def __add__(self, other): if hasattr(other, "seq") and hasattr(other.seq, "watson"): other = _copy.deepcopy(other) for f in other.features: f.location = f.location + other.seq.ovhg answer = Dseqrecord(_SeqRecord.__add__(self, other)) answer.n = min(self.n, other.n) else: answer = Dseqrecord(_SeqRecord.__add__(self, Dseqrecord(other))) answer.n = self.n return answer
def test_lcs(): from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord as BSeqRecord from pydna.dseq import Dseq from pydna.dseqrecord import Dseqrecord from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord from pydna.seqfeature import SeqFeature from Bio.SeqFeature import FeatureLocation, ExactPosition s = SeqRecord(Seq("GGATCC")) expected = SeqFeature() expected.__dict__ = { "location": FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(0), ExactPosition(6), strand=1), "type": "read", "id": "<unknown id>", "qualifiers": { "label": ["sequence"], "ApEinfo_fwdcolor": ["#DAFFCF"], "ApEinfo_revcolor": ["#DFFDFF"], }, } assert s.lcs("GGATCC", limit=4).__dict__ == expected.__dict__ assert s.lcs(Seq("GGATCC"), limit=4).__dict__ == expected.__dict__ assert (s.lcs(BSeqRecord(Seq("GGATCC"), name="sequence"), limit=4).__dict__ == expected.__dict__) assert s.lcs(Dseq("GGATCC"), limit=4).__dict__ == expected.__dict__ assert (s.lcs(Dseqrecord(Dseq("GGATCC"), name="sequence"), limit=4).__dict__ == expected.__dict__) assert (s.lcs(Dseqrecord("GGATCC", name="sequence"), limit=4).__dict__ == expected.__dict__)
def test_format(): from Bio.Seq import Seq from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord s = SeqRecord(Seq("GGATCC")) s.format("gb") s.format("genbank") s.format("fasta")
def test_format(): from Bio.Seq import Seq from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord from Bio.Alphabet.IUPAC import IUPACAmbiguousDNA s = SeqRecord(Seq("GGATCC",alphabet=IUPACAmbiguousDNA())) s.format("gb") s.format("genbank") s.format("fasta")
def __add__(self, other): if hasattr(other, "seq") and hasattr(other.seq, "watson"): other = _copy.deepcopy(other) other_five_prime = other.seq.five_prime_end() if other_five_prime[0] == "5'": # add other.seq.ovhg for f in other.features: f.location = f.location + other.seq.ovhg elif other_five_prime[0] == "3'": # subtract other.seq.ovhg (sign change) for f in other.features: f.location = f.location + (-other.seq.ovhg) answer = Dseqrecord(_SeqRecord.__add__(self, other)) answer.n = min(self.n, other.n) else: answer = Dseqrecord(_SeqRecord.__add__(self, Dseqrecord(other))) answer.n = self.n return answer
def test___hash__(): from Bio.Seq import Seq from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord s = SeqRecord(Seq("GGATCC")) t = SeqRecord(Seq("GGATCC")) u = SeqRecord(Seq("GGATCc")) assert hash(s) == hash(t) != hash(u) assert s == t assert s != u assert s != "1" assert s < u assert not s > u with pytest.raises(TypeError): s > "3" with pytest.raises(TypeError): s < "3"
def test___hash__(): from Bio.Seq import Seq from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord from Bio.Alphabet.IUPAC import IUPACAmbiguousDNA s = SeqRecord(Seq("GGATCC",alphabet=IUPACAmbiguousDNA())) t = SeqRecord(Seq("GGATCC",alphabet=IUPACAmbiguousDNA())) u = SeqRecord(Seq("GGATCc",alphabet=IUPACAmbiguousDNA())) assert hash(s) == hash(t) != hash(u) assert s==t assert s!=u assert s!="1" assert s<u assert not s>u with pytest.raises(TypeError): s>"3" with pytest.raises(TypeError): s<"3"
def test_amplicon(): from pydna.amplify import Anneal from pydna.dseqrecord import Dseqrecord from pydna.primer import Primer template = Dseqrecord("AAAtacactcaccgtctatcattatctactatcgactgtatcatctgatagcacTTT") p1 = Primer("CCCtacactcaccgtctatcattatc") p2 = Primer("GGGgtgctatcagatgatacagtcg") ann = Anneal((p1,p2),template) prod = ann.products[0] assert repr(prod) == 'Amplicon(57)' assert prod._repr_html_() == 'Amplicon(57)' from unittest.mock import MagicMock pp = MagicMock() prod._repr_pretty_(pp, None) #assert pp.text.assert_called_with('Amplicon(57)') fig=''' 5tacactcaccgtctatcattatc...cgactgtatcatctgatagcac3 |||||||||||||||||||||| tm 55.9 (dbd) 60.5 3gctgacatagtagactatcgtgGGG5 5CCCtacactcaccgtctatcattatc3 ||||||||||||||||||||||| tm 54.6 (dbd) 58.8 3atgtgagtggcagatagtaatag...gctgacatagtagactatcgtg5''' import textwrap assert prod.figure() == textwrap.dedent(fig) assert prod.program() == prod.taq_program() assert prod.pfu_sso7d_program() == prod.dbd_program() from pydna.amplicon import Amplicon from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio.Alphabet.IUPAC import IUPACAmbiguousDNA from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord arg = SeqRecord(Seq("aaa", IUPACAmbiguousDNA())) x = Amplicon.from_SeqRecord(arg)
def test_olaps(): from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord as BSeqRecord from pydna.dseq import Dseq from pydna.dseqrecord import Dseqrecord from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord from Bio.Alphabet.IUPAC import IUPACAmbiguousDNA s = SeqRecord(Seq("GGATCC",alphabet=IUPACAmbiguousDNA())) assert "GGATCC" == str(s.olaps("GGATCC", limit = 4)[0].seq) assert "GGATCC" == str(s.olaps(Seq("GGATCC",alphabet=IUPACAmbiguousDNA()), limit = 4)[0].seq) assert "GGATCC" == str(s.olaps(BSeqRecord(Seq("GGATCC",alphabet=IUPACAmbiguousDNA())), limit = 4)[0].seq) assert "GGATCC" == str(s.olaps(Dseq("GGATCC",alphabet=IUPACAmbiguousDNA()), limit = 4)[0].seq) assert "GGATCC" == str(s.olaps(Dseqrecord(Dseq("GGATCC")), limit = 4)[0].seq) assert "GGATCC" == str(s.olaps(Dseqrecord("GGATCC"), limit = 4)[0].seq)
def test_genbankfile(): from pydna import genbankrecord gbr = genbankrecord.GenbankRecord("aaa") assert ( gbr.hyperlink == "<a href='' target='_blank'>accession</a>" ) assert repr(gbr) == "Gbank(accession)(-3)" assert ( gbr._repr_html_() == "<a href='' target='_blank'>accession</a>" ) from unittest.mock import MagicMock pp = MagicMock() gbr._repr_pretty_(pp, None) pp.text.assert_called_with("Gbank(accession)(-3)") gbr = genbankrecord.GenbankRecord("aaa", start=1, stop=2) assert ( gbr.hyperlink == "<a href='' target='_blank'>accession 1-2</a>" ) gbr_rc = gbr.rc() assert gbr_rc.strand == 2 from Bio.Seq import Seq from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord arg = SeqRecord(Seq("aaa")) genbankrecord.GenbankRecord.from_SeqRecord(arg)
def __str__(self): return ("Dseqrecord\n" "circular: {}\n" "size: {}\n").format(self.circular, len(self)) + _SeqRecord.__str__(self)
def test_stamp(): from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord from pydna.readers import read from pydna.utils import eq from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord as Srec a = SeqRecord("attt") assert a.stamp() == "SEGUID_ot6JPLeAeMmfztW1736Kc6DAqlo" assert "SEGUID_ot6JPLeAeMmfztW1736Kc6DAqlo" in a.definition assert a.stamp() == "SEGUID_ot6JPLeAeMmfztW1736Kc6DAqlo" a = SeqRecord("attt") a.description = "something" assert a.stamp() == "SEGUID_ot6JPLeAeMmfztW1736Kc6DAqlo" assert "SEGUID_ot6JPLeAeMmfztW1736Kc6DAqlo" in a.definition assert a.stamp() == "SEGUID_ot6JPLeAeMmfztW1736Kc6DAqlo" assert "something" in a.definition a = SeqRecord("attt") assert a.stamp() == "SEGUID_ot6JPLeAeMmfztW1736Kc6DAqlo" a.seq = a.seq + "a" with pytest.raises(ValueError): a.stamp() a = SeqRecord(Seq("attt")) assert a.stamp() == "SEGUID_ot6JPLeAeMmfztW1736Kc6DAqlo" assert "SEGUID_ot6JPLeAeMmfztW1736Kc6DAqlo" in a.definition assert a.stamp() == "SEGUID_ot6JPLeAeMmfztW1736Kc6DAqlo" a = SeqRecord(Seq("attt")) a.description = "something" assert a.stamp() == "SEGUID_ot6JPLeAeMmfztW1736Kc6DAqlo" assert "SEGUID_ot6JPLeAeMmfztW1736Kc6DAqlo" in a.definition assert a.stamp() == "SEGUID_ot6JPLeAeMmfztW1736Kc6DAqlo" assert "something" in a.definition a = SeqRecord(Seq("attt")) assert a.stamp() == "SEGUID_ot6JPLeAeMmfztW1736Kc6DAqlo" a.seq = a.seq + "a" with pytest.raises(ValueError): a.stamp()
def test_add_feature(): from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord as BSeqRecord from pydna.dseq import Dseq from pydna.dseqrecord import Dseqrecord from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord s = SeqRecord("tttGGATCCaaa") s.add_feature(3, 9) assert s.extract_feature(0).seq == SeqRecord("GGATCC").seq s = SeqRecord("tttGGATCCaaa") s.add_feature(seq="GGATCC") assert s.extract_feature(0).seq == SeqRecord("GGATCC").seq s = SeqRecord("tttGGATCCaaa") s.add_feature(seq=Seq("GGATCC")) assert s.extract_feature(0).seq == SeqRecord("GGATCC").seq s = SeqRecord("tttGGATCCaaa") s.add_feature(seq=Dseq("GGATCC")) assert s.extract_feature(0).seq == SeqRecord("GGATCC").seq s = SeqRecord("tttGGATCCaaa") s.add_feature(seq=SeqRecord("GGATCC")) assert s.extract_feature(0).seq == SeqRecord("GGATCC").seq s = SeqRecord("tttGGATCCaaa") s.add_feature(seq=BSeqRecord("GGATCC")) assert s.extract_feature(0).seq == SeqRecord("GGATCC").seq s = SeqRecord("tttGGATCCaaa") s.add_feature(seq=Dseqrecord("GGATCC")) assert s.extract_feature(0).seq == SeqRecord("GGATCC").seq s = SeqRecord("tttGGATCCaaa") with pytest.raises(TypeError): s.add_feature(seq=Dseqrecord("GGGGGG")) s = SeqRecord("tttATGaaaTAAggg") s.add_feature(3, 12) assert s.features[0].qualifiers["label"] == ["orf9"] from Bio.Seq import Seq from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord a = SeqRecord(Seq("atgtaa")) a.add_feature(2, 4) assert ( a.list_features() == "+-----+---------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+------+\n| Ft# | Label or Note | Dir | Sta | End | Len | type | orf? |\n+-----+---------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+------+\n| 0 | L:ft2 | --> | 2 | 4 | 2 | misc | no |\n+-----+---------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+------+" ) a.features[0].qualifiers del a.features[0].qualifiers["label"] assert ( a.list_features() == "+-----+---------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+------+\n| Ft# | Label or Note | Dir | Sta | End | Len | type | orf? |\n+-----+---------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+------+\n| 0 | nd | --> | 2 | 4 | 2 | misc | no |\n+-----+---------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+------+" ) a.features[0].qualifiers["note"] = ["AwesomeFeature"] assert ( a.list_features() == "+-----+------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+------+\n| Ft# | Label or Note | Dir | Sta | End | Len | type | orf? |\n+-----+------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+------+\n| 0 | N:AwesomeFeature | --> | 2 | 4 | 2 | misc | no |\n+-----+------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+------+" )
def test_contig(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setenv("pydna_cached_funcs", "") from pydna import contig from pydna.assembly import Assembly from pydna.dseqrecord import Dseqrecord a = Dseqrecord("acgatgctatactgCCCCCtgtgctgtgctcta", name="one") b = Dseqrecord("tgtgctgtgctctaTTTTTtattctggctgtatc", name="two") c = Dseqrecord("tattctggctgtatcGGGGGtacgatgctatactg", name="three") asm = Assembly((a, b, c), limit=14) cnt = asm.assemble_circular()[0] assert repr(cnt) == "Contig(o59)" assert cnt.detailed_figure() == str( "||||||||||||||\n" "acgatgctatactgCCCCCtgtgctgtgctcta\n" " TGTGCTGTGCTCTA\n" " tgtgctgtgctctaTTTTTtattctggctgtatc\n" " TATTCTGGCTGTATC\n" " tattctggctgtatcGGGGGtacgatgctatactg\n" " ACGATGCTATACTG\n" ) from textwrap import indent fig = """ -|one|14 | \\/ | /\\ | 14|two|15 | \\/ | /\\ | 15|three|14 | \\/ | /\\ | 14- | | -------------------------""" cnt2 = asm.assemble_linear()[0] fig = ('one|14\n' ' \\/\n' ' /\\\n' ' 14|two|15\n' ' \\/\n' ' /\\\n' ' 15|three') assert fig == cnt2.figure() assert repr(cnt2) == 'Contig(-73)' #print(repr(cnt2._repr_html_())) assert cnt2._repr_html_( ) == '<pre>one|14\n \\/\n /\\\n 14|two|15\n \\/\n /\\\n 15|three</pre>' from unittest.mock import MagicMock pp = MagicMock() cnt2._repr_pretty_(pp, None) pp.text.assert_called_with('Contig(-73)') from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio.Alphabet.IUPAC import IUPACAmbiguousDNA from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord arg = SeqRecord(Seq("aaa", IUPACAmbiguousDNA())) import networkx as nx x = contig.Contig.from_SeqRecord(arg, graph=nx.MultiDiGraph())