2), (4, -2), (4, -1), (4, 0), (4, 1)] seg_color_dict = { 'up': {s: highlight for s in segs}, 'down': None, 'over': None } cur_ax = dep.plot_flows(cur_ax, ['diff'], ['0.5'], [1], ['all'], x_coords=path_df.columns, min_sw=0.01, max_sw=1, uniform=True, path_df=path_df, node_width=None, legend=False, node_color=seg_color, seg_color_dict=seg_color_dict) cur_ax.set_xticklabels(path_df.columns) cur_ax.set_ylim([-4, 4]) annotate_n(cur_ax, len(path_df)) plt.xlabel('Time (min)') cur_ax.set_ylabel('Cumulative Trajectory\nDifferences')
def plot_collections(hm_data, hash_data, term_data, output='show'): # Organize plot # Overall gridspec with 1 row, two columns f = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2) # Create a gridspec within the gridspec. 1 row and 2 columns, specifying width ratio gs_left = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( 2, 2, subplot_spec=gs[0], width_ratios=[hm_data.shape[1], 2], height_ratios=[1, 50], wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) gs_right = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(2, 1, subplot_spec=gs[1], height_ratios=[1, 1.5], hspace=0.25) cbar_ax = plt.subplot(gs_left[0, 0]) hidden_ax = plt.subplot(gs_left[0, 1]) hm_ax = plt.subplot(gs_left[1, 0]) hash_ax = plt.subplot(gs_left[1, 1]) gene_ax = plt.subplot(gs_right[0]) go_ax = plt.subplot(gs_right[1]) # Hide the top right axes where the venn diagram goes gene_ax.axis('off') # Initialize plotter dep = DEPlot() hm_ax, hash_ax = dep.heatmap(hm_data, hash_data, hm_ax=hm_ax, hash_ax=hash_ax, cbar_ax=cbar_ax, yticklabels=False, cbar_kws=dict(orientation='horizontal', ticks=[-1, 0, 1])) cbar_ax.xaxis.tick_top() cbar_ax.invert_xaxis() hidden_ax.set_xlabel('') hidden_ax.set_ylabel('') hidden_ax.axis('off') index_order = [ 'DEG', 'DDE', 'DRG', 'DEG∩DDE', 'DEG∩DRG', 'DDE∩DRG', 'DEG∩DDE∩DRG', 'All' ] c_index = [1, 7, 5, 9, 3, 6] colors = [Prism_10.mpl_colors[idx] for idx in c_index] + ['k', '0.5'] cmap = {gc: colors[ii] for ii, gc in enumerate(index_order)} x = term_data.reset_index(level=0) x.columns = ['gene_class'] + x.columns[1:].values.tolist() full_dist = x.copy() full_dist['gene_class'] = "All" full_dist.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) all_x = pd.concat([x, full_dist]) g = all_x.groupby('gene_class') go_ax = sns.boxplot(data=g.filter(lambda xx: True), x='depth', y='gene_class', order=index_order, ax=go_ax, showfliers=False, boxprops=dict(linewidth=0), medianprops=dict(solid_capstyle='butt', color='w'), palette=cmap) small_groups = g.filter(lambda x: len(x) < 50) go_ax = sns.swarmplot(data=small_groups, x='depth', y='gene_class', order=index_order, ax=go_ax, color='k') go_ax.plot([x['depth'].median(), x['depth'].median()], go_ax.get_ylim(), 'k-', lw=2, zorder=0, c='0.25') term_sizes = g.apply(len).reindex(index_order).fillna(0).astype(int) y_ticks = ["n={}".format(term_sizes.loc[idx]) for idx in index_order] go_ax.set_yticklabels(y_ticks) go_ax.set_ylabel('') plt.tight_layout() if output.lower() == 'show': else: plt.savefig(output, fmt='pdf')
gene_names = pd.read_csv('../data/GSE69822/GSE69822_RNA-Seq_RPKMs_cleaned.txt', sep=' ') gene_names = gene_names[['id', 'hgnc_symbol']].set_index('id').drop_duplicates() p_thresh = 0.001 scores = p_results.loc[(der.top_table()['adj_pval'] < p_thresh) & (p_results['p_value'] < p_thresh)] # Remove clusters that have no dynamic DE (i.e. all 1, -1, 0) interesting = scores.loc[ scores.Cluster.apply(ast.literal_eval).apply(set).apply(len) > 1] # print(interesting.sort_values(['score'], ascending=False).head(100)) c = (interesting[interesting.Cluster == '(0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1)'].sort_values( 'score', ascending=False)) print(c) dep = DEPlot() dep.tsplot(["ENSG00000186187", ['ko', 'wt']], legend=False) plt.title('ZNRF1') plt.tight_layout() sys.exit() for gene in c.index: dep.tsplot([gene, ['pten', 'wt']], legend=False) plt.tight_layout() sys.exit() # Heatmap of expression de_data = (der.top_table().iloc[:, :6]) #.multiply(der.p_value < p_thresh) sort_idx = interesting.sort_values(['Cluster', 'score'], ascending=False).index.values