def intercepting_with_obs_avoidance(self,
        """Intercepting trajectory that avoids obs"""
        x0 = np.array(np.concatenate((p0, v0), axis=0))
        xf = np.concatenate((pf, vf), axis=0)
        prog = MathematicalProgram()

        # state and control inputs
        N = int(T / self.params.dt)  # number of time steps
        state = prog.NewContinuousVariables(N + 1, 4, 'state')
        cmd = prog.NewContinuousVariables(N, 2, 'input')

        # Initial and final state
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(state[0], x0))
        #prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(state[-1], xf))
        prog.AddQuadraticErrorCost(Q=10.0 * np.eye(4),

        self.add_dynamics(prog, N, state, cmd)

        ## Input saturation
        self.add_input_limits(prog, cmd, N)

        # Arena constraints
        self.add_arena_limits(prog, state, N)

        for k in range(N):

        # Add non-linear constraints - will solve with SNOPT
        # Avoid other players
        if obstacles != None:
            for obs in obstacles:
                self.avoid_other_player_nl(prog, state, obs, N)

        # avoid hitting the puck while generating a kicking trajectory
        if not p_puck.any(None):
            self.avoid_puck_nl(prog, state, N, p_puck)

        solver = SnoptSolver()
        result = solver.Solve(prog)
        solution_found = result.is_success()
        if not solution_found:
            print("Solution not found for intercepting_with_obs_avoidance")

        u_values = result.GetSolution(cmd)
        return solution_found, u_values.T
文件: 项目: ashBabu/pympc
def mixed_integer_quadratic_program(nc, H, f, A, b, C=None, d=None, **kwargs):
    Solves the strictly convex (H > 0) mixed-integer quadratic program min .5 x' H x + f' x s.t. A x <= b, C x  = d.
    The first nc variables in x are continuous, the remaining are binaries.

    nc : int
        Number of continuous variables in the problem.
    H : numpy.ndarray
        Positive definite Hessian of the cost function.
    f : numpy.ndarray
        Gradient of the cost function.
    A : numpy.ndarray
        Left-hand side of the inequality constraints.
    b : numpy.ndarray
        Right-hand side of the inequality constraints.
    C : numpy.ndarray
        Left-hand side of the equality constraints.
    d : numpy.ndarray
        Right-hand side of the equality constraints.

    sol : dict
        Dictionary with the solution of the MIQP.

        min : float
            Minimum of the MIQP (None if the problem is unfeasible).
        argmin : numpy.ndarray
            Argument that minimizes the MIQP (None if the problem is unfeasible).

    # check equalities
    if (C is None) != (d is None):
        raise ValueError('missing C or d.')

    # problem size
    n_ineq, n_x = A.shape
    if C is not None:
        n_eq = C.shape[0]
        n_eq = 0

    # build program
    prog = MathematicalProgram()
    x = np.hstack((
        prog.NewBinaryVariables(n_x - nc)
    [prog.AddLinearConstraint(A[i].dot(x) <= b[i]) for i in range(n_ineq)]
    [prog.AddLinearConstraint(C[i].dot(x) == d[i]) for i in range(n_eq)]
    prog.AddQuadraticCost(.5* +

    # solve
    solver = GurobiSolver()
    prog.SetSolverOption(solver.solver_type(), 'OutputFlag', 0)
    [prog.SetSolverOption(solver.solver_type(), parameter, value) for parameter, value in kwargs.items()]
    result = prog.Solve()

    # initialize output
    sol = {
        'min': None,
        'argmin': None

    if result == SolutionResult.kSolutionFound:
        sol['argmin'] = prog.GetSolution(x)
        sol['min'] = .5*sol['argmin'].dot(H).dot(sol['argmin']) +['argmin'])

    return sol
def make_multiple_dircol_trajectories(num_trajectories,
    from pydrake.all import (
    import pydrake.symbolic as sym
    from pydrake.examples.pendulum import (PendulumPlant)

    # initial_conditions maps (ti) -> [1xnum_states] initial state
    if initial_conditions is not None:
        initial_conditions = intial_cond_dict[initial_conditions]
        assert callable(initial_conditions)

    plant = PendulumPlant()
    context = plant.CreateDefaultContext()
    dircol_constraint = DirectCollocationConstraint(plant, context)

    # num_trajectories = 15;
    # num_samples = 15;
    prog = MathematicalProgram()

    # K = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1,7,'K')

    def cos(x):
        if isinstance(x, AutoDiffXd):
            return x.cos()
        elif isinstance(x, Variable):
            return sym.cos(x)
        return math.cos(x)

    def sin(x):
        if isinstance(x, AutoDiffXd):
            return x.sin()
        elif isinstance(x, Variable):
            return sym.sin(x)
        return math.sin(x)

    def final_cost(x):
        return 100. * (cos(.5 * x[0])**2 + x[1]**2)

    h = []
    u = []
    x = []
    xf = (math.pi, 0.)
    for ti in range(num_trajectories):
        prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(.01, .2, h[ti])
        # prog.AddQuadraticCost([1.], [0.], h[ti]) # Added by me, penalize long timesteps
        u.append(prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, num_samples, 'u' + str(ti)))
        x.append(prog.NewContinuousVariables(2, num_samples, 'x' + str(ti)))

        # Use Russ's initial conditions, unless I pass in a function myself.
        if initial_conditions is None:
            x0 = (.8 + math.pi - .4 * ti, 0.0)
            x0 = initial_conditions(ti)
            assert len(x0) == 2  #TODO: undo this hardcoding.
        prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(x0, x0, x[ti][:, 0])

        nudge = np.array([.2, .2])
        prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(xf - nudge, xf + nudge, x[ti][:, -1])
        # prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(xf, xf, x[ti][:,-1])

        for i in range(num_samples - 1):
            AddDirectCollocationConstraint(dircol_constraint, h[ti],
                                           x[ti][:, i], x[ti][:, i + 1],
                                           u[ti][:, i], u[ti][:, i + 1], prog)

        for i in range(num_samples):
            prog.AddQuadraticCost([1.], [0.], u[ti][:, i])
    #        prog.AddConstraint(control, [0.], [0.], np.hstack([x[ti][:,i], u[ti][:,i], K.flatten()]))
    #        prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint([-3.], [3.], u[ti][:,i])
    #        prog.AddConstraint(u[ti][0,i] == (3.*sym.tanh([ti][:,i]))[0])))  # u = 3*tanh(K * m(x))

    # prog.AddCost(final_cost, x[ti][:,-1])
    # prog.AddCost(h[ti][0]*100) # Try to penalize using more time than it needs?

    #prog.SetSolverOption(SolverType.kSnopt, 'Verify level', -1)  # Derivative checking disabled. (otherwise it complains on the saturation)
    prog.SetSolverOption(SolverType.kSnopt, 'Print file', "/tmp/snopt.out")

    # result = prog.Solve()
    # print(result)
    # print(prog.GetSolution(K))
    # print(prog.GetSolution(K).dot(control_basis(x[0][:,0])))

    #if (result != SolutionResult.kSolutionFound):
    #    f = open('/tmp/snopt.out', 'r')
    #    print(
    #    f.close()
    return prog, h, u, x
def trajopt_simulation(x0, xf, u_max=0.5):
	# numeric parameters
	time_interval = .1
	time_steps = 400

	# initialize optimization
	prog = MathematicalProgram()

	# optimization variables
	state = prog.NewContinuousVariables(time_steps + 1, 3, 'state')
	u = prog.NewContinuousVariables(time_steps, 1, 'u')

	# final position constraint
	# for residual in constraint_state_to_orbit(state[-2], state[-1], xf, 1/u_max, time_interval):
	# 	prog.AddConstraint(residual == 0)

	# initial position constraint

	# discretized dynamics
	for t in range(time_steps):
		residuals = dubins_discrete_dynamics(state[t], state[t+1], u[t], time_interval)
		for residual in residuals:
			prog.AddConstraint(residual == 0)

		# control limits
		prog.AddConstraint(u[t][0] <= u_max)
		prog.AddConstraint(-u_max <= u[t][0])

		# cost - increases cost if off the orbit
		p = state[t][:2] - xf[:2]
		v = (state[t+1][:2] - state[t][:2]) / time_interval
		# prog.AddCost(time_interval)
		# prog.AddCost(u[t][0]*u[t][0]*time_interval)
		# prog.AddCost(*time_interval)
		for residual in constraint_state_to_orbit(state[t], state[t+1], xf, 1/u_max, time_interval):
			# prog.AddConstraint(residual >= 0)
		# prog.AddCost((

	# # initial guess
	state_guess = interpolate_dubins_state(
		np.array([0, 0, np.pi]),

	prog.SetInitialGuess(state, state_guess)

	solver = SnoptSolver()
	result = solver.Solve(prog)

	assert result.is_success()

	# retrieve optimal solution
	u_opt = result.GetSolution(u).T
	state_opt = result.GetSolution(state).T

	return state_opt, u_opt
    def ComputeControlInput(self, x, t):
        # Set up things you might want...
        q = x[0:self.nq]
        v = x[self.nq:]

        kinsol = self.hand.doKinematics(x[0:self.hand.get_num_positions()])
        M = self.hand.massMatrix(kinsol)
        C = self.hand.dynamicsBiasTerm(kinsol, {}, None)
        B = self.hand.B

        # Assume grasp points are achieved, and calculate
        # contact jacobian at those points, as well as the current
        # grasp points and normals (in WORLD FRAME).
        grasp_points_world_now = self.transform_grasp_points_manipuland(q)
        grasp_normals_world_now = self.transform_grasp_normals_manipuland(q)
        J_manipuland = jacobian(self.transform_grasp_points_manipuland, q)
        ee_points_now = self.transform_grasp_points_fingers(q)
        J_manipulator = jacobian(self.transform_grasp_points_fingers, q)

        # The contact jacobian (Phi), for contact forces coming from
        # point contacts, describes how the movement of the contact point
        # maps into the joint coordinates of the robot. We can get this
        # by combining the jacobians derived from forward kinematics to each
        # of the two bodies that are in contact, evaluated at the contact point
        # in each body's frame.
        J_contact = J_manipuland - J_manipulator
        # Cut off the 3rd dimension, which should always be 0
        J_contact = J_contact[0:2, :, :]
        # Given these, the manipulator equations enter as a linear constraint
        # M qdd + C = Bu + J_contact lambda
        # (the combined effects of lambda on the robot).
        # The list of grasp points, in manipuland frame, that we'll use.
        n_cf = len(self.grasp_points)
        # The evaluated desired manipuland posture.
        manipuland_qdes = self.GetDesiredObjectPosition(t)

        # The desired robot (arm) posture, calculated via inverse kinematics
        # to achieve the desired grasp points on the object in its current
        # target posture.
        qdes, info = self.ComputeTargetPosture(x, manipuland_qdes)
        if info != 1:
            if not self.shut_up:
                print "Warning: target posture IK solve got info %d " \
                      "when computing goal posture at least once during " \
                      "simulation. This means the grasp points was hard to " \
                      "achieve given the current object posture. This is " \
                      "occasionally OK, but indicates that your controller " \
                      "is probably struggling a little." % info
                self.shut_up = True

        # From here, it's up to you. Following the guidelines in the problem
        # set, implement a controller to achieve the specified goals.

        mp = MathematicalProgram()

        #control variables = u = x 1
        #ddot{q} as variable w/ q's shape
        controls = mp.NewContinuousVariables(, "controls")
        qdd = mp.NewContinuousVariables(q.shape[0], "qdd")

        #make variables for lambda's and beta's
        k = 0
        b = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "betas_%d" % k)
        betas = b
        for i in range(len(self.grasp_points)):
            b = mp.NewContinuousVariables(
                2, "betas_%d" % k)  #pair of betas for each contact point
            betas = np.vstack((betas, b))
                betas[i, 0] >= 0).evaluator().set_description(
                    "beta_0 greater than 0 for %d" % i)
                betas[i, 1] >= 0).evaluator().set_description(
                    "beta_1 greater than 0 for %d" % i)
        #c1 = normals-mu*tangent
        n = grasp_normals_world_now.T[:, 0:2]  #row=contact point?
        t = get_perpendicular2d(n[0])
        c_i1 = n[0] +, t)
        c_i2 = n[0] -, t)
        l =[0, 0]) +[0, 1])
        lambdas = l

        for i in range(1, len(self.grasp_points)):
            n = grasp_normals_world_now.T[:, 0:
                                          2]  #row=contact point? transpose then index
            t = get_perpendicular2d(n[i])
            c_i1 = n[i] -, t)
            c_i2 = n[i] +, t)
            l =[i, 0]) +[i, 1])
            lambdas = np.vstack((lambdas, l))

        control_period = 0.0333
        #Constrain the dyanmics
        dyn = + C -
        for i in range(q.shape[0]):
            j_c = 0
            for l in range(len(self.grasp_points)):
                j_sub = J_contact[:, l, :].T
                j_c +=[l])

#             print(j_c.shape)
#             print(dyn.shape)
            mp.AddConstraint(dyn[i] - j_c[i] == 0)

        #PD controller using kinematics
        Kp = 100.0
        Kd = 1.0
        control_period = 0.0333
        next_q = q + +**2),
        next_q_dot = v +
        mp.AddQuadraticCost(Kp * (qdes - next_q).dot((qdes - next_q).T) + Kd *
        Kp_ext = 100.
        mp.AddQuadraticCost(Kp_ext * (qdes - next_q)[-3:].dot(
            (qdes - next_q)[-3:].T))

        res = Solve(mp)
        c = res.GetSolution(controls)
        return c
    def ComputeControlInput(self, x, t):
        # Set up things you might want...
        q = x[0:self.nq]
        v = x[self.nq:]

        kinsol = self.hand.doKinematics(x[0:self.hand.get_num_positions()])
        M = self.hand.massMatrix(kinsol)
        C = self.hand.dynamicsBiasTerm(kinsol, {}, None)
        B = self.hand.B

        # Assume grasp points are achieved, and calculate
        # contact jacobian at those points, as well as the current
        # grasp points and normals (in WORLD FRAME).
        grasp_points_world_now = self.transform_grasp_points_manipuland(q)
        grasp_normals_world_now = self.transform_grasp_normals_manipuland(q)
        J_manipuland = jacobian(
            self.transform_grasp_points_manipuland, q)
        ee_points_now = self.transform_grasp_points_fingers(q)
        J_manipulator = jacobian(
            self.transform_grasp_points_fingers, q)

        # The contact jacobian (Phi), for contact forces coming from
        # point contacts, describes how the movement of the contact point
        # maps into the joint coordinates of the robot. We can get this
        # by combining the jacobians derived from forward kinematics to each
        # of the two bodies that are in contact, evaluated at the contact point
        # in each body's frame.
        J_contact = J_manipuland - J_manipulator
        # Cut off the 3rd dimension, which should always be 0
        J_contact = J_contact[0:2, :, :]
        # Given these, the manipulator equations enter as a linear constraint
        # M qdd + C = Bu + J_contact lambda
        # (the combined effects of lambda on the robot).
        # The list of grasp points, in manipuland frame, that we'll use.
        n_cf = len(self.grasp_points)
        number_of_grasp_points = len(self.grasp_points)
        # The evaluated desired manipuland posture.
        manipuland_qdes = self.GetDesiredObjectPosition(t)

        # The desired robot (arm) posture, calculated via inverse kinematics
        # to achieve the desired grasp points on the object in its current
        # target posture.
        qdes, info = self.ComputeTargetPosture(x, manipuland_qdes)
        # print('shape' + str(np.shape(qdes)))
        # print('self.nq' + str(self.nq))
        # print('' + str(
        if info != 1:
            if not self.shut_up:
                print "Warning: target posture IK solve got info %d " \
                      "when computing goal posture at least once during " \
                      "simulation. This means the grasp points was hard to " \
                      "achieve given the current object posture. This is " \
                      "occasionally OK, but indicates that your controller " \
                      "is probably struggling a little." % info
                self.shut_up = True

        # From here, it's up to you. Following the guidelines in the problem
        # set, implement a controller to achieve the specified goals.

        kd = 1
        kp = 25

        from pydrake.all import MathematicalProgram, Solve
        mp = MathematicalProgram()

        u = mp.NewContinuousVariables(, "u")
        qdd = mp.NewContinuousVariables(self.nq, "qdd")
        x_y_dimensions = 2

        lambda_variable = mp.NewContinuousVariables(x_y_dimensions, number_of_grasp_points, "lambda_variable")

        forces = np.zeros((self.nq))
        for i in range(number_of_grasp_points):
            current_forces = np.transpose(J_contact)[:,i,:].dot(lambda_variable[:,i])
            forces = forces + current_forces

        leftHandSide = + C
        rightHandSide = + forces

        for i in range(len(leftHandSide)):
            mp.AddConstraint(leftHandSide[i] == rightHandSide[i])

        # Calculate Normals
        normals = np.array([])
        for i in range(number_of_grasp_points):
            current_grasp_normal = grasp_normals_world_now[0:2, i]
            normals = np.vstack((normals, current_grasp_normal)) if normals.size else current_grasp_normal

        # Calculate Tangeants
        tangeants = np.array([])
        for i in range(number_of_grasp_points):
            current_grasp_tangeant = np.array([normals[i, 1], -normals[i, 0]])
            tangeants = np.vstack((tangeants, current_grasp_tangeant)) if tangeants.size else current_grasp_tangeant

        # Create beta variables
        beta = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, number_of_grasp_points, "b0")

        # Create Grasps
        for i in range(number_of_grasp_points):
            c0 = normals[i] - * tangeants[i]
            c1 = normals[i] + * tangeants[i]
            right_hand_lambda1 = c0 * beta[0, i] + c1 * beta[1, i]
            mp.AddConstraint(lambda_variable[0, i] == right_hand_lambda1[0])
            mp.AddConstraint(lambda_variable[1, i] == right_hand_lambda1[1])
            mp.AddConstraint(beta[0, i] >= 0)
            mp.AddConstraint(beta[1, i] >= 0)
            mp.AddConstraint(normals[i].dot(lambda_variable[:, i]) >= 0.25)

        # Copying the control period of the constructor. Probably not supposed to do this...
        next_tick_qd = v + qdd * self.cont¨rol_period
        next_tick_q = q + next_tick_qd * self.control_period

        q_error = qdes - next_tick_q
        proportionalCost =
        qd_error = 0 - next_tick_qd
        diffCost =
        mp.AddQuadraticCost(kp * proportionalCost + kd * diffCost)
        result = Solve(mp)
        u_solution = result.GetSolution(u)

        u = np.zeros(
        return u_solution
class Optimization:
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.physical_params = config["physical_params"]
        self.T = config["T"]
        self.dt = config["dt"]
        self.initial_state = config["xinit"]
        self.goal_state = config["xgoal"]
        self.ellipse_arc = config["ellipse_arc"]
        self.deviation_cost = config["deviation_cost"]
        self.Qf = config["Qf"]
        self.limits = config["limits"]
        self.n_state = 6
        self.n_nominal_forces = 4
        self.tire_model = config["tire_model"]
        self.initial_guess_config = config["initial_guess_config"]
        self.puddle_model = config["puddle_model"]
        self.force_constraint = config["force_constraint"]
        self.visualize_initial_guess = config["visualize_initial_guess"]
        self.dynamics = Dynamics(self.physical_params.lf,
                                 self.physical_params.Iz, self.dt)

    def build_program(self):
        self.prog = MathematicalProgram()

        # Declare variables.
        state = self.prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=self.T + 1,
        nominal_forces = self.prog.NewContinuousVariables(
            rows=self.T, cols=self.n_nominal_forces, name='nominal_forces')
        steers = self.prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=self.T, name="steers")
        slip_ratios = self.prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=self.T,
        self.state = state
        self.nominal_forces = nominal_forces
        self.steers = steers
        self.slip_ratios = slip_ratios

        # Set the initial state.
        xinit = pack_state_vector(self.initial_state)
        for i, s in enumerate(xinit):
            self.prog.AddConstraint(state[0, i] == s)

        # Constrain xdot to always be at least some value to prevent numerical issues with optimizer.
        for i in range(self.T + 1):
            s = unpack_state_vector(state[i])
            self.prog.AddConstraint(s["xdot"] >= self.limits.min_xdot)

            # Constrain slip ratio to be at least a certain magnitude.
            if i != self.T:
                                0]**2.0 >= self.limits.min_slip_ratio_mag**2.0)
                                1]**2.0 >= self.limits.min_slip_ratio_mag**2.0)

        # Control rate limits.
        for i in range(self.T - 1):
            ddelta = self.dt * (steers[i + 1] - steers[i])
            f_dkappa = self.dt * (slip_ratios[i + 1, 0] - slip_ratios[i, 0])
            r_dkappa = self.dt * (slip_ratios[i + 1, 1] - slip_ratios[i, 1])
            self.prog.AddConstraint(ddelta <= self.limits.max_ddelta)
            self.prog.AddConstraint(ddelta >= -self.limits.max_ddelta)
            self.prog.AddConstraint(f_dkappa <= self.limits.max_dkappa)
            self.prog.AddConstraint(f_dkappa >= -self.limits.max_dkappa)
            self.prog.AddConstraint(r_dkappa <= self.limits.max_dkappa)
            self.prog.AddConstraint(r_dkappa >= -self.limits.max_dkappa)

        # Control value limits.
        for i in range(self.T):
            self.prog.AddConstraint(steers[i] <= self.limits.max_delta)
            self.prog.AddConstraint(steers[i] >= -self.limits.max_delta)

        # Add dynamics constraints by constraining residuals to be zero.
        for i in range(self.T):
            residuals = self.dynamics.nominal_dynamics(state[i], state[i + 1],
            for r in residuals:
                self.prog.AddConstraint(r == 0.0)

        # Add the cost function.

        # Add a different force constraint depending on the configuration.
        if self.force_constraint == ForceConstraint.NO_PUDDLE:
                state, nominal_forces, steers,
                self.tire_model.get_deterministic_model(), slip_ratios)
        elif self.force_constraint == ForceConstraint.MEAN_CONSTRAINED:
        elif self.force_constraint == ForceConstraint.CHANCE_CONSTRAINED:
            raise NotImplementedError("ForceConstraint type invalid.")

    def constant_input_initial_guess(self, state, steers, slip_ratios,
        # Guess the slip ratio as the minimum allowed value.
        gslip_ratios = np.tile(
                self.limits.min_slip_ratio_mag, self.limits.min_slip_ratio_mag
            ]), (self.T, 1))

        # Guess the slip angle as a linearly ramping steer that then becomes constant.
        # This is done by creating an array of values corresponding to end_delta then
        # filling in the initial ramp up phase.
        gsteers = self.initial_guess_config["end_delta"] * np.ones(self.T)
        igc = self.initial_guess_config
        for i in range(igc["ramp_steps"]):
            gsteers[i] = (i / igc["ramp_steps"]) * (igc["end_delta"] -

        # Create empty arrays for state and forces.
        gstate = np.empty((self.T + 1, self.n_state))
        gstate[0] = pack_state_vector(self.initial_state)
        gforces = np.empty((self.T, 4))
        all_slips = self.T * [None]

        # Simulate the dynamics for the initial guess differently depending on the force
        # constraint being used.
        if self.force_constraint == ForceConstraint.NO_PUDDLE:
            tire_model = self.tire_model.get_deterministic_model()
            for i in range(self.T):
                s = unpack_state_vector(gstate[i])

                # Simulate the dynamics for one time step.
                gstate[i + 1], forces, slips = self.dynamics.simulate(
                    gstate[i], gsteers[i], gslip_ratios[i, 0],
                    gslip_ratios[i, 1], tire_model, self.dt)

                # Store the results.
                gforces[i] = pack_force_vector(forces)
                all_slips[i] = slips
        elif self.force_constraint == ForceConstraint.MEAN_CONSTRAINED or self.force_constraint == ForceConstraint.CHANCE_CONSTRAINED:
            # mean model is a function that maps (slip_ratio, slip_angle, x, y) -> (E[Fx], E[Fy])
            mean_model = self.tire_model.get_mean_model(

            for i in range(self.T):
                # Update the tire model based off the conditions of the world
                # at (x, y)
                s = unpack_state_vector(gstate[i])
                tire_model = lambda slip_ratio, slip_angle: mean_model(
                    slip_ratio, slip_angle, s["X"], s["Y"])

                # Simulate the dynamics for one time step.
                gstate[i + 1], forces, slips = self.dynamics.simulate(
                    gstate[i], gsteers[i], gslip_ratios[i, 0],
                    gslip_ratios[i, 1], tire_model, self.dt)

                # Store the results.
                gforces[i] = pack_force_vector(forces)
                all_slips[i] = slips
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Invalid value for self.force_constraint")

        # Declare array for the initial guess and set the values.
        initial_guess = np.empty(self.prog.num_vars())
        self.prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(state, gstate,
        self.prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(steers, gsteers,
        self.prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(slip_ratios, gslip_ratios,
        self.prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(nominal_forces, gforces,

        if self.visualize_initial_guess:
            # TODO: reorganize visualizations
            psis = gstate[:, 2]
            xs = gstate[:, 4]
            ys = gstate[:, 5]
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            if self.force_constraint != ForceConstraint.NO_PUDDLE:
                plot_puddles(ax, self.puddle_model)
            plot_ellipse_arc(ax, self.ellipse_arc)
            plot_planned_trajectory(ax, xs, ys, psis, gsteers,
            # Plot the slip ratios/angles
            if self.force_constraint == ForceConstraint.NO_PUDDLE:
        return initial_guess

    def solve_program(self):
        # Generate initial guess
        initial_guess = self.constant_input_initial_guess(
            self.state, self.steers, self.slip_ratios, self.nominal_forces)

        # Solve the problem.
        solver = SnoptSolver()
        result = solver.Solve(self.prog, initial_guess)
        solver_details = result.get_solver_details()
        print("Exit flag: " + str(


    def visualize_results(self, result):
        state_res = result.GetSolution(self.state)
        psis = state_res[:, 2]
        xs = state_res[:, 4]
        ys = state_res[:, 5]
        steers = result.GetSolution(self.steers)

        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        plot_ellipse_arc(ax, self.ellipse_arc)
        plot_puddles(ax, self.puddle_model)
        plot_planned_trajectory(ax, xs, ys, psis, steers, self.physical_params)

    def add_cost(self, state):
        # Add the final state cost function.
        diff_state = pack_state_vector(self.goal_state) - state[-1]
        self.prog.AddQuadraticCost(diff_state.T @ self.Qf @ diff_state)

        # Get the approx distance function for the ellipse.
        fun = self.ellipse_arc.approx_dist_fun()
        for i in range(self.T):
            s = unpack_state_vector(state[i])
            self.prog.AddCost(self.deviation_cost * fun(s["X"], s["Y"]))

    def add_mean_constrained(self):
        # mean model is a function that maps (slip_ratio, slip_angle, x, y) -> (E[Fx], E[Fy])
        mean_model = self.tire_model.get_mean_model(

        for i in range(self.T):
            # Get slip angles and slip ratios.
            s = unpack_state_vector(self.state[i])
            F = unpack_force_vector(self.nominal_forces[i])
            # get the tire model at this position in space.
            tire_model = lambda slip_ratio, slip_angle: mean_model(
                slip_ratio, slip_angle, s["X"], s["Y"])

            # Unpack values
            delta = self.steers[i]
            alpha_f, alpha_r = self.dynamics.slip_angles(
                s["xdot"], s["ydot"], s["psidot"], delta)
            kappa_f = self.slip_ratios[i, 0]
            kappa_r = self.slip_ratios[i, 1]

            # Compute expected forces.
            E_Ffx, E_Ffy = tire_model(kappa_f, alpha_f)
            E_Frx, E_Fry = tire_model(kappa_r, alpha_r)

            # Constrain these expected force values to be equal to the nominal
            # forces in the optimization.
            self.prog.AddConstraint(E_Ffx - F["f_long"] == 0.0)
            self.prog.AddConstraint(E_Ffy - F["f_lat"] == 0.0)
            self.prog.AddConstraint(E_Frx - F["r_long"] == 0.0)
            self.prog.AddConstraint(E_Fry - F["r_lat"] == 0.0)

    def add_chance_constrained(self):

    def add_no_puddle_force_constraints(self, state, forces, steers,
                                        pacejka_model, slip_ratios):
            pacejka_model: function with signature (slip_ratio, slip_angle) using pydrake.math
        for i in range(self.T):
            # Get slip angles and slip ratios.
            s = unpack_state_vector(state[i])
            F = unpack_force_vector(forces[i])
            delta = steers[i]
            alpha_f, alpha_r = self.dynamics.slip_angles(
                s["xdot"], s["ydot"], s["psidot"], delta)
            kappa_f = slip_ratios[i, 0]
            kappa_r = slip_ratios[i, 1]
            Ffx, Ffy = pacejka_model(kappa_f, alpha_f)
            Frx, Fry = pacejka_model(kappa_r, alpha_r)

            # Constrain the values from the pacejka model to be equal
            # to the desired values in the optimization.
            self.prog.AddConstraint(Ffx - F["f_long"] == 0.0)
            self.prog.AddConstraint(Ffy - F["f_lat"] == 0.0)
            self.prog.AddConstraint(Frx - F["r_long"] == 0.0)
            self.prog.AddConstraint(Fry - F["r_lat"] == 0.0)
    def compute_opt_trajectory(self, state_initial, goal_func, verbose=True):
        nonlinear trajectory optimization to land drone starting at state_initial, on a vehicle target trajectory given by the goal_func

        :return: three return args separated by commas:

            trajectory, input_trajectory, time_array

            trajectory: a 2d array with N rows, and 6 columns. See simulate_states_over_time for more documentation.
            input_trajectory: a 2d array with N-1 row, and 4 columns. See simulate_states_over_time for more documentation.
            time_array: an array with N rows. 
        # initialize math program
        import time
        start_time = time.time()
        mp = MathematicalProgram()
        num_time_steps = 40

        booster = mp.NewContinuousVariables(3, "booster_0")
        booster_over_time = booster[np.newaxis, :]

        state = mp.NewContinuousVariables(6, "state_0")
        state_over_time = state[np.newaxis, :]

        dt = mp.NewContinuousVariables(1, "dt")

        for k in range(1, num_time_steps - 1):
            booster = mp.NewContinuousVariables(3, "booster_%d" % k)
            booster_over_time = np.vstack((booster_over_time, booster))
        for k in range(1, num_time_steps):
            state = mp.NewContinuousVariables(6, "state_%d" % k)
            state_over_time = np.vstack((state_over_time, state))

        goal_state = goal_func(dt[0] * 39)

        # calculate states over time
        for i in range(1, num_time_steps):
            sim_next_state = state_over_time[
                i - 1, :] + dt[0] * self.drone_dynamics(
                    state_over_time[i - 1, :], booster_over_time[i - 1, :])

            # add constraints to restrict the next state to the decision variables
            for j in range(6):
                mp.AddConstraint(sim_next_state[j] == state_over_time[i, j])

            # don't hit ground
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(state_over_time[i, 2] >= 0.05)

            # enforce that we must be thrusting within some constraints
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(booster_over_time[i - 1, 0] <= 5.0)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(booster_over_time[i - 1, 0] >= -5.0)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(booster_over_time[i - 1, 1] <= 5.0)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(booster_over_time[i - 1, 1] >= -5.0)

            # keep forces in a reasonable position
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(booster_over_time[i - 1, 2] >= 1.0)
                booster_over_time[i - 1, 0] <= booster_over_time[i - 1, 2])
                booster_over_time[i - 1, 0] >= -booster_over_time[i - 1, 2])
                booster_over_time[i - 1, 1] <= booster_over_time[i - 1, 2])
                booster_over_time[i - 1, 1] >= -booster_over_time[i - 1, 2])

        # add constraints on initial state
        for i in range(6):
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(state_over_time[0, i] == state_initial[i])

        # add constraints on dt
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(dt[0] >= 0.001)

        # add constraints on end state

        # end goal velocity
        mp.AddConstraint(state_over_time[-1, 0] <= goal_state[0] + 0.01)
        mp.AddConstraint(state_over_time[-1, 0] >= goal_state[0] - 0.01)
        mp.AddConstraint(state_over_time[-1, 1] <= goal_state[1] + 0.01)
        mp.AddConstraint(state_over_time[-1, 1] >= goal_state[1] - 0.01)
        mp.AddConstraint(state_over_time[-1, 2] <= goal_state[2] + 0.01)
        mp.AddConstraint(state_over_time[-1, 2] >= goal_state[2] - 0.01)
        mp.AddConstraint(state_over_time[-1, 3] <= goal_state[3] + 0.01)
        mp.AddConstraint(state_over_time[-1, 3] >= goal_state[3] - 0.01)
        mp.AddConstraint(state_over_time[-1, 4] <= goal_state[4] + 0.01)
        mp.AddConstraint(state_over_time[-1, 4] >= goal_state[4] - 0.01)
        mp.AddConstraint(state_over_time[-1, 5] <= goal_state[5] + 0.01)
        mp.AddConstraint(state_over_time[-1, 5] >= goal_state[5] - 0.01)

        # add the cost function
            0.01 * booster_over_time[:, 0].dot(booster_over_time[:, 0]))
            0.01 * booster_over_time[:, 1].dot(booster_over_time[:, 1]))
            0.01 * booster_over_time[:, 2].dot(booster_over_time[:, 2]))

        # add more penalty on dt because minimizing time turns out to be more important
        mp.AddQuadraticCost(10000 * dt[0] * dt[0])

        solved = mp.Solve()
        if verbose:
            print solved

        # extract
        booster_over_time = mp.GetSolution(booster_over_time)
        output_states = mp.GetSolution(state_over_time)
        dt = mp.GetSolution(dt)

        time_array = np.zeros(40)
        for i in range(40):
            time_array[i] = i * dt
        trajectory = self.simulate_states_over_time(state_initial, time_array,

        durations = time_array[1:len(time_array
                                     )] - time_array[0:len(time_array) - 1]
        fuel_consumption = (
            np.sum(booster_over_time[:len(time_array)]**2, axis=1) *

        if verbose:
            print 'expected remaining fuel consumption', fuel_consumption
            print("took %s seconds" % (time.time() - start_time))
            print ''

        return trajectory, booster_over_time, time_array, fuel_consumption
    def compute_trajectory(self,
        nonlinear trajectory optimization to land drone starting at state_initial, to a goal_state, in a specific flight_time

        :return: three return args separated by commas:

            trajectory, input_trajectory, time_array

            trajectory: a 2d array with N rows, and 6 columns. See simulate_states_over_time for more documentation.
            input_trajectory: a 2d array with N-1 row, and 4 columns. See simulate_states_over_time for more documentation.
            time_array: an array with N rows. 

        # initialize math program
        import time
        start_time = time.time()
        mp = MathematicalProgram()
        num_time_steps = int(min(40, flight_time / 0.05))
        dt = flight_time / num_time_steps
        time_array = np.arange(0.0, flight_time - 0.00001,
                               dt)  # hacky way to ensure it goes down
        num_time_steps = len(time_array)  # to ensure these are equal lenghts
        flight_time = dt * num_time_steps

        if verbose:
            print ''
            print 'solving problem with no guess'
            print 'initial state', state_initial
            print 'goal state', goal_state
            print 'flight time', flight_time
            print 'num time steps', num_time_steps
            print 'exact traj', exact
            print 'dt', dt

        booster = mp.NewContinuousVariables(3, "booster_0")
        booster_over_time = booster[np.newaxis, :]

        state = mp.NewContinuousVariables(6, "state_0")
        state_over_time = state[np.newaxis, :]

        for k in range(1, num_time_steps - 1):
            booster = mp.NewContinuousVariables(3, "booster_%d" % k)
            booster_over_time = np.vstack((booster_over_time, booster))
        for k in range(1, num_time_steps):
            state = mp.NewContinuousVariables(6, "state_%d" % k)
            state_over_time = np.vstack((state_over_time, state))

        # calculate states over time
        for i in range(1, len(time_array)):
            time_step = time_array[i] - time_array[i - 1]
            sim_next_state = state_over_time[
                i - 1, :] + time_step * self.drone_dynamics(
                    state_over_time[i - 1, :], booster_over_time[i - 1, :])

            # add constraints to restrict the next state to the decision variables
            for j in range(6):
                mp.AddLinearConstraint(sim_next_state[j] == state_over_time[i,

            # don't hit ground
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(state_over_time[i, 2] >= 0.05)

            # enforce that we must be thrusting within some constraints
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(booster_over_time[i - 1, 0] <= 5.0)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(booster_over_time[i - 1, 0] >= -5.0)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(booster_over_time[i - 1, 1] <= 5.0)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(booster_over_time[i - 1, 1] >= -5.0)

            # keep forces in a reasonable position
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(booster_over_time[i - 1, 2] >= 1.0)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(booster_over_time[i - 1, 2] <= 15.0)
                booster_over_time[i - 1, 0] <= booster_over_time[i - 1, 2])
                booster_over_time[i - 1, 0] >= -booster_over_time[i - 1, 2])
                booster_over_time[i - 1, 1] <= booster_over_time[i - 1, 2])
                booster_over_time[i - 1, 1] >= -booster_over_time[i - 1, 2])

        # add constraints on initial state
        for i in range(6):
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(state_over_time[0, i] == state_initial[i])

        # add constraints on end state
        # 100 should be a lower constant...
            state_over_time[-1, 0] <= goal_state[0] + flight_time / 100.)
            state_over_time[-1, 0] >= goal_state[0] - flight_time / 100.)
            state_over_time[-1, 1] <= goal_state[1] + flight_time / 100.)
            state_over_time[-1, 1] >= goal_state[1] - flight_time / 100.)
            state_over_time[-1, 2] <= goal_state[2] + flight_time / 100.)
            state_over_time[-1, 2] >= goal_state[2] - flight_time / 100.)
            state_over_time[-1, 3] <= goal_state[3] + flight_time / 100.)
            state_over_time[-1, 3] >= goal_state[3] - flight_time / 100.)
            state_over_time[-1, 4] <= goal_state[4] + flight_time / 100.)
            state_over_time[-1, 4] >= goal_state[4] - flight_time / 100.)
            state_over_time[-1, 5] <= goal_state[5] + flight_time / 100.)
            state_over_time[-1, 5] >= goal_state[5] - flight_time / 100.)

        # add the cost function
            10. * booster_over_time[:, 0].dot(booster_over_time[:, 0]))
            10. * booster_over_time[:, 1].dot(booster_over_time[:, 1]))
            10. * booster_over_time[:, 2].dot(booster_over_time[:, 2]))

        for i in range(1, len(time_array) - 1):
            cost_multiplier = np.exp(
                4.5 * i / (len(time_array) -
                           1))  # exp starting at 1 and going to around 90
            # penalize difference_in_state
            dist_to_goal_pos = goal_state[:3] - state_over_time[i - 1, :3]
            mp.AddQuadraticCost(cost_multiplier *
            # penalize difference in velocity
            if exact:
                dist_to_goal_vel = goal_state[-3:] - state_over_time[i - 1,
                mp.AddQuadraticCost(cost_multiplier / 2. *
                dist_to_goal_vel = goal_state[-3:] - state_over_time[i - 1,
                mp.AddQuadraticCost(cost_multiplier / 6. *

        solved = mp.Solve()
        if verbose:
            print solved

        # extract
        booster_over_time = mp.GetSolution(booster_over_time)

        output_states = mp.GetSolution(state_over_time)

        durations = time_array[1:len(time_array
                                     )] - time_array[0:len(time_array) - 1]
        fuel_consumption = (
            np.sum(booster_over_time[:len(time_array)]**2, axis=1) *
        if verbose:
            print 'expected remaining fuel consumption', fuel_consumption
            print("took %s seconds" % (time.time() - start_time))
            print 'goal state', goal_state
            print 'end state', output_states[-1]
            print ''

        return output_states, booster_over_time, time_array
    xf = (math.pi, 0.)
    if num_states == 4:
        x0 += (0., 0.)
        xf += (0., 0.)

    prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(x0, x0, x[ti][:, 0])

    prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(xf, xf, x[ti][:, -1])

    for i in range(num_samples - 1):
        AddDirectCollocationConstraint(dircol_constraint, h[ti], x[ti][:, i],
                                       x[ti][:, i + 1], u[ti][:, i],
                                       u[ti][:, i + 1], prog)

    for i in range(num_samples):
        prog.AddQuadraticCost([1.], [0.], u[ti][:, i])
#        prog.AddConstraint(control, [0.], [0.], np.hstack([x[ti][:,i], u[ti][:,i], K.flatten()]))
#        prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint([0.], [0.], u[ti][:,i])
# prog.AddConstraint(u[ti][0,i] == (3.*sym.tanh([ti][:,i]))[0])))  # u = 3*tanh(K * m(x))

#     prog.AddCost(final_cost, x[ti][:,-1])

#prog.SetSolverOption(SolverType.kSnopt, 'Verify level', -1)  # Derivative checking disabled. (otherwise it complains on the saturation)
prog.SetSolverOption(SolverType.kSnopt, 'Print file', "/tmp/snopt.out")
result = prog.Solve()
print(prog.GetSolution(K).dot(control_basis(x[0][:, 0])))

#if (result != SolutionResult.kSolutionFound):
#    f = open('/tmp/snopt.out', 'r')
def quadratic_program(H, f, A, b, C=None, d=None, tol=1.e-5):
    Solves the strictly convex (H > 0) quadratic program min .5 x' H x + f' x s.t. A x <= b, C x  = d.

    H : numpy.ndarray
        Positive definite Hessian of the cost function.
    f : numpy.ndarray
        Gradient of the cost function.
    A : numpy.ndarray
        Left-hand side of the inequality constraints.
    b : numpy.ndarray
        Right-hand side of the inequality constraints.
    C : numpy.ndarray
        Left-hand side of the equality constraints.
    d : numpy.ndarray
        Right-hand side of the equality constraints.
    tol : float
        Maximum value of a residual of an inequality to consider the related constraint active.

    sol : dict
        Dictionary with the solution of the QP.

        min : float
            Minimum of the QP (None if the problem is unfeasible).
        argmin : numpy.ndarray
            Argument that minimizes the QP (None if the problem is unfeasible).
        active_set : list of int
            Indices of the active inequallities {i | A_i argmin = b} (None if the problem is unfeasible).
        multiplier_inequality : numpy.ndarray
            Lagrange multipliers for the inequality constraints (None if the problem is unfeasible).
        multiplier_equality : numpy.ndarray
            Lagrange multipliers for the equality constraints (None if the problem is unfeasible or without equality constraints).

    # check equalities
    if (C is None) != (d is None):
        raise ValueError('missing C or d.')

    # problem size
    n_ineq, n_x = A.shape
    if C is not None:
        n_eq = C.shape[0]
        n_eq = 0

    # reshape inputs
    if len(f.shape) == 2:
        f = np.reshape(f, f.shape[0])

    # build program
    prog = MathematicalProgram()
    x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(n_x)
    inequalities = []
    for i in range(n_ineq):
        lhs = A[i, :] + 1.e-15 * np.random.rand(
        )  # drake raises a RuntimeError if the in the expression x does not appear (e.g.: 0 x <= 1)
        rhs = b[i] + 1.e-15 * np.random.rand(
        )  # in case the constraint is 0 x <= 0 the previous trick ends up adding the constraint x <= 0 to the program...
        inequalities.append(prog.AddLinearConstraint( <= rhs))
    for i in range(n_eq):
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(C[i, :].dot(x) == d[i])
    prog.AddQuadraticCost(.5 * +

    # solve
    solver = GurobiSolver()
    prog.SetSolverOption(solver.solver_type(), "OutputFlag", 0)
    result = prog.Solve()

    # initialize output
    sol = {
        'min': None,
        'argmin': None,
        'active_set': None,
        'multiplier_inequality': None,
        'multiplier_equality': None

    if result == SolutionResult.kSolutionFound:
        sol['argmin'] = prog.GetSolution(x).reshape(n_x, 1)
        sol['min'] = .5 * sol['argmin']
            sol['argmin'])[0, 0] +['argmin'])[0]
        sol['active_set'] = np.where(
  ['argmin']) - b > -tol)[0].tolist()

        # retrieve multipliers through KKT conditions
        lhs = A[sol['active_set'], :]
        rhs = b[sol['active_set'], :]
        if n_eq > 0:
            lhs = np.vstack((lhs, C))
            rhs = np.vstack((rhs, d))
        H_inv = np.linalg.inv(H)
        M =
        m = -np.linalg.inv(M).dot(, 1)) + rhs)
        sol['multiplier_inequality'] = np.zeros((n_ineq, 1))
        for i, j in enumerate(sol['active_set']):
            sol['multiplier_inequality'][j, 0] = m[i]
        if n_eq > 0:
            sol['multiplier_equality'] = m[len(sol['active_set']):, :]

    return sol
class PPTrajectory():
    def __init__(self, sample_times, num_vars, degree, continuity_degree):
        self.sample_times = sample_times
        self.n = num_vars = degree

        self.prog = MathematicalProgram()
        self.coeffs = []
        for i in range(len(sample_times)):
                self.prog.NewContinuousVariables(num_vars, degree + 1, "C"))
        self.result = None

        # Add continuity constraints
        for s in range(len(sample_times) - 1):
            trel = sample_times[s + 1] - sample_times[s]
            coeffs = self.coeffs[s]
            for var in range(self.n):
                for deg in range(continuity_degree + 1):
                    # Don't use eval here, because I want left and right
                    # values of the same time
                    left_val = 0
                    for d in range(deg, + 1):
                        left_val += coeffs[var, d]*np.power(trel, d-deg) * \
                    right_val = self.coeffs[s + 1][var,
                                                   deg] * math.factorial(deg)
                    self.prog.AddLinearConstraint(left_val == right_val)

        # Add cost to minimize highest order terms
        for s in range(len(sample_times) - 1):
            self.prog.AddQuadraticCost(np.eye(num_vars), np.zeros(
                (num_vars, 1)), self.coeffs[s][:, -1])

    def eval(self, t, derivative_order=0):
        if derivative_order >
            return 0

        s = 0
        while s < len(self.sample_times) - 1 and t >= self.sample_times[s + 1]:
            s += 1
        trel = t - self.sample_times[s]

        if self.result is None:
            coeffs = self.coeffs[s]
            coeffs = self.result.GetSolution(self.coeffs[s])

        deg = derivative_order
        val = 0 * coeffs[:, 0]
        for var in range(self.n):
            for d in range(deg, + 1):
                val[var] += coeffs[var, d]*np.power(trel, d-deg) * \

        return val

    def add_constraint(self, t, derivative_order, lb, ub=None):
        Adds a constraint of the form d^deg lb <= x(t) / dt^deg <= ub
        if ub is None:
            ub = lb

        assert (derivative_order <=
        val = self.eval(t, derivative_order)
        self.prog.AddLinearConstraint(val, lb, ub)

    def generate(self):
        self.result = Solve(self.prog)
        assert (self.result.is_success())
文件: 项目: xyyeh/pympc
class HybridModelPredictiveController(object):

    def __init__(self, S, N, Q, R, P, X_N):

        # store inputs
        self.S = S
        self.N = N
        self.Q = Q
        self.R = R
        self.P = P
        self.X_N = X_N

        # mpMIQP

    def build_mpmiqp(self):

        # express the constrained dynamics as a list of polytopes in the (x,u,x+)-space
        P = graph_representation(self.S)
        m = big_m(P)

        # initialize program
        self.prog = MathematicalProgram()
        self.x = []
        self.u = []
        self.d = []
        obj = 0.
        self.binaries_lower_bound = []

        # initial conditions (set arbitrarily to zero in the building phase)
        self.initial_condition = []
        for k in range(self.S.nx):
            self.initial_condition.append(self.prog.AddLinearConstraint(self.x[0][k] == 0.).evaluator())

        # loop over time
        for t in range(self.N):

            # create input, mode and next state variables
            # enforce constrained dynamics (big-m methods)
            xux = np.concatenate((self.x[t], self.u[t], self.x[t+1]))
            for i in range(self.S.nm):
                mi_sum = np.sum([m[i][j] * self.d[t][j] for j in range(self.S.nm) if j != i], axis=0)
                for k in range(P[i].A.shape[0]):
                    self.prog.AddLinearConstraint(P[i].A[k].dot(xux) <= P[i].b[k] + mi_sum[k])

            # SOS1 on the binaries
            self.prog.AddLinearConstraint(sum(self.d[t]) == 1.)

            # stage cost to the objective
            obj += .5 * self.u[t].dot(self.R).dot(self.u[t])
            obj += .5 * self.x[t].dot(self.Q).dot(self.x[t])

        # terminal constraint
        for k in range(self.X_N.A.shape[0]):
            self.prog.AddLinearConstraint(self.X_N.A[k].dot(self.x[self.N]) <= self.X_N.b[k])

        # terminal cost
        obj += .5 * self.x[self.N].dot(self.P).dot(self.x[self.N])
        self.objective = self.prog.AddQuadraticCost(obj)

        # set solver
        self.solver = GurobiSolver()
        self.prog.SetSolverOption(self.solver.solver_type(), 'OutputFlag', 1)

    def set_initial_condition(self, x0):
        for k, c in enumerate(self.initial_condition):

    def feedforward(self, x0):

        # overwrite initial condition

        # solve MIQP
        result = self.solver.Solve(self.prog)

        # check feasibility
        if result != SolutionResult.kSolutionFound:
            return None, None, None, None

        # get cost
        obj = self.prog.EvalBindingAtSolution(self.objective)[0]

        # store argmin in list of vectors
        u = [self.prog.GetSolution(ut) for ut in self.u]
        x = [self.prog.GetSolution(xt) for xt in self.x]
        d = [self.prog.GetSolution(dt) for dt in self.d]

        # retrieve mode sequence and check integer feasibility
        ms = [np.argmax(dt) for dt in d]

        return u, x, ms, obj

    def feedback(self, x0):

        # get feedforward and extract first input
        u_feedforward = self.feedforward(x0)[0]
        if u_feedforward is None:
            return None

        return u_feedforward[0]
    def compute_trajectory(self, state_initial, minimum_time, maximum_time):
        :param: state_initial: :param state_initial: numpy array of length 6, see satellite_dynamics for documentation
        :param: minimum_time: float, minimum time allowed for trajectory
        :param: maximum_time: float, maximum time allowed for trajectory

        :return: three return args separated by commas:

            trajectory, input_trajectory, time_array

            trajectory: a 2d array with N rows, and 6 columns. See simulate_states_over_time for more documentation.
            input_trajectory: a 2d array with N-1 row, and 4 columns. See simulate_states_over_time for more documentation.
            time_array: an array with N rows. 

        mp = MathematicalProgram()

        # use direct transcription
        N = 50
        #N = 200

        # Unpack state bounds
        pmax = self.pmax
        vmax = self.vmax
        hmax = self.hmax
        wmax = self.wmax

        # Calculate number of states and control input
        nq = len(state_initial)
        nu = 4

        #### BEGIN: Decision Variables ####
        # Inputs
        k = 0
        u = mp.NewContinuousVariables(nu,"u_%d" % k)
        u_over_time = u

        for k in range(1,N-1):
            u = mp.NewContinuousVariables(nu, "u_%d" % k)
            u_over_time = np.vstack((u_over_time, u))

        # States
        k = 0
        states = mp.NewContinuousVariables(nq,"states_over_time_%d" % k)
        states_over_time = states

        for k in range(1,N):
            states = mp.NewContinuousVariables(nq, "states_over_time_%d" % k)
            states_over_time = np.vstack((states_over_time, states))
        # Final Time
        tf = mp.NewContinuousVariables(1,"tf")
        dt = tf / (N-1)
        #### END: Decision Variables ####

        #### BEGIN: Input constraints ####
        for i in range(N-1):  
            for j in range(nu):
                mp.AddConstraint(u_over_time[i,j] >= 0.0)
                mp.AddConstraint(u_over_time[i,j] <= 0.10)
        #### END: Input constraints ####        

        #### BEGIN: Time constraints ####
        # Final time must be between minimum_time and maximum_time
        mp.AddConstraint(tf[0] <= maximum_time)
        mp.AddConstraint(tf[0] >= minimum_time)
        #### END: Time constraints ####

        #### BEGIN: State constraints ####
        # initial state constraint
        for j in range(nq):
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states_over_time[0,j] >= state_initial[j])
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states_over_time[0,j] <= state_initial[j])

        # state constraints for all time
        for i in range(N):
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states_over_time[i,0] <= pmax)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states_over_time[i,0] >= -pmax)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states_over_time[i,1] <= pmax)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states_over_time[i,1] >= -pmax)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states_over_time[i,2] <= vmax)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states_over_time[i,2] >= -vmax)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states_over_time[i,3] <= vmax)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states_over_time[i,3] >= -vmax)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states_over_time[i,4] <= hmax)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states_over_time[i,4] >= -hmax)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states_over_time[i,5] <= wmax)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states_over_time[i,5] >= -wmax)

        # dynamic constraint
        for i in range(N-1):
            dx = self.satellite_dynamics(states_over_time[i,:],u_over_time[i,:])
            for j in range(nq):

        # Final state constraint
        final_state_error = states_over_time[-1,:] - self.goalState
        mp.AddConstraint((final_state_error).dot(final_state_error) <= 0.001**2)
        #### END: State constraints ####

        #### BEGIN: Costs ####
        # Quadratic cost on fuel (aka control)
        for j in range(nu):

        #### END: Costs ####

        #### Solve the Optimization! ####
        result = Solve(mp)
        #print result.is_success()

        #### Name outputs appropriately ####
        # Time - knot points
        optimal_tf = result.GetSolution(tf)
        time_step = optimal_tf / (N-1)
        time_array = np.arange(0.0,optimal_tf+time_step,time_step)

        # Allocate to input trajectory
        input_trajectory = result.GetSolution(u_over_time)

        # Allocate to trajectory output
        trajectory = result.GetSolution(states_over_time)

        # save to csv
        if os.path.exists("traj.csv"):

        if os.path.exists("input_traj.csv"):

        with open('traj.csv', 'a') as csvFile:
        	writer = csv.writer(csvFile)
        	for i in range(N):
        		row = [time_array[i], trajectory[i,0], trajectory[i,1], trajectory[i,2], trajectory[i,3], trajectory[i,4], trajectory[i,5]]

        with open('input_traj.csv', 'a') as csvFile:
        	writer = csv.writer(csvFile)
        	for i in range(N-1):
        		row = [input_trajectory[i,0], input_trajectory[i,1], input_trajectory[i,2], input_trajectory[i,3]]

        return trajectory, input_trajectory, time_array
文件: 项目: ashBabu/pympc
def quadratic_program(H, f, A, b, C=None, d=None, tol=1.e-5, **kwargs):
    Solves the strictly convex (H > 0) quadratic program min .5 x' H x + f' x s.t. A x <= b, C x  = d.

    H : numpy.ndarray
        Positive definite Hessian of the cost function.
    f : numpy.ndarray
        Gradient of the cost function.
    A : numpy.ndarray
        Left-hand side of the inequality constraints.
    b : numpy.ndarray
        Right-hand side of the inequality constraints.
    C : numpy.ndarray
        Left-hand side of the equality constraints.
    d : numpy.ndarray
        Right-hand side of the equality constraints.
    tol : float
        Maximum value of a residual of an inequality to consider the related constraint active.

    sol : dict
        Dictionary with the solution of the QP.

        min : float
            Minimum of the QP (None if the problem is unfeasible).
        argmin : numpy.ndarray
            Argument that minimizes the QP (None if the problem is unfeasible).
        active_set : list of int
            Indices of the active inequallities {i | A_i argmin = b} (None if the problem is unfeasible).
        multiplier_inequality : numpy.ndarray
            Lagrange multipliers for the inequality constraints (None if the problem is unfeasible).
        multiplier_equality : numpy.ndarray
            Lagrange multipliers for the equality constraints (None if the problem is unfeasible or without equality constraints).

    # check equalities
    if (C is None) != (d is None):
        raise ValueError('missing C or d.')

    # problem size
    n_ineq, n_x = A.shape
    if C is not None:
        n_eq = C.shape[0]
        n_eq = 0

    # build program
    prog = MathematicalProgram()
    x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(n_x)
    [prog.AddLinearConstraint(A[i].dot(x) <= b[i]) for i in range(n_ineq)]
    [prog.AddLinearConstraint(C[i].dot(x) == d[i]) for i in range(n_eq)]
    inequalities = []
    prog.AddQuadraticCost(.5* +

    # solve
    solver = GurobiSolver()
    prog.SetSolverOption(solver.solver_type(), 'OutputFlag', 0)
    [prog.SetSolverOption(solver.solver_type(), parameter, value) for parameter, value in kwargs.items()]
    result = prog.Solve()

    # initialize output
    sol = {
        'min': None,
        'argmin': None,
        'active_set': None,
        'multiplier_inequality': None,
        'multiplier_equality': None

    if result == SolutionResult.kSolutionFound:
        sol['argmin'] = prog.GetSolution(x)
        sol['min'] = .5*sol['argmin'].dot(H).dot(sol['argmin']) +['argmin'])
        sol['active_set'] = np.where(['argmin']) - b > -tol)[0].tolist()

        # retrieve multipliers through KKT conditions
        lhs = A[sol['active_set']]
        rhs = b[sol['active_set']]
        if n_eq > 0:
            lhs = np.vstack((lhs, C))
            rhs = np.concatenate((rhs, d))
        H_inv = np.linalg.inv(H)
        M =
        m = - np.linalg.inv(M).dot( + rhs)
        sol['multiplier_inequality'] = np.zeros(n_ineq)
        for i, j in enumerate(sol['active_set']):
            sol['multiplier_inequality'][j] = m[i]
        if n_eq > 0:
            sol['multiplier_equality'] = m[len(sol['active_set']):]

    return sol
    def diff_drive_pd_mp(
            self, x,
            x_des):  # x_des = [x, theta, yaw, x_dot, theta_dot, yaw_dot]
        m_s = 0.2  #kg
        d = 0.085  #m
        m_c = 0.056
        I_3 = 0.000228373  #.0000989844 #kg*m^2
        I_2 = .0000989844
        R = 0.0333375
        g = -9.81  #may need to be set as -9.81; test to see
        L = 0.03
        A_val_theta = (m_s * d * g *
                       (3 * m_c + m_s)) / (3 * m_c * I_3 +
                                           3 * m_c * m_s * d**2 + m_s * I_3)
        B_val_theta = (-m_s * d / R - 3 * m_c * m_s) / (
            3 * m_c * I_3 + 3 * m_c * m_s * d**2 + m_s *
            I_3) * math.pi / 180  #multiplicand for u to change in theta_dot
        B_val_phi = -(2 * L / R) / (6 * m_c * L**2 + m_c * R**2 + 2 * I_2)
        mp = MathematicalProgram()
        k = mp.NewContinuousVariables(3, 'k_val')  # [kp, kd, ky]
        u = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, 'u_val')
        theta_dot_post = mp.NewContinuousVariables(
            'theta_dot_post_val')  #estimated value of theta dot after control
        phi_dot_post = mp.NewContinuousVariables(
            1, 'phi_dot_post_val')  #estimated value of theta dot after control
        kp = 1. #regulate theta (pitch) position
        kd = kp / 20. #regulate theta (pitch) velocity
        ky = 0.5 #regulate phi (yaw) position
        actuator_limit = .1  #estimate; 0.1 is probably high
        #mp.AddConstraint(theta[0] == np.arcsin(2*(x[0]*x[2] - x[1]*x[3]))) #pitch
        theta = np.arcsin(2 * (x[0] * x[2] - x[1] * x[3]))
        phi = np.arctan2(2 * (x[0] * x[1] + x[2] * x[3]),
                         1 - 2 * (x[1]**2 + x[2]**2))  #yaw
        theta_dot = x[
            10]  #Shown to be ~1.5% below true theta_dot on average in experiments
        mp.AddConstraint(k[0] >= 0.)
        mp.AddConstraint(k[1] >= 0.)
        mp.AddConstraint(k[2] >= 0.)
        mp.AddConstraint(u[0] == k[0] * (x_des[1] - theta + k[1] *
                                         (x_des[4] - theta_dot)) + k[2] *
                         (x_des[2] - phi))
        mp.AddConstraint(u[0] <= -actuator_limit)
        mp.AddConstraint(u[0] >= -actuator_limit)
        mp.AddConstraint(u[1] == -u[0])
        mp.AddConstraint(theta_dot_post[0] == theta_dot +
                         B_val_theta * u[0] * 0.0005 +
                         A_val_theta * theta * .0005)
        mp.AddConstraint(phi_dot_post[0] == x[11] + B_val_phi * u[0] * .0005)
        theta_dot_des = -(theta - x_des[1]) / (2 * .0005)
        mp.AddQuadraticCost((theta_dot_post[0] - theta_dot_des)**2)
        phi_dot_des = -(phi - x_des[2]) / 2
        print('theta_dot_des', theta_dot_des)
        print('theta', theta)
        mp.AddQuadraticCost(0.001 * (phi_dot_post[0] - phi_dot_des)**2)

        result = Solve(mp)
        print('Success: ', result.is_success())
        print('Solver id: ', result.get_solver_id().name())
        print('k: ', result.GetSolution(k))
        print('u: ', result.GetSolution(u))
        return result.GetSolution(u)
d[1] = -1
d[2] = 1
d[3] = -1

d = np.array([5.0752e+01, 4.7343e+05, 8.4125e+05, 6.2668e+05])

phi0 = -36332.36234347365

print("Qp : ", Quadratic_Positive_def)
print("Qp det: ", QP_det)

# Quadratic cost : u^TQu + c^Tu
CLF_QP_cost_v_effective =,,
                                               u_var)) +, u_var)

prog.AddConstraint(, u_var) + phi0 <= 0)

solver = IpoptSolver()

# solver.Solve(prog)
print("Optimal u : ", prog.GetSolution(u_var))
u_CLF_QP = prog.GetSolution(u_var)

# ('A_fl:', )
# ('A_fl_det:', 137180180557.17741)
# ('Qp : ', array([[ 1.0000e+00, -1.5475e-13,  4.0035e-14,  3.7932e-15],
#        [-1.5475e-13,  5.7298e+07,  2.1803e+05, -3.3461e+06],
#        [ 4.0035e-14,  2.1803e+05,  6.2061e+07,  3.5442e+07],
#        [ 3.7932e-15, -3.3461e+06,  3.5442e+07,  2.5742e+07]]))
    def _DoCalcDiscreteVariableUpdates(self, context, events, discrete_state):
        # Call base method to ensure we do not get recursion.
        # (This makes sure relevant event handlers get called.)
        LeafSystem._DoCalcDiscreteVariableUpdates(self, context, events,

        new_control_input = discrete_state. \
        x = self.EvalVectorInput(
            context, self.robot_state_input_port.get_index()).get_value()
        setpoint = self.EvalAbstractInput(
            context, self.setpoint_input_port.get_index()).get_value()

        q_full = x[:self.nq]
        v_full = x[self.nq:]
        q = x[self.controlled_inds]
        v = x[self.nq:][self.controlled_inds]

        kinsol = self.rbt.doKinematics(q_full, v_full)

        M_full = self.rbt.massMatrix(kinsol)
        C = self.rbt.dynamicsBiasTerm(kinsol, {}, None)[self.controlled_inds]
        # Python slicing doesn't work in 2D, so do it row-by-row
        M = np.zeros((self.nq_reduced, self.nq_reduced))
        for k in range(self.nq_reduced):
            M[:, k] = M_full[self.controlled_inds, k]

        # Pick a qdd that results in minimum deviation from the desired
        # end effector pose (according to the end effector frame's jacobian
        # at the current state)
        # v_next = v + control_period * qdd
        # q_next = q + control_period * (v + v_next) / 2.
        # ee_v = J*v
        # ee_p = from forward kinematics
        # ee_v_next = J*v_next
        # ee_p_next = ee_p + control_period * (ee_v + ee_v_next) / 2.
        # min  u and qdd
        #        || q_next - q_des ||_Kq
        #     +  || v_next - v_des ||_Kv
        #     +  || qdd ||_Ka
        #     +  || Kee_v - ee_v_next ||_Kee_pt
        #     +  || Kee_pt - ee_p_next ||_Kee_v
        #     +  the messily-implemented angular ones?
        # s.t. M qdd + C = B u
        # (no contact modeling for now)
        prog = MathematicalProgram()
        qdd = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.nq_reduced, "qdd")
        u = prog.NewContinuousVariables(, "u")


        v_next = v + self.control_period * qdd
        q_next = q + self.control_period * (v + v_next) / 2.
        if setpoint.v_des is not None:
            v_err = setpoint.v_des - v_next
        if setpoint.q_des is not None:
            q_err = setpoint.q_des - q_next

        if setpoint.ee_frame is not None and setpoint.ee_pt is not None:
            # Convert x to autodiff for Jacobians computation
            q_full_ad = np.empty(self.nq, dtype=AutoDiffXd)
            for i in range(self.nq):
                der = np.zeros(self.nq)
                der[i] = 1
                q_full_ad.flat[i] = AutoDiffXd(q_full.flat[i], der)
            kinsol_ad = self.rbt.doKinematics(q_full_ad)

            tf_ad = self.rbt.relativeTransform(kinsol_ad, 0, setpoint.ee_frame)

            # Compute errors in EE pt position and velocity (in world frame)
            ee_p_ad = tf_ad[0:3, 0:3].dot(setpoint.ee_pt) + tf_ad[0:3, 3]
            ee_p = np.hstack([y.value() for y in ee_p_ad])

            J_ee = np.vstack([y.derivatives()
                              for y in ee_p_ad]).reshape(3, self.nq)
            J_ee = J_ee[:, self.controlled_inds]

            ee_v =
            ee_v_next =
            ee_p_next = ee_p + self.control_period * (ee_v + ee_v_next) / 2.

            if setpoint.ee_pt_des is not None:
                ee_p_err = setpoint.ee_pt_des.reshape(
                    (3, 1)) - ee_p_next.reshape((3, 1))
                    ([0, 0])
            if setpoint.ee_v_des is not None:
                ee_v_err = setpoint.ee_v_des.reshape(
                    (3, 1)) - ee_v_next.reshape((3, 1))
                    ([0, 0])

            # Also compute errors in EE cardinal vector directions vs targets in world frame
            for i, vec in enumerate(
                (setpoint.ee_x_des, setpoint.ee_y_des, setpoint.ee_z_des)):
                if vec is not None:
                    direction = np.zeros(3)
                    direction[i] = 1.
                    ee_dir_ad = tf_ad[0:3, 0:3].dot(direction)
                    ee_dir_p = np.hstack([y.value() for y in ee_dir_ad])
                    J_ee_dir = np.vstack([y.derivatives() for y in ee_dir_ad
                                          ]).reshape(3, self.nq)
                    J_ee_dir = J_ee_dir[:, self.controlled_inds]
                    ee_dir_v =
                    ee_dir_v_next =
                    ee_dir_p_next = ee_dir_p + self.control_period * (
                        ee_dir_v + ee_dir_v_next) / 2.
                    ee_dir_p_err = vec.reshape((3, 1)) - ee_dir_p_next.reshape(
                        (3, 1))
                        setpoint.Kee_xyz).dot(ee_dir_p_err))[0, 0])

        LHS =, qdd) + C
        RHS =, u)
        for i in range(self.nq_reduced):
            prog.AddLinearConstraint(LHS[i] == RHS[i])

        result = prog.Solve()
        u = prog.GetSolution(u)
        new_control_input[:] = u
    def ComputeControlInput(self, x, t):
        # Set up things you might want...
        q = x[0:self.nq]
        v = x[self.nq:]

        kinsol = self.hand.doKinematics(x)
        M = self.hand.massMatrix(kinsol)
        C = self.hand.dynamicsBiasTerm(kinsol, {}, None)
        B = self.hand.B

        # Assume grasp points are achieved, and calculate
        # contact jacobian at those points, as well as the current
        # grasp points and normals (in WORLD FRAME).
        grasp_points_world_now = self.transform_grasp_points_manipuland(q)
        grasp_normals_world_now = self.transform_grasp_normals_manipuland(q)
        J_manipuland = jacobian(
            self.transform_grasp_points_manipuland, q)
        ee_points_now = self.transform_grasp_points_fingers(q)
        J_manipulator = jacobian(
            self.transform_grasp_points_fingers, q)

        # The contact jacobian (Phi), for contact forces coming from
        # point contacts, describes how the movement of the contact point
        # maps into the joint coordinates of the robot. We can get this
        # by combining the jacobians derived from forward kinematics to each
        # of the two bodies that are in contact, evaluated at the contact point
        # in each body's frame.
        J_contact = J_manipuland - J_manipulator
        # Cut off the 3rd dimension, which should always be 0
        J_contact = J_contact[0:2, :, :]
        normals = grasp_normals_world_now[0:2, :].T

        # Given these, the manipulator equations enter as a linear constraint
        # M qdd + C = Bu + J_contact lambda
        # (the combined effects of lambda on the robot).
        # The list of grasp points, in manipuland frame, that we'll use.
        n_cf = len(self.grasp_points)
        # The evaluated desired manipuland posture.
        manipuland_qdes = self.GetDesiredObjectPosition(t)

        # The desired robot (arm) posture, calculated via inverse kinematics
        # to achieve the desired grasp points on the object in its current
        # target posture.
        qdes, info = self.ComputeTargetPosture(x, manipuland_qdes)
        if info != 1:
            if not self.shut_up:
                print "Warning: target posture IK solve got info %d " \
                      "when computing goal posture at least once during " \
                      "simulation. This means the grasp points was hard to " \
                      "achieve given the current object posture. This is " \
                      "occasionally OK, but indicates that your controller " \
                      "is probably struggling a little." % info
                self.shut_up = True

        # From here, it's up to you. Following the guidelines in the problem
        # set, implement a controller to achieve the specified goals.

        # This is not proper orthogonal vector...but it somehow makes it work...
        #    whereas the correct does not
        def ortho2(x):
            return np.array([x[0],-x[1]])
            #return np.array([x[1],-x[0]])

        prog = MathematicalProgram()
        dt = self.control_period
        u = prog.NewContinuousVariables(, "u")
        qdd = prog.NewContinuousVariables(q.shape[0], "qdd")
        for i in range(qdd.shape[0]):
            prog.AddLinearConstraint(qdd[i] <=  40)
            prog.AddLinearConstraint(qdd[i] >= -40)

            #prog.AddLinearConstraint(v[i] + qdd[i] * dt <=   80)
            #prog.AddLinearConstraint(v[i] - qdd[i] * dt >=  -80)
        beta = prog.NewContinuousVariables(n_cf, 2, "beta")
        for i in range(n_cf):
            prog.AddLinearConstraint(beta[i,0] >= 0)
            prog.AddLinearConstraint(beta[i,1] >= 0)
            prog.AddLinearConstraint(beta[i,0] <= 10)
            prog.AddLinearConstraint(beta[i,1] <= 10)
        c = np.zeros((n_cf,2,2))

        for i in range(n_cf):
            c[i,0] = normals[i] - * ortho2(normals[i])
            c[i,1] = normals[i] + * ortho2(normals[i])

        const = + C - ## eq 0

        for i in range(n_cf):
            lambda_i = c[i,0]*beta[i,0] + c[i,1]*beta[i,1]
            tmp = J_contact[:, i, :]
            const -= tmp

        for i in range(const.shape[0]):
            prog.AddLinearConstraint(const[i] == 0.0)
        Kp = 1000
        Kd = 10
        #v2 = v + dt * qdd
        #q2 = q + v * dt + 0.5 * qdd * dt*dt
        v2 = v + dt * qdd
        q2 = q + (v+v2)/2 * dt #+ 0.5 * qdd * dt*dt

        #v2 = v + dt * qdd
        #q2 = q + v2 * dt
        prog.AddQuadraticCost(Kp * np.sum((qdes - q2) ** 2) + Kd * np.sum(v2**2))
        result = prog.Solve()
        u = prog.GetSolution(u)
        return u
def constraint_evaluator1(z):
    return np.array([(-(z[6] + z[7])*sin(z[2])/m)*dt + z[3] - z[8], 
                    ((z[6] + z[7])*cos(z[2]) - m*g/m)*dt + z[4] - z[9],
                    ((z[6] - z[7])*r/I)*dt + z[5] - z[10]

def constraint_evaluator2(z):
    return np.array([z[3]*dt + z[0] - z[6], z[4]*dt + z[1] - z[7], z[5]*dt + z[2] - z[8]])

for n in range(N-1):
    # Will eventually be prog.AddConstraint(x[:,n+1] == A@x[:,n] + B@u[:,n])
    # See drake issues 12841 and 8315
    # prog.AddConstraint(eq(dx[0,n+1], dx[0,n] + dt*(-(u[0,n] + u[1,n])*sin(x[2,n])/m)))
    # prog.AddConstraint(eq(dx[1,n+1], dx[1,n] + dt*((u[0,n] + u[1,n])*cos(x[2,n]) - m*g/m)))
    # prog.AddConstraint(eq(dx[2,n+1], dx[2,n] + dt*((u[0,n] - u[1,n])*r/I)))
    prog.AddQuadraticCost(sum(x[:,n]**2) + sum(dx[:,n]**2) + sum(u[:,n]**2))
                        vars=[x[0, n], x[1, n], x[2, n], 
                              dx[0, n], dx[1, n], dx[2, n],
                              u[0, n], u[1, n],
                              dx[0, n+1], dx[1, n+1], dx[2, n+1],])

                        vars=[x[0, n], x[1, n], x[2, n], 
                              dx[0, n], dx[1, n], dx[2, n],
                              x[0, n+1], x[1, n+1], x[2, n+1],])
    def intercepting_with_obs_avoidance_bb(self,
        """kick while avoiding obstacles using big M formulation and branch and bound"""
        x0 = np.array(np.concatenate((p0, v0), axis=0))
        xf = np.concatenate((pf, vf), axis=0)
        prog = MathematicalProgram()

        # state and control inputs
        N = int(T / self.params.dt)  # number of command steps
        state = prog.NewContinuousVariables(N + 1, 4, 'state')
        cmd = prog.NewContinuousVariables(N, 2, 'input')

        # Initial and final state
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(state[0], x0))
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(state[-1], xf))

        self.add_dynamics(prog, N, state, cmd)

        ## Input saturation
        self.add_input_limits(prog, cmd, N)

        # Arena constraints
        self.add_arena_limits(prog, state, N)

        # Add Mixed-integer constraints - will solve with BB

        # avoid hitting the puck while generating a kicking trajectory
        # MILP formulation with B&B solver
        x_obs_puck = prog.NewBinaryVariables(rows=N + 1,
                                             cols=2)  # obs x_min, obs x_max
        y_obs_puck = prog.NewBinaryVariables(rows=N + 1,
                                             cols=2)  # obs y_min, obs y_max
        self.avoid_puck_bigm(prog, x_obs_puck, y_obs_puck, state, N, p_puck)

        # Avoid other players
        if obstacles != None:
            x_obs_player = list()
            y_obs_player = list()
            for i, obs in enumerate(obstacles):
                    rows=N + 1, cols=2))  # obs x_min, obs x_max
                    rows=N + 1, cols=2))  # obs y_min, obs y_max
                self.avoid_other_player_bigm(prog, x_obs_player[i],
                                             y_obs_player[i], state, obs, N)

        # Solve with simple b&b solver
        for k in range(N):

        bb = branch_and_bound.MixedIntegerBranchAndBound(
        result = bb.Solve()
        if result != result.kSolutionFound:
            raise ValueError('Infeasible optimization problem.')
        u_values = np.array([bb.GetSolution(u) for u in cmd]).T
        solution_found = result.kSolutionFound
        return solution_found, u_values
    def compute_trajectory_to_other_world(self, state_initial, minimum_time, maximum_time):
        Your mission is to implement this function.

        A successful implementation of this function will compute a dynamically feasible trajectory
        which satisfies these criteria:
            - Efficiently conserve fuel
            - Reach "orbit" of the far right world
            - Approximately obey the dynamic constraints
            - Begin at the state_initial provided
            - Take no more than maximum_time, no less than minimum_time

        The above are defined more precisely in the provided notebook.

        Please note there are two return args.

        :param: state_initial: :param state_initial: numpy array of length 4, see rocket_dynamics for documentation
        :param: minimum_time: float, minimum time allowed for trajectory
        :param: maximum_time: float, maximum time allowed for trajectory

        :return: three return args separated by commas:

            trajectory, input_trajectory, time_array

            trajectory: a 2d array with N rows, and 4 columns. See simulate_states_over_time for more documentation.
            input_trajectory: a 2d array with N-1 row, and 2 columns. See simulate_states_over_time for more documentation.
            time_array: an array with N rows. 

        from pydrake.all import MathematicalProgram
        import numpy as np
        import math
        N = 100
        t = maximum_time

        #input_trajectory = np.ones((N,2))*10.0
        #time_used = 100.0
        #time_array = np.arange(0.0, time_used, time_used/(N+1))
        #trajectory = self.simulate_states_over_time(state_initial, time_array, input_trajectory)
        #return trajectory, input_trajectory, time_array

        mp = MathematicalProgram()
        def addLinearEqual(x, y, length):
            for i in range(length):
                mp.AddLinearConstraint(x[i] == y[i])
        def addEpsilonEq(a, b, e):
            mp.AddConstraint(a <= b + e)
            mp.AddConstraint(a >= b - e)
        def addEqual(x, y, length, e):
            for i in range(length):
                addEpsilonEq(x[i], y[i], e)
        def worldTwoDistSquared(x):
            return np.sum((self.world_2_position - x) ** 2)
        inp_traj = mp.NewContinuousVariables(N-1, 2, "inp")
        traj = mp.NewContinuousVariables(N, 4, "traj")
        #mp.NewContinuousVariables(1, "t")
        #mp.AddLinearConstraint(t[0] == 10.0)
        time_step = t / N

        addLinearEqual(traj[0], state_initial, 4)
        for i in range(N-1):
            #todo add constraint forcing orbit to not occur until time t
            predicted = traj[i] + time_step * self.rocket_dynamics(traj[i], inp_traj[i])
            addEqual(traj[i+1], predicted, 4, 1e-8)
        addEpsilonEq(worldTwoDistSquared(traj[-1][:2]), 0.5**2, 1e-8)
        velocity = traj[-1][2:] / time_step
        addEpsilonEq(, self.G*self.M2/0.5, 1e-8)
        addEpsilonEq([-1][:2] - self.world_2_position), 0, 1e-8)
        #mp.AddLinearConstraint(t == 100.0)
        #mp.AddLinearConstraint(t >= minimum_time)
        #mp.AddLinearConstraint(t <= maximum_time)
        time_used = t # mp.GetSolution(t)
        time_array = np.arange(0.0, time_used, time_used/N)
        trajectory = mp.GetSolution(traj)
        input_trajectory = mp.GetSolution(inp_traj)
        #print('time=', time_array)
        #print('input=', input_trajectory)
        #print('traj=', trajectory)
        true_trajectory = self.simulate_states_over_time(state_initial, time_array, input_trajectory)
        #print(trajectory - true_trajectory)
        return trajectory, input_trajectory, time_array
        #todo add constraint ensuring orbit to not occurs at time t


        #input_trajectory = np.ones((N,2))*10.0
        #time_used = 100.0
        #time_array = np.arange(0.0, time_used, time_used/(N+1))
        #trajectory = self.simulate_states_over_time(state_initial, time_array, input_trajectory)
        #return trajectory, input_trajectory, time_array
    def MILP_compute_traj(self,
                          pose_initial=[0., 0.]):
		Find trajectory with MILP
		Outputs trajectory (waypoints) and new K for control 
        mp = MathematicalProgram()
        N = 8
        k = 0
        # define state traj
        st = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "state_%d" % k)
        # # binary variables for obstalces constraint
        c = mp.NewBinaryVariables(4 * self.ang_discret, "c_%d" % k)
        obs = c
        states = st
        for k in range(1, N):
            st = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "state_%d" % k)
            states = np.vstack((states, st))
            c = mp.NewBinaryVariables(4 * self.ang_discret, "c_%d" % k)
            obs = np.vstack((obs, c))
        st = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "state_%d" % (N + 1))
        states = np.vstack((states, st))
        c = mp.NewBinaryVariables(4 * self.ang_discret, "c_%d" % k)
        obs = np.vstack((obs, c))
        # variables encoding max x y dist from obstacle
        x_margin = mp.NewContinuousVariables(1, "x_margin")
        y_margin = mp.NewContinuousVariables(1, "y_margin")
        ### define cost
        for i in range(N):
            mp.AddLinearCost(-states[i, 0])  # go as far forward as possible
        mp.AddLinearCost(-states[-1, 0])
        # bound x y margin so it doesn't explode
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(x_margin[0] <= 3.)
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(y_margin[0] <= 3.)
        # x y is non ngative adn at least above robot radius
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(x_margin[0] >= 0.05)
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(y_margin[0] >= 0.05)
        M = 1000  # slack var for integer things
        # state constraint
        for i in range(2):  # initial state constraint x y
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[0, i] <= pose_initial[i])
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[0, i] >= pose_initial[i])
        for i in range(N):
            mp.AddQuadraticCost((states[i + 1, 1] - states[i, 1])**2)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[i + 1, 0] <= states[i, 0] + dx)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[i + 1, 0] >= states[i, 0] - dx)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[i + 1, 1] <= states[i, 1] + dy)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[i + 1, 1] >= states[i, 1] - dy)
            # obstacle constraint
            for j in range(self.ang_discret - 1):
                mp.AddLinearConstraint(sum(obs[i, 4 * j:4 * j + 4]) <= 3)
                ang_min = self.angles[j]  # lower angle bound of obstacle
                ang_max = self.angles[j + 1]  # higher angle bound of obstaclee
                if int(obst_idx[j]) < (self.rng_discret -
                                       1):  # less than max range measured
                    rng_min = self.ranges[int(
                        obst_idx[j])]  # where the obst is at at this angle
                    rng_max = self.ranges[int(obst_idx[j] + 1)]
                        states[i, 0] <= rng_min - x_margin[0] +
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j])  # xi <= xobs,low + M*c
                        states[i, 0] >= rng_max + x_margin[0] -
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j + 1])  # xi >= xobs,high - M*c
                        states[i, 1] <=
                        states[i, 0] * np.tan(ang_min) - y_margin[0] +
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j + 2])  # yi <= xi*tan(ang,min) + M*c
                        states[i, 1] >=
                        states[i, 0] * np.tan(ang_max) + y_margin[0] -
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j + 3])  # yi >= ci*tan(ang,max) - M*c
        # obstacle constraint for last state
        for j in range(self.ang_discret - 1):
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(sum(obs[N, 4 * j:4 * j + 4]) <= 3)
            ang_min = self.angles[j]  # lower angle bound of obstacle
            ang_max = self.angles[j + 1]  # higher angle bound of obstaclee
            if int(obst_idx[j]) < (self.rng_discret -
                                   1):  # less than max range measured
                rng_min = self.ranges[int(
                    obst_idx[j])]  # where the obst is at at this angle
                rng_max = self.ranges[int(obst_idx[j] + 1)]
                    states[N, 0] <= rng_min - x_margin[0] +
                    M * obs[N, 4 * j])  # xi <= xobs,low + M*c
                    states[N, 0] >= rng_max + x_margin[0] -
                    M * obs[N, 4 * j + 1])  # xi >= xobs,high - M*c
                           1] <= states[N, 0] * np.tan(ang_min) - y_margin[0] +
                    M * obs[N, 4 * j + 2])  # yi <= xi*tan(ang,min) + M*c
                           1] >= states[N, 0] * np.tan(ang_max) + y_margin[0] -
                    M * obs[N, 4 * j + 3])  # yi >= ci*tan(ang,max) - M*c


        trajectory = mp.GetSolution(states)
        xm = mp.GetSolution(x_margin)
        ym = mp.GetSolution(y_margin)
        x_out[:] = trajectory[:, 0]
        y_out[:] = trajectory[:, 1]
        return trajectory, xm[0], ym[0]
    def solve(self, quad_start_q, quad_final_q, time_used):
        mp = MathematicalProgram()

        # We want to solve this for a certain number of knot points
        N = 40  # num knot points
        time_increment = time_used / (N + 1)
        dt = time_increment
        time_array = np.arange(0.0, time_used, time_increment)

        quad_u = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "u_0")
        quad_q = mp.NewContinuousVariables(6, "quad_q_0")

        for i in range(1, N):
            u = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "u_%d" % i)
            quad = mp.NewContinuousVariables(6, "quad_q_%d" % i)

            quad_u = np.vstack((quad_u, u))
            quad_q = np.vstack((quad_q, quad))

        for i in range(N):
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(quad_u[i][0] <= 3.0)  # force
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(quad_u[i][0] >= 0.0)  # force
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(quad_u[i][1] <= 10.0)  # torque
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(quad_u[i][1] >= -10.0)  # torque

            mp.AddLinearConstraint(quad_q[i][0] <= 1000.0)  # pos x
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(quad_q[i][0] >= -1000.0)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(quad_q[i][1] <= 1000.0)  # pos y
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(quad_q[i][1] >= -1000.0)
                quad_q[i][2] <= 60.0 * np.pi / 180.0)  # pos theta
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(quad_q[i][2] >= -60.0 * np.pi / 180.0)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(quad_q[i][3] <= 1000.0)  # vel x
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(quad_q[i][3] >= -1000.0)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(quad_q[i][4] <= 1000.0)  # vel y
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(quad_q[i][4] >= -1000.0)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(quad_q[i][5] <= 10.0)  # vel theta
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(quad_q[i][5] >= -10.0)

        for i in range(1, N):
            quad_q_dyn_feasible = self.dynamics(quad_q[i - 1, :],
                                                quad_u[i - 1, :], dt)

            # Direct transcription constraints on states to dynamics
            for j in range(6):
                quad_state_err = (quad_q[i][j] - quad_q_dyn_feasible[j])
                eps = 0.001
                mp.AddConstraint(quad_state_err <= eps)
                mp.AddConstraint(quad_state_err >= -eps)

        # Initial and final quad and ball states
        for j in range(6):
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(quad_q[0][j] == quad_start_q[j])
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(quad_q[-1][j] == quad_final_q[j])

        # Quadratic cost on the control input
        R_force = 10.0
        R_torque = 100.0
        Q_quad_x = 100.0
        Q_quad_y = 100.0
        mp.AddQuadraticCost(R_force * quad_u[:, 0].dot(quad_u[:, 0]))
        mp.AddQuadraticCost(R_torque * quad_u[:, 1].dot(quad_u[:, 1]))
        mp.AddQuadraticCost(Q_quad_x * quad_q[:, 0].dot(quad_q[:, 1]))
        mp.AddQuadraticCost(Q_quad_y * quad_q[:, 1].dot(quad_q[:, 1]))

        # Solve the optimization
        print "Number of decision vars: ", mp.num_vars()

        # mp.SetSolverOption(SolverType.kSnopt, "Major iterations limit", 100000)

        print "Solve: ", mp.Solve()

        quad_traj = mp.GetSolution(quad_q)
        input_traj = mp.GetSolution(quad_u)

        return (quad_traj, input_traj, time_array)
def test_Feedback_Linearization_controller_BS(x, t):
    # Output feedback linearization 2
    # y1= ||r-rf||^2/2
    # y2= wx
    # y3= wy
    # y4= wz
    # Analysis: The zero dynamics is unstable.
    global g, xf, Aout, Bout, Mout, T_period, w_freq, radius

    print("%%CLF-QP  %%%%%%%%%%%")

    print("t:", t)
    prog = MathematicalProgram()
    u_var = prog.NewContinuousVariables(4, "u_var")
    c_var = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, "c_var")

    # # # Example 1 : Circle

    x_f = radius * math.cos(w_freq * t)
    y_f = radius * math.sin(w_freq * t)
    # print("x_f:",x_f)
    # print("y_f:",y_f)
    dx_f = -radius * math.pow(w_freq, 1) * math.sin(w_freq * t)
    dy_f = radius * math.pow(w_freq, 1) * math.cos(w_freq * t)
    ddx_f = -radius * math.pow(w_freq, 2) * math.cos(w_freq * t)
    ddy_f = -radius * math.pow(w_freq, 2) * math.sin(w_freq * t)
    dddx_f = radius * math.pow(w_freq, 3) * math.sin(w_freq * t)
    dddy_f = -radius * math.pow(w_freq, 3) * math.cos(w_freq * t)
    ddddx_f = radius * math.pow(w_freq, 4) * math.cos(w_freq * t)
    ddddy_f = radius * math.pow(w_freq, 4) * math.sin(w_freq * t)

    # # Example 2 : Lissajous curve a=1 b=2
    # ratio_ab=2;
    # a=1;
    # b=ratio_ab*a;
    # delta_lissajous = 0 #math.pi/2;

    # x_f = radius*math.sin(a*w_freq*t+delta_lissajous)
    # y_f = radius*math.sin(b*w_freq*t)
    # # print("x_f:",x_f)
    # # print("y_f:",y_f)
    # dx_f = radius*math.pow(a*w_freq,1)*math.cos(a*w_freq*t+delta_lissajous)
    # dy_f = radius*math.pow(b*w_freq,1)*math.cos(b*w_freq*t)
    # ddx_f = -radius*math.pow(a*w_freq,2)*math.sin(a*w_freq*t+delta_lissajous)
    # ddy_f = -radius*math.pow(b*w_freq,2)*math.sin(b*w_freq*t)
    # dddx_f = -radius*math.pow(a*w_freq,3)*math.cos(a*w_freq*t+delta_lissajous)
    # dddy_f = -radius*math.pow(b*w_freq,3)*math.cos(b*w_freq*t)
    # ddddx_f = radius*math.pow(a*w_freq,4)*math.sin(a*w_freq*t+delta_lissajous)
    # ddddy_f = radius*math.pow(b*w_freq,4)*math.sin(b*w_freq*t)

    e1 = np.array([1, 0, 0])  # e3 elementary vector
    e2 = np.array([0, 1, 0])  # e3 elementary vector
    e3 = np.array([0, 0, 1])  # e3 elementary vector

    # epsilonn= 1e-0
    # alpha = 100;
    # kp1234=alpha*1/math.pow(epsilonn,4) # gain for y
    # kd1=4/math.pow(epsilonn,3) # gain for y^(1)
    # kd2=12/math.pow(epsilonn,2) # gain for y^(2)
    # kd3=4/math.pow(epsilonn,1)  # gain for y^(3)

    # kp5= 10;                    # gain for y5

    q = np.zeros(7)
    qd = np.zeros(6)
    q = x[0:8]
    qd = x[8:15]

    print("qnorm:",[3:7], q[3:7]))

    q0 = q[3]
    q1 = q[4]
    q2 = q[5]
    q3 = q[6]
    xi1 = q[7]

    v = qd[0:3]
    w = qd[3:6]
    xi2 = qd[6]

    xd = xf[0]
    yd = xf[1]
    zd = xf[2]
    wd = xf[11:14]

    # Useful vectors and matrices

    (Rq, Eq, wIw, I_inv) = robobee_plantBS.GetManipulatorDynamics(q, qd)

    F1q = np.zeros((3, 4))
    F1q[0, :] = np.array([q2, q3, q0, q1])
    F1q[1, :] = np.array([-1 * q1, -1 * q0, q3, q2])
    F1q[2, :] = np.array([q0, -1 * q1, -1 * q2, q3])

    Rqe3 =, e3)
    Rqe3_hat = np.zeros((3, 3))
    Rqe3_hat[0, :] = np.array([0, -Rqe3[2], Rqe3[1]])
    Rqe3_hat[1, :] = np.array([Rqe3[2], 0, -Rqe3[0]])
    Rqe3_hat[2, :] = np.array([-Rqe3[1], Rqe3[0], 0])

    Rqe1 =, e1)
    Rqe1_hat = np.zeros((3, 3))
    Rqe1_hat[0, :] = np.array([0, -Rqe1[2], Rqe1[1]])
    Rqe1_hat[1, :] = np.array([Rqe1[2], 0, -Rqe1[0]])
    Rqe1_hat[2, :] = np.array([-Rqe1[1], Rqe1[0], 0])

    Rqe1_x =, Rqe1)
    Rqe1_y =, Rqe1)

    w_hat = np.zeros((3, 3))
    w_hat[0, :] = np.array([0, -w[2], w[1]])
    w_hat[1, :] = np.array([w[2], 0, -w[0]])
    w_hat[2, :] = np.array([-w[1], w[0], 0])

    Rw =, w)
    Rw_hat = np.zeros((3, 3))
    Rw_hat[0, :] = np.array([0, -Rw[2], Rw[1]])
    Rw_hat[1, :] = np.array([Rw[2], 0, -Rw[0]])
    Rw_hat[2, :] = np.array([-Rw[1], Rw[0], 0])
    #- Checking the derivation

    # print("F1qEqT-(-Rqe3_hat)",,Eq.T)-(-Rqe3_hat))
    # Rqe3_cal = np.zeros(3)
    # Rqe3_cal[0] = 2*(q3*q1+q0*q2)
    # Rqe3_cal[1] = 2*(q3*q2-q0*q1)
    # Rqe3_cal[2] = (q0*q0+q3*q3-q1*q1-q2*q2)

    # print("Rqe3 - Rqe3_cal", Rqe3-Rqe3_cal)

    # Four output
    y1 = x[0] - x_f
    y2 = x[1] - y_f
    y3 = x[2] - zd - 0
    y4 = math.atan2(Rqe1_x, Rqe1_y) - math.pi / 8
    # print("Rqe1_x:", Rqe1_x)

    eta1 = np.zeros(3)
    eta1 = np.array([y1, y2, y3])
    eta5 = y4

    # print("y4", y4)

    # First derivative of first three output and yaw output
    eta2 = np.zeros(3)
    eta2 = v - np.array([dx_f, dy_f, 0])
    dy1 = eta2[0]
    dy2 = eta2[1]
    dy3 = eta2[2]

    x2y2 = (math.pow(Rqe1_x, 2) + math.pow(Rqe1_y, 2))  # x^2+y^2

    eta6_temp = np.zeros(3)  #eta6_temp = (ye2T-xe1T)/(x^2+y^2)
    eta6_temp = (Rqe1_y * e2.T - Rqe1_x * e1.T) / x2y2
    # print("eta6_temp:", eta6_temp)
    # Body frame w  ( multiply R)
    eta6 =,,, w)))

    # World frame w
    # eta6 =,,w))
    # print("Rqe1_hat:", Rqe1_hat)

    # Second derivative of first three output
    eta3 = np.zeros(3)
    eta3 = -g * e3 + Rqe3 * xi1 - np.array([ddx_f, ddy_f, 0])
    ddy1 = eta3[0]
    ddy2 = eta3[1]
    ddy3 = eta3[2]

    # Third derivative of first three output
    eta4 = np.zeros(3)
    # Body frame w ( multiply R)
    eta4 = Rqe3 * xi2 +,, w)) * xi1 - np.array(
        [dddx_f, dddy_f, 0])

    # World frame w
    # eta4 = Rqe3*,Eq.T),w)*xi1 - np.array([dddx_f,dddy_f,0])
    dddy1 = eta4[0]
    dddy2 = eta4[1]
    dddy3 = eta4[2]

    # Fourth derivative of first three output
    B_qw_temp = np.zeros(3)
    # Body frame w
    B_qw_temp = xi1 * (,, Rw)) +
             ,,, wIw)))
                       )  #,wIw)*xi1-2*w*xi2
    B_qw = B_qw_temp + xi2 * (-2 *, Rw)) - np.array(
        [ddddx_f, ddddy_f, 0]),B_qw_temp)

    # World frame w
    # B_qw_temp = xi1*(,,w)),,wIw))) #,wIw)*xi1-2*w*xi2
    # B_qw      = B_qw_temp+xi2*(-2*,w)) - np.array([ddddx_f,ddddy_f,0]),B_qw_temp)

    # B_qw = B_qw_temp -,,w))*xi1

    # Second derivative of yaw output

    # Body frame w
    dRqe1_x =,, Rw))  # \dot{x}
    dRqe1_y =,, Rw))  # \dot{y}
    alpha1 = 2 * (Rqe1_x * dRqe1_x +
                  Rqe1_y * dRqe1_y) / x2y2  # (2xdx +2ydy)/(x^2+y^2)

    # World frame w
    # dRqe1_x =,,w)) # \dot{x}
    # dRqe1_y =,,w)) # \dot{y}

    # alpha1 = 2*(Rqe1_x*dRqe1_x+Rqe1_y*dRqe1_y)/x2y2 # (2xdx +2ydy)/(x^2+y^2)
    # # alpha2 = math.pow(dRqe1_y,2)-math.pow(dRqe1_x,2)

    # Body frame w

    B_yaw_temp3 = np.zeros(3)
    B_yaw_temp3 = alpha1 *, Rw) +
        Rqe1_hat,,, wIw))) -
            Rw_hat,, Rw))

    B_yaw =,
                   B_yaw_temp3)  # +alpha2 :Could be an error in math.
    g_yaw = np.zeros(3)
    g_yaw =,,, I_inv)))

    # World frame w
    # B_yaw_temp3 =np.zeros(3)
    # B_yaw_temp3 = alpha1*,w),,wIw)),,w))

    # B_yaw =,B_yaw_temp3) # +alpha2 :Could be an error in math.
    # g_yaw = np.zeros(3)
    # g_yaw =,,I_inv))

    # print("g_yaw:", g_yaw)
    # Decoupling matrix A(x)\in\mathbb{R}^4

    A_fl = np.zeros((4, 4))
    A_fl[0:3, 0] = Rqe3
    # Body frame w
    A_fl[0:3, 1:4] =,, I_inv)) * xi1
    # World frame w
    # A_fl[0:3,1:4] =,I_inv)*xi1
    A_fl[3, 1:4] = g_yaw

    A_fl_inv = np.linalg.inv(A_fl)
    A_fl_det = np.linalg.det(A_fl)
    # print("I_inv:", I_inv)
    print("A_fl:", A_fl)
    print("A_fl_det:", A_fl_det)

    # Drift in the output dynamics

    U_temp = np.zeros(4)
    U_temp[0:3] = B_qw
    U_temp[3] = B_yaw

    # Output dyamics

    eta = np.hstack([eta1, eta2, eta3, eta5, eta4, eta6])
    eta_norm =, eta)

    # v-CLF QP controller

    FP_PF =, Mout) +, Aout)
    PG =, Bout)

    L_FVx =,, eta))
    L_GVx = 2 *, PG)  # row vector
    L_fhx_star = U_temp

    Vx =,, eta))
    # phi0_exp =,L_fhx_star)+(min_e_Q/max_e_P)*Vx*1    # exponentially stabilizing
    # phi0_exp =,L_fhx_star)+min_e_Q*eta_norm      # more exact bound - exponentially stabilizing
    phi0_exp = L_FVx +
        L_GVx, L_fhx_star)  # more exact bound - exponentially stabilizing

    phi1_decouple =, A_fl)

    # # Solve QP
    v_var =, u_var) + L_fhx_star
    Quadratic_Positive_def = np.matmul(A_fl.T, A_fl)
    QP_det = np.linalg.det(Quadratic_Positive_def)
    c_QP = 2 *, A_fl)

    c_QP_extned = np.hstack([c_QP, -1])
    u_var_extended = np.hstack([u_var, c_var])

    # CLF_QP_cost_v =,v_var) // Exact quadratic cost
    CLF_QP_cost_v_effective =
        u_var,, u_var)) +
            c_QP, u_var) - c_var[0]  # Quadratic cost without constant term

    # CLF_QP_cost_u =,u_var)

    phi1 =, u_var) + c_var[0] * eta_norm

    #----Printing intermediate states

    # print("L_fhx_star: ",L_fhx_star)
    # print("c_QP:", c_QP)
    # print("Qp : ",Quadratic_Positive_def)
    # print("Qp det: ", QP_det)
    # print("c_QP", c_QP)

    # print("phi0_exp: ", phi0_exp)
    # print("PG:", PG)
    # print("L_GVx:", L_GVx)
    # print("eta6", eta6)
    # print("d : ", phi1_decouple)
    # print("Cost expression:", CLF_QP_cost_v)
    #print("Const expression:", phi0_exp+phi1)

    #----Different solver option // Gurobi did not work with python at this point (some binding issue 8/8/2018)
    solver = IpoptSolver()
    # solver = GurobiSolver()
    # print solver.available()
    # assert(solver.available()==True)
    # assertEqual(solver.solver_type(), mp.SolverType.kGurobi)
    # solver.Solve(prog)
    # assertEqual(result, mp.SolutionResult.kSolutionFound)

    # mp.AddLinearConstraint()
    # print("x:", x)
    # print("phi_0_exp:", phi0_exp)
    # print("phi1_decouple:", phi1_decouple)

    # print("eta1:", eta1)
    # print("eta2:", eta2)
    # print("eta3:", eta3)
    # print("eta4:", eta4)
    # print("eta5:", eta5)
    # print("eta6:", eta6)

    # Output Feedback Linearization controller
    mu = np.zeros(4)
    k = np.zeros((4, 14))
    k = np.matmul(Bout.T, Mout)
    k = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(R), k)

    mu = -1 / 1 * np.matmul(k, eta)

    v = -U_temp + mu

    U_fl = np.matmul(
        A_fl_inv, v
    )  # Output Feedback controller to comare the result with CLF-QP solver

    # Set up the QP problem
    prog.AddConstraint(phi0_exp + phi1 <= 0)
    prog.AddConstraint(c_var[0] >= 0)
    prog.AddConstraint(c_var[0] <= 100)
    prog.AddConstraint(u_var[0] <= 30)
    prog.SetSolverOption(mp.SolverType.kIpopt, "print_level",
                         5)  # CAUTION: Assuming that solver used Ipopt

    print("CLF value:", Vx)  # Current CLF value

    prog.SetInitialGuess(u_var, U_fl)
    prog.Solve()  # Solve with default osqp

    # solver.Solve(prog)
    print("Optimal u : ", prog.GetSolution(u_var))
    U_CLF_QP = prog.GetSolution(u_var)
    C_CLF_QP = prog.GetSolution(c_var)

    #---- Printing for debugging
    # dx = robobee_plantBS.evaluate_f(U_fl,x)
    # print("dx", dx)
    # print("\n######################")
    # # print("qe3:", A_fl[0,0])
    # print("u:", u)
    # print("\n####################33")

    # deta4 = B_qw+Rqe3*U_fl_zero[0]+np.matmul(-np.matmul(Rqe3_hat,I_inv),U_fl_zero[1:4])*xi1
    # deta6 =,U_fl_zero[1:4])
    # print("deta4:",deta4)
    # print("deta6:",deta6)

    phi1_opt =, U_CLF_QP) + C_CLF_QP * eta_norm
    phi1_opt_FL =, U_fl)

    print("FL u: ", U_fl)
    print("CLF u:", U_CLF_QP)
    print("Cost FL: ",, mu))

    v_CLF =, U_CLF_QP) + L_fhx_star
    print("Cost CLF: ",, v_CLF))
    print("Constraint FL : ", phi0_exp + phi1_opt_FL)
    print("Constraint CLF : ", phi0_exp + phi1_opt)
    u = U_CLF_QP

    print("eigenvalues minQ maxP:", [min_e_Q, max_e_P])

    return u
    def compute_trajectory_to_other_world(self, state_initial, minimum_time,
        Your mission is to implement this function.

        A successful implementation of this function will compute a dynamically feasible trajectory
        which satisfies these criteria:
            - Efficiently conserve fuel
            - Reach "orbit" of the far right world
            - Approximately obey the dynamic constraints
            - Begin at the state_initial provided
            - Take no more than maximum_time, no less than minimum_time

        The above are defined more precisely in the provided notebook.

        Please note there are two return args.

        :param: state_initial: :param state_initial: numpy array of length 4, see rocket_dynamics for documentation
        :param: minimum_time: float, minimum time allowed for trajectory
        :param: maximum_time: float, maximum time allowed for trajectory

        :return: three return args separated by commas:

            trajectory, input_trajectory, time_array

            trajectory: a 2d array with N rows, and 4 columns. See simulate_states_over_time for more documentation.
            input_trajectory: a 2d array with N-1 row, and 2 columns. See simulate_states_over_time for more documentation.
            time_array: an array with N rows. 


        mp = MathematicalProgram()

        max_speed = 0.99
        desired_distance = 0.5
        u_cost_factor = 1000.
        N = 50
        #         trajectory = np.zeros((N+1,4))
        #         input_trajectory = np.ones((N,2))*10.0
        time_used = (maximum_time + minimum_time) / 2.
        time_step = time_used / (N + 1)
        time_array = np.arange(0.0, time_used, time_step)

        k = 0
        # Create continuous variables for u & x
        u = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "u_%d" % k)
        x = mp.NewContinuousVariables(4, "x_%d" % k)
        u_over_time = u
        x_over_time = x

        for k in range(1, N):
            u = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "u_%d" % k)
            x = mp.NewContinuousVariables(4, "x_%d" % k)
            u_over_time = np.vstack((u_over_time, u))
            x_over_time = np.vstack((x_over_time, x))

        # trajectory is N+1 in size
        x = mp.NewContinuousVariables(4, "x_%d" % (N + 1))
        x_over_time = np.vstack((x_over_time, x))

        # Add cost
        #         for k in range(0, N):
        mp.AddQuadraticCost(u_cost_factor *
                            u_over_time[:, 0].dot(u_over_time[:, 0]))
        mp.AddQuadraticCost(u_cost_factor *
                            u_over_time[:, 1].dot(u_over_time[:, 1]))

        # Add constraint for initial state
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(x_over_time[0, 0] >= state_initial[0])
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(x_over_time[0, 0] <= state_initial[0])
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(x_over_time[0, 1] >= state_initial[1])
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(x_over_time[0, 1] <= state_initial[1])
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(x_over_time[0, 2] >= state_initial[2])
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(x_over_time[0, 2] <= state_initial[2])
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(x_over_time[0, 3] >= state_initial[3])
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(x_over_time[0, 3] <= state_initial[3])

        # Add constraint between x & u
        for k in range(1, N + 1):
            next_step = self.rocket_dynamics(x_over_time[k - 1, :],
                                             u_over_time[k - 1, :])
            mp.AddConstraint(x_over_time[k, 0] == x_over_time[k - 1, 0] +
                             time_step * next_step[0])
            mp.AddConstraint(x_over_time[k, 1] == x_over_time[k - 1, 1] +
                             time_step * next_step[1])
            mp.AddConstraint(x_over_time[k, 2] == x_over_time[k - 1, 2] +
                             time_step * next_step[2])
            mp.AddConstraint(x_over_time[k, 3] == x_over_time[k - 1, 3] +
                             time_step * next_step[3])

        # Make sure it never goes too far from the planets
#         for k in range(1, N):
#             mp.AddConstraint(self.two_norm(x_over_time[k,0:2] - self.world_2_position[:]) <= 10)
#             mp.AddConstraint(self.two_norm(x_over_time[k,0:2] - self.world_1_position[:]) <= 10)

# Make sure u never goes above a threshold
        max_u = 6.
        for k in range(0, N):
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(u_over_time[k, 0] <= max_u)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(-u_over_time[k, 0] <= max_u)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(u_over_time[k, 1] <= max_u)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(-u_over_time[k, 1] <= max_u)

        # Make sure it reaches world 2
            self.two_norm(x_over_time[-1, 0:2] -
                          self.world_2_position) <= desired_distance)
            self.two_norm(x_over_time[-1, 0:2] -
                          self.world_2_position) >= desired_distance)

        # Make sure it's speed isn't too high
        mp.AddConstraint(self.two_norm(x_over_time[-1, 2:4]) <= max_speed**2.)

        # Get result
        result = Solve(mp)
        x_over_time_result = result.GetSolution(x_over_time)
        u_over_time_result = result.GetSolution(u_over_time)
        print("Success", result.is_success())
        print("Final position", x_over_time_result[-1, :])
            "Final distance to world2",
            self.two_norm(x_over_time_result[-1, 0:2] - self.world_2_position))
        print("Final speed", self.two_norm(x_over_time_result[-1, 2:4]))
        print("Fuel consumption", (u_over_time_result**2.).sum())

        trajectory = x_over_time_result
        input_trajectory = u_over_time_result
        return trajectory, input_trajectory, time_array
    def compute_trajectory_to_other_world(self, state_initial, minimum_time,
        Your mission is to implement this function.

        A successful implementation of this function will compute a dynamically feasible trajectory
        which satisfies these criteria:
            - Efficiently conserve fuel
            - Reach "orbit" of the far right world
            - Approximately obey the dynamic constraints
            - Begin at the state_initial provided
            - Take no more than maximum_time, no less than minimum_time

        The above are defined more precisely in the provided notebook.

        Please note there are two return args.

        :param: state_initial: :param state_initial: numpy array of length 4, see rocket_dynamics for documentation
        :param: minimum_time: float, minimum time allowed for trajectory
        :param: maximum_time: float, maximum time allowed for trajectory

        :return: three return args separated by commas:

            trajectory, input_trajectory, time_array

            trajectory: a 2d array with N rows, and 4 columns. See simulate_states_over_time for more documentation.
            input_trajectory: a 2d array with N-1 row, and 2 columns. See simulate_states_over_time for more documentation.
            time_array: an array with N rows. 


        # length of horizon (excluding init state)
        N = 50
        trajectory = np.zeros((N + 1, 4))
        input_trajectory = np.ones((N, 2)) * 10.0

        ### My implementation of Direct Transcription
        # (states and control are all decision vars using Euler integration)
        mp = MathematicalProgram()

        # let trajectory duration be a decision var
        total_time = mp.NewContinuousVariables(1, "total_time")
        dt = total_time[0] / N

        # create the control decision var (m*N) and state decision var (n*[N+1])
        idx = 0
        u_list = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "u_{}".format(idx))
        state_list = mp.NewContinuousVariables(4, "state_{}".format(idx))
        state_list = np.vstack(
             mp.NewContinuousVariables(4, "state_{}".format(idx + 1))))
        for idx in range(1, N):
            u_list = np.vstack(
                (u_list, mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "u_{}".format(idx))))
            state_list = np.vstack(
                 mp.NewContinuousVariables(4, "state_{}".format(idx + 1))))

        ### Constraints
        # set init state as constraint on stage 0 decision vars
        for state_idx in range(4):
                state_list[0, state_idx] == state_initial[state_idx])

        # interstage equality constraint on state vars via Euler integration
        # note: Direct Collocation could improve accuracy for same computation
        for idx in range(1, N + 1):
            state_new = state_list[idx - 1, :] + dt * self.rocket_dynamics(
                state_list[idx - 1, :], u_list[idx - 1, :])
            for state_idx in range(4):
                                            state_idx] == state_new[state_idx])

        # constraint on time
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(total_time[0] <= maximum_time)
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(total_time[0] >= minimum_time)

        # constraint on final state distance (squared)to second planet
        final_dist_to_world_2_sq = (
            self.world_2_position[0] - state_list[-1, 0])**2 + (
                self.world_2_position[1] - state_list[-1, 1])**2
        mp.AddConstraint(final_dist_to_world_2_sq <= 0.25)

        # constraint on final state speed (squared
        final_speed_sq = state_list[-1, 2]**2 + state_list[-1, 3]**2
        mp.AddConstraint(final_speed_sq <= 1)

        ### Cost
        # equal cost on vertical/horizontal accels, weight shouldn't matter since this is the only cost
        mp.AddQuadraticCost(1 * u_list[:, 0].dot(u_list[:, 0]))
        mp.AddQuadraticCost(1 * u_list[:, 1].dot(u_list[:, 1]))

        ### Solve and parse
        result = Solve(mp)
        trajectory = result.GetSolution(state_list)
        input_trajectory = result.GetSolution(u_list)
        tf = result.GetSolution(total_time)
        time_array = np.linspace(0, tf[0], N + 1)

        print "optimization successful: ", result.is_success()
        print "total num decision vars (x: (N+1)*4, u: 2N, total_time: 1): {}".format(
        print "solver used: ", result.get_solver_id().name()
        print "optimal trajectory time: {:.2f} sec".format(tf[0])

        return trajectory, input_trajectory, time_array
    def compute_trajectory_to_other_world(self, state_initial, minimum_time,
        Your mission is to implement this function.

        A successful implementation of this function will compute a dynamically feasible trajectory
        which satisfies these criteria:
            - Efficiently conserve fuel
            - Reach "orbit" of the far right world
            - Approximately obey the dynamic constraints
            - Begin at the state_initial provided
            - Take no more than maximum_time, no less than minimum_time

        The above are defined more precisely in the provided notebook.

        Please note there are two return args.

        :param: state_initial: :param state_initial: numpy array of length 4, see rocket_dynamics for documentation
        :param: minimum_time: float, minimum time allowed for trajectory
        :param: maximum_time: float, maximum time allowed for trajectory

        :return: three return args separated by commas:

            trajectory, input_trajectory, time_array

            trajectory: a 2d array with N rows, and 4 columns. See simulate_states_over_time for more documentation.
            input_trajectory: a 2d array with N-1 row, and 2 columns. See simulate_states_over_time for more documentation.
            time_array: an array with N rows. 

        #Determine a time within the middle of the range for (min time, max time)
        N = 50
        time_diff = ((maximum_time - minimum_time) / 2.)
        if (maximum_time - minimum_time) % 2 == 1:
            time_used = (time_diff - .5) + minimum_time + 3
            time_used = (time_diff) + minimum_time + 3
        time_array = np.arange(0.0, time_used, time_used / (1.0 * N))
        dt = time_used / (1.0 * N)
        mp = MathematicalProgram()
        #Base case for state/control variables
        k = 0
        state = mp.NewContinuousVariables(4, "state_%d" % k)  #x,y,xdot,ydot
        state_over_time = state
        u = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "u_%d" % k)
        u_over_time = u
        num_time_steps = N  #int(time_used)

        #Set Nx4 vector to represent the state variables; (N-1)x2 vector to represent the control inputs
        for k in range(1, num_time_steps):
            state = mp.NewContinuousVariables(4,
                                              "state_%d" % k)  #x,y,xdot,ydot
            state_over_time = np.vstack((state_over_time, state))
        for k in range(1, num_time_steps - 1):
            u = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "u_%d" % k)
            u_over_time = np.vstack((u_over_time, u))

        #constrain initial states
            0, 0] == state_initial[0]).evaluator().set_description('start [0]')
            0, 1] == state_initial[1]).evaluator().set_description('start [1]')
            0, 2] == state_initial[2]).evaluator().set_description('start [2]')
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(state_over_time[0, 3] <= state_initial[3]
                               ).evaluator().set_description('start [3], less')
            state_over_time[0, 3] >= state_initial[3]).evaluator(
            ).set_description('start [3], greater')

        #find dynamics constraints for each state to make standard direct transcription constraints
        for i in range(0, num_time_steps - 1):
            next_state_change = self.rocket_dynamics(state_over_time[i, :],
                                                     u_over_time[i, :])
            #constrain every state via dynamics
                state_over_time[i + 1, 0] == state_over_time[i, 0] +
                next_state_change[0] *
                dt).evaluator().set_description('dynamics[0]' + str(i))
                state_over_time[i + 1, 1] == state_over_time[i, 1] +
                next_state_change[1] * dt +
                np.cos(u_over_time[i, 0] /
                       100.)).evaluator().set_description('dynamics[1]' +

                state_over_time[i + 1, 2] == state_over_time[i, 2] +
                next_state_change[2] * dt +
                np.sin(state_over_time[i, 0] /
                       100.)).evaluator().set_description('dynamics[2]' +

            mp.AddConstraint(state_over_time[i + 1,
                                             3] == state_over_time[i, 3] +
                             next_state_change[3] *
                             dt).evaluator().set_description('dynamics[3]' +

        #Add a quadratic cost for the amount of fuel used over the course of the trajectory
        fuel_cost_gain = 100.0
        mp.AddQuadraticCost(fuel_cost_gain *
                            u_over_time[:, 0].dot(u_over_time[:, 0]))
        mp.AddQuadraticCost(fuel_cost_gain *
                            u_over_time[:, 1].dot(u_over_time[:, 1]))

        #constrain final states
        world_2 = self.world_2_position
            (state_over_time[-1, 2]**2 +
             state_over_time[-1, 3]**2) <= 1.0).evaluator().set_description(
                 'speed constraint')  #final vel < 1m/s
        mp.AddConstraint(((state_over_time[-1, 0] - world_2[0])**2 +
                          (state_over_time[-1, 1] - world_2[1])**2) <= .5**2
                         ).evaluator().set_description('distance constraint')

        #constrain system to not stray to far from planets
        world_1 = self.world_1_position
        dist_between_planets = (world_1[0] - world_2[0])**2 + (world_1[1] -
        kp = 5.0
        for i in range(num_time_steps):
            mp.AddConstraint(((state_over_time[i, 0] - world_2[0])**2 +
                              (state_over_time[i, 1] -
                               world_2[1])**2) <= dist_between_planets * kp)

        result = Solve(mp)
        trajectory = result.GetSolution(state_over_time)
        input_trajectory = result.GetSolution(u_over_time)
        if not result.is_success():
            infeasible = GetInfeasibleConstraints(mp, result)
            print "Infeasible constraints:"
            for i in range(len(infeasible)):
                print infeasible[i]

        return trajectory, input_trajectory, time_array