def test_complex_module():
    """Test that a complex module is parsed correctly."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet('''\
        __all__ = ('a', 'b'
        def function():
            def nested_1():
            if True:
                def nested_2():
        class class_(object):
            def method_1(self):
            def method_2(self):
                def nested_3(self):

    module = parser.parse(code, "filepath")
    assert list(module)[0] == module
    assert len(list(module)) == 8
def test_simple_fstring():
    """Test parsing of a function with a simple fstring as a docstring."""
    # fstrings are not supported in Python 3.5
    if sys.version_info[0:2] == (3, 5):

    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""\
        def do_something(pos_param0, pos_param1, kw_param0="default"):
            f\"""Do something.\"""
            return None
    module = parser.parse(code, 'file_path')
    assert module.is_public
    assert module.dunder_all is None

    function, = module.children
    assert function.name == 'do_something'
    assert function.decorators == []
    assert function.children == []
    assert function.docstring == 'f"""Do something."""'
    assert function.docstring.start == 2
    assert function.docstring.end == 2
    assert function.kind == 'function'
    assert function.parent == module
    assert function.start == 1
    assert function.end == 3
    assert function.error_lineno == 2
    assert function.source == code.getvalue()
    assert function.is_public
    assert str(function) == 'in public function `do_something`'
def test_complex_module():
    """Test that a complex module is parsed correctly."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet('''\
        __all__ = ('a', 'b'
        def function():
            def nested_1():
            if True:
                def nested_2():
        class class_(object):
            def method_1(self):
            def method_2(self):
                def nested_3(self):

    module = parser.parse(code, "filepath")
    assert list(module)[0] == module
    assert len(list(module)) == 8
def test_decorated_function():
    """Test parsing of a simple function with a decorator."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""\
        def do_something():
            \"""Do something.\"""
            return None
    module = parser.parse(code, 'file_path')
    function, = module.children
    assert function.name == 'do_something'
    assert len(function.decorators) == 1
    assert function.decorators[0].name == 'single_decorator'
    assert function.children == []
    assert function.docstring == '"""Do something."""'
    assert function.kind == 'function'
    assert function.parent == module
    assert function.start == 2
    assert function.end == 4
    assert function.source == textwrap.dedent("""\
        def do_something():
            \"""Do something.\"""
            return None
    assert function.is_public
    assert str(function) == 'in public function `do_something`'
def test_parsing_method_decorators(code):
    """Test to ensure we are correctly parsing method decorators."""
    parser = Parser()
    module = parser.parse(code, "filename")
    function, = module.children[0].children
    decorator_names = {dec.name for dec in function.decorators}
    assert "property" in decorator_names
def test_fstring_with_args():
    """Test parsing of a function with an fstring with args as a docstring."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""\
        foo = "bar"
        bar = "baz"
        def do_something(pos_param0, pos_param1, kw_param0="default"):
            f\"""Do some {foo} and some {bar}.\"""
            return None
    module = parser.parse(code, 'file_path')
    assert module.is_public
    assert module.dunder_all is None

    function, = module.children
    assert function.name == 'do_something'
    assert function.decorators == []
    assert function.children == []
    assert function.docstring == 'f"""Do some {foo} and some {bar}."""'
    assert function.docstring.start == 4
    assert function.docstring.end == 4
    assert function.kind == 'function'
    assert function.parent == module
    assert function.start == 3
    assert function.end == 5
    assert function.error_lineno == 4
    assert function.source == textwrap.dedent("""\
        def do_something(pos_param0, pos_param1, kw_param0="default"):
            f\"""Do some {foo} and some {bar}.\"""
            return None
    assert function.is_public
    assert str(function) == 'in public function `do_something`'
def test_function():
    """Test parsing of a simple function."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""\
        def do_something(pos_param0, pos_param1, kw_param0="default"):
            \"""Do something.\"""
            return None
    module = parser.parse(code, 'file_path')
    assert module.is_public
    assert module.dunder_all is None

    function, = module.children
    assert function.name == 'do_something'
    assert function.decorators == []
    assert function.children == []
    assert function.docstring == '"""Do something."""'
    assert function.docstring.start == 2
    assert function.docstring.end == 2
    assert function.kind == 'function'
    assert function.parent == module
    assert function.start == 1
    assert function.end == 3
    assert function.error_lineno == 2
    assert function.source == code.getvalue()
    assert function.is_public
    assert str(function) == 'in public function `do_something`'
def test_decorated_function():
    """Test parsing of a simple function with a decorator."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""\
        def do_something():
            \"""Do something.\"""
            return None
    module = parser.parse(code, 'file_path')
    function, = module.children
    assert function.name == 'do_something'
    assert len(function.decorators) == 1
    assert function.decorators[0].name == 'single_decorator'
    assert function.children == []
    assert function.docstring == '"""Do something."""'
    assert function.kind == 'function'
    assert function.parent == module
    assert function.start == 2
    assert function.end == 4
    assert function.source == textwrap.dedent("""\
        def do_something():
            \"""Do something.\"""
            return None
    assert function.is_public
    assert str(function) == 'in public function `do_something`'
def test_function():
    """Test parsing of a simple function."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""\
        def do_something(pos_param0, pos_param1, kw_param0="default"):
            \"""Do something.\"""
            return None
    module = parser.parse(code, 'file_path')
    assert module.is_public
    assert module.dunder_all is None

    function, = module.children
    assert function.name == 'do_something'
    assert function.decorators == []
    assert function.children == []
    assert function.docstring == '"""Do something."""'
    assert function.docstring.start == 2
    assert function.docstring.end == 2
    assert function.kind == 'function'
    assert function.parent == module
    assert function.start == 1
    assert function.end == 3
    assert function.error_lineno == 2
    assert function.source == code.getvalue()
    assert function.is_public
    assert str(function) == 'in public function `do_something`'
def test_doubly_nested_function():
    """Test parsing of a nested function inside a nested function."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""\
        def outer_function():
            \"""This is the outer function.\"""
            def middle_function():
                def inner_function():
                    '''This is the inner function.'''
                    return None
            return None
    module = parser.parse(code, 'file_path')

    outer_function, = module.children
    assert outer_function.name == 'outer_function'
    assert outer_function.decorators == []
    assert outer_function.docstring == '"""This is the outer function."""'
    assert outer_function.kind == 'function'
    assert outer_function.parent == module
    assert outer_function.start == 1
    assert outer_function.end == 7
    assert outer_function.source == code.getvalue()
    assert outer_function.is_public
    assert str(outer_function) == 'in public function `outer_function`'

    middle_function, = outer_function.children
    assert middle_function.name == 'middle_function'
    assert middle_function.decorators == []
    assert middle_function.docstring is None
    assert middle_function.kind == 'function'
    assert middle_function.parent == outer_function
    assert middle_function.start == 3
    assert middle_function.end == 6
    assert textwrap.dedent(middle_function.source) == textwrap.dedent("""\
        def middle_function():
            def inner_function():
                '''This is the inner function.'''
                return None
    assert not middle_function.is_public
    assert (str(middle_function) ==
            'in private nested function `middle_function`')

    inner_function, = middle_function.children
    assert inner_function.name == 'inner_function'
    assert inner_function.decorators == []
    assert inner_function.docstring == "'''This is the inner function.'''"
    assert inner_function.kind == 'function'
    assert inner_function.parent == middle_function
    assert inner_function.start == 4
    assert inner_function.end == 6
    assert textwrap.dedent(inner_function.source) == textwrap.dedent("""\
        def inner_function():
            '''This is the inner function.'''
            return None
    assert not inner_function.is_public
    assert str(inner_function) == 'in private nested function `inner_function`'
def test_doubly_nested_function():
    """Test parsing of a nested function inside a nested function."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""\
        def outer_function():
            \"""This is the outer function.\"""
            def middle_function():
                def inner_function():
                    '''This is the inner function.'''
                    return None
            return None
    module = parser.parse(code, 'file_path')

    outer_function, = module.children
    assert outer_function.name == 'outer_function'
    assert outer_function.decorators == []
    assert outer_function.docstring == '"""This is the outer function."""'
    assert outer_function.kind == 'function'
    assert outer_function.parent == module
    assert outer_function.start == 1
    assert outer_function.end == 7
    assert outer_function.source == code.getvalue()
    assert outer_function.is_public
    assert str(outer_function) == 'in public function `outer_function`'

    middle_function, = outer_function.children
    assert middle_function.name == 'middle_function'
    assert middle_function.decorators == []
    assert middle_function.docstring is None
    assert middle_function.kind == 'function'
    assert middle_function.parent == outer_function
    assert middle_function.start == 3
    assert middle_function.end == 6
    assert textwrap.dedent(middle_function.source) == textwrap.dedent("""\
        def middle_function():
            def inner_function():
                '''This is the inner function.'''
                return None
    assert not middle_function.is_public
    assert (str(middle_function) ==
            'in private nested function `middle_function`')

    inner_function, = middle_function.children
    assert inner_function.name == 'inner_function'
    assert inner_function.decorators == []
    assert inner_function.docstring == "'''This is the inner function.'''"
    assert inner_function.kind == 'function'
    assert inner_function.parent == middle_function
    assert inner_function.start == 4
    assert inner_function.end == 6
    assert textwrap.dedent(inner_function.source) == textwrap.dedent("""\
        def inner_function():
            '''This is the inner function.'''
            return None
    assert not inner_function.is_public
    assert str(inner_function) == 'in private nested function `inner_function`'
def test_simple_matrix_multiplication():
    """Make sure 'a @ b' doesn't trip the parser."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""
        def foo():
            a @ b
    parser.parse(code, 'file_path')
def test_simple_matrix_multiplication():
    """Make sure 'a @ b' doesn't trip the parser."""
    if sys.version_info.minor < 5:
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""
        def foo():
            a @ b
    parser.parse(code, 'file_path')
def test_noqa_function():
    """Test that "# noqa" comments are correctly collected for definitions."""
    code = CodeSnippet("""\
    def foo():  # noqa: D100,D101
    parser = Parser()
    module = parser.parse(code, "filepath")
    function, = module.children
    assert function.skipped_error_codes == 'D100,D101'
def test_noqa_function():
    """Test that "# noqa" comments are correctly collected for definitions."""
    code = CodeSnippet("""\
    def foo():  # noqa: D100,D101
    parser = Parser()
    module = parser.parse(code, "filepath")
    function, = module.children
    assert function.skipped_error_codes == 'D100,D101'
def test_simple_matrix_multiplication():
    """Make sure 'a @ b' doesn't trip the parser."""
    if sys.version_info.minor < 5:
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""
        def foo():
            a @ b
    parser.parse(code, 'file_path')
def test_module_publicity_with_different_sys_path(syspath, is_public,
    """Test module publicity for same path and different sys.path."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("")


    path = Path("_foo") / "bar" / "baz.py"
    module = parser.parse(code, str(path))
    assert module.is_public == is_public
def test_matrix_multiplication_with_decorators(code):
    """Make sure 'a @ b' doesn't trip the parser."""
    parser = Parser()
    module = parser.parse(code, 'file_path')

    outer_function, = module.children
    assert outer_function.name == 'foo'

    inner_function, = outer_function.children
    assert len(inner_function.decorators) == 1
    assert inner_function.decorators[0].name == 'a'
def test_module_publicity():
    """Test that a module that has a single leading underscore is private."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("")

    module = parser.parse(code, "filepath")
    assert module.is_public

    module = parser.parse(code, "_filepath")
    assert not module.is_public

    module = parser.parse(code, "__filepath")
    assert module.is_public
def test_module_publicity():
    """Test that a module that has a single leading underscore is private."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("")

    module = parser.parse(code, "filepath")
    assert module.is_public

    module = parser.parse(code, "_filepath")
    assert not module.is_public

    module = parser.parse(code, "__filepath")
    assert module.is_public
def test_module_publicity_with_private_paths(private_path):
    """Test module publicity with private path.

    Module names starting with single or double-underscore are private.
    For example, _my_private_module.py and __my_private_module.py.

    Any module within a private package is considered private.

    The same rules for publicity apply to both packages and modules.
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("")
    module = parser.parse(code, str(private_path))
    assert not module.is_public
def test_module_publicity_with_public_path(public_path):
    """Test module publicity with public path.

    Module names such as my_module.py are considered public.

    Special "dunder" modules,
    with leading and trailing double-underscores (e.g. __init__.py) are public.

    The same rules for publicity apply to both packages and modules.
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("")
    module = parser.parse(code, str(public_path))
    assert module.is_public
def test_private_method():
    """Test parsing of a private method."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""\
        class TestedClass(object):
            def _do_it(param):
                \"""Do the 'it'\"""
                # do nothing
                return None
    module = parser.parse(code, 'file_path')

    klass, = module.children
    assert klass.name == 'TestedClass'
    assert klass.decorators == []
    assert klass.docstring is None
    assert klass.kind == 'class'
    assert klass.parent == module
    assert klass.start == 1
    assert klass.end == 5
    assert klass.error_lineno == 1
    assert klass.source == code.getvalue()
    assert klass.is_public
    assert str(klass) == 'in public class `TestedClass`'

    method, = klass.children
    assert method.name == '_do_it'
    assert method.decorators == []
    assert method.docstring == '''"""Do the 'it'"""'''
    assert method.kind == 'method'
    assert method.parent == klass
    assert method.start == 2
    assert method.end == 5
    assert method.error_lineno == 3
    assert textwrap.dedent(method.source) == textwrap.dedent("""\
        def _do_it(param):
            \"""Do the 'it'\"""
            # do nothing
            return None
    assert not method.is_public
    assert not method.is_magic
    assert str(method) == 'in private method `_do_it`'
def test_private_method():
    """Test parsing of a private method."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""\
        class TestedClass(object):
            def _do_it(param):
                \"""Do the 'it'\"""
                # do nothing
                return None
    module = parser.parse(code, 'file_path')

    klass, = module.children
    assert klass.name == 'TestedClass'
    assert klass.decorators == []
    assert klass.docstring is None
    assert klass.kind == 'class'
    assert klass.parent == module
    assert klass.start == 1
    assert klass.end == 5
    assert klass.error_lineno == 1
    assert klass.source == code.getvalue()
    assert klass.is_public
    assert str(klass) == 'in public class `TestedClass`'

    method, = klass.children
    assert method.name == '_do_it'
    assert method.decorators == []
    assert method.docstring == '''"""Do the 'it'"""'''
    assert method.kind == 'method'
    assert method.parent == klass
    assert method.start == 2
    assert method.end == 5
    assert method.error_lineno == 3
    assert textwrap.dedent(method.source) == textwrap.dedent("""\
        def _do_it(param):
            \"""Do the 'it'\"""
            # do nothing
            return None
    assert not method.is_public
    assert not method.is_magic
    assert str(method) == 'in private method `_do_it`'
    def read_file(self, path, **kwargs):
        """Read file input into memory, returning deserialized objects

        :param path: Path of file to read
            parsed_data = Parser()(open(path), path)
            return parsed_data
        except (IOError, TypeError, ImportError):
            self.app.warn('Error reading file: {0}'.format(path))
        return None
def test_single_value_dunder_all():
    """Test that single value __all__ is parsed correctly."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""\
        __all__ = 'foo',
    module = parser.parse(code, "filepath")
    assert module.dunder_all == ('foo', )

    code = CodeSnippet("""\
        __all__ = 'foo'
    module = parser.parse(code, "filepath")
    assert module.dunder_all is None
    assert module.dunder_all_error

    code = CodeSnippet("""\
        __all__ = ('foo', )
    module = parser.parse(code, "filepath")
    assert module.dunder_all == ('foo', )
def test_nested_class():
    """Test parsing of a class."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""\
        class OuterClass(object):
            '   an outer docstring'
            class InnerClass(object):
                "An inner docstring."
    module = parser.parse(code, 'file_path')

    outer_class, = module.children
    assert outer_class.name == 'OuterClass'
    assert outer_class.decorators == []
    assert outer_class.docstring == "'   an outer docstring'"
    assert outer_class.kind == 'class'
    assert outer_class.parent == module
    assert outer_class.start == 1
    assert outer_class.end == 4
    assert outer_class.error_lineno == 2
    assert outer_class.source == code.getvalue()
    assert outer_class.is_public
    assert str(outer_class) == 'in public class `OuterClass`'

    inner_class, = outer_class.children
    assert inner_class.name == 'InnerClass'
    assert inner_class.decorators == []
    assert inner_class.children == []
    assert inner_class.docstring == '"An inner docstring."'
    assert inner_class.kind == 'class'
    assert inner_class.parent == outer_class
    assert inner_class.start == 3
    assert inner_class.end == 4
    assert inner_class.error_lineno == 4
    assert textwrap.dedent(inner_class.source) == textwrap.dedent("""\
        class InnerClass(object):
            "An inner docstring."
    assert inner_class.is_public
    assert str(inner_class) == 'in public nested class `InnerClass`'
def test_nested_class():
    """Test parsing of a class."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""\
        class OuterClass(object):
            '   an outer docstring'
            class InnerClass(object):
                "An inner docstring."
    module = parser.parse(code, 'file_path')

    outer_class, = module.children
    assert outer_class.name == 'OuterClass'
    assert outer_class.decorators == []
    assert outer_class.docstring == "'   an outer docstring'"
    assert outer_class.kind == 'class'
    assert outer_class.parent == module
    assert outer_class.start == 1
    assert outer_class.end == 4
    assert outer_class.error_lineno == 2
    assert outer_class.source == code.getvalue()
    assert outer_class.is_public
    assert str(outer_class) == 'in public class `OuterClass`'

    inner_class, = outer_class.children
    assert inner_class.name == 'InnerClass'
    assert inner_class.decorators == []
    assert inner_class.children == []
    assert inner_class.docstring == '"An inner docstring."'
    assert inner_class.kind == 'class'
    assert inner_class.parent == outer_class
    assert inner_class.start == 3
    assert inner_class.end == 4
    assert inner_class.error_lineno == 4
    assert textwrap.dedent(inner_class.source) == textwrap.dedent("""\
        class InnerClass(object):
            "An inner docstring."
    assert inner_class.is_public
    assert str(inner_class) == 'in public nested class `InnerClass`'
def test_class():
    """Test parsing of a class."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""\
        class TestedClass(object):

            "   an ugly docstring "
    module = parser.parse(code, 'file_path')

    klass, = module.children
    assert klass.name == 'TestedClass'
    assert klass.decorators == []
    assert klass.children == []
    assert klass.docstring == '"   an ugly docstring "'
    assert klass.kind == 'class'
    assert klass.parent == module
    assert klass.start == 1
    assert klass.end == 3
    assert klass.source == code.getvalue()
    assert klass.is_public
    assert str(klass) == 'in public class `TestedClass`'
def test_class():
    """Test parsing of a class."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""\
        class TestedClass(object):

            "   an ugly docstring "
    module = parser.parse(code, 'file_path')

    klass, = module.children
    assert klass.name == 'TestedClass'
    assert klass.decorators == []
    assert klass.children == []
    assert klass.docstring == '"   an ugly docstring "'
    assert klass.kind == 'class'
    assert klass.parent == module
    assert klass.start == 1
    assert klass.end == 3
    assert klass.source == code.getvalue()
    assert klass.is_public
    assert str(klass) == 'in public class `TestedClass`'
def test_magic_method():
    """Test parsing of a magic method."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""\
        class TestedClass(object):
            def __str__(self):
                return "me"
    module = parser.parse(code, 'file_path')

    klass, = module.children
    assert klass.name == 'TestedClass'
    assert klass.decorators == []
    assert klass.docstring is None
    assert klass.kind == 'class'
    assert klass.parent == module
    assert klass.start == 1
    assert klass.end == 3
    assert klass.error_lineno == 1
    assert klass.source == code.getvalue()
    assert klass.is_public
    assert str(klass) == 'in public class `TestedClass`'

    method, = klass.children[0]
    assert method.name == '__str__'
    assert method.decorators == []
    assert method.docstring is None
    assert method.kind == 'method'
    assert method.parent == klass
    assert method.start == 2
    assert method.end == 3
    assert method.error_lineno == 2
    assert textwrap.dedent(method.source) == textwrap.dedent("""\
        def __str__(self):
            return "me"
    assert method.is_public
    assert method.is_magic
    assert str(method) == 'in public method `__str__`'
def test_matrix_multiplication_with_decorators():
    """Make sure 'a @ b' doesn't trip the parser."""
    if sys.version_info.minor < 5:
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""
        def foo():
            a @ b
            def b():
    module = parser.parse(code, 'file_path')

    outer_function, = module.children
    assert outer_function.name == 'foo'

    inner_function, = outer_function.children
    assert len(inner_function.decorators) == 1
    assert inner_function.decorators[0].name == 'a'
def test_matrix_multiplication_with_decorators():
    """Make sure 'a @ b' doesn't trip the parser."""
    if sys.version_info.minor < 5:
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""
        def foo():
            a @ b
            def b():
    module = parser.parse(code, 'file_path')

    outer_function, = module.children
    assert outer_function.name == 'foo'

    inner_function, = outer_function.children
    assert len(inner_function.decorators) == 1
    assert inner_function.decorators[0].name == 'a'
def test_magic_method():
    """Test parsing of a magic method."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("""\
        class TestedClass(object):
            def __str__(self):
                return "me"
    module = parser.parse(code, 'file_path')

    klass, = module.children
    assert klass.name == 'TestedClass'
    assert klass.decorators == []
    assert klass.docstring is None
    assert klass.kind == 'class'
    assert klass.parent == module
    assert klass.start == 1
    assert klass.end == 3
    assert klass.error_lineno == 1
    assert klass.source == code.getvalue()
    assert klass.is_public
    assert str(klass) == 'in public class `TestedClass`'

    method, = klass.children[0]
    assert method.name == '__str__'
    assert method.decorators == []
    assert method.docstring is None
    assert method.kind == 'method'
    assert method.parent == klass
    assert method.start == 2
    assert method.end == 3
    assert method.error_lineno == 2
    assert textwrap.dedent(method.source) == textwrap.dedent("""\
        def __str__(self):
            return "me"
    assert method.is_public
    assert method.is_magic
    assert str(method) == 'in public method `__str__`'
def test_dunder_all(code):
    """Test that __all__ is parsed correctly."""
    parser = Parser()
    module = parser.parse(code, "filepath")
    assert module.dunder_all == ('foo', 'bar')
def test_raise_from():
    """Make sure 'raise x from y' doesn't trip the parser."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("raise ValueError() from None")
    parser.parse(code, 'file_path')
def test_dunder_all(code):
    """Test that __all__ is parsed correctly."""
    parser = Parser()
    module = parser.parse(code, "filepath")
    assert module.dunder_all == ('foo', 'bar')
    if len(text) > 6 and text[:3] == text[-3:] == "'''":
        return text[3:-3]
    if len(text) > 7 and text[:4] in ("u'''", "r'''") and text[-3:] == "'''":
        return text[4:-3]
    if len(text) > 2 and text[0] == text[-1] == '"':
        return text[1:-1]
    if len(text) > 3 and text[:2] in ('u"', 'r"') and text[-1] == '"':
        return text[2:-1]
    if len(text) > 2 and text[0] == text[-1] == "'":
        return text[1:-1]
    if len(text) > 3 and text[:2] in ("u'", "r'") and text[-1] == "'":
        return text[2:-1]
    raise ValueError("Bad quotes!")

parse = Parser()  # from pydocstyle

class reStructuredTextChecker(object):
    """Checker of Python docstrings as reStructuredText."""

    name = "rst-docstrings"
    version = __version__

    STDIN_NAMES = {"stdin", "-", "(none)", None}

    def __init__(self, tree, filename="(none)"):
        self.tree = tree
        self.filename = filename
"""Old parser tests."""

import os
import re
import pytest
from pydocstyle.violations import Error, ErrorRegistry
from pydocstyle.checker import check
from pydocstyle.parser import (Parser, Module, Function, NestedFunction,
                               Method, Class, AllError, TokenStream, StringIO)

__all__ = ()
_ = type('', (), dict(__repr__=lambda *a: '_', __eq__=lambda *a: True))()

parse = Parser()
source = '''
__all__ = ('a', 'b'
def function():
    def nested_1():
    if True:
        def nested_2():
class class_(object):
    def method_1(self):
    def method_2(self):
def test_indeterminable_dunder_all(code):
    """Test that __all__ is ignored if it can't be statically evaluated."""
    parser = Parser()
    module = parser.parse(code, "filepath")
    assert module.dunder_all is None
    assert module.dunder_all_error
def test_future_import(code):
    """Test that __future__ imports are properly parsed and collected."""
    parser = Parser()
    module = parser.parse(code, "filepath")
    assert module.future_imports == {'unicode_literals', 'nested_scopes'}
def test_indeterminable_dunder_all(code):
    """Test that __all__ is ignored if it can't be statically evaluated."""
    parser = Parser()
    module = parser.parse(code, "filepath")
    assert module.dunder_all is None
    assert module.dunder_all_error
def test_future_import(code):
    """Test that __future__ imports are properly parsed and collected."""
    parser = Parser()
    module = parser.parse(code, "filepath")
    assert module.future_imports == {'unicode_literals', 'nested_scopes'}
def test_raise_from():
    """Make sure 'raise x from y' doesn't trip the parser."""
    parser = Parser()
    code = CodeSnippet("raise ValueError() from None")
    parser.parse(code, 'file_path')
def test_invalid_syntax(code):
    """Test invalid code input to the parser."""
    parser = Parser()
    with pytest.raises(ParseError):
        module = parser.parse(code, "filepath")
def test_invalid_syntax(code):
    """Test invalid code input to the parser."""
    parser = Parser()
    with pytest.raises(ParseError):
        module = parser.parse(code, "filepath")